April 06, 2017 – Strzok and Page discuss timing of upcoming NYT piece about Carter Page FISA, a week before publication

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations by Katie Weddington

April 06, Strzok is talking with DOJ attorney Lisa Page about timing of upcoming @nytimes piece to be cleared by FBI assistant director for public affairs Mike Kortan.

The NYT piece is an article about the Carter FISA, being discussed a week before publication.

The premeditation of this NYT piece is prima facie evidence of a “leak strategy”.

Why would @FBI be authorizing the leak of a FISA?

Because the story was already out.

@nakashimae ALREADY HAD the leak from Wolfe at the same time as @aliwatkins and was waiting to publish.

Strzok was buying time with @nakashimae by promising @WaPo first crack at the “scoop” & also offering them details for the story on the record.

Like this commonly overlooked gem…

While Strzok was informing @WaPo of a single FISA on Carter Page, he was detailing @nytimes on the same story, but with a twist:

Page was *NOT* the only American targeted by a FISA… 🤔

Strozk also incorrectly informed BOTH @WaPo & @nytimes that FISA was obtained “last summer”. This is effective proof that NOBODY had a clean “copy” of the FISA (@TheLastRefuge2) , only sparse details parceled out by Wolfe. NO OUTLET produced the Oct 21 date until post Nunes memo.

The details were designed to fan the flames of rumors initially seeded by @louisemensch!

Talk about a Strategy… A strategy of Obfuscation.

The ramifications of the Obfuscation Strat have been manifold:

@GeorgePapa19 claims/believes he was under FISA surveillance to this day despite his own attorney’s protestations…

US Reps like @JacksonLeeTX18 cite deliberately obfuscated news reports as “reported fact” to advance unfounded narratives & investigative lines…

People still believe a “summer situation” must have happened or that @LouiseMensch has credibility, etc…

A Travesty of Confusion

The next day on Friday April 7th, the FISA on @carterwpage is re-upped.

(@MonsieursGhost, 12/17/2021)