September 7, 2024 – Multiple Jeffrey Epstein associates are tied to the plot to accuse President Trump of rape; Trump attorneys hold press conference

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Laura Loomer/X

Today, President Trump’s legal team gave a press conference in NYC regarding the status of the E Jean Carroll Case. As we know, @LinkedIn Linked in Founder and Jeffrey Epstein associate Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman helped fund the suit accusing President Trump of RAPE.

Reid Hoffman (Credit: TheFamousPeople)

One thing nobody in the media or Trump’s legal team is talking about though is the TerraMar Project.

The TerraMar project was founded in 2012 by Jeffrey Epstein associate and convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell. It was shut down in December 2019 after Jeffery Epstein was arrested.

The Board of Directors of the TerraMar Project included former Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) Amir Dossal – who handles $1 billion in the form of a grant from Ted Turner for charities.

Ted Turner is the founder of CNN, which is the same Leftist, anti-Trump news network that has glorified E Jean Carroll, who went on CNN and described rape as “sexy”.

Media executive Steven Haft was on the Board of Directors of The TerraMar Project as well, and he was married to Lisa Birnbach.

Lisa Birnbach arrives to federal court to testify as part of a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump in New York, May 2, 2023. (Credit: AP)

Lisa Birnbach is the person who told E Jean Carroll to press charges against Donald Trump.

Isn’t it weird how the media wants to accuse Donald Trump of being a rapist, but never mentions how the woman who told E Jean Carroll to accuse Donald Trump of rape and press charges against him was married to a man who was on the board of a famous / notorious sex offenders’ “self-described environmental nonprofit organization”?

Just goes to show you how full of crap the media is and how this has been a WITCH HUNT against President Trump the entire time.

Everything in the E Jean Carroll case, from the origin of the rape accusations to the funding of the lawsuit ties back to SEX OFFENDERS JEFFREY EPSTEIN AND GHISLAINE MAXWELL!

(Timeline editor’s note: We added the photos of Birnbach and Hoffman to Laura Loomer’s full X post. We also find it interesting that the Clinton Foundation was also connected to the TerraMar Project.)