August 29, 2024 – MSNBC’s Ari Melber threatens to sue Trump aide Corey Lewandowski for defamation; Corey offers proof of Melbers own words

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Below is the transcript of the exchange:

Ari Melber: I quoted a New York Times article that said, at the convention, Donald Trump “was his own biggest prop.” It was a New York Times quote about how he–

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: –how he had become such an important figure in rebounding from what was a horrific assassination attempt. Fox News

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: Corey, I said I’d address it. I’m gonna finish. Fox News, many viewers may not know about this, but apparently you do, and some do. Fox News, which has been caught in defamation, ran a false piece falsely stating that I said something else that I didn’t say. So, I stand on that. I stand on the New York Times quote.

Corey Lewandowski: So, you didn’t say, “This bandage was a prop, a spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles.”

Ari Melber: Uh, Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: I have it right here.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: You absolutely said it.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote. And if – I’m putting you on notice – if you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation because I didn’t say that. But I understand that you’re working off the internet, which has a lot of false information.

Corey Lewandowski: Well, this is what it said. Right here.

Undeterred, Lewandowski revealed that he had the proof, and shortly after the broadcast, he released a video clip on social media showing Melber’s exact words from an earlier episode of The Beat. The footage left no doubt that Melber had indeed made the statements that Lewandowski had attributed to him. (The Gateway Pundit, 8/29/2024)