August 6, 2019 – Peter Strzok’s lawsuit against the FBI for his dismissal, contains a few gems

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Independent Researchers by Katie Weddington

“I won’t give a general summary of the lawsuit. If you want, you can read that here:

Or read the entire filing here:

Strzok’s legal team decide to lead off with the discredited claim that the FBI’s investigation into Trump wasn’t known until AFTER the 2016 election. While it wasn’t publicly *acknowledged* by the FBI, it was *known* to the public before the vote:



“Management” in the FBI counterintelligence division (CD) gave a character reference to Strzok to try & avoid him being fired, calling him “gifted” who they “believe[d]” would “never again engage in misconduct.”

This likely refers to *Bill Priestap*, as Strzok was No.2 in CD.

Candice Will (Credit: Facebook)

As late as Aug 8 2018 the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) wasn’t prepared to fire Strzok – only suggesting a 60 day suspension and a demotion.

The decision was made by OPR Assistant Director Candice Will.

Will was a Mueller appointee heavily involved in FISA🤔

Strzok’s lawyers give his “explanation” for the infamous Aug 8, 2016, text message Strzok sent to Lisa Page saying “we’ll stop [Trump]” from becoming President.

Of course when testifying to Congress at the same time as his “explanation” to the FBI, Strzok said he **couldn’t even remember** writing this “stop Trump” message but he still knows exactly what he meant and it wasn’t anything to do with him stopping Trump. Sure 👌

Reminder: that “we’ll stop [Trump]” message was mysteriously “lost” from Strzok’s FBI issued phone AND lost from the FBI’s text message archiving system, despite every other message between Page & Strzok being recorded from that day. 🤔

The now FBI Deputy Director David Bowditch apparently *reassured* Strzok that his incredibly biased and offensive messages would not “significantly affect Strzok’s career at the FBI”. 🚨(Bowditch eventually countermands OPR’s decision to go lenient on Strzok & fires him)

David Bowdich (Credit: Wikipedia)

IMPORTANT: If it is true that Deputy Director Bowditch only eventually decided to fire Strzok because the FBI was getting bad press as late as Aug 2018 that’s a major problem. It suggests an institutional inability of FBI leadership to identify staff bias absent external pressure.

Finally & just for lefty blue ticks, some fun!

In the formal written firing notice to Strozk, Deputy FBI Director Bowditch refers to Strzok & “the Russia collusion investigation.”

Remember how the FBI and Mueller never looked at **Collusion**, just “conspiracy”? Good times… 👍


(Read more: Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber/Twitter, 8/06/2019)  (Archive)