June 13, 2024 – Rep. Massie highlights Congress paid over $17 million taxpayer dollars from a ‘Sexual Harassment Slush Fund’

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Is Congress’s $17 million sexual misconduct hush money fund campaign finance violations?

Rep. Thomas Massie highlights that Congress’s hush money payments would be considered campaign finance violations under Alvin Bragg’s novel theory used to target President Trump.

“Congress has paid over $17 million in hush money for sexual misconduct inside of the offices in these buildings. And what’s more, is that it was taxpayer money. The allegation is that President Trump paid $130,000 of his own money.

But here in Congress, there might be some here on this dais who had the taxpayer pay for their sexual misconduct charges. And I do know that not a single penny of it has been turned in as a campaign finance expense.”

Former FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor explains that Alvin Bragg’s novel interpretation of the law does not align with “normal campaign finance law.”

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey points out that the Trump verdict will likely be overturned after the 2024 election, citing constitutional violations, due process issues, and prosecutorial misconduct.

Thanks to the relentless political targeting of President Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics. This shouldn’t come as a shock to many, given the nature of fame and power, but where do we draw the line? When is it acceptable for politicians to dip into taxpayer-funded slush funds to settle their sexual indiscretions privately and without fanfare, and when is it deemed unacceptable for a private political candidate to do the same with personal funds? Here’s the thing that’s got everyone scratching their heads: Trump’s stuck in this political circus over “hush money,” where they’re all too eager to drag him through the mud over what amounts to a flimsy misdemeanor at best.


Meanwhile, our elected officials are dipping into our tax dollars to clean up all their messes. Don’t forget revelations from a few years ago that Congress has its own secret slush fund of hush money—all courtesy of you, the hapless taxpayer. Funny how that works; it’s like one rule for them and another for everyone else.

Indeed, the Office of Congressional Compliance (OOC), which was set up to ensure compliance with the ludicrously named 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, controls a whole treasure chest of disputes involving congressional officials—not just congressional officials, in fact. You’ll be pleased to know that the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other legislative groups get to wet their beaks in this slush fund as well. Recent reports have indicated that over $17 million has been used from this fund to take care of various “hush” projects on behalf of members of Congress and other agencies.


The most infamous sexual abuse case we do know about involves a now-deceased former high-falutin Democrat lawmaker from Michigan named John Conyers. This article is from 2017 and basically blew the lid off the secret “sexy slush fund.”

Mr. Conyers wasn’t paraded into court for using our tax dollars to quiet down a victim, was he? We’d love to do a little digging and see if any other lawmakers or federal employees got the same treatment as President Trump, but guess what? We don’t know the names of the federally employed folks who dipped into this congressional “hush money” honey pot.

What we’re witnessing in the United States is a prime example of peak corruption in action. Federal employees can get away with sexual assault left and right, and when they’re caught, the slush fund jumps into action to hush it up, no questions asked. And instead of these scumbags facing the music, it’s President Trump who’s under the microscope and being dragged through a sham political trial. (Read more: Revolver, 6/15/2024)