March 3, 2025 – DOJ files Statement of Interest in Tina Peters case for possible “abuses of the criminal justice process”

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

The DOJ just filed a statement of interest in Tina Peters’s case. Peters is a gold star mom & the former Election Clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, who got locked up for exposing the massive vulnerabilities in Dominion voting machines.

“Reasonable concerns have been raised about various aspects of Ms. Peters’ case. … the exceptionally lengthy sentence imposed relative to the conduct at issue, the 1st Amendment implications of the trial court’s Oct 2024 assertions relating to Ms. Peters, & whether Colorado’s denial of bail pending appeal was arbitrary or unreasonable under the 8th and 14th Amendments Parallel to these… DOJ is reviewing cases across the nation for abuses of the criminal justice process.” – Justice Department.

FREE TINA PETERS and put Jena Griswold in chains for leaking machine passwords.