September 16, 2024 – Judge orders Dominion founder’s deposition in Mike Lindell case

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion, the voting machine company, to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists

For once, we’ll learn the truth about why Dominion LIED about the countless vulnerabilities on their machines

In her ruling, the judge gave lawyers representing @realMikeLindell and @PatrickByrne
THREE hours to ask Dominion’s co-founder James Hoover real questions about their voting machines.

If I were Dominion, I’d do everything in my power not to help Democrats steal the 2024 election because that will really come back to haunt them since so many judges across the country have their eyes on them.