January 20, 2025 – How revoking the 51 security clearances could change everything – A direct shot at the heart of the administrative state

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Nothing should give more hope for meaningful change than Donald Trump’s decision, widely reported last night, to revoke the security clearances of 51 former senior intelligence officials who used their position to deceive the American people in the run-up to the 2020 election. Their act was the very definition of “disinformation” and “election interference”.

To many, suspending their clearances will seem like a no-brainer. In Washington, it’s an earthquake.

But that bears some explaining.

Sixteen years ago, Barack Obama promised two things: (1) hope and change, toward (2) a “fundamental transformation” of America. He succeeded. He just didn’t finish the job. That was left to Hillary Clinton, a fellow former acolyte of Saul Alinsky who was “inevitably” going to succeed Obama, appointing a leftist Supreme Court majority to rubber stamp the revolution. (Read more: RodMartin.org, 1/20/2025)  (Archive)

A Rod D. Martin Twitter/X Thread, 1/20/2025: