August 3, 2024 – J.D. Vance calls Kamala Harris the new face of globalism and discusses how its destructive policies harm Americans

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

(…) Harris has not only failed on the border, Vance said, also highlighting her as the new face of globalization.

She supported trade deals that shipped hundreds of thousands of American jobs to Mexico, to China, and to other places. What that has meant fundamentally is that you’re replacing American workers with foreign workers,” he explained.

“And then of course, her immigration policies achieved the exact same thing. The only question is whether it’s foreign workers in the United States or foreign workers in the foreign countries, and that is what Kamala Harris’s economic policies boil down to,” Vance said, pointing to the disastrous jobs report.

“But the really, really troubling thing is that all of the job growth — to the extent that there is any — has gone to the foreign-born, whereas American citizens, people who were born here, have actually lost jobs under the Biden administration. So their economy has been a disaster for everybody. But to the extent it’s helped anybody, it’s not even helping American citizens, and that is absolutely disgraceful,” Vance said, explaining that Harris has “achieved an economic policy that makes American citizens poorer and allows the Chinese to build their middle class off the back of the American middle class.”

“That is the design of their policy. That is what is accomplished. And that’s one of the reasons why normal Americans are struggling to buy groceries or struggling to pay the rent,” he continued, explaining that Democrats are not planning on changing their policies but “doubling down” on them.

“They’re doubling down on 40 years of failed globalist leadership. Trump was the one exception,” he said, noting it was the one modern-day instance of having an American president who put the interests of our country first, bringing back manufacturing jobs. (Read more: Breitbart, 8/3/2024)  (Archive)