The operation that targeted Flynn: CROSSFIRE RAZOR
January 4, 2017: FBI field office found “No derogatory information” on Flynn and decided to close RAZOR.
January 4, 2017: FBI leadership (STRZOK) went off the rails and targeted Flynn: “Don’t close RAZOR”
FBI Washington Field Office Report:
FBI and US Govt (CIA?) databases showed “no derogatory information” on Flynn.
Flynn determined to be “no longer a viable candidate” as part of the Crossfire Hurricane case.
Peter Strzok texts to the FBI Case Manager handling the Crossfire Razor (Flynn) case.
Strzok: “If you haven’t closed RAZOR, don’t do so yet”
Strzok: “7th floor involved” (FBI Leadership)
(Possible use of Logan Act “violations” to keep the investigation open)
Logan Act theory coincides w/ Page/Strzok emails on January 4, 2017 (same day Flynn file was to be closed) about Logan Act.
HT Excellent – Semi-Casual Observer @CasualSemi
“New emails from @JudicialWatch reveal Strzok, Page, Priestap, Anderson, and an unknown were emailing about the Logan Act on January 4th, 2017. After the Kislyak calls; but weeks before the Ignatious leaks, Flynn interview, and Yates alleging Logan Act violations.”
“I believe this is the earliest example we have of people in the FBI/DOJ connected to the Flynn investigation discussing the Logan Act.”
Read the Crossfire Razor FBI Field Office Memo/Texts/emails HERE.