August 5, 2024 – Rep. Jamie Raskin threatens to remove Trump from office in 2025 using the 14th Amendment, again

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Jamie Raskin (Credit: public domain)

There’s an outlandish video clip circulating on the internet that’s so over-the-top, many people think it must be edited or even AI-generated—they just can’t believe it’s real. What’s causing all the uproar? It’s a clip of Rep. Jamie Raskin, a fraud member of the sham J6 committee, claiming that if the American people elect Donald J. Trump (for a third time), he and the Dems have a plan to promptly remove him from office.

Of course, they already tried to do this at the start of the 2024 race in a lame effort to keep President Trump off the ballot. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

(…) Of course, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Trump could remain on the ballot.

(…) And Kim Jong Un would be very proud of this latest left-wing move: Assuming President Trump wins, how exactly do Democrats plan to remove a duly elected US president? Well, they’ll invoke their favorite amendment once again: the 14th. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits former government officials from holding public office again if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States government. We all know that’s not what happened, but try convincing a left-winger that you can’t overthrow the US government with water bottles and fanny packs, and they become extremely incensed.

(Read more: Revolver News, 8/5/2024) (Archive)