On Tuesday, Mr. Reagan on YouTube released a video that has since gone viral. In the video, Mr. Reagan highlights the recent work by The Gateway Pundit and our Michigan contributors and investigative team, Patty McMurray, Ben Wetmore, Phil O’Halloran, and Braden Giacobazzi on the GBI Strategies voter registration scandal.
Mr. Reagan: Ladies and gentlemen, now we’ve got it. We have got the evidence. This is all due to the amazing reporting of Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray and, of course, Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit. This is the smoking gun, folks. It’s a smoking gun of widespread voter fraud in Michigan and also indicates widespread voter fraud across the country. Now, this should be the biggest story in the country right now, and yet no one is covering it. The only one I’ve seen pick up the story in any significant way is Steve Bannon. No mainstream news organizations have covered this at all…
…What if I told you that now we have proof of widespread voter fraud in favor of Joe Biden, the smoking gun that Democrat politicians and so called journalists have insisted does not exist since November of 2020? What if I told you we’ve got it? Well, then not only would we be able to prove that Donald Trump is innocent of this big lie nonsense, but we might even be able to prove that he actually won in 2020. Let’s get into it. In October 8, 2020, a black female identifying herself as Brianna Hawkins dropped off a massive dump of voter registration applications at the Muskegon, Michigan city Clerk’s office. It is estimated that Hawkins delivered between eight and 10,000 voter registration applications. These applications were immediately flagged as fraudulent, and the police were called. The police then followed Brianna Hawkins back to her office, which they then raided. In these offices, police found guns, silencers, burner phones, prepaid cash cards, and, of course, partially filled out voter registration applications.
October of 2020, some women brought in some stacks of these registrations in Muskegon, Michigan, into the city clerk’s office. We’re talking about tens of thousands, we believe, but in that office, the report says 8000. And the city clerk noticed that they all had the same handwriting. She contacted the state police. They started an investigation. They found the two offices locally where they were filling out these registrations. The policeman raided one of these offices. When they went into these offices, Steve, they found semi automatic weapons. They found silencers. They found bags of these prepaid cash cards. They found burner phones. It’s unbelievable, this story. And we also know that this group had several offices across Michigan.

Gary Bell’s current employer, CompMo Group, DELETES WEBSITE after viral reports of Michigan voter registration scandal. (Credit: CompMo Group)
Jim Hoft: They turned it over to the FBI, and you know what happened, Steve? This will shock you but it died. The last update was, I believe, in 2022, and it says that it’s still being investigated. So you know what that means. Steve nothing’s being done. They have done nothing with this. Just like Hunter’s laptop that goes to the FBI and then disappears. So this is just another instance that shows that our FBI is against the people of this country and they’re participating in stealing the elections. I think we found the culprits here.
Mr. Reagan: Now, keep in mind that these were not fraudulent ballots. These were fraudulent voter registration applications. But a great way to get legitimate ballots that you would then fill in fraudulently would be to get a lot of fake voter registrations processed. So when we’re talking about voter fraud, this is one step in the process of rigging an election. This is just as serious as if they’d found boxes full of fake ballots.
They were filling out registrations. They need these bloated voter rolls in order to cheat and steal. And I believe that that’s something I firmly believe it’s the predicate when you get them to get the mail in the phony ballot, harvesting the mail in ballots, the predicate you got to get the phony registrations. That’s what they’re doing in the college towns that’s they did in Nevada, that’s they did in Pennsylvania. That’s what they’ve done. That is a predicate, has to be done.
Watch the entire video below. (Gateway Pundit, 9/01/2023) (Archive)