February 19, 2024 – FBI knew Iranians breached US election system in 2020, stole 100,000 identities, and posted video online of the stolen data used to create UOCAVA ballots

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

FBI Director Chris Wray and former CISA Director Chris Krebs hid the extent of the enormous Iranian election security breach from the American public until last month, four years after the 2020 election. (Credit: Gateway Pundit)

Recently, unsealed court documents completely redefined what we were told to believe about the 2020 US presidential election.

The election was billed by the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, the mainstream media, and former CISA Chief Chris Krebs as the most secure election in US history.

Chris Krebs, the former CISA Director fired by Donald Trump, testified before Congress on December 16, 2020, after he was fired.

Krebs was called to testify before the US Senate Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Committee.

Krebs famously announced that day, “The 2020 election was the most secure in US history.”

But was 2020 really the most secure election in US history?

We now know definitively that Chris Krebs was lying when he made this announcement during congressional testimony in December 2020.

Today, nearly four years after the 2020 election, we have proof of a successful breach by one of America’s major enemies on our election infrastructure prior to Election Day and during early voting.

CISA officials released a report on October 30, 2020, JUST DAYS BEFORE the 2020 presidential election.

The report was never made public, and it omitted critical facts about a successful breach of a state’s election database days before the 2020 election.

Here is the CISA report, which was hidden for several years and discovered after investigative reporter Yehuda Miller obtained the information through a FOIA request earlier this year.

(Read more: Gateway Pundit, 10/24/2024)  (Archive)

February 19, 2024 – (…) The Gateway Pundit released evidence that a private meeting was organized by CISA officials on November 3, 2020, at 3:30 PM Eastern Time with select members of a secret “Election Security Initiative.”

This was an exclusive meeting of CISA officials and their exclusive election Partners. This was held late in the afternoon on Election Day. It reportedly lasted for a half hour.

The Gateway Pundit published this report on Monday.

** You can read the first report here.

On Thursday, The Gateway Pundit released new information that proves Chris Krebs was not honest during his testimony in December 2020.

Yehuda Miller recently obtained the Election Infrastructure (EI) Subsector Cyber Risk Summary report for 2020 through a FOIA request.

The report provides analysis, findings, and recommendations derived from non-attributable cybersecurity trends observed between November 3, 2019, and November 3, 2020—Election Year 2020 (EY20).

The report was published in March 2021 and included the data known to the CISA officials for Election Year 2020.

On page two of the report  CISA published its analysis of the US Election Infrastructure (EI) entities in 2020.

CISA’s analysis of the available data for assessed EI entities found:

** 76% of EI entities for which CISA performed a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) had spearphishing weaknesses, which provide an entry point for adversaries to launch attacks

** 48% of entities had a critical or high severity vulnerability on at least one internet accessible host providing potential attack vectors to adversaries

** 39% of entities ran at least one risky service on an internet-accessible host, providing the
opportunity for threat actors to attack otherwise legitimate services

** 34% of entities ran unsupported operating systems (OSs) on at least one internet accessible host, which exposes entities to compromise.

From page two of the report – the highlights are our own:

(Read more: Gateway Pundit, 2/19/2024)

February 13, 2024 – New FOIA documents reveal secret 2020 election day meeting organized by CISA and includes leftist organizations, federal/state officials, and others