April 2010 – Present: China reads emails of top US officials

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations by Katie WeddingtonLeave a Comment

“China’s cyber spies have accessed the private emails of “many” top Obama administration officials, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official and a top secret document obtained by NBC News, and have been doing so since at least April 2010. The email grab –- first codenamed “Dancing Panda” by U.S. officials, and then “Legion Amethyst” –- was detected in April …

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April 22, 2010 – Haiti earthquake aid totals nearly $15 billion in donations

In Clinton Foundation Timeline, Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations by Katie Weddington

Three months after the earthquake in Haiti, many people still in need of basic emergency help. CBS News set out to answer what seemed like a simple question: how much has been spent on and promised to Haiti? The answer didn’t exist in one place. So we compiled the best figures available to come up with a total. Here’s what we …