Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations

May 8, 2024 – The GA Court of Appeals has granted Trump’s application for Interlocutory Appeal

The Georgia Court Of Appeals (Credit: public domain)

The Georgia Court of Appeals announced Wednesday that it will hear former President Donald Trump’s appeal of an upper court judge’s decision to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in her 2020 election case against Trump and co-defendants.

“Upon consideration of the Application for Interlocutory Appeal, it is ordered that it be hereby GRANTED,” the order reads.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding over Willis’ case that Trump and the co-defendants tired to change the result of the 2020 election, ruled earlier this year that Willis did not have to step down, despite having had an romantic and financial relationship with her principal deputy on the case, Nathan Wade, which raised concerns of impropriety and unethical conduct.

McAfee ruled that either Wade or Willis would have to step down from the case and Wade complied with the order.

Trump and his co-defendants immediately moved to appeal his decision, which McAfee granted. (Read more: JustTheNews, 5/08/2024)  (Archive)

May 8, 2024 – House Intelligence Committee holds a ‘bipartisan’ party dubbed ‘FISA Fest’ after renewing FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans

Reps. Mike Turner and Jim Himes appear on Face the Nation, February, 2024. (Credit: CBS)

The lawmakers responsible for allowing the FBI to continue its warrantless spying on Americans threw an actual party to celebrate that fact, according to a report in Wired.

The tech publication reported Wednesday that the House Intelligence Committee had a party scheduled for that night, to celebrate last month’s renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows for the warrantless collection of Americans’ communications.

“The US House Intelligence Committee is throwing a party Wednesday night to celebrate the recent extension of the 702 surveillance program, multiple sources tell WIRED,” the publication reported.

“House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Turner and ranking member Jim Himes blasted out invitations announcing a ‘bipartisan celebration’ of the 702 program’s continuation last week. The event, which the lawmakers have dubbed FISA Fest, is being held in a reception room in the US Capitol building Wednesday night.” (Read more: Headline USA, 5/09/2024)  (Archive)

May 8, 2024 – Missouri AG blasts Media Matters for trying to stop his investigation into their fraudulent solicitations of donations from Missourians

On Wednesday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced that Media Matters is attempting to halt an investigation from the AG’s office into the organization for “allegedly fraudulent solicitation of donations from Missourians amidst its efforts to target X.”

Bailey posted about the motion from Media Matters online. “Media Matters is attempting to shut down Missouri courts. They filed a motion to HALT our investigation and lawsuit into their fraudulent practices,” Bailey wrote.

“DC courts have no say over Missouri courts. I have filed a motion to protect our ability to litigate in Missouri,” he added.

Baily filed a counter motion to Media Matters’ attempt to stop the investigation, which stated, “How shocking it would be if the Missouri Attorney General asked a state court to issue an order preventing this Court from hearing this case. Yet Media Matters seeks exactly that extreme remedy, just in reverse.”

The case filing from Bailey added, “Media Matters does not dispute that it can raise all its claims and defenses in the ongoing proceeding in Missouri state court. It has already begun doing so. It filed a motion to exercise legal rights guaranteed by Missouri law, which the state court granted. Nevertheless, Media Matters now asks a federal court in the District of Columbia to enter an order that would force the courts of the State of Missouri to stop adjudicating an ongoing case.”

Bailey also called the attempt to block the lawsuit an “attack on federalism” for the country.

Motion AG Bailey by Tommy

(The Post Millennial, 5/10/2024) (Archive)

May 9, 2024 – Turley skewers Hillary Clinton for attacking Trump over payments despite her labeling payment for Steele Dossier as legal expenses

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley skewered former First Lady Hillary Clinton Thursday for attacking former President Donald Trump over the alleged payout to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Clinton appeared on Morning Joe, where she alleged that the $130,000 payout to Daniels in 2016 was a form of “election interference” by the Trump campaign while discussing Trump’s trial on a 34-count indictment secured by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee agreed to pay a $113,000 fine after failing to report funding of the now-debunked Steele dossier through the Perkins Coie law firm.

“They are saying you rigged an election or a race that was already run, that’s what doesn’t make sense to us,” Turley said. “The hilarious aspect of that earlier clip with Hillary Clinton is that she actually makes the case for Trump, because when she ‘says how dare you keep information from the public,’ The Clinton campaign lied to the media about funding the Steele dossier. How did they hide it? They said it was legal expenses with Marc Elias. And when they were facing a fine, they litigated that and said no, it really is a legal expense. So her campaign did exactly what she is suggesting here, but they did it before the election.”

The Steele dossier was a key source behind the FBI’s investigation into allegations that the Trump campaign engaged in election interference with Russia in 2016. In October 2016, the FBI offered the dossier’s author, Christopher Steele, $1 million to corroborate allegations made in the document, according to testimony by FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten.

Steele ultimately failed to “prove the allegations,” Auten testified.

“What Trump is being accused of is giving the wrong notation, which he may not have had anything to do with, after the election was over that somehow affected the election,” Turley said. “The fact that judge Juan Merchan has allowed this case to go forward on these conflicted elements of the theory is one of the biggest complaints I have against him, that most judges, I think, would have approached this case very differently and many would not have had this case go to trial.” (The Daily Caller, 5/10/2024)  (Archive)

May 10, 2024 – Stormy Daniels answers Trump defense team questions with disastrous results

(Credit: Thomson Reuters )

(…) Asked if she knew what the case was about, and well, she didn’t.

According to Victoria Taft, writing at PJMedia:

The Washington Post captured most of the dialogue between Necheles and Daniels.

Necheles asked Daniels if she had knowledge of Trump’s involvement in the payment made to her in 2016 to ensure she would not go public about their alleged sexual encounter.

“Not directly,” Daniels replied. “No.”

Necheles followed up, “You know nothing about what he does or does not know about the business records?

“I know nothing about his business records,” Daniels said. “No, why would I?”

Daniels drew some laughter when Necheles asked if she knew about what the criminal indictment against Trump entailed.

“There’s a lot of indictments,” Daniels responded.

Why would she know if Trump knew about the payments, indeed? She admitted she hadn’t spoken with him since 2007.

Taft then noted that the other thing that came out at trial was that she tried to extort him for cash, while the getting was good.

A recorded phone exchange revealed this:

“You better settle this God damn story. Because if he loses this election, and he is going to lose, if he loses this election we lose all fucking leverage this case is worth zero. And if that happens, I’m going to sue you because you lost this opportunity,” said Stormy’s lawyer Keith Davidson to Trump’s then-fixer Michael Cohen, who then badly advised Trump to pay the extortion money.

Sound like extortion? It does to anyone normal.

And that contradicted her claim on the stand that she wasn’t interested in money, only in telling her story.

Lying comes easy to her, because it’s what she does for a living. Her schtick, after all, is talking and acting dirty for cash.

That’s not just the view of us normal people watching the case far from New York City.

Even leftists at the scene are saying she shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near the witness stand.

Fox News quoted a CNN legal analyst saying Daniels was a disaster for the prosecution:

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said that the cross-examination of adult film actress and Trump trial witness Stormy Daniels after her testimony against former President Trump was a disaster.

While Honig said that Daniels’ testimony about a sexual encounter with Trump in a hotel room in 2006 was “plausible,” her responses under cross-examination by Trump’s team called her credibility into question.

“Her responses were disastrous,” Honig said, referring to the moment when Daniels admitted that she hates Trump.

“That’s a big deal,” Honig said.

“When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d— deal!” Honig said. “And she’s putting out tweets, fantasizing about him being in jail. That really undermines the credibility.”

Well, yeah. Whether it persuades the all-Democrat Trump-hating jury is another matter but for sure it will be out there for the rest of us.

Another leftist who seemed to think Daniels was a disaster was the justice himself, Juan Merchan, who otherwise keeps threatening to throw Trump in jail any time he tries to defend himself.

According to CNN, he chided Trump’s lawyers for not objecting to Stormy Daniels’s disgusting graphic testimony, which had nothing to do with the bookkeeping case.

Judge Juan Merchan called out former President Donald Trump’s defense team during their motion for a mistrial Thursday afternoon, telling them there were many times they could have objected to Stormy Daniels’ testimony, but did not.

For the second time this week, Merchan expressed surprise that Trump’s lawyers had not objected more when Daniels was on the stand. And for the second time this week, Merchan rejected their motion for a mistrial.

Well, whose courtroom was it, Justice Merchan? The guy did object to some of the toilet talk himself in one instance but way too much got out, it was like Fani Willis babbling from the stand all over again.

The prosecution put Stormy on the stand to embarrass Trump and damage his presidential run, of course, but didn’t seem to understand that the audience in the courtroom and well beyond might just be onto him and his sleazy political game, which could render the legal case against him nil.

We all know what party the justice donates to, whose side he’s on, and what he would like to do to Trump.

So the fact that Merchan complained about the Trump side not objecting enough, for example, on the matter of whether Trump used a condom, a sacred point to the left and a matter of no interest to most others, pretty well tells us that he could see that Daniels’s recollections of porkings past was damaging to the prosecution, particularly as her contradictions and lies were exposed, one by one.

That’s at least two on the left who see the case starting to go down in flames, and there have been others. Many others. (Read more: American Thinker, 5/11/2024)  (Archive)

(…) [Bill] Maher, referencing his 2018 interview with Daniels, pointed out her previous statements where she denied being coerced into any sexual encounters with Trump.

“You say it’s not a Me Too case,” Maher asked Daniels in the 2018 footage.

“It is not a Me Too case,” Daniels responded. “I wasn’t assaulted. I wasn’t attacked, or raped, or coerced or blackmailed…. They tried to shove me in the Me Too box to further their own agenda. And first of all, I didn’t want to be part of that because it’s not the truth and I’m not a victim in that regard.”

Reacting to Daniels’ current testimony, Maher highlighted inconsistencies, “That’s not what she’s saying now.”

He continued to dismantle her credibility by pointing out her current use of “Me Too buzzwords” and expressed doubts about her claim of blacking out during the encounter with Trump.

“She said she blacked out. Blacked out? She’s a porn star. Do you really think she blacked out? I mean, a porn star is used to having sex with people she does not know. That’s the job… I just think she’s not a good witness,” Maher said.

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/12/2024) (Archive)

May 10, 2024 – Bragg’s paralegal testifies three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and Michael Cohen were deleted

Court sketch of Jaden Jamel-Schneider (Credit: Jane Rosenberg/CNN)

(…) Defense attorney Emil Bove is challenging the evidence prosecutors are putting forward, asking paralegal Jaden Jarmel-Schneider about the deletion of some toll records between Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen after the defense submitted recordings between the two from 2018.

The paralegal has admitted that they’ve deleted some call records from the files. Bove also has Jarmel-Schneider confirm that some calls were removed from an exhibit of calls between Gina Rodriguez and Dylan Howard.

Bove said it was three-pages worth of records.

Jarmel-Schneider took issue with Bove characterizing it as a “significant” number but he did acknowledge some were removed.

“At this trial, you’re sort of the guardian of the toll records?” Bove asks.

“I don’t know if I’d say that, but if you say so,” Jarmel-Schneider responds.

(Read more: CNN, 5/10/2024) (Archive)

Full Text:

One of Alvin Bragg’s paralegals admitted on the stand today in the Trump trial that his office deleted three pages worth of phone calls between Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen.

Not only that but they submitted the call records into evidence but didn’t mention to Trump’s team that some of the files were deleted.

This trial becomes more insane by the day.

May 11, 2024 – In exclusive interview, disgraced archneocon Victoria Nuland carefully refuses to hope that Ukraine can win the war

(…) Instead of cringing in shame and living her life out at an honest job, perhaps scrubbing toilets at an old folks home, Nuland recently sat down with Politico to answer some burning questions—those that caught our attention centered around Ukraine.

What we found particularly interesting was that, amid all the political gobbledygook and fast-talking, Nuland refused to say that Ukraine can win the war with Russia.

Pretty telling stuff, eh?

The first relevant question from Politico went like this:

Can Ukraine win this war against Russia? And how do you define winning?

Here was Victoria’s cleverly crafted refusal to declare “victory” for Ukraine.


Let’s start with the fact that Putin has already failed in his objective. He wanted to flatten Ukraine. He wanted to ensure that they had no sovereignty, independence, agency, no democratic future — because a democratic Ukraine, a European Ukraine, is a threat to his model for Russia, among other things, and because it’s the first building block for his larger territorial ambitions.

Can Ukraine succeed? Absolutely. Can Ukraine come out of this more sovereign, more economically independent, stronger, more European than it is now? Absolutely. And I think it will. But we’ve got to stay with it. We’ve got to make sure our allies stay with it.

And we have to accelerate a lot of the initiatives that were in the supplemental, like helping Ukraine build that highly deterrent military force of the future, like deploying these longer-range weapons to strategic effect, like ensuring that the critical infrastructure and the energy sector are protected, like building up our own defense industrial base and that of our allies and Ukraine’s again, so that we and Ukraine are building faster than Russia and China.

When asked if Ukraine could reclaim territory, Nuland whipped out her smoke and mirrors and got back to work. The Politico piece continues:

It can definitely get to a place where it’s strong enough, I believe, and where Putin is stymied enough to go to the negotiating table from a position of strength. It’ll be up to the Ukrainian people what their territorial ambitions should be. But there are certain things that are existential.

Any deal that they cut in their interest and in the larger global interest has to be a deal that Putin is compelled to stick to. We can’t be doing this every six months, every three years. It has to actually lead to a deal that includes Russian withdrawal.

Putin is a master at what we call rope-a-dope negotiating, where he never actually cuts the deal. It has to be a deal that ensures that whatever is decided on Crimea, it can’t be remilitarized such that it’s a dagger at the heart of the center of Ukraine.

So much for the reconquest of Crimea and forcing a broken Putin beg Zelensky not to march on Moscow, eh?

When she was asked if it was a mistake not to push the Ukrainians harder to go for some sort of negotiated end to the war in 2022, especially the fall of 2022, Nuland once again tiptoed on a tightrope like a pro. The Politico piece continues:

They were not in a strong enough position then. They’re not in a strong enough position now. The only deal Putin would have cut then, the only deal that he would cut today, at least before he sees what happens in our election, is a deal in which he says, “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.” And that’s not sustainable.

Victoria knows Ukraine is toast, but she can’t say that out loud. (Read more: Revolver, 5/13/2024)  (Archive)

May 12, 2024 – Nonprofits are making billions off the border crisis

A group of migrants try to cross a barbed wire fence to reach the U.S., as seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on March 20, 2024. (Credit: Herika Martinez/AFP)

While the border crisis has become a major liability for President Biden, threatening his reelection chances, it’s become a huge boon to a group of nonprofits getting rich off government contracts.

Although the federally funded Unaccompanied Children Program is responsible for resettling unaccompanied migrant minors who enter the U.S., it delegates much of the task to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that run shelters in the border states of Texas, Arizona, and California.

And with the recent massive influx of unaccompanied children—a record 130,000 in 2022, the last year for which there are official stats—the coffers of these NGOs are swelling, along with the salaries of their CEOs.

“The amount of taxpayer money they are getting is obscene,” Charles Marino, former adviser to Janet Napolitano, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Obama, said of the NGOs. “We’re going to find that the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money will rival what we saw with the Covid federal money.”

The Free Press examined three of the most prominent NGOs that have benefited: Global Refuge, Southwest Key Programs, and Endeavors, Inc. These organizations have seen their combined revenue grow from $597 million in 2019 to an astonishing $2 billion by 2022, the last year for which federal disclosure documents are available. And the CEOs of all three nonprofits reap more than $500,000 each in annual compensation, with one of them—the chief executive of Southwest Key—making more than $1 million.

Some of the services NGOs provide are eyebrow-raising. For example, Endeavors uses taxpayer funds to offer migrant children “pet therapy,” “horticulture therapy,” and music therapy. In 2021 alone, Endeavors paid Christy Merrell, a music therapist, $533,000. An internal Endeavors PowerPoint obtained by America First Legal, an outfit founded by former Trump aide Stephen Miller, showed that the nonprofit conducted 1,656 “people-plant interactions” and 287 pet therapy sessions between April 2021 and March 2023.

Endeavors’ 2022 federal disclosure form also shows that it paid $5 million to a company to provide fill-in doctors and nurses, $4.6 million for “consulting services,” $1.4 million to attend conferences, and $700,000 on lobbyists. In 2021, the NGO shelled out $8 million to hotel management company Esperanto Developments to house migrants in their hotels. Endeavors, which gets 99.6 percent of its revenue from the government according to federal disclosure forms, declined to comment to The Free Press.

The Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, funds the nonprofits through its Office of Refugee Resettlement, and its budget has swelled over the years—from $1.8 billion in 2018 to $6.3 billion in 2023. The ORR is expected to spend at least $7.3 billion this year—almost all of which will be funneled to NGOs and other contractors.

When asked about the funding increase during a January media event, Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, the chief executive of Global Refuge said, “We’ve grown because the need has grown.” The nonprofit did not make Vignarajah available for an interview.

But while it’s true the number of migrants has exploded in recent years, critics say these enormous federal grants far exceed the current need. The facilities themselves are generally owned by private companies and are leased to the NGOs, which house the unaccompanied minors and attempt to unite them with family members or, if that’s not possible, people who will take care of them—their so-called sponsors. The ORR does not publicly list the specific number of shelters it funds in its efforts to house migrants, a business The New York Times once described as “lucrative” and “secretive.” (Read more: The Free Press, 5/12/2024)  (Archive)

May 14, 2024 – Rep. Goldman admits meeting with Michael Cohen “many times” to “prepare him” for testimony against Trump; Is also client of trial judge’s daughter Loren Merchan

New York Congressman Dan Goldman, a staunch Democrat and ally of Joe Biden, has openly admitted to multiple preparatory meetings with Michael Cohen, the controversial former attorney for President Donald Trump, ahead of his testimony in the sham Biden/Bragg trial.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Rep. Goldman made the candid admission that he met with Michael Cohen a number of times to prepare him.

“I have deposed Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to prepare him,” Goldman said.

Goldman, an attorney, previously served as lead counsel in the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump and was an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York before running for office.

(…) Spectrum News reported, “Loren Merchan is president of Authentic Campaigns, which has collected at least $70 million in payments from Democratic candidates and causes since she helped found the company in 2018, records show.”

Loomer added, “Rep. Dan Goldman is a client of Loren Merchan’s Democrat consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns. Why is a member of Congress meeting with a felon who committed perjury? This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and Judge Merchan needs to immediately RECUSE HIMSELF from overseeing the Trump trial!”

Full Text:

Democrat NY Congressman who helped prepare Michael Cohen for his anti -Trump testimony is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s Democrat political consulting company @Authentic_HQ!

Today, New York Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman went on @MSNBC and said he has “deposed @MichaelCohen212 and met with him a number of times to prepare him” for the trial which is being overseen by Judge Merchan in NYC.

Cohen is the prosecutors’ “star witness”.

Rep. Dan Goldman is a client of Loren Merchan’s Democrat consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns.

Why is a member of Congress meeting with a felon who committed perjury?

This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and Judge Merchan needs to immediately RECUSE HIMSELF from overseeing the Trump trial!

See RECEIPTS below!

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/14/2024) (Archive)


May 15, 2024 – HHS suspends funding and proposes formal debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, cites evidence from COVID Select Report

President of Ecohealth Alliance Dr. Peter Daszak

Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) accepted the Select Subcommittee’s recommendation to formally debar EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. (EcoHealth). HHS will immediately commence official debarment proceedings and implement a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth — including a hold on all active grants.

“EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Daszak should never again receive a single penny from the U.S. taxpayer. Only two weeks after the Select Subcommittee released an extensive report detailing EcoHealth’s wrongdoing and recommending the formal debarment of EcoHealth and its president, HHS has begun efforts to cut off all U.S. funding to this corrupt organization. EcoHealth facilitated gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China without proper oversight, willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health grant, and apparently made false statements to the NIH. These actions are wholly abhorrent, indefensible, and must be addressed with swift action. EcoHealth’s immediate funding suspension and future debarment is not only a victory for the U.S. taxpayer, but also for American national security and the safety of citizens worldwide.

The Select Subcommittee’s investigation into EcoHealth and the origins of COVID-19 is far from over. Dr. Daszak and his team are still required to produce all outstanding documents and answer the Select Subcommittee’s questions, specifically related to Dr. Daszak’s potential dishonesty under oath. We will hold EcoHealth accountable for any waste, fraud, and abuse and are committed to uncovering any illegal activity, including lying to Congress, NIH, or the Inspector General,” said Chairman Wenstrup.

Read the Select Subcommittee’s report titled “An Evaluation of the Evidence Surrounding EcoHealth Alliance, Inc.’s Research Activities” here.

Read today’s letter from HHS to EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. here.

Read HHS’s action referral memorandum here.

(House Oversight Committee, 5/15/2024)  (Archive)

May 15, 2024 – Former Michael Cohen attorney Robert Costello testifies to Congress that Cohen didn’t believe Stormy Daniels’ story yet paid her without Trump knowing

Attorney Robert Costello testified before the House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee, May 15, 2024. (Credit: clipping from testimony)

Michael Cohen’s attorney Robert Costello just testified to Congress that Michael Cohen told him that he didn’t even believe Stormy Daniels story, and only paid her off to save Trump and his family embarrassment.

This completely blows up the entire case in Manhattan! Costello said that Cohen was becoming increasingly agitated at not being invited to work in Washington.

What will Cohen and the Manhattan DA do now? It’s clear now that Cohen and Daniels extorted the President of the United States with help from the US government!

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL): He didn’t believe the allegation of the Stormy Daniels story, that he thought the story would be embarrassing for Trump and especially for Melania, so he decided he would take care of it himself.

Attorney Robert Costello: Absolutely. That is contrary to what this guy testified to in court in New York yesterday.

Rep. Greg Steube: Well, what’s not being talked about is your next paragraph, the reason and his motivation for that. So if you could just walk through that for the committee.

Robert Costello: Yeah, obviously, when we started to talk about the NDAs, and this is the very first meeting at the Regency Hotel, when, by the way, Rudy Giuliani was not involved in representing Donald Trump at that time. Cohn testified that it was a conspiracy between Giuliani and Costello as of this date. Totally false. In any event, he also said that he didn’t discuss the Stormy Daniels matter with us, and he certainly did. I specifically asked him because he kept on going back saying, I can’t believe they’re trying to put me in jail for these NDAs.

So I said, Michael, tell me about the NDA. Tell me about Stormy Daniels. What did you do? He said, I got a call from a lawyer representing Stormy Daniels who represented that she was going to testify that Donald Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels. Michael Cohen said, I didn’t believe the allegation, but I knew that such an allegation would be terribly embarrassing. He said, It would be embarrassing. He focused on Melania Trump. He said, I didn’t want to embarrass Melania Trump. He said, That’s I decided to take care of this on my own. I went back to that several times.

You did this on your own? “On my own.”

Did Donald Trump have anything to do with it? “No.”

Did you get the money from Donald Trump? “No.”

From any of his organizations? “No.”

From anybody connected to Donald Trump? “No”.

Where did you get the money? “I took out a HELOC loan against my property.”

I said, Why would you do that? He said, “I didn’t want anybody to know where I got this money.”

I didn’t want Melania to know. I didn’t want my own wife to know because she’s in charge, he said, of the Cohen family finances. He said, “If she saw money coming out of my account, she’d ask me 100 questions, and I didn’t want to answer any of them.”

It was clear after talking to him for several days after that, whenever we talked on the phone or in my office, that he kept on bringing up the subject that he felt he was betrayed.

Robert Costello also told the committee, “I read Michael Cohen’s testimony from yesterday’s trial in New York on the way down on the train, and virtually every statement he made about me is another lie.” (h/t The Gateway Pundit)

May 16, 2024 – Senators Grassley and Johnson are investigating Fani Willis over alleged abuse of federal funds

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis appears in court on Nov. 21, 2023, in Atlanta. (Credit: Dennis Byron/Politico)

Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson are investigating whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ office misused federal funds.

The two Republican senators highlighted multiple reports accusing Willis’ office of squandering funds, including from the Justice Department Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and other initiatives, on frivolous items such as “swag” and unrelated travel.

“In Fiscal Year (FY) 2020, OJJDP awarded Fulton County nearly $500,000 to establish the Fulton County Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention,” Grassley (R-Iowa) and Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote in a letter to Willis Wednesday.

“The Center has yet to open and the ‘building meant to house it is closed to the public, its gates padlocked.’”

They cited Washington Free Beacon reporting on Willis, a Democrat, firing Amanda Timpson, previously the head of gang prevention and intervention at the DA office.

She was the one who sounded the alarm about the potential misuse of OJJDP funds.

(…) “The apparent and significant discrepancy between the purpose of the federal award of taxpayer money and the actual use of that money raises alarms that it hasn’t been used as Congress intended,” they wrote.

The two senators are demanding a list of grants the Fulton County DA’s office garnered since fiscal year 2019. Willis ascended to the district attorney perch in 2021.

They also want a list of expenditures and planned expenditures for each grant.

Willis was given a deadline of May 29 to comply with that request.

(Read more: New York Post, 5/16/2024)  (Archive)

May 16, 2024 – Patrick Byrne and Stefanie Lambert speak following hearing to disqualify Lambert from Dominion defamation case

“Dominion has the pattern of seeking to prevent me from being an attorney for my clients because I know too much, and I understand too much.” – Stefanie Lambert in court on Thursday.

Michigan attorney Stefanie Lambert faced a disqualification hearing in Dominion’s defamation case against Patrick Byrne on Thursday after Dominion filed a Motion to Disqualify her from representing Byrne, alleging she violated a protective order in the case.

(…) During the hearing to remove Lambert from this case for the seemingly unprecedented reason of violating a court order, Dominion attorneys desperately tried to justify their request despite having no standard or legal precedence. They admitted that there was no prior case law and claimed that Lambert’s previous and future actions “might actually hinder” Dominion attorneys’ “ability to do their job” and prove that Patrick Byrne defamed them by saying the 2020 election was stolen.

At one point, the far-left Dominion attorneys even presented a tweet by Byrne, in which he critiqued Judge Juan Merchan’s unconstitutional gag order against President Trump. They ridiculously claimed Byrne violated the gag order in Trump’s case by sharing a post by Trump and “spreading the information himself” and that he cannot be trusted to follow the Court’s orders.

When the Judge questioned Lambert, she pleaded that she did not violate the order by turning over evidence of crimes, including alleged perjury by Dominion CEO John Poulos, to law enforcement. “Everyone can go to law enforcement and report crimes, and I have an oath and an obligation to do that,” Lambert told the Judge. The Judge requested in the future that Lambert seek relief from the Court’s order to turn over evidence of criminal misconduct found in discovery to law enforcement, and Lambert agreed.

However, Dominion attorneys argued, “she says to you now that she’ll come to the court if she finds new evidence of criminal activity because she doesn’t have to anymore,” claiming that Sheriff Dar Leaf could have every document in his possession already, while seemingly not disputing the claims of criminal activity.

In another hysterical rant by Dominion attorneys to the Judge, they questioned Lambert’s explanation that she and Patrick Byrne never expected Dominion to hand over evidence of criminal acts in discovery and did not believe that turning this evidence over to law enforcement would violate the protective order. Without disputing the notion that evidence of criminal acts was discovered, the attorney said the idea that Lambert will now follow the rules is “not credible” because the documents showed “apparently exactly what she and her client have been saying the documents would show.”

After a short recess, the Judge ordered Patrick Byrne and Stefanie Lambert to desist from sharing or discussing confidential discovery material and to come to the Court with future questions or requests for relief. When Lambert asked the Judge on Byrne’s behalf how to proceed if Byrne is asked by Congress, the DOJ, or law enforcement to cooperate with an investigation, the Judge told them to follow the strict guidelines of the protective order and file a request before sharing any confidential information.

Finally, the Judge said she would take the matter under advisement to issue a ruling at a later date and asked Dominion to file their exhibits by the close of business on Friday. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/17/2024) (Archive)

May 16, 2024 – Devon Archer turns over 3.7 million new documents pointing to never seen before Biden bank accounts

Dev[o]n Archer turned over “3.7 million documents never before been seen by any of the IRS investigators, the securities & exchange investigators.”

These documents will “answer pretty much every question we’ve had about the source of these shady transactions” and Biden’s role.

“We believe we’ve found new accounts”

“The evidence is overwhelming that Joe Biden was involved… Joe Biden was a central figure.”

“If you were paying the Biden Family for the Biden Brand you were buying Joe Biden.”

May 16, 2024 – House Oversight votes to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress

Merrick Garland (Credit: Andrew Harnik/Associated Press)

The House Oversight Committee passed a resolution on Thursday, to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena that demanded the audio recording of President Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

The resolution passed in a 24-20 vote and will now go to a full House floor vote.

The House Committees on Oversight and Accountability and Judiciary issued subpoenas to Garland on February 27, 2024 for “records, including transcripts, notes, video, and audio files, related to Hur’s investigation of Biden’s willful mishandling of classified information,” according to committee staff.

The resolution was advanced out of the House Judiciary Committee earlier Thursday, after Biden evoked “executive privilege” over the audio and video recordings, which the White House said was done in conjunction with Garland’s office. The recording was done as part of Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified documents when he was vice president.

“The attorney general made it clear that law enforcement files like these need to be protected,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, according to Fox News. “And so the president made his determination at the request of the attorney general.”

The transcript of the interview has already been released, but Republican lawmakers claimed they cannot show the president’s cognitive state. (Read more: Just The News, 5/16/2024)  (Archive)

May 16, 2024 – Testimony of NIH official reveals a top Fauci aide allegedly learned to make ‘smoking gun’ emails ‘disappear’

Lawrence Tabak (Credit: Screenshot/Rumble/GOP Oversight)

Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak testified on Thursday that a former aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci allegedly violated the agency’s public records policy by disposing of certain emails.

Fauci’s senior advisor at the NIH Dr. David Morens allegedly intentionally obstructed the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s investigations into the origins of COVID-19 to protect his boss. Tabak told Republican House Oversight Chair James Comer in response to his questioning during a hearing that Morens allegedly violated NIH policy by getting rid of emails following public records requests.

“Dr. David Morens, a senior advisor to Fauci for decades, wrote in an email to Dr. Daszak, ‘I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA’d, but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail.’ Is that consistent with NIH document retention policies?” Comer asked, to which Tabak answered that it’s not.

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak allegedly misled the federal government to receive grants that funded virus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some suspect the COVID-19 pandemic originated.

“Does the NIH FOIA office teach employees how to avoid transparency?” Comer followed up.

“I certainly hope not,” Tabak said. (Read more: The Daily Caller, 5/17/2024) (Archive)

May 22, 2024 – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to the Department of Justice, urging them to open a formal investigation into Dr. David Morens for the alleged “improper concealment and intentional destruction of records.”

Morens, a former top aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci and current Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is accused of engaging in corrupt behavior to skirt the rules on various issues, the least of which involved investigations from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is believed that Morens engaged in a cover-up and destroyed vital records and communications related to the investigation.

“I write to urge the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to open an investigation into the alleged improper concealment and intentional destruction of records by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),” Paul wrote in his letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. “Additionally, I request you investigate allegations that employees within NIH’s FOIA office may have conspired with Dr. Morens to evade public records retention laws.”

In the letter, Paul cited a statute that states that any person who “‘willfully and unlawfully’ conceals, removes, or destroys a federal record can be fined and imprisoned for up to three years.” Furthermore, Paul highlighted that this applied to anyone who tries to “conceal, remove, or destroy a federal record.”

Additionally, Morens is suspected of using a personal email account in lieu of an authorized government account so he could discuss matters related to the pandemic and, as the Washington Examiner previously reported, avoid any scrutiny and accountability through Freedom of Information Act requests. (Read more: Washington Examiner, 5/22/2024)

May 16, 2024 – Michael Cohen’s cross examination of his failed memory, bias, financial motives, history of lies and possible indictment of his wife

The cross examination of Michael Cohen, led by Trump attorney Todd Blanche, was destructive. Devastating to Cohen’s credibility. Even Anderson Cooper admitted cross was “severely damaging.”

Here’s how it began:

Q: On April 23rd, so after the trial started in this case, you went on TikTok and called me a “Crying Little Shit;” didn’t you?

A: Sounds like something I would say.

Judge Merchan sustained the objection to that question, but the points were made: that Trump wasn’t the only one posting criticisms on social media, that Cohen was already hostile to the defense and to Trump’s attorney (and expressing his bias) before his testimony even started.

Blanche’s cross was, at times, meandering. It went from point to point, from issue to issue. It wasn’t necessarily chronological, and he went back and forth from calls to texts to statements indicating Cohen’s bias to Cohen’s numerous lies and crimes. That was ineffective to some observers. But the critics miss the strategy, which proved effective. Blanche was putting steady pressure on Cohen, moving him from corner to corner. The hits were coming from all directions. By moving Cohen from topic to topic, Cohen couldn’t keep track of his story. He couldn’t see the hits coming.

On which general areas did the defense focus? Here they are:

  • Cohen’s failed memory.
  • Cohen’s bias and financial motives.
  • Cohen’s reasons for doing the Stormy Daniels deal.
  • Cohen’s history of lies, both past and current.

Cohen’s Failed Memory

The State relies on Cohen’s recollection of a number of calls and meetings he had with Trump before and after the 2016 election. But how can the jury be convinced that Cohen’s memory is accurate – or if he’s not inventing his story? After all, Cohen repeatedly answered that he could not “recall” a number of discussions that took place last year. Here are some examples.

  • Cohen could not recall the DA’s office expressing frustration that he would talk about the investigation on TV.
  • He couldn’t recall whether he leaked to CNN that he gave his phones to the DA’s office in January of 2023.
  • Cohen said he couldn’t recall promising the DA’s office that he wouldn’t do any TV appearances until after the indictment.
  • He couldn’t recall the DA telling him he was “unwittingly helping President Trump by going on TV.”
  • Cohen couldn’t recall asking the DA’s office – while he was in prison – the timeline for bringing charges against Trump.

The defense seized on Cohen’s poor memory, suggesting to the jury that’s its all very convenient now that Trump has been charged. Here’s an excerpt of how they did it:

Q: So you don’t recall a year ago, making a promise that you would no longer go on TV until after the indictment?

A: No, sir.

Q: But you recall very specifically multiple telephone conversations that you had with President Trump in 2016; correct?

A: I recall the conversations with President Trump at the time, yes.

Cohen’s Bias and Motives

Then there’s the issue of bias. The defense presented Cohen with his own words – from his podcasts and books and social media – documenting his desire to take Trump down. These included:

  • After Trump was indicted, Cohen said on his podcast: “I truly fucking hope that this man ends up in prison . . . You better believe I want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to my family.”
  • He said he wants “accountability” for Trump and for Trump to go to prison. He said Trump needs to “wear handcuffs and to do the perp walk”; that Trump needs to sit “inside the cell.”
  • He’s selling merchandise “which depicts President Trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars,” coffee mugs that say “Send him to the Big House not the White House”.
  • He called Trump a “Cheeto-dusted cartoon villain.”
  • In 2020, he said “I truly fucking hope that this man ends up in prison.”
  • He thanked the new DA team in 2021 for “continuing their investigation.”
  • He sells anti-Trump merchandise on his website, profits from his anti-Trump social media presence and podcasts, and made an estimated $3.4 million for his books Disloyal and Revenge. (In Revenge, he expressed frustration that Trump hadn’t been prosecuted.)

Cohen’s motives weren’t just financial, however. He also sought benefits from his cooperation with the DA’s office in the form of a reduced sentence. While Cohen was in prison in 2019, he told Anthony Scaramucci that he was “trying to figure out a way to get out of prison early.”

Around that time, he was meeting with the DA’s office. Sought reduction in sentence due, in part, to cooperation with DA’s office. (It was denied.) While on house arrest, he wanted the DA’s office to publicly announce his cooperation to help with his release conditions. (Read more: Techno Fog/Substack, 5/17/2024)  (Archive)

Cohen testifies to having evaded substantial tax returns from 2012-2017.

Also testifies that he received an application form that did not reveal the full extent of his liabilities for a HELOC form, and submitted the form to the bank with full knowledge that it was inaccurate.

Cohen testifies to being guilty of federal tax evasion and making false statements to a financial institution.

When Blanche presses him if anybody induced him to plead guilty, Cohen defers and says he feels he shouldn’t have been indicted for underlying crimes. Claims he felt pressure to plead guilty, thinking his wife would be indicted, based on what his lawyer at the time told him.

Cohen claims he pled guilty without outside pressure at the time, but now testifies that he lied and did feel such pressure.

May 17, 2024 – Getting Played: The Demolition of Cohen on Cross Examination Reveals “The Grift” to a New York Jury

Captured photos from Michael Cohen’s TikTok livestream.

Below is my column in on the approaching end of the Trump trial in Manhattan. With the dramatic implosion of Michael Cohen on the stand on Thursday with the exposure of another alleged lie told under oath, even hosts and commentators on CNN are now criticizing the prosecution and doubting the basis for any conviction. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper admitted that he would “absolutely” have doubts after Cohen’s testimony. CNN’s legal analyst Elie Honig declared “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically.” He previously stated that this case would never have been brought outside of a deep blue, anti-Trump district. Other legal experts, including on CNN and MSNBC, admitted that they did not get the legal theory of the prosecution or understand the still mysterious crime that was being concealed by the alleged book-keeping errors.  The question is whether the jury itself is realizing that they are being played by the prosecution.

Here is the column:

In the movie “Quiz Show,” about the rigging of a 1950s television game show, the character Mark Van Doren warns his corrupted son that “if you look around the table and you can’t tell who the sucker is, it’s you.”

As the trial of former President Donald Trump careens toward its conclusion, one has to wonder if the jurors are wondering the same question.

For any discerning juror, the trial has been conspicuously lacking any clear statement from the prosecutors of what crime Trump was attempting to commit by allegedly mischaracterizing payments as “legal expenses.” Even liberal legal experts have continued to express doubt over what crime is being alleged as the government rests its case.

There is also the failure of the prosecutors to establish that Trump even knew of how payments were denoted or that these denotations were actually fraudulent in denoting payments to a lawyer as legal expenses.

The judge has allowed this dangerously undefined case to proceed without demanding greater clarity from the prosecution.

Jurors may also suspect that there is more to meet the eye about the players themselves. While the jurors are likely unaware of these facts, everyone “around the table” has controversial connections. Indeed, for many, the judge, prosecutors, and witnesses seem as random or coincidental as the cast from “Ocean’s Eleven.” Let’s look at three key things.

1. The Prosecutors

First, there are the prosecutors. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg originally (as did his predecessor) rejected this ridiculous legal theory and further stated that he could not imagine ever bringing a case where he would call former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen, let alone make him the entirety of a prosecution.

Bragg’s suspension of the case led prosecutor Mark F. Pomerantz to resign. Pomerantz then wrote a book on the prosecution despite his colleagues objecting that he was undermining their work. Many of us viewed the book as unethical and unprofessional, but it worked. The pressure campaign forced Bragg to green-light the prosecution.

Pomerantz also met with Cohen in pushing the case.

Bragg then selected Matthew Colangelo to lead the case. Colangelo was third in command of the Justice Department and gave up that plum position to lead the case against Trump. Colangelo was also paid by the Democratic National Committee for “political consulting.” So a former high-ranking official in the Biden Justice Department and a past consultant to the DNC is leading the prosecution.

2. The Judge

Judge Juan Merchan has been criticized not only because he is a political donor to President Biden but his daughter is a high-ranking Democratic political operative who has raised millions in campaigns against Trump and the GOP. Merchan, however, was not randomly selected. He was specifically selected for the case due to his handling of an earlier Trump-related case.

3. The Star Witness

Michael Cohen’s checkered history as a convicted, disbarred serial perjurer is well known. Now, Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., is under fire after disclosing that “I have met with [Cohen] a number of times to prepare him.”

Goldman in turn paid Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, more than $157,000 dollars for political consulting.

Outside the courtroom, there is little effort to avoid or hide such conflicts. While Democrats would be outraged if the situation were flipped in a prosecution of Biden, the cross-pollination between the DOJ, DNC, and Democratic operatives is dismissed as irrelevant by many in the media.

Moreover, there is little outrage in New York that, in a presidential campaign where the weaponization of the legal system is a major issue, Trump is not allowed to discuss Cohen, Colangelo, or these conflicts. A New York Supreme Court judge is literally controlling what Trump can say in a presidential campaign about the alleged lawfare being waged against him.

The most striking aspect of these controversial associations is how little was done to avoid even the appearance of conflicts of interests. There were many judges available who were not donors or have children with such prominent political interests in the case. Bragg could have selected someone who was not imported by the Biden administration or someone who had not been paid by the DNC.

(…) What will be interesting is how the jury will react when, after casting its verdict, the members learn of these undisclosed associations. This entire production was constructed for their benefit to get them to convict Trump despite the absence of a clear crime or direct evidence.

They were the marks and, like any good grift, the prosecutors were hoping that their desire for a Trump conviction would blind them to the con. (Read more: Jonathan Turley, 5/17/2024)  (Archive)

May 20, 2024 – Former legal adviser to Michael Cohen is called as a defense witness in Trump NY trial; judge attempts to interfere with his testimony

All eyes turned to Robert Costello on Monday after he was called to the witness stand in former President Trump’s hush money trial and was quickly admonished by the judge for his courtroom behavior.

Minutes after Costello, a former legal adviser to ex-Trump fixer Michael Cohen, took the witness stand Monday, Judge Juan Merchan asked the jurors to leave the courtroom so he could admonish Costello over his behavior on the stand.

Costello and Merchan shared a tense exchange, and reporters were abruptly asked to leave the courtroom. At one point, Merchan demanded to know if he was being stared down by Costello.

The jury and reporters were permitted back inside minutes later without explanation, and Trump’s legal team began questioning Costello.

Costello is a former federal prosecutor turned defense lawyer who spent decades in New York’s legal sphere. In 2018, Costello briefly served as an adviser to Cohen as federal prosecutors criminally investigated him and his work on Trump’s behalf.

Costello allegedly offered to set up a back channel between Trump and Cohen via former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who had just joined Trump’s legal team. (Read more: The Hill, 5/22/2024) (Archive)

Full Text:

FIREWORKS!! Merchan says to Costello if he doesn’t like a ruling, don’t roll his eyes or say Jeez or strike it! And if you don’t like my ruling, you don’t give me side eyes! Costello says he understands. Merchan now asks if he’s staring him down, asking loudly. Judge and the witness leave the bench to go have what I’m sure is a spirited conversation behind closed doors.

Full Text:

BREAKING: There has been an extended back and forth between the Defense, Judge Merchan, and the Prosecution over Robert Costello’s impending testimony, resulting in delays. The Prosecution is trying to filibuster Costello from taking the stand, arguing that his testimony would be collateral and thus inadmissible under the rules of evidence. Bragg’s attorneys know that Costello will drive the nail in the coffin of their case, which is now on life support after Michael Cohen’s dumpster fire of a testimony this morning in which he admitted to lying to protect his personal interests, financially profiting off Trump and the trial, and stealing from the Trump Organization, among other damning revelations. Stay tuned!

Full Text:

Judge Merchan Booted all the Reporters out and Shouts at Trump Defense Witness Robert Costello. Merchan: Are you staring me down right now? Costello: I’m not. Merchan: GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM, NOW! GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM! It’s obvious that Corrupt Judge Merchan knew that they didn’t have a case with Robert Costello’s testimony, so he runs Interference for Bragg…

Full Text:

BREAKING: Trial now resumes after delay following fiery exchange between Merchan and Costello about courtroom conduct.

Merchan is absolutely seething over Costello’s damning testimony. The type of treatment Costello, an experienced prosecutor who once worked for the US Attorney’s Office for New York in the 1970s and early 1980s, is receiving on the witness stand from the judge is disgusting.

Merchan is visibly perturbed, condescending, and downright abusive of the witness on the stand. Outrageous behavior from a judge, and totally inappropriate for any courtroom! No decorum whatsoever!

h/t Revolver News, 5/22/2024 (Archive)

May 20, 2024 – NATO has become the military wing of a globalist power structure that promotes the self-destruction of all nations and a depopulated world

Acting NATO spokesperson, Dylan P. White (Credit: Twitter/X)

One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg asserted on Friday the alliance’s commitment to defending the rights of LGBTQ individuals, aligning with numerous Western officials, institutions, and organizations in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.

Author Jose Nino summed it up nicely in a piece for Big League Politics:

“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is committed to spreading degenerate values abroad.  With Russia seemingly making major gains against NATO-backed Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine, NATO leaders have been engaging in bizarre virtue signaling to divert attention away from the abject failure of this proxy war against Russia.

“Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 24, 2022, NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg has been particularly vocal about NATO’s values and why it’s an institution that has to be trusted despite its long track record of causing instability abroad — from Serbia all the way to Libya.”

On Friday, May 17, Stoltenberg, reaffirmed NATO’s commitment to LGBTQ+ values by arrogantly proclaiming in a post to X the current Western value system and what it is based upon:

Nino reminds us of why NATO was founded in the first place, in the wake of World War II in 1949. It was to counter the Soviet Union’s influence on the European continent.

“However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO has worked to remake the world in America’s increasingly dysfunctional image. Its interventions in the Balkans all the way to Libya have brought nothing but harm and instability.”

NATO is no longer seen by most nations of the world as a defensive alliance.

NATO launched offensive wars against Yugoslavia in 1999 and Libya in 2011, as well as its protracted occupation of Afghanistan, leaving the country no freer and no better off in 2021 than when it was invaded 20 years prior, but rather much more dangerous with billions of U.S. and Western military weapons in the hands of the Taliban terrorists. (Read more: Leo Hohmann/Substack, 5/20/2024) (Archive)

May 20, 2024 – Michael Cohen admits under oath that he stole money from the Trump Corporation

Trump Organization Logo

Donald Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen testified on Monday that he stole money from Trump’s company, an admission that could chip away at his credibility as a star witness at the former U.S. president’s hush money trial.

Questioned by Trump’s lawyer Todd Blanche, Cohen acknowledged stealing from the Trump Organization by including a reimbursement to a technology company in his bonus package and pocketing most of the money.

“So you stole from the Trump Organization, right?” Blanche asked.

“Yes sir,” Cohen, 57, testified.

Cohen said he paid roughly $20,000 of the $50,000 that Trump’s company owed to the tech company in cash, handing it off in a brown paper bag at his office. He said he kept the rest. He was reimbursed $100,000 total by the Trump Organization for that payment. (Read more: Reuters, 5/20/2024)  (Archive)

May 22, 2024 – O’Keefe Media Group exposes secrets of DEI in the Air Force

Full Text:

BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna, @DeptofDefense and @USAirForce Operations Research Analyst for the @SecAFOfficial in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Believing Republicans have attempted to cut back on the government’s use of discriminatory DEI policies “just to fuck with the [DEI] system,” Reyna confesses on undercover footage caught by O’Keefe Media Group that the Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel. Bragging, “We just weaseled around it,” Reyna claims “there’s nothing really they [Republicans] would be able to do.” The cover-up does not end there. Reyna states about his office, “We’re actually moving into this other group called Manpower and Readiness” to stay under the radar.

Reyna confirms DEI training is mandatory for airmen and if an airman does not participate in DEI trainings, he “wouldn’t be qualified for promotions or he’d get reprimanded and…he’d get written up” before eventually being dishonorably discharged, which includes being stripped of all benefits.

Tasked with developing programs like the Workforce Analytics Dashboard that lists the demographics of the Air Force with an emphasis on “race, ethnicity, and gender,” Reyna admits the Air Force has no data to support its DEI policies. “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.” Asked, “In your experience, have you seen or have you come across any data that actually serves as evidence that indeed DEIA candidates or troops perform better than non-DEIA troops?” Reyna responds, “No, I don’t think so.”

Empowered in the Air Force’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Reyna believes white men are “definitely stupid” and “definitely suck.” “Do you think they [white men] make us weaker as a military?” asks OMG’s American Swiper. Reyna responds, “In some ways, probably.”

Full Text:

U.S. AIR FORCE COMMENT: O’Keefe Media Group reached out to the U.S. Air Force and we received an exclusive statement on the record from a U.S. Air Force spokesperson today:

“This individual was not speaking on behalf of the Department of the Air Force.”

This statement comes as we released our undercover exclusive footage of Jake Reyna discussing his DEI department at the United State Air Force.

May 22, 2024 – New IRS whistleblower docs reveal CIA prevented IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer

IRS Whistleblower graphic (Credit: The Epoch Times)

A new cache of documents from the IRS whistleblowers released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee show how the Central Intelligence Agency directly intervened to prevent the IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer and benefactor Kevin Morris.

Author Kevin Morris, who is also Hunter Biden’s attorney, attends his “White Man’s Problem” book release party on June 3, 2014. (Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

The CIA’s involvement in the case was first suggested in earlier this year when the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees wrote a letter to Director William Burns that revealed impeachment investigators had at least one whistleblower who alleged the spy agency tried to interfere with a witness interview in the case, Just the News previously reported.

“According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview,” Chairmen Jim Jordan and James Comer wrote. “Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.”

The new documents show IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided documents to the committee detailing the CIA’s intervention.

Lesley Wolf worked closely with Alexander Mackler, who served as then-VP Joe’s White House Deputy Counsel from 2014 to 2016. (Credit: FedBar)

According to Shapley’s affidavit of the incident, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf from the Delaware prosecutor’s office in charge of the case and the Department of Justice Tax Division Attorney Jack Morgan were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, for a briefing.

At the meeting, the officials were given a classified briefing and were told by the CIA that the IRS “could no longer pursue” Kevin Morris as a witness in their case. Wolf did not share CIA’s reasoning with the IRS whistleblowers, who then requested their own briefing from the intelligence agency through Wolf.

According to Shapley’s account, Wolf ultimately failed to secure a briefing for the case investigators.

“Although AUSA Wolf initially appeared to be receptive to facilitating a briefing for me on the information, she ignored multiple attempts by me to arrange the briefing. Since obtaining this briefing was outside of my control, eventually I was forced to accept it would not happen,” Shapley wrote in his affidavit. “However, it served as yet another example of deviations from normal investigative processes in this matter.”

You can read Shapley’s affidavit below:


It remains unknown why the CIA intervened in the case, how they became aware that the IRS investigators had targeted Morris as a witness and most importantly, who at the CIA issued the directive. (Read more: Just The News, 5/22/2024)  (Archive)

May 22, 2024 – Bipartisan lawmakers grill top Fauci aid over FOIA evasion and the deleting of federal documents

David Morens (screenshot from hearing)

Lawmakers grilled Dr. David Morens, a Senior Advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), over his apparent attempts to circumvent FOIA requests during a Wednesday testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Committee Chair Republican Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup opened the hearing by citing e-mails Morens wrote in 2021 where he appeared to tout his use of backdoor channels to communicate with Fauci.

“On April 21, 2021, you wrote ‘I can either send stuff to Tony [Fauci] on his private e-mail or hand it to him at work or at his house,’” Wenstrup read. “On May 13, 2021, you wrote that you connected a reporter to Dr. Fauci via your ‘secret backchannel.’ What backchannel did you have for Dr. Fauci?”

Morens brushed off the e-mails, claiming they were just jokes. “All these terms like secret backchannel and the other one you mentioned were just jokes. Jokes that I made in dealing with Peter [Daszak] because he was under death threats and very depressed,” Morens replied.

“There was no backchannel,” he continued. “The backchannel was, uh, the backchannel to Tony was the same one that applies to everybody.”

Lawmakers pressed him on his use of a personal e-mail account to conduct official business with Fauci and Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance.

Wenstrup read an e-mail Morens wrote to Daszak in 2021 that said, “Peter I just got news that a FOIA picked up an e-mail I sent you saying Tony commented that he was braindead. I deleted that e-mail, but I now learned that every e-mail I ever got since 1998 is captured and will be turned over whether or not instantly deleted.”

After reading another e-mail sent to both Daszak and Fauci in which Morens claimed he deleted all e-mails to Daszak related to Covid origins, Wenstrup asked him “Dr. Morens, did you ever delete or attempt to delete a federal record?”

“Based on my understanding of what a federal record was, I truly don’t think I’ve ever seen a federal record in 26 years of being at NIH,” Morens, who claimed he once worked at the National Archives, answered.

He then went on to describe advice he received from Margaret Moore, an employee at NIH who he described as the “FOIA lady” and claimed she “hated FOIAs” in a 2021 e-mail.

New York Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, who accused Morens of blurring professional lines by sharing nonpublic information with his personal friend Daszak, read another e-mail: “On August 27, 2020, after NIH awarded a $7.5 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance, you wrote to him and you asked ‘Do I get a kickback? Too much fucking money. Do you deserve it all? Let’s discuss.’ Would you like to explain?”

Morens again explained it as a joke, claiming “That’s typical black humor between people like Peter and me and other folks who show up in this e-mails.”

Kentucky Republican Rep. James Comer then pressed Morens over e-mails where he appeared to tout his FOIA circumvention.

“I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make e-mails disappear after I’m FOIA’d but before the search starts so I think we’re all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier e-mails after sending them to GMail,” Morens wrote.

In another e-mail, Comer read, Morens wrote “We’re all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns and we wouldn’t put them in e-mails and if we found them we would delete them.”

Another committee member, Maryland Democratic Rep. Kweisi Mfume couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “If this were not laughable it would be laughable,” he joked.

“Mr. Morens this is a tale out of some movie … you seem to be here, there and everywhere,” Mfume excoriated Morens.

(Read more: The Daily Caller, 5/22/2024) (Archive)

May 23, 2024 – Media Matters lays off a dozen staffers amid federal probe and Elon Musk lawsuit

Media Matters followed suit with several liberal outlets by laying off at least a dozen staffers following a federal probe and lawsuit by “X” chief executive officer Elon Musk.

Staffers, some of whom have been with Media Matters for years, took to social media announcing their sudden departure from the outlet. The layoffs followed federal probes filed by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on “X,” formerly known as Twitter.

Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters in federal court in November, as the site has accused the outlet of “knowingly” manufacturing images showing advertisements from major corporations alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

“Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him),” staffer Kat Abughazaleh said, referring to Musk.

(…) Media Matters’ staffing purge is the latest in the liberal media bloodbath that has become prominent in recent years. NowThis laid off half of its editorial team in February as part of a “broader initiative to realign our resources and structure to ensure a long-term sustainable business in the evolving media landscape.” The Intercept laid off 15 staffers including its Editor-in-Chief Roger Hodge, on the same day.(Read more: The Daily Caller, 5/23/2024) (Archive)

May 23, 2024 – Democrat California State Senator roasts party for protecting pedophiles

A Democrat California state senator working to prolong the time pedophiles spend behind bars is fed up with members of her party for not being fully on board.

On May 23, lawmakers were considering legislation that would make it a felony to buy or solicit a minor for commercial sex, the New York Post reported Thursday.

While speaking on the State Senate floor during the meeting, State Sen. Susan Eggman (D) said, “I’d like to say, as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last twelve years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done.”

She added that it is not her desire to send more people to prison. However, she does not want suspects buying little girls anymore and is tired of officials protecting those who do such things.

California law deems buying or soliciting sex from a child a misdemeanor. The offense can result in the perpetrator spending two days to a year behind bars along with paying a $10,000 fine.

“Bill 1414 — which was authored by GOP state Sen. Shannon Grove and supported by Eggman — aims to beef up that penalty to at least two to four years in prison, as well as a sex offender registration,” the Post article said.

“Last month, some Democrats had watered down the bill to only allow the felony classification for the purchase of minors under the age of 16,” the report noted.

During her remarks, Eggman, who is a mental health professional and social worker, said she has worked for years with victims who have been “wounded to their core by the abuse that’s been heaped on them, oftentimes by those that they love and looked to protect them.”
“And if their parents won’t do it, then, by God we should,” she continued:

I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to say, “Enough. Enough.” We have given away enough on this area, and we’ve got to move back into the center, or we all look like fools and laughingstocks. And what do we stand for?

Let’s get our stuff together and really start focusing on some of the important things. We talk about learning; we talk about being safe. This is, like, at the core of it. And a lot of these kids can’t be throwaway kids. They’re poor kids; they’re kids of color. But they shouldn’t have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age, and by having the Democratic Party of California say it’s okay. It’s not okay, and I’m not doing it anymore, and I hope none of you do, too. We have to be able to draw a line, and, for me, I’m drawing a line. I urge your “aye” vote.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has shown support for the bill, the Post article said, noting it passed 36 to zero and is now on its way to the State Assembly.

In January 2023, Breitbart News reported that street prostitution involving pimps, sex traffickers, child exploitation, and violence had increased in Los Angeles after Newsom signed a law to ban arrests for loitering and solicitation:

As Breitbart News noted this month, the law was one of several radical new pieces of legislation pushed by State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who is also responsible for a law making California a “sanctuary state” for minors seeking to become transgender through sexual reassignment surgery or drugs.

In 2022, California released thousands of convicted pedophiles who spent only a few months behind bars, according to Breitbart News. (Read more: Breitbart News, 5/30/2024)  (Archive)

May 24, 2024 – Twitter Files – The CIA’s secret effort to seize control of social media

While the CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, a bombshell new “Twitter Files” report reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of InQtel – the CIA’s mission-driving venture capital firm, along with “former” intelligence community (IC) and CIA analysts, were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter’s content management system, as Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag report over at Shellenberger’s Public (subscribers can check out the extensive 6,800 word report here).

According to “thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents,” these efforts were part of a broader strategy to manage how information is disseminated and consumed on social media under the guise of combating ‘misinformation’ and foreign propaganda efforts – as this complex of government-linked individuals and organizations has gone to great lengths to suggest that narrative control is a national security issue.

According to the report, the effort also involved;

  • a long-time IC contractor and senior Department of Defense R&D official who spent years developing technologies to detect whistleblowers (“insider threats”) like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks’ leakers;
  • the proposed head of the DHS’ aborted Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, who aided US military and NATO “hybrid war” operations in Europe;
  • Jim Baker, who, as FBI General Counsel, helped start the Russiagate hoax, and, as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, urged Twitter executives to censor The New York Post story about Hunter Biden.

Nina Jankowicz (Credit: public domain)

Jankowicz (aka ‘Scary Poppins’), previously tipped to lead the DHS’s now-aborted Disinformation Governance Board, has been a vocal advocate for more stringent regulation of online speech to counteract ‘rampant disinformation.’ Jim Baker, in his capacity as FBI General Counsel and later as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, advocated for and implemented policies that would restrict certain types of speech on the platform, including decisions that affected the visibility of politically sensitive content.

Furthermore, companies like PayPal, Amazon Web Services, and GoDaddy were mentioned as part of a concerted effort to de-platform and financially de-incentivize individuals and organizations deemed threats by the IC. This approach represents a significant escalation in the use of corporate cooperation to achieve what might essentially be considered censorship under the guise of national security.

Nina Jankowicz And The Alethea Group

Remember Nina? A huge fan of Christopher Steele – architect of the infamous Clinton-funded Dossier which underpinned the Trump-Russia hoax, and who joined the chorus of disinformation agents that downplayed the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, Jankowicz previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, and advised the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry as part of the Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship. She also oversaw the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.

Jankowicz compares the lack of regulation of speech on social media to the lack of government regulation of automobiles in the 1960s. She calls for a “cross-platform” and public-private approach, so whatever actions are taken are taken by Google, Facebook, and Twitter, simultaneously.

Jankowicz points to Europe as the model for regulating speech. “Germany’s NetzDG law requires social media companies and other content hosts to remove ‘obviously illegal’ speech within twenty-four hours,” she says, “or face a fine of up to $50 million.”

By contrast, in the US, she laments, “Congress has yet to pass a bill imposing even the most basic of regulations related to social media and election advertising.” -Public

In a 2020 book, How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict, Jankowicz praises a NATO cyber security expert for having created a “Center of Excellence,” a concept promoted by Renée Diresta of the Stanford Internet Observatory, in which she made the case for the (now failed) Disinformation Governance Board that Jankowicz would briefly head up.

One year later, Jankowicz began working with ‘anti-disinformation’ consulting firm, Althea Group, staffed by “former” IC analysts.

Althea notably came after ZeroHedge at one point, shopping a ‘dossier’ around which suggested we were allegedly contributing to “increased online panic” amid the monumental collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

The outlets they peddled said dossier to included Bloomberg – which elected to exclude ZeroHedge from their report following a brief email exchange. Eventually, one of their operatives dropped the dossier on Twitter, only to be mocked as a propagandist.

Their SVB thesis was debunked by a Federal Reserve report which admitted that its own regulatory failures contributed to the bank’s collapse. We can only imagine what else they’ve cooked up about us behind closed doors.

Alethea notably secured $20 million in Series B financing led by Google Ventures.

Another Alethea Group operative until July 2021 was former CIA analyst, Cindy Otis, who wrote a book called “True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News” – in which she thanks Pieter “Mudge” Zatko – a notorious hacker who was hired by Twitter to “tackle everything from engineering missteps to misinformation,” Reuters wrote at the time.

According to Jankowicz, “My full time employment with Alethea began September 13, 2021. Ms. Otis left Alethea prior to that period. To my knowledge, she has not been employed with Alethea since that time.”

“My work with Alethea Group as a consultant (summer 2021) was narrowly focused on my subject matter expertise related to Russia,” she continued. “I conducted Russian language translation and provided cultural analysis. When I joined Alethea as an employee (fall 2021) my work was entirely focused on public products: Changes to Alethea’s website, editing public reports, liaising with media, etc.”

Is Nina lying?

According to Shellenberger et. al, “that claim contradicts Alethea’s Statement of Work contract with Twitter, which lists her as “Technical Research Director” for work relating to Twitter’s management of misinformation during the 2020 election, and specifically a “retrospective analysis of how then President Trump or other key figures may have violated Twitters [sic] policies, or otherwise leveraged the platform in a way that may have contributed to key events…”

Alethea Group founder, Lisa Kaplan, told us that Jankowicz “was never given the title Technical Research Director, that is a reference to a labor category for a contract.” Added Kaplan, “We respect client confidentiality and do not discuss relationships with our customers. In reviewing Nina’s timesheets she did provide support to one client that I cannot disclose, however I can confirm that while she was employed as the Director for External Affairs, Nina never conducted work at Alethea on behalf of Twitter.”

When shown the Statement of Work listing her as “Supplier Personnel,” Jankowicz said, “I have never seen this document before. A statement of work is generally a speculative document that informs clients of potential staffing and work plans. They are usually crafted to allow contractors a degree of flexibility in implementation by listing staff even if they are not assigned to a particular project in case they might do future work for that project. I assume this is what happened in this case.”

In fact, the Statement of Work between Alethea and Twitter was a formal contract between the two firms, signed by Alethea’s Founder and CEO and Twitter’s Senior Director and Associate General Counsel, and the contract specifies, “Any changes to the above listed Personnel must be approved by Twitter in writing.” There is no record in the Twitter Files of any change to the project’s personnel. -Public

Jankowicz defended herself, telling Public: “Ms. Otis and I were friends and colleagues prior to my short stint there and remain friends and colleagues. Yes, I knew Ms. Otis had worked — emphasis on the past tense — at the CIA. That does not constitute a ‘relationship’ with the intelligence community.”

Pieter “Mudge” Zatko (Credit: Getty Images)

Following a phishing attack on Twitter employees in July of 2020 which resulted in Joe Biden’s account tweeting “I am giving back to the community. All Bitcoin sent to the address below will be sent back doubled! If you send $1,000, I will send back $2,000,” along with a crypto wallet address (similar fake tweets were sent from the accouints of Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg and Elon Musk,” 17-year-old Graham Ivan Clark was arrested.

Three months later, Jack Dorsey wrote in an email: “Mudge signed.”

Less than three months later, Zatko made his first big recommendation to Twitter execs: “hire the Alethea Group.”

“I feel an external investigation may be quite valuable,” he said over the company’s Slack channel. “I’d recommend Alethea group for the disinformation angle.”

Twitter authorized the move. Several weeks later, Zatko suggested that Twitter’s legal team hire Alethea for a report focusing on Jan. 6.

“As folks can understand,” he wrote on Feb. 4, 2021, “there’s a lot still going on around Jan 6th and the 2020 election in general. Alethea is a boutique consultancy that specializes on disinformation and counter-messaging operations. They have been working with myself and Yoel [Roth].”

Meanwhile, on March 24, 2021, Zatko emailed a 12-page report pushing for more government-linked censorship – suggesting that “The organizations and people behind this recommendation have the connection [sic] to get this in front of the right people in the administration.”

The report is co-authored by Aspen Institute’s Vivian Schiller, who led the “pre-bunking” of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and Hamilton68 hoax author Clint Watts, and is published by the Mossavar-Rahmani Center at the Harvard Kennedy School and NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. -Public

Then it came out that Zatko, who pushed Alethea, “had engaged with members of US intelligence agencies…” As Public notes, “Attitudes toward Zatko would be quite different two years later.”

Zatko turned whistleblower, sued the company, and settled for $7.75 million. He then filed a complaint with the Justice Department, SEC, and FTC, alleging Twitter executives had misled the government, been negligent in protecting user data, and had violated a 2011 consent decree with the FTC.

Somebody leaked Zatko’s complaint to the Washington Post, which reached out to Twitter for comment on August 19, 2022.

In a shared Google Doc, dated August 21, 2022, called “Comms Statements/Tracking,” Twitter executives fine-tuned the language for responding to the news media about Zatko’s allegations.

Buried deep within that discussion was this revelatory sentence:

“Without the knowledge or support of management or the Board, Twitter learned that Zatko had engaged with members of US intelligence agencies and sought to enter a formal agreement that would allow him to work with them and provide information to them.”

CIA, In-Q-Tel, And Alethea

In late 2022, Alethea received $10 million from Ballistic Ventures, whose general partner is Ted Schlein. Ted “provides counsel to the U.S. intelligence community, serves on the Board of Trustees at InQTel [the CIA’s mission-driven venture capital firm]and was recently named as a board member of the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee.”

Ted Schlein (Credit: public domain)

In 2022, IQT published a report describing its “Disinformation Workshop,” which recommended several activities similar to those Alethea has offered, including “Track the confluence of bad narratives.”

Schlein can neither confirm nor deny…

According to the Wall Street Journal, a full one-third of IQT investments were secret as of 2016. The Journal also reported that Schlein had at least one connection to a firm in which IQT invested, and that was over seven years ago.

“I do not know Zatko, Jankowicz or Otis. Lisa is the CEO of Alethea and I serve on her board of directors,” Schlein told us. He added that he is not aware of any relationship between Alethea and the IC and that he has no operational role in the firm.

“I get the feeling that Alethea is a byproduct of Ted Schlein,” a high-tech entrepreneur told us, “and the CEO is merely a titular head….Without meaningful experience, it’s not clear to me how [Lisa Kaplan] received $10m in a series A round.”

In March 2022, the Department of Homeland Security made Schlein a member of its advisory council. -Public

Here’s Kaplan on promoting aggressive censorship:

We are now approximately halfway hrough Public’s report. As X user Sean Michael Murray accurately observes: “It’s such a well sourced report… and there’s so much context to summarize in this post, it’s best to read it..”

So, click here and subscribe to Public if you haven’t already to read the rest – including:

The effort to infiltrate PayPal, GoDaddy and Amazon Web Services
Zatko’s engagement with the CIA
Who is Zatko, really?
Althea in, Zatko out
Kaplan’s “aggressive censorship vision”
“The Big Boss”
First Amendment vs. “Information War”

(Zero Hedge, 5/24/2024) (Archive) (@shellenberger Twitter Thread)

May 24, 2024 – Marc Elias loses Lawfare challenge in Nevada – Voter ID ballot initiative wins in Nevada Supreme Court

Democrat gutter lawyer Marc Elias has filed at least two lawsuits to stop Repair The Vote’s attempt to introduce voter ID laws in Nevada.

Marc Elias is best known for his work promoting Hillary Clinton’s fake Russia dossier in 2016 and doing the dirty work for the Democrat machine to make sure there are no voter ID laws.

Marc Elias and the corrupt Democrat party took a huge loss on Friday.

In a unanimous decision, the Nevada Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of the voter ID ballot initiative spearheaded by Repair the Vote PAC.

“The initiative, filed in early November, would amend the State Constitution to require that all persons voting in person present an approved photo identification before being provided a ballot. It also requires that voters submitting a mail-in ballot provide additional verification of their identity when completing their mail-in ballot.” – The Nevada Globe reported.

“We are thrilled but not surprised with the Nevada State Supreme Court’s decision,” said David Gibbs, Chairman of Repair the Vote. “This ruling is a triumph for democracy and the rule of law, in the face of desperate efforts by radical opponents of this reform to strip Nevada voters of the opportunity to make their voices heard on this issue. By implementing voter ID requirements, we are taking a crucial step towards safeguarding our elections and restoring public confidence in Nevada’s electoral process.”

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/24/2024)  (Archive)

May 23, 2024 – Clinton hypocrisy knows no bounds when speaking of Trump “hush money” trial

It’s hard to watch the incessant gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Donald Trump trial in Manhattan without feeling like you’re traveling in a time warp back to 2016. We’re back reliving the “Access Hollywood” tape and talk of how Trump would have never been elected except porn star Stormy Daniels accepted a six-figure check to keep quiet.

The richest vein of hypocrisy on this adultery-mangles-electability question flows through the Clintons. Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to denounce Trump for squashing the bimbo stories. It was typically shameless. She said: “I think the defendant, the former president, knew exactly what he was doing when he went to such great lengths to try to squash, bury, kill stories, pay off people because he understood the electoral significance of them.”

The cast of “Morning Joe” treated Hillary Clinton as a therapist for their Trump angst, and no one interrupted and asked about all the squashing, burying and killing of stories that Hillary Clinton engaged in when she and Bill Clinton first sought the White House in 1992. On the cusp of the Gennifer Flowers allegations breaking in January of that year, Hillary Clinton was telling Margaret Carlson of Time magazine, “My marriage is solid, full of love and friendship, but it’s too profound to talk about glibly.”

But after Flowers asserted she had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton, Hillary and Bill appeared on “60 Minutes,” and Hillary claimed women being questioned about their relationship with Bill were her friends. “We reached out to them. I met with two of them to reassure them they knew they were friends of ours. I felt terrible about what was happening to them.”

In retrospect, one can smell what Hillary was cooking. She was pressuring potential accusers to stay quiet, but pitching it on national TV as just chatting things over with friends.

One can only imagine how Melania Trump processed the Stormy Daniels tale, but paying a nondisclosure agreement isn’t exactly maintaining your innocence. That’s why the Democratic prosecutors in New York are pumping this out on CNN and MSNBC, every hour on the hour. The Left thinks those religious conservatives are bothered by this, and it should cause them to vote for someone else, preferably that “devout Catholic” Joe Biden.

But Hillary has always waged war on anyone who would seek to damage her and Bill’s future in politics, and the media have always gushed over her warfare. At the end of the Year of Our Intern in 1998, Time magazine was aglow. Reporters Nancy Gibbs and Karen Tumulty oozed that “as she pursued the private rescue of a marriage and the public rescue of a presidency, she was the one person who seemed to see the larger story and shaped its telling.”

The “larger story” was the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” In this election cycle, Democratic prosecutors lobbed 91 felony charges at Trump, and the networks largely refuse to even describe them as Democrats, let alone a vast left-wing conspiracy.

Time managing editor Walter Isaacson even wrote that they wanted to name her “Person of the Year” in 1998 for her, um, “dignity.” That’s how they describe Hillary lying for months that Bill didn’t have sexual relations with That Woman. “Her strength and her almost surreal ability to assert her dignity were remarkable to some and mystifying to others.”

This kind of copy is why most Americans don’t trust the “mainstream media.” They don’t report stories as much as they “shape” them for the benefit of their political allies. (Front Page, 5/23/2024) (Archive)

May 25, 2024 – A Pfizer whistleblower from vaccine manufacturing plant voices concerns of what was put in the vaccine

h/t @seacaptim

Exclusive Breaking: Explosive claims from Pfizer Whistle-blower after shock post to say she isn’t suicidal.

Pfizer CEO Adam Bourla and the shocking things going on at the vaccine manufacturing plant and what was put in the vaccines!!!!!

This could provide evidence that could strip Pfizer of its indemnity and lead to criminal prosecution. Please share far and wide.

Luciferase in the Vaccines! Pics shown of the vaccines show something extremely concerning. Luciferase has been used before.

Pfizer internal database shows a $20,000 or $200,000 payment received from none other than Bill Gates.

Why would Bill Gates be paying large sums of money to Pfizer.

Strange boxes of ingredients were arriving from China and they were being mixed into the vaccines.

The quality control and those who were trained to mix the ingredients did not know what was being mixed into the vaccines by the compounding department.

This is shocking beyond belief.

Wuhan China appeared to be the epicentre of the Covid outbreak but then we heard about the Wuhan lab and the connection to Fauci in the United States and the Gain of function funding from the NIH.

However it gets stranger.

Pfizer has a research and development lab in China and its address happens to be 666. I’m sure that this is completely coincidental right !!? Wrong. This information is from within Pfizer’s own internal database.

Many of the documents contained within the Pfizer database were written in Chinese.

Pfizer employees told to “hide from them” during visits to the Pfizer manufacturing facility by the FDA.

Supervisors were stationed during these visits to prevent anyone from the FDA coming into contact with Pfizer employees working at the facility. This also happened with American Lawmakers, Senators and anyone with any official capacity.

Pfizer managers in the facility even blacked out windows in the manufacturing floor to prevent people seeing what they were doing with the vaccines inside.

We show startling video evidence of this in this shocking report.

Pfizer were questioned about the vaccines containing graphene oxide. The internal Pfizer documents and emails reveal a startling response. Senior managers suggested a lie instead.

Aborted foetus cells were being used in the vaccines and Pfizer went to extreme lengths to prevent the public from knowing.

T Cells classed as immortal cells cause cancer. These were put into the vaccines. Is this related to Turbo cancers, early onset cancers?

Why was Klaus Schwab the Cult leader of the World Economic Forum (WEF) involved in this clandestine Pfizer operation? He has had regular secret closed door meetings with Adam Bourla and also appeared on stage regularly at WEF meetings at Davos.

The last slide and piece of evidence from VAERS show that early on they knew that both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were causing significant harm and injury.

Join our International Freedom Movement where we fight back against the globalists and Unite Patriots from all over the World.

We are The Resistance.

On October 6, 2021, Project Veritas highlighted Melissa McAtee, a former Pfizer employee who leaked company emails that alleged the use of cell lines derived from human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing.

While reports claim that there are no aborted fetal cells in the vaccines, McAtee and Project Veritas released a surprising email featuring Vanessa Gelman, the Pfizer senior director for worldwide research, development, and medical communications, who said the pharmaceutical firm “should steer clear of the topic.” The email reportedly read, “We have been trying as much as possible not to mention the fetal cell lines.”

In addition, McAtee has voiced her concerns over the vaccine’s ingredients and its links to injuries and deaths.

(Read more: Evie Magazine, 5/08/2024)

May 26, 2024 – Judge in Hunter Biden gun trial rules that jurors can see evidence of illegal drug use on his laptop

The Judge in Hunter Biden’s federal gun case ruled on Friday that prosecutors can use evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop to sway jury members.

However, according to Fox, “prosecutors on Special Counsel David Weiss’ team cannot use some salacious evidence in the first son’s criminal trial next month, including references to his U.S. Navy discharge and the child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in Arkansas.”

(…) Discovered on the laptop were photos, videos, and email evidence of Hunter Biden’s illicit drug and prostitute usage as well as criminal foreign business dealings.

Now, after denying the laptop is even his, Hunter Biden is now claiming in civil lawsuits and his gun case that the data has been manipulated.

Per New York Post:

Five years and one month after first son Hunter Biden dropped off three damaged laptops at a repair shop in Wilmington, Del., and never returned to pick them up, a Delaware federal judge ruled that jurors at the 54-year-old’s upcoming trial on weapons charges can be shown damaging evidence about his illegal drug use taken from his hard drive, his iPhone and iPad and his own memoir.

As Hunter looked on in court — one day after attending a White House state dinner — US District Judge Maryellen Noreika in Wilmington ruled that the “laptop from hell” could not be barred out of hand based on his legal team’s claim it had been hacked and seeded with false information.

However, Noreika did rule that the first son’s attorneys can object to the introduction of specific pieces of information from the laptop as prosecutors — who say there is no evidence that the computer was ever compromised — seek to raise them during trial, which begins with jury selection June 3.

The Biden scion — who didn’t answer questions from the media on his way in and out of court — is accused of three counts related to illegal ownership of a gun while addicted to crack cocaine. He faces up to 25 years behind bars if convicted on all charges.

Now we wait and see if justice will truly be served against Hunter or if he will get away with the privilege of being a Biden. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/26/2024) (Archive)

May 27th, 2024 – Law Professor who wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, provides affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are biological weapons and WMDs

Dr. Francis Boyle is an American human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. (Credit: screenshot Press TV)

Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote. Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

Dr. Boyle provided this affidavit in a Florida case filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that seeks to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’, in the state of Florida. It also seeks to compel Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials.

The original Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus was filed on March 3rd, 2024, in the Florida Supreme Court. It was then transferred to the Circuit Court in Leon County on March 20th, 2024. On April 9th, 2024, the Circuit Court dismissed the case. The case is now in the appellate court. The Appellate Brief was filed on Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

The pleadings assert that the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’, violate – Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023); Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC § 2381; Treason § 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023); Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331; Terrorism § 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023); Murder § 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023); and Genocide 18 USC §1091; Florida Drugs and Cosmetic Act § 499.005 (2) Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); Accessory After the Fact § 777.03 Fla. Stat. (2023); and Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023).

Dr. Boyle is considered one of the world’s leading legal experts on biological weapons. Dr. Boyle’s affidavit adds a tremendous amount of credibility to the case, which already has a tremendous body of evidence provided in the writ of mandamus. Affidavits stating that the injections are biological and technological weapons, were also provided by med legal advisor and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who researched the evidence that makes of the Facts of the Case section of the Mandamus, and from Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD. Dr. Mihalcea’s research is included in the Mandamus. Dr. Mihalcea is one of the world’s leading researchers into the effects of self replicating nanotechnology in the blood of injected as well as the effects in the blood of the uninjected as a result of shedding.

Dr. Boyle’s affidavit is below:

(Read more: Dr. Joseph Sansone/Substack, 6/06/2024)  (Archive)

May 28, 2024 – A FOIA’d email chain marked “confidential” shows discussion about MI electors with Trump impeachment lawyers and lawfare king Norm Eisen

On November 12, 2020, only nine days after the hotly contested presidential election, a chain of emails shared with the Gateway Pundit by independent investigator Yehuda Miller showed communications between the unashamed lawfare queen of Michigan, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel, her then-deputy chief Christina Grossi, two top Trump impeachment lawyers and Senior Counsel for Massachusetts AG Samantha Shusterman.


Dana Nessel


Former MI Chief Deputy Attorney Christina Grossi (Credit: public domain)


Lead counsel for President Trump’s first and second impeachment trial, Barry H. Berke

According to Newsweek– Berke previously served as special counsel during Trump’s first impeachment. For Trump’s historic second impeachment trial, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Lead Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said that Berke had once again been “retained on a consulting basis” to represent House Democrats.

Notably, he has also represented Deutsche Bank, the financial institution that has reportedly moved to cut ties with Trump after decades of business and billions of dollars in loans to the outgoing president.

Senior Massachusetts AG Counsel Samantha Shusterman (Credit: public domain)

The November 12, 2020 email chain FOIAd by independent investigative journalist Yehuda Miller has been marked “CONFIDENTIAL-  Cannot be released under FOIA or discovery request” by the MI Attorney General’s office.

The first email was sent by Barry H. Berke and to Samantha Shusterman, the Senior Counsel for the AG office of Massachusetts. Two lawyers working for Norm Eisen’s law firm, Michelle Ben-David and Joanna Lydgate, were cc’d on the email.

The email’s subject is: RE: Michigan Elector Certification Process – Privileged and Confidential/Attorney work Product/Common Interest Privilege.

The Trump impeachment lawyer for the Democrats, Barry H. Berke, writes:

l attach a memo regarding potential challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process. Could I trouble you to share it with Christina Grossi and Mark Totten.


What does Samantha Shusterman, senior counsel for the Massachusetts Democrat AG Andrea Joy Campbell, have to do with the MI electors case? Why is Trump impeachment lawyer Barry H. Berke sending an email to her about “potential elector challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Was Barry Berke plotting in advance of the ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes cast by the MI GOP electors ONE MONTH LATER on December 14, 2020?

WHY were the emails marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and “privileged” multiple times regarding “potential challenges in connections with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Why were the emails about the MI electors being shared by one Trump impeachment lawyer with the law office of Norm Eisen, another Trump impeachment lawyer, a former law school classmate of Barack Obama, as well as the former President Obama’s “ethics czar” and ambassador to the Czech Republic? According to a previous Gateway Pundit report, Norm Eisen is also the key architect behind the Color Revolution and lawfare cases against President Trump.

Barack Obama and Norm Eisen (Credit: public domain)

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/28/2024)  (Archive)

May 28, 2024 – Judge Cannon denies Jack Smith’s request for gag order against Trump

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday denied a gag order request submitted by special counsel Jack Smith in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case.

Over the past weekend, Mr. Smith’s team asked Judge Cannon to impose a gag order after President Trump had claimed that recently released discovery documents showed that the FBI agents were armed and were prepared to shoot him during the August 2022 search of his Mar-a-Lago property. The FBI last week, however, disputed those claims and said the documents merely suggested the agents were following bureau rules around search warrants.

In a paperless order, Judge Cannon denied Mr. Smith’s request without prejudice because, according to her, it is “wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy.”

She added that the special counsel’s motion also “did not adhere to … basic requirements” and that “any future, non-emergency motion brought in this case—whether on the topic of release conditions or anything else—shall not be filed absent meaningful, timely, and professional conferral.”

“Sufficient time needs to be afforded to permit reasonable evaluation of the requested relief by opposing counsel and to allow for adequate follow-up discussion as necessary about the specific factual and legal basis underlying the motion,”Judge Cannon added.

Mr. Smith’s team argued that the judge should move to restrict President Trump’s speech after he made the aforementioned claims about the FBI search.

“The Government moves to modify defendant Donald J. Trump’s conditions of release, to make clear that he may not make statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case,” the filing from Mr. Smith said.

After Mr. Smith’s motion to place the order on President Trump, his attorneys responded by saying that the special counsel should be sanctioned because he allegedly violated a rule that says both parties must confer before such filings are made.

“For the reasons set forth below, in light of the Office’s blatant violation of Local Rule 88.9 and related warnings from the Court, the Court should strike the Motion, make civil contempt findings as to all government attorneys who participated in the decision to file the Motion without meaningful conferral, and impose sanctions after holding an evidentiary hearing regarding the purpose and intent behind the Office’s decision to willfully disregard required procedures,” President Trump’s lawyers wrote on Monday.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche asked prosecutors in the case to wait until Monday to meet, which Mr. Smith declined because of President Trump’s public comments.

“As we also tried to explain earlier, our judgment was that the situation your client has created necessitated a prompt request for relief that could not wait the weekend to file. We understand your position and represented to the court that you do not believe the government has engaged in adequate conferral here,” special counsel prosecutor David Harbach said in a letter to President Trump’s attorneys.

Mr. Smith’s team said that President Trump’s comments should be limited by the court due to an attack on an FBI field office in Cincinnati, Ohio, in August 2022. They claimed that the attack occurred after President Trump allegedly made inflammatory comments after the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search, which occurred that same month. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 5/28/2024)  (Archive)

May 28, 2024 – Election Watch accuses Senator Tammy Baldwin and others of laundering $ millions into their campaigns via illegal smurfing

Exclusive: I accuse United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of criminally laundering $27,850,750 into her campaigns since 2017, including the current one. She is committing illegal Smurfing, i.e. structured money laundering. We have documented this in extreme detail using state and federal government data.

Baldwin has numerous campaign committees, PACS, and other sources funding her campaigns. This is pure election fraud by Baldwin and all those participating with her. She is stealing from the elderly their identities to use in laundering money into her campaign. Baldwin is committing identity theft and elderly financial abuse.

One specific example is Baldwin using the name of a real person called Sonia (so are many other liberals using this same person), where Sonia has been making 69,433 contributions since 2017. This means Sonia – who is in assisted living, as confirmed by her daughter – has made 7.5 contributions per day on average, every day of the year, for 7.5 years. But, Sonia did not make these contributions. It was ActBlue and its former corrupt founders Ben Rahn, Matt DeBergalis and Jonathan Zucker. Zucker is now running the very corrupt Democracy Engine – a PAC also committing Smurfing on a massive scale to fund liberal campaigns.

Joe Biden is protecting this entire racket, and yes his campaign is into smurfing big time. Late last year Biden put Dara Lindenbaum on as a Commissioner of the FEC (federal election commission overseas campaign finance). Not long after we broke the whole smurfing scheme with James O’Keefe. Dara was an attorney on Stacy Abrams campaign, the Abrams campaign was into Smurfing big time. This is all election fraud, on a massive scale. This is why campaigns have skyrocketed in spending to unreal heights. The money is coming in from China, from the US Treasury and other unlawful places. Yet no attorney or law enforcement will step up to bring justice.

Full Text:

Joe Biden is tops, then US Senator Raphael Warnock in 2nd place, Baldwin is in the top ten that is for sure. From AP News, March 2024: “The president raised $53 million alone last month, which was the strongest grassroots fundraising month since the campaign launched, according to campaign officials. Among those efforts was a contest for supporters to attend a fundraiser on March 28 in New York with Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton that raised $4 million last month. ‘The enthusiasm we’re picking up as we go around the country is real,’ Biden said in a radio interview with WNOV 860 in Wisconsin last week. ‘We’ve raised a whole lot of money. We have 1.5 million donors, including 500,000 are brand new, they’re small donors; 97% of the donations under $200.'” No, Joe you didn’t. Old Joe: the vast majority of those donations were from Smurfing, i.e. illegal money laundered into your campaign. You’re participating in criminal money laundering, identity theft, elderly financial abuse and more.

May 29, 2024 – Turley interprets Judge Merchan’s instructions to Trump NY jury

May 30, 2024 – ‘FBI lovebirds’ Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reach tentative lawsuit settlement with DOJ for First Amendment violation of their right to privacy

Lisa Page and Peter Strzok (Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Disgraced “FBI lovebirds” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have reached a “tentative” settlement with the Department of Justice over the alleged violation of their privacy rights with the release of their disparaging text messages about former President Donald Trump during the Russian collusion investigation.

The deal was disclosed in a court filing Tuesday that did not reveal any of the terms, the Washington Times reported.

(…) Strzok also sued the department for firing him, arguing that the FBI gave in to “unrelenting pressure” from Trump and violated his First Amendment rights. He sought back pay and reinstatement in his lawsuit.

“Those constitutional claims have not been resolved by the tentative settlement,” according to a Times review of the court notice.

Page’s lawsuit also sought reimbursement for “the cost of childcare during and transportation to multiple investigative reviews and appearances before Congress,” the “cost of paying a data-privacy service to protect her personal information,” and attorney’s fees, Fox News reported.

It is unclear if the tentative settlement, which is still pending finalization and approval from a judge, covered the plaintiff’s requests. (Read more: Breitbart, 5/30/2024) (Archive)

May 30, 2024 – Hillary gloats over Trump’s conviction and sells “merch” on her Instagram account

A smug Hillary Clinton touted new merch with the slogan “Turns out she was right about everything” — just hours after former rival Donald Trump became the first ex-president ever to be convicted of felony criminal charges.

The former secretary of state took to Instagram Thursday to promote a $22 mug — complete with a painted image of herself sipping tea — in the wake of a Manhattan jury finding Trump, 77, guilty at his historic hush money trial.

“We recently had some new merch made based on a phrase I hear a lot. The design happened to be finalized today,” Clinton wrote alongside the post.


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“With your purchase, you’ll support Onward Together groups defending democracy … and get a pretty great mug to sip tea from,” she added, referring to the organization she founded to raise funds for progressive political groups.

Clinton, who lost the 2016 presidential election to Trump, has repeatedly railed against her former GOP rival — claiming that he is a threat to democracy — and once even decried him as an “illegitimate president.”

The Democrat aired the illegitimacy remarks in a CBS interview in 2019 as she claimed Trump’s campaign engaged in “voter suppression,” “voter purging,” “hacking” and “false stories” to win the election. (Read more: The New York Post, 5/31/2024)  (Archive)

Full Text:

Hillary Clinton deleted 30k emails.

Epstein’s clients walk free.

Mayorkas allowed invasion of our border.

Pelosi’s rich from insider trading.

Hunter is a crack addict with hookers.

Biden sold access to Chinese commies.

Steven D’Antuano staged the Whitmer fed-napping & Jan 6th.

Peter Strzock & Lisa Page weaponized the FBI to “get Trump.”

Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function that created the COVID-19 virus.

Cuomo killed 11k elderly people in NY.

Pfizer & Moderna lied about the safety of the mRNA jabs.

Planned Parenthood sold aborted baby body parts.

They’re all walking free.

But TRUMP is convicted for… paying his attorney?

May 30, 2024 – It was the plan all along: Trump found guilty in NY – the internet’s most interesting takes…

This was the plan all along, and anyone who thought President Trump would simply skate out of this sham trial without a guilty verdict was either daydreaming or doesn’t grasp the weaponized judicial system we’re up against in the United States, especially in liberal-run cesspools like New York City and the DC Swamp. So, when the guilty verdict came down, nobody was surprised. Yet, decent, law-abiding Americans were horrified, as our country has morphed into a North Korea-style dictatorship under the Biden regime. After all, we’ve toppled dictators who were less destructive than Joe Biden, haven’t we?

President Trump responded to this injustice with stoic determination, power, and leadership, reminding everyone that the REAL verdict is coming in November.

Charlie Kirk:

However, as this un-American nightmare unfolds, people are responding with some fascinating insights that shed light on what might happen next and where this country is headed. However, sadly, the first point to be made is that the uniparty is alive and well. You can tell by the weak responses who is secretly cheering behind the scenes that President Trump was convicted, starting with Mitch McConnell.

In addition, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie used this moment to remind America that Speaker Mike Johnson refused to defund Jack Smith. Just like with Mitch McConnell, their true intentions are revealed through their statements and actions.

Senator Tim Scott came out with a strong show of support for President Trump, but the GOP needs to understand that words alone are no longer enough. We need to see action and some serious consequences for the Democrats. Heads need to start rolling all over DC.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, RFK Jr. has weighed in. He’s clearly positioning himself politically with his latest statement, aiming to attract MAGA supporters if Trump’s fortunes go sideways. Regardless of his motives, his statement helps our cause in the battle against the Biden dictatorship.

Collin Rugg:

Tucker Carlson said it best:

(Read more: Revolver News, 5/30/2024) (Archive)

Democrats Just Convicted Donald Trump Of 34 Felonies

Mainstream Media Reporting Barack Obama ILLEGALLY Spied on Congress, Reporters, Donald Trump and Millions of Americans, etc

NO charges. NO felonies. Two-Tier Justice

“Tonight, at least one US senator is calling for the CIA director to resign after the agency admitted today to spying, not on a foreign government, but on our own congress, improperly finding their way into US senate computers during an investigation into the CIA’s interrogation techniques after 911. We get details tonight from NBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

For months, the CIA has denied spying on the senate, Hacking into computers, spying on senate investigators looking into alleged CIA torture of prisoners after 911. The CIA director was emphatic in March. The CIA went into their computers and took documents out and were attempting to block their own investigation.

The facts will come out, but let me assure you that CIA in no way was spying on the SSCI or the senate.

Had issue a suspected CIA cover up of waterboarding and harsh interrogation techniques during the Bush years. The senate intelligence chair demanded answers.

I have grave concerns That the CIA search may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution.

Today, the CIA’s own watchdog, the inspector general, said Brennan was wrong. 5 agency employees, including 2 attorneys, improperly accessed the computers, launching a keyword search of all and a review of some of the emails of Democratic staff members.

Who authorized the search? We need to know why they thought it was legal, and we know need to know how that person is gonna be held accountable. Other senators are demanding that CIA director, John Brennan, one of the president’s closest advisers, be fired. This is that 5 year long torture investigation is about to be released any day now, Brian?

Andrea Mitchell in our DC newsroom tonight. Andrea, thanks.

It’s not about justice. It’s not about agenda. It’s not about mobilizing people. It’s about Dialing for corporate dollars. These two parties have sold the US government and the American people to the highest spinners.”

May 31, 2024 – FBI Whistleblower’s security clearance is reinstated in full

In this May 2023 photo, FBI staff operations specialist Marcus Allen testifies during a hearing on Capitol Hill. (Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

In what appears to be an unprecedented move, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has fully reinstated whistleblower Marcus Allen’s security clearance after improperly revoking it.

Allen made protected disclosures regarding congressional testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray following the events of Jan. 6, 2021. The FBI retaliated against Allen, a decorated U.S. Marine combat veteran, by falsely accusing him of disloyalty to the United States and illegally suspending him without pay for more than two years. In October 2023, Empower Oversight filed Allen’s appeal based on evidence contradicting the FBI’s claims from its own files.

During the 27 months Allen was improperly suspended, he lost other employment and income opportunities while waiting for FBI approvals and internal appeals procedures that were slow walked by bureaucrats.

Empower Oversight filed complaints in April 2023 and January 2024 with the Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) about the FBI’s reprisals against Allen for his protected whistleblower disclosures. Although a final OIG report would likely have supported Allen’s retaliation claims, the FBI granted his appeal before the OIG reported on its findings.

Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt wrote to Inspector General Michael Horowitz urging that the facts gathered during the OIG’s investigation be released in the interest of transparency and accountability. The letter authorizes the OIG to answer questions about its findings and provides notice that Allen waives any Privacy Act restrictions that might otherwise limit the OIG’s ability to comment.

Allen has been represented by Empower Oversight and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).

“It’s been a difficult couple of years, and I am truly grateful for my friends and family who helped us through this. While I feel vindicated now in getting back my security clearance, it is sad that in the country I fought for as a Marine, the FBI was allowed to lie about my loyalty to the U.S. for two years. Unless there is accountability, it will keep happening to others. Better oversight and changes to security clearance laws are key to stop abuses suffered by whistleblowers like me,” Allen said.

“This is total vindication for Marcus. The FBI has completely backed down and provided everything that we had asked for on behalf of Marcus. It’s clear from the evidence and the FBI’s capitulation there was absolutely no truth to their accusations. We couldn’t be happier for Marcus and his family. They have seen the worst side of our federal government and have come out on the other side. It’s a testament to Marcus, his belief that right would eventually prevail, and the unwavering support of his family and friends,” said Tristan Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight.

“The ACLJ is very pleased to have been part of this victory for Marcus Allen, working with our friends at Empower Oversight. We can’t undo what the Biden FBI forced Marcus to endure, but we were able to help him achieve justice and vindication. Now he and his family can put this horrendous chapter behind them and move forward.  We applaud their bravery and sacrifice. Whistleblowers must be protected. We’ll keep doing our part,” said Jordan Sekulow, executive director of ACLJ.

Separately, Allen reached a settlement with the FBI that fully restores the 27 months of back pay and benefits the FBI wrongly withheld since his initial suspension in February 2022. Allen voluntarily resigned from the FBI, effective June 3, 2024.

To read more details about Allen’s case, click the links below.

April 26, 2023, letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz requesting an investigation into whether Allen’s security clearance was impermissibly suspended for retaliatory or other improper reasons.

May 18, 2023, testimony of Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt before Congress about how the FBI has abused the security clearance process to circumvent whistleblower protections and retaliate against employees who report wrongdoing.

Oct. 20, 2023, letter to Timothy M. Dunham requesting reconsideration of the revocation of Allen’s security clearance.

Jan. 22, 2024, letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz requesting an investigation about whether the FBI improperly suspended Allen indefinitely without pay and delayed the security process in reprisal for protected whistleblower disclosures.

May 2024 DOJ-OIG Management Advisory Memorandum identifying systemic issues with the way the FBI suspends employees without pay denying them, for all practical purposes, the protections in law against using the security clearance process as a tool of whistleblower retaliation.

May 31, 2024, letter from the FBI fully reinstating Marcus Allen’s security clearance.

June 4, 2024, letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz waiving Allen’s privacy rights allowing the Inspector General to answer any questions about the case. (Empower Oversight, 5/31/2024)  (Archive)

Jim Jordan’s FBI Whistleblowers Testify Before U.S. Congress | FBI Whistleblower Hearing Live News

The views expressed by the person featured in this video is their own. CNN-News18 cannot vouch for the authenticity and veracity of their claims.

Three self-described FBI whistleblowers who are key to the Republican narrative that the FBI is weaponized against conservatives will testify in a House hearing on Thursday, the latest escalation of House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan’s investigation into allegations of discrimination and bias within the FBI.

The hearing comes one day after the FBI said it revoked the security clearances of three agents who either attended the January 6 2021, riot at the US Capitol or espoused alternate theories about the Capitol attack, according to a letter the FBI sent the subcommittee on Wednesday, a copy of which was obtained by CNN.

At least two of those agents – Marcus Allen and Steve Friend – are among the individuals testifying before the panel on Thursday.

May 31, 2024 – Biden smirks when asked if Trump is a political prisoner

May 31, 2024 – Comedian Dave Smith takes on former CNN anchor and Covid regime propagandist Chris Cuomo

Chris Cuomo teases his brother New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about the size of his nose with a giant Covid test swab, 5/20/2020.

For the legions of us who still carry righteous rage about the tyrannical and destructive Covid-19 regime, the planets aligned on Friday and gave us the enormous, vicarious pleasure of watching one of libertarianism’s most articulate voices repeatedly pummel one of the most visible villains of that dark era.

In a debate hosted by Patrick Bet-David of PBD Podcast fame, “Part of the Problem” podcaster and comedian Dave Smith took on former CNN anchor and Covid regime propagandist Chris Cuomo. From lockdowns to masks, vaccines, Ivermectin and the vilification of resisters, the debate covered a lot of ground, with Smith dropping one laser-guided bomb after another on Cuomo.

Let’s dive right into the highlights…First, Smith opened the debate with a gentlemanly gesturegiving Cuomo a copy of the Tom Woods book, “Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During Covid Mania.” Tongue in cheek, he said, “I know you like following the science, and there’s a whole lot of science in that book.”

Before the next clip, recall that, in an infamous segment on CNN, Cuomo and Don Lemon smugly battered Joe Rogan and others who used Ivermectin to battle Covid. Despite the fact that Ivermectin has been used since 1975 with great success against a wide variety of human maladies, Cuomo and Lemon ran hard with the regime narrative that referred to the wonder drug solely as a veterinary de-wormer.

Earlier this month, Cuomo revealed to Bet-David that he’s now himself taking a “regular dose of Ivermectin” for purported long Covid. However, In this jaw-dropping sequence, Cuomo stunned anyone with a memory of his exchange with Lemon by saying, “I don’t like what people did to Joe Rogan about Ivermectin.” A stunned Smith replied, “YOU did it!” Cuomo denied it and challenged Smith to “find the clips.” The PBD crew obliged, promptly rolling the damning video:

Flashback bonus video: Here’s the Rogan-Sanjay Gupta exchange Smith referred to:

Smith condemned Cuomo for failing to do his job, which was to “be skeptical of power and to shine a light against the propaganda…you ate up every piece of propaganda, repeated all of it without any thought to whether it was true or not, and then smeared millions of Americans like myself who were opposed to this stuff.”

Cuomo said Smith was guilty of using “hyperbole” in referring to the Covid regime as “totalitarian.” An unwavering Smith had a pointed and compelling response:

(Read more: Zero Hedge, 5/30/2024) (Archive)

June 2, 2024 – FOIA lawsuit reveals NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide

During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma.

Now we know just how close they were.

New data from the National Institutes of Health reveal the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.

Almost all that cash — $690 million — went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the subagency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and 260 of its scientists.

Information about this vast private royalty complex is tightly held by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). My organization,, was forced to sue to uncover the royalties paid from September 2009 to October 2021which amounted to $325 million over 56,000 transactions.

We had to sue a second time, with Judicial Watch as our counsel, to pry open this new release.

Payments skyrocketed during the pandemic era: Those years saw more than double the amount of cash flow to NIH from the private sector, compared to the prior 12 combined. All told, it’s $1.036 billion.

It’s unclear if any of the COVID vaccine royalties from Pfizer and Moderna, the latter of which settled with NIH by agreeing to pay $400 million, is even included in these new numbers. NIH isn’t saying. (Read more: New York Post, 6/02/2024)  (Archive)

June 4, 2024 – Nine takeaways from first days of Hunter Biden’s gun trial

A video of Hunter Biden shirtless is seen on screen during the trial on Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware. (Credit: Bill Hennessy/CNN)

The trial is expected to last about two weeks with many witnesses and will likely expose more damming information about the dysfunctional Biden family. The trial is set to resume at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday.

Two days of trial uncovered the following:

  1. The defense will try to convince the jury that Hunter did not “knowingly” commit wrongdoing, as prosecutors say, in order to frame Hunter as a victim of drug addiction.
  2. The defense’s strategy might be to obtain jury nullification.
  3. The DOJ will frame their prosecution as “no one is above the law” and that “it doesn’t matter who you are or what your name is.”
  4. The jury is split evenly between men and women, but all three alternates are women.
  5. Many jurors seated in the case said they have family members who experienced drug abuse.
  6. The FBI confirmed Hunter’s laptop is real.
  7. President Joe Biden reportedly intends to have a phone conversation with Hunter Biden every day during the trial.
  8. Biden family members and associates will likely be in court every day where the jury can see them.
  9. Hallie Biden, the ex of Hunter Biden and widow of his brother, will testify about her use of crack with Hunter.

Honorable mention:

  • Melissa Cohen-Biden, Hunter’s wife, verbally assaulted not-for-profit Marco Polo founder Garrett Ziegler amid proceedings.

Hunter is charged with one count of false statement in the purchase of a firearm, one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and one count of false statement related to information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer. (Read more: Breitbart, 6/04/2024)  (Archive)

June 4, 2023 – Merrick Garland testifies he will defy congressional subpoenas; contempt of Congress

Merrick Garland (Credit: Allison Bailey/AFP via Getty Images)

Attorney General Merrick Garland said this week that he will defy subpoenas from Congressional Republicans that he does not agree with.

Garland’s statement came after Republican leaders in Congress threatened to hold him in contempt “in their efforts to gain access to audio recordings from special counsel Robert K. Hur’s investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified materials,” according to the Washington Post.

Garland reportedly requested for the president to claim executive privilege on the recordings, fearing that “releasing them could harm future efforts to get officials to cooperate with investigations and sit for taped interviews,” per the Post.

Speaking before the House Judiciary Committee this week, Garland accused Republicans of “seeking contempt as a means of obtaining — for no legitimate purpose — sensitive law enforcement information that could harm the integrity of future investigations. This effort is only the most recent in a long line of attacks on the Justice Department’s work.”

Republicans shot back and accused Garland of weaponizing the Department of Justice, citing the recent indictments of former President Trump and his recent conviction by a Manhattan jury on 34 felony counts.

Though the White House has provided transcripts of Biden’s interviews, where Hur described the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory” in his report, Republicans say the audio recordings could help provide missing context. (Read more: Breitbart, 6/06/2024)  (Archive)

June 5, 2024 – AG Nessel’s Lawfare case against GOP alternate electors implodes

MI Democrat AG Dana Nessel, Lead AG Investigator in MI GOP Electors case Howard Shock, and Judge Kristen D. Simmons (Credit: Gateway Pundit graphic)

Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel is the top law enforcement officer in the state. Unfortunately, for the lawfare queen, the case of her career, which involves charging 15 MI GOP electors with 8 felonies each, appears to be imploding.

If Michigan’s Democrat attorney general is successful with her politically-motivated witch hunt against the Trump-supporting electors, and they are found guilty of all 8 felony charges, it would be enough to send each member of the group, which consists of primarily senior citizens, to prison for life.

MI GOP alternate electors are pictured above. The photo on the bottom row, second from the left, is James Renner, who has since accepted a plea deal with the MI AG’s office. (Credit: Gateway Pundit)

Unfortunately for the lawfare queen of Michigan, after three days of testimony by AG Nessel’s lead investigator, it is becoming increasingly clear that AG Nessel, or someone in her office, selected the wrong cop to investigate the manufactured crimes against the MI Republican electors.

On Friday, MI GOP elector James Renner, who previously worked in the security division of the Michigan State Police Department, testified in front of Judge Kristen Simmons. During his testimony, Mr. Renner revealed that he had agreed to a plea deal several months ago in return for his testimony in the case against his fellow GOP electors. According to Mr. Renner, his lawyers were in discussion with the attorney general’s office even before the AG’s office filed formal charges against 15 of his fellow GOP electors. Unfortunately for the politically-motivated MI Attorney General’s office, Mr. Renner’s testimony only helped his fellow electors, as he confirmed under oath that he believed on December 14, 2020, when he signed the alternate slate of electoral votes, that the election was stolen from President Trump. He also told the defense lawyers that he continues to hold the same belief today.

On Monday, while under oath in the pre-trial case against 5 of the 15 electors in AG Nessel’s lawfare case, Nessel’s top cop, Agent Howard Shock, was brutally cross-examined by MI GOP Elector Marian Sheridan’s lawyer, John Freeman, who effectively shredded his case against his client, and by extension, all of the electors who’ve been charged in Nessel’s lawfare case.

(…)  After Shock testified that the elector’s strategy was intended to cause a “pause” in the electoral process, Judge Simmons interrupted the cross-examination to ask him about the so-called “crime” that was allegedly committed, “How is it that citizens taking efforts to cause their legislators to pause a process is a crime?” Judge Simmons asked.

The judge asked Shock to explain if the alternate slate of electoral votes cast by the GOP electors was intended to get VP Pence to accept their slate of electoral votes over the Democratic slate of electoral votes.

Several defense lawyers jumped up to question Assistant Attorney General LaDonna Logan, one of the officials in AG Nessel’s office who reportedly approved the ridiculous charges against the 16 GOP electors, as she attempted to convince her witness, Agent Shock, to revise his statement about his claim about the “pause” in the electoral process.

When the judge accused Logan of trying to impeach her own witness by encouraging him to change his previous testimony, she replied, “I’m allowed to impeach my own witness.” Judge Simmons, who has been very fair in this case, snapped back, “Impeach away. Impeach away,” adding, “That just discredits him further and further.”

It wasn’t the first time Judge Simmons mocked the credibility of Nessel’s dirty cop, who sat in the courtroom for multiple days trying to convince the judge that she should recommend the case against the mostly senior citizen electors, which would send them to jail for life if convicted of all 8 felony charges, should be heard by a jury in a separate trial.

On Monday, Judge Simmons reminded the court that AG Nessel’s lead investigator hadn’t given a “great presentation” after days of bumbling through answers that he was either unable to provide the defense lawyers or couldn’t answer because he didn’t appear to have his notes available for his testimony. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 6/05/2024)  (Archive)

A lawyer for one of the 15 false electors facing felony charges in Michigan revealed in court Wednesday that a top official within the Attorney General’s office privately told him last year that she believed his client “wasn’t trying to defraud anyone.”
Michael Bullotta, a former federal prosecutor who’s representing Rose Rook, an 82-year-old from Paw Paw, made the disclosure on the final day of preliminary examinations for six of the GOP electors. Their signatures appeared on a certificate that falsely claimed Republican Donald Trump won Michigan’s 2020 election and that Trump’s campaign attempted to use to overturn his loss to Democrat Joe Biden.
As Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office was investigating the false document, Rook participated in a proffer interview with some of the Nessel’s staff, including Danielle Hagaman-Clark, on May 22, 2023, according to Bullotta’s remarks Wednesday. Hagaman-Clark is now chief of the Attorney General’s Criminal Justice Bureau. (Read more: The Detroit News, 6/05/2024)

June 5, 2024 – Trump suggests on Newsmax that Hillary Clinton could be “thrown in jail”

June 5, 2024 – Report: J6 Committee delayed Secret Service driver from refuting false limo story

Cassidy Hutchinson gave two hours of testimony on national television that cast Trump as enraged, June 28, 2022. (Credit: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

Just the News is reporting that the January 6th Committee rebuffed repeated efforts from a Secret Service agent to refute the false story related by Cassidy Hutchinson alleging a violent episode with Trump in the presidential limousine during the Capitol riots. The J6 Committee staff repeatedly delayed the testimony of the agent to disprove the widely reported allegation.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the chairman of the House subcommittee that is investigating the Jan. 6 riot, has obtained a transcript of the driver’s interview that was conducted months after he first offered to testify. However, it turns out that committee staff were asked repeatedly by counsel for the agent to let him present evidence debunking the claim. Despite being reported by virtually every news outlet, the Committee slow walked his appearance as the story went viral.

The transcript of the driver’s testimony contains express objections by the lawyer that his client had offered to testify in July, August and September of 2022, but was “rebuffed” by the committee.

The account reaffirms a major criticism of the committee. After Democrats refused to allow the GOP to pick its members (as a long-accepted practice in the House), the Democrats selected two anti-Trump Republicans who did little to push for a full and fair display of witnesses and facts. The Committee was chaired by Rep. Benny Thompson, a Democrat, with Rep. Liz Cheney, as Vice Chairwoman.

Cheney and the committee members clearly knew that Hutchinson’s account was debunked by the very driver who allegedly struggled with Trump. Yet, they allowed the media to report the incident for months while rebuffing the requests of the driver. Loudermilk is quoted as saying “We’re talking about the driver of the limousine, and the head of the entire protective detail. They were brought in by the select committee to testify, but they weren’t brought in until November.”

The false account was given by Hutchinson in June of that year.

The Secret Service driver testified Trump never tried to reach for or grab the wheel of the SUV.

Notably, the transcript shows Cheney trying to explain the delay as due to the need for the Secret Service to produce all documents in the January 6 investigation. (Read more: Jonathan Turley, 5/05/2024) (Archive)

June 6, 2024 – Bannon defied J6 Committee subpoena due to executive privilege; is ordered to prison for contempt of Congress

Judge Carl Nichols was appointed by Trump in 2019. (Credit: public domain)

Former top Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon was ordered by a federal judge on Thursday to report to prison by July 1 to begin serving his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress.

Bannon, 70, was convicted of contempt in July 2022 for defying a subpoena to testify before the congressional panel that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters.

One of the masterminds behind Trump’s successful 2016 presidential campaign, he was sentenced to four months in prison in October 2022, but has remained free while appealing his conviction.

A US federal appeals court upheld the conviction last month. US District Judge Carl Nichols revoked his bail at a court hearing Thursday and ordered him to report to prison by July 1. (Read more: (Breitbart, 6/06/2024) (Archive)

June 6, 2024 – The FBI provided Democrats with information on whistleblowers who testified at May 2023 weaponization hearing

Judicial Watch announced today it received 54 pages of records from the Department of Justice in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit which show the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) provided a Democrat staffer with information on FBI whistleblowers who detailed the bureau’s targeting of political opponents and retaliation for their testifying at a May 18, 2023, hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Dan Goldman (Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

A May 23, 2023email from Damon Marx, senior counsel in the office of New York Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, shows that the FBI provided documents apparently pertaining to the whistleblowers that were “very helpful” to Goldman.

Marx writes to an FBI Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) official whose name is redacted:

We spoke last week before the Weaponization hearing on Thursday. Thanks again for sending over those documents. They were very helpful to the Congressman.

Francesco (my colleague cc’ed here) and I will be good points of contact for you going forward. Both of us broadly cover law enforcement; however, in terms of specifics, I cover cybersecurity, counterterrorism, and much of the Congressman’s committee work, while Francesco covers issues ranging from immigration to gun violence.

We would love to meet in person next time you have the chance. Please let us know when you’re available for coffee or just to swing by the office. And don’t hesitate to reach out on any other matters!

The CC’d colleague is Francesco Arreaga, then a Democrat staffer on the House Homeland Security Committee and former Elizabeth Warren campaign staffer.

 On May 18, 2023, a hearing was held by the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Highlights of the hearing include:

It is clear from these disclosures, and especially in wake of Special Counsel John Durham’s report, that the FBI has become politically weaponized.

To date, the Committee and Select Subcommittee have received whistleblower testimony from several current and former FBI employees who chose to risk their careers to expose abuses and misconduct in the FBI. Some of these employees—Special Agents Garret O’Boyle and Stephen Friend, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill, and Staff Operations Specialist Marcus Allen—have chosen to speak on the record about their experiences.

 During the hearing, Allen was allowed to discuss the suspension he incurred for merely forwarding open-source news articles to his colleagues, as his job required:

Q. And why exactly did you send th[e] email[s]?

A. I sent [the emails] just for awareness because the[y] . . . indicated potential problems with the investigation as far as informants were concerned, and our organization’s potential forthrightness about the utilization of informants there on that day. That might have some impact on our cases and the subjects that we’re looking up, and just a general awareness overall for the investigation as a whole, that there might have been some kind of potential Federal involvement with the activities on January 6th, and I thought it was important enough that it like warranted our attention, you know.

Q. Is it safe to say that you sending th[ose] email[s] was part of your job at the time?

A. Yes.

The Committee explained that “[b]ecause these open-source articles questioned the FBI’s handling of the violence at the Capitol, the FBI suspended Allen for ‘conspiratorial views in regards to the events of January 6th . . . .’”

The day before the hearing, the FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who testified, Steve Friend, Garret O’Boyle, and Marcus Allen, according to a letter the bureau sent to congressional investigators and obtained by ABC News. Allen’s clearance was recently reinstated.

The records include a May 16, 2023email to an FBI OCA official, whose name is redacted, from Marx, who writes: 

It’s my understanding that you’re out this week, but if you have a moment to chat about some of the witnesses for Thursday’s Weaponization hearing, it would be super helpful. Please let me know if you’re available tomorrow when you have a chance.

The FBI OCA official responds:

Sure, give me a call when you can.

In a May 9, 2023email to Goldman’s then-Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director Erin Meegan, an FBI OCA official whose name is redacted writes:

I was disappointed I didn’t get the opportunity to meet you during our trip to Quantico. We are planning to take another trip there, maybe later this summer, so hopefully you’ll be able to join us then. I serve as [redacted]. OCA plays a key role in communicating with lawmakers and their staffers about FBI activities and is the primary point of contact for all Congressional matters.

I would like an opportunity to meet with you to properly introduce myself and tell you more about the mission of OCA, along with providing information about what OCA can offer your office. I would also like to know what issues Rep. Goldman and your office are interested in to see if there is any way I can assist in those areas. Additionally, based on my background, I think I may be able to provide insight or answer some questions about issues that do not require senior FBI leadership briefings or hearings.

The Judicial Watch October 2023 lawsuit that uncovered these documents was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to a May 18, 2023, FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:23-cv-03003)). Judicial Watch asked for:

All records of communication between any official or employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any member of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, any staff member for the subcommittee, or any staff member for any subcommittee member between April 1, 2023, and the present.

For purposes of clarification, in the request, Judicial Watch provided the following link, which identified the members of the committee:

“These troubling records show how the FBI colluded with Democrats hostile to FBI whistleblowers who were set to testify to Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch is in the forefront of uncovering the weaponizing of the federal government against whistleblowers.

Judicial Watch represented Marcus Allen, a decorated veteran, FBI analyst and witness before the Weaponization Subcommittee, in a lawsuit against FBI Director Christopher Wray for violating Allen’s constitutional rights by falsely accusing him of holding “conspiratorial views,” stripping his security clearance, and suspending him from duty without pay. On May 31, 2024, Allen’s security clearance was  reinstated.

In June 2023, Judicial Watch sued for all FBI communications from bureau officials using several systems and databases regarding investigations carried out after an October 4, 2021, memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland instructing investigators to target American parents due to an alleged “increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools” In a March 21, 2023report on the Garland memo, the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government cited FBI data which states that 25 inquiries under the threat tag “EDUOFFICIALS” had been opened since the bureau began tracking the alleged incidents.

In September 2022, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for all records in the possession of FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten regarding an August 6, 2020, briefing provided to members of the U.S. Senate. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) that raised concerns that the briefing was intended to undermine the senators’ investigation of Hunter Biden.

(Read more: Judicial Watch, 6/06/2024) (Archive)

June 6, 2024 – General Milley and Army Secretary McCarthy issued January 5 memo that gummed up National Guard response on Jan 6 – Milley’s Insurrection

During his interview with the January 6 Committee, Milley explained that in preparation for January 6, the role of the D.C. National Guard was defined in a memorandum he described as “very strict on the use of the military.” Milley detailed how the memorandum prohibited the use of any riot control agents, stating, “We’re not doing it … and not only not doing it, you’re not going to have it. You’re not going to have the opportunity to use it.” Additionally, he mentioned that while such measures might be authorized under different circumstances on another day, they were explicitly forbidden “at that time, on this day.”

Ryan D. McCarthy is approved by the Senate as Army secretary on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019. (Credit: Joe Gromelski/Stars and Stripes)

This directive was ultimately issued by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy to Major General William Walker, commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, on January 5, 2021. Milley disclosed to the committee that he was actively involved in advising McCarthy on the memorandum, “line by line going through this, lining it out, editing, and stuff like that, resulting in this memo.”

The January 5 memo, carefully crafted by Milley and McCarthy, authorized 340 D.C. National Guard personnel to assist law enforcement with traffic control points and metro station support, and stationed 40 personnel at Joint Base Andrews to serve as the Guard’s Quick Reaction Force (QRF) in case of an emergency. However, this memo restricted General Walker from employing the QRF without explicit personal approval from Army Secretary McCarthy—a condition previously not imposed.

In March 2021General Walker testified before the Senate Rules and Homeland Security Committee, stating that he had the authority to employ the Guard’s QRF before January 6 and described the new restrictions as “unusual.”

Major General William Walker, commanding general of the D.C. National Guard (Credit: public domain)

He also testified to the January 6 Committee about his inability to reach Secretary McCarthy on January 6, revealing that it was the first time he found the phone number he had for McCarthy to be out of service. Additionally, General Walker noted that Colonel Earl Matthews, who had McCarthy’s private number due to their social acquaintance, was also unable to reach him.

This breakdown in communication occurred just one day after McCarthy had issued the memorandum requiring General Walker to obtain explicit approval from him for employing the Guard’s QRF. What could possibly account for McCarthy’s unavailability during those critical hours? Did McCarthy somehow overlook the crucial role he had defined for himself with the new restrictions imposed just a day earlier?

Where’s McCarthy?

On January 6, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller approved the deployment of the D.C. National Guard by 3:04 p.m. The protocol then required Army Secretary McCarthy to convey this authorization to General Walker to enable the deployment of the D.C. National Guard. However, McCarthy never conveyed this authorization, resulting in the more than 3 hour delay.

The January 6 Committee’s final report states that after Defense Secretary Miller authorized the deployment at 3:04 p.m., Secretary McCarthy called General Walker, instructing him to “mobilize the entire Guard.” However, General Walker “categorically denies” receiving such a call. “Here’s the bottom line,” he said, “The Secretary was unavailable to me, and he never called me.”

It appears, however, that McCarthy changed his story after initially telling the committee that he had called General Walker. The committee’s final report addresses this inconsistency by detailing McCarthy’s actions and whereabouts on January 6 to explain the delay. It explains that starting around 3:00 p.m. on January 6—shortly after Defense Secretary Miller approved the Guard’s deployment at 3:04 p.m.—“25 minutes of Army Secretary McCarthy’s time was spent reassuring members of Congress that the Guard was indeed coming,” even though he had not yet conveyed the order to General Walker. The report continues, stating that by 3:45 p.m., McCarthy had completed his calls—none of which were to General Walker—and after picking up some items from his office, he headed to the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) headquarters to draft a concept of operations, a process that took an additional 20 minutes.

D.C. National Guard Brigadier General Aaron Dean II (Credit: public domain)

However, when Brigadier General Aaron Dean, another Defense Department witness who testified before the House Oversight Committee, was asked whether he ever saw the plan McCarthy claims to have prepared, he responded, “Not only did I not see the plan, but he was also at the wrong agency.” He elaborated that the lead federal agency for this particular event was the United States Capitol Police, and questioned why McCarthy was at MPD headquarters instead of coordinating with Capitol Police, who were responsible for the security of the Capitol.

The January 6 Committee report also touches on this oversight, noting that no plan from Army leaders ever made it to the troops. “If they came up with a plan, they never shared it with us,” General Walker said, “I never saw a plan from the Department of Defense or the Department of the Army.”

The committee’s report further states that by 4:35 p.m., McCarthy was ready to authorize the deployment of the Guard, but “miscommunication” led to yet another half-hour delay. McCarthy told the committee that he tried to issue the “go” order through his subordinate, General LaNeve—a claim General Walker disputes, insisting the call never occurred. McCarthy rationalized not communicating directly by stating he was at the time drafting his talking points for a planned press conference with D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, explaining, “I wanted to get my thoughts collected.”

Authorization finally came at 5:09 p.m. during an ongoing video teleconference that had started at 2:30 p.m.. Defense Department witnesses present with General Walker on January 6 testified to the House Oversight Committee that General James McConville, Chief of Staff of the Army, mentioned during the conference that they had received authorization. Colonel Earl Matthews, who was present in the conference room next to General Walker, clarified that, “General McConville is not in the chain of command, so it wasn’t his order to give.” He added that General McConville was merely conveying that they were authorized to deploy. Matthews further specified that the actual authorization did not come from Secretary McCarthy but instead from Secretary Miller. (Read more: Julie Kelly/Declassified/Substack, 6/06/2024)  (Archive)

June 6, 2024 – House Republicans demand comms between Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ office for J6 investigation

(Credit: Robert Gouvia/Rumble)

House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk intends to send a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis seeking information about an interview her office allegedly conducted with key Jan. 6 Committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter in which Loudermilk requests to review copies of all communications between Hutchinson and the Fulton County DA’s office. The Subcommittee has obtained messages showing that Willis’ office tried to reach Hutchinson, but it remains unclear exactly what was said and how much information was exchanged.

“I write to you today to request your cooperation in my investigation into the security failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Based on information recovered by this Subcommittee, we have reason to believe that your office interviewed Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, who also provided testimony to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (‘Select Committee’),” Loudermilk, who represents Georgia’s 11th congressional district, wrote in the letter. “The testimony provided by Ms. Hutchinson in the course of your investigation is relevant to our evaluation of her testimony and the direct implications her testimony has on the security of the United States Capitol.”

“This Subcommittee obtained evidence that your staff in the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office made numerous attempts to reach out to Cassidy Hutchinson to seek her testimony. Specifically, individuals from your office reached out to Ms. Hutchinson’s mother in an attempt to reach Ms. Hutchinson,” Loudermilk continued. “The Subcommittee is evaluating the reliability of Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, which was heavily relied on by the Select Committee, and the findings related to the security of the United States Capitol, it is crucial for us to review any documents and records you have provided by or obtained from Ms. Hutchinson.”

Loudermilk followed these observations with a single question: “Did anyone affiliated with the Fulton County District Attorney’s communicate with Ms. Hutchinson at any time between January 1, 2021, and today, June 5, 2024?”

“If the answer to this question is yes, please provide the names of the individuals who communicated with Ms. Hutchinson and the dates of these communications. Additionally, please provide my staff copies of these communications to aid in our investigation,” he added. (Read more: The Daily Caller, 6/06/2024) (Archive)

June 7, 2024 – America First Legal launches 3 investigations into the improper involvement of the Biden DOJ in the Manhattan DA’s prosecution of President Trump

The number 3 guy at the DOJ, Matthew Colangelo, takes a cut in pay and joins Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s team to prosecute Trump, December 2022. (Credit: DOJ, LinkedIn/Alvin Bragg, Michael B Thomas/Getty Images, Graphic by MEAWorldWide )

Full Text:

Since the political conviction of President Donald Trump in Manhattan last week, AFL has…

1️⃣Sued the DOJ to compel the immediate release of Matthew Colangelo’s gov’t records discussing President Trump before leaving the government to help orchestrate Alvin Bragg’s political prosecution.

2️⃣Launched 3 investigations into Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s abusive prosecution of President Trump to obtain records such as communications between Bragg’s office with outside groups like the DNC and Biden Campaign, communications with Judge Merchan, and Bragg’s calendar.

3️⃣Launched 3 investigations into the improper involvement of the Biden DOJ in the Manhattan DA’s prosecution of President Trump to obtain communications from top Biden DOJ officials, such as Matthew Colangelo, Matt Klapper, and Marshall Miller.

4️⃣Filed a formal request with the State of New York Ethics Commission for the Unified Court System for the release of Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures.

5️⃣Filed a federal civil rights complaint with the EEOC and state law complaint with the NY Department of Labor against Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s office for alleged racial and sex discrimination in hiring and recruitment.

Full Text:

LAWFARE: While judges in New York criminal trials are theoretically supposed to be randomly selected, it is statistically improbable (1 in over 15,000) for Acting Justice Juan Merchan to be assigned all three Trump-related trials by chance. In reality, these cases were assigned by Ellen N. Biben, the Administrative Judge of the New York County Supreme Court, Criminal Term. Biben, a lifelong Democrat with a history at Sullivan & Cromwell, has the authority to assign specific cases to judges with specialized experience. Notably, before being appointed as an Acting Justice, Merchan had limited experience, having served less than three years in a Bronx family court. It raises questions about whether his ‘specialized experience’ might be influenced by his daughter’s role as a prominent Democrat fundraiser in New York.

June 8, 2024 – James Clapper refuses to retract the letter he signed that discredits Biden laptop as Russian disinfo

James Clapper (Credit: public domain)

Former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says he would not retract the letter he signed about first son Hunter Biden’s laptop.

In 2020, Clapper along with 51 other officials signed a letter saying that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” was Russian disinformation.

When Clapper recently was asked if he would retract the letter he signed, he told Fox News in a one word answer, “no.”

The infamous laptop story that was originally perceived by media outlets as “Russian disinformation” was resurrected during Hunter’s gun trial.

Hunter Biden was charged in Delaware by Justice Department Special Counsel David Weiss with three felony crimes in connection to 2018 firearm purchase while he was using drugs.

FBI Agent Erika Jensen testified that the laptop was real, according to NBC News. She said that information on the laptop contained evidence about the gun purchase. (Just the News, 6/08/2024)  (Archive)

June 9, 2024 – Ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield says vaccine mandates were a “terrible decision” with “zero rationale”

Ex-CDC Director Drops Stunning COVID Admissions

The ship is sinking, and Dr. Redfield is jumping ship before it’s too late.

He says vaccine mandates were a “terrible decision” and based on emotions, not on science.

Why was there a push to get everyone jabbed? Redfield believes there was a “huge influence by the pharmaceutical industry” to get everyone injected.

He also says there was zero rationale for forcing shots on young people.

All these things that were once deemed “conspiracy theories” are now being confirmed by an ex-government official.

Watch and listen to these confessions flow from Dr. Redfield himself.

June 10, 2024 – Jury finds Hunter Biden guilty on all 3 gun charges

Hunter Biden has been convicted of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

Jurors found Hunter Biden guilty of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.

He faces up to 25 years in prison when he is sentenced by Judge Maryellen Noreika, though first-time offenders do not get anywhere near the maximum. (Read more: Western Journal, 6/10/2024)  (Archive)

June 11, 2024 – Congressional report finds Fauci’s NIAID hid plans to create a deadly mutant monkeypox virus

In October 2022, Dr Bernard Moss revealed a team of scientists wanted to equip Clade II Mpox with genes from the more dangerous Clade I strain (Credit: The Daily Mail)

Dr Anthony Fauci‘s former department ‘deceived’ Congress over its plans to create a Frankenstein monkeypox virus that had pandemic potential, a new report says.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) submitted plans to create a more transmissible and more lethal strain of Mpox in 2015, when Dr Fauci was still in charge of the agency.

The plans only received widespread attention in late 2022 – amid concerns that Covid may have been borne out of similar experiments using US government grant money in China.

The blueprint to create a mutant Mpox virus raised major concerns among experts and led to an investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which released the results from its year-and-a-half probe this week.

The report said the HHS, NIAID and NIH repeatedly ‘obstructed and misled the committee’ about whether the risky experiments had been approved and conducted, describing their cooperation with the probe as ‘unacceptable and potentially criminal.’

Investigators added: ‘HHS and the NIH repeatedly told the Committee the… experiments had not been “formally proposed” or “planned,” had never been approved or conducted, and were not currently under consideration.

‘[These] repeated assertions were false.’

They also said NIAID, a branch of the NIH, should not be trusted to carry out this type of research: ‘The primary conclusion drawn at this point in the investigation is that NIAID cannot be trusted to oversee its own research of pathogens responsibly.

‘It cannot be trusted to determine whether an experiment on a potential pandemic pathogen or enhanced potential pandemic pathogen poses unacceptable biosafety risk or a serious public health threat.’

Monkeypox, which is in the same family of viruses as smallpox, causes a rash and flu-like symptoms and sparked a global outbreak in 2022, infecting tens of thousands of people.

There are two types of monkeypox viruses: Clade I, which causes severe illness and has killed up to 11 percent of people in previous outbreaks, and Clad II, the type that caused the global outbreak in 2022. These infections are more transmissible but less severe and nearly 100 percent of people survive.

In October 2022, a team of government scientists wanted to insert genes from the more dangerous Clade I Mpox into Clade II, making a hybrid strain that could have been both more lethal and more contagious.

Investigators said this would be classified as gain-of-function, which is research that can result in deadlier and more transmissible viruses and is feared to be behind the creation of Covid.

It was estimated the new Mpox virus would have had a fatality rate of up to 15 percent and a reproductive rate of 2.4, meaning one sick person could infect more than two other people.

At this rate, the hybrid strain would have had pandemic potential.  (Read more: The Daily Mail, 6/12/2024)  (Archive)

June 11, 2024 – Kevin Spacey talks about Epstein, Maxwell, Clinton, young girls on flights and his “humanitarian work” for the Clinton Foundation

Kevin Spacey talks about Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell, Bill Clinton, and Young Girls on Flights to South Africa

Of course he “didn’t know” anything about Epstein or Maxwell…

He then says he was carrying out “humanitarian work” for…. Guess who…

The Clinton Foundation…

h/t @seacaptim

June 10, 2024 – New video reveals Pelosi understood her responsibility for the unprotected Capitol on Jan. 6

Just a day before, this was reported:

June 11, 2024 – Four Democrat officials in Bridgeport, Connecticut are charged and arrested for mail-in ballot fraud

Wanda Geter-Pataky placing absentee ballots into election drop boxes in October 2023. (Credit: screenshot/X)

City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, Vice Chair of Bridgeport’s Democrat Party Wanda Geter-Pataky were charged with election tampering.

Two campaign workers Nilsa Heredia and Josephine Edmonds were charged with election fraud and unlawful possession of another person’s ballot

Four Democratic campaign workers have been arrested in a Bridgeport mayoral primary election controversy, prompting Republican legislators to increase their calls Tuesday for new legislation to deter election fraud.

Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chairwoman of the city’s Democratic Town Committee, and city council member Alfredo Castillo were among those arrested in a high-profile case brought by the chief state’s attorney’s office regarding the misuse of absentee ballots.

Moore, who is not seeking reelection for her seat as state senator, was stunned by Edmonds’ arrest.

(…) “If she broke the law, she deserves the same treatment as anybody else who broke the law,” Moore told the Courant. “But I don’t encourage that. I didn’t encourage it, and I wouldn’t encourage it.”

Moore noted that she won at the polls, but then lost the race after the absentee ballots were counted. While saying that she was not sure if she would ever run again for mayor, the 75-year-old Moore added, “I want Joe Ganim to get out of my seat right now. That’s all.”

If the defendants are convicted, Moore is calling for severe penalties. The defendants, except Edmonds, have all worked at Bridgeport city hall. (Read more: Hartford Courant, 6/11/2024)  (Archive)


June 12, 2024 – House moves to defund Ukrainian NGO that issued an ‘Enemies List’ of Americans

Partners listed on Data Journalism Agency website.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) has taken swift and decisive action against the Data Journalism Agency (, a Ukrainian NGO with US State Department links that recently published an ‘enemies list’ of individuals and organizations opposed to the war in Ukraine.

Texty founder Anatoly Bondarenko (Credit: Yhiah Information Agency)

Following a letter sent by Banks to his Republican colleagues, the House Appropriations Committee has passed a provision that would prohibit US funding and sever ties with the NGO, which deemed 76  organizations and 388 individuals as enemies of Ukraine – including ZeroHedge and prominent American politicians opposed to the war in Ukraine.

“Federal bureaucrats should not support or partner with foreign groups that attempt to intimidate and silence U.S. citizens and lawmakers,” Banks wrote in his letter. “I am urging the Appropriations Committee majority to support efforts in the Fiscal Year 2025 SFOPS bill to force the State Department and USAID to end all relations with foreign NGOs like TEXTY that seek to silence the speech of Americans they dislike and to sway U.S. policymakers to serve their own interests.” was founded by Anatoly Bondarenko, a participant in the State Department’s TechCamp program, which aims to train foreign journalists and activists in digital skills. The relationship between Bondarenko and the State Department has been publicly acknowledged, adding layers to the debate over the NGO’s activities and its impact on U.S. interests.

This legislative action occurs amidst broader discussions about foreign influence in American politics, with increasing scrutiny on how foreign entities may use U.S.-linked platforms or resources to sway public and political opinion in the United States. As this bill moves forward, it sets the stage for further debates on the balance between global cooperation and safeguarding national sovereignty in the realm of information and policy.

On Tuesday, Banks sent a letter to journalist Jack Posobiec informing him that his name appears on the TEXTY list, and notifying him of his intent to put a stop to US taxpayers funding the organization. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 6/12/2024)  (Archive)

June 13, 2024 – Rep. Massie highlights Congress paid over $17 million taxpayer dollars from a ‘Sexual Harassment Slush Fund’

Is Congress’s $17 million sexual misconduct hush money fund campaign finance violations?

Rep. Thomas Massie highlights that Congress’s hush money payments would be considered campaign finance violations under Alvin Bragg’s novel theory used to target President Trump.

“Congress has paid over $17 million in hush money for sexual misconduct inside of the offices in these buildings. And what’s more, is that it was taxpayer money. The allegation is that President Trump paid $130,000 of his own money.

But here in Congress, there might be some here on this dais who had the taxpayer pay for their sexual misconduct charges. And I do know that not a single penny of it has been turned in as a campaign finance expense.”

Former FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor explains that Alvin Bragg’s novel interpretation of the law does not align with “normal campaign finance law.”

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey points out that the Trump verdict will likely be overturned after the 2024 election, citing constitutional violations, due process issues, and prosecutorial misconduct.

Thanks to the relentless political targeting of President Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics. This shouldn’t come as a shock to many, given the nature of fame and power, but where do we draw the line? When is it acceptable for politicians to dip into taxpayer-funded slush funds to settle their sexual indiscretions privately and without fanfare, and when is it deemed unacceptable for a private political candidate to do the same with personal funds? Here’s the thing that’s got everyone scratching their heads: Trump’s stuck in this political circus over “hush money,” where they’re all too eager to drag him through the mud over what amounts to a flimsy misdemeanor at best.


Meanwhile, our elected officials are dipping into our tax dollars to clean up all their messes. Don’t forget revelations from a few years ago that Congress has its own secret slush fund of hush money—all courtesy of you, the hapless taxpayer. Funny how that works; it’s like one rule for them and another for everyone else.

Indeed, the Office of Congressional Compliance (OOC), which was set up to ensure compliance with the ludicrously named 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, controls a whole treasure chest of disputes involving congressional officials—not just congressional officials, in fact. You’ll be pleased to know that the Capitol Police, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other legislative groups get to wet their beaks in this slush fund as well. Recent reports have indicated that over $17 million has been used from this fund to take care of various “hush” projects on behalf of members of Congress and other agencies.


The most infamous sexual abuse case we do know about involves a now-deceased former high-falutin Democrat lawmaker from Michigan named John Conyers. This article is from 2017 and basically blew the lid off the secret “sexy slush fund.”

Mr. Conyers wasn’t paraded into court for using our tax dollars to quiet down a victim, was he? We’d love to do a little digging and see if any other lawmakers or federal employees got the same treatment as President Trump, but guess what? We don’t know the names of the federally employed folks who dipped into this congressional “hush money” honey pot.

What we’re witnessing in the United States is a prime example of peak corruption in action. Federal employees can get away with sexual assault left and right, and when they’re caught, the slush fund jumps into action to hush it up, no questions asked. And instead of these scumbags facing the music, it’s President Trump who’s under the microscope and being dragged through a sham political trial. (Read more: Revolver, 6/15/2024)

June 13, 2024 – The Stanford Internet Observatory shuts down their censorship operation

Alex Stamos (left); Stanford President Richard Saller (center); Renée DiResta (r) (Credit: Public/Substack)

Over the last 18 months, Public has extensively documented the mass censorship effort led by the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) for the United States government. Accounts vary, but either the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) asked SIO to lead the effort or SIO’s ostensible leader, Alex Stamos, proposed the idea.

The brains of the SIO operation was Renée DiResta, an ostensibly “former” CIA employee. Senate Democrats, the New York Times, and other news media close to the Intelligence Community (IC) heavily promoted DiResta starting in 2018, when she spread disinformation exaggerating the influence of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. In 2020 and 2021, DiResta and SIO led a DHS effort that successfully pressured social media platforms to censor disfavored views of Covid and interfere in the 2020 elections.

Now, in a major victory for free speech advocates, SIO has decided not to renew its contracts with DiResta and Stamos, who have both left the organization. A blog called “Platformer,” which is sympathetic to SIO’s censorship efforts, reported yesterday that “the lab will not conduct research into the 2024 election or other elections in the future.”

Stanford cut funding from a donor named Frank McCourt to SIO. “While SIO still had other sources of funding,” reports Platformer, the McCourt funding decision was seen by some at SIO as a clear signal that Stanford had soured on its commitment to their work.” The announcement came just two days after DiResta published a book that spreads disinformation about her critics, including me. (Read more: Public/Substack, 6/14/2024)  (Archive)

June 13, 2024 – Lawsuit brings transcript of Biden ghostwriter’s interview with FBI

Mark Zwoniker (Credit: Probe Media)

Through our lawsuit against the DOJ, we have the full interview transcript of Mark Zwonitzer, Joe Biden’s ghostwriter with whom he shared classified information after the end of the Obama Administration.

Read it here.

In 2016 and 2017, Biden enlisted the help of Mark Zwonitzer for his book Promise Me, Dad. Zwonitzer was the key witness for Special Counsel Hur. His recordings of Biden and his testimony proved, beyond any doubt, that Biden knowingly possessed shared classified information on numerous occasions. We’re limited on space, so for a more thorough overview of Hur’s findings, read our article on his report.

Now, for the first time, we’re able to share key excerpts from Zwonitzer’s interview. While some of this information was addressed in Hur’s report, the actual transcript provides important context and also new information that has yet to be disclosed. Here it is…

On Biden providing classified materials (or materials that were likely classified) from his journals as Vice President:

FBI: It’s interesting because we’ve listened to these recordings, it’s clear some of them you guys sit down for an hour and a half.

Zwonitzer: Yeah.

FBI: And all he’s doing is reading –

Zwonitzer: Yeah.

FBI: — Sometimes relatively – in a relatively monotone voice his journal to you. And you take it down verbatim.

Zwonitzer: Exactly, yeah.

Discussing Biden’s diaries and Biden’s worries that the material was classified:

FBI: Yeah, why does it stick in your head there? What can you tell us about that meeting?

Zwonitzer: Well I just remember there was some – I think that was the meeting where, you know, the notion of something classified actually came up.

FBI: Okay. Can you tell us about that?

Zwonitzer: So what I remember is that, what I remember is that he was reading me stuff from the diary and he made a reference that he needed to be careful because he was worried that there was a possibility that, you know, some of this stuff could be classified. So there were things, you know, there were things he couldn’t tell me, lines he couldn’t cross. And I think that was also the moment where he said, I think I found something downstairs.

FBI: That was classified.

Zwonitzer: That had classified markings on it. Yeah. And that was – you know, so that was just after they had left the White House and they were just getting into Chain Bridge Road here [Biden’s home].

On Biden finding classified documents in his home:

FBI: So on the 16th – let’s go back to that meeting at Chain Bridge. You think you were probably, based on the recording that you listened to recently or the transcript you reviewed probably on the main floor in that hallway, library, den area at Chain Bridge Road. And during the conversation when you’re going through material, Biden talks about how I just found the classified.

Zwonitzer: Yeah.

FBI: Did Biden seem concerned when he, when he said that, that oh, like, there’s classified down there. I’d better take care of that? Or did he seem nonchalant about it?

Zwonitzer: Well, no, it was in a discussion of I need to be careful.

FBI: So I can understand when you’re in the moment with the vice president or former vice president and he mentioned something like, oh this part is classified or I found all these classified things downstairs, maybe you don’t want to discuss it then or maybe it doesn’t register for you at the time, but when you’re relistening to the audio and transcribing it and typing up words like classified at that point did it raise any flags for you or have any impact?

Zwonitzer: I guess it did not.

On Biden sharing his notes of classified information he reviewed at the Archives:

Zwonitzer:  So I think I was asking him [Biden] because he was going to review the notes, not from his diary but the official notes that were at the Archives. So he was going to the Archives to look at those notes.

Zwonitzer: I remember him reading the notes from the Obama lunches from what I thought came from the Archives, that he took notes.

Zwonitzer: I thought he was reading me from notes he had taken at the Archives.

FBI: Biden went to the Archives and took notes, did you receive or get to look at the notes he took while he was there by any chance?

Zwonitzer: Later. He read orally – read them to me orally – the notes he took from the Archives.

Biden admitting he possessed classified information:

FBI: So I guess that brings me to – there were a couple mentions in the transcripts where Biden mentions this might be classified, or this is classified, and he skips over parts of it; did you, did you have any understanding with Biden about what kind of things he could discuss with you and what kind of things he couldn’t? And to the similar question of what he says is classified, is that – is it your understanding that that’s National Security classified, or does that mean, you know, I just want this off the record?

Zwonitzer: I don’t – I mean, I don’t know… I just don’t have any strong memory of that.

Biden admitting he shared classified information:

FBI: There’s one recording where he says to you that – he – it – you kind of – he’s showing you something, and then he says that some of this may be classified, so be careful. Do you remember that instance?

Zwonitzer: I don’t.

Biden potentially sharing classified information – and telling Zwonitzer not to write it down:

FBI: Okay. There’s a line… where Biden says, don’t write this down. I think I’ve got to clear it. Does that sound familiar? Do you remember him saying that to you ever, or something like that?

Zwonitzer: It sounds familiar.

Biden keeping Presidential Records:

FBI: He said I – when you said that they’re probably in your presidential records, he said, I don’t think so. It was in between – I didn’t want to turn them in.

Zwonitzer: Mm-hmm.

FBI: Why didn’t he want to turn them in?

Zwonitzer: Oh, I have no idea. But – I just don’t know… but I know they ended up at the Archives, because that’s where he accessed them.

Biden possessing classified records from his time as a Senator:

FBI: He’s another one. It’s another Redweld. This is 1B18 Biden Info on Soviet Officials, and it’s labeled Redweld labeled, Information on Soviet Officials. It has kind of interesting material on the people, the leaders and other individuals he’d be meeting with during his trip to the Soviet Union.

Zwonitzer: Yep. Nope. Neverf saw any of this.

Biden’s sharing of potentially classified information concerning Biden’s role in Afghanistan:

Zwonitzer: So yes, without question we talked about it, I’m sure.

FBI: Mark, I want to ask you now, he’s – as he talks about the points he made about the troop surge, or the debate over the troop surge in Afghanistan, he says, I just found all the classified stuff downstairs. And I know we talked about this last time we met, but I want to ask you again just to, just to do it.

Zwonitzer: Okay.

FBI: I mean, having gone through that, can you tell us what you recall about this and what he was talking about during this clip?

Zwonitzer (after a brief discussion on Afghanistan): Well, you know, McChrystal was the general, I believe, who was fired for some pretty nasty remarks about Biden, if I remember right.

FBI: Mm-hmm. And so he’s saying he just found the classified stuff downstairs, and then he – it sounds like he’s describing what he found downstairs or the nature of the stuff he found, and this handwritten 40-page memorandum.

Zwonitzer: Mm-hmm.

On Zwonitzer helping Biden read his classified journals/diaries:

FBI: And in terms of the diaries I know he kind of had them literally close.

Zwonitzer: Yeah.

FBI: He would hold on to them, again they were personal.

Zwonitzer: Yeah. Right.

FBI: There’s at least a couple of times where he kind of asked you help him read?

Zwonitzer: Yes, Yeah. Can you make it this word? That I remember.

Explaining the Deletion of Records:

Zwonitzer: So I was very concerned about the possibility of being hacked. I was very concerned about the possibility of this audio spread all over the place. And the audio, my chief concern at the time – and I’ll explain the timing – was really, was a lot of personal and emotional stuff about Beau. And so this was – I simply took the audio files subfolder from both the G drive and my laptop and slid them into the trash. I saved all the transcripts and getting rid of the audio is something that’s not – it’s something I do as a, as a rule anyway. And I make it a point because, again, I’m not doing gotcha journalism, I’m not going for a quote for the next day. These are personal and private conversations and I never save that audio. I generally save transcripts but I haven’t over the years ever saved audio.

Zwonitzer (discussing the timing of deletion): So the best of my memory it was between the end of January and the end of February. [This was after Special Counsel Hur’s appointment.]

FBI: [The FBI] reached out to you. But after news of Biden being investigated for mishandling and having a special –

Zwonitzer: I was aware.

FBI: Okay. So I assume and I assume that that – the fact that a special counsel had been appointed and you have all these recordings was in your mind when you slid these documents over into the trash, which is okay. I mean it’s okay, but I just want to be clear –

Zwonitzer: I mean I was, I was aware of the special counsel investigation when that happened.

FBI: [The] investigation, [you] saw this happening and then deleted all these audio recordings. And I assume – and it’s okay, I just need the truth on this one, but there’s some truth in that, that was what was going on. That was part of your motivation, at least something you were aware of when you did this?

Zwonitzer: I’m not going to say how much of the percentage of it was my motivation. I was aware that there was an investigation.


FBI: Were you trying to obstruct our investigation or prevent Special Counsel or Department of Justice investigators from getting ahold of them?

Zwonitzer: No, I was not. And in fact, you know, when I got the subpoena and when I realized that I still had audio that I did not know I had on the laptop, I made sure to preserve that for this investigation.

The litigation continues for the recordings of Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Hur. More to come, hopefully… (The Reactionary/Techno Fog/6/13/2024)  (Archive)

June 14, 2024 – Criminal referral requests against Fauci, Birx, Walensky, and other public health officials, have been submitted to district attorneys in Louisiana

(Credit: Vires Law Group website)

The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley, Jr., APLC and bolstered by the support of the Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation, has announced the submission of criminal referral requests to the District Attorneys of nine Louisiana parishes.

The referrals call for the initiation of criminal investigations against Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deborah “Scarf Lady” Birx, Rochelle Walensky, Peter Daszak, and other public health officials for alleged crimes committed against Louisiana citizens preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The parishes of Caddo, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, St. Tammany, Orleans, Lafayette, Lafouche, Tangipahoa, and Rapides are the focus of these 30-page criminal referrals, detailing accusations that have stunned the local communities, according to the press release.

Funded by contributions from entities like the Diamond Mind Foundation and the Fight Like A Flynn PAC, this legal action raises significant questions about the conduct of public health officials during one of the most devastating health crises of our time.

Attorneys Rodriguez, Miller, and Tarpley have requested that the District Attorneys refer these cases to Attorney General Liz Murrill for further investigation and potential charges.

These referrals are made on behalf of next-of-kin relatives of nine victims in Louisiana who have sought legal assistance in investigating the deaths of their loved ones.

Allegations include mismanagement of COVID-19 infections under hospital protocols, intentional suppression, and denial of life-saving treatments within Louisiana hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities.

The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Louisiana of committing crimes as per Louisiana criminal code. The alleged crimes include:

  • Terrorism – by Causing Intentional Killing or Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury (La. R.S.
  • First Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30)
  • Second Degree Murder (La. R.S. 14:30.1)
  • Manslaughter (La. R.S. 14:31(A)(3))
  • Human Trafficking (La. R.S. 14:46.2)
  • Prohibited Racketeering Acts (La. R.S. 15:1353)
  • Cruelty to Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:93.3)
  • False Imprisonment (La. R.S. 14:46)
  • Second Degree Kidnapping (La. R.S. 14:44.1)
  • Battery (La. R.S. 14:33)
  • Simple Battery of Persons with Infirmities (La. R.S. 14:35.2)

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 6/14/2024)  (Archive)

June 16, 2024 – House Intel Chairman Mike Turner explains how his team and intel community will control Speaker Johnson and MAGA Republicans

This interview by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner is buckets of interesting and simultaneously very revealing.

Playing along with the big club intelligence game as framed by Margaret Brennan, HPSCI Chairman Turner showcases his weasel nature and alignment with the worst actors in the Intelligence Community from the outset.  Watch it closely and you will notice that Turner frames national intelligence activity as a political product.

Instead of telling Ms Brennan that it is impossible to hold a public hearing on terror threats because her President refuses to declassify the intelligence, thereby limiting conversation to only closed-door hearing discussion, Turner intentionally obfuscates to cloud the issue.

Then the bigger reveals start to happen as Ms. Brennan brings up the fabricated issues around Scott Perry and Ronny Jackson.  Brennan says Perry is under FBI investigation (Perry is not and Turner knows he is not), but Turner refuses to say that Perry is not under investigation.  Brennan then makes an outlandish claim of Representative Jackson taking perfectly legal medication to help him sleep.  Instead of quashing the ridiculous narrative, Turner plays along with the intent to hold leverage over Jackson (think blackmail).

Representative Mike Turner really is one of the worst members of congress.  I would rank Turner’s corrupt and Machiavellian status right next to SSCI Chairman Mark Warner.  Turner will defend the corrupt IC Deep State even more than Marco Rubio.  Remember, it was Turner who manufactured the letter of support for his FISA renewal strategy, falsely attributing supportive signatures of Devin Nunes and John Ratcliffe.

IF you are good at spotting corruption, WATCH between the lines and the Turner comments shout at you:

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: We’re going to begin with the Republican Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio Congressman Mike Turner.

Welcome back to Face the Nation.

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER (R-Ohio): Good morning, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Chair Turner, last week, as you know, there were federal immigration arrests of these eight individuals with suspected ties to ISIS. They were rounded up in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York.

They traveled from Central Asia, Tajikistan, across the southern border into the U.S. Do you have any indication that there is an act of terror plot?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: Well, Margaret – I’m – your – I can neither confirm nor deny all the details that you’ve just reported.

But what’s important about these reports and what we’re seeing, especially in conjunction with Director Wray’s public statements that we are at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat, that the administration’s policies have absolutely – you know, directly related to threats to Americans.

These are no longer speculative, no longer hypothetical. And we have actual administration officials stepping forward. And, certainly, our committee and our committee members have concurred on the intelligence that we’re seeing, that, as a result of the administration’s policies allowing people to cross the border unvetted, we have terrorists that are actively working inside the United States that are a threat to Americans.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, the issue, as we understand it from our reporting, is that there was vetting, but that the vetting didn’t turn up any derogatory information.

Doesn’t that indicate that there’s a broader problem with the system that Congress would also have to address?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: Well, Margaret, as you know, there – there are those who are vetted and – and in the vetting process.

They – there is no evidence the United States currently has that they’re actively engaged in terrorist plotting or engaged with terrorist groups, organizations. And this administration, by their own policy, are then allowing those individuals in, instead of fully vetting them, fully understanding what the risk is to the United States, and for the fact that they’re letting them in, and there they are – they’re entering the United States through the southern border illegally.

And that’s what the threat is. That’s what Director Wray is identifying and is bringing forward. This administration’s policies are directly resulting in people who are in the United States illegally who have ties to terrorist groups and organizations, and this is a threat.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The U.S. has already been in a heightened threat environment.

But, this past week, our CBS colleague and the former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell wrote a piece in “Foreign Affairs” warning that the United States faces a serious threat of terrorist attack in the months ahead.

He called on Congressional Intelligence Committees, like the one you chair, to have public hearings with the director of national intelligence, the CIA, the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center. Will you commit to doing that?


In fact, the testimony that you just played of Director Wray…

MARGARET BRENNAN: Public unclassified information from those individuals?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: The – the – the testimony that you just played of Director Wray was a result of the Intelligence Committees, including mine – Director Wray was testifying before my committee and said exactly the same thing publicly of the threat.

What we have done, and continue to do, and what this administration needs to be held to, is that they need to declassify the information of the terrorist threats that they’re seeing, so that there can be a public discourse concerning what the administration’s risk and threats are.

You know, this was notable and expected as a result of the Biden administration’s policy of an open southern border. And we are seeing it absolutely across the country. The – and my – my committee has been open, my members have been open…


REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: … and publicly discussing this threat and pointing the finger directly at the administration’s policies.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, as you know, the administration points back at Congress, saying they asked for more authorities and Congress refused to act.

But I want to ask you about the Intelligence Committee. You’ve tried to keep it nonpartisan, as you’ve said on this program. Speaker Johnson, though, recently decided, as you know, to add two congressmen, Scott Perry and Dr. Ronny Jackson, to your committee, reportedly at the behest of Donald Trump.

One of your members, Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, referred to Perry as a threat to intelligence oversight – quote – “He will be on the very committee that oversees the FBI while he is directly under investigation by this very agency.”

Do you think that is a disqualifying conflict of interest?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: Well, being concerned, obviously, about that issue, and being the chairman, I contacted the I.C. to see whether or not there was an issue that, you know, in due diligence from our committee, that we needed to – to resolve or address.

They indicated that there was not an – a – an ongoing or continuing issue or even a current issue that we needed to address.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The FBI told you that?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: The issue, I think, here that’s most important – the I.C. told us that.

I think what’s very important here is that the speaker makes this appointment and then what he’s done since. The speaker has absolutely committed himself to these two individuals following the rules, not only the laws. Both of them have military experience. Both of them have had access to classified information before.

And there’s been no reports of any incidences of their handling – mishandling of classified information. The speaker has met with our committee, Republican members. He has spoken directly to Jim Himes. We’ve had a meeting with Mr. Perry, myself and the speaker, where all of these assurances have been made.

But the speaker has said this, that he’s going to continue to monitor the situation, if there’s any indication of anything improper happening, that he will intervene. And I believe the speaker will assert leadership here.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And withdraw that nomination potentially?

Well, look, I – Scott Perry has come out and took aim at you, as you know, because he said, if he gets on this committee, he’ll conduct “actual oversight, not blind obedience to some facets of our intelligence community.”

And he claimed they’re spying on the American people. How do you respond to that?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: Well, he has – he has apologized. And, certainly, those are – are the types of words that you would not want from somebody who’s joining a committee that is obviously very dedicated to national security and very dedicated to working in a bipartisan way.

I think that, upon him joining the committee, and looking at the work that both he gets to do and the work that we’re doing, that he’ll be absolutely satisfied that he can play a role to – in the work that we’re doing for national security.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, I – I understand you said you’ve – you received assurances about their ability to handle classified information that they’ll have access to.

But, as you know, Dr. Ronny Jackson was demoted by the Navy because a Pentagon inspector general report found that he had been taking sedatives while providing medical care to two U.S. presidents. That kind of compromising behavior would be disqualifying for most people when it comes to receiving a security clearance or having any access to the nation’s secrets.

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: I’m aware of those reports.

I – as you have just indicated, though, they are unrelated to the handling of classified information. And, certainly, the individuals in his district believe that those issues are resolved. He presents himself to – to Congress with his military background.

And we’re going to be certainly working with the speaker and with Mr. Jackson so that – again, that he is a very productive member of our committee. And, if there are any incidences, the speaker has indicated that, as with Mr. Perry, that he will enforce our rules.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But there are – these seats could be filled by Republicans with national security backgrounds who don’t have these kinds of compromising situations over their heads.

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: There certainly was a broad range of individuals who – who sought these seats.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You were with Donald Trump when he was on Capitol Hill this past week and he met with lawmakers.

Is it true, as Congressman Matt Gaetz claims, that Mr. Trump said “Ukrainians are never going to be there for us” and that he was trashing the Ukraine aid bill to Speaker Johnson’s face, which Gaetz said is – “so epic.”

Is that true? And did anyone push back?

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: I don’t believe that the president – Trump did that. I was certainly present. He did raise issues of how the Ukraine issue is being handled.

I think there’s certainly enough criticism to go around the Ukrainians not being given the authority to use weapons inside Russia to hit targets that are hitting them. But I think, overall, what was important is that – that Trump was very focused on what his issues were as to why he was seeking the presidency and the changes in policies in the Biden administration.

Border was an issue. Energy was an issue. The economy, China and inflation were an issue, all ones where he had real, concrete things that the Biden administration did to reverse his policies that have resulted in negative consequences for our country that he intends to reverse back.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We will see if he stands by Ukraine, then, if he is elected.

Chair Turner, thank you for your time.

REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: I believe he – I believe he will. And – and, certainly, the – of the members who are strongly supporting Ukraine…


REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL TURNER: … we certainly believe that he will, and it certainly is essential.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Chair Turner, thank you for your time this morning.


[Transcript END]

(Conservative Treehouse, 6/16/2024)  (Archive)

June 17, 2024 – New docs: FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP; At same time Trump was impeached for Ukraine phone call

The FBI learned as far back as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners had plotted to set up a new venture in tax-friendly Liechtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping $120 million investment from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings, according to documents obtained by Just the News that have been kept from the American public for eight years.

The mega-deal was not referenced inside Hunter Biden’s now infamous laptop or during the 2019 impeachment proceedings involving Ukraine, but was instead chronicled in a trove of 3.39 million documents the FBI seized from Hunter Biden and his business partners during an investigation of securities fraud nearly a decade ago.

Devon Archer is reportedly in talks to speak about Joe and Hunter Biden’s alleged $10 million bribes. (Credit: Alec Tabak/New York Post)

The cache of documents was recently turned over by former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer to the House Oversight Committee as part of its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s conduct.

The new evidence shows the major investment plan was being built at the time when Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board of directors and Joe Biden was still serving as Barack Obama’s vice president in charge of U.S.-Ukraine policy.

The memos state Hunter Biden was also supposed to serve on the board of the new company called Burnham Energy Security LLC, and it was going to be capitalized in 2015 by Burisma owner Nykola Zlochevsky, who at a time was trying to get out from under corruption allegations in his home country.

The Hunter Biden-connected Burnham entity was slated to get a quarter of the new venture’s net revenues without putting up any cash, according to recent testimony to Congress from one of the partners.

Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch, meanwhile was committed to “$120 Million over thirty-six (36) months to be invested in exploration and leasehold improvements” in the new venture designed to make Burisma a global energy leader, according to a prospectus for the project.

Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, did not respond to a request for comment from Just the News.

Hunter Biden’s “credibility” for venture

Zlochevsky’s top lieutenant, Vadym Pozharskyi, wrote in an August 2015 email that it was important to his boss for Hunter Biden to be involved with Burnham Energy.

“You mentioned to me that it’s also you and HB [Hunter Biden] who will be the founders of the Llc in Delaware. Cliff mentioned only yourself,” Pozharskyi wrote Archer in August 2015 in one email obtained by Just the News. “For credibility ‘Ukrainian’ purposes you both would be better.”

It is unclear exactly what Pozharskyi meant by “credibility,” but Just the News previously reported that Burisma saw Hunter Biden’s involvement on its board as a form of protection, especially from pressure by its own government, according to Archer’s testimony for the House impeachment inquiry.

Another partner, Jason Galanis, testified to Congress that he believed Archer and Biden were placed on the board to protect the company from Ukrainian investigations and prosecutions. (Read more: Just the News, 6/17/2024)  (Archive)

June 18, 2024 – Scientist who discredited lab-leak theory received millions in NIH grants

Robert Garry (Credit: CSpan screenshot)

Senators grilled a scientist involved in efforts to discredit the Covid-19 lab-leak theory for receiving millions in National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants during a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing this week.

Robert Garry, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Associate Dean for Biomedical Sciences at Tulane Medical School, co-authored an article in 2020 that was cited thousands of times in research articles and news outlets to shut down and censor proponents of the so-called lab-leak theory.

“There is no lab leak scenario that can accommodate all the available scientific evidence,” Garry stated in the article published in Nature Medicine. Co-author Kristian Andersen, professor in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at Scripps Research, wrote in a February 2020 email that they were “focused on disproving any type of lab theory.”

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., pressed Garry, asking, “How much have you received from government grants in your career?” Garry claimed he did not know. “I have information that between you and Dr. Kristian Andersen between 2020 and 2022 you received $25.2 million in grants from the NIH,” Johnson continued. Garry admitted “that’s possible.”

Richard H. Ebright, another witness at the hearing and Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, accused Garry of scientific misconduct.

“The misconduct of highest importance was stating conclusions the authors knew at the time were untrue,” said Ebright. “This is the most egregious form of scientific misconduct.”

Garry said he did not intend to mislead people and was simply using the scientific evidence to form his conclusions at the time. Because of the paper, however, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said innocent people were ridiculed for raising questions, often at great professional detriment.

Hawley asked, “Do you regret being part of this propaganda effort?”

“I was simply writing a paper about our scientific opinions about where this virus came from,” Garry said.

“The reason why the American public does not trust scientists and the federal health agencies is because of people like you,” Johnson said. “You violated the public’s trust.”

Throughout his career, Garry has received approximately $60 million in government research funding and owns a vaccine company, which Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., argued represents a “conflict of interest.” (Read more: The Federalist, 6/19/2024) (Archive)

June 18, 2024 – The DoD admits it has no idea how much money it gave China to make viruses more dangerous

Sen. Rand Paul questions Anthony Fauci during a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee about the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic on November 04, 2021. (Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The year millions of people were killed worldwide by a virus likely engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese scientists in Beijing began toying with a more deadly coronavirus variant called GX_P2V that killed humanized mice 100% of the time, largely with late-stage brain infections. While not formally linked, the study referenced parallel work executed by Wuhan Institute of Virology scientist Dr. Shi Zhengli.

In March, Chinese researchers at the Hebei Medical University revealed they had created a mutant version of the virus vesicular stomaitis, known to infect cattle, by giving it a protein from the Ebola virus. The hamster test subjects infected with the recombinant virus suffered weight loss, ulcerated eyes, inflammation, multi-organ failure, and then all died.

Apparently, the Pentagon has no idea to what extent it has bankrolled these kinds of potentially ruinous experiments in communist China.

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General released a partially redacted report Tuesday detailing the results of its efforts to track down the money the Pentagon has invested helping the communist Chinese enhance deadly pathogens.

The report made clear it was referring to gain-of-function experiments, referencing a definition published in the journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, which states, “The term ‘gain-of-function’ means ‘to enhance a function by genetic manipulation’ or ‘to add a new function’ and applies to much research involving genetic recombination and genetic manipulation.”

The DOD Office of Inspector General sought specifically to track the amount of federal funds given either directly or indirectly by the Pentagon to:

  • the communist regime itself;
  • the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other organizations administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • Peter Daszak’s scandal-plagued and debarred EcoHealth Alliance, whose gain-of-function subcontractor was among the likely patients zero;
  • the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences; and
  • any other related lab in the Asian nation.

Of special concern was whether and where funds were spent on “research or experiments that could have reasonably resulted in the enhancement of any coronavirus, influenza, Nipah, Ebola, or other pathogen of pandemic potential or chimeric versions of such a virus or pathogen.”

The conclusions of the report were damning.

The Pentagon has admitted that it has no idea to what extent it has funded the creation of deadly viruses in an adversarial nation it has identified as its “top pacing challenge” — a country whose overall biorisk management score is less than stellar.

The report noted at the outset that Army officials had identified 12 relevant research programs and that for “seven awards, a prime awardee provided funds to a subawardee or contracting research organization in China or other foreign countries for research related to potential enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential.”
The Inspector General’s Office could also account for over $54 million given to EcoHealth Alliance for 13 projects executed from 2014 through 2023 but suggested that none of this funding went to China or its affiliates for gain-of-function research.
After accounting for the top of the Pentagon funding iceberg, the report indicated what lies below the surface is wholly “unknown.” (Read more: The Blaze, 6/21/2024)  (Archive)

June 20, 2024 – Marc Elias law group files suit in Nevada to prevent election integrity group from cleaning up voter rolls

Attorney Marc Elias preps Aug. 3, 2016, before the hearing for his lawsuit against Arizona over voting rights. (Credit: David Jolkovski/Getty Images)

(…) Marc Elias has been involved in dozens of lawsuits to make it easier for Democrats to steal elections.

Then in 2022, Marc Elias told MSNBC that the results in the midterm elections would not be known for days. This is the line they use when you know Democrats are going for another steal.

In May, the Nevada Supreme Court ruled 7-0 in favor of a voter ID ballot initiative.

Now, Marc Elias is hoping to overturn a Nevada election law that forces election administrators to clean up the voter rolls.

Why would Marc Elias and the Democrats be against this?

The Federalist reported:

Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the broken status quo.”

Swing-state Nevada’s dirty voter rolls include hundreds of suspect addresses, at bars, strip clubs, empty parking lots, and other commercial addresses, according to an investigation by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Doing so is clearly against the law.

“In Nevada, by the state law, you are required to be registered where you actually live, where you sleep. Not where you work, not at a P.O. Box. So we’re trying to get elections officials to enforce the law,” Lauren Bis, PILF’s director of communication and engagement, says in a video tracking bad addresses in the Las Vegas area.

To that end, the foundation has filed a petition in Washoe County, Nevada’s second-most populous county, to force elections officials to investigate and fix commercial addresses on the voter roll. PILF investigators found addresses on the rolls reported as liquor stores, empty lots, and even the Nevada Gaming Control Board, among others.

Elias Law Group and a band of leftists have sought to intervene in PILF’s petition for a writ of mandamus, arguing that forcing Washoe election administrators to follow the law and clean up the county’s dirty voter rolls will “threaten” voting rights.

For the record, Nevada is still a member of ERIC, a shady group linked to the left that is a blight on this country’s elections. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 6/20/2024) (Archive)

June 20, 2024 – Missouri AG sues New York for unconstitutional lawfare against Trump

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced Thursday he will be filing a lawsuit against the State of New York for alleged election interference over former President Trump’s hush money trial.

Bailey is arguing that the case was brought against the 45th president to smear him ahead of the 2024 election.

“I will be filing suit against the State of New York for their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump. It’s time to restore the rule of law,” he announced on X.

“We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail. It sabotages Missourians’ right to a free and fair election,” he added. “Stay tuned.” (Townhall, 6/21/2024) (Archive)


June 21, 2024 – AFL Part 2 – New docs from disbanded DHS group reveal the Biden admin views Trump supporters as “domestic terrorism threats”

(Credit: Adobe Stock Images / Gorodenkoff)

Today, America First Legal (AFL) is releasing the second tranche of internal files from the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” obtained exclusively through AFL’s litigation with Ambassador Ric Grenell against the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is the second installment of #DeepStateDiaries, a multi-part series of releases including newly obtained documents.

Yesterday, AFL released documents showing how the Deep State’s DHS intel group proposed expanding DHS’s reach into local communities in an “ambiguous” and “non-threatening” way and contemplating ways to get teachers and mothers to report their children.

Today’s installment exposes how the Biden Administration classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks, particularly those who support President Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”

Under the Brennan-Clapper committee’s approach to national security, when all else fails, DHS should use being “in the military” or “religious” to profile people and tag them as having  “indicators of extremists and terrorism” as a pretext to allow DHS to spy on them. According to the Group, “we should be more worried about these.”


The group went on to discuss how “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president,” i.e., Trump supporters.


Read the first installment of #DeepStateDiaries here.

(America First Legal, 6/21/2024)  (Archive)

June 21, 2024 – Left wing fact-checker, Snopes, finally admits Trump didn’t call Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis “very fine people” during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.

Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. President Biden was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.

“While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and White supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally.’ Therefore, we have rated this claim ‘False,'” Snopes wrote.

The Snopes fact check now aligns with years of arguments from Trump’s camp, who long stated, backed by transcript and video, that his comments were taken out of context. The fact-checker notes that the false claim about Trump’s comments “spread like wildfire” on the left, eventually being cited as a cornerstone of Biden’s election campaign.

When Biden released his 2020 campaign announcement video, the first words he said in it were “Charlottesville, Virginia.”

“The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Biden claimed in the video. “And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”

Snopes’ ruling removes key ammunition from Biden’s arsenal just days before he and Trump are scheduled to meet in their first debate this week. (Read more: Fox News, 6/23/2024)  (Archive)

June 22, 2024 – Julie Kelly covers Jack Smith’s gag order motions on Trump in advance of hearing

Full text:

In advance of Monday’s hearing on Jack Smith’s latest proposed partial gag order on Trump, the special counsel last night filed another hyperbolic brief filled with unsubstantiated claims of bodily threats to law enforcement in docs case.

Note how Smith says “this Court.” He thinks Cannon won’t know about the similar gag order he sought (and received) from Judge Chutkan in DC.

In that proposal, he asked Chutkan to ban Trump from publicly criticizing HIM and others in special counsel’s office.

Chutkan granted—DC appellate court later reversed the part of her order covering Jack Smith, basically saying he’s a public official and should be able to take some criticism lol

(Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Alex Brandon/ AP)

June 22, 2024 – Kash Patel: According to British court docs, Paul Ryan was first to receive Steele Dossier and then didn’t tell anyone about it

On Wednesday 6/19/2024, Bannon responded to a speech Paul Ryan made that was critical of Trump’s character and why he couldn’t support his candidacy for president.


On Saturday 6/22/2024, former Trump official Kash Patel joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss his latest blockbuster report on Paul Ryan.

According to Kash Patel, Paul Ryan was the first to receive a copy of the bogus Steele Dossier back in 2016. And Paul Ryan hid this from investigators, his Republican colleagues, and Trump officials.

Kash Patel posted this on Truth Social on Thursday 6/20/2024:

Kash Patel: Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us(think, before anyone knew anything about fake intel, he had his own copy). I found it on my own then blew up FBI/DOJ. Why didnt he tell his own damn team? Report that fake news.

From Kash on The War Room 6/22/2024:

Kash Patel: Remember in 2016, let’s rewind the tape. It was Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion. Then Speaker Paul Ryan enlisted me and Devin Nunez to investigate the Russia collusion.

Nobody knew what the Steele dossier was in 2016. They had already gone to the federal court and unlawfully surveilled Donald Trump with it. But we didn’t find out until after we completed our investigation in 2018, was that the speaker, Paul Ryan, who charged us with investigating Russiagate, was the first guy to ever get a copy of the Steele dossier in 2016.

He never told us. He still never admitted it. It finally was admitted in a British court where Christopher Steele was being sued. Just think about it, Steve. We could have asked, Where did you get it? Who did you get it from? How was it paid for? All of these secrets could have come out under this man’s very investigation, but he rigged it from the beginning.

So I’m done listening to lectures about the new conservative brand that is Paul Ryan, and anytime he wants to debate me, I’m all in. He charged us with an investigation that he rigged because he didn’t want Donald Trump to succeed. He kneecapped him from the beginning. That guy’s talking about not going to the RNC. No one wants him there. He’s so arrogant. He doesn’t understand the simple fact that we put out the truth.

Steve Bannon:  Are you telling me and telling this audience in a British court filing that Steele filed under penalty of perjury, he identified that Paul Ryan actually had the Steele dossier before he charged you guys, House Intel, to look into this, and he never informed Devin Nunez, the chairman of that? That’s impossible to believe. Are you sure about this?

Kash Patel: 100% accurate. The Steele dossier was handed to Paul Ryan’s Chief of Staff in 2016. They put out a mealy-mouth of retreat to it, response to it, which basically said, ‘Oh, we didn’t get it from Christopher Steele directly. They admitted it in court that they had a copy the entire time, and they didn’t tell us in 2016, they didn’t tell us in 2017, they didn’t tell us in 2018.

The quintessential piece of evidence which was exposed because I went to DOJ and got the FISA, which the Steele dossier was an entire part of, and Paul Ryan was the one that fought us tooth and nail, and remember, on declassifying it. Now we know why. He had it for sure. He is a total coward.

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 6/22/2024)  (Archive)

UPDATE 6/24/2024

June 24, 2024 -CNN wants to censor viewers who might clip parts of the upcoming presidential debate and post/discuss on social media; Elon Musk says he will not comply

CNN and the entire left are so terrified of free speech, it’s almost beyond belief. They will go to unreal lengths to control the narrative and silence anyone who dares to challenge the progressive storyline or call out—and even mock—the so-called leaders on the left. That’s exactly why, with the highly anticipated upcoming debate, the regime-run media hacks at CNN are desperate to control the narrative. This includes censoring right-wing accounts that might clip parts of the debate to share on social media. CNN has even threatened to go after any accounts that do this by citing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which was created to protect copyright holders from online piracy. The law was passed in the late ’90s and is what CNN is wielding as a weapon to prevent any “undesirable” clips—like Biden’s lies, flubs, and blunders—from going viral.

Popular podcaster Tim Pool, who plans to live stream the debate, called attention to CNN’s threats in a post on X.

This latest desperate move by CNN shouldn’t surprise anyone. After all, when legitimately questioned about their extreme and radical anti-Trump agenda, instead of responding, host Kasie Hunt just cut Team Trump’s feed. Real professional, right? Once again, this is CNN stifling free speech and running cover for the regime, and at this point, they’re not even trying to hide it.

Actually, we just published an article on this topic, where Glenn Greenwald had a very interesting take on the exchange between Hunt and Team Trump that exemplifies just how trashy our propaganda media truly is:

RELATED: Glenn Greenwald reveals critical moment from CNN’s ‘feed cut’ that truly personifies what trash our media is…

Thankfully, Tim Pool thought CNN’s latest episode of mass censorship was important enough to flag for Elon Musk. Elon was quick to respond and promptly crushed CNN’s hopes of using the 1998 law to silence conservatives. According to Musk, the DMCA doesn’t apply in this context and will not be enforced on X.


(Read more: Revolver News, 6/25/2024) (Archive)

June 24, 2024 – AFL Part 3: New docs from disbanded DHS group reveal how January 6 and the raid at Mar-a-Lago emboldened DHS to expand monitoring Americans

America First Legal logo and X header

Today, following its victory in disbanding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” America First Legal (AFL) is releasing the third tranche of the group’s internal meeting notes, exclusively obtained from litigation. This is the third installment of #DeepStateDiaries, a multi-part series of releases including newly obtained documents.

Today’s installment shows how the Biden administration’s allies on the Brennan-Clapper committee discussed using January 6 and the manufactured raid at Mar-a-Lago to justify further targeting and surveillance of political dissent.

January 6 as a catalyst for expanding surveillance:

One group member noted that “prior to January 6th” (i.e., under the Trump administration), analysts thought that “it was inappropriate to collect” intelligence on Americans. Following January 6, however, they observed that there had been a change in collection and reporting methods.

The documents indicate that under the Biden Administration, the federal government has used January 6 to justify expanding efforts to collect intelligence on what they deem “DVE” or “Domestic Violent Extremists.” As the second installment of the #DeepStateDiaries showed, DVE is the group’s term for people who are “religious,” “in the military,” or support President Trump.

The Brennan-Clapper-led group discussed “collection based on sites where they expect to see indicators,” suggesting that the federal government sought to monitor sites they viewed as “domestic extremism threats.”

Notably, one group member asked, “When you are looking at speech online, how do you know if it is serious? Political? Hyperbole?” The Biden Administration’s historical approach, as evidenced by these documents and the Department of Justice’s sentencing of Douglass Mackey to 7 months in prison for posting memes ahead of the 2016 election, is that speech online should be considered “serious” only when it comes from conservatives.

As another data point, later in the conversation, someone else again mentioned how “efforts to collect” intelligence have noticeably changed post-January 6.

As another data point, later in the conversation, someone else again mentioned how “efforts to collect” intelligence have noticeably changed post-January 6.

And yet another participant noted that the “support” for the “mission set” has changed post-January 6 at the “departmental” level and has “become political.”

The translation is that the committee appears to have been interested in DHS using the DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis to push the bounds on activity—traditionally thought to be off limits—and is using January 6 as the excuse to do it.

The following statement, from an unknown Group member, sheds some light on where that political support is coming from. Recall that this Group was full of security state officials who aligned themselves with the political left (98% of the political contributions from the Group members went to Democratic candidates for office, whereas 1% went to Republican candidates for office).

This Group Member went so far as to encourage I&A to lean into using practices that 1) even the FBI says it does not have the authority to do, 2) the Senate has refused to give to any law enforcement agency, and 3) Members of Congress generally oppose. But in the name of getting “actionable intelligence,” the Brennan-Clapper-led group urges I&A to ramp up “collection” on “U.S. Persons” without a “foreign nexus” and “trade authorities for civil liberties.” Click here for pages on this matter.

Disturbingly, the group went on to discuss that around January 6, the “FBI testified that they were limited with what they could do with social media,” but that “action reporting” post-January 6 may have changed. This suggests that the group was planning to potentially advise DHS to ramp up efforts to monitor political dissent on social media.

Using the raid at Mar-a-Lago as a catalyst to expand activity:

The group also discussed using the fabricated and illegal raid on President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago – where the FBI staged photographs to manufacture incriminating evidence – to justify its expanded activities. With respect to Mar-a-Lago, one Group member said there was “reason to be concerned about a violent reaction” after the raid.

The group also discussed whether this is “politically driven or in [their] mission space,” and one group member noted they should be aware of the “public optics” of this activity.

In considering threats of “violence,” the group also discussed a hypothetical scenario in which “there is a shooting with 12 injured” and whether that would require a national response from DHS and if it falls into a “domestic violent extremism” category.

Just last week, 5 people were killed and 8 were wounded in Chicago, and in Washington, D.C., 4 people were shot. Yet, the Brennan-Clapper does not appear to be concerned with addressing the rampant rising crime and violence in American cities; it is only when they can attribute violence to political opposition that they label violence as domestic extremism.

These documents, obtained exclusively by AFL through litigation against DHS, prove there is a pronounced difference between how I&A operated (collected and reported intelligence for DHS) before and after January 6. They demonstrate how the standards followed under the Trump administration to respect Constitutional rights and civil liberties are apparently no longer followed under the Biden administration.

Stay tuned for the next installment of #DeepStateDiaries…

In the first installment, AFL released documents showing how the group proposed expanding DHS’s reach into local communities in an “ambiguous” and “non-threatening” way and contemplating ways to get teachers and mothers to report their children.

In the second installment, AFL showed how the Biden Administration proposed using military, religious, and even political (Trump supporters) affiliations to tag Americans as prone to committing violent attacks.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates on America First Legal’s fight to protect your constitutional rights! (America First Legal, 6/24/2024)  (Archive)

June 24, 2024 – The US Postal Service helps surveil Americans


U.S. Postal Service logo 1970-1993

According to The Washington Post, the US Postal Service has been giving information about thousands of Americans’ letters and packages to law enforcement every year for at least ten years.

The postal service provides law enforcement with the names, addresses, and other details from the outside of boxes and envelopes without a court order.

The Washington Post, in response to a congressional probe, looked at a decade’s worth of records. Postal Service officials have received more than 60,000 requests from federal agents and police since 2015 and they rarely say no.

Postal inspectors recorded more than 312,000 letters and packages between 2015 and 2023.

It doesn’t matter if it was 100,000, or 300,000, or ten million. The government has no right to do this.

(Read more: Independent Sentinel, 6/24/2024)  (Archive)

June 24, 2024 – Wikileaks founder Julian Assange reaches plea deal and is free

This photo has graced our FB group page for the past eight years. Many people mistakenly believed Wikileaks released the Clinton emails. The State Department originally released them in a jumbled mess and Wikileaks reformatted the file to make them easier to research.  (Credit: Cheri Johnson/Graphic Artist and Timeline research team member)

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in which he will plead guilty to a conspiracy charge, allowing him to avoid extradition to the United States and walk free in lieu of time already served behind bars, according to court documents.

The plea agreement, filed at the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, a commonwealth of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean, indicates that Mr. Assange was charged with one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information.

A letter from a DOJ official to Judge Ramona V. Manglona of the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands shows that Mr. Assange is set to make a court appearance in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, on the morning of June 26. During that court appearance, Mr. Assange is expected to enter a guilty plea to the charge.

The DOJ official—Matthew J. McKenzie, deputy chief of the counterintelligence and export control section of the Justice Department’s National Security Division—wrote in the letter that Mr. Assange would be returned to his home country of Australia after entering the plea.

“We appreciate the Court accommodating these plea and sentencing proceedings on a single day at the joint request of the parties, in light of the defendant’s opposition to traveling to the continental United States to enter his guilty plea and the proximity of this federal U.S. District Court to the defendant’s country of citizenship, Australia, to which we expect he will return at the conclusion of the proceedings,” Mr. McKenzie wrote.

Under the terms of the plea deal, Mr. Assange will serve no additional time than the 62 months that he’s already served in a British prison.

Before spending five years in a prison in the UK, Mr. Assange spent seven years at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he was granted refuge until his asylum was revoked and he was carried out of the embassy and arrested.

Mr. Assange has been fighting extradition to the United States for over 10 years. (Read more: The Epoch Times, 6/24/2024)  (Archive)

June 25, 2024 – New information shows CIA contractors colluded with Biden campaign to discredit Biden laptop story

New information released by the House Judiciary Committee shows CIA contractors colluded with the Biden campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop.

In October of 2020 – just days before the presidential election – 51 former intelligence officials signed and published a letter that baselessly decried the contents of Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell’ had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

This was a lie.  They all knew it was a lie. The fake news media ran with the story anyway.

High ranking CIA officials, up to and including then-CIA Director Gina Haspel, were made aware of the Hunter Biden statement prior to its approval and publication. Because several former senior intelligence officials signed the statement, the PCRB sent the draft statement to the CIA’s then-Chief Operating Officer (COO) Andrew Makridis, who said he subsequently informed then-Director Haspel or then Deputy Director Vaughn Frederick Bishop that the statement would be published soon. Senior CIA leadership had an opportunity at that time to slow down the CIA’s process for reviewing publication submissions and ensure that such an extraordinary statement was properly vetted.

Some of the statement’s signatories, including Michael Morell, were on active contract with the CIA at the time of the Hunter Biden statement’s publication. Throughout the course of the Committees’ investigation, the signatories claimed to not have had access to any classified information when asserting that the allegations surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation. However, at the time of the statement’s publication, at least two signatories—Morell and former CIA Inspector General David Buckley—were on the CIA’s payroll as contractors. Due to purported operational concerns, the CIA declined to declassify the entire universe of signatories who were on active contract. In addition, some signatories to the Hunter Biden statement also had special “Green Card” access to the CIA at the time of the statement’s publication, allowing them to gain entry to secure CIA facilities.

After publication of the Hunter Biden statement, CIA employees internally expressed concern about the statement’s politicized content, acknowledging it was not “helpful to the Agency in the long run.” At least one employee found it “[i]nteresting to see what was submitted and approved” when discussing media talking points that the statement’s co author, former Senior Intelligence Service Officer Marc Polymeropoulos, submitted related to the statement. When discussing Polymeropoulos’s talking points, another CIA official stated, “It appears [Polymeropoulos] is actively involved in a pro-Biden campaign and may be disclosing classified information in his efforts.” The CIA’s internal review board, known as the Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB), determined that Polymeropoulos’s talking points contained classified information that had to be removed prior to publication.

“The new information included in this report, based on new testimony and declassified documents, shows the potential dangers of a politicized intelligence community. In the waning days before the 2020 presidential election, 51 intelligence community officials rushed to draft and release a statement using their official titles, presumably to convey access to specialized information unavailable to other Americans. The statement was conceived following a conversation with a senior Biden campaign official and designed explicitly to provide talking points to the Biden campaign to discredit politically damaging allegations. Some of the signatories of the statement were on the CIA payroll at the time as contractors and others had special access to CIA facilities. Even Michael Morell—before the Committees learned of his contract with the CIA—acknowledged, “It’s inappropriate for a currently serving staff officer or contractor to be involved in the political process,” the House Judiciary Committee said. (The Gateway Pundit, 6/25/2024)  (Archive)

June 25, 2024 – AFL Part 4 – New docs from disbanded DHS group reveal they used the phrase “quietly making democracy work” to describe their mission of combatting the “domestic terror threat” of Trump supporters

June 25, 2024 – CNN debate moderator, Dana Bash, was married to one of the “Spies Who Lied” about the Biden laptop; questions of her impartiality during the debate ensues

June 26, 2024 – Part One: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—records reveal FBI program to stage Nazi rallies

Robert Mueller is sworn in on July 24, 2019 before his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Credit: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

In 2007, Orlando residents were furious to discover that an FBI informant had organized a neo-Nazi rally through one of the city’s mostly black neighborhoods a year earlier.

“To come into a predominantly black community, which could have resulted in great harm to the black community? I would hate to be part of a game,” Orlando City Councilwoman Daisy Lynum said at the time, calling for a “full-scale investigation” into the matter.

However, an FBI agent testified that his informant participated in the event, but didn’t organize it. The city’s uproar passed without a public investigation, full-scale or otherwise—until now.

Thanks to a trove of previously unpublicized law enforcement records and interviews with several players involved, Headline USA can reveal that the Orlando neo-Nazi rally was indeed organized by the FBI. The Orlando event also seems to have been part of a larger program to hold Nazi rallies across the country. And according to FBI records, the bureau sponsored those events despite knowing they led to an increase in the number of card-carrying Nazis in America.

Moreover, the FBI’s Nazi rallies led to a much larger operation to target right-wing groups. Dubbed “Primitive Affliction,” the operation featured a motorcycle front group, rogue undercover agents, Outlaw bikers, Satanists, bomb-makers and a fugitive on the lam in Mexico.

To top it off, the FBI’s Nazi operation was briefed to the highest levels of the bureau, including to then-Director Robert Mueller, according to at least one record unearthed by this publication.

Little has been written about Primitive Affliction outside of the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center—biased groups that trained agents in the case, according to the newly revealed records.

But despite the lack of publicity, Primitive Affliction covers a crucial time in right-wing extremist history. It began where the FBI’s 1990s-era cases against the Aryan Nations trailed off, and it helped shape the neo-Nazi groups that would march at the 2017 deadly Charlottesville Unite the Right rally—an event that inspired Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential candidacy.

Along with big-picture history, the records from Primitive Affliction reveal malfeasance by FBI agents and officers who today hold higher positions at the bureau.

The FBI declined to comment. Mueller didn’t respond to an email about Primitive Affliction.

Fabricating Fascists

Former FBI operative David Gletty, at his east Orlando home, talks about being outted by the Orlando Sentinel from his undercover role in a neo-nazi group in 2007, Thursday, February 17, 2022. (Credit: Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel)

About a year after the 2006 Orlando neo-Nazi rally, the FBI source who organized the event, David Gletty, had his cover blown in open court. When the Orlando Sentinel reported that Gletty organized the march, his handler reportedly denied the accusation—saying that the informant marched, but didn’t lead the rally.

But Gletty told this publication a different story. He said the FBI instructed him to organize the rally for two main purposes: to raise Gletty’s profile in the neo-Nazi movement, and to allow the FBI to conduct surveillance of the Nazis who attended the rally.

In fact, Gletty told this publication the FBI was staging Nazi rallies across the country with the similar goals in mind: to raise the profiles of their own informants while building a database of Nazis to track.

(Read more: HeadlineUSA, 6/26/2024)  (Archive)

EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—Part 2

June 26, 2024 – Clinton, Pompeo, Pence, and other Deep State critters, still hate Assange—here’s why

(Credit: Revolver News)

(…) We at Revolver News have been enthusiastic supporters of Assange from the beginning—see, for instance, the interview we did with Assange’s fiancee here. We welcome his freedom, but of course we find it a shame that it happened this late and find the regime’s manner of saving face by forcing Assange to plea guilty to the sham conspiracy to obtain and disclose classified information in exchange for crediting Assange for his time served in Belmarsh. Many others, such as Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald, celebrated Assange’s release. Not everyone, of course, was happy. Among those who publicly registered their disapproval of Assange’s newfound freedom were none other than the goober traitor Mike Pence.

It might come as a surprise to some that a former Trump administration official, let alone Trump’s vice president, should come out so publicly against Assange. After all, didn’t Wikileaks’ exposure of Democrat corruption help Trump win in 2016?

From a broader perspective, Assange and Wikileaks’ history of exposing the crimes of the national security state, in particular the War on Terror, would seem to consort ideologically with Trump, who bravely and famously defeated the Bushes and the Clintons in one of the biggest embarrassments to the establishment in 2016. The answer here is complicated. While Trump’s anti-establishment energy certainly synergized with the efforts of Wikileaks, the very same deep state elements that took every step to undermine Trump, of course, went after Assange. Trump may have been nominally in charge of the national security bureaucracies and Justice Department, but this never stopped the bureaucracies from working tirelessly to undermine his presidency. It should come as no surprise then that the same national security bureaucracy that opposed Trump while Trump was president should have gone ahead with the indictment of Assange. Most disturbingly, there have been credible reports that Trump’s own Secretary of State secretly plotted to have Assange assassinated.

That Pompeo has always been bad news, of course, should come as no surprise to regular Revolver readers. See, for instance, our classic piece here or our interview with Trump on Pompeo here.

It is worth revisiting some of the reasons the establishment and deep state hate Assange so much.

Assange Exposed the Deep State and Hillary Clinton’s Criminal Policy in Syria

In the 2016 election, one of the many fundamental differences separating Trump from Clinton was foreign policy. As Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was directly involved in some of the worst foreign policy disasters since Bush’s Iraq War—for instance, Clinton’s notorious involvement in ruining Libya. A particularly hot-button geopolitical issue at the time was Syria, in which the deep state was desperate for another regime change operation to topple Bashar Assad. Many who analyzed the situation at the time noted that the United States seemed to be in a very uncomfortable alliance with the so-called “Sunni rebels,” which included radical Sunni elements and, reportedly, ISIS. There was a dark logic to it—ISIS was Assad’s enemy, so we should support them, however surreptitiously.

What was clear to keen geopolitical observers became indisputable when Wikileaks leaked an email involving Hillary Clinton in which a State Department official casually let it slip that “Al Qaeda is on our side in Syria.”

Thankfully, when Donald Trump defeated Hillary, he pivoted away from US support for the Sunni rebels, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, and sure enough, this led to the fall of the ISIS caliphate in Syria.

Assange Exposed Early On the Dark Side of Big Tech

If you read one thing by Julian Assange, it must be his hilarious, incisive, and insightful assessment of big tech called “Google Is Not What It Seems.” Keep in mind that this piece was written in 2011, far before the problem of Big Tech censorship was widely understood, much less the dynamic that the censorship tools and approach were repurposed from psychological warfare tools Big Tech brought to the Arab Spring and other foreign conflicts, courtesy of former State Department Official and Google’s Censorship Architect Jared Cohen.

To get a sense of Assange’s humor and keen perception of human character, take a glance at the following two paragraphs describing his impressions of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, respectively.

Julian Assange via Newsweek:

For a man of systematic intelligence, Schmidt’s politics—such as I could hear from our discussion—were surprisingly conventional, even banal. He grasped structural relationships quickly, but struggled to verbalize many of them, often shoehorning geopolitical subtleties into Silicon Valley marketese or the ossified State Department micro-language of his companions. He was at his best when he was speaking (perhaps without realizing it) as an engineer, breaking down complexities into their orthogonal components.

I found Cohen a good listener, but a less interesting thinker, possessed of that relentless conviviality that routinely afflicts career generalists and Rhodes Scholars. As you would expect from his foreign-policy background, Cohen had a knowledge of international flash points and conflicts and moved rapidly between them, detailing different scenarios to test my assertions. But it sometimes felt as if he was riffing on orthodoxies in a way that was designed to impress his former colleagues in official Washington.

The following paragraphs capture early and perfectly the emerging role of Big Tech as a key tool of the national security state and empire.

But as Google Ideas shows, the company’s “philanthropic” efforts, too, bring it uncomfortably close to the imperial side of U.S. influence. If Blackwater/Xe Services/Academi was running a program like Google Ideas, it would draw intense critical scrutiny. But somehow Google gets a free pass.

Whether it is being just a company or “more than just a company,” Google’s geopolitical aspirations are firmly enmeshed within the foreign-policy agenda of the world’s largest superpower. As Google’s search and Internet service monopoly grows, and as it enlarges its industrial surveillance cone to cover the majority of the world’s population, rapidly dominating the mobile phone market and racing to extend Internet access in the global south, Google is steadily becoming the Internet for many people. Its influence on the choices and behavior of the totality of individual human beings translates to real power to influence the course of history.

If the future of the Internet is to be Google, that should be of serious concern to people all over the world—in Latin America, East and Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the former Soviet Union and even in Europe—for whom the Internet embodies the promise of an alternative to U.S. cultural, economic, and strategic hegemony.

A “don’t be evil” empire is still an empire.

Read the full piece from Assange, published at Newsweekhere.

Assange Humiliated the Military-Industrial Complex 

Assange famously called out the sad reality that the goals of our foreign wars are not to be successful but to be endless and thereby continue to fill the coffers of our security elite.

Take, for instance, the following iconic (and representative) clip:

It is a sad irony that just as Assange is freed, we face the very real prospect that President Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee for 2024, may in fact face jail time for what amounts to the same crime: embarrassing the corrupt ruling class of the United States. We will continue to follow Assange’s case with interest and congratulate him and his family on his newfound freedom. (Read more: Revolver News, 6/26/2024)  (Archive)

June 26, 2024 – James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama’s intel czar rigged 2016 and 2020 debates against Trump

James Clapper (Credit: public domain)

“Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper met in the White House with a small group of advisers to President Obama to hatch a plan to put out a first-of-its-kind intelligence report warning the voting public that “the Russian government” was interfering in the election by allegedly breaching the Clinton campaign’s email system.

On Oct. 7, 2016 – just two days before the presidential debate between Trump and Clinton – Clapper issued the unprecedented intelligence advisory with Obama’s personal blessing. It seemed to lend credence to what the Clinton camp was telling the media — that Trump was working with Russian President Vladimir Putin through a secret back channel to steal the election. Sure enough, the Democratic nominee pounced on it to smear Trump at the debate.

And that wouldn’t be the only historically consequential maneuver for Clapper, whose role in skewing presidential campaigns might deserve a special place in the annals of nefarious election meddling – by, in this case, a domestic, not foreign, intelligence service.

In 2020, he was the lead signatory on the “intelligence” statement that discredited the New York Post’s October bombshell exposing emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which documented how Hunter’s corrupt Burisma paymasters had met with Joe Biden when he was vice president. It was released Oct. 19, just three days before Trump and Biden debated each other in Nashville. Fifty other U.S. “Intelligence Community” officials and experts signed the seven-page document, which claimed “the arrival on the U.S. political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

In hindsight, Clapper’s well-timed pseudo-intelligence in 2016 and 2020 helped Clinton and Biden make the case against Trump as a potentially Kremlin-compromised figure, charges that crippled his presidency and later arguably denied him reelection. (Read more: RealClearInvestigations, 6/26/2024) (Archive)

June 27, 2024 – Trump and Biden debate

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy didn’t mince words in his commentary about President Joe Biden’s performance in Thursday’s debate against former President Donald Trump.

In a video posted on social media, Portnoy savaged Biden.

“The other takeaway, the major one, is everyone’s just saying how bad Joe Biden looked. And I’m not talking just Republicans and the Trump people. Democrats, CNN, just shoveling dirt on him, being like, ‘he didn’t do what he had to do, he looked weak, we may have to make a change,’” Portnoy said.

Portnoy played a series of clips of a conversation on CNN in which the anchors acknowledged how badly the proceedings went for the president. In one, Van Jones said the debate was “painful.”

The Barstool Sports founder continued, asking how Democrats are “allowing Joe Biden to do a debate” and saying he “belongs in a nursing home.”

“He can barely finish a sentence. I didn’t think he’d be able to find his way from the green room to the podium without getting lost,” Portnoy said.

The commentator played a clip showing Jill Biden praising her husband for his performance. “Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question,” she said, prompting cheers from the crowd.

“Yeah, no sh*t,” Portnoy chimed in. “That’s as good as Biden could be. And I know Trump’s only a couple years younger, but he’s still lucid. That could be Trump in a couple years. He’s still together. Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is.” (Read more: The Daily Caller, 6/28/2024) (Archive)

Full Debate:


June 28, 2024 – SCOTUS Fischer decision is a win for J6 defendants and a loss for the weaponized DOJ

The Fischer decision is a huge win for the January 6th defendants – something that was expected since the oral arguments.

Bigger picture, this is a significant victory for the Constitution.

The Biden DOJ weaponized and politicized a post-Enron statute to go after their political rivals.

They want to put real Americans in real America in prison for a long time for a lawful protest permitted by the national park service.

June 28, 2024 – The DC judges who sentenced J6’ers based on the DOJ’s unlawful application of 1512(c)(2)

List of shame (of course they have none)–

DC judges who went along with the DOJ’s unlawful application of 1512(c)(2) in J6 cases:

Judge Beryl Howell (Obama, former chief judge)

Judge James Boasberg (Obama, current chief judge)

Judge Rudolph Contreras (Obama)

Judge Trevor McFadden (Trump)

Judge John Bates (GW Bush)

Judge Amit Mehta (Obama)

Judge Dabny Friedrich (Trump)

Judge Royce Lamberth (Reagan)

Judge Richard Leon (GW Bush)

Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Clinton)

Judge Amy Berman Jackson (Obama)

Judge Timothy Kelly (Trump)

Judge Randolph Moss (Clinton)

Judge Paul Friedman (Clinton)

Judge Christopher Cooper (Obama)

D.C. Circuit Court Judge Florence Pan (Biden)—Pan wrote both appellate court decisions upholding 1512c2

D.C. Circuit Court Judge Justin Walker (Trump)

D.C. Circuit Court Judge Cornelia Pillard

June 28, 2024 – Supreme Court delivers crippling blow to permanent bureaucracy’s power over American lives

New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (Credit: Cause of Action Institute)

The Supreme Court handed small fishing companies a victory Friday in their lawsuits against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), overturning a decades-old precedent that expanded the power of the administrative state.

Siding 6-3 with the fishermen, the Supreme Court reversed its 1984 landmark case, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which lower courts relied on to uphold NOAA’s rule forcing companies to dole out $700 per day — around 20% of their revenue — to pay the salaries of federally mandated on-board observers. The principle of Chevron deference, rooted in the landmark case, instructed courts to defer to reasonable agency interpretations of statutes when the language is ambiguous.

“Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority ruling. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the [Administrative Procedure Act] requires.”

Small fishing companies sued NOAA after the agency required businesses to pay for the on-board monitors based on its interpretation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), the law governing fishery management. In both Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce, lower courts deferred to the agency’s interpretation of the law, citing the Chevron ruling.

Roberts called Chevron “a judicial invention that required judges to disregard their statutory duties.”

“Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities,” Roberts wrote. “Courts do.”

Critics of Chevron argued the doctrine, in practice, enabled agencies to assert their interpretations of the law without resistance from the judiciary, giving the government the automatic upper hand when challenged in court and raising significant separation-of-powers concerns.

New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA) highlighted the burden NOAA’s rule placed on businesses in an amicus brief. The short training sea monitors receive does not equip them for the rough conditions on board, the association argued, creating safety concerns and forcing crews to shoulder the burden.

Justice Elena Kagan wrote in the dissent that the majority “disdains restraint, and grasps for power.”

“Its justification comes down, in the end, to this: Courts must have more say over regulation over the provision of health care, the protection of the environment, the safety of consumer products, the efficacy of transportation systems, and so on,” she wrote. “A longstanding precedent at the crux of administrative governance thus falls victim to a bald assertion of judicial authority.”

New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) President Mark Chenoweth said that “the dismantling of the unlawful Administrative State has officially begun.”

“NCLA’s fishermen clients have landed the biggest catch of their lives by persuading the U.S. Supreme Court to take its thumb off the scale when ordinary Americans are contesting unlawful government regulations,” Chenoweth said in a statement. “When NCLA was founded less than seven years ago, taking down Chevron deference was priority number one, because agencies have used it so often to violate people’s civil liberties. That ability ends today!” (The Daily Caller, 6/28/2024) (Archive)

June 2024 – FOIA docs prove it was an interagency effort that overthrew the U.S. government on Nov 3, 2020

Freedom of Information Act: CONFIRMS

“It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.

[FOIA] “We use their own emails, their own documents, their own texts. THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.”

And William fucken Barr was at the center of it all,

“I can say with experience, that prison will come out of it. Eventually they will go to prison. This is not something that’s going to be able to be swept aside.”

And starts with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a formal criminal charges have been filed for obstructing and colluding in the fraud to overthrow the U.S. government.

(Credit: Amazon Books)

Parallel Election documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, specifically in Delaware County, PA. This unprecedented fraud resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Authors Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes show you, up close, how it was done, and by whom. They call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones.

Stenstrom and Hoopes currently have the only remaining election fraud case in Pennsylvania from the November 2020 general election. Viciously quashed, sued and sanctioned for challenging the “most secure election in history,” they fought back, and overcame overwhelming odds to successfully expose the massive election fraud they witnessed.

More Evidence It Was Sovereign Fraud: on November 13, 2020, nineteen Democrat AGs signed a letter (4 pages below) encouraging AG Barr to rescind his November 9th memo. The memo permitted federal agencies such as the FBI and federal prosecutors to investigate election fraud. The nineteen state AG’s demanded the memo be scrapped. See if your state AG’s signature is on that letter shown in this article. Wisconsin’s Josh Kaul signed it! He is the state AG I caught criminally laundering money into his campaigns, read the complaint I filed against him at www.infoccc dot com (4 in total were filed against him).
There is a video interview at the bottom of the article linked below with true bombshells being dropped by
@hoopes_leah and @GregStenstrom out of PA. Suggest starting at the 29min mark. A timeline is shown also naming who was involved in covering up election fraud. Biden planted a federal DOJ insider in Alvin Bragg’s office to prosecute Trump.

Part 1 of 2 – Tune in to hear our exclusive interview with Greg Stenstrom & Leah Hoopes, co-authors of the book The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception. This book documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, which resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Greg and Leah call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones. We discuss the how, the why, the where, and the what of their truth-based evidence which recently saw Greg and Leah win the first case on the 2020 election fraud, which they witnessed first-hand in Delaware County, PA. THIS IS A MUST WATCH or LISTEN people, it proves what we all suspected.

Part 2 of 2 – Tune in to hear our exclusive interview with Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, co-authors of the book The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception. This book documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, which resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Greg and Leah call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones. We discuss the how, the why, the where, and the what of their truth-based evidence which recently saw Greg and Leah win the first case on the 2020 election fraud, which they witnessed first-hand in Delaware County, PA. THIS IS A MUST WATCH or LISTEN people, it proves what we all suspected.

h/t @seacaptim

July 1, 2024 – SCOTUS rules any President of the United States has “absolute immunity” from prosecution for his official, not personal acts

Special Counsel Jack Smith arrives to give remarks on a recently unsealed indictment against former President Donald Trump on August 1, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

My Statement on the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Decision:

The Supreme Court of the United States followed 40-year-old precedent and correctly ruled the President of the United States—any President—is immune from criminal prosecution for his official—not personal—acts.

Federal judges and Members of Congress are immune from criminal prosecution for their official acts, and the Supreme Court today made clear that so is the President.

This is a crucial decision to protect the separation of powers, the presidency, and therefore, our country.

We would not be here today but for the fact that President Biden politicized and weaponized his Justice Department to destroy his political enemy.

The Supreme Court rebuked Biden’s republic-ending tactics.

No longer does President Obama have to fear imprisonment for his drone strike of two American citizens, nor does Biden for his illegal release of violent criminal migrants into America.

The Supreme Court is our line of defense against tyranny, including Biden’s unprecedented lawfare and election interference against Trump. The Supreme Court has delivered one of the most monumental decisions in its history.

Clipping from SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity (Pg. 1)

Members of Congress have immunity both in civil and criminal instances for their official acts. And so do federal judges.

So it makes sense for the President to have the same protections.

The only reason we’re deciding this now is due to the fact that we’ve never had a former president charged in the history of our nation for something done as an official act.

Biden and his Democrat henchmen broke that precedent, and they’ll come to regret it.

Thanks to @VinceCoglianese and @dbongino for having me on during this pivotal moment in American history.

July 1, 2024 – Newly released 2008 Epstein transcript reveals prosecutors knew Epstein had sex with underage girls years before plea deal

Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest drew national attention, particularly focusing on a deal that allowed him to plead guilty in 2008 to soliciting a minor for prostitution in Florida and avoid more serious federal charges. | (Credit: Richard Drew/Associated Press)

…last week a Florida judge dropped a bombshell 150-page transcript related to a 2006 grand jury investigation of Jeffrey Epstein (readers may remember him if not his clients, none of whom it would appear are notable enough to be criminally charged), revealing that prosecutors were aware that Epstein sexually abused underage girls.

As Breanna Morello explains, the transcripts reveal that the deal between Epstein and prosecutors came two years after they learned that Epstein engaged in statutory rape of teenage girls, and resulted in minimal punishments for the billionaire human trafficker. In the end, Epstein was charged with only one count of solicitation of prostitution from a minor, despite evidence of multiple rapes and a pattern of behavior. Thanks to this slap on the wrist which meant he would be free shortly after, Epstein went on to sexually exploit children until his “suicide” in 2019 and made hundreds of millions from child trafficking with countless billionaires and political oligarchs, ferrying them back and forth on his Lolita Express to Epstein island, where countless underage girls were raped by the true ruling class which to this day remains immune from the legal system.

“Details in the record will be outrageous to decent people,”Judge Luis Delgado wrote, adding that the transcript has (further) diminished public perception of the criminal justice system, which in recent months is best known for getting hijacked to serve Biden’s failed crusade to incarcerate Trump before the election. The filings were released after a 2024 Florida law made it legal to do so for transcripts related to Epstein.

As noted above, the 2008 charges boiled down to a count of solicitation of prostitution from a minor, despite investigators’ knowledge of Epstein’s pattern of behavior, including numerous incidents of rape. The charge was significantly less severe than the evidence warranted, especially since investigators had knowledge of Epstein’s pattern of behavior, including numerous incidents of rape. The limited charge ignored the full extent of Epstein’s criminal activities.

Florida’s Southern District Attorney, Alex Acosta (Credit: public domain)

The filing, which itself further unveils prosecutorial missteps that enabled Epstein’s later conduct, came years after the lenient, and delayed, sentence was criticized.

“The story of how Jeffrey Epstein victimized some of Palm Beach County’s most vulnerable has been the subject of much anger and has at times diminished the public’s perception of the criminal justice system,” Delgado wrote.

Florida’s Southern District Attorney, Alex Acosta, who served for a period of time as Trump former Secretary of Labor, approved a non-prosecution agreement with Epstein in 2008, despite prosecutors’ knowledge of the rapes. Acosta eventually left the Trump administration in scandal after details emerged outlining his botched prosecution of the prolific trafficker.

Watch the full report below.

(Read more: Zero Hedge, 7/06/2024)  (Archive)

July 1, 2024 – Justice Thomas writes Jack Smith’s appointment as Special Counsel may be unconstitutional

In Monday’s landmark Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, Justice Clarence Thomas raised the secondary issue regarding the constitutionality of Jack Smith‘s appointment as a special prosecutor for Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ). Smith is currently overseeing two separate prosecutions targeting former President Donald J. Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee and currently favored to defeat Biden in November’s election.

“In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States,” Justice Thomas wrote in his concurring opinion. He continued: “But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been ‘established by Law,’ as the Constitution requires.”

At the heart of Justice Thomas‘s argument is that Article II of the U.S. Constitution specifically grants the power to create inferior offices in the executive branch not to the President but to Congress. He contends that without legislative authorization, Attorney General Merrick Garland‘s appointment of a Special Counsel is unconstitutional.

Justice Thomas quotes the Appointments Clause in his concurring opinion on presidential immunity (pg. 53).

“By requiring that Congress create federal offices ‘by Law,’ the Constitution imposes an important check against the President—he cannot create offices at his pleasure,” the justice wrote, adding: ” If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President.” (Read more: The National Pulse, 7/01/2024)  (Archive)

July 1, 2024 – Biden makes remarks on Supreme Court immunity ruling

Jonathan Turley comments:

No, President Biden, the Supreme Court Did Not Remove All Limits on the Presidency

July 2, 2024 – CNN expert says SCOTUS immunity decision could impact evidence used in Alvin Bragg’s case; Bragg agrees and suspends sentencing

CNN legal analyst Elliot Williams (Credit: CNN)

A former Justice Department official said on Tuesday that the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity could impact Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s business documents case against former President Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Trump’s claims of immunity over “official acts” as president in a case stemming from an indictment secured by special counsel Jack Smith over the former president’s efforts to contest the 2020 election in a 6-3 decision authored by Chief Justice John Roberts. CNN legal analyst Elliot Williams told “CNN This Morning” host Kasie Hunt that some of the evidence introduced in the trial, including the testimony of former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, might be in question.

“Let’s talk about what the Supreme Court decided,” Williams said. “What they‘d said was that evidence of official acts cannot even be used to help support prosecuting someone for unofficial acts of the presidency. So case in point, let’s use Donald Trump’s New York trial. Obviously it‘s personal conduct, private behavior, sleeping with porn stars, cooking the books of your corporation, whatever else, right however, it relied on the testimony of Hope Hicks, a former White House aide, and other evidence that is tied to his time in the White House. Now, Trump’s team can plausibly claim some of these were official acts that can’t even be used as evidence.”

(Read more: The Daily Caller, 7/02/2024)  (Archive)

A short while later:

Prosecutors with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office agreed on Tuesday to delay former President Donald Trump’s sentencing, The New York Times reported.

A Manhattan jury convicted Trump May 30 on 34 felony counts of falsification of business records. Bragg’s office agreed to a request to delay the sentencing in light of a recent Supreme Court ruling that found presidents have immunity from prosecution for “official acts” taken in office, but called the motion by Trump’s attorneys meritless, according to the NYT.

“Although we believe defendant’s arguments to be without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to file and his putative request to adjourn sentencing pending determination of his motion,” Joshua Steinglass, an assistant district attorney, wrote in response, according to the NYT. (Read more: The Daily Caller, 7/02/2024)  (Archive)

July 2, 2024 – Viral video shows media floated 25th Amendment for Trump hundreds of times while in office

A viral video montage has emerged of prominent figures in the liberal media calling on government officials to invoke the 25th Amendment on former President Trump while he was in office.

The montage, created by NewsBusters video editor Bill D’Agostino, noted that media members pushed the 25th Amendment narrative over 600 times during Trump’s White House tenure.

The compilation of major media voices was part of a larger report published by the Media Research Center, which noted that MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell brought up the idea of declaring Trump unfit for presidential duties less than a month after his inauguration.

In December 2017, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough said a close associate of Trump on the campaign trail told him the then-presidential candidate had “pre-dementia.”

Scarborough also suggested that “everybody” who’s known Trump for years has said he has “mentally devolved.” The MSNBC co-host then said he wanted to know “when it’s safe” to start talking about whether Trump should be taken off his presidential duties.

(Read more: Fox News, 7/02/2024)  (Archive)

July 2, 2024 – Jimmy Dore: The media echoed the same lies to boost Biden

The Democratic-leaning corporate media, consisting of outlets like MSNBC and CNN, have been lying consistently and vociferously about Joe Biden’s mental acuity for years now. Despite the president’s obvious decline, the likes of Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid and many others have claimed that video showing Biden’s cognitive failures were “cheap fakes” and that Biden remains “sharp as a tack.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the Orwellian media’s insistence that you not believe your own eyes when it comes to Biden’s mental state.

July 3, 2024 – Ivanka Trump discusses child and human trafficking; Trump wants death penalty for those who traffic children

Ivanka Trump talks about her and 45’s insistence on eliminating child and human trafficking in his administration.

In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why you see all of pedowood up in arms over Donald Trump’s ascendency to the White House.

You saw it in the tweets from people like Chrissy Tiegen, Patton Oswald, and a myriad of others. They blatantly promoted child harm and hated Trump simultaneously.

Notice how Epstein’s Island shut down during Trump’s tenure but remained open during Obama, Clinton, and Bush’s war crime sprees.

“Human trafficking. That’s an issue that I didn’t think go to the White House thinking I would work on. You hear a story of a survivor and you can’t not want to eradicate one of the greatest evils that the mind can even imagine. The exploitation of children. For so many they assume that this is a problem that doesn’t happen on our shores…We were able to get legislation combating trafficking at home and abroad. Digital exploitation of children.”

Now look at all the legislation Trump used to combat human trafficking and it all starts to make sense:

– Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017: amends existing legislation and establishes penalties for promoting or facilitating sex trafficking online.

– Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017: raised the statute of limitations on human trafficking offenses to 10 years.

– Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2017: amends several laws, authorizes funds and various federal agencies to combat human trafficking.

– Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Authorization Act: coordinates DHS efforts against human trafficking.

– SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018: A Health and Human Services program to train health care providers in recognizing and providing care to potential victims of human trafficking.

– Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act: coordinates human trafficking prevention efforts across the Department of Transportation

– No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act: directs the Department of Transportation to disqualify a person from operating a commercial vehicle for life if said vehicle was used to traffic humans.

– Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017: reauthorized the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund through 2023 and established additional anti-human trafficking measures across federal agencies.

(Ultra Pepe Lives Matter/Telegram, 7/3/2024)

Trump Declares War on Child Traffickers: ‘Death Penalty for Perpetrators Immediately’ (Video)


July 5, 2024 – D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rules Hillary 2016 campaign and affiliated super PAC guilty of $6 million FEC violation

The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million.

The amount in question is more than 45 times the $130,000 a Manhattan court convicted former President Donald Trump of misreporting in business records during the same 2016 campaign.

(…) Regarding the Clinton campaign case, the D.C. Circuit found the super PAC Correct the Record “set out to engage in a wide range of coordinated activities to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”

“In an administrative complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission, nonprofit watchdog Campaign Legal Center alleges that Correct the Record spent close to $6 million in coordination with the Clinton campaign during the lead-up to the 2016 election, including to conduct polls, hire teams of round-the-clock factcheckers, and connect Clinton media surrogates with radio and television news outlets,” the Court said.

The three-judge panel noted that Correct the Record coordinated all these activities with Clinton’s campaign.

“But it characterized all of the committee’s myriad expenditures — from staff salaries and travel expenses to the cost of commissioning polls and renting offices — as ‘inputs’ to unpaid communications over the internet. For that reason, neither Correct the Record nor the Clinton campaign designated any of Correct the Record’s expenditures as contributions to the campaign,” the ruling said.

In other words, Correct the Record committed FEC “business record” violations, if you will, by failing to properly account for money spent to help the Clinton campaign.

The FEC had dismissed the complaint against the Clinton campaign and Correct the Record, citing an internet exemption had allowed them not to list the coordination between the two, but the D.C. Circuit Court found that decision was in error.

“We hold that the Commission acted contrary to law in dismissing the complaint. Because we conclude that the internet exemption cannot be read to exempt from disclosure those expenditures that are only tangentially related to an eventual internet message or post, the Commission’s reading of the internet exemption stretches it beyond lawful limits,” the ruling read.

“As to those expenditures that it deemed not to be covered by the internet exemption, the Commission acted contrary to law in dismissing the complaint for want of reason to believe the relevant expenditures were coordinated with the campaign, despite plausible allegations that Correct the Record coordinated all its expenditures with Hillary for America — and openly acknowledged doing so.” (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 7/12/2024)  (Archive)

July 7, 2024 – Kamala Harris has covered for Biden’s cognitive decline while risking national security (Video)

Kamala Harris let the plot to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline and possibly even dementia. The number of times she claimed he is mentally fit is staggering. But now, with Joe Biden exposed, the left wants him gone. It appears they are turning their focus to Kamala Harris to led the Democrat ticket for the race to the White House.

July 8, 2024 – Democrats vote against Bill that would safeguard elections; Elon Musk calls them traitors

Speaker Johnson:

🧵The SAVE Act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only American citizens vote in federal elections.

Here’s what the legislation does:

Requires state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms.

Requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections.

Allows state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for CITIZENS to register to vote in federal elections.

Provides states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship.

Directs DHS to determine whether to conduct removal proceedings if a noncitizen has been identified as having registered to vote in federal elections.

Requires DHS to notify a state chief election official whenever an individual has been naturalized to ensure our newest citizens are able to exercise their right to vote.

July 8, 2024 – Knives come out – CNN’s Jake Tapper airs a montage of Biden’s ‘not coherent’ post-debate stumbles

CNN’s Jake Tapper opened Monday’s edition of The Lead with a rebuttal to President Joe Biden, who claimed “elites” – and not rank-and-file voters – want a different Democratic nominee at next month’s convention.

The Biden campaign is in turmoil after his woeful debate performance against former President Donald Trump last month. Fallout was swift, as some Democratic lawmakers have called on Biden to step aside. Even longtime allies have publicly expressed concern about Biden’s ability to make the case against Trump and prevent the former president from returning to the White House.

Biden has tried to assuage fears by doing a sit-down interview with ABC News and multiple call-in interviews, but those did not exactly go off without hitches, as Tapper noted in his monologue.

“Earlier today, President Biden called into one of his favorite TV shows – Morning Joe on MSNBC – and he railed against what he called ‘the elites,’” the host said before airing a clip of Biden.

“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites,” the president said. “Now, I’m not talking about you guys, but about the elites in the party.”

Tapper responded:

President Biden seems to be trying to frame what’s going on right now as, the average voters who want him versus the elites of the Democratic Party – donors and lawmakers, and opinion makers, many of whom have serious concerns about Biden’s ability to be the candidate and have called for him to step down after that debate performance that, let’s call baffling. In reality, 72% of voters say that they believe President Biden is too old. That’s according to CNN’s most recent polling. Voters have been saying this for quite a long time. The reality is that the Democratic elites are mostly late to acknowledge these age and ability issues compared to the rest of the public. The elites have been forced to reckon with it after the debate just 11 days ago.

Tapper then aired another clip from Biden’s Morning Joe interview. When it concluded, the host read the president’s comments back verbatim:

“The fact of the matter is how can you assure you’re going to be on, you know, on your way to go, you know, work tomorrow? Age, age wasn’t, you know, the idea that I’m too old.”

Keep in mind that sound bite is supposed to be reassuring to those Democratic supporters who have gone wobbly. Many Democratic officials with whom I’ve spoken are worried that President Biden and his family and his inner circle appear to be in complete denial, not just about whatever might be wrong with him, but the state of his candidacy right now.

July 8, 2024 – Judiciary Committee to grill executives accused of colluding to silence Conservatives in violation of antitrust laws

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) engineered some post-Independence Day fireworks by securing appearances from two executives whose companies are allegedly colluding to silence conservative voices in violation of antitrust laws.

Herrish Patel

Christian Juhl

Herrish Patel, President of Unilever USA, and Christian Juhl, Global Chief Executive Officer of GroupM, have agreed to testify Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. EST in a hearing titled “Collusion in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media.”

As previously reported exclusively, Breitbart News obtained letters from Jordan to Unilever and GroupM saying his committee has obtained documents showing both companies, as members of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media’s (GARM) Steer Team, are “closely involved in GARM’s efforts to boycott, demonetize, and censor disfavored viewpoints.”

Also testifying is Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire, which along with Breitbart News and Fox News is a victim of GARM’s alleged censorship.

As Breitbart News previously reported:

GARM is an initiative of the powerful World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which, according to its website, “represents over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and more than 60 national advertiser associations worldwide.” GARM was established in 2019 in Cannes, France – home of the film festival frequented by ultra-liberal Hollywood jet set elites – “to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising.”

The executives are unlikely to receive a warm welcome from committee Republicans, who have obtained receipts in the form of a plethora of documents and communications detailing GARM’s coordinated actions.

Breitbart has learned Republicans are expected to press the executives on GARM’s collaboration to silence, demonetize, and deplatform conservative voices and media outlets, potentially in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and seeming to exceed far beyond the organization’s stated aim to promote “brand safety.”

Specifically, Republicans will zero in on GARM’s organized boycott to stop paid advertisement on Twitter, now X, after Elon Musk acquired the company, the organization’s threats to Spotify after popular podcaster Joe Rogan opined that young, healthy people may not need a COVID-19 vaccine, and its schemes to expand its methods into the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence.

Additionally, Republicans are expected to press GARM on its efforts to weaponize its influence by suppressing political advertisements, including from Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. (Read more: Breitbart, 7/)*/2024)  (Archive)

July 8, 2024 – Oscar ‘Blue’ Ramirez unveils the UN’s hidden agenda in Panama’s Darien Gap

In a gripping episode of Steel News with Ann Vandersteel, viewers were given a front-row seat to the unfolding saga of “Operation Burning Edge” in Panama. The fearless investigative journalist, Oscar “Blue” Ramirez, has once again demonstrated his relentless dedication to uncovering the truth about the weaponized human migration crisis orchestrated by the UN and various NGOs.

Ramirez, known for his unparalleled work with Real America’s Voice and the Epoch Times, has made it his mission to document the horrors and realities of the Darien Gap—a treacherous stretch of jungle that has become the conduit for mass migration from South America to the United States. Having already braved this perilous terrain three times, Ramirez is now gearing up for his fourth expedition, determined to shed light on the sinister operations fueling this humanitarian catastrophe.

Ramirez’s reporting has unveiled a disturbing reality: the UN and NGOs are not mere bystanders in this crisis. Instead, they are key players actively facilitating and weaponizing human migration to further their agenda of global governance. These organizations, under the guise of humanitarian aid, are perpetuating a cycle of chaos and instability, using vulnerable populations as pawns in their grand strategy.

Through his tireless efforts, Ramirez has exposed the mechanisms by which these entities operate. From providing logistical support to migrants, to manipulating media narratives, the UN and its NGO partners are meticulously orchestrating a crisis that serves their geopolitical interests. This is not about compassion; it’s about control.

“Operation Burning Edge” represents a significant victory in the fight against this globalist plot. Ramirez’s on-the-ground reporting has been instrumental in bringing these shadowy activities to light. His firsthand accounts and damning evidence have left no room for doubt—what we are witnessing is a calculated attempt to undermine national sovereignty and destabilize regions through engineered migration flows.

Ann Vandersteel’s platform has been pivotal in amplifying Ramirez’s findings, ensuring that the American public is not kept in the dark about these critical issues. The success of “Operation Burning Edge” lies not only in its ability to expose these malfeasances but also in its role in galvanizing resistance against the encroaching tide of globalism.

The revelations brought forth by “Operation Burning Edge” should serve as a wake-up call to all patriots. The threat of weaponized migration is real, and its consequences are far-reaching. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and support those, like Oscar “Blue” Ramirez, who risk their lives to uncover the truth.

In the face of such adversity, we must ask ourselves: will we stand idly by as our nation’s sovereignty is eroded, or will we rise to the occasion and defend our freedoms against the globalist agenda? The time for action is now. The success of “Operation Burning Edge” is just the beginning—together, we can and must close the gap. (Read more: Freedom First Network, 7/08/2024) (Archive)

July 9, 2024 – New docs: The FBI identified a ‘Person of Interest’ in Capitol pipe bomb case by January 10, 2020

Jan. 6 suspected pipe bomber (Credit: Revolver News via Rumble)

The FBI released a new batch of records about its Capitol Hill uprising investigation on Monday, revealing that investigators identified a “person of interest” in its Jan. 5/6 pipe bombs investigation within days of the incident.

The record about the FBI’s person of interest is a Jan. 10, 2021, report that summarized the bureau’s J6 investigation up to that point. The extremely faded report is difficult to read, but it appears to state: “FBI WF and USCP have identified a person of interest who may be a match to the description of the individual placing the bombs, and continue efforts to identify through surveillance footage.”

The FBI declined to comment in response to Headline USA’s questions about what happened to the person of interest, including whether the person was cleared or is still under investigation.

“We don’t have any comment on the documents. The pipe bomb investigation remains ongoing,” an FBI spokesperson told this outlet. (Read more: HeadlineUSA, 7/09/2024) (Archive)

July 10, 2024 – House Judiciary Committee finds conservative news sources were targeted by a cartel of advertisers who set out to demonetize and reduce their reach

Breaking: @Jim_Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee finds @realdailywire, @realDonaldTrump, @joerogan, @elonmusk, @foxnews, @breitbartnews, and more are targeted by a cartel of advertisers controlling 90% of ad dollars to demonetize and reduce their reach. We have the receipts. 🧵

I was already deeply troubled based on what I know of GARM, but I just read @JudiciaryGOP’s report before I’m set to testify before the committee this morning.

It’s even worse than I thought:

“GARM and its members discussed a strategy of blocking certain news outlets like @FoxNews, @realDailyWire, and @BreitbartNews,” the report states, pointing to an email from a top executive associated with the coalition stating that he “hated their ideology and bulls**t.”


One of the lead organizations in the coalition, GroupM, the world’s largest media buying agency, admits in emails that The Daily Wire is “on our Global High Risk exclusion list, categorized as Conspiracy Theories.”

The report exposes the bias of Rob Rakowitz, GARM’s leader and co-founder, who in one email complains about people “advocating for freedom of speech online,” and about “extreme global interpretation of the US Constitution,” which Rakowitz says was written “by white men exclusively.”Image

GARM also targeted Twitter/X. The report states that GARM tried to direct all of its members — corporate giants who together account for 90% of global advertising dollars — to “stop all paid advertisement” on the platform after @ElonMusk purchased it. GARM “bragged about” the fact that Twitter was “80% below revenue forecasts” after its effort.

(See thread for additional docs posted.)

GARM also worked to pressure Spotify over @JoeRogan’s podcast, specifically over the host’s claims that young, healthy people didn’t need a COVID vaccine. Rakowitz admits in private emails that threats like the one it made to Spotify “gets us into hot water by way of anticompetitive and collusive behaviors.”

So what incentivizes platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and X to work with GARM? Democrats in Congress and the White House use the tacit threat of government action to compel private companies to throttle disfavored viewpoints. This drives social media companies to partner with GARM – or else.
In 2017, Senator Dianne Feinstein told lawyers at Facebook, Google, and Twitter, “You created these platforms…and now they’re being misused. And you have to be the ones to do something about it – or we will.”
When Rogan said that he had taken Ivermectin after getting COVID, White House press secretary Jen Psaki pressured Spotify to take action, stating, “We want every platform to be doing more to be calling out mis- and dis-information, while also uplifting accurate information.”

Two weeks ago, writing in dissent in Murthy v. Missouri, Justice Alito condemned the weaponization of private companies to engage in censorship – what he called “sophisticated” and “coercive” government campaigns against free speech. These campaigns are ongoing. They are spurred by members of this Congress and this White House. And they must be stopped. (Ben Shapiro/X, 7/10/2024)  (Archive)

Watch my testimony and get live updates here:

The House Judiciary Committee released a damning report Wednesday morning with shocking details of corporate collusion to silence conservative viewpoints through targeting Breitbart News, Joe Rogan, and Twitter (now X) among others.

July 11, 2024 – The Center for Immigration Studies hosts a panel discussion on the impact of U.S. immigration policy on Black Americans

The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a panel discussion on the effects of the federal government’s immigration policies on Black Americans. The panelists explored historical and recent trends, focusing on the wage and employment impacts on Black communities.

The July 11, 10 a.m. Eastern event featured representatives of Black America for Immigration Reform, a non-profit founded by Black American leaders advocating for immigration reforms that serve the interests of Black men and women.

Roy Beck, author of Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias and Depression of Black Wealth, also joined the panel, exploring how government policies and actions that have enabled employers to depress Black wages and to avoid hiring African Americans.

The participants reflected on the views of leaders like W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and A. Philip Randolph, who believed that mass immigration harmed their community. The panel considered whether restricting immigration today would tighten the labor market and provide more opportunities for Black American workers.

July 11, 2024 – CBS News president resigns for blocking Biden laptop stories, firing Catherine Herridge, and discriminating against white female journalists

CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews is stepping down amid reports she blocked reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop and accusations of racial discrimination against white female journalists. It was Ciprian-Matthews who clashed with correspondent Catherine Herridge, who was fired by the station back in February.

More from The New York Post:

CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — who was accused of sidelining white journalists and blocking an acclaimed correspondent’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop — is stepping down at the network, the company said Wednesday.

The controversial news boss, who was named president just last August, is exiting after she made headlines in February over the firing of Catherine Herridge, a respected senior investigative reporter who had been doggedly covering the Hunter Biden laptop story for the network.

At the time, media insiders speculated that Herridge’s exit was linked to her reporting that President Biden may have kept evidence that he had foreign business dealings while in office.

(Read more: Twitchy, 7/11/2024)  (Archive)

July 13, 2024 – Notable moments before, during, and after the attempted assassination of President Trump

An aerial view of the Butler Farm Show where former President Trump was shot during his campaign rally on July 13. 2024. (Credit: Gene J. Puskar/AP Photo)

BEFORE – (Threats were predicted…and made.)

FLASHBACK: A Montage of Democrats Calling for Violence Against President Trump

Startling video from New York City’s latest “Shakespeare in the Park” production shows a character resembling Donald Trump being brutally stabbed to death.

Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) in 2018 praised an apocalyptic Pearl Jam concert poster that depicted former President Donald Trump dead, according to his 2020 book, Grounded: A Rural Democrat’s Fight to Unite America.

The artwork also included an image of the corpse of Trump being picked at by a bald eagle while it reaches for a briefcase that appears to have the communist hammer and sickle emblem on it.

Local Officer Radioed About Armed Shooter on Roof 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot, But Message Never Reached Command Post — Internet Cell Service Was Down 25 Minutes Before Shooting (VIDEO)

The Secret Service had already been under investigation by House Oversight Committee Republicans for several months when a bullet came within inches of killing former President Trump, killed a bystander, and injured at least two others at a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon. GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Assassination Attempt

How exactly did Kimberly Cheatle rise [to] lead the United States Secret Service? A new report points the finger at Jill Biden, stating that she and her top advisor pushed for the appointment.

That decision culminated in an attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday. The former president was shot in the ear, narrowly avoiding death while a chaotic and clumsy response from the Secret Service followed. It was a disastrous event for an agency with a zero-fail mission. Trump assassination attempt: Secret Service director faces new heat for ‘sloped roof’ comment

The director of the Secret Service is facing blistering criticism Tuesday after claiming during an interview that personnel were not positioned on top of the building where the Trump rally shooter opened fire because of a “sloped roof,” despite images showing snipers set up on a sloped roof behind the former president’s podium.

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle made the remark during an interview with ABC News, in which she said the agency was aware of the security vulnerabilities presented by the building Thomas Matthew Crooks took a sniper’s position on to aim at Trump.

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside,” she said.

But critics on social media aren’t having it, calling Cheatle’s “sloped roof” comment a “total BS excuse” that “defies believability.” Secret Service director claims ‘sloped roof’ at Trump rally posed a threat to agents’ safety

TWO DAYS before the assassination attempt, Victoria Nuland boasted with a smirk, “I don’t think Trump is going to be President, so If that’s what Putin is betting on, he’s going to get an unhappy SURPRISE!”


The chart that saved Donald Trump’s life:

Watch what happened from the moment President Trump took the stage at his rally to the time his motorcade took him to the hospital near Butler, PA, on Saturday, July 13, 2024.


Heart wrenching dissection of the assassination attempt on President Trump shows grave compromise by the security agents. I completely agree with this compelling expert analysis. Further revelation has shown that attendees even saw the gunman on rooftop before shooting. While condemning this dastardly act in the most strongest terms, I pray for President Trump’s quick recovery.

July 15, 2024 – In an interview with NBC News, President Biden tells Lester Holt that he misspoke when he said that voters should put former President Trump “in a bullseye.” Watch more of the interview on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, and the full interview on NBC News.

Staffer of Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson Fired After Suggesting Trump’s Assailant Should ‘Have Taken Shooting Lessons to Not Miss Next Time’

The Gateway Pundit lists 10 examples of mainstream media refusing to call it an attempted assassination.


(Credit: Gateway Pundit drone shot, 7/18/2024)

The alleged sniper was crawling around on the roof for a half hour as people were screaming that there was a sniper on the roof. The sniper team inside the building on the second floor, had to have heard their screams and their pleas. During this time they did nothing to stop the sniper on the roof who was just forty feet away from multiple windows where they would have seen him. (Read more: Gateway Pundit, 7/18/2024)

Local Counter Snipers w/ View of Rooftop Pulled from Posts Minutes before Trump Shooting

‘Had ESU maintained position in the window overlooking the roof, isn’t it true that they’d have a clean shot at Mr. Crooks as he was ascending the roof to his shooting position?’

July 21, 2024

Oversight Project and BlazeTV are investigating possible link between Crooks and the FBI:

Higgins Report Part 2: The Water Tower and the Second Shooter Theory

Higgins Report Part 3: FBI Cleaned Up Biological Evidence from the Crime Scene in 1 Day

Details Surface: USSS Counter Snipers Did Not Stop Assassin Crooks, Butler SWAT Did – Also, FBI Quickly and Quietly Released Body for Cremation

Republican Rep. Mike Waltz revealed to Daily Mail that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, may not have acted alone.

Most Agents Protecting Trump During Attempted Assassination Were Homeland Security Personnel Who Received Only a ‘2-Hour Online Webinar’ Beforehand

(Timeline editor’s note: We’ll continue to update this timeline entry as new information is reported..)

July 15, 2024 – The Trump assassination attempt, Citadel, BlackRock, DJT, MMTLP, and a ton of weird connections

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump raises numerous questions and speculations. In light of Trump’s significant financial holdings and the complex dynamics within our financial markets, the situation becomes even more intriguing. Given Trump’s ownership of 114.75 million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT), his recent meeting with Ken Griffin, CEO of Citadel Securities, the shooter’s connection to BlackRock, and the letter sent by Devin Nunes, CEO of $DJT, to Congress outlining potential unlawful trading activities, it is worth exploring a theory that implicates major financial players BlackRock and Citadel in the assassination attempt on former President Trump. This writing presents a hypothetical scenario examining how and why these two financial giants could have collaborated in such an extreme action. This is just a theory, so put on your tinfoil hats, folks.

On April 23rd, 2024, Devin Nunes, former Congressman and current CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group, sent a letter to the Chairpersons of The Committee on Financial Services, The Committee on the Judiciary, The Committee on Ways and Means, and The Committee on Oversight and Reform. In his letter, Nunes states that “DJT has appeared every day on Nasdaq’s ‘Reg SHO threshold list,’ which is indicative of unlawful trading activity. This is particularly troubling given that ‘naked’ short selling often entails sophisticated market participants profiting at the expense of retail investors.”

Nunes then directly implicates Citadel, calling for an investigation into their trading of the DJT security by stating: “Furthermore, data made available to us indicate that just four market participants have been responsible for over 60% of the extraordinary volume of DJT shares traded: Citadel Securities, VIRTU Americas, G1 Execution Services, and Jane Street Capital.” Nunes continues by saying, “Overall, we assess there are strong indications of unlawful manipulation of DJT stock. As such, I respectfully request that you open an investigation of anomalous trading of DJT to determine its extent and purpose, and whether any laws including RICO statutes and tax evasion laws were violated, so that the perpetrators of any illegal activity can be held to account.”

At the end of his letter to these Congressional Committees, Nunes references the ongoing $MMTLP
situation as a current event which also could be indicative of the practice of naked shorting running rampant at the institutional level to suggest that the DJT situation is not unique. (

In response to this letter, Fortune reports that Citadel Securities CEO, Ken Griffin, stated that Nunes is a “proverbial loser.” Fortune further reported that a spokesperson for Citadel stated, “Nunes is exactly the type of person Donald Trump would have fired on ‘The Apprentice,’” and that if Nunes were on Citadel’s payroll, it would “fire him” because “ability and integrity are at the center of everything we do.” (

Fast forward to July 2024. It is reported that Donald Trump recently met with Ken Griffin, who happens to be one of if not the single largest individual major Republican donor in history. But in the lead-up to and aftermath of their meeting, both Citadel and Griffin, who has been critical of the former President in the past, have yet to make any financial contributions to the Trump campaign. On July 13, 2024, Thomas Matthew Crooks attempts to assassinate former President Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Crooks is described as a loner who had no political leanings and not many friends by those who knew him. (

Curiously, in a BIZARRE coincidence, it is discovered that Crooks recently appeared in an advertisement for BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023. What are the odds? Of all the places in the world, BlackRock chose this school in Butler, Pennsylvania, and of the handful of students that could have been included, Crooks was one of them. And he just happened to go on to attempt to assassinate the projected future President of the United States. Upon the situation being brought to their attention, BlackRock immediately pulled the ads that Crooks appears in. Experts say that Crooks could be identified as having the profile of a vulnerable individual who could be coerced or incentivized to carry out such a plan. Moreover, this connection, and Crooks’ history, would allow the narrative to be manipulated post-incident, portraying Crooks as a lone actor.

But what is the connection between Citadel and BlackRock? Well, BlackRock and Citadel have a notable business relationship through their financial backing of the Texas Stock Exchange (TXSE). This exchange aims to compete with major players like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq by providing a platform with potentially lower compliance costs and different listing standards. As of June 2024, the TXSE has raised about $120 million and plans to start operating as a national securities exchange later this year. (

In addition to their collaboration on the Texas Stock Exchange, BlackRock and Citadel have several other connections. Citadel Securities has been involved with BlackRock’s exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as an authorized participant, helping to facilitate the trading and liquidity of these funds. Furthermore, both companies play significant roles in market-making and trading, where Citadel Securities often acts as a counterpart to BlackRock’s trading activities. Their intertwined roles in financial markets extend beyond any single project, emphasizing their influence on global market structures.

We are talking about two BEHEMOTHS. Gigantic companies that are intertwined with one another, and responsible for TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS in total asset management and trading. One being exposed for possible criminal activity directly affects the other and sends their aspirations of launching and being an integral part of an exchange to rival the NYSE and NASDAQ right down the crapper.

*In yet another truly bizarre turn of events, the public learned of more “coincidental” ongoings involving BlackRock in the days following the assassination attempt. Recent SEC filings revealed that shortly before the assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth, an independent, fee-only advisory firm operating as an SEC Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) based out of Austin, Texas, took a short position covering 12 million shares of $DJT via put options. Curiously, in the same period leading up to the assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth also took a short position of 34 million shares of Rumble (Nasdaq:$RUM), a company viewed by many as a “sister company” to $DJT.

Austin Private Wealth boasts connections to VIPs, including former President George W. Bush. Notably, Austin Private Wealth reportedly has ties to both BlackRock and the George Soros-backed Vanguard Group. While online claims suggest the firm is partially owned by BlackRock and Vanguard, the most recent 13F filings do not substantiate this rumor. However, Austin Private Wealth does own over $34,000,000 worth of DYNF and over $78,000,000 worth of VONE, ETFs managed by BlackRock and Vanguard, respectively. (

For it’s part, Austin Private Wealth has released a statement via their website stating that the SEC filing which showed their firm taking the large short position in DJT was “incorrect” and that they immediately amended the filing as soon as they learned of the error. Curiously however, there was no mention of the large short position that was taken on Rumble. Also worth noting though, is that in the entire history of Austin Private Wealth’s existence, they have never had an error of this magnitude take place in the process of reporting their positions.

In addition to the foregoing, and aside from the controversy surrounding the aforementioned put options, there has been significant suspicious activity concerning the short interest of DJT as well. John Tabacco, expert in securities lending, founder of LocateStock, and a regular weekly contributor to CNBC and Fox Business, reported on July 16th that “$DJT shorts went from 7M to 15M from July 1-July 12.” (

This means that the total short position in shares of DJT increased by more than double leading up to the assassination attempt.

Now, what are the odds of all these events occurring simultaneously, coupled with the monumental failures of the United States Secret Service that allowed a 20-year-old to climb a roof 150 yards away from the leading candidate in the 2024 Presidential election to attempt an assassination?

According to the experts, the odds of no one knowing anything ahead of time when short interest in $DJT increased significantly the same week that a massive put position was “recorded in error”, while Austin Private Wealth took a 34 million share short position on Rumble at the same exact time, just days before the assassination attempt, are astronomical.*

So what does it all mean, folks? It could very well mean nothing. A series of events that occur coincidentally and without connection. Or it could mean more. It could mean that there are gigantic companies out there that had the network, the money, and the motivation to stop President Trump’s bid for the White House dead in its tracks. Because THEY knew that the naked shorting that many believed to be running rampant on Wall Street directly affected Trump’s pockets and the pockets of those who believe in him. And Trump wouldn’t think twice to expose it and end it. So they would stop at nothing to be able to keep their ATM machine running.

Central to Nunes’ argument is the parallel drawn between the DJT situation and the ongoing issues with MMTLP. The trading halt on MMTLP on December 9th, 2022, before a reconciliation could take place, has left it frozen in time, preventing any resolution of the naked shorting allegations, but also preserving the evidence if those allegations are well founded. Where naked shorting is believed to exist, going into each brokerage that holds shares for their clients and counting the amount of shares they hold for their clients is the simplest way to prove or disprove it. If there is more shares in circulation than the company has authorized, there is your proof of naked shorting. In spite of massive public outcry, and congressional demands for it, that MMTLP share audit still has not taken place. Nunes’ letter, and subsequent reference to the MMTLP situation, serves as an affirmation that an independently audited broker-to-broker share count of MMTLP (and DJT), is the best chance the investing public has to uncover whether these manipulative practices are indeed taking place.

Is all of the above far-fetched? Perhaps. But a few things are for sure though:

1. The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump served only to galvanize the support that he had behind him, while at the same time sending the price of DJT to $40.58 as of this writing. When compared to the trading price at the close of Friday, July 12th, this amounts to a profit of $1.1475 BILLION dollars in added value to President Trump’s position. It was literally a Billion Dollar Shot.

2. Questions related to the possible nefarious activity of Citadel and others as it relates to the $DJT
stock have still gone unanswered by those at the regulatory level, and those in Congress tasked with oversight of these agencies.

3. The $MMTLP situation that Devin Nunes referenced in his letter could have the answers that would unlock the secrets of what is really going on with both securities and virtually all of the same suspected bad actors. For over 19 months, shareholders and former company officers alike have requested a simple share count related to the MMTLP security. Yet, when an act as simple as a broker-to-broker share audit would serve the public interests, restore market confidence, absolve Citadel and similarly situated institutions of any criminal wrongdoing, while proving the SEC’s commitment to protect investors at the highest level, the regulatory establishment have not only cowered away from it but for over a year have refused to perform this audit in direct defiance of requests from over 100+ Congressional representatives.

*Enter JD Vance, the Senator from Ohio. On July 15th, just two days after the assassination attempt, Donald Trump announced that JD Vance would be his running mate. To many, the choice of Vance as a running mate comes as a shocker. After all, JD Vance was one of President Trump’s biggest critics within the Republican Party. Over the last eight years, Vance has made countless critical statements about the former President. Yet, Trump still chose Vance to be his Vice President should he emerge victorious at the polls in November.

What makes JD Vance especially interesting in this context is his tough stance on Wall Street abuses. During his recent speech at the Republican National Convention, as he accepted his party’s nomination for Vice President, Vance firmly stated: “We’re done, ladies and gentlemen, catering to Wall Street. We’ll commit to the working man.”

Among his various actions against Wall Street, in September 2023, Senator Vance co-authored and co-signed a letter with Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) that was sent to the SEC, inquiring about the circumstances surrounding the aforementioned $MMTLP security and its subsequent trading halt. (

This decision begs the question: Was Trump’s choice of JD Vance partly influenced  by a desire to send a message to Wall Street? Was this the Presidential candidates way of saying, “If you try to get rid of me, this is who will replace me, and he doesn’t like you at all.” One can only wonder, but it is certainly food for thought.*

This hypothetical theory suggests that BlackRock and Citadel, facing significant regulatory and financial threats due to their market activities, could have resorted to extreme measures to protect their interests. When viewed through this lens, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is positioned as a desperate effort to eliminate a substantial threat to their operations and maintain their dominance in the financial markets. While speculative, this scenario underscores the complex interplay between financial motivations, political influence, and strategic collaboration in high-stakes situations.

In a world where financial giants wield immense power, the lines between legality and exploitation often blur. The unsettling events surrounding DJT and MMTLP underscore a dire need for transparency and accountability in our financial markets. If left unchecked, the same practices that possibly jeopardized a former President’s life can continue to erode the very foundation of our economic system. This is not just about Donald Trump or a single company’s stock—it’s about safeguarding the integrity of our markets and ensuring that no entity is above the law. Whether the above series of events is just a tin foil hat theory, or has some legs to it, the universally immutable and irrefutable fact is that both DJT and MMTLP investors are entitled to transparency in what is supposed to be the most fundamentally free and fair market in the world. And they still have not gotten it.

As we stand at this crossroads, the call for audits of MMTLP and DJT shares become more than just a procedural request; they symbolize a fight for justice, truth, and the protection of retail investors from institutional malfeasance. The investing public must demand answers and hold those responsible to account. The stakes are too high to ignore. This is our moment to reclaim trust in the system and reaffirm that in a fair market, no player, no matter how powerful, is untouchable.

P.S. I am not suicidal.

To learn more about the MMTLP situation, click here:

Editor’s Note: Sections encapsulated by an asterisk (*) were added to this article after its original publication. These updates provide additional context and information relevant to the ongoing developments discussed in the piece.

July 15, 2024 – Judge Cannon dismisses the Trump classified docs case stating Jack Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional

Jack Smith should be writing a thank you note to U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon right about now.

By dismissing the so-called classified documents case against Donald Trump and his two co-defendants, Cannon just spared the special counsel and his team months of continued humiliation in her Florida courtroom and, eventually, in front of the nation.

In a 93-page order issued on Monday, Cannon, in her typically cautious and detailed manner, explained why Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution; Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in November 2022 to take over the Department of Justice’s existing investigations into Trump’s role in the events of January 6 and for allegedly hoarding national defense files at Mar-a-Lago after he left office.

Trump’s lawyers earlier this year filed a motion to dismiss the 40-count indictment, handed down by Smith in July 2023, based on the fact Smith’s appointment violated both the Appointments Clause and and the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution. Smith, of course, opposed the motion, arguing that internal DOJ regulations and a random set of federal statutes—none that specifically designates the appointment of a special counsel since the Independent Counsel Act expired in 1999—enabled his position.

Cannon held nearly two days of hearings on the issue last month, a proceeding that consisted of weedy debate over the definition of “officers” and “officials.” (David Fischer, a criminal defense attorney in the D.C. area, wrote a helpful explainer here.)

Trump’s side received a big boost from former Attorneys General Edwin Meese and Michael Mukasey who warned in an amici brief that Smith’s unconstitutional appointment effectively creates a “shadow government” within the DOJ that violates separation of powers. But the fatal blow likely came at the hand of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas just a few weeks ago. (Read more: Julie Kelly/Substack, 7/15/2024)  (Archive)

July 16, 2024 – Sen. Bob Menendez guilty of taking bribes in cash and gold and acting as Egypt’s foreign agent

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is convicted of all counts at his corruption trial. (Credit: The Associated Press)

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted of all charges Tuesday in a sweeping corruption trial in which he was accused of accepting bribes of gold and cash from three New Jersey businessmen and acting as an agent for the Egyptian government.

A jury in Manhattan deliberated for parts of three days before finding the Democrat guilty of 16 crimes, including bribery, extortion, honest services fraud, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.

Prosecutor said he abused the power of his office to protect allies from criminal investigations and enrich associates, including his wife, through acts that included meeting with Egyptian intelligence officials and softening his position toward that country as he speeded its access to millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

Menendez, 70, looked toward the jury at times and appeared to mark a document in front of him as the verdict was read. Afterward, he sat resting his chin against his closed hands, elbows on the table. He vowed to appeal as he left the courthouse.

“I have never violated my public oath. I have never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country. I have never, ever been a foreign agent,” Menendez said before a collection of microphones before walking briskly to a waiting car. (The Associated Press, 7/16/2024)  (Archive)

July 18, 2024 – Max Boot, leading ‘Trump Russia Hoax’ propagandist’s wife is indicted as foreign spy

Max Boot and wife, Sue Mi Terry (Credit: public domain)

Max Boot – a big fan of ‘forever wars’ who laundered Trump-Russia conspiracy theories through the Washington Post – is married to a South Korean spy who used to work for the CIA, and is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (now on ‘administrative leave) – according to a new indictment revealed on Wednesday.

Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, 54, a native of Seoul living in Manhattan, used her position as a foreign policy expert to trade access to top US officials in exchange for luxury goods and ‘high-end sushi dinners,’ according to the indictment.

Terry allegedly began spying for South Korea in October 2013, five years after she left the CIA, and three years before Boot began calling Donald Trump a Russian asset.

Terry is accused of having “disclosed sensitive US government information to South Korean intelligence and used her position to influence US policy in favor of South Korea” over the course of a decade, in exchange for “money and luxury gifts,” FBI Acting Assistant Director in Charge Christie M. Curtis said in a statement.

From 2001-2011, Terry served in a range of US government positions – including as a CIA analyst, as well as Director for Korea, Japan, and Oceanic Affairs for the White House National Security Council, the Post reports.

According to the indictment, a South Korean spy bought Terry a Dolce & Gabbana coat from a Chevy Chase, Maryland store in November of 2019 – which she returned days later for a $4,100 Christian Dior coat.

The spies also funneled over $37,000 to a public policy program on Korean affairs run by Terry – who never registered as a foreign agent with the DOJ, and had been warned by the FBI in 2014 that she could be a target for illegal foreign influence.

Meanwhile, she was passing intelligence to her South Korean handler according to the indictment:

For instance, Terry delivered handwritten notes about a private North Korea-related June 2022 meeting with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to her South Korean intelligence handler who picked her up in a car minutes later, according to the indictment unsealed Tuesday.

Weeks after that, Terry hosted a happy hour – at her handlers’ behest – where she allowed the South Korean spy to mingle with congressional staffers while posing as a diplomat, the filing charges. -NY Post

The indictment also details how Terry was “visibly nervous” in a voluntary interview with the feds, and eventually admitted to having met with her South Korean handler after initially claiming she did not know his name.

Terry was released after posting a $500,000 bond during her initial appearance in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday, and faces up to five years in prison if convicted. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 7/18/2024)  (Archive)


July 19, 2024 – A massive wave of worldwide IT outages is traced to technical issues with Crowdstrike

Ukraine oligarch and Crowdstrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovich sits before a hagiography posted by Esquire, with one addition from an observant viewer. (Credit: Christopher Leaman/Esquire)

A wave of IT outages created massive problems around the world today hitting several industries hard. Airlines seeing thousands of flight cancellations, internal and external tech systems affecting hospital banks, stock exchanges and other institutions have also been affected. Within many operational systems, Microsoft-based computers ceased to work.

The issue was traced to Crowdstrike, a familiar tech industry name for those who remember the DNC “data breech” and the subsequent Russian conspiracy theories / accusations it spawned {GO DEEP}.

ABC NEWS – […] CrowdStrike — an American cybersecurity technology firm that provides cloud workload protection, threat intelligence and cyberattack response services — said the outage is not a due to a cyber attack; it was caused by a software issue that has been identified and a fix had been deployed.

Some systems can be fixed and back up and running immediately — but for others it “could be hours, could be a bit longer” before everything is back up and running, CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz told CNBC in an on-air interview. For some customers, it will take more than rebooting systems to work through fixes.

“CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted,” Kurtz said earlier Friday.

“We refer customers to the support portal for the latest updates and will continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website. We further recommend organizations ensure they’re communicating with CrowdStrike representatives through official channels. Our team is fully mobilized to ensure the security and stability of CrowdStrike customers,” Kurtz said. (read more)

Interesting timing.

(Conservative Treehouse, 7/19/2024) (Archive)

July 21, 2024 – Joe Biden resigns from 2024 presidential race – many think it is a bloodless coup from within Democrat party

July 22-23, 2024 – House Oversight hearings on the U.S. Secret Service and the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump

HEARING: Oversight of the U.S. Secret Service and the Attempted Assassination of President Donald J. Trump Hearing

WITNESS: Director of the U.S. Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle

While U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle refused to answer most of the questions asked of her today, here are a few things we did learn:

1. Nine days after an assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life, the director of the U.S. Secret Service DOES NOT have a comprehensive timeline of events.

2. She HAS NOT visited the site in Butler, PA.

3. The roof the shooter used was OUTSIDE the perimeter the Secret Service was monitoring.

4. She thinks that the assassination attempt was “the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service in decades,” yet she still believes she is the best person to lead the Secret Service.

5. She was more forthcoming with her TV interview appearances than our hearing and even had her opening statement“leaked” to journalists hours before our committee received a copy.

6. She believes this tragedy, which claimed a life, almost killed President Trump, and injured two others, WAS preventable.

7. She ADMITS to multiple lapses in security under her leadership of the law enforcement agency.

8. She believes there were SUFFICIENT resources given to President Trump on the day he was shot.

9. She COULD NOT answer whether or not the gunman acted alone.

July 23, 2024:

Chairman Comer Statement on Secret Service Director Cheatle’s Resignation: “The Oversight Committee’s hearing resulted in Director Cheatle’s resignation and there will be more accountability to come. The Secret Service has a no-fail mission yet it failed historically on Director Cheatle’s watch. At yesterday’s Oversight Committee hearing, Director Cheatle instilled no confidence that she has the ability to ensure the Secret Service can meet its protective mission. Egregious security failures leading up to and at the Butler, Pennsylvania campaign rally resulted in the assassination attempt of President Trump, the murder of an innocent victim, and harm to others in the crowd. While Director Cheatle’s resignation is a step toward accountability, we need a full review of how these security failures happened so that we can prevent them going forward. We will continue our oversight of the Secret Service in support of the House Task Force to deliver transparency, accountability, and solutions to ensure this never happens again.”

July 23, 2024 – FBI suffers a new black eye, accusing the wrong agent of leaking

FBI Agent Kyle Seraphin (l) FBI Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Leigh Moore (c) FBI Agent Garret O’Boyle (r)

The FBI told Congress it had identified FBI agent and whistleblower Garret O’Boyle as the individual in a Project Veritas video as proof he was leaking, but the bureau had already confirmed it was not him.

A top FBI official told Congress last year it believed one of its agents, whistleblower Garret O’Boyle, was the suspected leaker in an anonymously filmed interview with the undercover citizen-journalism organization Project Veritas. The claim even led some congressional Democrats to urge a criminal investigation of the agent.

There’s just one problem.

Video obtained by Just the News, a new whistleblower complaint, and interviews show the bureau identified the wrong suspect.

Raw footage from Project Veritas shows that former Agent Kyle Seraphin, another whistleblower, actually conducted the interview in question. Seraphin confirmed to Just the News he was the interviewed agent, not O’Boyle, whose security clearance was suspended in part on the bureau’s assertions that he had leaked to Project Veritas.

The revelations provide another black eye for the agency as Director Chris Wray prepares to come to face to face with lawmakers in a new round of oversight hearings on Wednesday.

“The FBI has escaped accountability thus far for what it did to S.A. O’Boyle. It continues its never-ending cycle of retaliation even to this day,” Tristan Leavitt, the president of the whistleblower group Empower Oversight, wrote the House Judiciary Committee this week ahead of Wray’s appearance before the panel.

Leavitt’s group represents O’Boyle and his letter divulged even more troubling information about the Project Veritas fiasco: The bureau knew O’Boyle wasn’t the leaker and did not disclose it to Congress or correct the record, according to a new whistleblower referenced in the letter.

The FBI declined comment Tuesday when asked about Leavitt’s letter.

Project Veritas confirmed Tuesday night in a statement to Just the News that its interview was with Seraphin and not O’Boyle.

”After our publishing of the masked interview, FBI Special Agent Garrett O’Boyle was unjustly targeted and punished by the bureau as this suspected whistleblower,” the group said. “He was retaliated against by the FBI, and his family was harmed by these actions.

”We can now reveal that FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin was our source, not O’Boyle. Kyle has given us permission to reveal his identity as our source in order to stop the unjust persecution of his former colleague. As is abundantly clear by now, the FBI is unreliable and not to be trusted, even when identifying their own agents.l

The tale began when then-Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Leigh Moore, who testified to the Judiciary Committee in April and June 2023, provided lawmakers information about the basis for suspending O’Boyle’s security clearance, claiming the FBI suspected he was the agent who appeared anonymously in a Project Veritas video and who allegedly leaked important investigative information.

(Read more: Just The News, 7/23/2024)  (Archive)

July 23, 2024 – Kamala Harris announces her 2024 presidential campaign with Biden endorsement; Black Lives Matter suggests the people select a nominee, not the Dem Party

Posted July 21, 2024

Timeline of Events

•Joe Biden drops out.
•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.
•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.
•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.

•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.
•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).
•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).

A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

We call on the @DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.

July 23, 2024 – Justice Department to recover $85M in additional funds linked to 1MDB scheme of which $30 million went to Obama

The Justice Department has reached an agreement with “Jasmine” Loo Ai Swan (Loo), the former general counsel of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia’s sovereign investment development fund, to recover artwork by Pablo Picasso and a financial account in Switzerland traced to funds allegedly embezzled from 1MDB. Additionally, the Justice Department has obtained forfeiture orders on other assets allegedly purchased with 1MDB funds by Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low (Low), including diamond jewelry and artwork by Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Diane Arbus.

Leonardo DiCaprio appears with Malaysian financier who sent $30 million to Obama during 2012 campaign. (Credit: Getty Images)

The department previously brought numerous civil forfeiture cases against assets that it alleges were acquired by Low and his co-conspirators using funds allegedly embezzled from 1MDB. According to the civil forfeiture complaints, from 2009 through 2015, more than $4.5 billion in funds belonging to 1MDB were allegedly misappropriated by high-level officials of 1MDB and their associates, including Low and Loo, through a criminal conspiracy involving international money laundering and bribery. 1MDB was created by the government of Malaysia to promote economic development in Malaysia through global partnerships and foreign direct investment. Its funds were intended to be used to improve the well-being of the Malaysian people.

The agreement with Loo resolves the civil forfeiture action against the Picasso artwork and financial account in Switzerland under her control, which are collectively valued at approximately $1.8 million. The agreement with Loo announced today does not release any criminal claims against her.

The forfeiture of the other artwork and jewelry allegedly purchased by Low, which is based on a recent settlement agreement entered into in connection with the real estate and artwork forfeitures in two other cases, resolves three additional civil forfeiture cases filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.  The collective value of these assets, together with the Loo assets, is estimated to be nearly $85 million.

Prior to this settlement, in total, the United States has returned or assisted in the return to Malaysia of over $1.4 billion in assets associated with the international money laundering, embezzlement, and bribery scheme.

Low separately faces criminal charges in the Eastern District of New York for allegedly conspiring to launder billions of dollars embezzled from 1MDB and for conspiring to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by allegedly paying bribes to various Malaysian and Emirati officials, and in the District of Columbia for allegedly conspiring to make and conceal foreign and conduit campaign contributions during the United States presidential election in 2012. The agreement with Loo announced today does not release any entity or individual from filed or potential criminal charges.

The FBI’s International Corruption Squads in New York City and Los Angeles and IRS Criminal Investigation Los Angeles Field Office are investigating the case.

Trial Attorneys Barbara Levy, Sean Fern, Jonathan Baum, and Joshua Sohn of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS) and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Galatzan for the Central District of California are prosecuting the case, with significant assistance from the Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs and MLARS’ Program Management Staff.

The Justice Department also appreciates the significant assistance provided over the course of this investigation and in particular related to the recovery of these assets by the Attorney General’s Chambers of Malaysia, the Royal Malaysia Police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Attorney-General’s Chambers of Singapore, the Singapore Police Force-Commercial Affairs Department, the Office of the Attorney General and the Federal Office of Justice of Switzerland, and the Attorney General’s Chambers of the Territory of the British Virgin Islands.

The Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative is led by a team of dedicated prosecutors in MLARS, in partnership with federal law enforcement agencies, and often with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, to forfeit the proceeds of foreign official corruption. Individuals with information about possible proceeds of foreign corruption located in or laundered through the United States should contact federal law enforcement or send an email to or

h/t @seacaptim

July 24, 2024 – Highlights of Kamala Harris as VP and Democrat presidential nominee

More info: The Daily Caller, 7/26/2024

The proof is everywhere that “Defund the Police” was an epic fail, yet the woman who wants to be president pushed this deadly and dangerous movement as a way to “upend” our system. That, right there, should scare every single American citizen. (Revolver News, 7/29/2024)

Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to some of Kamala Harris’ cringeworthy moments as the Vice President appears likely to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

It comes as US President Joe Biden officially ended his bid for re-election following mounting pressure for him to drop out after his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.

“Kamala, this is the woman they want to be the most powerful leader in the world remember when she was finally asked about her failures as the border czar,” Ms Panahi said.

“And don’t ever have her explain international conflicts. That’s wrong.”

Kamala’s Communications Director Is a Perfect Fit for the Campaign – He Was Involved in Every Major Hillary Clinton Scandal Including Uranium One, the Russia Hoax, and Wants to Defund Police

Hillary Clinton looks at a smart phone with national press secretary Brian Fallon on her plane, October 3, 2016. (Credit: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)

The Kamala Harris campaign has hired Brian Fallon as their new comms director. Fallon was previously a spokesman for the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.

After Hillary lost the 2016 election, Fallon went to work for a far left activist group called Demand Justice which seeks to pack the United States Supreme Court.

He has also tweeted support for defunding the police. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 7/25/2024)

As The Federalist pointed out on Tuesday:

She Supported Bailing Out 2020 Rioters

Accused rapistsrepeat offenders, and rioters alike benefitted in June 2020 when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for their months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis. The vice president later lied about her involvement in the money-raising scheme.

She Put Other Countries’ Borders Before Her Own

Harris traveled thousands of miles away from the U.S. border invasion she was tasked with handling to deliver “peace and security” to the borders of Ukraine, which “is a country.”

She Proudly Enabled the Jussie Smollett Race Hoax

Harris called the staged hate crime an “attempted modern-day lynching.” She did not apologize even after Smollett was found guilty of felony disorderly conduct and making false police reports.

She Sponsored Legislation That Would Codify Abortion Through All Nine Months

As a senator, Harris was a proud co-sponsor of the original version of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which sought to codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

She’s Openly Anti-Catholic

As a senator in 2018, Harris smeared Brian Buescher, a nominee for the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, for his affiliation with the famous Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus and its historically pro-life views.

She Refuses to Oppose Abortion Until Birth

Harris famously refused to say which abortion limits she supports in a September 2023 sitdown with CBS’s Margaret Brennan.

Kamala Harris explains her limited understanding of where Cloud storage is kept:

Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, acknowledged that he had cheated on his first wife, film producer Kerstin Emhoff, with their children’s nanny, adding that he “took responsibility” for his actions. (Breitbart, 8/3/2024)

In this explosive segment of RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi rips the mask off the mainstream media’s manipulation tactics. We dive deep into the heart of campaign propaganda, exposing how Kamala Harris’s team is allegedly paying for fake support and scripting identical speeches across different states.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve uncovered shocking evidence of AI-generated photos flooding social media, creating an illusion of massive rallies. You won’t believe what we found when we zoomed in on these images!

We also expose a jaw-dropping offer made to TikTok influencers: $1500 to bash Trump. One influencer spills the beans, revealing the detailed instructions he received. Plus, we break down the stark contrast in media coverage between Tim Walz and JD Vance, showing you exactly how language is used to shape public perception.

Former Governor Rod Blagojevich joins us to pull back the curtain on the DNC’s “back room” tactics, comparing them to old-school Chicago politics. He warns of a constitutional crisis and explains why he believes the Democrats are desperately trying to hide their candidate.

From paid actors at rallies to coordinated media talking points, this episode lays bare the extent of manipulation in modern political campaigns. We’re not just reporting the news – we’re exposing the machinery behind it.

Don’t let yourself be fooled by carefully crafted illusions. Arm yourself with the truth and learn to see through the smoke and mirrors. This is one RAW FEED you can’t afford to miss.

Kamala debates herself:

Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot

Kamala Harris supports taxpayer funded sex changes for prisoners

July 24, 2024 – Whistleblower report: Local police are refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires

FBI Director Christopher Wray pledges allegiance prior to testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. (Credit: Ken Cedeno/UPI/Shutterstock)

As FBI Director Chris Wray performed his usual smarmy stonewalling in Congress Wednesday, a damning report on his $10 billion agency’s “cult of narcissism” was delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts.

The same group gave us the scathing DEI report last year about the FBI’s degraded recruitment standards and coddling of physically unfit, mentally ill, drug-taking or generally useless agents to satisfy diversity requirements at the expense of merit and experience.

This time they have assessed the entire bureau and drawn several worrying conclusions, including that local law enforcement partners have developed a “disturbing loss of trust in the FBI” and are therefore reluctant to share information, with alarming consequences for national security and public safety.

“Police officers and sheriff’s deputies on patrol and detectives investigating illegal activity in their jurisdictions have unparalleled visibility into street-level crime. … When this information is not immediately shared with the FBI, the FBI is left to address complex, evolving threats facing the United States with an unacceptably vast and debilitating ‘blind spot’ because [it] does not have enough personnel and resources to see into every corner of the country.”

Loss of trust

While Wray testified that the FBI is facing a “complex threat environment” that is unprecedented in his experience, the loss of trust in the bureau on his watch only exacerbates the risks, which include terrorist suspects flooding over the southern border.

Republican members of Congress questioning Wray reflected a widespread distrust of the FBI’s investigation of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

The whistleblower report draws on testimony from more than 30 “independent, highly credible law enforcement sources and sub-sources” across the country who “do not trust the FBI because they believe the FBI in recent years has been operating as a partisan federal agency motivated by a political agenda.

“They are not only reluctant to work with the FBI but reportedly have decided to no longer share actionable, substantive information on criminal and other intelligence-related activity with the FBI.”

Most concerning is what the alliance of whistleblowers calls a “crisis of confidence” in FBI-led task forces where relationships with local cops have deteriorated to the point of “imploding” in some cases because of “poor management and ineffective leadership by the FBI.”

Local cops said their precipitous loss of trust in the FBI was triggered by its excessive response to the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, followed by the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

One source, a 25-year veteran sergeant in the Major Crimes Division of a large police force in a Western state, said they “cannot understand why the FBI is not going after [far-left militant group] Antifa, BLM and pro-Palestinian rioters with the same vigor the FBI brought to bear against” J6 participants.

Another source, a 15-year veteran cop from a Southern state, said many local law enforcement officers “believe they could be targeted by the FBI and the DOJ because of their love for the United States of America and may be perceived as domestic terrorists because of how they may vote.”

Final Report v07182024 by NYP

Plummeting morale 

The pressure placed on local law enforcement to assist with J6 cases in their areas “has impacted morale within these agencies” and led to a belief that the FBI has been contaminated by a “partisan, political agenda.”

(Read more: The New York Post, 7/24/2024)  (Archive)

July 24, 2024 – FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies before the House Judiciary Committee re attempted Trump assassination

July 18, 2024 – Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed that whistleblowers have disclosed to the Committee that the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) did not have proper resources for President Trump’s campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania because of staffing shortages due to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit and First Lady Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

The information provided to this Committee raises serious questions about the thoroughness of the security planning by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in support of President Trump’s campaign rally. Law enforcement overlooked a number of vulnerabilities prior to and during the event in Butler, Pennsylvania, allowing an assassin to shoot a President, murder an attendee, and critically wound two others.

Chairman Jordan sent a letter to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray requesting he be fully prepared to address all questions about the attempted assassination of President Trump and the FBI’s investigation of it during his upcoming testimony to the Committee on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Questions for Director Wray from the Committee include:
How many agents, analysts, and support personnel has the FBI dedicated to the investigation?
Was there coordination between the FBI, USSS, and the WPFC prior to President Trump’s event on July 13?
How many buildings had to be secured inside and outside of the security perimeter for President Trump’s event on July 13?
Why was the roof of the AGR International building left unsecured?
How much time elapsed between identifying the shooter as a potential threat and the attempted assassination?
How much time elapsed between the local police officer encountering the shooter on the sloped roof and the attempted assassination?
Has the FBI interviewed the local police officer who encountered the shooter?
What does the FBI’s evaluation of the shooter’s phone and digital activity show about his actions and movements in the days and hours leading up to the attempted assassination?
Is the FBI’s investigation limited to the shooter and his motivations or does it include the security failures that led to the attempted assassination?
Was the security posture at President Trump’s event limited due to resource constraints with the NATO Summit and/or First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburgh?
How did communications breakdowns between various law enforcement entities affect the ability of local law enforcement and USSS to identify the shooter as a potential threat and mitigate the threat before he took action?
What actions did the USSS take to remove or cover President Trump after a threat was known or detected?

Read the full letter to Director Wray here. (Judiciary Committee, 7/18/2024)

FBI Needs to Back Up Lone Gunman Theory with Make & Model of Weapon & Ballistics Findings

(Credit: Jenna Howell/Instagram)

July 25, 2024

July 24, 2024 – Carl Higbie exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” scandal – $200 million in irregular donations, disguised to appear like small donors

Newsmax Carl Higbie has done a deep dive on FEC reports using the “number of donations” as the datapoint to track.  What he discovered about donations to Act Blue might surprise the people assigned to the contributions. {Direct Rumble Link}  WATCH BELOW

“This is verifiable data. Whoever is choreographing this volume is doing it in such small donations because they thought those wouldn’t get flagged by watchdogs and FEC officials. The way this is brought to our attention was not by the dollar amount, but rather by the number of donations per person. That’s where they messed up. But my question is, if these people whose names are on the FEC report are not making these donations, who is? Where’s the money coming from?”

“We can have all the voter ID laws we want, but if hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing in to influence our elections and we don’t know from whom, not only is it a gross violation of election laws, it’s a huge national security risk. When I tell you Democrats are a machine, this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about.”

Carl Higbie has the receipts.  WATCH: (Conservative Treehouse, 7/24/2024)  (Archive)

July 26, 2024 – Disgraced former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page receive $2.0 million reward from DOJ

Peter Strzok (Credit: Saul Loeb/Agence France Presse/Getty Images

He argued the Justice Department improperly released his text messages.

Former FBI agent Pete Strzok, who was fired from the bureau in 2018 after his disparaging text messages about Donald Trump were made public, has reached a settlement with the Justice Department over his claims that his privacy rights were violated, according to his lawyers.

According to Strzok’s lawyers, the U.S. government has agreed to pay Strzok $1.2 million.

In his 2019 lawsuit, Strzok and his lawyers argued that the FBI and DOJ unlawfully disclosed his private text messages disparaging Trump before and after the 2016 presidential election — including the time frame during which Strzok helped lead the agency’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server and Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Trump, who made Strzok a frequent target on social media, argued that Strzok’s political bias tainted the early stages of the Russia investigation. (Read more: ABC News, 7/26/2024)  (Archive)

UPDATE: Former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, whose communications about Trump on their government phones were revealed as part of the investigation into the now-discredited allegations that the 2016 Trump campaign was linked to Russia, will split a $2 million payday.

Strzok will get $1.2 million and Page will receive $800,000, according to Politico.

July 28, 2024 – Leaked Army CUI documents reveal expanding threat of Venezuelan gang ‘Tren de Aragua’ across NYC and Denver

LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver 

@OKeefeMedia has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the U.S. Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S. The document states that Tren de Aragua “has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY, “with “approximately 400 TdA members” living in these cities. The CUI also warns that TdA members in Denver “have been given a ‘green light’ to fire on or attack law enforcement,” with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York receiving a similar report.

The document details how the criminal organization is using advanced technology and surveillance, heightening the danger to U.S. military personnel and law enforcement. It states, “Coordinated efforts between local, state, federal law enforcement, and the military are crucial” to protect against these expanding threats.

With National Guardsmen recently seen in subway stations across New York City, the situation is escalating as Venezuelan gang members, linked to the TdA, have been involved in violent incidents, including an attack on a Colorado apartment complex in late August.

The latest headlines from ICE’s website are a major wakeup call this nation is sleepwalking into disaster:

July 28, 2024 – Memos reveal Pelosi’s top security aides got warning about Capitol breach night before Jan. 6 riot

Nancy Pelosi speaks during her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill, Aug. 12, 2022. (Credit: Oliver Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

Newly unearthed memos may explain why Nancy Pelosi privately expressed she felt responsible for Jan. 6 security failures.

Two top House security aides under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi got stark warnings from police the night before the Jan. 6 riots that protesters might try to breach the U.S. Capitol through its tunnel systems and block lawmakers from voting to certify Joe Biden’s presidential election win, according to newly obtained memos and text messages.

The documents obtained by Just the News also confirm that Pelosi’s team played a role in the botched security planning for that fateful day.

“We have identified numerous open source comments indicating groups intentions of finding the tunnel entrances and confronting/blocking the MOCs (Members of Congress),” Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher wrote Deputy House Sergeant at Arms Tim Blodgett at 8:55 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 in an email that got forwarded less than an hour later to Blodgett’s boss, then-Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving. The second time is listed in UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time.

A second warning was sent later that evening about possible threats against Supreme Court justices, and the sergeant-at arms-office scheduled a briefing for Pelosi’s then-chief of staff Terri McCullough the next morning, hours before the breach occurred, according to the messages obtained by House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk.

Congressional investigators believe the texts and emails may explain why Pelosi in a recently surfaced video shot by her daughter as they were fleeing the Capitol on Jan. 6. claimed responsibility for security failures that day despite her claims to the contrary.

“We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard saying on the videotape to McCullough. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. .. I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

Loudermilk told Just the News his committee plans to question Pelosi’s staff about what was meant on the videotape and how they reacted to the emailed warnings from Capitol Police.

“I think it was clear at that moment. She understood. They messed up. She or her staff are the ones who denied the request by Chief (Steven) Sund for the National Guard,” he told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. (Read more: Just the News, 7/28/2024)  (Archive)

July 30, 2024 – Acting Secret Service Director and FBI Deputy Director testify in Senate hearing on Trump assassination attempt


Blame Game Underway Between Secret Service and Local Police over Trump Assassination Attempt


FBI Now Claims Trump’s Would-Be Assassin Allegedly Ran an “Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Semitic” Social Media Account — GAB Founder Refutes This Claim

Secret Service DELETES EMAIL From Counter Sniper Saying Agency “SHOULD Expect Another Assassination Attempt” Before November Due to Poor Leadership

FBI Deputy Director Humiliates His Own Boss, Chris Wray, and Debunks His Conspiracy Theory on Trump’s Shooting: “No Doubt” It Was a Bullet

“We Could Have Maybe Stopped Him” – Acting Secret Service Director Says Cellular Problems Prevented Agency From Launching Counter Drone

Acting Secret Service Director Loses Composure – Plays Victim as Senator Hawley Grills Him Over Attempted Trump Assassination

Acting Secret Service head says agency got ‘no information’ about weapon on roof moments before shooting at Trump rally

Secret Service Whistleblower SOUNDS ALARM: ‘There WILL Be ANOTHER Trump Assassination in 30 Days

Via The Gateway Pundit, 8/01/2024:

Lead Secret Service Agent Called Off Security from Building Roof Before Sniper Shot President Trump – And She Is Still Deciding Security and Advance Teams at Rallies

Jesse Watters: Meanwhile, we have brand new footage from the moments right before Trump was nearly assassinated. You can see crooks running across the roof of that AGR building. The video was actually recorded by James Copenhaver, who was critically injured after crooks shot him twice. That’s just the view from the ground. Secret Service agents were stationed on their own rooftops. They would have even had a better angle to spot the shooter. But during yesterday’s hearing, the acting Secret Service director said, There was no way his team could have seen him…

…Crooks wasn’t lying prone on a slope roof. He was moving all around. He was flying a drone. He was raising all red flags with law enforcement. He was dancing on the rooftop. Now we have video of him. I mean, come on, right before he pulls the trigger?

It’s been 18 days since Trump was nearly killed on live TV, and we still don’t have answers. What was his motive? How did he build three explosive devices in his parents house without anybody knowing? What was he doing with encrypted foreign apps? Who signed off on the plans that left the building outside the perimeter?…

…The Secret Service says they can’t tell us who was in charge because the person’s investigating what went wrong. Really? According to Senator Josh Hawley, it’s a female supervisor. We don’t know her name yet. We don’t know her qualifications. We don’t even care if she’s female. Back in April, the Secret Service was blasted in a petition from active duty agents for caring more about diversity than adequate training, saying it’s a double standard that posed a threat to national security. But no one’s going to think about that. They’re covering their you know what’s.

Rep. Michael Walsh: This administration has a real problem throughout the entire thing, from the Defense Department through to the Secret Service, with one word, that’s accountability or the lack thereof. Look, at the end of the day, we’ve got to see people, the American people have got to see people held accountable and fired, at least suspended.

I just talked to a sheriff, and one of his deputies has an accidental discharge of his gun. He’s suspended pending further investigation. Butthe fact that that lead agent is still approving advances, is still approving rallies, is still approving events when they did something so asinine and stupid as leaving that building outside the perimeter, it’s mind-blowing.

Via Midnight Rider:

Secret Service Admits They Did Not Keep Recordings from Radio Traffic During Attempted Trump Assassination

July 30, 2024 – Trump-appointed Inspector General for the Dept. of Homeland Security has two open investigations into the U.S. Secret Service

Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security Joseph Cuffari testifies during a House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing on June 6, 2023. (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

After the evasive House testimony of now-former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s shortlived suggestion that Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet, one man alone may help allay Republican fears that the Biden administration will not conduct a forthright investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump last month: Joseph Cuffari.

The Trump-appointed inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security has already opened two investigations into the U.S. Secret Service, which is under the purview of the DHS, related to the agency’s handling of the July 13 shooting.

But some Republicans are concerned because, they say, Cuffari has been stonewalled by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on other internal examinations – including one that might have revealed Secret Service lapses that might have prevented the attempt on Trump’s life.

Specifically, congressional sources tell RCI that Cuffari’s report, “USSS Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021,” has been on Mayorkas’ desk since at least April.

The report, according to Politico, will “cast light on a series of embarrassing security lapses for the agency.” And given some comparisons between Jan. 6 and July 13, the report might shed light on systemic issues that impacted both events.

For example, unanswered questions remain as to why the Secret Service allowed Trump to take the stage at The Ellipse outside the White House around noon on Jan. 6 amid reports of individuals with weapons in the vicinity – a question many Americans have about the July 13 assassination attempt. Law enforcement and spectators noted the presence of a suspicious individual, later identified as the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, at least a half hour before Trump took the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania.

In addition, no one has explained how the Secret Service failed to notice an alleged pipe bomb found outside the Democrat National Committee DC office on Jan. 6 – while then Vice President-elect Harris was inside the building. Previous reporting by RCI shows multiple law enforcement officers, including one with a bomb-sniffing dog, walking past the bench where the device was found.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of a House subcommittee tasked with a separate investigation into Jan. 6 as well as the now-defunct J6 committee, recently accused Mayorkas of intentionally holding the release of the report. The Georgia Republican told Mayorkas in a letter that “the failure to provide an in-depth review of the department’s security planning and operational failures related to January 6 not only raises concerns about the department’s botched planning for former president Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, but it is quite possible that such reports could have prevented the security breakdown that resulted in the near assassination of a former president and presidential candidate.”

Top Democrats have long sought to remove Cuffari – a former investigator for the Air Force and Department of Justice whom Trump appointed in 2019 in 2019 – from office. The coordinated effort began when the IG notified Congress that a trove of Secret Service texts from January 5 and 6, 2021 had been deleted in late January 2021 under the Biden administration. The purge occurred weeks after every federal agency received a directive from Congress to preserve all evidence related to January 6.

(Read more: Julie Kelly/Real Clear Investigations, 7/30/2024)  (Archive)

July 30, 2024 – OMG: DNC Compliance Manager doesn’t think Kamala Harris can win; Admits Jill Biden misuses donor funds and will “just take it out of the general DNC account”

OKeefe Media Group (OMG) – Part 1:

BREAKING: DNC Manager: ‘I Don’t Think Kamala Harris Would Win;’ Admits to Making Empty Promises to Donors

“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDecerce) (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (@DNC) and Kamala Harris’ (@KamalaHarris) Campaign. DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office.

Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, the DNC Compliance manager states, “She’s weirdly unpopular.”

DeCerce describes his role within the DNC as “an accounting function,” explaining, “It’s kind of like where accounting and legal meet.”

DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” implying that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.”

When @OKeefeMedia reached out to Kristin Hetherington, the CFO of the DNC, for comment, she hung up the phone in frustration after questioned if the DNC tells donors “what they want to hear,” and if they play to donor’s “fantasies.”

The undercover journalist who recorded Joyce DeCerce received a threatening postcard at her house featuring racial undertones in an apparent attempt to intimate her and prevent this story from being aired.

O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) – Part 2:

DNC Compliance Manager Admits Jill Biden Will “Just Take It Out of the General DNC Account” to Pay for Personal Trip”

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDeCerce) admits on hidden camera that First Lady Jill Biden (@DrBiden) will “just take it out of the general DNC account” to fund her personal trip back from France.

When an @okeefemedia undercover journalist points out that the trip isn’t directly related to the campaign, DeCerce dismissively responds, “Who’s gonna file a complaint?” suggesting that Jill Biden may not face any consequences for her misuse of donor funds.

DeCerce further explains, “She has to be at her son’s trial. It’s a political issue,” explaining that the trip’s potential political implications might overshadow any concerns about its funding.

July 30, 2024 – MI AG Dana Nessel appears to have lied about who owned the semi-automatic rifles found in raid of dem-funded GBI Strategies

Dana Nessel (Credit: public domain)

(…) In our original article on the GBI Strategies investigation dated August 8, 2023, we reported about a Pelican case filled with 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found inside the GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan headquarters.

Unfortunately, because the portion of the Michigan State Police report that named the owner of the guns was redacted, we were unable to determine who was responsible for leaving the guns in the GBI Strategies headquarters with the employees and a whiteboard above the guns with a note under “Hot Topics” that read, “weapons in the field, prepared for shifts.”

Shortly after we released our report, we discovered a response to the media by MI AG Dana Nessel that addressed the Gateway Pundit’s bombshell reporting on GBI Strategies that was not surprisingly taken over by the FBI where the investigation appears to have gone to die.

Here’s a close-up screenshot of the paragraph where Dana Nessel falsely claims, “The guns were legally owned and incidentally stored by the landlord irrelevant to the business.”

Thanks to independent investigator Yehuda Miller, Patty McMurray was given another MSP report filled with additional information on the GBI Strategies investigation, including the name of the person who owned the guns that were found during the MSP raid of the Southfield, MI headquarters.

The police report states that GBI Strategies owner Gary Bell was in Iowa when the raid of the GBI headquarters took place. He was on a Zoom call with his office manager, Menotte, when the raid was taking place.

The police report states that the officer on the scene overheard Gary Bell telling Menotte that “she needed to make sure she declared the personal items he left behind before leaving the state. It should be noted it was later found that he was referring to multiple firearms and ammunition within one of their suites.”

Craig Mauger, the political “reporter” for one of Michigan’s top propaganda publications, The Detroit News, ignored the bombshell investigation The Gateway Pundit shared with the public.

Instead of doing his job and investigating what appears to be the best evidence of mass voter fraud in America during the 2020 election cycle, he instead built a response to our story around a press release by MI AG Dana Nessel to the media, which attempted to discredit our reporting. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 7/30/2024)  (Archive)


August 1, 2024 – House Judiciary opens investigation into Loren Merchan’s firm, Authentic Campaigns





August 3, 2024 – J.D. Vance calls Kamala Harris the new face of globalism and discusses how its destructive policies harm Americans

(…) Harris has not only failed on the border, Vance said, also highlighting her as the new face of globalization.

She supported trade deals that shipped hundreds of thousands of American jobs to Mexico, to China, and to other places. What that has meant fundamentally is that you’re replacing American workers with foreign workers,” he explained.

“And then of course, her immigration policies achieved the exact same thing. The only question is whether it’s foreign workers in the United States or foreign workers in the foreign countries, and that is what Kamala Harris’s economic policies boil down to,” Vance said, pointing to the disastrous jobs report.

“But the really, really troubling thing is that all of the job growth — to the extent that there is any — has gone to the foreign-born, whereas American citizens, people who were born here, have actually lost jobs under the Biden administration. So their economy has been a disaster for everybody. But to the extent it’s helped anybody, it’s not even helping American citizens, and that is absolutely disgraceful,” Vance said, explaining that Harris has “achieved an economic policy that makes American citizens poorer and allows the Chinese to build their middle class off the back of the American middle class.”

“That is the design of their policy. That is what is accomplished. And that’s one of the reasons why normal Americans are struggling to buy groceries or struggling to pay the rent,” he continued, explaining that Democrats are not planning on changing their policies but “doubling down” on them.

“They’re doubling down on 40 years of failed globalist leadership. Trump was the one exception,” he said, noting it was the one modern-day instance of having an American president who put the interests of our country first, bringing back manufacturing jobs. (Read more: Breitbart, 8/3/2024)  (Archive)

August 3, 2024 – Biden-Harris DHS is accused of covering up a crucial DHS OIG January 6th Report

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari (Credit: screenshot from House Appropriations Committee hearing)

An inspector general’s report has accused the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of covering up a significant report regarding the Secret Service’s response to the protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

As reported by the Daily Caller, Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, who was originally appointed by former President Donald Trump, has launched two investigations into the Secret Service’s role during the peaceful protests on January 6th, 2021. As the Secret Service is under the jurisdiction of DHS, it is that agency which makes the final determination on which reports to release or withhold.

Jonathan Meyer, the current head lawyer for DHS, issued a statement denying Inspector General Cuffari’s claims, saying that DHS will only redact “security sensitive” information, but otherwise will not prevent Congress from seeing any report they want to see.

Speaking to Politico, an anonymous source from within DHS said ​​claimed that it is the inspector general who “has exclusive authority to determine when to release a report to Congress.”

The report in question is titled “USSS Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021.” Sources from within Congress told Real Clear Investigations that the report has been in Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ possession “since at least April.”

Similarly to the security failures that led to the assassination attempt against President Trump on July 13th, it has been reported that people with weapons were spotted outside the White House on January 6th. In another security failure, the car in which then-Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was traveling drove right by the alleged pipe bomb that was found outside the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters. (Read more: American Greatness, 8/3/2024) (Archive)

Via Gateway Pundit:

A Secret Service whistleblower has come forward with information about the agency’s behind-the-scenes cover-up job related to January 6.

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General on Friday released a highly redacted report that revealed the Biden-Harris DHS stonewalled its investigation into January 6.

In July 2022, the Department of Homeland Security’s watchdog opened a criminal investigation into the Secret Service’s ‘deletion’ of January 6 text messages.

The Secret Service told the January 6 Committee that it has no new text messages related to the Capitol protest after it turned over documents and data.

The watchdog claimed the Secret Service deleted the text messages after an oversight panel probing the agency’s response to January 6 requested the electronic communications.

The Secret Service denied the accusations and said all of the requested text messages had been saved.

Earlier this year Rep. Thomas Massie suggested the deletion of texts between February 2021 to April 2021 rose to the level of criminal obstruction of Congress since lawmakers sent the DHS preservation notices to all agencies before the “device migration.”

August 4, 2024 – Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers report Tulsi Gabbard is actively under surveillance via Quiet Skies program

In an exclusive breaking story, several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with information showing that former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the Quiet Skies program. Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists. The photo below is a screenshot from the actual Target Package used by the FAMS to surveil Gabbard.

Screenshot of Air Marshal’s Tulsi Gabbard “Target Package” file. (Credit: UncoverDC, 8/5/2024)

The whistleblowers first shared the information with Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC), a national advocacy group for the Federal Air Marshals (FAMs). According to LaBosco, at least one of the whistleblowers is ready to go on the record with pertinent documentation. LaBosco shared that Gabbard is unaware she has two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshalls on every flight she boards. LaBosco has attempted to contact Gabbard and her staff but has not received a response.

LaBosco and AMNC President David Londo have repeatedly testified on behalf of FAMS. They have also written countless letters concerning the classification of innocent Americans as domestic terrorists to the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, the House Homeland Committee, the Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and the House Oversight Committee.

Because of ongoing whistleblower information, LaBosco believes TSA and Homeland Security are violating citizens’ constitutional rights in a “big domestic surveillance grab” that seems to be targeting conservatives.

UncoverDC broke a story in November 2023 about A.J. Fischer’s infant son, who continues to be enrolled in the program because his father attended the Jan. 6 Capitol protests. J6 attendee Bryan Smith, who served 20 years with unblemished service, is also on the list. So is Christine Crowder, the wife of an active Air Marshal. Crowder was in D.C. on Jan. 6 but did not attend the Capitol protest.

For what the Federal Government calls national security reasons, an individual is enrolled in the program without knowledge. Teams of Federal Air Marshals are assigned to individuals, following and tracking them from when they enter the airport and then on all their flights and transits until they reach their destination. Enrolled individuals usually have a Quad S (SSSS) on the bottom right-hand corner of their boarding passes, but not always. They are often flagged for extra searches, frequently so lengthy that they miss their flights.

According to LaBosco, Gabbard’s enrollment in Quiet Skies is likely politically motivated. Air Marshals were first assigned to Gabbard on Jul. 23, a day after she criticized Kamala Harris, Biden, and the National Security State in an interview with Laura Ingraham. FAMs were mobilized on Jul. 24 and assigned to their first flight with her on Jul. 25. Gabbard posted the interview on Twitter, as shared below.

Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC)

(Read more: UncoverDC, 8/4/2024) (Archive)

August 5, 2024 – Rep. Jamie Raskin threatens to remove Trump from office in 2025 using the 14th Amendment, again

Jamie Raskin (Credit: public domain)

There’s an outlandish video clip circulating on the internet that’s so over-the-top, many people think it must be edited or even AI-generated—they just can’t believe it’s real. What’s causing all the uproar? It’s a clip of Rep. Jamie Raskin, a fraud member of the sham J6 committee, claiming that if the American people elect Donald J. Trump (for a third time), he and the Dems have a plan to promptly remove him from office.

Of course, they already tried to do this at the start of the 2024 race in a lame effort to keep President Trump off the ballot. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

(…) Of course, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Trump could remain on the ballot.

(…) And Kim Jong Un would be very proud of this latest left-wing move: Assuming President Trump wins, how exactly do Democrats plan to remove a duly elected US president? Well, they’ll invoke their favorite amendment once again: the 14th. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits former government officials from holding public office again if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States government. We all know that’s not what happened, but try convincing a left-winger that you can’t overthrow the US government with water bottles and fanny packs, and they become extremely incensed.

(Read more: Revolver News, 8/5/2024) (Archive)

August 5, 2024 – Former Secret Service chief wanted to destroy cocaine evidence found in White House

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but the Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose of the evidence, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

At least one Uniformed Division officer was initially assigned to investigate the cocaine incident. But after he told his supervisors, including Cheatle and Acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe, who was deputy director at the time, that he wanted to follow a certain crime-scene investigative protocol, he was taken off the case, according to a source within the Secret Service community familiar with the circumstances of his removal.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi did not immediately return RCP’s request for comment.

(…) Over the last month as the agency has come under fire for a series of mistakes leading to an assassination attempt against Trump, Guglielmi has been forced to correct a previous press statement that the agency did not deny repeated requests for additional security assets from the former president’s staff in the months leading up to the assassination attempt.

It’s unclear exactly when Cheatle and other top officials tried to persuade the Forensics Services Division to destroy the evidence. At some point during the investigation, Matt White, the vault supervisor, received a call from Cheatle or someone speaking on her behalf asking him to destroy the bag of cocaine because agency leaders wanted to close the case, according to two sources in the Secret Service community.

“Protocol is, whether you act on the [DNA] hit or not, we still have to maintain evidence for a period of up to seven years,” a source told RCP. “It became a big to-do.”

White’s boss, Glenn Dennis, the head of the Forensics Services Division, then conferred with the Uniformed Division, which first discovered the cocaine.

“A decision was made not to get rid of the evidence, and it really pissed off Cheatle,” a source in the Secret Service community said in an interview.

At the time of the cocaine’s discovery, Richard Macauley was serving as the acting chief of the Uniformed Division after the recent retirement of Alfonso Dyson Sr., a 29-year veteran of the agency. When Dyson left his position, Macauley, who is black, became the acting director. Despite Cheatle’s push to hire and promote minority men and women, Macauley was passed over for the job of Uniformed Division chief in what many in the agency view as an act of retaliation for supporting those who refused to dispose of the cocaine, according to several sources in the Secret Service community.

In 2018, Macauley was named the Secret Services Uniformed Division Officer of the Year. In an interview with Federal News Network, a news talk show focused on issues of interest to federal government workers, a host lauded Macauley for receiving the award and credited him with tightening operations, increasing diversity, boosting officer training, and improving working conditions, “all while taking care of his own shift operations.” Macauley would go on to serve one year, from February 2022 to January 2023, as deputy assistant sergeant at arms at the U.S. House of Representatives. (Read more: RealClearPolitics, 8/05/2024) (Archive)

August 6, 2024 – Kamala Harris chooses Tim Walz as her running mate – Highlights of his career

The AP announced Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Here’s a Close Look at His Radical Policies That Place Him to the Left of Kamala Harris

July 3, 2024 – Walz reassures the nation that Joe Biden is fine.




Mugshot of Tim Walz Resurfaces After Arrest for Driving 96 mph in a 55 Zone – Campaign Claimed He Was “Not Drunk” and Blamed Incident on Walz’s ‘Deafness’

Tim Walz 1996 mugshot (Credit: public domain)


Picture Unearthed of Walz Holding “Enduring Freedom Veteran” Protest Sign – He Never Served in Operation Enduring Freedom

(Credit: Michael B. Brodkorb, 8/4/2004)

CNN Airs Investigation that Confirms Tim Walz Is Stolen Valor Fraud



Explosive 2009 Video Resurfaces: Two Veterans Confront Tim Walz’s Staff Over False Afghanistan Service Claims — Told Them that Stolen Valor Act Violations Could Lead to Jail Time

Tim Walz’s Former Squadmate: If He’d Gone to Iraq, He’d Have Been ‘Hiding Under a Desk’

“He Allowed Rioters to Burn Down Minneapolis… And Then Kamala Helped Bail Them Out” — JD Vance Responds

Minnesota Governor’s daughter, Hope Walz, tweets assistance to rioters

Hillary supports Walz’s plan to put tampon dispensers in young boys school bathrooms.

Tim Walz repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric who celebrated Oct. 7 and shared pro-Hitler website link

The ADL gave a long statement:

“Imam Zaman has a troubling history of playing into classic anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel,” an Anti-Defamation League spokesperson told the Washington Examiner.

“He also has justified violence against Israel, including from terror groups,” the ADL spokesperson said. “Given his hurtful remarks post-Oct. 7, and absent any recognition of the pain he has caused the Jewish community, we urge all public officials and leaders to avoid meeting with him in the future. Those who have met with Imam Zaman should clarify that they don’t agree with his toxic views about Jews and the Jewish state.”

(Legal Insurrection, 8/9/2024)  (Archive)

Walz’s 2022 Gubernatorial Opponent Dr. Scott Jensen Has a Warning for Voters

Peter Schweizer on Tim Walz’s Communist China Connections

(Thread archived to this point)

Breitbart News, 8/14/2024

Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.”

(Timeline editor: This thread will be updated as more information is received.)

August 8, 2024 – Rolling Stone magazine attempts to regurgitate Russiagate

Michael van Landingham (Credit:

Russiagate continues to survive like a science fiction monster resilient to bullets.

The latest effort at rehabilitating it is an interview by Adam Rawnsley in the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine of one Michael van Landingham, an intelligence analyst who is proud of having written the first draft of the cornerstone “analysis” of Russiagate, the so-called Intelligence Community Assessment.

The ICA blamed the Russians for helping Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016.  It was released two weeks before Trump assumed office. The thoroughly politicized assessment was an embarrassment to the profession of intelligence.

(…) The tale that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was then disproved on Dec. 5, 2017 by the head of CrowdStrike’s sworn testimony to Congress. Shawn Henry told the House Intelligence committee behind closed doors that CrowdStrike found no evidence that anyone had successfully hacked the DNC servers.

But it is still widely believed because The New York Times and other Democrat-allied corporate media never reported on that testimony when it was finally made public on May 7, 2020.

Enter Michael van Landingham

Rolling Stone’article on July 28 about van Landingham says he is still proud of his role as one of the “hand-picked analysts” in drafting the discredited ICA.

The piece is entitled: “He Confirmed Russia Meddled in 2016 to Help Trump. Now, He’s Speaking Out.” It says: Trump viewed the 2017 intel report as his ‘Achilles heel.’ The analyst who wrote it opens up about Trump, Russia and what really happened in 2016.”

Without ever mentioning that the conclusions of the ICA were proven false, by Henry’s testimony and the conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that found no evidence of Trump-Russia “collusion,” Rolling Stone says:

“The 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), dubbed ‘Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections,’ was one of the most consequential documents in modern American history. It helped trigger investigations by the House and Senate intelligence committees and a special counsel investigation, and it fueled an eight-year-long grudge that Trump has nursed against the intelligence community.”

Rawnsley writes in Rolling Stone the following as gospel truth, without providing any evidence to back it up.

“When WikiLeaks published a tranche of [John] Podesta’s emails in late October, the link between the Russian hackers and the releases became undeniable. The dump contained the original spear phishing message that Russian hackers had used to trick Podesta into coughing up his password. News outlets quickly seized on the email, crediting it for what it was: proof that the Russians were behind the campaign.”

Because Rawnsley didn’t tell us, it’s not clear how this “spear phishing message” provides “undeniable” proof that Russia was behind it. Consortium News has contacted Rawnsley to provide more detail to back up his assertion.

Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and close friend of Julian Assange,  suggested to Scott Horton on Horton’s radio show in 2016 that the DNC leak and the Podesta leak came from two different sources, neither of them the Russian government.

“The Podesta emails and the DNC emails are, of course, two separate things and we shouldn’t conclude that they both have the same source,” Murray said. “In both cases we’re talking of a leak, not a hack, in that the person who was responsible for getting that information out had legal access to that information.”

(Read more: Consortium News, 8/8/2024)  (Archive)

August 8, 2024 – GARM ‘advertising cartel’ shuts down 48 hours after X, Rumble file lawsuit

(Credit: Prager U graphic)

48 hours after X and Rumble filed a lawsuit against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) ‘advertising cartel’ and several members, the World Federation of Advertisers announced it will shutter GARM, saying in a statement reported by Business Insider that they’re “a not-for-profit organization with limited resources.”

That obviously strains credulity considering they do the bidding of companies representing hundreds of billions in market cap, including CVS Health, Mars, Orsted and Unilever.

In an email to members, Stephan Loerke, the CEO of the WFA, said that the decision was “not made lightly.” Loerke also said that they intend to contest the allegations in X’s lawsuit – and were confident that the outcome would “demonstrate our full adherence to competition rules in all our activities.”

The lawsuit alleges that GARM’s members illegally conspired to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” from Twitter, now known as X. The lawsuit also names Unilever, Mars, CVS, and Ørsted.

In response to the announcement, X CEO Linda Yaccarino said:

GARM was founded in 2019 by WFA, a global association representing over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and over 60 national advertiser associations which created GARM in 2019. Its members include heavyweights such as Unilever, Mars, Diageo, Procter & Gamble (P&G), GroupM, AB InBev, L’Oréal, Nestlé, IBM, Mastercard, and PepsiCo. These corporations not only wield immense economic influence but are accused of leveraging this power to control online discourse under the guise of “brand safety.”

Shortly after lawsuit was filed, video-sharing platform Rumble joined the lawsuit.

The conspiracy centers around an initiative called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), created by the WFA, that established arbitrary standards for the content on digital platforms where its members may want to advertise. GARM used those one-size-fits-all standards to perpetrate an advertiser boycott against Rumble and other platforms. The suit also notes that GARM has vast reach since it counts the six largest ad agency holding companies among its members, including defendant WPP.

(Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/8/2024) (Archive)

August 8, 2024 – Three Smartmatic executives are charged in bribery/money laundering scheme

Smartmatic founder and president, Roger Piñate (Credit: public domain)

A federal grand jury in the Southern District of Florida returned an indictment today charging three executives of an election voting machine and service provider company and a former Chairman of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) of the Republic of the Philippines for their roles in an alleged bribery and money laundering scheme to retain and obtain business related to the 2016 Philippine elections.

Ex-Comelec chief Andres Bautista (Credit: public domain)

According to the indictment, between 2015 and 2018, Roger Alejandro Pinate Martinez, 49, a Venezuelan citizen and resident of Boca Raton, Florida, and Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Davie, Florida, together with others, allegedly caused at least $1 million in bribes to be paid to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of COMELEC. These bribes were allegedly paid to obtain and retain business related to providing voting machines and election services for the 2016 Philippine elections and to secure payments on the contracts, including the release of value added tax payments.

The co-conspirators allegedly funded the bribes through a slush fund that was created by over-invoicing the cost per voting machine for the 2016 Philippine elections. To conceal and disguise the nature and purpose of the corrupt payments, the co-conspirators used coded language to refer to the slush fund and caused the creation of fraudulent contracts and sham loan agreements to justify transfers. The co-conspirators then allegedly laundered funds related to the bribery scheme through bank accounts located in Asia, Europe, and the United States, including in the Southern District of Florida.

Pinate and Vasquez are each charged with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and one substantive violation of the FCPA. Bautista, Pinate, Vasquez, and Elie Moreno, 44, a dual citizen of Venezuela and Israel, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and three counts of international laundering of monetary instruments. If convicted, Pinate and Vasquez each face a maximum penalty of five years in prison for the FCPA and conspiracy to violate the FCPA counts. Bautista, Pinate, Vasquez, and Moreno each face a maximum penalty of 20 years for each count of international laundering of monetary instruments and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida; Special Agent in Charge Anthony Salisbury of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Miami; and Special Agent in Charge Matthew D. Line of IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS CI) Miami made the announcement.

HSI’s El Dorado Task Force Miami is investigating the case, with assistance from IRS CI Miami.

(, 8/8/2024) (Archive)

August 11, 2024 – The political left in Great Britain brings tyranny to its citizens

(…) While most people can relate to the struggle against totalitarianism, the intolerable fallacy being perpetuated is that when the jackboots finally march on the western world they will do so in the name of conservative values and religion.  Well, the dystopian nightmare has arrived in the UK, and the truth is quite the opposite.

The British public is being culturally diminished through forced mass immigration to which the government offers no redress.  UK authorities are far-left in their ideology and promote globalism as the system which Brits must accept without question.  And, those same establishment elites have joined with third-world migrants and Islamic militants to terrorize the population into submission.

Today, UK police are out in force threatening to arrest anyone remotely critical of open immigration or UK migrant policies.  They have also doubled down on the two-tier policing that caused the patriot protests and riots to begin with.  These are not scenes from V For Vendetta, these are scenes from the UK this week:

UK authorities have now made multiples arrests dealing with social media posts and opinions as well as arresting people who were merely spectators at various protests. They are also searching for ways to take down their political opponents, with leftist politicians using MI6 to investigate Nigel Farage for “financial ties” to Tommy Robinson and Russia. It’s expected that adjacent leftist governments around the world will be following the UK’s example.

Is the far-left really oblivious to their own natural tendencies towards tyranny? Or, is all the media depicting a conservative run dystopia really a form of gaslighting? A means to demonize the very people the elites have long sought to erase from history?

When rebellion against this trend explodes (and it will), many great speeches on liberty similar to those spoken in so many pieces of predictive entertainment will not be spoken by leftists and they won’t apply to leftists. Leftists are not the freedom fighters they imagine themselves to be. They are, in fact, the villains of the story. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/13/2024) (Archive)

August 11, 2024 – Leaked memo confirms whistleblowers were targeted by DHS after revealing they were not in compliance with DNA Collection law; puts Americans at risk

August 12, 2024 – Tulsi Gabbard takes legal action against Biden administration for adding her to the terrorist watch list

There is absolutely no reason for Gabbard to be part of the “Quiet Skies” program. None. Not one.

Quiet Skies is extremely resource-intensive. Not only do people on the list get enhanced scrutiny and searches, but they are also followed by police at the airports, and armed Air Marshals follow them on flights because the target is deemed a security risk.

She was put on the Quiet Skies list the day after she appeared on Fox News criticizing the Deep State:

In other words, there is nothing benign about being put on the watchlist. Gabbard has literally been labeled a potential terrorist by Alejandro Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is the man who has kept the border open, and who is in charge of the Secret Service. The Secret Service conspicuously failed to protect Donald Trump. Mayorkas also made the man most directly responsible for that failure the Director of the Secret Service after the resignation of Kim Cheatle, and that man is in charge of investigating why HE failed to do his job.

(Read more: Hot Air, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

August 12, 2024 – Elon Musk interviews Trump; before the interview, European Union sends a letter demanding it be censored

The globalist tyrants in control of the European Union sent a letter to Elon Musk on Monday demanding the X owner censor President Donald Trump during their interview tonight.

The letter was sent by Thierry Breton and was dated August 12, 2024.

Thierry Breton is a French business executive, politician, writer and the current Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union.

In the letter, Thierry warns Elon Musk, “You have the legal obligation to ensure X’s compliance with EU law and in particular the DSA in the EU.”

Thierry Breton goes on,

“This notably means ensuring on one ha[n]d that freedom of expression and of information, including media freedom and pluralism, are effectively protected and, on the other hand, that all proportionate and effective mitigation measures are put in place regarding the amplification of harmful content in connection with relevant events, including live streams, which if unaddressed, might increase the risk profile of X and gerate detrimental effects on civic discourse and public security. This is important against the background of recent examples of public unrest brought about by the amplification of content that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation.”

Do you think he would have sent a similar warning if Joe Biden was going on X for an interview with Elon Musk?

Breton then goes on to threaten Elon Musk if President Trump is allowed to speak freely during their interview tonight.

As you know, formal proceedings are already ongoing against X under the DSA, notably in areas linked to the dissemination of illegal content and the effectiveness of the measures taken to combat disinformation.

As the relevant content is accessible to EU users and being amplified also in our jurisdiction, we cannot exclude potential spillovers in the EU. Therefore, we are monitoring the potential risks in the EU associated with the dissemination of content that may incite violence, hate, and racism in conjunction with major political or societal events around the world, including debates and interviews in the context of elections.

Let me clarify that any negative effect of illegal content on X in the EU, which would be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the way in which X applies the relevant provisions of the DSA, may be relevant in the context of the ongoing proceedings and of the overall assessment of X’s compliance with EU law. This is in line with what has already been done in the recent past. For example, in relation to the repercussions and amplification of terrorist content or content that incites violence, hate, and racism in the EU, such as in the context of the recent riots in the United Kingdom.

I, therefore, urge you to promptly ensure the effectiveness of your systems and to report measures taken to my team.

Musk responds:

(The Gateway Pundit, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

The Interview


Closing comments via Gateway Pundit:

Here is a partial transcript:

President Trump: I hope everybody’s going to vote for Trump, and we’re going to get this country straight. I didn’t need this. I’m like, I didn’t need this. I had a very nice life. I didn’t need to go through court systems and go through all the other stuff and run at the same time…

I had to go through fake trials with, in some cases, corrupt judges, totally corrupt judges. I didn’t need it. I had a nice life… But I felt it was important. If I had to do it over again, you probably think I’m crazy for doing it, actually, but if I had to do it over again, I would have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life. We’re going to save this country.

This country is going down, and these people are bad people that we’re running against, and they’re liars. They make statements. They do things that are so bad. They say they’re going to make a strong border.

Elon Musk: My values, I’m just saying to people out there, the things I think are important for the future is like, we’ve got to have safe cities, we’ve got to have secure borders, we’ve got to have sensible spending, and we’ve got to have deregulation. We can have a prosperous future. Then we want to have some exciting moonshot projects that people can get fired up about.

That’s the future I’m looking for. I’m pro-environment, but I’m not against… I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because They’re keeping civilization going right now. But I do think we want to move a reasonable speed towards a sustainable energy economy. Those are my values. That’s why I’m supporting you for president

President Trump: I think we’re going to really turn things around fast. We have no choice, otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. I really appreciate this. To me, it’s been a lot of fun being with you. You’re an amazing guy. You’ve done an incredible and a great inspiration to people, a great inspiration. I hope you keep going and just continue to do well. We’re going to have a big election coming up.

I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country. I think that election will be the most important election, and I think it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the history of our country, because if we don’t win, I just feel so sorry for everybody.

Elon Musk: No, I think we’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path, and I think you’re the right path. I think that’s what it comes down to.

This was an incredible interview. President Trump and Elon Musk broke the internet.

August 12, 2024 – Clear example of media bias between Trump and Harris

Breitbart News adds this important point:

To make matters worse, Harris voted in 2022 to pass legislation to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed.

On August 7, 2022, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which provided $80 billion in additional funding to the IRS, which then got to work cracking down on the service industry’s reporting of tips for taxation purposes.

On Monday, this revelation became a top trend on X, as social media users flocked to the platform to share that not only is Harris “plagiarizing” Trump’s campaign but her newfound stance is also a flagrant contradiction of her work as vice president.

Also, note the framing in this CBS News video.

“an idea the Trump campaign is accusing her of stealing from them”

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 8/12/2024)  (Archive)

August 12, 2024 – Unmasking deep state puppeteers: Donald Lu, Victoria Nuland, and US-engineered regime changes in South Asia

Ted Liu (l) and Victoria Nuland (Credit: Rise Align Ignite Reclaim – RAIR)

Recently in Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina (Credit: public domain)

(…) In 2024, Donald Lu visited Bangladesh and met with government officials, reportedly to strengthen ties between the U.S. and Bangladesh. However, the visit appeared more like a final warning to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after her re-election in January 2024.

One of Lu’s most controversial actions has been in Bangladesh, where Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina accused the U.S. of attempting to destabilize her government. Lu has been accused of orchestrating efforts to replace Hasina’s administration with one more aligned with U.S. interests, particularly after her refusal to cede control of the strategically significant St. Martin’s Island to the U.S.

Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu was on a tour of the South Asian region during the Indian Lok Sabha elections from May 10-15, 2024. He began his tour in Chennai, India, on May 10th.

Lu visited Bangladesh on May 13th, 2024, and met with government officials. The visit was widely seen as an attempt to engineer a regime change.

On May 23rd, 2024, exactly 10 days after Lu’s visit, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina made a statement indirectly accusing the U.S. government of demanding a military base in Bangladesh. In return, the U.S. allegedly promised a hassle-free re-election for Prime Minister Hasina (UNB News).

When Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister Momen met with Victoria Nuland on May 3rd, 2023, Prime Minister Hasina refused to grant the U.S. access to St. Martin’s Island, expressing her government’s position through Foreign Minister Momen.

The U.S. was allegedly attempting to deepen U.S.-Bangladesh ties in 2023. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina revealed details of this meeting a year later, during a press conference on May 23rd, 2024.

Just 21 days after this meeting, the U.S. government began imposing sanctions on Bangladeshi officials, following Prime Minister Hasina’s refusal to comply with their demand for access to St. Martin’s Island.

Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State in the Biden Administration, was responsible for handling the South Asia Department. Known as a regime change expert, she previously served as a spokesperson in Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The U.S. government, particularly the Democrats, has been eager to establish a military base in Bangladesh since 2012.

The first U.S. airbase in the British Indian Ocean Territory is Diego Garcia. Understanding its strategic refueling points highlights why this project was crucial for the U.S. The location of St. Martin’s Island similarly impacts U.S. military performance in the region.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina refused to comply with the U.S. government’s demands. As a result, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (now John Bass), Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu, and the deep state orchestrated a regime change in Bangladesh. This forced Sheikh Hasina to live in safe houses away from her homeland. She cannot even seek asylum in the U.S. due to changed visa policies, nor in the U.K., as the U.K. is aligned with the U.S.

How the Deep State Initiated Regime Change in Bangladesh

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had abolished the 1972 reservation act in 2018. However, in June 2024, the High Court of Bangladesh overturned Hasina’s 2018 order.

Students began protesting this High Court decision, and the demonstrations in Bangladesh quickly turned violent and aggressive, fueled by support from the U.S. Deep State.

The Hasina government appealed to the Supreme Court, which reinstated the reservation order. By August 3, the situation had calmed down, and Prime Minister Hasina banned Jamaat-e-Islami.

But on August 5, the “Islam Chhatra Shibir” student wing of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami started protesting again. The protesters planned to enter the Prime Minister’s residence, but the Bangladesh Army Chief, in collaboration with the Deep State, refused to take action against them. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had to leave her residence and take refuge in India to save her life.

Bangladesh’s New Caretaker PM and His Links to the U.S. Deep State:

(Credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP/The Prime Headline)

Mohammad Yunus is the new caretaker Prime Minister of Bangladesh, but his past reveals strong connections to the U.S. Deep State. He received a Fulbright scholarship from the U.S. State Department and is a Nobel Laureate with ties to the Obama and Clinton factions of the Deep State. Yunus was awarded the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and a Congressional Gold Medal in 2010.

He is a favorite of the Democratic Party, which facilitated a color revolution in Bangladesh through Deep State agents. (Read more: RAIR, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

August 13, 2024 – Georgia Supreme Court unanimously rules private contractors working for government are also subject to FOIA requests

BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that private contractors working for the government are also subject to public records requests. This means citizens can now obtain evidence from companies involved in elections like Dominion [voting machines]

The court concluded in its ruling that “a request for public records related to a private contractor’s services to a public agency can be served upon non-agency custodians of the relevant public records — including the private contractor if he or she is the custodian of the records sought — and the Court of Appeals erred in concluding otherwise.”

To clarify, the case was spawned from a man who, in 2022, sought records from a college contractor but was denied by the Fulton County Superior Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. It wasn’t election-related, but I couldn’t help but confirm with Georgia patriots, who told me this is HUGE NEWS in their fight to secure the 2024 election and get accountability for the stolen 2020 election

By the way, it’s not just Dominion; Runbeck Election Services also does a lot of work in Georgia. They contract with Fulton and other counties to print and sort ballots. If anything goes “wrong” in November’s election, we now have a foolproof way to get to the truth before they delete everything

This is one of the most significant rulings in recent history.

August 13, 2024 – Hunter Biden asked State Department for aid in the Burisma deal while father was VP

Burisma paid Hunter $83,333 a month for his board service, but cut his compensation in half two months after his father’s stint as vice president ended. (Credit: public domain)

While Joe Biden was vice president, his son Hunter attempted to obtain State Department assistance in securing a deal for Ukrainian gas company Burisma, of which Hunter was a highly-compensated board member despite having no experience in its industry, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. The revelation of the 2016 episode underscores allegations that Hunter sought to enrich himself by trading on his father’s influence.

The Times report draws on newly released government records pertaining to Hunter’s pushing of a Burisma deal in Italy. The Biden White House had resisted releasing the files for years, only to relent soon after Biden was pressured into abandoning his reelection bid.

The Times says it was unable to read Hunter’s email to the US ambassador, as it appears to have been “redacted in its entirety” somewhere within the trove of documents turned over by the government. However, in communications sparked by Hunter’s 2016 inquiries, federal government officials appear to have been anxious about Hunter’s request. For example, a Commerce Department official assigned to America’s embassy in Rome wrote:

“I want to be careful about promising too much. This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, USG should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the [Commerce Department] Advocacy Center.” 

The White House told the Times that then-Vice President Biden had no knowledge of his son’s inquiries. Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, acknowledged that Hunter asked US ambassador to Italy John R. Phillips and “various people” for help facilitating a dialogue between the president of Tuscany and Burisma leaders. “No meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the U.S. was ever sought and only an introduction in Italy was requested,” Abbe told the Times. Burisma was pursuing a geothermal energy project. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)

August 13, 2024 – New emails reveal Robert Mueller relied on Clinton campaign operatives to point to Russia

DARPA original logo

(…) New emails obtained by Racket through the Freedom of Information Act, however, suggest there is more to the story. Cyber researchers at Georgia Tech who were indirectly working with the Clinton campaign and Fusion GPS to produce the Alfa Bank claims, also appear to have influenced Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation of the DNC hack.

Racket previously covered the September 2022 letter the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, sent to Senator Grassley, in which DARPA confirmed the cyber researchers authored a DNC hack attribution analysis on August 7, 2016. In relation to other emails and reporting suggesting the cyber researchers also had a hand in assisting Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, DARPA at the time suggested their work was solely “retrospective”:

DARPA identified the analysis as relating to the indictment, but the Agency’s letter never squared with representations by the cyber researchers that suggested materials were flowing “via DARPA” to the Department of Justice and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Now we know why. DARPA was either lying or uninformed, and not for the first time.

A FOIA request for emails in the account of Angelos Keromytis, the head of the Enhanced Attribution program for DARPA, shows Keromytis in direct contact with Heather Alpino and providing materials relating to “DCLeaks”, a website associated with the 2016 DNC hack:

Angelos Keromytis was noted throughout emails obtained through Open Records requests to Georgia Tech, where Keromytis was employed after his time at DARPA, which showed that Special Counsel Durham’s team spoke to Keromytis during their investigation about his ties to the Alfa Bank cyber researchers as well as the National Security Division of the Department of Justice.

DOJ attorney Heather Alpino was part of the Special Counsel Mueller team by 2018, detailed to the team from her role inside the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, which signed memoranda of understanding with DARPA’s Enhanced Attribution program — a program for which Georgia Tech was awarded a contract in 2016 to develop the science of cyber attribution. An email further down the new email chain suggests that Alpino understood the materials were coming from “performers” in the Enhanced Attribution program, i.e. Manos Antonakakis and David Dagon:

The reference to “domains”, along with additional FOIA pages obtained that list Russian domain names, could indicate that the analysis corresponds to a “Mueller List” of domains and indicators of APT-28, the Russian intelligence group accused of the hack, referenced in an email from David Dagon’s attorneys:

There are strong indications that the same cyber researchers who were working with the Clinton campaign went on to work with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller team on the DNC hack investigation and the indictment of Russians. There’s no doubt the government understood the connection to Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann, Sussmann was the one who had delivered the Alfa Bank allegations on thumb drives that the Clinton campaign paid for. (Read more:Racket News, 8/13/2024) (Archive) h/t @seacaptim

August 14, 2024 – Harris campaign edits news headlines and descriptions in search ads that make it appear as if major outlets support her

(Credit: The Daily Caller)

WDAY Radio, a local news outlet in Fargo, North Dakota, is considering legal action after the Kamala Harris campaign deceptively edited WDAY headlines to make it look like they supported her in an ad campaign, its president told the Daily Caller.

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads to make it appear as if major news organizations explicitly support her, a bombshell Axios report revealed Tuesday.

WDAY was the only family-owned outlet listed in the report. Other outlets who had their content manipulated by Harris’ team included Reuters, the Associated Press, NPR, CNN, The Guardian, The Independent and more.

WDAY’s President blasted Google and the Harris campaign for the deception in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller.

“We feel insulted and violated by what was done here,” Steve Hallstrom, the President and Managing Partner of Flag Family Media, which owns WDAY Radio, told the Daily Caller.

“You have a political campaign that used our news brand and our URL to effectively lie to people about the headline we wrote,” Hallstrom said. “They lied to every single person that saw that ad. It’s misleading, it’s dishonest, and it hurts us as the company, our news brand. So as of today, we’re starting to make some calls here. We are considering all of our options here, including legal action.” (Read more: The Daily Caller, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)

August 14, 2024 – Video from Jan 6 shows an individual believed to be police carrying a bag toward the location where “pipe bomb” was found at DNC

(…) Especially in light of this footage, the idea that the bomb was planted close to where it was found makes sense. If it is critical to have the pipe bombs “discovered” just as the Capitol attack was unfolding, why risk having a bomb out in the open to be discovered prematurely? As we’ve stated before, if pipe bombs were discovered the morning of January 6, this likely would have resulted in heightened security at the Capitol. It was only the near simultaneity of the breach of the Capitol and the discovery of the bombs that could create the chaotic “diversion” effect desired by the official narrative, whereby there weren’t enough resources to fight the Ray Epps breach because of the pipe bomb.

In order to not leave anything to chance, the pipe bomb plotters would be far better off planting the bombs much closer to the time that they would be “discovered.” The mysterious man in the video above gets out of the car at 12:51 p.m. At this point, the first pipe bomb was already “discovered” by Karlin Younger, and this is right around the time that someone would want to plant the second DNC bomb to be conveniently discovered by an undercover Capitol Police officer at 1:05 p.m.

The possibility that the pipe bombs were planted much later than the FBI has told us is something we have entertained for quite some time. It gains additional credence by virtue of our earlier reporting definitively proving that the FBI is withholding critical footage that would show if indeed the person they say is the pipe bomber planted the bomb. (Read more: Revolver News, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)

August 14, 2024 – Peter Schweizer: Tim Walz tied to Chinese ‘secret police stations’ in America that kidnap CCP critics

Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.”

During Schweizer’s latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities:

The New York Times bestselling author claimed that Walz, who was announced as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate on August 6, is connected to CCP operatives who conduct illegal police activity in the U.S.

While speaking on several of the Minnesota governor’s unsavory links to the Chinese government, Schweizer mentioned the “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States,” which are unofficial but “so-called united front groups that exist in the West.”

Schweizer, who also serves as president of the Government Accountability Institute, said these stations “cooperate with Chinese intelligence” in order to “intimidate Chinese that are living in the United States that don’t like the CCP or [are] critical of the CCP.”

In April 2023, New York police arrested two men for allegedly setting up a secret police station in order to collect information on opponents of the CCP, the Associated Press reported.

“Harry” Lu Jianwang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chen Jinping, 59, of Manhattan, are both U.S. citizens accused of working with Chinese government officials ​​to commit “transnational repression,” according to the outlet.

Such secret police stations have been reported across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other countries where the CCP has identified Chinese expats who are critical of their government. (Read more: Breitbart, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)

August 15, 2024 – DOJ suddenly ‘finds’ damning Special Counsel transcript of Biden discussing classified info with ghostwriter

A lawsuit against the Justice Department by a conservative law group has led to the discovery of transcripts between President Joe Biden and his ghostwriter, offering a new window into how the president regarded the classified documents in his possession that were the subject of a thorough investigation by special counsel Robert Hur.

The suit, according to Fox News, was brought by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, a transparency organization suing the DOJ to produce transcripts of Hur’s discussions with Biden where he infamously referred to the 81-year-old as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has rebuffed requests for the unedited video or audio productions of the interviews, claiming opponents of President Biden only intended to use them for political purposes. Oversight Project counsel Kyle Brosnan said Wednesday that the DOJ recently informed the court about the existence of 117 pages of notes taken by ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer as he prepared to produce an autobiography about the Democratic incumbent.

“There do exist written transcripts of President Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter where they discuss classified material, and Special Counsel Hur relied upon those written transcripts in coming to his conclusions [that Biden was a ‘well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory’],” Brosnan wrote in a filing referencing notes taken by Zwonitzer during his production of the 2017 book “Promise Me, Dad.” The conservative watchdog added, “The discovery of those materials has been the subject of a lot of back-and-forth between us and the Justice Department about how we want to proceed. We’re trying to figure out how that discovery impacts the case and kind of what the next steps are there.”

(Read more: Trending Politics News, 8/15/2024)  (Archive)

August 19, 2024 – Joe Biden: Kamala and I are committed to strengthening illegal immigration

August 19, 2024 – Report: House Republicans find Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses

President Joe Biden “engaged in impeachable conduct,” top House Republicans detailed in a 292-page report obtained by Breitbart News on Monday.

House Speaker Mike Johnson must now determine if he should take action on the report’s findings. If Johnson launches House impeachment proceedings, it would throw a new wrinkle into the presidential election cycle by forcing Democrats and Vice President Kamala Harris to spend time and energy defending an outgoing president.

It is unclear how great of a defense Harris and fellow Democrats would mount in light of Biden’s decision not to seek reelection. Full House and Senate impeachment proceedings could take months.

The report’s details, published by the House Oversight Committee, Judiciary Committee, and Ways and Means Committee, found that Biden abused his office and violated his oath of office as vice president by engaging in a conspiracy to peddle influence to enrich his family.

As president, Biden and the Biden-Harris administration obstructed the House’s impeachment inquiry and the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, according to the report.

“The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious,” the committees wrote:

President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift. In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family. Not one of these transactions would have occurred, but for Joe Biden’s official position in the United States government.

This pattern of conduct ensured his family — who provided no legitimate services — lived a lavish lifestyle. The evidence uncovered in the Committees’ impeachment inquiry reflects a family selling the “Biden brand” around the world with President Biden— the “big guy” — swooping in to seal the deal on speaker phones or in private dinners. It shows a concerted effort to conceal President Biden’s involvement in the family’s influence peddling scheme.

Below are key findings from the committees’ investigation, as outlined in the report:

  • From 2014 to the present, as part of a conspiracy to monetize Joe Biden’s office of public trust to enrich the Biden family, Biden family members and their associates received over $27 million from foreign individuals or entities. In order to obscure the source of these funds, the Biden family and their associates set up shell companies to conceal these payments from scrutiny. The Biden family used proceeds from these business activities to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars to Joe Biden—including thousands of dollars that are directly traceable to China. While Jim Biden claimed he gave this money to Joe Biden to repay personal loans, Jim Biden did not provide any evidence to support this claim. The Biden family’s receipt of millions of dollars required Joe Biden’s knowing participation in this conspiracy, including while he served as Vice President.
  • Joe Biden used his status as Vice President to garner favorable outcomes for his son’s and his business partners’ foreign business dealings. Witnesses acknowledged that Hunter Biden involved Vice President Biden in many of his business dealings with Russian, Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian individuals and companies. Then-Vice President Biden met or spoke with nearly every one of the Biden family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. As a result, the Biden family has received millions of dollars from these foreign entities.
  • The Biden family leveraged Joe Biden’s positions of public trust to obtain over $8 million in loans from Democratic benefactors. Millions of dollars in loans have not been repaid and the paperwork supporting many of the loans does not exist and has not been produced to the Committees. This raises serious questions about whether these funds were provided as gifts disguised as loans.
  • Under the Biden Administration, the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) afforded special treatment to President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Several witnesses acknowledged the delicate approach used during the Hunter Biden case, describing the investigation as “sensitive” or “significant.” Evidence shows that Department officials slow-walked the investigation, informed defense counsel of future investigative actions, prevented line investigators from taking otherwise ordinary investigative steps, and allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most serious felony charges. These unusual—and oftentimes in the view of witnesses, unprecedented—tactics conflicted with standard operating procedures and ultimately had the effect of benefiting Hunter Biden.
  • The Biden Justice Department misled Congress about the independence of law enforcement entities in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden. Biden Administration political appointees exercised significant oversight and control over the investigation of the President’s son. Witnesses described how U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware and now-Special Counsel David Weiss, who oversaw the investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden, had to seek (1) agreement from other U.S. Attorneys to bring cases in a district geographically distinct from his own and (2) approval from the Biden Justice Department’s Tax Division to bring specific charges or take investigative actions against Hunter Biden. Despite the clear conflict of interest, Weiss was only afforded special counsel status after the investigation came under congressional scrutiny.
  • The White House has obstructed the Committees’ impeachment inquiry by withholding key documents and witnesses. The White House has impeded the Committees’ investigation of President Biden’s unlawful retention of classified documents, by refusing to make relevant witnesses available for interviews and by erroneously asserting executive privilege over audio recordings from Special Counsel Hur’s interviews with President Biden. In addition, the White House is preventing the National Archives from turning over documents that are material to the Committees’ inquiry.

Read the full 292-page report here(Breitbart /News, 8/19/2024)  (Archive)

August 21, 2024 – Hunter Biden’s tax evasion trial will go forward next month after judge throws out bid to toss case

Judge Mark Scarsi (Credit: The Associated Press)

Hunter Biden’s federal tax evasion trial will go forward next month — after a California judge tossed the first son’s latest attempt to get the case dismissed.

The trial accusing President Biden’s already felon son will begin Sept. 9 in Los Angeles court. He’s accused of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2019.

Hunter’s legal team asked Los Angeles Judge Mark Scarsi to dismiss the three felony and six misdemeanor tax charges he faces on the grounds that David Weiss’ appointment to prosecute the case as special counsel was unconstitutional and Weiss — a Delaware US attorney — doesn’t have jurisdiction to oversee the California case.

The motion prompted Scarsi to threaten sanctions against the Biden son’s lawyers for lying about Weiss’ involvement in the probes against Hunter.

Hunter’s attorneys responded by claiming they didn’t intentionally lie but rather misused a single word two times.

Scarsi — who has rejected three prior bids by Hunter to have the case dismissed, including over Weiss’ appointment — canned the latest motion to dismiss on Monday. He said Hunter’s team didn’t raise any new legal issues and that the latest motion comes too late. (Read more: New York Post, 8/21/2024)  (Archive)

August 21, 2024 – Grotesque and somewhat sexualized images of conservatives are projected by the entrance to the Democrat Convention in Chicago

In George Orwell’s prophetic and seminal work, 1984, the Two Minutes of Hate was a daily ritual of operant conditioning, in which a video reel depicting enemies of the state was broadcast throughout society with the express aim of whipping the masses into a frenetic state of loathing towards anyone who opposed Big Brother.

Since the appearance of the “Dark Brandon” entity, the non-brainwashed have been wary of the nasty turn politics has taken in the United States, and elsewhere. If four years of unhinged Trump Derangement Syndrome from the MSM wasn’t enough, now the President and incumbent party was channeling unrestrained animus at roughly half the U.S. population.

While constantly professing to be the party for “preserving democracy” and “inclusivity”, the US Democratic Party is channeling ominous and blatant overtones of repression, dare I say, even hatred toward their fellow citizens who may not be so like-minded.

So far the Democratic National Convention has been a dumpster fire of cringe, disrespect and hypocrisy but one takeaway, posted on twitter (I originally saw it here) takes the cake:

The profanity laden video depicts political opponents as cockroaches (could you imagine the reaction if a conservative made that comparison?), and sprinkles in sexualized images, including Elon Musk deep throating a phallic object labeled “MAGAsickle”.

If there was any doubt that the Democratic Party has been captured by far-left lunatics, the big takeaways were:

  • America is evil (MAGA literally stands for restoring the country to its former grandeur)
  • Wealth is evil (“F*CK BILLIONAIRES”), and
  • Literal communism (“REDISTRIBUTE THAT SHIT”)

(Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/22/2024)  (Archive)

August 22, 2024 – SS agents are placed on leave after Trump assassination attempt, but not those who failed to protect him

By Susan Crabtree

Three weeks ago, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe angrily pushed back on senators’ calls to immediately fire or discipline key agents directly responsible for the security failures that led to the assassination attempt against former President Trump at last month’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Donald Rowe and Kimberly Cheatle (Credit: public domain)

Since that time, Secret Service leaders have placed several members of the Pittsburgh Field Office on administrative leave, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

(Administrative leave occurs when a federal employee temporarily leaves their position and work duties – either because of a misconduct investigation or medical or mental health issue. These employees usually still receive pay and benefits, but those decisions are left to the discretion of agency leadership.)

While these members of the Pittsburgh Field Office were placed on leave, a different set of agents, several assigned to Trump’s permanent protective detail, are still on the job providing Trump protection, the sources say. They remain operational even though they too were deeply involved in devising the Butler rally’s security plan.

The differing treatment of the two teams is spurring internal dissension and speculation that the Pittsburgh office could bear the brunt of the serious security failures that day, even though there’s plenty of blame to go around.

During a joint Senate committee meeting July 30, Rowe said he couldn’t understand or defend why the roof where shooter Thomas Crooks fired from wasn’t better secured. He said the Secret Service is investigating whether any employees broke the rules or didn’t follow established protocol to protect obvious vulnerabilities. If so, he said they would be held accountable through the agency’s disciplinary process and face punishment, including termination.

Yet, Rowe and other senior officials back in Washington headquarters should share the blame, these sources argue. The agency’s top brass were almost certainly involved in declining at least some of the security assets requested for the Butler rally despite a heightened threat level brought on by a specific Iranian assassination plot against Trump.

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned in late July amid bipartisan outrage over her lack of transparency about the rally security failures. But critics in Congress and the Secret Service community are calling for more accountability in the wake of the worst security failure since President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981.

Dan Bongino, a popular conservative personality who spent 11 years in the Secret Service, has blasted his former agency’s “apocalyptic security failure” and called for a full house-cleaning of the upper leadership ranks in its Washington headquarters. Rowe, he said, is just as bad, if not worse than Cheatle because he was her hand-picked deputy and played a key role in her management decisions.

“My Secret Service colleagues I worked with, where nothing like this ever happened at our advances, are horrified at Ron Rowe, ashamed at what this agency has become,” he said in on his podcast the day after Rowe testified before the Senate. “… I’m not talking about a small cadre of them. I’m talking about a big group of former agents [who] are on fire about what happened here – they are horrified about what’s going on with this agency.”

Other current Secret Service agents, including one who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal, pinned the failures at Butler directly on Rowe and other top leaders alleged ties because their decisions leading up to the July 13 rally set the rank-and-file agents up for failure.

“Leadership’s mismanagement of technology and personnel are what led to the failures in Butler, but they are not the ones being held accountable,” a source in the Secret Service community told RealClearPolitics.

The FBI arrested Asif Merchant, a Pakistani man with [ties] to Iran, one day before the Butler rally. Merchant was charged with a plot to carry out political assassinations on U.S. soil, including against Trump.

The arrest comes two years after U.S. officials disrupted another Iranian scheme aimed at former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton. Trump and his national security team have faced threats from Iran since Trump ordered the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasam Soleimani in early January 2020.

Mid-level Secret Service managers based in D.C. routinely reduce the level of security assets as a way to cut costs. There’s even greater pressure to reject asset requests during presidential campaign years when agency resources are especially stretched thin because there are multiple candidates to protect.

Because of the heightened Iranian threat against Trump, those decision wouldn’t just be made by mid-level Secret Service managers but likely would involve top agency officials too, the sources argued. In the case of the Butler rally, it was the first time agency leaders approved counter snipers for a Trump reelection event, but they still only allotted two counter sniper teams rather than the four teams requested, multiple sources have told RCP.

Because of the sniper shortage, the Secret Service was forced to ask local law enforcement to man the rooftop where 20-year-old would-be assassin Thomas Crooks fired off his shots at Trump and the crowd, killing firefighter Corey Comperatore, who was attending the rally with his family.

Exactly why that rooftop was not adequately covered remains a key question in the ongoing investigation with the Secret Service and local law enforcement continuing to trade accusations over that glaring failure.

Other whistleblowers have come forward to complain that Secret Service leaders did not allocate a counter-surveillance unit, roaming agents who work to find and intercept suspicious people or fortify vulnerable areas during a rally. If they had, these whistleblowers argue, those CSU teams would have intercepted and questioned Crooks as soon as he pulled out a range finder and held it up to the crowd.

Sen. Josh Hawley in early August sent a letter to Rowe saying he had received detailed information personally blaming him for directing “significant cuts” to the Countersurveillance Division, a department that performs threat assessment evaluations of events sites before the events occur and did not perform its typical evaluation of the Butler site and was not present that day. An unnamed whistleblower further alleged that Rowe directed a 20% reduction in the CSD’s manpower, an assertion that, if proven, would undercut Rowe’s repeated denials that he wasn’t involved in any decisions rejecting requests for added security for Trump over the last two years.

In an all-hands conference call last week, Rowe committed to a complete “paradigm” overhaul at the agency and said he is making headway in pressing for major budget increases. He also pledged to jettison the long-term approach of stretching resources too thin – what is known within the agency as “doing more with less” – and to improve the Secret Service’s technological capability to adapt to “constantly evolving” threats.

“We can no longer operate with that mindset,” Rowe told the agents during his address to every employee. “We can no longer wear our people down.”

Rowe argued that the near-assassination of Trump served as a wake-up call to the agency – “an opportunity to examine our own paradigm and examine our own methodologies, to challenge assumptions, to look at the new dynamic threat environment we’re operating in, look at the demand in which we’re placing on our people.”

Trump’s security detail, a 60-member team dedicated to protecting the former president, has faced the toughest schedules and heaviest workloads over the last year of any Secret Service division or detail. The agents have endured long hours, often working seven days a week in a row before taking time off. The Trump detail also has taken on more of the responsibility for creating and executing the security plans for rallies, these sources said, a job that was always shared with the local field office closest to each rally. But over the last year, as Trump has faced heightened threats, his detail has taken on more and more responsibility for security planning and decisions at rallies, these sources say.

For instance, the site agent, the individual charged with devising most of the security plan for the event, was a member of the Trump detail for the Butler rally. But the lead agent, who typically oversees security at the entire sequence of events – from the airport arrival to the rally to the hotel stay to airport departure – was a member of the Pittsburgh Field Office. During final preparations for a rally, the site agent and lead agent join forces in conducting walk-throughs of the security plans with supervisors from each of their teams.

Because members of the Pittsburgh Field Office shared the responsibility with the individuals from the Trump detail, sources are questioning why no one from the Trump detail has been put on administrative leave while several of their Pittsburgh counterparts have been. Even the innermost ring of security – those agents on the Trump detail who quickly used their bodies as human shields to protect Trump – are still on the job despite the obvious trauma of going through such a stressful event.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi didn’t respond to questions from RealClearPolitics about that disparity. He also didn’t answer several other detailed questions about the agency’s administrative leave and disciplinary policies.

“The U.S. Secret Service is committed to investigating the decisions and actions of personnel related to the event in Butler, Pennsylvania and the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump,” Guglielmi said in a statement. “The U.S. Secret Service’s mission assurance review is progressing, and we are examining the processes, procedures and factors that led to this operational failure.”

“The U.S. Secret Service holds our personnel to the highest professional standards, and any identified and substantiated violations of policy will be investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility for potential disciplinary action,” he added. “Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further.”

During Rowe’s July 30 Senate testimony, the acting director and Hawley got into a shouting match over the agency’s failure to fire anyone, including those responsible for the failure to surveil the rooftop where Crooks opened fire.

“You’re asking me, Senator, to completely make a rush to judgement about somebody failing. I acknowledge this was a failure,” Rowe said during the questioning.

“Is it not prima facie that somebody has failed? The former president was shot,” Hawley shot back.

Rowe responded that he had “lost sleep” over the security failures that day and assured Hawley that he would hold people accountable “with integrity” and not “rush to judgement.”

“Then fire somebody to hold them accountable,” Hawley demanded.

Rowe countered that he needed to allow the FBI investigation to continue to gather all the facts and determine culpability and argued that there were likely several people and factors to blame for the failures, not just one scapegoat.

In the wake of the assassination attempt, whistleblowers have come forward to share with RCP what they describe as a corrosive culture of fear, favoritism, uneven disciplinary action, and retribution they say has plagued the agency for years, harming its core protective mission. The uneven discipline and lowering of hiring standards because of a staffing shortage has led to several embarrassing security breaches and misconduct scandals in recent years, sowing distrust and resentment.

Rowe has pledged to hold those responsible for the security failures in Butler accountable, but others argue his close friendship with Tim Burke, who heads the Pittsburgh Field Office, could complicate that task.

Just last year, a former member of that Pittsburgh office won a complaint he filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency that enforces workplace discrimination laws, according to two sources in the Secret Service community.

The special agent complained to Burke that an office leader was sexually harassing another employee, but Burke said he didn’t believe the accusations and advised the employee to drop the matter. After the agent insisted his charges were accurate and filed formal complaints within the Secret Service, he said Burke, with the blessing of top Secret Service leaders, unfairly retaliated against him for the disclosure, putting him on administrative leave and downgrading his salary from a GS14 level carrying a salary of $104,604-$135,987, to a GS13 level, which ranges between $88,520 and $115,079. Such disciplinary action would require approval from top agency leaders, and Rowe likely knew about it even if he didn’t sign off specifically on the demotion.

Yet, just months after filing the EEOC complaint, the agent provided evidence of his sexual harassment claim and won his case, quickly regaining his GS14 status, according to three sources in the Secret Service community. He also was allowed to relocate away from the Pittsburgh Field Office. It’s unclear if Burke, who is close friends with Rowe and is generally liked by top Secret Service leaders, faced any disciplinary action for failing to take the charges seriously.

In another alarming incident that could have implications for the Iranian plot against Trump, two men of Pakistani heritage were arrested and charged with posing as Department of Homeland Security officers in Washington and duping four Secret Service agents charged with protecting President Biden and his family. According to federal prosecutors, the imposters provided the Secret Service agents with tens of thousands of gifts, including rent-free apartments, in a two-year scheme that began in February 2020 while Trump was still in office,.

At one point after Biden took office, one of the Pakistani men, Arian Taherzadeh, offered to buy a $2,000 assault rifle for an agent assigned to first lady Jill Biden’s protective detail, according to the legal filings. One of the men, Haider Ali, told witnesses he had connections to intelligence agencies in Pakistan, and he also had several visas issued by Pakistan and Iran, prosecutors said.

“Taherzadeh and Ali have attempted to use their false and fraudulent affiliation with DHS to ingratiate themselves with members of federal law enforcement and the defense community,” David Elias, an FBI agent, wrote in the affidavit.

Yet, Elias did not say why the men orchestrated the elaborate plan to impersonate DHS agents and cozy up to members of the presidential protective Secret Service detail. Prosecutors said they used their false identities to obtain security footage of the apartment building, as well as a list of the building’s residents and contact information.

The Secret Service agents implicated in the scheme were placed on administrative leave, but it’s unclear what disciplinary action, if any, was taken against them.

(Real Clear Wire, 8//22/2024)  (Archive)

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.

August 22, 2024 – The DOJ-IG has found the FBI systematically mishandles troves of classified information

Pallets of FBI boxes containing potentially classified information were found sitting in an unsecured warehouse. (Credit: Department of Justice/IG Report)

Talk about irony: The FBI, which was willing to use deadly force over Donald Trump allegedly mishandling classified documents, has been systematically mishandling similar information for years, according to bombshell findings released Thursday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

The DOJ-IG said it discovered the FBI’s mishandling of classified information while auditing a contract related to how the bureau destroys electronics containing “sensitive-but-unclassified” information, as well as classified national security information.

According to Horowitz’s audit, the FBI labels computers that handle such information when it sends them to a facility to be destroyed. However, it does not label internal hard drives extracted from those computers. The FBI also doesn’t properly track thumb drives and disk drives containing information of varying classification levels, according to Horowitz.

Compounding the security risk is the fact that those unmarked internal hard drives, thumb drives and disk drives often end up in a physically unsecured warehouse.

Horowitz said that when his staff visited an FBI “Media Destruction Team” facility last October, they found “non-accountable” hard drives and other electronic storage devices sitting in an open pallet-sized box. Horowitz said he’s not disclosing details about the facility since it’s not secured. (Read more: Headline USA, 8/22/2024)  (Archive)

August 24, 2024 – Fani Willis shows up at the scene of her daughter’s arrest with Nathan Wade

Kinaya Willis mugshot (Credit: Tyrone Police Department)

Embattled District Attorney Fani Willis showed up to the scene of her daughter’s recent arrest with prosecutor lover Nathan Wade, long after the pair said they’d ended their controversial affair, newly released bodycam footage shows.

The Fulton County, Georgia DA was seen with ex-Trump prosecutor Wade after her pregnant daughter Kinaya Willis, 25, was pulled over late last month for driving while using a cell phone, and then arrested for driving on a suspended license, according to the footage obtained by The Post.

The cops asked if Willis, 52, and Wade, 51, were Kinaya’s parents — but the powerful DA told them her high-profile lover was “just a friend.”

The two lawyers pulled up in a black Ford SUV after Kinaya had already been taken to the Fayette County Jail and stayed on scene for around five minutes, the footage shows.

Willis could be heard calmly saying it was “news to” her that her younger daughter’s license was suspended, as Wade, wearing a baseball hat, quietly listened before asking about why cops stopped Kinaya, a Texas Southern University student.

Willis could be heard calmly saying it was “news to” her that her younger daughter’s license was suspended. (Credit: Tyrone Police Department)

(…) At one point, Willis gave the officers her license and asked them not to put her address in the report, with one cop, seemingly aware of her high-profile position, saying her request was “for obvious reasons.”

“Y’all can have my address, the rest of the world, no,” Willis says, as seen in the footage first obtained by the Daily Mail.

After, the video showed Willis leaving the scene in her daughter’s silver Nissan Altima, while Wade drove away in the car they arrived in. (Read more: The New York Post, 9/03/2024)  (Archive)

August 26, 2024 – Kevin McCarthy likely knew about the Steele Dossier much earlier than previously known — and said nothing

OCTOBER 28: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) speaks to the media while flanked by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) after House Republicans nominated him to be the next Speaker of the House, October 28, 2015. Ryan will replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner. (Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

(…) In June 2024, former Trump official Kash Patel dropped a bombshell on Steve Bannon’s War Room, exposing the rotten core of the Republican establishment.

Patel’s blockbuster report on Paul Ryan, which first surfaced on The Gateway Pundit, revealed that Ryan—then Speaker of the House—was the first to receive the fraudulent Steele Dossier in 2016.

This dossier, now widely acknowledged as a fabrication used to justify unlawful surveillance against Donald Trump, was apparently hidden by Ryan from his colleagues, investigators, and even officials within the Trump administration.

This only came out this year – eight years after the Deep State used this document in their first attempt to impeach President Trump in the Russia collusion hoax.

The question now is glaringly clear: Where was Kevin McCarthy during all this? As a leading figure in the Republican Party and a close ally of Paul Ryan, McCarthy’s silence or potential complicity in this cover-up raises serious concerns about his leadership and integrity.

Did McCarthy know of Ryan’s possession and subsequent concealment of the Steele dossier? If so, why did he not act or inform his party members who were blindsided by these revelations?

Kash Patel posted this on Truth Social back in June:

Kash Patel: Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us (think, before anyone knew anything about fake intel, he had his own copy). I found it on my own then blew up FBI/DOJ. Why didnt he tell his own damn team? Report that fake news.

Kash Patel shared even more damning details later on The War Room, highlighting Ryan’s treachery. It turns out that while Ryan was pretending to champion the GOP’s investigation into Russiagate, he was sitting on a copy of the Steele Dossier—the very document that the Deep State used to unlawfully surveil Donald Trump.

(…) The Gateway Pundit recently received information from a very credible source that former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was Paul Ryan’s right-hand man, also knew about the dossier months before Buzzfeed made it public.

This calls into question McCarthy’s potential future role in a Trump second term. How can Kevin be trusted if he kept this secret from candidate and then President Trump. Why would he not notify Trump of this slanderous piece of propaganda that the intel community was using to spy on him and his campaign and administration?

There are reports today that McCarthy could land a top position in the second Trump administration. The former speaker needs to come clean on this very important matter. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 8/26/2024)  (Archive)

August 25, 2024 – Vindman praises Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest in France and tweets warning to Elon Musk

Alexander Vindman testifies before a House Intelligence Committee hearing as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, November 19, 2019. (Credit: Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)

Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who played a prominent role in the first impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, recently issued a stark warning to Elon Musk following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France.

The arrest, which took place in Paris over the weekend, has sparked significant controversy and raised concerns about the future of free speech on social media platforms, as reported by Fox News.

Durov was apprehended after a preliminary investigation suggested that Telegram had not done enough to curb criminal activity on its platform, according to reports from TF1 TV and BFM TV.

The app, known for its encrypted messaging service, has over 900 million users worldwide and has been criticized for being used by criminal organizations and extremist groups to communicate and organize.

Vindman, taking to X (formerly Twitter), quickly applauded the French authorities’ actions, but his remarks went further, suggesting that Elon Musk might be the next target of such accountability.

“While Durov holds French citizenship and was arrested for violating French law, this has broader implications for other social media, including Twitter,” Vindman wrote. “There’s a growing intolerance for platforming disinfo & malign influence & a growing appetite for accountability. Musk should be nervous.”

Musk, in his typical fashion, didn’t shy away from the controversy.

He used his platform on X to criticize Durov’s arrest, sharing the hashtag #FreePavel and expressing his concerns about government censorship. “Dangerous times,” Musk remarked, highlighting the growing tension between tech giants and government regulations.

(Read more: RVM News, 8/26/2024) (Archive)

August 26, 2024 – Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris regime pressured him to censor millions of Americans — ‘Regrets’ colluding with the regime!

(Credit: #NezNation)

In a letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg throws the Biden-Harris regime under the bus.

He openly admitted that Meta, the parent company of Facebook, was subjected to relentless pressure by the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, even when the content was satirical or humorous, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

The Meta CEO allegedly expressed deep ‘regret’ for not being more vocal in resisting the government’s demands, stating that “government pressure was wrong,” and he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach.

In the letter, Zuckerberg detailed how senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, exerted consistent pressure on Meta’s teams to remove or suppress content that did not align with the regime’s narrative on COVID-19.

This included posts that were clearly humorous or satirical.

Zuckerberg’s letter also revealed another explosive detail: Meta’s decision to demote the New York Post’s bombshell story on the Biden family’s corruption in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

The story, which centered around Hunter Biden’s dealings with Burisma, was initially flagged by the FBI as potential Russian disinformation, leading Meta to temporarily suppress its distribution.

However, Zuckerberg now admits that this was a grave mistake, as the story was not Russian disinformation, and the decision to demote it was influenced by government pressure.

Zuckerberg also addressed the financial contributions he made through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, called the Zuckerbucks by election integrity advocates, during the last presidential election cycle, which he insists were intended to support electoral infrastructure in a ‘non-partisan manner.’

These contributions have disproportionately benefited Democrat strongholds.

(…) Read the full letter below:

Chairman Jordan:

I appreciate the Committee’s interest in content moderation on online platforms. As you are aware, Meta has produced thousands of documents as part of your investigation and made a dozen employees available for transcribed interviews. Further to our cooperation with your investigation, l welcome the opportunity to share what I’ve taken away from this process.

There’s a lot of talk right now around how the U.S. government interacts with companies like Meta, and I want to be clear about our position. Our platforms are for everyone — we’re about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way.

As part of this, we regularly hear from governments around the world and others with various concerns around public discourse and public safety.

In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.

Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.

I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.

Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.

In a separate situation, the FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.

That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply.

It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story. We’ve changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn’t happen again — for instance, we no longer temporarily demote things in the U.S. while waiting for fact-checkers.

Apart from content moderation, I want to address the contributions I made during the last presidential cycle to support electoral infrastructure. The idea here was to make sure local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during a global pandemic. I made these contributions through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

They were designed to be non-partisan –spread across urban, rural, and suburban communities.

Still, despite the analyses I’ve seen showing otherwise, I know that some people believe this work benefited one party over the other. My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another – or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle.

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 8/26/2024) (Archive)

The White House told Fox News:

“When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety. Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present.”

Once The New York Post dropped the Hunter Biden laptop story, Facebook demoted related posts until fact-checkers could confirm the story.

Weird, huh?

(Read more: Legal Insurrection, 8/27/2024)

August 27, 2024 – DOJ Attorney who defended FDA in court admits agency’s anti-Ivermectin campaign was a ‘mistake’ and an ‘abuse of authority’

A Department of Justice attorney has been caught admitting in an undercover video that the FDA’s campaign against the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment was not only misguided but also an overreach of its authority.

In December 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a stern warning to Americans: “Never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous.”

This statement, which came during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, was not only controversial but also deeply flawed, as the FDA had previously praised the drug in other contexts.

Ivermectin, a drug that had been safely used in humans since 1966, had been vilified by the FDA during the pandemic, despite its earlier successes in treating various diseases and even being administered to African migrants by the agency itself back in 2015.

Yet, in the face of mounting evidence—105 controlled studies showing a 61% lower risk in early COVID-19 treatment—the FDA clung to its erroneous position, interested in promoting its agenda than in protecting public health.

A group of courageous doctors, refusing to be silenced, filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the FDA, challenging the agencies’ unlawful attempts to block ivermectin’s use in treating COVID-19.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas in Galveston, asserts that the FDA overstepped its authority and interfered unjustifiably with medical practice.

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 8/27/2024) (Archive)

August 28, 2024 – Thoughts on the Zuckerberg letter to House Judiciary Committee

(Credit: Fiora Carr/Time)

(…) Professor Philip Hamburger takes up one facet of the letter in the Wall Street Journal column “The ‘Tell’ in Zuckerberg’s Letter to Congress” (behind the Journal’s paywall). Subhead: “He neither admits nor denies that Meta bowed to government censorship pressure.” Professor Hamburger writes: “The aim, presumably, is to avoid having Meta treated as a state actor for purposes of the First Amendment and then being held liable for damages.” As I say, close reading is required.

Matt Taibbi commends Zuckerberg’s letter in his Racket News subscribers-only post “Zuckerberg defies the Borg.” Subhead: “As governments everywhere tighten their grip on the Internet, Meta’s CEO blows a hole in years of official lies.” Taibbi emphasizes Zuckerberg’s use of the term “censor” and “censorship” to describe the pressure on Facebook. Taibbi fits the letter into our current circumstances:

Like other tech CEOs, Zuckerberg finds himself between a rock and a hard place. From one side, he sees subpoenas and investigations of censorship. From the other, he faces strident demands on content from authorities whose idea of “accountability” has gone beyond crippling penalties to detention. This is not just coming from Europeans. Former National Security Council and White House official Alexander Vindman reacted to the Durov news by referencing a “growing intolerance for platforming disinfo” and a “growing appetite for accountability.” His specific threat was to Elon Musk…

Zuckerberg comments on Facebook’s suppression of the New York Post’s stories on Hunter Biden laptop in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election at the urging of the FBI leap from the text. The FBI had taken possession of the laptop in 2019. It knew the laptop and its contents were authentic. It sought to protect then candidate Biden from the exposure of the Biden family business and protect his path to the presidency. The FBI engaged blatantly in the “election interference” that it imputed to Russia. In this context, “election interference” is a pathetic euphemism for monumental government misconduct. Yet here we are — here we are again.

Zuckerberg’s mea culpa is tardy. He names no names. The FBI perpetrators remain at large, as do the Deep State 51 who emerged to support the FBI censorship campaign. Nevertheless, it is good to have the letter on the record.

The New York Post’s laptop coverage was Pulitzer-worthy in the old-fashioned sense. I want to note the Post’s coverage of Zuckerberg’s letter. Victor Nava has the straight news story “Zuckerberg admits Biden admin pressured Facebook to censor COVID content, says it was wrong to suppress The Post’s Hunter laptop coverage.” Nava’s story includes copies of the Post covers that flagged the laptop stories.

Post business reporter Thomas Barrabi notes “Facebook posts censored at Biden admin’s demand include COVID-19 memes, satire.” Post columnist Kristen Fleming comments on the forbidden laughter here.

As President Muffley almost says in Dr. Strangelove: “Gentlemen, you can’t laugh in here. This is the disinformation war room.”

The Post devotes an editorial to the current relevance of this history: “Mark Zuckerberg coming clean on Facebook censorship matters because Harris-Walz would amp up the speech controls.” As Winston Smith is instructed in 1984:

“[A]lways — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.”

Zuckerberg states that Facebook sent “the Post story to fact-checkers for review[.]” Every element of the story was accurate and authenticated. It would be nice to see the timeline of Facebook’s work and the work product. They would tell a story all by themselves. (PowerlineBlog, 8/28/2024)

(…) And speaking for itself, the Post homes in on the points I tried to make in an important editorial — “Zuck still has a LOT of questions to answer on suppression of The Post’s Hunter-laptop scoops.” The Post’s editors elaborate on the issues raised by the alleged third-party fact-checking to which Facebook subjected its coverage (emphasis in original):

Coming up on four years later, we still haven’t seen the results of that supposed “third-party fact-check,” though of course a vast pack of outfits from Politico to The New York Times eventually admitted that we were right on everything.

Was there ever actually a check for Facebook? Who was the third party? Does Meta have any data on how extensive the suppression was?

Actually, here’s a list of topics that outside investigators should resolve:

1) Share all the relevant communications up to and on the day of us publishing the laptop story. Not just the FBI warnings about Russian disinfo on Hunter, but all the “private sector” ones too.

We know now that many “private” outfits declaring themselves experts were funded by branches of the US government and the UK Labour party, plus plenty the politically partisan “dark money.”

2) How long did the demotion last and exactly how many voters would likely have seen it if it wasn’t suppressed?

This should include the numbers of people trying to share it.

3) When did it actually go to fact-checkers?

4) Who were the fact-checkers and what were their partisan affiliations?

5) Why did Facebook ignore our protestations, not just in those first days but in the long term, too?

6) While the story itself was suppressed, we also know that in doing so, all of our content and that of conservative outlets sharing it was also downgraded for a much longer period of time.

We want full details on those decisions, too — complete with insight into the communication behind them, and the scale and impact of the downgrades.

Finally, 7) Explain why no center-right leaning outfit has ever been approved as a Facebook fact-checker.

Read the whole thing here.

(Read more: PowerlineBlog, 8/29/2024)

August 27, 2024 – Jack Smith files new Trump indictment; Jonathan Turley details why it ‘does not hold together well’

George Washington University (GWU) law professor Jonathan Turley detailed Tuesday on Fox News why special counsel Jack Smith’s new indictment against former President Donald Trump still “does not hold together” very well.

(…) “It’s the shrinkflation indictment. It’s the same packaging, just less product inside. What they did is kept the four charges, and they just took out any evidence that clearly would have contradicted the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity. It does not hold together, in my view, very well. I don’t even think it solves the problem,” Turley said.

“For example, he is keeping in, as one of the four main allegations, Trump’s communications with and to Pence. That’s still presumptively protected under the Supreme Court decision. He also includes communications with members of Congress that could also trip a wire,” Turley continued. “The first two main theories deal with state officials and the slates, the alternative slates that Trump’s team was pushing. So he doesn’t really get out of the problem that many still see with this.”

Turley continued to breakdown one of the charges Smith decided to keep, as he called the decision an “interesting” choice.

“What’s also interesting, Bret, is he keeps the charges of obstruction of official proceedings. There was a second case, the Fisher case, that dramatically narrowed how prosecutors can bring that charge,” Turley said. “They have to essentially allege tampering of evidence or destruction of evidence. It’s not clear how he’s going to thread that needle on those charges.”

(Read more: The Daily Caller, 8/27/2024) (Archive)

President Trump’s Lawyers Dismantle Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment in Joint Status Report


August 27, 2024 – Springfield, Ohio residents say Haitian migrants are crashing cars, spiking insurance, harassing Americans and according to locals, eating their pets and park geese

Springfield, Ohio (Credit: Getty Images)

The government’s delivery of roughly 20,000 migrants to Springfield, Ohio, has been a boon for real estate, local employers, auto salesmen, merchants, and the migrants — but also an unwanted shock to locals as they try to manage their own community.

The damage was displayed at the August 27 city commission meeting where voters presented their concerns about the migrants.

“Maybe we should open up go-kart land again so that people can have a chance to learn how to drive without being on these public streets,” long-time resident Jeffrey Allen told the mayor and four other commissioners.

“I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something,” Anthony Harris, who describes himself as a local YouTube influencer, told the council. “These Haitians are running into trash cans. They’re running into buildings. They’re… flipping cars in the middle of the street.”

“I hate the traffic concerns that you all see,” Mayor Rob Rue said later in the meeting

Across the community, the aisle, all levels of politics, all races, we are concerned about the traffic. I personally am concerned about the traffic. I have almost hit and been hit myself. I have kids that are learning how to drive well, and it is a concern. I have the same fears that you as grandpas and aunts and uncles have. I say this with passion.

City officials are working with state traffic officials, the mayor said:

We’re asking for a program that will focus on reckless operators, speeding, red-light violations, dangerous driving, and we’re going to initiate a 30-day blitz, and this will be highly publicized … to bring attention to the enforcement of driving laws on our roads.

Springfield’s local problems are suddenly a national issue in an election about President Joe Biden’s migration policy.

His successor, Kamala Harris cannot dodge the issue. In 2021, she declined Biden’s request to take a large role in the nation’s immigration policy. Since then, with her support, Biden’s powerful border chief has imported at least 400,000 Haitians into American society:

The vast majority of Springfield’s 20,000 migrants are from Haiti. Most of the migrants crossed the U.S. border illegally — often by pushing through the Panama jungle — and now have been given Temporary Legal Status by Biden’s pro-migration deputies.

The new population has upended the city.

NEW: Springfield, Ohio man says car insurance rates are skyrocketing in his town because the illegal Haitian immigrants don’t know how to drive.

The video from the man comes as Haitians are accused of eating pets in the small town of 60,000.

Up to 20,000 illegal Haitian immigrants have reportedly overwhelmed the small town in the past four years.

“I just got off the phone with the insurance company and was told that my insurance went up because of the cost of doing business in my area.”

“Me and my wife, have good driving records, no accidents and over. I mean, she’s never had an accident.”

“I live in Springfield, Ohio where the influx of Haitians are, and we have had an enormous amount of car accidents because they don’t know how to drive.”

“We gotta do something about it. One-third of our population is now Haitian immigrants, undocumented people.”

Insane. (Read more: Breitbart News, 9/9/2024)  (Archive)



In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who’ve said their neighbors’ pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.

Do you know what’s confirmed? That a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant who had no right to be here. That local health services have been overwhelmed. That communicable diseases–like TB and HIV–have been on the rise. That local schools have struggled to keep up with newcomers who don’t know English. That rents have risen so fast that many Springfield families can’t afford to put a roof over their head.

Here is Kamala Harris bragging about giving amnesty to thousands of Haitian migrants.

If you’re a reporter, or an activist, who didn’t give a shit about these suffering Americans until yesterday, I have some advice:

Spare your outrage for your fellow citizens suffering under Kamala Harris’s policies. Be outraged at yourself for letting this happen.

Jesse Watters also covers the story:

August 28, 2024 – American media and politicians hypocrisy is exposed for their Orwellian double-speak

August 28, 2024 – US Attorney has empaneled grand jury to consider criminal charges in Trump assassination investigation

(Credit: untitled design)

The Western District of Pennsylvania has empaneled a grand jury to investigate the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, PA. A letter obtained by Human Events from America First Legal reveals that a records request for information on would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks was denied because those records are “within the scope of a grand jury subpoena.”

The letter, from the Community College of Allegheny County in response to attorney Wally Zimolong, denies the request for records on Crooks pertaining to his student files, records, documents, communication, disciplinary records, or other data containing his name.

“Please be advised that your request is denied on the basis that it requests records that relate to an ongoing criminal investigation, which are exempt from disclosure,” the letter reads.

“Specifically,” the letter continues, “the records that you have requested are within the scope of a grand jury subpoena issued to CCAC by the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and which the U.S. Attorney’s Office has confirmed relate to an ongoing criminal investigation.”

The purpose of a federal grand jury is consider criminal charges against a target or range of targets. This is the first indication that a grand jury has been empaneled in the district to investigate the attempted assassination.

(…) It is not clear as yet who is being investigated by the grand jury. However, the Crooks family has retained lawyers and several Secret Service agents from the Pittsburgh field office, which covers Butler, were placed on leave. (Read more: Human Events, 8/28/2024)  (Archive)

August 29, 2024 – Two campaign staffers for Harris were involved in the Biden-Harris administration efforts to censor Americans

Aisha Shah and Rob Flaherty (Credit: public domain)

Two campaign staffers for Vice President Kamala Harris were previously involved in efforts to censor Americans for spreading purported “disinformation” about COVID-19 while working in the Biden-Harris White House.

Then-administration officials Rob Flaherty and Aisha Shah are named as having been involved in the government’s efforts to censor Americans in legal filings related to the Murthy v. Missouri lawsuit, which alleged that the federal government violated the First Amendment by pressuring social media companies to censor content related to the pandemic and other hot-button topics. On the Harris campaign team, Flaherty is now a deputy campaign manager and Shah is the director of digital partnerships, according to their respective LinkedIn profiles.

Flaherty served as the director of digital strategy and an assistant for President Joe Biden and Shah worked as the deputy director of partnerships, according to their profiles.

Flaherty participated in meetings with officials from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, according to a July 2023 motion for a preliminary injunction filed in the Murthy v. Missouri case. He also corresponded with social media platforms via email to encourage them to take a more aggressive posture against COVID-19 “misinformation” and content that could make users more hesitant to take coronavirus vaccines.

“Since we’ve been on the phone — the top post about vaccines today is tucker (sic) Carlson saying they don’t work. Yesterday was Tomi Lehren (sic) saying she won’t take one,” reads one email Flaherty sent to Facebook officials in April 2021. “This is exactly why I want to know what ‘Reduction’ actually looks like — if ‘reduction’ means ‘pumping our most vaccine hesitant audience with tucker (sic) Carlson saying it doesn’t work’ then… I’m not sure it’s reduction!”

Additionally, Flaherty demanded that Twitter remove a parody account linked to Finnegan Biden, the president’s granddaughter, writing to the company that he “cannot stress the degree to which this needs to be resolved immediately,” according to the motion.

Flaherty subsequently testified to the House Judiciary Committee in May, defending his actions because the pandemic was still severe at the time, “misinformation” presented a public health challenge by increasing vaccine hesitancy and pointing out that social media companies ultimately determine what content is permitted on their platforms. (Read more: The Daily Caller, 8/29/2024)  (Archive)

August 29, 2024 – MSNBC’s Ari Melber threatens to sue Trump aide Corey Lewandowski for defamation; Corey offers proof of Melbers own words

Below is the transcript of the exchange:

Ari Melber: I quoted a New York Times article that said, at the convention, Donald Trump “was his own biggest prop.” It was a New York Times quote about how he–

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: –how he had become such an important figure in rebounding from what was a horrific assassination attempt. Fox News

Corey Lewandowski: Let me read it to you.

Ari Melber: Corey, I said I’d address it. I’m gonna finish. Fox News, many viewers may not know about this, but apparently you do, and some do. Fox News, which has been caught in defamation, ran a false piece falsely stating that I said something else that I didn’t say. So, I stand on that. I stand on the New York Times quote.

Corey Lewandowski: So, you didn’t say, “This bandage was a prop, a spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles.”

Ari Melber: Uh, Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: I have it right here.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote.

Corey Lewandowski: You absolutely said it.

Ari Melber: What you have is a false quote. And if – I’m putting you on notice – if you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation because I didn’t say that. But I understand that you’re working off the internet, which has a lot of false information.

Corey Lewandowski: Well, this is what it said. Right here.

Undeterred, Lewandowski revealed that he had the proof, and shortly after the broadcast, he released a video clip on social media showing Melber’s exact words from an earlier episode of The Beat. The footage left no doubt that Melber had indeed made the statements that Lewandowski had attributed to him. (The Gateway Pundit, 8/29/2024)

August 30, 2024 – Law school dean tells MSNBC it’s time to scrap the American Constitution; NYT agrees

Eugene Robinson (l) and Chemerinsky (Credit: Screenshot/Rumble/MSNBC)

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s law school, called for a new constitution Friday, claiming that failing to make changes would cause the U.S. to “drift toward authoritarianism.”

Chemerinsky appeared on “Morning Joe” to discuss “increasingly problematic” constitutional provisions that he believed were “undermining democracy.” Chemerinsky cited the equal representation of states in the U.S. Senate and lifetime tenure for Supreme Court justices as provisions that could bring about secession during the interview that promoted his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States.”

“Choices that were made in adapting the Constitution have come to haunt us,” Chemerinsky told “Morning Joe” co-host Willie Geist. “The Electoral College increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote. Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people.”

“Life tenure for Supreme Court justices is increasingly problematic,” Chemerinsky continued. “For much of American history, the tenure for Supreme Court justice was an average of 15 years. Since 1970, it’s been 27 years. All of these are choices made in 1787, but they have become much more salient in recent years.”

(…) “Isn’t it absurd that we’re governed in 2024 by a Constitution written in 1787 for a small agrarian, slave-owning society? Yes, you’re right, of course, there’s much in the current Constitution to keep,” Chemerinsky told Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson. “And you’re right that the country is divided now, which would make the new Constitution difficult. But the Constitution was adopted in 1787 when the country was deeply divided. In many states, it was passed by only a few votes. I’m not saying there will be a constitutional convention tomorrow or next year, but I do think it’s time to begin thinking of a constitution for the 21st century rather than be governed by the one from the 18th century.” (Read more: The Daily Caller, 8/30/2024) (Archive)

August 30, 2024 – Dan Bongino suggests a whistleblower has come forward re the January 6 pipe bomb; is a career-ender for many


September 1, 2024 – CF whistleblowers gather evidence for complaint to assure USPS doesn’t interfere in 2024 election; USPS contract driver Jesse Morgan is vindicated; 9 trucks, 1 – 1.5 million fake ballots in each

September 1, 2024

New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election | The Gateway Pundit

A new development that merits attention. A complaint was filed on Friday before the U.S. District Court in Maryland presenting evidence that the USPS acted illegally in shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, New York to Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020. The suit was brought by attorney Brian Della Rocca, but the critical evidence was collected by two friends of mine — John Moynihan and Larry Doyle. Full disclosure, I have known John since 1998 and we were partners in BERG Associates, LLC. John, in my opinion, is one of the best financial and forensic investigators in the world. Hands down.

Here is the bottom-line — the truck driver, Jesse Morgan, picked up a container filled with 20 Gaylord boxes. There were mail-in ballots in each of the Gaylords. A Gaylord can hold from 50,000 up to 100,000 ballots. Do the math — Mr. Morgan was transporting at least one million mail-in ballots (already filled in with signatures on the envelopes). So, what you say? The mail-in ballots are First Class mail. Every piece of First Class mail is supposed to be imaged per USPS regulations. The facility where Morgan picked up the load of ballots is ONLY certified for handling packages and Express Mail. There is no legal justification to account for those ballots to have passed through that warehouse.

Let me give you the highlights of the complaint and John’s affidavit.

4. As a result, allegations of problems with the delivery of mail-in ballots by the USPS were rampant and continue, to this day, to be challenged. As time passes, the allegations are not being disproven but, in fact, many of the allegations have turned out to be true.

5. These allegations include, but are not limited to, lost mail-in ballots (which were subsequently found after the elections), late delivery of mail-in ballots, improperly post-marked mail-in ballots that were still allowed to proceed to their destination despite postmarks being provided on valid mail-in ballots, and fraudulent mail-in ballots being sent via USPS.

John’s affidavit gets to the heart of the matter:

3. On November 21, 2020, Doyle and I participated in a phone call with a contact (“NC”) who notified us of allegations that the United States Postal Service (“USPS”) experienced certain “failures” involving mail-in ballots during the 2020 Presidential Election and wondered if we would assist with the investigation.

4. On November 24, 2020, Doyle and I met with NC and others in Arlington, VA to discuss the investigation and learn about the whistleblower, Jesse Richard Morgan, a truck driver employed by a contractor for the USPS who alleged he carried mail-in ballots among USPS facilities in Bethpage, NY, Harrisburg, PA, and Lancaster, PA (“Affiant Morgan”).

5. On November 25, 2020, Doyle and I began our investigation in earnest and identified a few companies of interest and, within those companies, employees who may have information.

6. As a result of Affiant Morgan, Doyle and I focused our investigation on the USPS facility on Grumman Road in Bethpage, NY (“Grumman Road Facility”).

7. On November 27, 2020, I enlisted the assistance of former colleagues from the DEA who are retired and live near the Grumman Road Facility.

8. On November 30, 2020, after learning the identities of several USPS employees within the Grumman Road Facility with whom Affiant Morgan had contact, Doyle and I conducted an interview with one such USPS employee (“CI-1”).

9. CI-1 stated the following facts:

a. CI-1 is involved with loading trucks at the Grumman Road Facility – known as an expeditor.

b. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility has never processed first class mail and still does not process mail because the facility does not have the proper equipment to do so (allegedly known as an “Oregon Machine”).

c. CI-1 stated that mail-in ballots were in the gaylords with signatures on the outside envelope at the facility on numerous occasions and asked a supervisor about what to do with them.

d. CI-1 was told to just get them loaded onto the trailers for delivery and to get them to their destination.

e. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility is only equipped to process packages and express mail, not first-class mail.

f. Doyle and I asked a few more times if CI-1 was sure that ballots were seen at the Grumman Road Facility and CI-1 confirmed each time.

10. On December 2, 2020, after having spoken with a Postal Inspector with knowledge of the Grumman Road Facility (“CI-2”), I asked if the Grumman Road Facility would receive and process first-class mail. CI-2 told me the following:

a. The Grumman Road Facility only handles parcel post.

b. Mail-in ballots should not have been delivered to the Grumman Road Facility because the facility does not have the processing machines (the Oregon Machine) required to handle the processing of first-class mail or bulk mail.

The goal of this lawsuit is to prevent the USPS from interfering in the upcoming election. It is important to note that the shipment picked up by Mr. Morgan was not the only one. It is the only one where John Moynihan and Larry Doyle obtained corroborating evidence.

Case v USPS Postmaster General and MD Officials
I have had a number of people inquiring as to whether my partner JM and I are/were involved in this heavily spread post by @PatrickByrne. To Patrick’s credit, he actually includes this post by @OwenGregorian that provides meaningful background re our efforts in these cases.

My partner JM and attorney BDR have a professional relationship with PB. I do not. That fact really is neither here nor there. I actually reference in our Pinned Tweet that my partner and I have both joint and individual business interests.

The simple fact is we are all focused on bringing Truth, Transparency, Accountability and Justice to the electoral process.

The two cases are:
1. A USPS FOIA case initially brought in early 2022 and ongoing:

2. A case filed by our attorney Brian Della Rocca v Postmaster General and selected officials in the State of Maryland in August 2024. PB reviews the recent injunction filed in the case.

Pope Francis: A dangerous advocate for open borders at the cost of Europe’s Christian heritage

Pope Francis’ advocacy for what appears to be compassion through open borders is actually a dangerous agenda that threatens to dismantle Europe’s Christian heritage and accelerate the continent’s Islamization. (Credit: public domain)

Pope Francis has once again positioned himself as a staunch advocate for open borders, declaring in a recent statement that rejecting migrants is a “serious sin.” He stated, “It must be said clearly: there are those who work systematically and with every means possible to repel migrants… this is a grave sin.” This statement, however, is not merely about promoting compassion—it represents a dangerous agenda that threatens to undermine Europe’s Christian heritage and sovereignty. The Marxist Pope’s call for more immigration, particularly from predominantly Islamic countries, raises serious concerns about the future of Europe and the survival of its Christian identity.

A Pope Out of Step with Europe’s Christian Defenders

In his latest speech, Pope Francis called for the expansion of safe migration routes and condemned what he described as the “militarization” of borders. He claimed, “God is with the migrants, not with those who repel them,” and in doing so, praised non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that facilitate the entry of migrants into Europe, portraying them as heroes of humanity.

However, not everyone within the Catholic Church agrees with the Pope’s stance. Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea, a leading conservative voice, has warned that using the Bible to promote migration is a “false interpretation.” He argues that it is better to help people thrive in their own cultures than to encourage them to migrate to Europe, where they may undermine the very values that have sustained the continent for centuries.

Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria has echoed these concerns, urging Europeans to stop encouraging Africans to migrate. He insists that people are better off in their homelands, an attitude that indirectly opposes the Pope’s call for open borders.

Adding to these voices, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan has criticized the Pope’s migration policies, arguing that they could lead to the Islamization of Europe and undermine its Christian roots. Schneider claims that the influx of Muslim immigrants is part of a broader agenda to dilute the Christian identity of Europe​.

Similarly, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, has accused Pope Francis of promoting a globalist agenda that prioritizes open borders at the expense of Christian culture and values. Viganò has been particularly vocal in his opposition, framing the Pope’s stance as a threat to the very foundation of Christian nations​.

Finally, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has expressed concerns about the potential consequences of mass immigration. He warns that uncontrolled migration could erode Europe’s Christian values, calling for a stronger defense of the continent’s cultural and religious heritage​.

These dissenting voices highlight a significant divide within the Catholic Church over the issue of migration, reflecting broader concerns about the cultural and religious impacts of Pope Francis’ policies.

(Read more: RAIR Foundation, 9/02/2024)  (Archive)

September 3, 2024 – Cory Mills drops more information on attempted assassination of Trump

Kash Patel: I do want to start with, if I can, does everybody remember that President Trump was shot in the head? It seems like it didn’t happen. It seems like the mainstream media just glossed over it. Now they’re like, whatever. Thankfully, we have guys like Cory Mills leading out an investigation on the assassination of a former president who’s running for the presidency of the United States, a guy who was hit in the head with a bullet. I still don’t have any more answers from the United States Congress Committee that was stood up on this, but thankfully, Cory is running his own investigation Can you give us a background on what you’ve been doing and what the results are and what headwinds you’re running into?

Cory Mills: Yeah, absolutely. Kash, you’re exactly right. Look how quickly they glanced over in mainstream media in an attempted assassination of the Republican nominee and the former President of the United States of America. I mean, it’s as if it had never taken place. And meanwhile, you had a commission which was stood up by Speaker Johnson, which, I’ll be completely honest, had nothing to do with meritocracy and everything to do with trying to cover the multiple parts of the conference to ensure everyone feels equally represented within the conference, as opposed to saying, ‘We’re not looking at trying to just do a Kumbaya moment. We’re trying to get facts here.’

And so that’s why myself and congressman Eli Crane, out of Arizona, we started running our own parallel investigation. And in that independent forum, we brought in great members like Andy Biggs and Chip Roy and Matt Gaetz. And we were able to start bringing witnesses to start getting to the point to include whistleblower Ben Schafer, who was actually one of the counter-snipers on the ground July 13th there in Butler, PA.

So, what we’re understanding is this. We know that… And Kash, I’m going to go ahead and say the obvious. If this was a real investigation, it would have happened on July 14th. You would have immediately subpoenaed the security plan, the comps plan. You’d have started bringing people in for independent questioning. You’d have done cooperations of what fact fiction boards that we could put in place. We would have started determine pure and simple, was this gross criminal negligence or was this purposeful intent?

Now, here’s the problem when you’ve waited this long. They’ve had enough time in the federal government. We know, think about, go back to FISA and how it was abused, 287,000 plus time by the FBI. Go to the Department of Injustice where it’s been weaponized to a point where it’s after your political opponent not trying to fight injustice. We know that the federal government at this point has probably gone back and memorialized documents to say July 9, July 10, July 11, to try act as if they’ve dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s.

But what we have found is this. We know that they were offered compatible comms plan and compatible radio by the local law enforcement and Secret Service denied it. We know that local law enforcement offered a surveillance drone and drone capabilities for the day of the actual rally and the Secret Service denied it.

We know that there was a final day of planning that was supposed to happen in the morning of July 13th and the Secret Service didn’t come.

We know that after the shooting, that was taking place by Thomas Crooks, that you had people on the stage who didn’t even know what the security plan was because you can hear him going, What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing?

That should have been an automatic prep and training to say, We know the motorcade was a rolling safe room, or that we already have a safe room that we’re moving them to in the event of an accident or some type of an incident. None of this has been done.

Kash Patel: Sorry, I hate to interrupt. Please. Can I just jump in real quick? I just learned more, and you’re my buddy, I just learned more about what happened the attempted assassination attempt of Donald Trump in the last 60 seconds than I have in the last 45 days from the United States Congress and the committee they stood up. So, Cory, thank you for breaking that down.

(Gateway Pundit, 9/5/2024)

September 3, 2024 – Report: Chinese communist trolls target U.S. voters on TikTok ahead of election

(Credit: New York Post)

Internet trolls backed by the Chinese Communist Party are reportedly posing as Americans on social media platforms including China’s TikTok and targeting U.S. voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

The Beijing-backed trolls have been pushing narratives on TikTok about a variety of issues including gun control, racial inequality, and the Israel-Hamas war, according to research reviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

Breitbart News previously reported that TikTok sent sensitive user data about Americans, including their opinions on gun control and abortion, to their Chinese communist overlords:

In a new filing, the DOJ notes that TikTok employees communicate internally with one another using a tool called Lark, and claimed that “significant amounts of restricted US user data (including but not limited to personally identifiable information)” was shared on this platform, according to a report by the Register.

“This resulted in certain sensitive U.S. person data being contained in Lark channels and, therefore, stored on Chinese servers and accessible to ByteDance employees located in China,” the DOJ continues in its filing.

The Chinese propaganda push reportedly targets both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The Beijing-backed initiative also previously targeted President Joe Biden before he was ousted from his reelection campaign.

Researchers attribute the initiative to the prolific Chinese disinformation group, Spamouflage, Associated Press reported. The report was published Tuesday by the research firm Graphika.

“One of the world’s largest covert online influence operations, an operation run by Chinese state-linked actors, has become more aggressive in its efforts to infiltrate and sway U.S. political conversations ahead of the election,” Graphika chief intelligence officer Jack Stubbs said.

Adopting fake identities to pose as U.S. voters, the Chinese trolls mimic Americans engaging in political debate online in an attempt to control or sway the narrative.

One TikTok account alleged to be part of the Spamouflage initiative — known as “Harlan Report” — raked in 1.5 million views on a single post. When asked for comment, the individual behind the TikTok account refused to disclose their identity.

“In your world, I am a clown. Sorry, You cannot know my identity, nobody ensure my safety,” the TikTok user told the Wall Street Journal.

Following an inquiry from the news paper, TikTok banned Harlan Report from the platform. Breitbart News reviewed Harlan Report’s X account, which boasted 11,000 followers, finding that the account has since been suspended from Elon Musk’s social media platform as well.

Harlan Report reportedly posed as a 31-year-old conservative on X, with the hashtags #Patriotsunited, #MAGA, and Trump2024 in its bio. (Read more: Breitbart News, 9/03/2024)  (Archive)

September 3, 2024 – Former aide to New York Governors Hochul and Cuomo is charged with spying for communist China; lives a lavish lifestyle

Linda Sun and her husband, Christopher Hu leaving Brooklyn Federal Court after being arraigned on Sep. 3, 2024. (Credit: Paul Martinka/NYP)

The former high-ranking aide for Gov. Kathy Hochul and disgraced Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was arrested along with her husband Tuesdayacted as a foreign agent for China in exchange for millions of dollars in kickbacks and fancy perks such as salted ducks, according to a bombshell indictment.

The damning 64-page indictment accuses Linda Sun, 41, and her husband, Christopher Hu, 40, of reaping their corrupt gains on a gaudy new $4 million house in Manhasset, a $2 million second home in Honolulu high-rise and luxury cars such as 2024 Ferrari.

Sun shadily used her position under Hochul and Cuomo – who are unnamed but clearly referenced in the court documents – to turn the governor’s office into a virtual mouthpiece for the People’s Republic of China and Chinese Community [sic] Party, the indictment contends.

At several points, Sun bragged to Chinese consulate officials about effectively blocking Cuomo and Hochul from meeting with or publicly even mentioning Taiwan, including when the disputed island sent 200,000 much-needed masks to New York during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, documents state.

“The defendant Linda Sun received substantial economic and other benefits from representatives of the PRC government and the CCP, including the facilitation of millions of dollars in transactions for the PRC-based business activities of Sun’s husband, the defendant Chris Hu,” the indictment reads in part.

Sun and Hu laundered kickbacks she received from China and the CCP to buy the $4.1 million Long Island home that FBI agents raided in July, the indictment contends.

The pair are scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon in Brooklyn federal court on charges of violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy. (Read more: The New York Post, 9/03/2024)  (Archive)

September 4, 2024 – Jimmy Dore and Matt Taibbi: Harris and Walz vow to end free speech in America

September 4, 2024 – Schweizer: How dark-money voter registration orgs exclude conservatives

Voter registration efforts were once a non-partisan matter, encouraged by citizens groups like the League of Women Voters. In today’s tribal climate, groups such as the “Voter Participation Center” still pretend to be politically neutral, because their non-profit status requires it, but a look at how they target their registration appeals using big tech tells a different story.

On the Drill Down podcast, co-hosts Peter Schweizer and Eric Eggers discuss the story of big tech and how politics in the US has become less about persuasion and more about getting the right “tribe” to the polls.

The “Voter Participation Center” bills itself as “a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to ensuring the New American Majority can vote.” Sounds pretty much like something for which Internal Revenue Service inspectors would happily grant tax-exempt status. The group has spent more than $5 million on Facebook alone since 2018, and close to $1 million in the past 90 days.

Voter registration charities, according to the IRS, can only engage in voter registration drives in a “neutral, non-partisan manner.” The IRS prohibits charities from engaging in voter registration activities in a manner that favors a candidate or political party.

Yet a brief inspection of the group’s ad spending criteria on Facebook shows that voters with certain interests should not be reached.

In the past seven days, for example, film buffs interested in Clint Eastwood or Jack Nicholson; music lovers of Hall & Oates, Duran Duran, or Jimmy Buffett; and TV watchers of Baywatch, Duck Dynasty, and NASCAR races will not have seen the group’s non-partisan ads. Those “interests” have been specifically excluded from the group’s ad targeting, along with precise targeting to particular zip codes in particular swing states such as Georgia. This is no accident.

The ad campaigns are targeted to recent immigrants from the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Guatemala, Argentina, fans of the Meringue and the George Lopez show, and devotees of hot yoga, among others the data describe.

Schweizer points out the problem with this kind of “charity.”

“Who’s actually funding it? It’s dark money,” he notes, coming from left-wing funders such as Arabella Advisors and George Soros.

“The fact that we don’t know how much money it is, and whom the money is coming from, would be a violation of the law in any other context,” he said. “For example, if this money were given to a political campaign, it would have to be disclosed… So, they are selecting and profiling certain voters to get them to vote in only swing states.”

“In other words, if you’re a liberal living in Alabama, they ain’t interested in spending time getting you to register to vote. They’re only looking at swing states,” he added. (Read more: Breitbart, 9/04/2024)  (Archive)

September 4, 2024 – Biden-Harris administration accuses Russia of meddling in 2024 Election

The Biden-Harris administration on Wednesday accused Russia of an effort to influence the 2024 presidential election, and announced charges against two Russians, among other actions.

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced indictments against two Russia-based employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled media outlet, charging them with conspiring to commit money laundering and to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

“The American people are entitled to know when a foreign power is attempting to exploit our country’s free exchange of ideas in order to send around its own propaganda,” Garland said.
Garland accused Russia of using RT to “direct disinformation and propaganda.” He said that after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, RT’s editor-in-chief had an “entire empire of covert projects” designed to shape public opinion in “Western audiences.”

He accused RT and its employees of implementing a nearly $10 million scheme to fund and direct a Tennessee-based company to “publish and disseminate content deemed favorable to the Russian government.”

He said the defendants directed the company to contract with U.S.-based social media influencers to share that content on their platforms.

Garland said separately, the Justice Department will seize 32 internet domains that the Russian government and Russian sponsored actors have used to engage in “a covert campaign to interfere in and influence the outcome of our country’s elections.” (Read more: Breitbart, 9/04/2024)  (Archive)

September 5, 2024 – Feds seize phones from several NYPD officials including Commissioner Caban; raid homes of NY Mayor Adams aides

Federal investigators seized the phones of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and other high-ranking department officials as part of a city corruption investigation, according to law enforcement sources.

Federal officials took the devices from Caban and two NYPD lieutenants who worked in the commissioner’s office and on his detail, sources said. The phone of a lieutenant in the 10th Precinct was also confiscated.

Federal authorities also requested NYPD Chief of Staff Raul Pintos and two precinct commanders in Queens and Manhattan turn over their phones, according to sources.

Sources said none of the officials are being questioned, but the NYPD has been asked to isolate emails from high-ranking executives.

“The Department is aware of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York involving members of service. The Department is fully cooperating in the investigation,” an NYPD spokesperson said in a statement.

In a separate probe, the FBI raided the homes of multiple top aides to Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday, City Hall sources confirmed to PIX11 News.

The raids appear to be a separate investigation from the ongoing FBI probe into the mayor’s campaign, a source familiar with the matter said. There have been no charges or indictments, and it’s not clear what the separate investigation might be, the source said. (Read more: PIX11, 9/5/2024)  (Archive)

September 4, 2024 – DOJ set-up? Biden-Harris DOJ indictment reveals conservative pundits targeted by Russia influence campaign

According to the Biden DOJ, the RT employees paid Tenet Media, a media startup company linked to conservative heavyweights Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern, and Taylor Hanson.

These leading conservative talkers today condemned the allegations by Joe Biden’s lawless DOJ:

Tim Pool:

My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment

Should these allegations prove true, I as well as the other personalities and commentators were deceived and are victims. I cannot speak for anyone else at the company as to what they do or to what they are instructed

The Culture War Podcast was licensed by Tenet Media, it existed well before any license agreement with Tenet and it will continue to exist after any such agreement expires. The only change with the agreement was that the location of the live broadcast moved to Tenet’s Youtube Channel. I and TCW never produced any content for Tenet Media.

Never at any point did anyone other than I have full editorial control of the show and the contents of the show are often apolitical. Examples include discussing spirituality, dating, and videos games.

The show is produced in its entirety by our local team without input from anyone external to the company TCW is separate company not associated with or other properties. It exists solely for the production of the Culture War Podcast

That being said, we still do not know what is true as these are only allegations.

Putin is a scumbag, Russia sucks donkey balls

And to the journalists who wish to jump the gun, create their own narrative, or lie about what is currently going on,

you can eat my irish ass


Benny Johnson:

A statement on the leaked DOJ indictment today:

A year ago, a media startup pitched my company to provide content as an independent contractor. Our lawyers negotiated a standard, arms length deal, which was later terminated. We are disturbed by the allegations in today’s indictment, which make clear that myself and other influencers were victims in this alleged scheme. My lawyers will handle anyone who states or suggests otherwise.

Tayler Hansen:

𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂: 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙗𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙫𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙢 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙪𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 6𝙩𝙝 𝙄𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝘿𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩 (𝘿𝙏) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙧 𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 “𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙨” 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩— (𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙)

𝘐𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯 @IngrahamAngle

𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘏𝘙𝘌𝘌 𝘈𝘪𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘰𝘯 16 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖 2 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙣 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙙 48 𝘼𝙞𝙧 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚.

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘭𝘺 $100,000 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘢𝘹𝘱𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳 money 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘥𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘴.

𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘺 6𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 2 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴.

𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙐.𝙎. 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮 𝙟𝙤𝙗 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙖 𝘿𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩.

** Here is the copy of the indictment.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election, seemingly undermining cynical remarks by Attorney General Merrick Garland. 

The ODNI’s Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) stated in a 2-page report that the intelligence community “has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.” Natalie Winters, a co-host of the Steve Bannon WarRoom podcast, first reported these findings.

While the report stipulated that Russia “poses the most active foreign influence threat” to the election, it found no evidence of meddling. The FMIC’s assertions come just days after Garland issued dire warnings about so-called foreign influence targeting the election. (Read more: HeadlineUSA, 9/6/2024)

September 5, 2024 – Rep. Chip Roy unveils devastation of border crisis under Biden-Harris admin in new report

Chip Roy (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Texas GOP Rep. Chip Roy released a white paper breaking down the scale of the ongoing border crisis taking place under the Biden-Harris administration.

Millions of illegal migrants have been released into the interior United States since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris entered the White House, a record number of suspected terrorists have reached the border and hundreds of Americans have died on average from fentanyl poisoning every day, according to a report compiled by Roy’s staff and exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The Republican lawmaker is calling on Congress to take more permanent action on the crisis.

“My team compiled a summary of the Border Invasion perpetrated against the American people by the Harris-Biden regime — and it’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Roy said in a statement to the DCNF. “Our country is being torn apart — from dangerous fentanyl to lawless criminals, from known terrorists to death and abuse of migrants, from massive financial costs to fundamental re-making of American society including non-citizen voters.”

“It’s purposeful — and the damage is far-reaching. Every journalist, politicians, and American should read this report and seethe with rage,” the congressman continued.

Among the white paper’s key findings: more than 8.5 million illegal migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden entered office, surpassing the population of 37 states, with at least 5.6 million of them released into the country; a record-breaking 169 known or suspected terrorists were arrested the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, with at least 99 illegal migrants on the terror watchlist having been released into the U.S. between fiscal years 2021 and 2023; and fentanyl poisonings killed 75,000 Americans in 2023, averaging 200 deaths a day.

The enormous border numbers have left U.S. law enforcement personnel overwhelmed and unprepared to handle the crisis, according to the report. (Read more: The Daily Caller, 9/5/2024)  (Archive)

September 5, 2024 – DOJ chief admits in undercover footage that Trump indictments are politically motivated

(…) In a bombshell video released by Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit, new footage reveals an explosive admission from a senior Justice Department official, suggesting that the ongoing legal battles faced by former President Donald Trump are part of a politically motivated campaign orchestrated by the Deep State.

The undercover video appears to show Nicholas Biase, Chief of Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York (SDNY), admitting that the slew of criminal charges against Trump is part of a larger political maneuver designed to derail his presidential candidacy and to make him a ‘convicted felon.’

In June, Rep. Andy Biggs presented this timeline as evidence of an orchestrated collusion between the Biden regime and prosecutors to take down Trump.

Biggs suggests that the sequence of events—Biden’s controversial remarks, Trump’s presidential bid announcement, Colangelo’s resignation and subsequent move to Bragg’s office, Smith’s appointment, and Wade’s meetings with White House lawyers—indicate a coordinated effort to prevent Trump from becoming President again.

(…) Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts in a high-profile New York trial that concluded in May 2024.

But according to Biase, the case against the current Republican presidential nominee was driven by more than just legal factors—it was designed to derail Trump’s chances in the 2024 election.

In the undercover footage, Biase describes the prosecution as a “perversion of justice,” attributing it to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s ambition to undermine Trump’s candidacy for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

“He was stacking charges and, like, rearranging things just to make it fit a case. No, honestly, I think the case [against Trump in NYC] is nonsense…Every real estate person in New York does what he [Trump] did. Nobody’s ever been charged with this,” Biase stated.

Biase goes on to assert that the primary aim behind prosecuting Trump is to transform him into a convicted felon, which would severely impact his chances in the election.

“The point of prosecuting Trump was to make him a convict…it affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon,” he added.

Biase also sheds light on his long-standing relationship with Bragg, stating that they have known each other for over 15 years. He expressed disapproval of Bragg’s decision to pursue charges against Trump.

“Alvin is very ambitious…But, like, do I respect what he’s doing? No,” Biase confessed.

More troubling still, Biase outlined a broader pattern of political lawfare, where Democrat-aligned prosecutors manipulate the judicial system for political gain. (Read more: Gateway Pundit. 9/05/2024) (Archive)

September 7, 2024 – Multiple Jeffrey Epstein associates are tied to the plot to accuse President Trump of rape; Trump attorneys hold press conference

Laura Loomer/X

Today, President Trump’s legal team gave a press conference in NYC regarding the status of the E Jean Carroll Case. As we know, @LinkedIn Linked in Founder and Jeffrey Epstein associate Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman helped fund the suit accusing President Trump of RAPE.

Reid Hoffman (Credit: TheFamousPeople)

One thing nobody in the media or Trump’s legal team is talking about though is the TerraMar Project.

The TerraMar project was founded in 2012 by Jeffrey Epstein associate and convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell. It was shut down in December 2019 after Jeffery Epstein was arrested.

The Board of Directors of the TerraMar Project included former Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) Amir Dossal – who handles $1 billion in the form of a grant from Ted Turner for charities.

Ted Turner is the founder of CNN, which is the same Leftist, anti-Trump news network that has glorified E Jean Carroll, who went on CNN and described rape as “sexy”.

Media executive Steven Haft was on the Board of Directors of The TerraMar Project as well, and he was married to Lisa Birnbach.

Lisa Birnbach arrives to federal court to testify as part of a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump in New York, May 2, 2023. (Credit: AP)

Lisa Birnbach is the person who told E Jean Carroll to press charges against Donald Trump.

Isn’t it weird how the media wants to accuse Donald Trump of being a rapist, but never mentions how the woman who told E Jean Carroll to accuse Donald Trump of rape and press charges against him was married to a man who was on the board of a famous / notorious sex offenders’ “self-described environmental nonprofit organization”?

Just goes to show you how full of crap the media is and how this has been a WITCH HUNT against President Trump the entire time.

Everything in the E Jean Carroll case, from the origin of the rape accusations to the funding of the lawsuit ties back to SEX OFFENDERS JEFFREY EPSTEIN AND GHISLAINE MAXWELL!

(Timeline editor’s note: We added the photos of Birnbach and Hoffman to Laura Loomer’s full X post. We also find it interesting that the Clinton Foundation was also connected to the TerraMar Project.)

September 7, 2024 – Kamala Harris holds a cringeworthy staged campaign event billed as “organic” and “spur of the moment”

The spice shop, Penzeys Spices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, welcomed the Democrat nominee to browse the store and meet some supporters.

While facing a gaggle of reporters, Harris claimed, “It’s time to turn the page on the divisiveness. It’s time to bring our country together, chart a new way forward.”

“A lot of what I think is happening, and I was just talking with some folks here in Pittsburgh about it, is that people are exhausted about the division and the attempts to kind of divide us as Americans,” said Harris.

“And, them stepping up to make this public statement, I think is, courageous.”

“But also for people like the folks I was just talking with, it really reinforces for them that we love our country, and we have more in common than what separates us,” asserted Harris in the spice shop.

Penzeys Spices has an entire “About Republicans” page on their website with a staggering 842-word essay bashing the political party.

(…) Part of the “About Republicans” page on their site, penned by CEO Bill Penzey, informs Republicans they can shop elsewhere: “Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are.”  (New York Post, 9/08/2024)

September 7, 2024 – How 20k Haitians stormed Ohio to take jobs that were never advertised

Foreign-born workers: +635K in August Native-born workers: -1.325 MILLION in August Yes, 1.3 million NATIVE-BORN Americans lost a job in August

September 9, 2024 – Google growth strategist exposes Google’s search engine manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, revenue-driven political bias

“Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer (@dakotaleazer), a Growth Strategist at @Google, during an undercover date with an OMG American Swiper journalist. Leazer reveals that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. He explains, “It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” making users believe they were reading unbiased reports from reputable sources.

Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”

He further states, “It’s all about the share of the stock price,” revealing that Google’s liberal bias is not just political, but tied to financial gain. He adds, “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” revealing Google’s profit motives through driving political manipulation.

Leazer’s admission mirrors past media motives, including CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester’s claim that “fear sells,” reinforcing the role of big tech and media in shaping public perception through fear and bias.

September 9, 2024 – Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducts a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizes all records tied to active investigations

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizing all records tied to active investigations into global corruption.

These files reportedly contained evidence of fraudulent mortgages, human trafficking, election fraud, and drug trafficking operations involving U.S. Congress members, Attorney Generals, and law enforcement, with connections to BRICS nations, particularly China.

He concluded by stating that a foreign adversary has overtaken the government and the only solution is to set aside our differences and destroy this enemy.

September 9, 2024 – Cara Castronuova’s full testimony to Congress re January 6th and the government coverup of Rosanne Boyland’s death

I was a witness at @mtgreenee’s Congressional hearing yesterday, titled: “Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners.”

We delved into the continued abuse of J6 defendants being unlawfully detained, the continued arrests of Trump Supporters that were present at January 6th to this day, and the gross censorship by the media of these FACTS.

I specifically spoke about my experience as a reporter for The Gateway Pundit and the extreme censorship I have experienced in getting out the story I broke on @gatewaypundit with @M5NewsTx about the government coverup of the death of Rosanne Boyland. Boyland died on January 6th after she was seen beaten by violent Metropolitan Police Officer Lila Morris.

Officer Lila Morris beat Rosanne Boyland to death with a stick on January 6, 2020. (Credit: public domain)

The Government and the mainstream media continue to hide the now undisputed facts that:

1) Rosanne was hit by a pepper ball at close range by a out of control Capitol Police Officer shooting rounds at protesters in a closed space tunnel like he was Wyatt Earp in the Wild West.
2) Rosanne was gassed by police and trapped under a ten man pile up of protesters that police shoved on top of each other.
3) Rosanne was then beaten by VIOLENT Police Officer Lila Morris.
4) Rosanne’s unconsious body was clubbed to the body and head 4 times with a tremendous stick welded by the cop in overhead swings.
4) Rosanne turned blue and bleed from the nose and eye after the beating.
5) J6 cops refused to give her CPR as Trump Supporters desperately tried to save [he]r life.
5) According to eye witnesses, Rosanne finally DIED after the beating.

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We are a grass root community dedicated to research, archive and tag all relevant information published by news organizations, blogs, government entities, and other various sources that offer information about the Clinton email/private server issues and the Clinton Foundation. We therefore believe our work to educate the public falls under the protection of the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work.

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