October 11, 2024 – Database reveals worst hospitals for inflicting transgender injuries on children

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

An anti-child mutilation rally in Nashville draws foul-mouthed counter-protesters, October 23, 2022. (Credit: The Tennessee Star)

A new database has revealed the “Dirty Dozen,” the 12 “worst-offending” hospitals in America for inflicting transgender agenda injuries on children.

And Mat Staver, the chief of Liberty Counsel, which has battled the leftist, and unscientific, ideology that males can be turned into females and vice versa, said, “Mutilating children for profit is criminal. It is biologically impossible to change one’s gender.

“The insanity of gender ideology and greed has made a mockery of the medical profession’s duty to ‘do no harm.’ There are only two genders, and the medical profession needs to return to sound science to treat mental health issues with proven psychiatric therapies to heal rather than harm.”

Under the science, being male or female is embedded in the human body down to the DNA level, and it cannot change.

Not surprising, many of the offending hospitals are located in far-left states, where the social agenda has taken over.

So it would be expected that Children’s Hospital Colorado, in the leftist Rocky Mountain state, and Children’s Minnesota, in that state now run by leftist Gov. Tim Walz, and Seattle Children’s, in the leftist Pacific region state, are included.

The full list of those hospitals:

  • The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
  • Children’s Minnesota
  • Seattle Children’s
  • Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
  • Boston Children’s Hospital
  • Rady Children’s Hospital
  • Children’s National Medical Center
  • UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
  • Children’s Hospital Colorado
  • UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
  • Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

The listing is from a database compiled by Stop the Harm.

The Liberty Counsel report on those issue explained, “The group determined these 12 hospitals were the worst offenders based on a variety of factors, such as their community and legislative activism in favor of gender interventions, the number of prescriptions for puberty blockers and hormones written for minors, the severity of the procedures performed on children, and the cumulative amount of insurance claims billed for these interventions. (Read more: WND, 10/13/2024)  (Archive)