Independent journalist, Matt Taibbi delivered a strong speech at the recent ‘Rescue the Republic’ event. Taibbi outlines the issue of a lost fourth estate, where most common media have aligned with institutional systems to betray their original intent. The media now operates in a manner to control and shape information in order to shape public opinion to the benefit of their paymasters.
Known for his sharp critiques of power, all power, and willing to put himself at the forefront in opposition to any system that fails to represent traditional liberal values, Matt Taibbi discusses the importance of free speech, media integrity, and holding institutions accountable in today’s polarized political landscape. He speaks honestly, forthrightly and without pretense as he delivers remarks. [Salty language alert] WATCH:
In the letter to Secretary Mayorkas, the Committee states:
“If a state governor and major political party’s nominee for Vice President of the United States has been a witting or unwitting participant in the CCP’s efforts to weaken our nation, this would strongly suggest that there are alarming weaknesses in the federal government’s effort to defend the United States from the CCP’s political warfare.”
The Committee also writes:
“We have learned of the emphasis the CCP has placed on influencing subnational government leaders, including state governors,” said the Committee in its letter. “The information required of DHS by the Committee’s subpoena will inform the Committee’s understanding of how successful the CCP has been in waging political warfare in and against the United States, how effectively federal agencies are addressing the communist regime’s campaign, and what reforms are necessary to counter this threat.”
Julian Assange, accompanied by his wife Stella, took part in a parliamentary hearing on his detention and conviction – and their chilling effect on human rights. (Credit: Council of Europe)
Julian Assange’s full testimony to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg today:
“Mr. Chairman, esteemed members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, ladies and gentlemen.
Julian Assange’s full testimony to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg today:
“Mr. Chairman, esteemed members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, ladies and gentlemen.
The transition from years of confinement in a maximum-security prison to standing here before the representatives of 46 nations and 700 million people is a profound and surreal shift.
The experience of isolation for years in a small cell is difficult to convey; it strips away one’s sense of self, leaving only the raw essence of existence.
I am not yet fully equipped to speak about what I have endured – the relentless struggle to stay alive, both physically and mentally, nor can i speak yet about the deaths by hanging, murder, and medical neglect of my fellow prisoners.
I apologise in advance if my words falter or if my presentation lacks the polish you might expect in such a distinguished forum.
Isolation has taken its toll, which I am trying to unwind, and expressing myself in this setting is a challenge.
However, the gravity of this occasion and the weight of the issues at hand compel me to set aside my reservations and speak to you directly.
I have traveled a long way, literally and figuratively, to be before you today.
Before our discussion or answering any questions you might have, I wish to thank PACE for its 2020resolution (2317), which stated that my imprisonment set a dangerous precedent for journalists and noted that the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture called for my release.
I’m also grateful for PACE’s 2021 statement expressing concern over credible reports that US officials discussed my assassination, again calling for my prompt release.
And I commend the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee for commissioning a renowned rapporteur, Sunna Ævarsdóttir, to investigate the circumstances surrounding my detention and conviction and the consequent implications for human rights.
However, like so many of the efforts made in my case – whether they were from parliamentarians, presidents, prime ministers, the Pope, UN officials and diplomats, unions, legal and medical professionals, academics, activists, or citizens – none of them should have been necessary.
None of the statements, resolutions, reports, films, articles, events, fundraisers, protests, and letters over the last 14 years should have been necessary.
But all of them were necessary because without them I never would have seen the light of day.
This unprecedented global effort was needed because of the legal protections that did exist, many existed only on paper or were not effective in any remotely reasonable time frame.
I eventually chose freedom over unrealisable justice, after being detained for years and facing a 175 year sentence with no effective remedy. Justice for me is now precluded, as the US government insisted in writing into its plea agreement that I cannot file a case at the European Court of Human Rights or even a freedom of information act request over what it did to me as a result of its extradition request.
I want to be totally clear. I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today because after years of incarceration because I plead guilty to journalism. I plead guilty to seeking information from a source. I plead guilty to obtaining information from a source. And I plead guilty to informing the public what that information was. I did not plead guilty to anything else. I hope my testimony today can serve to highlight the weaknesses of the existing safeguards and to help those whose cases are less visible but who are equally vulnerable.
As I emerge from the dungeon of Belmarsh, the truth now seems less discernible, and I regret how much ground has been lost during that time period when expressing the truth has been undermined, attacked, weakened, and diminished.
I see more impunity, more secrecy, more retaliation for telling the truth and more self censorship. It is hard not to draw a line from the US government’s prosecution of me – its crossing the rubicon by internationally criminalising journalism – to the chilled climate for freedom of expression now.
When I founded WikiLeaks, it was driven by a simple dream: to educate people about how the world works so that, through understanding, we might bring about something better.
Having a map of where we are lets us understand where we might go.
Knowledge empowers us to hold power to account and to demand justice where there is none.
We obtained and published truths about tens of thousands of hidden casualties of war and other unseen horrors, about programs of assassination, rendition, torture, and mass surveillance.
We revealed not just when and where these things happened but frequently the policies, the agreements, and structures behind them.
When we published Collateral Murder, the infamous gun camera footage of a US Apache helicopter crew eagerly blowing to pieces Iraqi journalists and their rescuers, the visual reality of modern warfare shocked the world.
But we also used interest in this video to direct people to the classified policies for when the US military could deploy lethal force in Iraq and how many civilians could be killed before gaining higher approval.
In fact, 40 years of my potential 175-year sentence was for obtaining and releasing these policies.
The practical political vision I was left with after being immersed in the world’s dirty wars and secret operations is simple: Let us stop gagging, torturing, and killing each other for a change. Get these fundamentals right and other political, economic, and scientific processes will have space to take care of the rest.
WikiLeaks’ work was deeply rooted in the principles that this Assembly stands for.
Journalism that elevated freedom of information and the public’s right to know found its natural operational home in Europe.
I lived in Paris and we had formal corporate registrations in France and in Iceland. Our journalistic and technical staff were spread throughout Europe.
We published to the world from servers in based in France, Germany, and Norway.
But 14 years ago the United States military arrested one of our alleged whistleblowers, PFC Manning, a US intelligence analyst based in Iraq.
The US government concurrently launched an investigation against me and my colleagues.
The US government illicitly sent planes of agents to Iceland, paid bribes to an informer to steal our legal and journalistic work product, and without formal process pressured banks and financial services to block our subscriptions and freeze our accounts.
The UK government took part in some of this retribution. It admitted at the European Court of Human Rights that it had unlawfully spied on my UK lawyers during this time.
Ultimately this harassment was legally groundless. President Obama’s Justice Department chose not to indict me, recognizing that no crime had been committed.
The United States had never before prosecuted a publisher for publishing or obtaining government information.
To do so would require a radical and ominous reinterpretation of the US Constitution.
In January 2017, Obama also commuted the sentence of Manning, who had been convicted of being one of my sources.
However, in February 2017, the landscape changed dramatically.
President Trump had been elected. He appointed two wolves in MAGA hats: Mike Pompeo, a Kansas congressman and former arms industry executive, as CIA Director, and William Barr, a former CIA officer, as US Attorney General.
By March 2017, WikiLeaks had exposed the CIA’s infiltration of French political parties, its spying on French and German leaders, its spying on the European Central Bank, European economics ministries, and its standing orders to spy on French industry as a whole.
We revealed the CIA’s vast production of malware and viruses, its subversion of supply chains, its subversion of antivirus software, cars, smart TVs and iPhones.
CIA Director Pompeo launched a campaign of retribution.
It is now a matter of public record that under Pompeo’s explicit direction, the CIA drew up plans to kidnap and to assassinate me within the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and authorized going after my European colleagues, subjecting us to theft, hacking attacks, and the planting of false information.
My wife and my infant son were also targeted. A CIA asset was permanently assigned to track my wife and instructions were given to obtain DNA from my six month old son’s nappy.
This is the testimony of more than 30 current and former US intelligence officials speaking to the US press, which has been additionally corroborated by records seized in a prosecution brought against some of the CIA agents involved.
The CIA’s targeting of myself, my family and my associates through aggressive extrajudicial and extraterritorial means provides a rare insight into how powerful intelligence organisations engage in transnational repression. Such repressions are not unique. What is unique is that we know so much about this one due to numerous whistleblowers and to judicial investigations in Spain.
This Assembly is no stranger to extraterritorial abuses by the CIA.
PACE’s groundbreaking report on CIA renditions in Europe exposed how the CIA operated secret detention centres and conducted unlawful renditions on European soil, violating human rights and international law.
In February this year, the alleged source of some of our CIA revelations, former CIA officer Joshua Schulte, was sentenced to forty years in prison under conditions of extreme isolation.
His windows are blacked out, and a white noise machine plays 24 hours a day over his door so that he cannot even shout through it.
These conditions are more severe than those found in Guantanamo Bay.
Transnational repression is also conducted by abusing legal processes.
The lack of effective safeguards against this means that Europe is vulnerable to having its mutual legal assistance and extradition treaties hijacked by foreign powers to go after dissenting voices in Europe.
In Mike Pompeo’s memoirs, which I read in my prison cell, the former CIA Director bragged about how he pressured the US Attorney General to bring an extradition case against me in response to our publications about the CIA.
Indeed, acceding to Pompeo’s efforts, the US Attorney General reopened the investigation against me that Obama had closed and re-arrested Manning, this time as a witness.
Manning was held in prison for over a year and fined a thousand dollars a day in a formal attempt to coerce her into providing secret testimony against me.
She ended up attempting to take her own life.
We usually think of attempts to force journalists to testify against their sources.
But Manning was now a source being forced to testify against their journalist.
By December 2017, CIA Director Pompeo had got his way, and the US government issued a warrant to the UK for my extradition.
The UK government kept the warrant secret from the public for two more years, while it, the US government, and the new president of Ecuador moved to shape the political, legal, and diplomatic ground for my arrest.
When powerful nations feel entitled to target individuals beyond their borders, those individuals do not stand a chance unless there are strong safeguards in place and a state willing to enforce them. Without them no individual has a hope of defending themselves against the vast resources that a state aggressor can deploy.
If the situation were not already bad enough in my case, the US government asserted a dangerous new global legal position. Only US citizens have free speech rights. Europeans and other nationalities do not have free speech rights. But the US claims its Espionage Act still applies to them regardless of where they are. So Europeans in Europe must obey US secrecy law with no defences at all as far as the US government is concerned. An American in Paris can talk about what the US government is up to – perhaps. But for a Frenchman in Paris, to do so is a crime without any defence and he may be extradited just like me.
Now that one foreign government has formally asserted that Europeans have no free speech rights, a dangerous precedent has been set.
Other powerful states will inevitably follow suit.
The war in Ukraine has already seen the criminalisation of journalists in Russia, but based on the precedent set in my extradition, there is nothing to stop Russia, or indeed any other state, from targeting European journalists, publishers, or even social media users, by claiming that their secrecy laws have been violated.
The rights of journalists and publishers within the European space are seriously threatened.
Transnational repression cannot become the norm here.
As one of the world’s two great norm-setting institutions, PACE must act.
The criminalisation of newsgathering activities is a threat to investigative journalism everywhere.
I was formally convicted, by a foreign power, for asking for, receiving, and publishing truthful information about that power while I was in Europe.
The fundamental issue is simple: Journalists should not be prosecuted for doing their jobs.
Journalism is not a crime; it is a pillar of a free and informed society.
Mr Chairman, distinguished delegates, if Europe is to have a future where the freedom to speak and the freedom to publish the truth are not privileges enjoyed by a few but rights guaranteed to all then it must act so that what has happened in my case never happens to anyone else.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to this assembly, to the conservatives, social democrats, liberals, leftists, greens, and independents – who have supported me throughout this ordeal and to the countless individuals who have advocated tirelessly for my release.
It is heartening to know that in a world often divided by ideology and interests, there remains a shared commitment to the protection of essential human liberties.
Freedom of expression and all that flows from it is at a dark crossroad. I fear that unless norm setting institutions like PACE wake up to the gravity of the situation it will be too late.
Let us all commit to doing our part to ensure that the light of freedom never dims, that the pursuit of truth will live on, and that the voices of the many are not silenced by the interests of the few.”
Watch the entire hearing here (includes introductions and following Q&A session)
“The cartels run the border down here,” says Aaron Veckey, a United States Border Patrol agent with 19 years of service, stepping forward to expose the horrific conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border. Inspired by fellow whistleblower Zachary Apotheker, featured in “Line in the Sand,” Veckey brings OMG onsite to his Customs and Border Protection patrol station in Ajo, Arizona, to reveal the disturbing truth.
“Where I first saw it [human rights violations] was here, underneath that canopy there,” Veckey shares. “It was just men, women, and children… They were freezing. It was at least 40 degrees.” He describes another instance of extreme conditions, adding, “You got 50 Muslims, 50 Sikhs, 50 Christians, 50 whatever, and they’re fighting over shade.”
“If they have a thousand bodies for us, as fast as they can bring us bodies, we pick them up as fast and we push them all into this parking lot.” He adds, “They have pushed us around through fear, through browbeating us. They’ve ordered us to do stuff,” highlighting how U.S. Border Patrol agents are often forced between cartel operations and bureaucratic pressure to keep quiet.
Bringing these atrocities to the attention of the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), Veckey filed reports detailing the violations, only to be met with a cease and desist letter, ordering him to stay silent. Despite being ordered to remain silent, Veckey is sacrificing his future for justice.
See attached Aaron Veckey’s formal Government Wrongdoing Disclosure and the cease and desist he received from U.S. Customs and Border Protection:
An attorney for more than 100 alleged victims in the heinous accusations engulfing rapper mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs said that a list of “many powerful people” implicated in the crimes will be revealed.
Attorney Tony Buzbee made the comments at a press conference Tuesday from Houston, Texas.
“We will expose the enablers who enabled this conduct behind closed doors. We will pursue this matter no matter who the evidence implicates,” he said.
Combs is accused of various crimes related to allegedly debaucherous parties involving drugs, alcohol, and non-consensual sex. Federal prosecutors charged Combs with racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, and interstate transportation for prostitution.
“The day will come when we will name names other than Sean Combs, and there’s a lot of names. It’s a long list already, but because of the nature of this case, we are going to make damn sure — damn sure — we are right before we do that,” said Buzbee.
“The names will shock you,” he promised.
The attorney said that those powerful people involved in the parties encouraged the abuse at his parties, which go as far back as 1991 and mostly occurred in California, New York, Georgia, and Florida. He went through some of the horrifying stories of alleged victims that he said were being corroborated for a lawsuit.
Buzbee had advice for some of those alleged accomplices.
“These people who know who they are should just come forward now,” he continued. “I would imagine that as we speak here, there are a myriad of people who are very nervous. You can’t hide skeletons in the closet forever. I would expect there are many people out there right now who are desperately searching their memories as they delete their texts and data.”
Buzbee said that one of the alleged victims was as young as 9 years old at the time of the abuse.
Part of the press conference can be viewed on a video news report from WNYW-TV on YouTube.
Here are thirteen bombshell revelations from Tuesday’s press conference:
1. Twenty five of the 120 Combs accusers were minors at the time the alleged incidents occurred
“When we talk about the ages of the victims when the conduct occurred, it’s shocking,” Buzbee said. “Twenty five of the 120 individuals who are plaintiffs in these cases were minors at the time of the acts complained of.”
2. The youngest alleged sex abuse victim of Combs was just 9-years-old
“Our youngest victim at the time of the occurrence was 9-years-old,” Buzbee disclosed.
“This individual who was 9-years-old at the time was taken to an audition in New York City with Bad Boy Records,” the attorney explained. “Other boys were there to audition as well, all of them were trying to land a record deal. All of them were minors.”
“This [9-year-old] individual was sexually abused, allegedly by Sean Combs and several other people at the studio, in the promise to both his parents and to him himself of getting a record deal,” Buzbee said.
Lawyer Tony Buzbee (who’s filing 120 lawsuits against Sean Diddy Combs):
“Our youngest victim was 9 years old. We have an individual who was 14 years old. We have one who was 15 — 25 of the 120 individuals who are plaintiffs in these cases were minors at the time of the acts.”
3. Combs allegedly made a minor perform oral sex on him
“Another minor [was] told allegedly by Sean Combs that he would make him a star, but needed a visit with him in private about it, away from his parents,” Buzbee said. “Once they were in a private area, allegedly Mr. Combs made the victim perform oral sex upon him.”
4. Combs’ associates allegedly “took turns” raping a 15-year-old girl
“An individual 15-years-old at the time [was] flown to New York City to attend a party, was drugged, and then taken into a private room — allegedly in the presence of Mr. Combs — where this female individual minor was raped, and then other individuals took turns raping her,” Buzbee said.
5. A pregnant woman was allegedly drugged and raped
“Another incident, an individual — this time, not a minor — attended a group dinner allegedly with Sean Combs in Miami. She wasn’t drinking, because she was pregnant,” Buzbee said.
“But whatever she drank at the table apparently, at least according to her, was laced with something,” the lawyer added. “She blacked out and she woke up in the same bed, again, allegedly with Mr. Combs in his mansion in Miami. Her vagina and her anus were torn and sore.”
Lawyer describes a few allegations against Sean Diddy Combs:
—Combs and several others sexually abused a 9-year-old boy
—Combs made a minor perform oral sex on him
—Combs’ associates drugged and “took turns” raping a 15-year-old girl
6. Most of the alleged victims filed reports with police or hospitals at the time of the incidents
“More than 55 percent of the victims filed reports — reported this conduct to either the authorities, that is the police or to hospitals,” Buzbee said.
“We are in the process of collecting, with our team, assistance, medical records, reports that were made to the authorities, and I’ve already said that some of the individuals did in fact talk to the FBI,” the attorney added.
7. Victims were allegedly oftentimes drugged with horse tranquilizer
Buzbee noted that “many” of the victims who sought medical treatment right after the alleged incidents “were drug tested, and drugs were found in their system — weird drugs, drugs that you probably never heard of.”
“One in particular that continues to pop up is a drug called xylazine or ‘trank,’ which, based on our research, is known as a horse tranquilizer,” Buzbee said.
8. Some of the alleged crimes occurred at the private homes of celebrities
“Some of this behavior occurred at private residences of people that we all know,” Buzbee said, adding that the alleged crimes also transpired at “hotels that we’re all familiar with,” and “at well-known venues in New York City.”
9. More names will be implicated in the lawsuits, some of which will “shock you”
“The day will come when we will name names other than Sean Combs, and there’s a lot of names. It’s a long list already,” Buzbee said.
“I already know who some of these individuals are, but because of the nature of this case, we’re going to make damn sure that we’re right before we do that. But the names that we’re going to name — are names that will shock you,” the attorney added.
“These are individual cases. There are indeed other perpetrators involved. They will be revealed when that particular individual case is ready to be filed. They already know who they are,” Buzbee asserted.
“And I’m talking about not just the cowardly but complicit bystanders — those people that we know watched this behavior occur and did nothing — I’m talking about the people that participated, encouraged it, egged it on. They know who they are,” Buzbee added.
The lawyer went on to say that he imagines “There are a myriad of people who are very nervous” at this point in time.
“I would expect there are many people out there right now who are desperately searching their memories as they delete their texts and data,” Buzbee said.
Lawyer Tony Buzbee says some of the crimes “occurred at private residences of people that we all know.”
“The day will come when we will name names other than Sean Combs, and there’s a lot of names.”
10. Banks, pharmaceutical companies, and hotels will also be implicated in the lawsuits
“These defendants will not only include individuals, but also include corporate entities who ultimately profited off of this culture and behavior,” Buzbee said. “I’m looking at banks, pharmaceutical companies, hotels.”
“We know that many of these individuals were paid cash,” Buzbee added. ”
We know that many of these individuals involved, whether they were the ones being assaulted and abused or they’re witnessing other people being assaulted and abused, and then paid, and threatened, and told to leave — typically paid ten grand in cash and told to leave.”
11. The alleged crimes span from 1991 to 2024
“The time frame of the acts complained of is very wide. The conduct spans from the years 1991 all the way to this year, 2024,” Buzbee said. “If you wonder why there are so many alleged victims, that’s your answer. We’re talking about more than 25 years of this type of conduct.”
12: The group of alleged victims is “evenly divided” between males and females
“Our law firms have been retained by 120 individuals at this point, to pursue cases in civil court against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs,” Buzbee said.
“You should know, in this group, it is evenly divided between males and females. There are 60 males and 60 females who have joined us to pursue these claims as plaintiffs,” the lawyer added.
13. The lawsuits will be filed as 120 separate cases
“This is not a class action,” Buzbee said. “A class action is when one or two people file a case on behalf of group of people. That’s not this. These cases will be individual cases. Each case will live and die on its own merit.”
“These cases will be filed individually, one plaintiff against whoever the defendants are involved in the case. One case may sue just Sean Combs, but multiple other people. One case may sue a range of people,” the lawyer added.
Both the Buzbee Law Firm and the AVA Law Group will file lawsuits on behalf of the 120 alleged victims, who are taking action against Combs, his associates, and others. Buzbee added that he expects more victims to come forward.
The lawsuits are expected to roll out in the next 30 days.
The disgraced music mogul’s attorney Erica Wolff said in a statement, “Mr. Combs emphatically and categorically denies as false and defamatory any claim that he sexually abused anyone, including minors.”
In a new, heavily redacted DHS Inspector General report, the IG finds that “CBP, ICE, and TSA did not fully assess risks associated w/ releasing noncitizens without ID into the U.S. and allowing them to travel on domestic flights.”
Key finding: “Under current processes, CBP and ICE cannot ensure they are keeping high-risk noncitizens without identification from entering the country. Additionally, TSA cannot ensure its vetting and screening procedures prevent high-risk noncitizens who may pose a threat to the flying public from boarding domestic flights.”
More highlights below 👇🏻
The IG says that according to federal law, “noncitizens without ID are not admissible into the country and “shall be detained,” but that CBP and ICE are permitted to release noncitizens into the U.S. based on various circumstances.
The report says CBP and ICE accept “self reported biographical information, which they use to give migrants immigration forms, who are then able to get on domestic flights, even if they don’t have ID.
The IG says he asked DHS for data on the number of noncitizens who did not have ID and were released into the U.S. between fiscal years 2021-2023, but CBP and ICE were unable to provide the data because they don’t log whether a noncitizen had ID in their databases. The OIG adds that “immigration officers we interviewed acknowledged the risks of allowing noncitizens without ID into the country.”
The report finds that the TSA relies on data and background checks on noncitizens from CBP and ICE to determine if someone is a threat, but if that data is incomplete, “TSA’s methods to screen individuals who pose a threat would not necessarily prevent these individuals from boarding flights.”
Additionally, there are heavily redacted portions of the report where TSA conducted assessments on the risks of using the CBP One cell phone app as a screening tool – but the results are not disclosed.
The IG report goes on to say they identified “similar weaknesses” in CBP’s screening processes that allowed “high risk individuals into the country”, including someone who was released while being on the FBI Terror Watchlist in 2022 and two Afghans paroled into the U.S. as part of Operation Allies Welcome who may have posed a threat to national security.
The report concludes: “If CBP and ICE continue to allow noncitizens – whose identities immigration officers cannot confirm – to enter the country, they may inadvertently increase national security risks.”
DHS did NOT concur with the IG’s findings, with both ICE and CBP pushing back.
DHS says they “cannot detain all individuals subject to detention, including inadmissible noncitizens without ID, due to several reasons including a lack of resources (bed space).
ICE said their currently funded detention capacity of 41,500 beds doesn’t allow them to detain every noncitizen who doesn’t have ID and valid documents.
CBP said their detention facilities are for “short term” detention, and they can’t legally hold noncitizens longer than the law allows, even to mitigate potential risks.
TSA said the report doesn’t reflect their current policies.
NEW: In a new, heavily redacted DHS Inspector General report, the IG finds that “CBP, ICE, and TSA did not fully assess risks associated w/ releasing noncitizens without ID into the U.S. and allowing them to travel on domestic flights.”
“The Inspector General’s report contains inaccurate statements, lacks important context, and is misleading about the Department’s efforts to verify the identity of noncitizens seeking entry into the United States and screening noncitizens flying…
NEW: @TSA has a policy effective February 2021 if you enter the country illegally during the Biden/Harris regime- the illegal alien does NOT have to show any government ID. (View video)
‼️You can be a gang member of Tren De Aragua from Venezuela or Los Lobos from Ecuador or MS…
Ryan Tyre disaster relief team (Credit: Ryan Tyre)
If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN – you’ll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.
I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help.
I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked – i’ll explain below.
Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money.
In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo.
The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn’t let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass.
We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people.
They didn’t care and wouldn’t let us in.
It was night by that point and you rarely saw the lights of vehicles in the distance on the individual keys, meaning the emergency response teams from FEMA weren’t even working, it was all quiet.
We decided that we would go in anyways.
We filled up the boats and jet skis with all that we could reasonably carry and went by water, around all their BS blockades and around their law enforcement presence on the water.
It was 87 miles by water to get to our first stop, Cudjoe Key and Sugarloaf Key.
When we arrived there we were greeted by a homeowner (for privacy, I won’t name him, though we have video) who was elated to see us and all the supplies we brought, his house was in shambles.
We started offloading supplies on the shoreline and helping to get them into what was left of his house.
During that process, he explained to us that FEMA had set up a command center at a local high school on the island, but that they weren’t doing anything to help the residents, not even bringing them WATER!
Instead, he explained that they were driving around using a loudspeaker, telling people to stay in their homes. They weren’t even helping the home owners with supplies.
I was skeptical at first while he was telling me all of this, but then he said something that broke my heart….
He told us that the people of the keys were all in despair, because they had just seen, weeks before, the overwhelming support for Texas with Hurricane Harvey, by the citizens of this country. He, and his neighbors on all of the keys, felt like Americans had forgotten about them completely, because at this point, FIVE DAYS after landfall, all they had seen was FEMA, and they were of NO HELP.
The residents were cut off from the outside world, no cellular, no internet, no way to contact anyone or hear of any efforts to try to help them.
The ONLY communication they had was from a local radio station on Sugarloaf Key, that was broadcasting on AM to the surrounding keys.
The man, after hearing that there were citizens trying to bring them help, but being refused entry by federal law enforcement was visibly upset. He, and his neighbors, really thought the country had abandoned them.
He insisted that we get into his waterlogged truck and that he would take us to that radio station so that we could go live on air, to tell the citizens trapped in the Keys that we, the American people, were there to help and that the government was trying to stop our efforts.
And that is exactly what we did.
After that, we were determined to help as many people as we could, but we were met with red tape throughout the whole process and time we were in the keys.
We finally we[re] able to talk some authorities to let us down to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon towards the end of Boot Key. This was the same hotel where state and local authorities were staging their personnel and they were happy to see us.
I was able to coordinate several trucks full of supplies to be brought down to the EOC in Marathon. I was privy to the EOC meeting, BUT was informed in that meeting, that all of the semi trucks full of food, water and hygiene supplies were to be turned around and not allowed to be offloaded for distribution by the EOC.
THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their “preferred vendors list” and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm.
It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY.
These ‘preferred vendors” are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the “vendors” make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.
So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks.
This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected.
I diverted ALL SEMI TRUCKS to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon and filled the entire first floor with pallets upon pallets of food, water and essential supplies and created a food pantry for residents to come and get anything, and however much they needed.
From local state troopers to the homeless, all were given wheel barrels and free reign to get anything they needed.
We also delivered supplies down to Big Pine Key. We helped establish the tent city on Big Pine Key. Big companies like Titos Vodka and Whelen just kept bringing trucks full of everything that was needed. When FEMA FINALLY started handing out boxes of canned goods (limited to one per household), we were filing cars full of food and supplies for people and pets.
There is so much more to the story in the Keys and further from there in other storms we worked- the common theme though, is that the federal government always tries to keep citizens from helping and the local authorities, the ones that live and work in the area are always happy to have outside help.
I call out to Elon Musk and anyone else who can monetarily help people like myself and those that work with me, who have the knowledge and the will to help those devastated by these disasters.
Help us side step the red tape and get the people the relief they need.
We are willing, and we are many, and we are ready.
If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN – you’ll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.
(…) In 2022, Wright publicly accused “Diddy” and claimed to have attended his parties, where she witnessed the events firsthand.
She now claims that there are hundreds of victims ready to come forward with harrowing stories about Jay-Z and Beyoncé, accusing the power couple of maintaining control over people against their will.
Jaguar Wright: You want to know why there’s no vindication for me? Because for four years, I’ve been screaming not just about Diddy, but that Diddy and Jay-Z are monsters, and the victim-making machine kept going on.
Piers Morgan: Jay-Z has been notable by his silence since these charges were brought against Diddy. Why do you think that is?
Jaguar Wright: Because that’s what he does. He starts little fires everywhere and forces everyone involved to carry water while he sneaks away without a response. That changes now. Shawn, you must respond. You have no choice. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert [R.] Kelly, Sean [Diddy] Combs—they all have one person in common, professionally and privately: Shawn Carter [Jay Z] . This has been a fist of tyranny punching through our culture and society for decades. It must stop.
Wright also claimed to have spoken with “hundreds” of victims, stating she currently assists three individuals who are willing to testify against both Jay-Z and Beyoncé.
She alleged that Beyoncé has been complicit in her husband’s actions, engaging in behavior that she described as “nasty.”
Piers Morgan: How many victims potentially do you think there could be?
Jaguar Wright: Thousands… I’ve talked to hundreds who I still help myself. I have three victims right now who are willing to give testimony about not only what Mr. Carter has done to them, but also about his wife. They’re a nasty little couple. They do nasty things.
Emhoff has been previously dubbed by Democrats as a ‘wife guy’ and a ‘mensch’, a Yiddish term for an honorable, kind man. (Credit: Daily Mail)
Vice President Kamala Harris‘s husband assaulted his ex-girlfriend, three friends have told
The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012Cannes Film Festival event in France.
One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault. is not naming the woman, who is a successful New York attorney, but will refer to her by the pseudonym ‘Jane’.
A second friend said Jane, who had been dating Emhoff for three months, also told her about the alleged violence at the time.
A third friend told that Jane first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.
The friends, who all asked not to be named for fear of retaliation by Emhoff, shared with pictures of him and Jane together from 2012, and other documents and communications corroborating elements of the story. (Read more: The Daily Mail, 10/02/2024)(Archive)
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg ordered private drone pilots to keep their aircraft away from rescue zones, drawing sharp criticism from many who are unimpressed with the government’s efforts. (Credit: x/USDOT)
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg ordered private drone flights suspended in North Carolina’s Hurricane Helene flood zone, sparking fierce outcry from those frustrated by the government’s lackluster response to the deadly crisis.
“Drone pilots: Do not fly your drone near or around rescue and recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene,” the official DOT X account wrote Tuesday afternoon, nearly a week after the storm brought near-unprecedented flooding to the mountainous region.
“Interfering with emergency response operations impacts search and rescue operations on the ground,” the announcement continued.
North Carolina has suffered the brunt of the death toll from last week’s historic storm, the west of the state accounting for 94 of the more than 200 casualties confirmed by authorities so far, with hundreds more still unaccounted for.
Despite these grim figures, many have expressed deep dissatisfaction or even anger with the tepid response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is on the verge of running out of funds after spending $640 million on the migrant crisis.
Considering the maddeningly slow pace of the rescue effort, Buttigieg effectively ordered residents not to fend for themselves and instead put their trust in an agency many believe have already dropped the ball was adding insult to injury.
“You would think more eyes in the sky would be a good thing when there are people that need to be rescued but what do i know,” one X user replied.
“Your ‘help’ is worse than doing nothing,” seethed another.
Others pointed out how private drones have been used to deliver items like insulin and baby formula to those in need, particularly those living in more remote terrain who have been largely cut off from the rest of the world since the storm.
BREAKING: @MSNBC Producer Admits MSNBC Is ‘Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign
During an undercover date with an OMG journalist, Basel Hamdan (@BaselYHamdan), a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show “Ayman,”
(@AymanMSNBC) was asked what the network has done to assist the Kamala Harris campaign. Hamdan revealed on hidden camera that “what her [Harris’s] message of the day is, is their message of the day,” as MSNBC actively pushes Harris’s narrative to help her win. He admitted that MSNBC is doing “all they can to help,” Harris get elected, with the network operating as an extension of the campaign. He went on to say, “MSNBC is indistinguishable from the party,” further highlighting their partisan agenda.
In discussing the relationships between the MSNBC hosts and Democratic politicians, Hamdan reveals, ”The anchor and the politician are just in total agreement about everything.” He adds, “If you watch an interview with a Democratic politician, they just finish each other’s sentences.”
Hamdan also didn’t shy away from criticizing the network’s audience, stating, “They’ve made their viewers dumber over the years,” and explaining that MSNBC is “too cozy with Democratic politicians.”
BREAKING: @MSNBC Producer Admits MSNBC Is ‘Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign
During an undercover date with an OMG journalist, Basel Hamdan (@BaselYHamdan), a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show “Ayman,” (@AymanMSNBC) was asked what the network has done to assist…
🚨🚨 ALERT🚨🚨 BIG Kamala Harris operative on the ground in Asheville, and he’s trying to control the narrative about the Federal response to #HeleneFlooding in #WNC@chefjoseandres is a lying Harris operative and should be treated as such.
That MF called the Florida pilot and his rescue crew liars 🤬
FU @KamalaHarris
This is sick propaganda against the people of WNC
February 25, 2019 -Through a Clinton Global Initiative commitment, World Central Kitchen and farms like Cosechas Tierra Viva are helping create a more sustainable and food secure future for Puerto Rico. Chef José Andrés and Puerto Rican farmers, Franco and Natalia, show President Clinton and Secretary Clinton how they plan to improve food independence on the island.
Volodimir Zelenski recognizes the help given by chef José Andrés and his NGO World Central Kitchen to Ukrainians during the Russia/Ukraine war. (Credit: public domain)
Just got off the phone a Pastor in the midst of the flooding in TN/NC. He is in one of the most devastated locations. He verified a few things about the situation:
– Almost all help is being done by private citizens, mainly churches.
– Private helicopters are flying in the vast majority of the supplies.
– Local Sheriffs are telling people to feel free to defend their property from looters by whatever means they have. 🔫
– WROL (Without Rule of Law) is happening in some areas, which means looting, robbing, and etc.
– FEMA’s involvement has seriously complicated the rescue efforts.
– Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work.
– The response to this tragedy has been massive and overwhelming. All from private individuals and local Churches.
Pray for these people!
🚨Families abandoned to die, begging for help, after Kamala Harris turned FEMA into an illegal immigration resettlement agency—American lives sacrificed in a shocking betrayal.
FEMA has been arresting people and taking supplies from them it will happen no more the local police has got together and told them they will arrest FEMA if they get in the way anymore because they ain’t doing s*** there pass this video around this guy has been posting everything…
FEMA abandons residents of devastated NC town because they can’t drive around ‘road closed’ sign: ‘nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians’
Listen to the scanners and watch the map … These are calls coming from areas in Tennessee and the Chimney Rock area in N. Carolina. Don’t let the left flip the script. There was a massive loss of life in these areas. We were there today and you can literally smell the death…
Unbelievable! I didn’t think the Biden/Harris administration could possibly FAIL more… but here it is! FEMA helicopters blocking the airport runway in Greenville preventing 1,000’s pounds of supplies to get to Americans in need. Listen to this video…
The Biden/Harris administration turned FEMA into an Illegal Alien relocation agency!
What kind of government lets FEMA spend $640,000,000 on criminal illegal aliens and now has no money to help Americans who lost everything from Hurricane Helene?
🚨BREAKING: Kamala Harris ordered the North Carolina National Guard to load disaster relief supplies onto a cargo plane just for a photo op with the intention of NEVER sending the supplies to storm victims
We’ve officially found our first free swamp tour customer! So whoever the douche nozzle was that deliberately rotor washed the Burnsville POD, this was a hostile act that broke a $hitload of really good @FAANews laws! You can clearly see our logo on the supplies! Good luck trying…
@Unitedcajunnavy this appears to be an Army National Guard Blackhawk. Call the local Army Aviation Support Facility as that is most likely where the flight originated. While the FAA unfortunately does not have enforcement authority over military aircraft, they do over the…
A National Guard Chinook helicopter’s low landing at a relief camp in Western North Carolina resulted in over $100,000 in damage, ripping apart tents, supplies, and vehicles, and sending three people to the hospital.
A National Guard Chinook helicopter’s low landing at a relief camp in Western North Carolina resulted in over $100,000 in damage, ripping apart tents, supplies, and vehicles, and sending three people to the hospital. (Credit: @ShadowofEzra video clipping)
The Blackhawk helicopter rotor-wash upends another supply camp for Helene survivors in Western North Carolina. (Credit: @hartgoat video clipping)
Medical nonprofit watchdog @donoharm launched a database Tuesday of 225 hospitals that provide sex-change surgeries, puberty blockers, and/or hormone therapies to children.
A worried father leaves podium after confronting the Loudoun County School Board, October 9, 2024. (Credit: video clipping)
The Loudoun County School Board is in the news again because the members stormed out of a meeting after parents confronted them over the enrollment of a student who belongs to the MS-13 gang.
Blue Ridge Middle School suspended the illegal alien student “in May 2023 for bringing a firearm to school and threatening students.”
The student currently attends Loudoun Valley High School. The sheriff’s office claimed it took the May 2023 incident seriously but said, “The situation is complex.”
A worried father confronted the Loudoun County School Board about the issue, but the elected officials refused to address the concerns and stormed out of the room. One school board member shut him down within seconds of him giving a public comment, stifling the father’s allotted time behind the podium.
“Recently, the local media covered a story where a known gang member with a criminal record was suspended from LCPS and was allowed back in the schools,” the dad said before he was interrupted by the board. He was given two warnings to leave the podium, but the dad fired back: “I’m not stopping!”
The dad wouldn’t stop. He wanted the board to explain why the school enrolled the student, “citing safety concerns.”
“There needs to be a public vote to end public comment!” a mother of a student shouted out, who was presumably upset by the announcement. “Make a vote. Go ahead and vote on it. Make a decision to end public comment, and all of you raise your hands and tell every single person that’s sitting in this room that you want to violate their First Amendment and stop your constituents from speaking.”
A school board member told the mother, “You are out of order!” The board then decided to officially end public comment without a vote and stormed out of the room, leaving the parents left without answers.
The board refused to answer questions from parents and reporters. From September 25:
On Monday, at a Loudoun County school board meeting, all seven board members refused to answer questions about the migrant student. A reporter with the network was met with deafening silence after asking the board, “Are you comfortable with a student attending Loudoun Valley High School this year who previously threatened to kill a fellow student and was arrested for carrying a gun” and “What are you doing as a school board member to keep students safe from violence, gun violence, and gang activity at Loudoun Valley High School and other schools?”
BREAKING: @LCPSOfficial school board ended public comment and fled the room after parents blasted them over allowing an MS-13 gang member to attend school after he was arrested as a m*rder suspect.
A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference.…
The truth has been manipulated once again, & this time it’s CBS & 60 Minutes caught red-handed.
They spliced & edited Kamala Harris’ interview to hide her incompetence, covering up her incoherent ramblings with soundbites from a previous interview to make her appear competent &…
More examples of CBS manipulating what is said in their interviews:
I recently traveled to NC and victims of Hurricane Helene told me nearly two weeks after landfall, the Biden-Harris Administration had STILL not provided them with all the resources they desperately needed.
An anti-child mutilation rally in Nashville draws foul-mouthed counter-protesters, October 23, 2022. (Credit: The Tennessee Star)
A new database has revealed the “Dirty Dozen,” the 12 “worst-offending” hospitals in America for inflicting transgender agenda injuries on children.
And Mat Staver, the chief of Liberty Counsel, which has battled the leftist, and unscientific, ideology that males can be turned into females and vice versa, said, “Mutilating children for profit is criminal. It is biologically impossible to change one’s gender.
“The insanity of gender ideology and greed has made a mockery of the medical profession’s duty to ‘do no harm.’ There are only two genders, and the medical profession needs to return to sound science to treat mental health issues with proven psychiatric therapies to heal rather than harm.”
Under the science, being male or female is embedded in the human body down to the DNA level, and it cannot change.
Not surprising, many of the offending hospitals are located in far-left states, where the social agenda has taken over.
So it would be expected that Children’s Hospital Colorado, in the leftist Rocky Mountain state, and Children’s Minnesota, in that state now run by leftist Gov. Tim Walz, and Seattle Children’s, in the leftist Pacific region state, are included.
The full list of those hospitals:
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Children’s Minnesota
Seattle Children’s
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Boston Children’s Hospital
Rady Children’s Hospital
Children’s National Medical Center
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
Children’s Hospital Colorado
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
The listing is from a database compiled by Stop the Harm.
The Liberty Counsel report on those issue explained, “The group determined these 12 hospitals were the worst offenders based on a variety of factors, such as their community and legislative activism in favor of gender interventions, the number of prescriptions for puberty blockers and hormones written for minors, the severity of the procedures performed on children, and the cumulative amount of insurance claims billed for these interventions. (Read more: WND, 10/13/2024)(Archive)
A mysterious staffing firm operating a complex van transportation network supplying low-cost Haitian labor to a Charleroi, PA-based company that operates multiple food packing plants in the area has been at the center of a federal investigation.
On Friday, local media outlet Action Newsrevealed that federal investigators had been investigating staffing firm Prosperity Services, which supplies cheap migrant labor to Fourth Street Foods in Charleroi.
According to Action News, Fourth Street “employs 700 immigrants from 41 countries, many of them Haitians.” The migrants work on conveyor lines in massive ice boxes to slap breakfast bowls and sandwiches together under various private-label brands for big box retailers.
Here’s the bombshell from the media outlet published Friday evening:
Many of Fourth Street’s workers are actually employed by a contractor, Prosperity Services. Prosperity also transports workers in vans, which can be seen throughout Charleroi.
In court records, federal investigators said Prosperity “knowingly paid undocumented non-citizen employees with cash” and “transported and housed undocumented non-citizens for employment purposes.”
Earlier this year, the feds seized nearly $1 million in cash from Prosperity and two men affiliated with the company, including Andy Ha, the company president.
Incredible footage revealing an operation in Charleroi, PA where Haitians are being bussed to and from food factories operated by Fourth Street Foods.
It’s estimated that 90% of workers are now made up of Haitians.
At the center of this system in Charleroi is Fourth Street Foods, a frozen-food supplier with approximately1,000 employees, most of whom work on the assembly line. In an exclusive interview, Chris Scott, the CEO and COO of Fourth Street Barbeque (the legal name of the firm that does business as Fourth Street Foods) explained that his company, like many factory businesses, has long relied on immigrant labor, which, he estimates, makes up about 70 percent of its workforce. The firm employs many temporary workers, and, with the arrival of the Haitians, has found a new group of laborers willing to work long days in an industrial freezer, starting at about $12 an hour.
Many of these workers are not directly employed by Fourth Street Foods. Instead, according to Scott, they are hired through staffing agencies, which pay workers about $12 an hour for entry-level food-processing roles and bill Fourth Street Foods over $16 per hour to cover their costs, including transportation and overhead. (The average wage for an entry-level food processor in Washington County was $16.42 per hour in 2023.)
Rufo uncovered other staffing companies …
According to a Haitian migrant who worked at Fourth Street and a review of video footage, three staffing agencies—Wellington Staffing Agency, Celebes Staffing Services, and Advantage Staffing Agency—are key conduits for labor in the city. None have websites, advertise their services, or appear in job listings. According to Scott, Fourth Street Foods relies on agencies to staff its contract workforce, but he declined to specify which agencies, citing nondisclosure agreements.
He continued:
A property search for David Barbe and his other business, DB Rentals LLC, shows records of more than 50 properties, many of which are concentrated on the same streets.
And continued some more:
No doubt, the situation is advantageous to David Barbe of Fourth Street Foods, who can pay $16 an hour to the agencies that employ his contract labor force, then recapture some of those wages in rent…
Fourth Street Foods owner David Barbe told the media outlet: “I don’t know anything about it.”
“Blow Your Mind”: Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met employees from the DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking. (Credit: Sydney Phoenix/Released)
Youth sex trafficking and its myriad cruelties tripled under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a report in
Sex-trafficking victims often suffer horrific abuse, as I discovered when I spoke to Landon Dickeson, the 36-year-old executive director for Bob’s House of Hope in Denton, Texas, the only shelter for male sex-trafficking victims ages 18 and up in the country. Dickeson says they’ve seen teens from Central and South America who have been so tortured by their traffickers they can barely function.
Dickeson described caring for teens who have brain damage from being so heavily drugged—teens who have had their fingernails pulled out, and lemon juice poured on wounds. When I asked to interview one of their migrant residents, Dickeson said they simply weren’t in any condition to speak to anyone, much less a reporter. “We think the cartels and gangs use torture as a control method for the males,” said Dickeson. “They’re not going to fight back if they chain their victims to a radiator, beat them up frequently, or drug them.”
The abuse and prostitution may be forced on young migrants who are indebted to smugglers and their affiliated trafficking gangs in the United States. If they cannot pay their debts, their families can lose farms and homes to the banks that hold the loans.
The rising number of youth sex-trafficking cases were posted at the Department of Health and Human Services when TheFreePress demanded the data under the Freedom of Information Act. The agency is responsible for checking and issuing Certification and Eligibility Letters to the children and youths who first request aid after escaping sex traffickers.
The agency issued 1,143 letters in 2021, 2,226 letters in 2022, and 2,148 letters in 2024 under the welcome policies set by border chief Alejandro Mayorkas. The agency has not posted any data since the first week of September 2023.
Cassidy Hutchinson and Liz Cheney (Credit: public domain)
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) reportedly communicated with a witness who was being questioned by the January 6 Select Committee despite not having an attorney present.
In a press release from House Administration Committee chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI), it was revealed that Cheney began communicating with Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff, through Alyssa Farah Griffin, who previously served as the White House director of strategic communications and assistant to former President Donald Trump.
Cheney communicated to Hutchinson through Griffin without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.
Hutchinson reportedly reached out to Griffin in April 2022, after her “second transcribed interview,” and the two reportedly met at Griffin’s townhome in Georgetown. During this meeting, Hutchinson informed Griffin that “she had more information she could provide to the Select Committee,” according to the press release.
(Credit: The Gateway Pundit)
Alyssa Farah Griffin (Credit: public domain)
When Hutchinson reached out to Farah Grifffin, she invited Hutchinson over to her Georgetown townhome to talk on April 26, 2022. That evening, Hutchinson told Farah Griffin she had more information she could provide to the Select Committe, according to statements by both Hutchinson and Farah Griffin. During their conversation, Farah Griffin agreed to “[contact] Liz Cheney on [Hutchinson’s] behalf about scheduling another interview.” Hutchinson’s new testimony would include her never-before-heard story that alleged that President Trump agreed with rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pence.”
Despite Griffin communicating to Hutchinson in a message on the encrypted messaging app called Signal that Cheney’s “one concern was so long as Hutchinson had counsel, Cheney was unable to “really ethically” speak with her without her attorney, Stefan Passantino, present.
Griffin reportedly went on to act “as an intermediary for Cheney,” during which time she “helped coordinate Hutchinson’s third transcribed interview” with her attorney’s knowledge.
Hutchinson and Griffin also reportedly “colluded to create a false story” to give to Hutchinson’s attorney as to why she “needed to do a third transcribed interview” before the January 6 Select Committee.
In her May 17, 2021, transcribed interview Hutchinson testified to a series of uncorroborated and unverified stories that conveniently fit the Select Committee’s narrative that President Trump is dangerous and solely responsible for the events of January 6. Despite already testifying to the Select Committee twice, Hutchinson never previously mentioned this “new information.”
After Hutchinson’s third transcribed interview, which Cheney “led,” Hutchinson “reached out to Cheney directly.” Soon after they began communicating with each other Hutchinson “fired Passantino” and Cheney “provided Hutchinson with new attorneys,” according to the press release.
When Hutchinson texted Cheney, she was still represented by Passantino which, [sic] Cheney knew. Cheney and Hutchinson communicated directly for days without Passantino’s knowledge. Subsequently, Cheney provided Hutchinson with new attorneys from Alston and Bird—pro bono.
Days after Cheney began communicating directly with Hutchinson, Hutchinson fired Passantino and hired Cheney’s recommended attorneys, who agreed to represent Hutchinson pro bono. Within a few weeks, Cheney brought Hutchinson in for a secretive fourth transcribed interview. During this fourth transcribed interview, only Cheney and one other Committee counsel were present, in addition to Hutchinson’s new counsel. During this fourth transcribed interview Hutchinson testified to some of her most outlandish new claims.
After switching attorneys, the January 6 Select Committee created a story, making “Passantino the scapegoat,” in order to “ensure Hutchinson’s credibility as a witness.”
“They manufactured the story that Passantino gave Hutchinson faulty advice — such as instructing Hutchinson to withhold information, to misrepresent her testimony, and even that Passantino implied he would help Hutchinson with employment in return for favorable testimony,” the press release continues. (Read more: Breitbart News, 10/16/2024)(Archive)
President Donald Trump sits down with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait for an extended interview. The interview is in partnership with the Economic Club of Chicago and is structurally President Trump facing down the globalists who sell Wall Street policy.
The interview was at times very combative as the interviewer, John Micklethwait, pushes a Wall Street ideology in alignment with the World Economic Forum. However, President Trump has already proven that his economic policies work.
President Trump stared down every WEF talking point and totally destroyed it. This interview is brilliant and a perfect juxtaposition for Economic Nationalism vs Multinational Globalism.
As Kamala Harris and Democrats continue to use January 6 as a campaign issue, it is important to recall those responsible for preventing the National Guard from protecting the Capitol.
Thanks to the surgeon-like precision of my researcher Haley McLean, this timeline (we believe) represents the most exhaustive one to date showing the requests and denials related to the deployment of the D.C. National Guard before and on January 6, 2021. Events have been curated from a number of resources including congressional testimony, internal agency investigations, media coverage, videos, and book excerpts.
We preface the timeline with critical context and information about the lead-up to January 6 involving key political operatives and known foes of President Trump.
Summer 2020
Jamie Fleet, then-Democratic staffer for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Committee on House Administration (chaired, at the time, by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who was later appointed to Pelosi’s January 6 Select Committee) had a team of counselors working in anticipation of coming debates and objections from states—including Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia—about the certification of the electoral college vote. Knowing that objections would likely be raised on January 6, Fleet’s team began contingency planning to prepare for the possibility that the proceedings would “not [be] traditional.”
June 2020
Following the June 1photo op at Lafayette Square during the BLM riots in Washington, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley contemplated resigning. Sitting in his Pentagon office, Milley wrote several drafts of a letter of resignation. Milley sought advice from a wide circle of confidants, including Joseph Dunford, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs under the Obama administration; retired Army General James Dubik; members of Congress; former officials with the George W. Bush and Obama administrations; and Robert Gates, former secretary of Defense and CIA chief. Most agreed with Gates’s advice: “Make them fire you. Don’t resign.”
By June 10, 2020 Gen. Milley had decided not to resign. “Fuck that shit,” he reportedly told his staff. “I’ll just fight him.” Milley assured his confidants that he would never openly defy the president—a move he considered illegal—but he was “determined to plant flags.” He told his staff, “If they want to court-martial me or put me in prison, have at it, but I will fight from the inside.” Milley saw himself as “tasked” with safeguarding “against Trump and his people” from potentially misusing the military, something he confided in a “trusted confidant” to ensure he remained true to this plan. “I have four tasks from now until the twentieth of January,” he affirmed, “and I’m going to accomplish my mission.”
Milley “sought to get the message to Democrats that he would not go along with any further efforts by the president to deploy the machinery of war for domestic political ends. He called both Pelosi and Schumer.”
Gen. Milley stood up a crisis management team that was “dedicated to monitoring domestic unrest.” He outlined his and his staff’s efforts in four phases: “So I said—and this is from June—so I said: Phase one is now through the election, and phase two is the election out through the certification, which was known, it was a known date, the 6th. So from the election to the certification. Phase three, I said, was certification to inauguration. And phase four was inauguration plus 100 days.”
Every morning at Gen. Milley’s direction, he and his staff began tracking civil disturbances in the United States, focusing on events and incidents involving groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Milley explained, “when I say ‘tracking’ I had the Joint Staff report, set up a system of reporting in the morning at our normal 7:30 meeting” and “the reports from every morning and it’s June, July, August, September, October, all the way through.”
Milley and his team “had LNOs [Liaison Officers] with the FBI, in the FBI building … I think we called it domestic unrest as a general thing,” and “we just worked with the FBI and local police, and we made sure that we kept track of it. And we stood up a team to make sure that we, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I, had situational awareness just like we have overseas.”
Bill Clinton says Laken Riley’s death “probably wouldn’t have happened” if Kamala did her job at the border, continues on to imply that we need illegal immigrants for cheap labor.
Reporters grill Nathan Wade as he arrives for deposition by House Judiciary Committee.
Fani Willis’s special prosecutor and illicit lover Nathan Wade admitted he met with the Biden-Harris White House on multiple occasions during the prosecution of President Trump in the Georgia RICO case.
Nathan Wade arrived on Capitol Hill for an interview with the House Judiciary Committee last week. Fani Willis sent out a letter to Chairman Jim Jordan demanding Nathan Wade’s testimony be canceled. She also demanded that Wade not answer any questions.
BREAKING: The White House likely colluded with Nathan Wade on the case against Trump.
According to the transcripts released he had a conference with White House counsel on:
Details of Wade’s White House meetings were not disclosed to lawmakers.
It is unclear if Nathan Wade’s White House meetings were in person or remote by video. When asked, Nathan Wade said, “I don’t recall.”
🚨 BREAKING: Nathan Wade admitted to multiple White House meetings during Trump Georgia probe in an interview by House Judiciary Committee staff
Former Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade met with Biden administration staff on at least two occasions during District Attorney Fani Willis’ probe into former President Donald Trump, a newly released transcript suggests.
Wade was interviewed by House Judiciary Committee staff last week as part of Chairman Jim Jordan’s probe into the prosecutions of the former president.
A grand jury indicted Trump and allies last year on charges related to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia.
Wade did not disclose the details of his supposed meetings with White House representatives, including if they were in-person or remote, but he acknowledged the existence of invoices and other records that indicated discussions occurred.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis planned her prosecution of former President Donald Trump before she took office, her former top prosecutor Nathan Wade revealed in a bombshell deposition before the House Judiciary Committee.
Willis’s prosecution of Trump for election interference has hit numerous roadblocks inside and outside the courtroom. Trump, who pleaded not guilty, has argued her case is politically motivated lawfare.
Wade’s deposition on October 15 before Chairman Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) committee revealed Willis planned her legal assault on Trump before she took office in January 2021.
Wade, after struggling to remember the timeline, acknowledged Willis contacted him “sometime after the election, but prior to her taking office” to recruit him to lead a search committee for a special prosecutor to target Trump. The committee eventually selected Wade.
“Eventually, I guess the committee turned their guns on me and started trying to convince me to accept the role,” Wade said.
The most critical meeting took place on November 18, 2022, when Wade spent eight hours in the White House counsel’s office. That meeting occurred the same day U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith and Matthew Colangelo, the former third-highest ranking official at the U.S. Department of Justice, resigned to take a position in the Manhattan prosecutor’s office.
That trio of events occurred just days a[fter] November 9 press conference in which President Joe Biden, asked about the prospects of Trump running against him in 2024, said, “We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power, if he does run, making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next president again [sic].”
Breitbart News first reported the significance of those November 18 meetings, occurring on the heels of Biden’s pronouncement.
Geno Marconi (l), Port authority director, and his wife state Supreme Court Justice Anna Barbara Hantz Marconi (r). Both been placed on paid administrative leave, but officials won’t say why. On Wednesday, Justice Marconi was indicted. (Credit:
A New Hampshire Supreme Court Justice has been indicted by a grand jury for allegedly trying to interfere in an open investigation of her husband.
In an Oct. 16statement from the New Hampshire Department of Justice, Attorney General John Formella said the Merrimack County grand jury had indicted Justice Anna Barbara Hantz Marconi for two felonies and five misdemeanors.
All the charges relate to allegations that she attempted to interfere with a criminal investigation on her husband, Geno Marconi.
“The decision to charge a sitting Justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court was not made lightly, and it comes after careful and thoughtful deliberation,” Formella said.
“No person is above the law, and the evidence in this case required investigation and presentation to the grand jury.”
According to the prosecutors, Hantz Marconi has been charged with two Class B felonies; attempting to commit improper influence, and criminal solicitation of improper influence. (Read more: The Epoch Times, 10/17/2024)(Archive)
(…) In August, a longtime friend of Geno Marconi told that he believes Sununu was behind the investigation into Hantz-Marconi to pressure Geno Marconi to resign as director of the New Hampshire Division of Ports and Harbors.
Brad Cook, who formerly owned Atlantic Fishing and Whale Watching in Rye, said then that he believes Sununu is behind the effort to get rid of Geno Marconi because Marconi didn’t agree with the state’s plan to build a controversial elevated strip mall in the Rye Harbor parking lot, a plan that has since been stopped.
Hantz Marconi has been on paid leave from the Supreme Court since July. Her husband, Geno Marconi, the Director for the New Hampshire Division of Ports and Harbors, which is part of the Pease Development Authority, has been on leave since April. Geno Marconi has not been charged with any crime. A spokesman for Formella said: “The criminal investigation into Geno Marconi is a separate matter. It remains open and ongoing.“ (Read more:
BREAKING: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are “Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics
“Say your uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit to be a president because she doesn’t have a child, that kind of sh*t is automatically demoted,” reveals @Meta Senior Software Engineer, Jeevan Gyawali (@JGyawali), to an undercover @OKeefeMedia journalist during a hidden camera date. He confirmed, “The person would not be notified,” but would see a decline in their post engagement and impressions, explaining that Meta’s “Integrity Team” is responsible for controlling content through “civic classifiers,” a system that “shadowbans” posts without notifying users.
Gyawali also revealed a specialized Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team that was created at Meta, stating, “There is a SWAT team that’s already set up since April… just to think about all the scenarios of how the platform could be abused.” When asked if Meta is doing their due diligence to protect democracy from disinformation, Gyawali ensured “that’s all going to be demoted 100%.”
When asked, “You guys [Meta] have the ability to influence the outcome of the election?” Gyawali confirmed, “Yes,” admitting Meta’s power to sway political outcomes. When asked if Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd), Co-Founder and CEO and Meta, supports Meta’s political influence and agenda to help the Democratic Party, Gyawali answered, “100%.”
James O’Keefe contacted Jeevan Gyawali to request comment regarding hidden camera footage in which Gyawali discusses Meta’s censorship practices. Upon hearing the details, Gyawali responded, “Ah, f*ck,” before quickly ending the call.
A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines.
According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the seven “corona skeptics” sued Gates last year, along with former Dutch prime minister and newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, and “several members” of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team.”
Other defendants include Albert Bourla, Ph.D., CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.
“Because Bill Gates’ foundation was involved in combating the corona pandemic, he has also been summoned,” De Telegraaf reported.
According to Dutch independent news outlet Zebra Inspiratie, the plaintiffs allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”
Dutch independent journalist Erica Krikke told The Defender that the seven plaintiffs — whose names are redacted in the lawsuit’s publicly available documents — “are ordinary Dutch people, and they have been jabbed and after the jabs they got sick.”
Krikke said that of the seven original plaintiffs, one has since died, leaving the other six plaintiffs to continue the lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Leeuwarden. According to De Telegraaf, “Gates had objected because, according to him, the judges did not have jurisdiction.” Accordingly, the court first “had to rule in the so-called incident procedure,” De Andere Krant reported.
Zebra Inspiratie reported that the hearing in this “incident procedure” took place on Sept. 18 and that Gates’ representatives disputed jurisdiction, but not the claim.
According to De Andere Krant, Gates was represented by the Pels Rijcken law firm, based in The Hague, described as “the largest and the premier litigation law firm in the Netherlands.” Gates did not appear at the Sept. 18 hearing, but attorneys for Gates argued that the court “had no jurisdiction over him because he lives in the United States.”
However, in its Oct. 16 ruling, the Leeuwarden court ruled it does have jurisdiction over Gates. De Andere Krant reported that the court found “sufficient evidence” that the claims against Gates and the other defendants are “connected” and based on the same “complex of facts.”
Other defendants who reside outside of the Netherlands, including Bourla, did not challenge the court’s jurisdiction.
Back in June, the US State Department announced that it had lifted its longtime ban on giving weapons and training to Ukraine’s notorious Azov Brigade(often referenced by its earlier name Azov Battalion).
Since then, efforts to normalize Azov—which mainstream media had long ago grudgingly admitted was full of“neo-Nazi ideology”—have only grown.
The group’s members have never been shy about sporting Nazi-inspired patches either. Ultimately, they haven’t changed, only their Western supporters’ perceptions of them have.
Ukrainian scholar and historian, Dr. Marta Havryshko, has underscored this trend surrounding Azov, explaining that yes the group has “changed” – but not in the ways Ukraine’s supporters think, or what’s popularly portrayed in Western media attempts to whitewash the militia group.
Marta Havryshko has been conducting research at the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv since 2009. (Credit: URIS)
“Azov changed” – the mantra of many liberal and progressive public in the West, who, after 24 Feb. 2022, demonstrate sympathy toward the Azov movement, whitewashing its past, justifying its present, and showing no concerns about its future. My answer: Yes. It changed. Here are…
“Azov changed” – the mantra of many liberal and progressive public in the West, who, after 24 Feb. 2022, demonstrate sympathy toward the Azov movement, whitewashing its past, justifying its present, and showing no concerns about its future. My answer: Yes. It changed. Here are some indicators…
Enlargement & penetration of the entire security sector in Ukraine
Instead of one Azov regiment, there are now two brigades: the 12th in the National Guard and the 3rd in AFU. Another Azov unit, Kraken, acts under the direct supervision of Ukrainian Military Intelligence run by Budanov.
Thanks to lobbying and political expediency, the US lifted the ban on weapons to Azov. Now, it has all kinds of heavy weapons from the West and trains its members to use them whenever they’re needed against “external and internal enemies”.
Excusing past criminal activity
Some members of Azov were engaged in criminal activities and imprisoned before 2022 for gangsterism but released after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now, they are celebrated and decorated as “freedom fighters.”
Media support
Azov enjoys an enormous media presence. Many Ukrainian and foreign media fall into the trap of “elite brigades,” “true patriots,” and “just nationalists.” They don’t question Azov’s ideology and are unwilling to confront Azov members directly with tough questions about its ideology and political plans.
Experts’ backing
Some scholars and analysts consciously downplay the role of radicalism and extremism in Azov, arguing that it is “depoliticized” and that claims about its threats to democracy are exaggerated and the product of Kremlin propaganda.
Indoctrination & military training of youth
Centuria, a paramilitary Azov youth movement, widened its activities across Ukraine. It penetrates schools. It prepares youth for the street violence. It is already used for political violence against LGBTQI+, feminist, and leftist activists.
Mobilization of fear
Azov weaponizes the fear of Russia in Ukraine and beyond. Common slogans: “They will kill all men and rape all women,” “They will organize another Holodomor,” “They will mobilize all men to the war against NATO,” etc.
In sum, yes, Azov changed drastically after February 2022, but most importantly, the attitude of many liberals changed toward Azov, not its very nature.(Zero Hedge, 10/18/2024)(Archive)
Also this one: “Canada’s directorate of NATO policy said that Ukraine’s notorious Azov Regiment continued to be far-right “fanatics” despite their integration into the country’s national guard”
It should not come as a surprise given the volume of examples that have been presented in the last several years; however, according to Gallup polling, amid all the top national civic and political institutions the United States “news media” is now the least trusted institution of all.
The alarming statistic is really that -post COVID- 31% of Americans still trusts news media. I would surmise that if a similar poll was done on professions, teachers, nurses and healthcare workers would also be at the lower end of the scale.
That said, this really is not a surprise if you have ever interacted at a high level outside the USA. Internationally, thanks in part to the traveling USA press corps who have showcased their ideological attributes to a host of foreign audiences, the entire world now view the USA media apparatus as various shades of something akin to Baghdad Bob.
If you think that a cognitively compromised USA President parading around the world as a blithering fool, while the USA media openly pretended he was functional, does not have some significant impact on global views, you are mistaken. The entire world sees Joe Biden as he is, not as the media pretended him to be. (Conservative Treehouse, 10/16/2024)(Archive)
War Room co-host Natalie Winters discussed with Mike Benz the Administrative State and their plans to undermine President Trump in disrupting the electoral process.
“What they are doing is they are priming a challenge to a Trump electoral college victory,” Benz explained regarding the Democrat war games strategy.
He also explained that they used groups like BLM in 2020 to create chaos in the street. Benz also explained that as of now, it appears that they don’t have this for 2024.
“One of the things they lack this time that they had last time, was a street para-military presence,” Benz said.
“One of the lynchpins of their plans in 2020 was leveraging the BLM rioters. They were very explicit about this. 13 times in their simulation, which was published amazingly afterwards. They said that taking to the streets was vital,” Benz continued.
Winters and Benz also discussed how Elon Musk is being threatened economically to put pressure on him to censor speech on X. The threats were coming from the EU, but Benz explained that it was originating from the US government.
“The EU is now warning they are going to fine Elon Musk, not just based off of like X revenue and all that, but include revenue from his other companies,” Winters said.
“You have this US State Department driven global censorship octopus which stretches from Brazil in the south to the EU to Australia,” Benz said.
“They have been talking about this idea of forcing Elon Musk to institute censorship measures by going after his other companies for a very long time,” Benz said.
On Saturday, The Jerusalem Post reported that two US intelligence documents were leaked to a pro-Iranian operation and then posted on a Telegram account linked to Iran.
The documents that were leaked by the Biden-Harris regime to the pro-Iranian operation detailed Israeli plans for a potential strike plan on Iran.
Both the US Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment on the leaked documents.
The leak comes at a time when Israel is plotting a retalitory strike against Iran following its October 1 missile attack on the Jewish state.
This was not the first time the Biden regime was accused of leaking Israeli secrets to the Iranian regime.
Robert Malley, a deranged Trump hater, had already been suspended from his position with the Biden regime at the time. The FBI was investigating him, and whether or not he mishandled classified information at the time.
As usual, the FBI has not offered any updates on this investigation since last year.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) confirmed on Sunday that the U.S. government is now investigating the unauthorized release of these documents, which are believed to have originated from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.
Ariane Tabatabai (Credit: public domain)
Now, a senior Pentagon official has been identified as the primary suspect in a classified leak involving the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) plan to strike Iran.
The American official under suspicion has been named as Ariane Tabatabai, an Iranian-American scholar of political science who currently serves as a senior policy advisor at the Pentagon.
A Pentagon official told Sky News in Arabic that the investigation being conducted by intelligence agencies in Washington into the leaking to Tehran documents of the IDF plan to strike Iran has begun to indicate “suspicion” of the involvement of a senior employee in the Pentagon.
The American official added that the employee suspected of leaking the documents is an American of Iranian origin named Ariane Tabatabai.
Ariane Tabatabai is an Iranian-American scholar of political science, writer, and senior policy advisor to the United States Department of Defense. After the Biden administration took office in January 2021, she joined the US negotiating team in nuclear negotiations with Iran. Between 2021 and 2022, she served as an advisor to Robert Malley, the chief promoter of pushing a deal with Iran at any cost.
Members of the US Congress, especially Republicans, have pointed out that Robert Malley was investigated after being suspected of having dealt with classified information without prior permission and of having secret contacts with Iranian figures. (Read more: Gateway Pundit, 10/22/2024)
In September 2023, several U.S senators have expressed their concerns about Ariane Tabatabai, blaming her for collaborating with the Iranian regime.
Yet, the Biden-Harris administration kept her in her job, including clearance to access extremely sensitive information.
The following two documents popped up on the internet last night. One source on Telegram, The Middle East Spectator, claimed that, “an informed source within the US intelligence community,” gave the ME Spectator these classified documents.
I don’t know if these are masterful forgeries created by AI or if the two are genuine. They look authentic, but do not have the date-time-group configuration that I would expect to see. I am sure the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians are asking the same questions. I assume that Russia and China can independently verify the authenticity of these documents by examining their own Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance data for the dates referenced in the reports to see if they can confirm the alleged activity.
What does it mean? Israel reportedly is preparing to use Air Launched Ballistic Missiles. Another thing that troubles me about these reports is that I cannot locate an internet link for the specific ALBMs mentioned, e.g., Golden Horizon ALBM. That is a red-flag. Let’s proceed with the assumption that these reports are genuine and contain accurate information. As of 16 October, Israel was not exhibiting signs of prepping an imminent attack on Iran. The second image characterizes Israeli activity as low-to-moderate. No sign of urgent preparation.
Now we enter the hall of mirrors. Are these reports part of an elaborate psychological operation intended to lull Iran into a sense of complacency? Or, are these reports accurate and the leak is intended to provide “proof” to Iran, Russia and China that Israel is struggling to get its act together. If these two documents are legit, then they provide Iran and Russia with valuable intel that could be used to blunt, if not defeat, the Israeli attack.
The last point is intriguing. Was this an authorized leak designed to force Israel to alter its plans because the information disclosed in the two documents can aid Iran in countering Israel’s contemplated attack? Is this the act of a whistleblower, deciding to act on his or her own initiative, to try to derail an Israeli attack? I don’t know. But I do know what I would do to verify and certify that the documents are genuine.
I had a chance to discuss these documents with Ania K and Nima today. Ray and I had our usual weekly roundtable with Judge Napolitano, where we spent more time talking about the clown show in Ukraine, as well as the combat death of Yahya Sinwar.
Dominion Voting Systems has issued a chilling warning to conservatives just weeks before the all-important presidential election.
In a post on the X platform, the company said that it was “closely monitoring” claims that its machines may be compromised.
“Dominion is closely monitoring claims around the Nov. 2024 election and strongly encourages use of verified, credible sources of info,” the post says.
“We remain fully prepared to defend our company & our customers against lies and those who spread them.”
Dominion is closely monitoring claims around the Nov. 2024 election and strongly encourages use of verified, credible sources of info. We remain fully prepared to defend our company & our customers against lies and those who spread them. Get the facts:
MORE – Future medics “will see the volume and nature of the illnesses they treat directly impacted by climate change in coming years.”
NEW: The WHO and AstraZeneca, along with global “health” leaders, are funding top universities to train 10,000 future doctors on how “climate change” is increasing cancers, cardiovascular disease, and mental illness—completely ignoring the impact of the COVID vaccine they forced on people. Remember when they said, “If you don’t want to lose your job, you must get the vaccine”? Or how you couldn’t travel, eat at a restaurant, or even go to McDonald’s without showing your vaccine papers? Now they’re conveniently shifting the narrative, hoping we forget the pressure they applied. Fixed
NEW: The WHO and AstraZeneca, along with global “health” leaders, are funding top universities to train 10,000 future doctors on how “climate change” is increasing cancers, cardiovascular disease, and mental illness—completely ignoring the impact of the COVID vaccine they forced…
“Climate Change” is a universal pretext to disguise #UnrestrictedWarfare, which is not only applied to cancer increases, but also used for #COVID19 and future pandemics.
Also, it is the top theme of collaboration between 🇺🇸 down-ballot officers and CCP’s officials.
Elon Musk is absolutely right in calling out the legacy mainstream media for their dangerous and inflammatory hit pieces. Leftist publications like Der Spiegel have crossed the line from criticism to outright incitement. By painting individuals like Musk and Donald Trump as…
The lover of Fulton County DA Fani Willis and ex-Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade spilled the beans before Congress in a damning deposition last week.
The GOP-led House Judiciary Committee, which is investigating the anti-Trump DA’s financial affairs and prosecution of former President Donald Trump, released the 132-page Monday in a move sure to spur Willis, who had demanded that Wade not answer certain questions under oath due to the “confidential” nature of the information.
Today we released the transcript of Nathan Wade’s deposition before the House Judiciary Committee.
She previously said in a scathing letter sent to the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), that the proceedings could compel Wade to divulge “highly sensitive” knowledge that “still belongs” to her office.
Here are the key takeaways from Wade’s closed-door testimony:
Trump Prosecution
Before the Democrat DA even took office, Willis was preparing to prosecute Trump, according to what Wade told Congress.
Wade testified that sometime between the November 2020 election and the DA’s inauguration day, Willis had “absolutely” contacted him about serving on a search committee that would select a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Trump.
Q: I want to now pivot to talking about your appointment as special prosecutor for the Fulton County District Attorney[‘s] Office. So who contacted you first about the special prosecutor position?
WADE: So this is an interesting story or series of events, how this came about […] I was a part of a search committee, if you will, for the then-newly elected district attorney.
Q: And can you provide dates for when you were part of the search committee?
WADE: Oh, God, I cannot. I’m sorry.
Q: If it’s helpful, DA Willis came into office on January 1st of 2021. Is that a helpful time frame?
WADE: It is. So January 1st, I was a part of the search committee for that newly elected district attorney, and we were tasked with trying to identify someone who would serve as lead counsel on the election interference investigation […] Eventually, I guess the committee turned their guns on me and started trying to convince me to accept the role…
Q: And so the search committee, you said that began when DA Willis took office on January 1, 2021. Is that correct
WADE: Yes.
Q: And was there outreach to you to be part of the search committee prior to January 1, 2021?
WADE: Absolutely.
Q: And when did that start?
WADE: Sometime after the election, but prior to her taking office.
(…) Wade confirmed that he had conducted multiple meetings with Biden-Harris White House officials but refused to disclose any pertinent details, claiming he couldn’t recollect basic facts about the events for which he billed the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office thousands of taxpayer dollars.
Wade acknowledged billing the county for an eight-hour conference “with White House Counsel” at a $250-an-hour rate equaling $2,000 total on May 23, 2022.
Although, according to the invoice’s entry, Wade supposedly spent an entire business day conferencing with the Biden-Harris White House, Wade claimed he could not recall which individuals were involved in the meeting, where exactly it occurred (whether he traveled to Athens or D.C.), or if the meeting took place in person or over the phone.
Wade also confirmed that he billed the DA’s office another eight hours on November 18, 2022, for an “Interview with DC/White House.” Again, he maintained that he did not remember meeting specifics, including who was in attendance or its subject matter.
Additionally, Wade confirmed that he billed the county 24 hours (this time totaling $6,000) between September 7, 2022, and September 9, 2022, for “Witness Interviews; conf call DC; team meeting.” Wade again denied remembering who was on the conference call or which witnesses were interviewed.
By now it’s part of the playbook. It’s predictable. Expected.
Right before the election, another woman will allege she was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump. And now they’re trying to link Donald Trump to Jeffrey Epstein.
This time the accuser is Stacey Williams, a former Sports Illustrated model who struggled as an actress before turning Democrat operative.
According to an exclusive from The Guardian (more on that below), Williams was groped either “in the late winter or early spring of 1993” after “Epstein suggested during a walk they were on that he and Williams stop by to visit Trump at Trump Tower.”
The Guardian continued:
Moments after they arrived, she alleges, Trump greeted Williams, pulled her toward him and started groping her. She said he put his hands “all over my breasts” as well as her waist and her buttocks. She said she froze because she was “deeply confused” about what was happening. At the same time, she said she believed she saw the two men smiling at each other.
The details of the “sexual assault” were alleged “on a call on Monday [October 21, 2024] organized by a group called Survivors for Kamala, which supports Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.”
Former model Amy Dorris (Credit: public domain)
Why did Williams come forward now, and not in 2016 or 2020? She explained that while she was enjoying life as a “private citizen,” she “watched what has happened to women who come out and it is so horrifying and abusive. The thought of doing that, especially as a mother with a child in my house, was just not possible.”
What a “scoop” for Guardian reporters Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Lucy Osborne. Coincidentally – if you believe in such coincidences – Lucy Osborne had the exclusiveSeptember 17, 2020 interview with Amy Dorris, who alleged Trump sexually assaulted her at the 1997 US Open.
ZeroHedge already found one big issue with her story: the timeline doesn’t work.
In any event, it seems the Democrats have Lucy Osborne and The Guardian on speed dial to serve as their preferred vehicle for the now-expected “sexual assault” October surprise against Trump. Two alleged victims with similar stories, both Democrats, who are referred to the same reporter before the Presidential election.
Who put these “victims” in contact with Osborne? The best guess is someone affiliated with the Democratic party. As with the Dorris allegation from 2020, other media outlets are starting to run the Stacey Williams allegations. The Guardian just got the ball rolling – yet again. Sexual assault and the link to Epstein. Truly dirty stuff.
Hutchinson claimed she drafted this note during a conversation with senior staff for President Trump on January 6, 2021, while rioters were still in the Capitol👇
Absolutely stunning lie facilitated by Cheney–who either knew it was untrue or didn’t properly vet this–that Cassidy Hutchinson wrote this note on Jan 6.
Jan 6 was a setup! Liz Cheney and the Jan 6 committee: fabricated a TV production to manipulate the American people, conspired with the FBI and the media, lied about the pipe bombs, testimony and evidence, and destroyed evidence.
A bar complaint was filed against Liz Cheney for secretly communicating with J6 ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson while she was being represented by attorney Stefan Passantino.
America First Legal filed a bar complaint on behalf of Stefan Passantino against Liz Cheney for violating professional ethics obligations by secretly messaging Cassidy Hutchinson prior to her testimony to the J6 Committee.
“Cheney appears to have violated the D.C. Bar Rule of Professional Conduct 4.2: “a lawyer shall not communicate or cause another to communicate about the subject of the representation with a person known to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the prior consent of the lawyer representing such other person or is authorized by law or a court order to do so.”” America First Legal said.
“Ms. Hutchinson appears to have been pressured by Ms. Cheney and others into manufacturing a narrative that Passantino had sought to influence her testimony in an effort to protect former President Trump — a claim that Passantino has denied,” AFL said.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, welcomed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials into his Nebraska classroom while working as a teacher in the 1990s, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.
In February 1996, a delegation of three “educators” from southeast China visited Walz’s Alliance High School social studies class “to study the education system,” according to an unearthed Alliance Times-Herald article. However, the delegation included CCP officials who at the time worked for an institute serving a Chinese influence and intelligence agency, according to a DCNF review of Chinese government records.
(…) Republican lawmakers have been demanding answers from federal authorities about the governor’s ties to the communist nation.
Kentucky Rep. James Comer, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability chairman, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray in August requesting information on “any Chinese entity or individual with whom Mr. Walz may have engaged or partnered.”
“Governor Tim Walz’s documented relationships with Chinese Communist Party affiliated entities and officials bears hallmarks of a CCP infiltration and influence campaign,” Comer told the DCNF.
“FBI briefers recently informed the Oversight Committee that the Bureau’s Foreign Influence Task Force investigates CCP subnational influence operations and activity that is similar to how China has engaged with Governor Walz,” Comer said. “The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with the CCP goes and the Oversight Committee will continue to press for answers.”
(…) Identified as being affiliated with Macao Political Institute, Ning Ziheng served as interpreter for Ye Guoqiang and Yi Hongtao, both of whom were members of the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, according to the local paper. Located in Guangdong province, the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education is the “only sports university of higher education in South China,” its archived website states.
(…) The Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education where the three members of the delegation worked — or had worked previously — is listed as a member unit of a Chinese influence and intelligence service, Chinese government records reveal.
(Image created by the DCNF with photo from Alliance Times-Herald)The Guangdong provincial branch of the Chinese People’s Association For Friendship With Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) has repeatedly listed the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education as a “group member,” including at the time of the 1996 Chinese delegation visit to Nebraska during CPAFFC’s 6th and 7th congresses, which lasted between 1995 and 2005.
Federal authorities characterize CPAFFC as an “affiliate” or “subordinate” of a Chinese influence and intelligence service called the United Front Work Department (UFWD). In 2020, the State Department warned that CPAFFC is a “Beijing-based organization tasked with co-opting subnational governments” that has “sought to directly and malignly influence state and local leaders to promote the PRC’s global agenda.”
(…) The Alliance Times-Heraldreported that in 1993 Walz’s group visited the White Swan Hotel, which is located less than 1,000 feet from Guangdong CPAFFC’s headquarters on Shamian Island.
(…) “The Communist Party’s United Front Work Department has been grooming, wooing, and romancing Tim Walz for four decades,” China expert and author Gordon Chang told the DCNF. “We cannot allow our enemy to take over the core of our government.”
President Donald Trump speaks with Gloria Guillen, the mother of Vanessa Guillen, a Fort Hood soldier found dead after disappearing from Fort Hood, Texas, in the Oval Office on July 30, 2020. (Credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
The Atlantic published a hit piece Tuesday night on former President Donald Trump, alleging that he disparaged a deceased veteran and her family, and refused to pay for her funeral. The victim’s sister and numerous Trump officials, however, have come forward to dispute the story as false.
Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private and daughter of Mexican immigrants, was brutally killed by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood in Texas in April 2020. Her remains were burned and weren’t found until two months later. In the aftermath of the gruesome murder, Trump met with the Guillén family and said he would provide financial assistance for her funeral. The Army also launched an investigation into Fort Hood, which resulted in the firing or suspension of 14 commanders and other leaders and the termination of the base’s commanding general.
In the Atlantic story Tuesday, editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg reported on a national security meeting in December 2020 during which Trump allegedly expressed outrage that Guillén’s funeral “cost $60,000” and that “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” Here is how Goldberg, citing anonymous sources, portrayed the meeting:
In an Oval Office meeting on December 4, 2020, officials gathered to discuss a separate national-security issue. Toward the end of the discussion, Trump asked for an update on the McCarthy investigation. Christopher Miller, the acting secretary of defense (Trump had fired his predecessor, Mark Esper, three weeks earlier, writing in a tweet, “Mark Esper has been terminated”), was in attendance, along with Miller’s chief of staff, Kash Patel. At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?”
According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.
Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”
But several former Trump officials present at the meeting have all disputed The Atlantic’s reporting. In their story, The Atlantic quoted a statement from former Trump National Security official, Kash Patel:
“As someone who was present in the room with President Trump, he strongly urged that Spc. Vanessa Guillen’s grieving family should not have to bear the cost of any funeral arrangements, even offering to personally pay himself in order to honor her life and sacrifice. In addition, President Trump was able to have the Department of Defense designate her death as occurring ‘in the line of duty,’ which gave her full military honors and provided her family access to benefits, services, and complete financial assistance.”
Ben Williamson, a spokesman for Mark Meadows, said Tuesday night that he sent The Atlantic a full comment regarding the “fucking Mexican” remark. The outlet, however, paraphrased it as “denied having heard Trump make the statement.”
“President Donald Trump absolutely did not say that. He was nothing, but kind, gracious, and wanting to make sure that the military and the U.S. government did right by Gloria Guillen and her daughter Vanessa Guillen,” Williamson said in a screenshot of the apparent text he sent prior to the story’s publication.
On the left: I sent Atlantic a comment saying President Trump “absolutely did not say that,” referring to the alleged comments about Ms. Guillen they printed.
On the right: Atlantic translated that comment to “didn’t hear Trump say it.”
I was at President Trump’s meeting with the Guillén family because I assisted with translation that day.
President Trump was genuinely concerned about Vanessa Guillén and appalled by the tragedy the Guillén Family were enduring.@mguilen_ was poised and confident in…
I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.
I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- it’s not only hurtful, but it’s disrespectful to the important changes she made for so many honorable service members.
Timeline editor’s note: The Atlantic is owned by a company called Emerson Collective. The president and founder of Emerson is Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs. After the publication of a piece titled “The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic” dated December 9, 2021, a photo emerged showing Ghislaine Maxwell and Laurene Powell Jobs in bathing suits laughing together on a couch. Perhaps The Atlantic’s motivation to lie and hurt Trump’s chance of becoming president, is his promise to release the Epstein list.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate’s STAR Framework is a blueprint for policymakers to combat online harms and fortify democracy in the digital age. (Credit: CCDH website)
In an explosive leak with ramifications for the upcoming U.S. presidential election, internal documents from the Center for Countering Digital Hate—whose founder is British political operative Morgan McSweeney, now advising the Kamala Harris campaign—show the group plans in writing to “kill Musk’s Twitter” while strengthening ties with the Biden/Harris administration and Democrats like Senator Amy Klobuchar, who has introducedmultiple bills to regulate online “misinformation.”
Senator Klobuchar’s office did not respond to request for comment.
The documents obtained by The DisInformation Chronicle and Racket show CCDH’s hyperfocus on Musk — “Kill Musk’s Twitter” is the first item in the template of its monthly agenda notes dating back to the early months of this year.
Morgan McSweeney (Credit: public domain)
The Center for Countering Digital Hate is the anti-disinformation activist ally of Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, and a messaging vehicle for Labour’s neoliberal think tank, Labour Together. Both the CCDH and Labour Together were founded by Morgan McSweeney, a Svengali credited with piloting Starmer’s rise to Downing Street, much as Karl Rove is credited with guiding George W. Bush to the White House.
The CCDH documents carry particular importance because McSweeney’s Labour Together political operatives have been teaching election strategy to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, leading Politico to call Labour and the Democrats “sister parties.” CCDH’s focus on “Kill Musk’s Twitter” also adds to legal questions about the nonprofit’s tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Both The DisInformation Chronicle and Racket have sent multiple, extensive questions to CCDH’s current CEO Imran Ahmed, another British political operative tied to McSweeney’s Labour Together. Despite repeated requests for comment, Ahmed has refused to respond.
(…) Now, CCDH’s growing Washington office is working on similar plans to “kill” the online presence of Democratic rivals like Musk by attacking X’s advertising revenue, a tactic first perfected in London against The Canary. CCDH is also laying the foundation for broader regulatory changes in the direction of platform censorship.
“60 meetings on the Hill,” reads one CCDH task assignment from early 2024. “Meeting with 16 congressional offices over the next two weeks to give updates on the Elon lawsuit,” reads another, referring to Musk’s since-dismissed lawsuit against CCDH accusing it of manipulating data to make a case for proliferation of hate speech on X.
CCDH also held meetings with federal legislators while pushing for “change in USA” toward a censorious proposal it calls the “STAR framework,” which would create an “independent digital regulator” that could “impose consequences for harmful content.” STAR’s core concepts are similar to Europe’s just-instituted Digital Services Act and Britain’s even more stringent Online Safety Act, which puts the national media regulator Ofcom in charge of determining fines for uncooperative platforms.
Notice the full picture of Kamala Harris’ surprise address: The VP seal, the 2 presidential mics, & the VP flag. This wasn’t a campaign event. This was the US VICE PRESIDENT informing you that “Hitler” is on the way in the form of Trump. I have NEVER seen propaganda like this.
“All of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is. This is a window into who Donald Trump really is, from the people who know him best, from the people who worked with him side by side in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room.
It is clear from John Kelly’s words that Donald Trump is someone who, I quote, “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist,” who, in fact, vowed to be a dictator on day one and vowed to use the military as his personal militia to carry out his personal and political vendettas.
Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable. And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to serve as guardrails against his propensities and his actions. Those who once tried to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses would no longer be there to rein him in.
So the bottom line is this: We know what Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be, what do the American people want?” (h/t Gateway Pundit)
John Kelly’s Real Agenda: Profiting from the War in Ukraine and the Immigration Machine
Financial Incentives Tied to a Kamala Harris Presidency
John Kelly’s recent claims against Trump aren’t about principle—they’re about profit. His connections to Acuity International (formerly Caliburn) reveal financial motivations aligned with a Harris presidency, specifically in two areas: the war in Ukraine and a well-oiled immigration machine systematically bringing and settling migrants into the U.S.
•Business of War in Ukraine: Acuity profits from a protracted and lucrative U.S. involvement in Ukraine, managing logistics, security, and rebuilding efforts. A Harris-led administration likely means deeper and longer commitments, ensuring consistent revenue from defense contracts tied to conflict zones.
•The Immigration Machine: Harris’s policies go beyond welcoming migrants—they resemble a coordinated operation to import and settle migrants on a mass scale. Acuity, embedded in the immigration business, benefits at every stage: running detention facilities, providing healthcare, and managing resettlement. Each new wave fuels a profitable cycle of federal contracts, making immigration a booming industry. For Kelly, the more expansive and relentless the policy, the greater the profits.
Kelly’s portrayal of Trump as an authoritarian who “wanted generals like Hitler’s” and his revival of the “suckers and losers” narrative seems to be less about patriotism and more about securing his financial interests if Harris ascends to power.
🚨John Kelly’s Real Agenda: Profiting from the War in Ukraine and the Immigration Machine
Financial Incentives Tied to a Kamala Harris Presidency
John Kelly’s recent claims against Trump aren’t about principle—they’re about profit. His connections to Acuity International…
The Atlantic is owned by a company called Emerson Collective. The president and founder of Emerson is Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs. After the publication of a piece titled “The Great (Fake) Child-Sex-Trafficking Epidemic” dated December 9, 2021, a photo emerged showing Ghislaine Maxwell and Laurene Powell Jobs in bathing suits laughing together on a couch. Perhaps The Atlantic’s motivation to lie and hurt Trump’s chance of becoming president, is his promise to release the Epstein list.
Former Chief of Staff John Kelly has once again surfaced with baseless claims aimed at smearing President Donald Trump, just as left-wing operatives, including Kamala Harris, scramble to weaponize Kelly’s latest accusations.
With only days before the election, Kelly’s allegations are clearly designed to harm Trump’s campaign, but it’s nothing more than a last-ditch effort from a disgruntled employee who has long held a vendetta against the former President.
Kelly, who was fired by Trump, is now spreading an outlandish and debunked narrative about Trump allegedly praising Adolf Hitler during his time in office. These accusations are eerily reminiscent of the infamous “suckers and losers” smear propagated by The Atlantic in 2020 — another baseless story designed to defame Trump without a shred of credible evidence.
Even back then, over a dozen individuals, including close staffers. Yet, here we are again, with Kelly rehashing discredited talking points.
Kamala Harris wasted no time jumping on this fabricated narrative, calling an emergency press conference to parrot Kelly’s claims. She launched into a tirade, accusing Trump of wanting “generals like Adolf Hitler had” and implying that Trump seeks dictatorial power.
Vice President Harris is a fraud. I was in the White House at a senior level much longer than General Kelly. He is complicit in this fraud and has lied to the American people. His lies, as well as John Bolton’s, are a disservice to Nation at this critical time. So are the VP’s.
I worked for John Kelly and don’t believe him. His last ditch effort to stop Donald Trump is desperate. This is a personal vendetta from a staffer who failed at his job and believed as a chief of staff that he should have been the ultimate decisionmaker. President Trump loves…
Alejandro Mayorkas (Credit: John Moore/Getty Images)
Republican Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill is suing Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and various security agencies after an illegal immigrant entered the state with a rare, drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.
Governor Jeff Landry joined Murrill on Wednesday to allege U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials shuttled the infected Chinese national around in detention, putting them in contact with at least 200 other detainees and staff.
The lawsuit specifically names Mayorkas and claims “through his official capacity” as security secretary he allegedly allowed the peripatetic detainee to be shared around ICE facilities.
The New York Postreports the lawsuit seeks to prevent federal immigration officials from releasing “potentially infected detainees” that came in contact with the Chinese national – who has a “rare, aggressive, and drug-resistant form of tuberculosis which carries high mortality rates” – while she was in the custody of immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“ICE has announced its intent to release potentially infected detainees from its two contract facilities [in Louisiana] — without being medically cleared by the Louisiana Department of Health — if an order requires release,” the complaint states.
“By ICE’s telling, its hands are tied once its immigration-based detention authority runs out,” the lawsuit continues, warning that migrants who may have contracted the disease will be released “onto Louisiana streets, its bus stations, and its airports.”
“This is utterly wrong,” Murrill argues, per the Post report. “The Surgeon General’s standing orders require detainees at the two facilities in question to be held unless and until they are medically cleared by the Louisiana Department of Health.” (Read more: Breitbart, 10/24/2024)(Archive)
Former CIA Director John Brennan said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports” that it is “absurd and appalling that so many Americans” support former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president.
Brennan said, “We have seen this continuous pattern over the course of many years of Donald Trump endorsing individuals such as a Hitler, disparaging the U.S. military, advocating for fascism, which is what John Kelly said, that he is fascist. Just like Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that Donald Trump is fascist to the core. It just demonstrates that Donald Trump is not interested in pro promoting our democratic system and values as Americans. Therefore, again, I find it absurd and appalling that so many Americans are willing to just dismiss these comments. The undecided voters that are still out there, I think they really need to take this into account when you have an individual such as John Kelly and Mark Milley saying this about Donald Trump. Is this the country that you want your children or grandchildren to grow up in? I certainly hope not.”
He added, “His private comments and decisions were very much consistent with a lot of the rhetoric we’re hearing from him, which, again, is so inconsistent with what our country has stood for over the course of time. Whether it be on the national security front, the foreign affairs front or the domestic policy front, I think there’s strong worry on the part of individuals who actually worked with him, with Donald Trump in the White House or in his cabinet or administration who know that he is determined to carry out an agenda here that is really going to undermine the principles of this great country of ours.” (Breitbart, 10/23/2024)(Archive)
VIDEO – John Brennan: ‘Absurd’ and ‘Appalling that So Many Americans’ Support Trump
Crooked Hillary, increasingly bitter about the fact that she will never be president, says that everybody who attends President Trump's rally at MSG on Sunday is a Nazi.
The British CEO who plotted to k*ll @ElonMusk’s 𝕏 has now been caught orchestrating a “BLACK OPS” campaign to silence Robert Kennedy Jr.
What this means is there was a covert order by the UK’s CCDH to shut RFK Jr. down by any means necessary because they were “nervous” about his “impact” on “the election.”
Why is the UK’s Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) orchestrating a “black ops” operation on a US political figure?
While the mainstream media shouts, “Russia! Russia! Russia!” it seems the real foreign election interference is coming from the UK’s censorship czars.
The British CEO who plotted to k*ll @ElonMusk‘s 𝕏 has now been caught orchestrating a “BLACK OPS” campaign to silence Robert Kennedy Jr.
What this means is there was a covert order by the UK’s CCDH to shut RFK Jr. down by any means necessary because they were “nervous” about…
A bombshell report by seasoned journalists Paul D. Thacker and Matt Taibbi revealed that one of CCDH’s “annual priorities” was to “kill Musk’s Twitter” and to drain its revenue stream by shaming and harassing advertisers away from the social media platform.
“Black ops” (short for “black operations”) typically refer to covert operations that are carried out in secret, often by military, intelligence, or government agencies.
While black ops can involve a wide range of activities, including intelligence gathering and cyber espionage,…
The revelations about CCDH’s “black ops” against RFK Jr. raise some serious legal concerns. If this UK-based organization is actively trying to influence U.S. elections, it could be violating key U.S. laws—especially the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
Thanks for reading! If you found this revelation as alarming as I did, please do me a quick favor and share this thread before you go.
Read this Black Ops 101 thread to better understand how the CIA uses the authority of the British Crown to cover up covert operations on domestic U.S. soil… 👇🏼👑⛈️
Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, has resigned as the Editor at Large from the Washington Post.
WASHINGTON – […] The Post’s newsroom and editorial team erupted in outrage. Robert Kagan, a neoconservative columnist and editor at large at the Post, resigned in response, he confirmed in a statement to POLITICO. A spokesperson for the Post declined to comment on Kagan’s resignation. (more)
Allow me to take you back two-years, to November of 2023 for a reminder.
CTH ARCHIVES – Everyone in/around U.S. politics knows the Washington Post, owned by Big Tech Amazon, is effectively the PR firm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No one inside the DC beltway does not understand this basic truth.
Therefore, when the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed in the CIA newsletter, effectively calling for President Trump to receive the Julius Caesar treatment, the non-subtle message is for the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance and kill President Trump.
As alarming as this acceptance might sound, there are no intellectually honest people who would deny it.
WaPo/CIA – Let’s stop the wishful thinking and face the stark reality: There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. In 13 weeks, Donald Trump will have locked up the Republican nomination. In the RealClearPolitics poll average (for the period from Nov. 9 to 20), Trump leads his nearest competitor by 47 points and leads the rest of the field combined by 27 points. The idea that he is unelectable in the general election is nonsense — he is tied or ahead of President Biden in all the latest polls — stripping other Republican challengers of their own stated reasons for existence.
(…) Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?
Will those who balked at resisting Trump when the risk was merely political oblivion suddenly discover their courage when the cost might be the ruin of oneself and one’s family? (more)
Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, the Editor at Large for the Washington Post and the man who called for the assassination of President Trump, has now resigned because the CIA newsletter would not endorse Kamala Harris!
One of the common misconceptions about the material from the abandoned device—trumpeted by people on the left & the right—is that they classify the Biden Laptop as a so-called “October Surprise,” implying (wrongly) that its impact & relevance is limited to a single month. This misdiagnosis is borne out of ignorance (in most cases) or malice (in some cases, especially on the left) about the nature of the abandoned data found on the device.
This misconception can be refuted by simply searching through our nonprofit’s first project:, a database which has been utilized by more than 10 million people across America & the globe. In the press release announcing the database, which was covered by no less than than 25 outlets across the globe, we described the 128k emails on the Biden Laptop as “a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of ‘the Delaware Way.’ Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a number of ancient languages were mere gibberish and hash marks. Similarly, the emails on the Biden Laptop illuminated previously convoluted webs of the people [] leading the charge for global governance; truly, the emails can be considered a translation tool for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering.” In other words, the sheer breadth & depth of people, places, & things directly/indirectly alluded to in the email database spans much more than a single month or even year.
That’s why the scandal just “won’t go away.” It will not go away for multiple reasons—number one, because Marco Polo exists, but (more importantly) because the emails reveal the true (and oftentimes sinister or criminal) actions & motivations of dozens of powerful people beyond the Biden Family. This cabal, made up of Republicans and Democrats, continues to run the American government. As just one example: the current Secretary of State (who spearheaded the “51 former spooks” letter & committed perjury to the U.S. Senate) & his staffer wife are implicated by the email database, and you can surmise that they will both be in the American executive branch should Kamala get pushed over the finish line.
Consider another example of the breadth & depth of the emails: Kamala was considered for a board member slot on the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children (yes, an entity bearing that name unironically exists & was written about extensively in our dossier, along with the fact that Beau Biden’s widow accused Hunter Biden—who she was sleeping with—of being “sexually inappropriate” with her then-underaged daughter. Beau Biden’s widow & Hunter were on the board of the Foundation around the time of the widow’s multiple allegations).
OSINT tools confirm the authenticity of the cell phone # linked to Kamala.
Longtime Biden gofer Josh Alcorn detailed the offer from Kamala’s campaign.
The vignettes above are just 2 examples of the putrid nature of the swamp. The Biden Laptop story will never end because the swamp never stops trying to lie, cheat, & steal. And Marco Polo will be there to chronicle it all.
–Garrett Ziegler
Marco Polo (EIN: 92-2605979) has established a legal defense fund to fight back against the egregious lawfare from Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden, & Joe Biden’s other proxies, which you can support here: or
Incredible as it seems, at least to me, it is the four-year anniversary of this outline [GO DEEP].
During the rushed debate over the Patriot Act, was when I first heard political officials talking about the importance of “continuity of government.”
I immediately recognized what all these DC voices were describing was a construct of a post-911 government that would exist and maintain itself without the elected representatives of WeThe People.
The intelligence gathering and homeland security system put into place after the Patriot Act was passed, is a bureaucratic administrative state without the presence of elected officials controlling the apparatus. That leads to the following question:
How can a constitutional republic function without elected officials in control of it?
That question is at the heart of our current situation.
That question is at the epicenter of this “new American democracy” that no one seems to understand.
The simple answer is it cannot.
We have been fighting this three-headed IC monster (DHS, DNI, DOJ-NSD) ever since.
This reality the underlying predicate behind why Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the Special Counsel charges against Trump. This reality is also the underlying framework behind why the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed the plenary power of the President with control over the executive.
In the post-9/11 system that was created by the Patriot Act, our Constitutional Republic was inextricably fractured, placing systems and silos in charge of government under the auspices of “continuity of government.”
From that moment forth, elected representatives no longer held authority or oversight *over* the national security apparatus. Instead, the Patriot Act flipped the actual system of democratically elected representative government.
The RESULT: Our elected officials became subservient to the institutional interests of unelected agency officials. As Senator Schumer calls them “the six ways from Sunday” coalition.
This reality empirically surfaces with people like former AG Bill Barr saying the President does not have unilateral authority over the DOJ. Also, the Lawfare approach and narrative that a President is not the arbiter of governing power. Both statements are constitutionally false, as affirmed by SCOTUS – Thank God.
Understand this. This is the root of the cancer that was always present, silent and lurking in the background institutions prior to 9/11. After the Patriot Act passed, that cancer fully metastasized and entered the bloodstream of American governance.
What was previously a slimy bag of institutional snakes, kept in place by a tenuously worn nylon bag – sewn from the remaining fabric of our constitution, was released by the Patriot Act.
Everything thereafter, including the constant bites we suffer from the unleashed weaponization, is a consequence of that moment.
That’s the root of our modern political reality.
This is the “new American democracy,” where the unelected officials and administrators within institutions hold power.
Under this Patriot Act framework, representative government [executive branch, legislative branch and even the judicial branch] are subservient to those who use the shield of national security. This outcome is the direct consequence of creating a system for the “continuity of government.”
Then, suddenly, everything about the domestic enemy we confront gets really clear.
Thankfully, the Supreme Court has now given indications that they understand what has taken place.
Every element vested in the “continuity of government” as a manipulation of the constitution are now aligned to eliminate the threat President Donald Trump represents.
We have one chance.
Vote like your freedom depends on it, because it does.
Read the SCOTUS opinion, not from a point of view of President Trump, but from the point of view of what does this allow him to do in his second term, and what invisible straightjackets did it remove that were a threat during his first term?
While impeachment is a political process within the Legislative Branch, and the Supreme Court is extremely hesitant to overstep their role therein, the High Court did put this sentiment clearly into the opinion about immunity: …“The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution.”…
Congress may not criminalize the conduct of the President simply for carrying out his core executive branch duties.
Removal of Executive Branch officials is a core duty, an official act, carrying absolute immunity.
That affirmed reality is exactly why the Deep State and Lawfare crowd are very alarmed.
Donald Trump teased that he and Matt Gaetz share a “little secret” that’s set to give Republicans an edge, saying, “Our secret is making waves… We’ll reveal it once the race is won.”
(Timeline editor’s note: I’m having trouble embedding a few tweets, this is one of them. Please click link below picture to see video.)
I wonder if Trump’s secret has anything to do with this!👇🏻
Everyone is buzzing about how Trump said tonight he has a secret that will allow the Republicans to take the Senate and do well in the House.
In an interview that streamed almost a year ago today to the date — Oct. 26, 2023 — General Flynn said that some members of the House and Senate are compromised by globalists who blackmailed them because they had sex with children.
I wonder if Trump’s secret has anything to do with this!👇🏻
Everyone is buzzing about how Trump said tonight he has a secret that will allow the Republicans to take the Senate and do well in the House.
October 28, 2024: Alex Jones just posted an interview with Del Bigtree discussing the US government databases of vaccinated citizens and the diseases, disabilities, and deaths that incurred after vaccination.
Del Bigtree asserts that the VSD (vaccine safety datalink) has 10 million registered citizens and that the US government has refused to run a study analyzing the incidence of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Why? Because the outcome the US government wants to show is that the COVID-19 vaccines saved lives, but they didn’t save lives…the shots increased disease, disabilities and death. As Del BigTree notes the US government doesn’t know how to do that study to show otherwise.’
Medical Billing Codes Will Be the Downfall of Pfizer
As Del BigTree and Alex Jones noted, the US government can absolutely run the comparisons of disease, disabilities and deaths between the COVID-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated from government databases, and they already have. Here’s just 3 examples of the databases.
Medicare Database: Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed Seniors
71% of COVID-19 of Fully-Vaccinated Seniors Had ‘Breakthrough’ Cases (vs. approximately 47% of unvaccinated)
60% of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Occurred in fully-vaccinated seniors as of August 7, 2021 (vs. approximately 34% unvaccinated)
CDC V-SAFE Database
Per the CDC’s V-SAFE database of 10 million US residents who were early recipients of COVID-19 injections as of July 31, 2022more than 4 million Americans reported a Grade 3 adverse event (as defined as ‘unable to perform their daily functions’) and approximately 200,000 (2%) required admittance to the emergency room or hospital after receiving a COVID-19 injection.
BEST: The Motherlode of US Healthcare Records Databases
The US government’s BEST database is a near-real time surveillance of all US residents aged 16 or older who have some form of medical insurance (approximately 300 million persons).
Per US law and federal regulations, the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research is required to track any and all diagnoses of symptoms, disease, office visits, ER visits hospitalizations, and deaths that may be correlated to a new vaccine or other biological product.
Glaring Early Signs from BEST Databases to Recall the mRNA Injections
Per an October 2022 study published in Vaccine, doctors analyzed nearly 12 million COVID-19 vaccinated individuals from select BEST databases (Optum, CVS, and Healthcare) over a 12-month period (December 2020 – January 2021). The researchers looked at 17 outcomes of interested and concluded that significantly increased rates of both myocarditis and anaphylaxis were caused by the COVID-19 mRNA injections in individuals 16-65 years of age.
Tim Walz and Jenna Wang 1989-1990 (Credit: Jenna Wang)
Tim Walz had a secret fling with the daughter of a high-ranking Communist official during his 1989 teaching stint in China, can exclusively reveal.
Jenna Wang, 59, claims the VP hopeful showered her with gifts and seduced her at his poky staff accommodation at No. 1 High School in Foshan, Guangdong Province.
The lovers could not risk holding hands or showing affection in public because Wang’s dad was a high-ranking figure in the Chinese Communist Party who would disown her for fraternizing with a westerner.
But their romance blossomed behind closed doors as they sipped tea, made love and listened to George Michael hits – leading the then 24-year-old Wang to dream about marriage and a new life in the United States.
No proposal was forthcoming from the future Minnesota governor, however, and the shame of being treated ‘like a prostitute’ eventually left Wang feeling angry and suicidal, she claims.
‘Tim was very passionate and very romantic. I can still remember dancing with him to our favorite song, Careless Whisper,’ she told in an exclusive interview.
‘The fact we couldn’t touch or kiss in public just made it all the more exciting and intense when we were finally alone.
‘We were deeply in love and I wanted to marry him and start a family. When it didn’t happen, I felt very unhappy and sad. Tim’s behavior was very selfish.’
It later transpired that he didn’t join the staff of nonprofit WorldTeach in China until August 1989, prompting Walz, 60, to profess during the recent VP debate that he was a ‘knucklehead’ when recalling dates.
It was several months after he arrived in Foshan that Walz is said to have fallen head over heels for Wang, a pretty, highly educated English language teacher at the nearby No. 8 Middle School.
She was attending one of his lectures to brush up on her pronunciation when the then-25-year-old Walz slipped her headphones aside and whispered into her ear: ‘You are very beautiful.’
‘Tim was very handsome. I loved his eyes and his big mouth. We talked afterwards and he was very complimentary about my English,’ Wang told (Read more: Daily Mail, 10/28/2024)(Archive)
While I am running a campaign of positive solutions to save America, Kamala Harris is running a campaign of hate. She has spent all week comparing her political opponents to the most evil mass murderers in history. Now, on top of everything, Joe Biden calls our supporters…
My name is George, or rather Garbage, as you like to call me, for supporting Trump. I will be gathering all my fellow garbage friends and family to join me at the polls to vote for Trump.
WATCH: CBS’s Tony Dokoupil absolutely nukes Tim Walz over Biden’s “garbage” comment, Walz calling the Trump’s MSG rally akin to a Nazi gathering, and the left’s history of demeaning voters….
Dokoupil: “I want to get your reaction to the President’s comments, but I want to put it into a larger context of your recent comment comparing the Sunday Trump rally to a Nazi rally and I would also throw in there Obama’s bitter clingers, guns and religion comment from a while back, the deplorable line from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the way that Democrats are seen by some voters as disrespecting them and I have to ask, does that undercut this closing message of unity from your campaign?”
Walz: “No, certainly not. And Tony, for me, I’ve represented rural areas, I’ve represented Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the same thing with the Vice President. Look, you saw a presidential speech last night at the Ellipse that is the best of America, one that is talking about unifying us, one that’s talking about bringing folks to the table, one that the American tradition of disagreeing and debating, but still doing it in a respectful manner and I think the frustration we’ve seen since January 6, the frustration with Donald Trump’s rhetoric of division, it does fire passions and I think President Biden was very clear that he’s speaking about the rhetoric we heard at that, so it doesn’t undermine it, people are hungry to come back together. They’re hungry to find a unifying message. They’re hungry for us to find solutions, whether it’s prices or whether it’s reproductive care. They want to see solutions.”
WATCH: CBS’s Tony Dokoupil absolutely nukes Tim Walz over Biden’s “garbage” comment, Walz calling the Trump’s MSG rally akin to a Nazi gathering, and the left’s history of demeaning voters….
Dokoupil: “I want to get your reaction to the President’s comments, but I want to put…
BREAKING: IRS Whistleblowers Involved in Hunter Biden Tax Case Reveal IRS, DOJ, and FBI Knew Laptop “Was Real” Immediately; Claim Prosecutors Demanded They Not Ask Questions About Joe Biden Ahead of 2020 Election
“There were a lot of overt investigative steps that we were not allowed to take because we had an upcoming election.”
“The prosecutors…told us that they didn’t want to ask about ‘The Big Guy.’”
“We corroborated that ‘The Big Guy’ was Joe Biden. Yes.”
“There was no question ever that ‘The Big Guy’ was referring to Joe Biden.”
“It was for the purpose of affecting that [2020] election.”
Investigations are funded by @X subscribers, please consider subscribing @C__Herridge today!
BREAKING: IRS Whistleblowers Involved in Hunter Biden Tax Case Reveal IRS, DOJ, and FBI Knew Laptop “Was Real” Immediately; Claim Prosecutors Demanded They Not Ask Questions About Joe Biden Ahead of 2020 Election
EXCLUSIVE: Internal IRS email shows supervisor celebrating Hunter Biden conviction after whistleblowers allege IRS retaliated against them for exposing double standards and preferential treatment throughout investigation.
“Those are words that are not supported by the actions of the agency.”
“This to me was someone who knows that [an] IRS watchdog right now is looking into the way that they’ve handled this and they see the writing on the wall, and this really is an example of just covering their backside like a true bureaucracy.”
EXCLUSIVE: Internal IRS email shows supervisor celebrating Hunter Biden conviction after whistleblowers allege IRS retaliated against them for exposing double standards and preferential treatment throughout investigation.
“Mr. Chairman, while I can’t comment on a specific case, I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline,” IRS commissioner said. @InternRevServ
BREAKING: New retaliation against SSA Shapley after Catherine Herridge’s story
Less than an hour after @C__Herridge posted this story yesterday about the retaliation against the IRS whistleblowers, the IRS sent SSA Shapley this notice telling him he had 15 days to choose whether to be demoted or to resign. (Apparently they were sitting on it for two weeks before the story.)
@US_OSC should issue an immediate stay while they conduct their investigation into the 4 promotions SSA Shapley has been passed over for since he blew the whistle, and provide a briefing to Congress on what they have done to date. It’s been 17 months since we filed with OSC about the first promotion the IRS passed over SSA Shapley for, and OSC has yet to issue any findings.
As Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against the IRS progresses, the IRS will no doubt also use that against SSA Shapley and SA Ziegler. They meticulously followed the law when they came forward. Please help @EMPOWR_us fight the false allegations from Hunter Biden and Abbe Lowell by donating at
Irrefutable proof that Democrats have been committing and intend to commit elections fraud (and treason) – and how we can defeat this fraud:
(1) 14 states do NOT require any ID to vote to verify citizenship or identity.
Not requiring ID to vote is 100% proof that these states…
JUST IN: Early voter line in Quakertown, Pennsylvania cut at pm, police officer tells voter the process is “slow and grueling” so they are refusing to let people vote.
Voter: We have the right to vote until . Why is it closed?
WATCH: An election integrity expert in Pennsylvania just revealed to Elon Musk that the state’s officials have admitted in court that the voting machines are NOT secure
“Jonathan Marks admitted this in court last week.”
How do 852 votes get removed for President Trump and 694 get added to candidate Biden for the Fulton County hand-count/RLA just for one Early Voting location?
No reconciliation, that’s how. This is part of over 23,000 votes at odds with the hand count of Early Voting in one…
Dominion has been caught flipping votes. Because the corrupt governor and courts refuse to secure the election, your vote will be flipped for Kamala and will help steal the election. If enough people boycott then they can’t claim it was legitimate!
Democrat judge orders towns in Wisconsin to reinstall their Dominion voting machines. At this point, you’re better off throwing your ballot in the trash.
WATCH: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson issued a threat to any local election officials who choose to withhold certification of election results in the event of fraud
MI: BALLOTS MISSING after USPS box damaged in same county Dem-funded GBI Strategies Was Investigated in 2020 Statewide Fraudulent Voter Registration Scheme
Colorado Secretary of State is committing voter fraud and election interference, and even fake news pusher Kyle Clark of @9news called her out.
This woman sent out 30k registration invitations to illegals, got caught publishing election passwords online, tried to remove Trump from the ballot in Colorado, and is refusing to resign or be held accountable
Georgia, Pennsylvania, and now Tennessee have become the latest states to report instances of election fraud, including Dominion voting systems allegedly flipping votes.
Ronald Rowe, Jr, (l) Acting Director of the U.S. Secret Service and Paul Abbate, Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, arrive to testify on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump during a joint hearing with the Senate Homeland Security Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 30, 2024. (Credit: Josh Morgan/USA Today)
Secret Service leaders meddled in an independent government investigation of the July 13 assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump and are still not following many basic agency security protocols for presidential candidates, presidents, and vice presidents in the final days before the election, according to emails reviewed by RealClearPolitics and several sources in the Secret Service community.
As Secret Service failures came to light in the weeks after the July assassination attempt, USSS managers sent emails to employees asking them to alert them to any “direct requests for information or interview” from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General, or DHS OIG. The internal government watchdog is conducting its probe of the failures that led to the near assassination of Trump, the killing of fireman Corey Comperatore, and the wounding of two other rally-goers at the western Pennsylvania campaign event.
The emails, which RealClearPolitics reviewed, contained the subject line “DHS OIG Inquiries” and directed employees to tell their supervisors if an OIG official reaches out to them so Secret Service managers could coordinate “an organized response.” Supervisors sent the email five days after the same inspector general issued a negative report on the Secret Service’s actions before and on Jan. 6, criticizing the agency for failing to detect a pipe bomb near Vice President Kamala Harris and not flagging signs of potential violence to other agencies.
Normally, responding to DHS OIG investigators without talking to superiors would not warrant coordination with supervisors, the email stated. But after the first assassination attempt against Trump, USSS leadership needed to provide the proper context and a coordinated response.
“Generally, not an issue; however, this is NOT the normal course of action, and the Service needs awareness and to ensure an organized response with information in the correct context,” Secret Service supervisors wrote in the emails, noting that “only we know what we do.”
The email is now under Senate scrutiny. Sen. Chuck Grassley, a longtime champion of government whistleblowers, on Wednesday sent a letter to Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe expressing concern that the email and any other communications like it could have “a chilling effect” on employee disclosures to the inspector general’s office, as well as on congressional investigations.
“If this email is an accurate representation of the actions taken by Secret Service management, it could have a chilling effect on its employees from fully cooperating and providing information to the DHS OIG as well as congressional investigations out of fear of retaliation since supervisors will apparently be keeping tabs on their communications,” Grassley wrote in the letter, a copy of which his office provided to RCP.
Instead of trying to control the flow and context of information, Secret Service leaders should be “encouraging” employees to “come forward to provide truthful information to the DHS OIG and Congress so that lessons can be learned to prevent future assassination attempts,” Grassley added.
Tristan Leavitt, an attorney and president of Empower Oversight, which represents Secret Service, IRS, and other government whistleblowers, said the email demanding that potential whistleblowers coordinate communications with their bosses stifles the free flow of information, which could help improve the agency’s performance and which federal law protects. (Read more: RealClearPolitics, 10/31/2024) (Archive)
James B. Comey and Loretta E. Lynch during a news conference in 2016. They have each received a subpoena requiring them to appear in closed-door sessions with House lawmakers. (Credit: Mandel Ngan/Agence France Presse/Getty Images)
Alleged off-the-books investigation predated FBI’s Russia collusion probe
The House Judiciary Committee is examining a whistleblower report that the FBI targeted Donald Trump soon after he announced his presidential campaign in June 2015, an off-the-books operation ordered by FBI Director James B. Comey that predated the Crossfire Hurricane operation.
An FBI agent involved in the probe revealed the off-the-books criminal investigation on Tuesday in a protected disclosure sent to the committee.
The whistleblower disclosure said two female FBI undercover agents infiltrated Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign at high levels and were directed to act as “honeypots” while traveling with Mr. Trump and his campaign staff on the trail.
According to the disclosure, which The Washington Times reviewed, the investigation differed from the later Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence operation targeting Russian collusion. It said the early off-the-books probe was a criminal investigation targeting Mr. Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign staff.
The agent “personally knew” that Mr. Comey ordered an FBI investigation against Mr. Trump and that Mr. Comey “personally directed it,” according to the disclosure.
The off-the-books investigation did not appear to target a specific crime but was more of what agents would describe as a fishing expedition to find something incriminating about Mr. Trump.
(…) A House Judiciary Committee spokesman said the committee received the whistleblower allegations and “plans to look into them.”
The whistleblower said the undercover operation was hidden from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, who investigated misconduct in the bureau’s probe of the Trump campaign.
The whistleblower disclosure also said the secret investigation may indicate institutional bias against Mr. Trump, though “it does not appear that any information about this investigation was turned over to Trump’s criminal defense counsels.”
Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker said the report, if true, is a “booming, egregious violation” of the rules governing the attorney general and the FBI.
“It’s an unpredicated infiltration of a presidential campaign which is sensitive,” he told The Times. “It’s sensitive to the point where it would have to have been approved by the [attorney general] and … would have to be predicated. And in this case, I’m not hearing any predication. It would have to be on the books anyway, regardless.”
David Bowdich (Credit: Wikipedia)
June 2023 – Paul Abbate admits to Senate Judiciary Cmte. it ‘unintentionally’ spied on 278,000 Americans. (Credit: Screenshot via Twitter/@HawleyMO)
(…) The disclosure said Deputy Director Dave Bowdich and Paul Abbate, assistant director in charge of the Washington field office, were also involved in helping Mr. Comey execute the secret probe.
The undercover “honeypot” agents targeted Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, according to the whistleblower.
(…) The FBI whistleblower said the off-the-books investigation was closed because a newspaper obtained a photograph of one of the undercover agents and was about to publish it.
The FBI press office, according to the agent’s disclosure, misled the newspaper by claiming the photograph was of an FBI informant, not an undercover agent. The FBI said the informant would be killed if the photograph was published.
Additionally, the FBI employee alleged that one of the undercover agents agreed to be transferred to the CIA so she would not be available as a potential witness, and another bureau employee involved in the operation was rewarded for her activities with a promotion and now is a high-level FBI executive. (Read more: Washington Times, 10/29/2024)(Archive)
Tom Homan, speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Feb. 22, 2024. (Credit: Kent Nishimura/Bloomberg)
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has arrested members of 262 gangs in the last two and a half years alone, former acting ICE Director Tom Homan said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Host Mike Slater pointed to recent headlines about the number of Chinese gangs operating in states such as Oklahoma and Montana, pointing to the fentanyl and marijuana industries.
Homan said the presence of these gangs — from MS-13 to Chinese gangs — is undeniable. He provided more context to the severity of this issue, bringing up data in Texas pulled by the governor.
“In the last two and a half years Texas DPS and the National Guard working on the border arrested people from 262 different gangs,” he revealed.
“Two hundred and sixty two gangs — I didn’t realize there that many gangs in the world, but gang members are coming across,” he said, noting that these are only people they arrested.
“Think about the 3.2 million got-aways. Now they’re most likely bad guys because they paid more to get away,” he said, asserting these people are most assuredly gang members, people bringing in fentanyl, and individuals from countries that sponsor terror.
Homan said this is the “biggest national security issue in my lifetime.”
“And I stress that … put all this other stuff aside. This is the biggest national security vulnerability this country has seen since 9/11. It is not ok. I don’t care what it costs. We need to secure that border,” he added. (Read more: Breitbart, 11/1/2024)(Archive)
CBS News executive Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews asked Herridge to verify the laptop story. Herridge said she presented the evidence to the exec and never heard anything back. (Credit: Getty Images)
CBS News went to great lengths to squash correspondent Catherine Herridge’s reporting about the Hunter Biden laptop just weeks before the 2020 election, the award-winning investigative journalist claimed.
In her bombshell allegation, Herridge revealed she brought evidence to CBS News executive Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews and “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell in early October 2020 that the laptop contained material about “a million dollar retainer from a Chinese energy firm,” along with business texts and emails from the son of Democratic challenger Joe Biden.
But later that month, Herridge wrote that she was shocked to see “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl say the laptop “couldn’t be verified” during a tense interview with then-President Donald Trump.
“As I watched the broadcast, I felt sick,” Herridge, who was controversially fired by the Tiffany Network in February, wrote Sunday night in her recently launched newsletter.
“I knew the laptop records could be vetted and confirmed.”
Before Stahl’s segment aired, she was contacted by Ciprian-Matthews asking her if she had “confirmed reporting” on the Hunter Biden story for O’Donnell’s broadcast.
Herridge assured the executive that her extensive reporting included “working the phones, reaching out to people on the Hunter Biden emails for corroboration and cross-referencing court records.”
“I told Ciprian-Matthews the vetted materials included a million dollar retainer from a Chinese energy firm, emails with Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski as well as Hunter Biden text messages,” she said.
“Asked by Ciprian-Matthews if there was a ‘Hunter connection,’ I responded, ‘Yes, all of them,’” she wrote.
Herridge said that she then provided some of the vetted records directly to Ciprian-Matthews.
But her reporting was never aired.
“I don’t know at this point what happened,” Herridge said.
The journalist noted that based on her experience at the network, she found it odd that CBS News did not task the investigative unit in October 2020 to develop more reporting on the laptop. (Read more: New York Post, 11/4/2024) (Archive)
On CNN, @ScottJenningsKY correctly describes how the whole NeverTrump industry — the Bill Kristols and Lincoln Projects and Bulwark and Dispatch – are the biggest cons we’ve seen for awhile, accomplishing nothing other than bilking liberals out of cash to buy new beach houses.
Pelosi says Biden should have dropped out earlier so Democrats could have an ‘open primary.’
Vladimir Putin declared the death of the New World Order just two days after the election results and a day after Elon Musk’s cryptic “Novus Ordo Seclorum” tweet.
Putin says the New World Order is a thing of the past, the “moment of truth” is approaching, and he backs Donald…
Oh my goodness! It just keeps getting better & better! 👇🏻🔥❤️ Hey Jack Smith whatcha think??🧐 I know some other Libs that will be just heartbroken 😭over this! 🤣😆It’s marvelous news for President Trump!❤️🙌🏻
The Deep State’s go-to guy is scrambling to get back into President Trump’s good graces. Bill Barr, one of the most disloyal AGs on record, is suddenly back—and wow, has he changed his tune?
Barr went from dismissing Trump as “toast” under the Biden regime’s sham charges to now urging them to drop everything, citing the unmistakable voice of the American people. Yes, we spoke—loud and clear—and Barr’s backpedaling shows just how rattled the Deep State is by the power of Americans coming together en masse.
Nothing scares these unelected bureaucrats more than seeing their psyops, schemes, and propaganda backfire, forcing them to realize, “Crap, we’ve lost power.” You can see it clearly in Barr’s new calls for the regime to drop all charges—a statement that reads like a white flag blowing in the wind.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who served in President-elect Trump’s first administration, is calling on prosecutors at the state and federal levels to dismiss the pending legal cases against Trump before he takes office once again.
Barr told Fox News Digital that voters were well aware of all the allegations against Trump when electing him to a second term in office on Tuesday, and that it is in the country’s best interest for prosecutors to listen to them.
“The American people have rendered their verdict on President Trump, and decisively chosen him to lead the country for the next four years,” Barr said. “They did that with full knowledge of the claims against him by prosecutors around the country and I think Attorney General Garland and the state prosecutors should respect the people’s decision and dismiss the cases against President Trump now.”
Barr asserted that the legal theories in some of the cases already had been “greatly weakened by a series of court decisions,” and that the matters “have now been extensively aired and rejected by the American people.”
It seems like Bill is trying to sound like a Trump ally. But not so fast. Let’s take a look back, not so long ago, when Barr was busy doing the Deep States dirty work, pretending that the sham charges against President Trump were actually valid and had merit and that President Trump was “toast” as a result.
Bill Barr went on Fox & said Trump deserves to be prosecuted for his role in “obstructing” the documents case
This is the same scumbag who said no prosecutions were warranted when Big Tech & “51 former intel officials” buried the Hunter Laptop
Old Barr said Trump was likely “toast” over the “solid,” “very damning” Jack Smith documents case indictment. That’s the clip on the left.
New Barr (trying to curry favor with Trump and return to his good graces) says that all of the federal cases against Trump are “weak” and were “climbed out on a limb.” That’s the clip on the right.
See how this works? This is how much of DC works. Supposed experts and turncoats give silly predictions for political reasons. And then later pretend they never predicted what they’d originally predicted. (Reminiscent of 1984’s “we’ve always been at war with East Asia” revisionism.)
Why does Fox keep putting Barr on? He speaks with forked tongue.
Let’s compare Old Barr and New Barr:
Old Barr said Trump was likely “toast” over the “solid,” “very damning” Jack Smith documents case indictment. That’s the clip on the left.
New Barr (trying to curry favor with Trump and return to his good graces) says that all of the federal…
Unjustly convicted meme warrior Douglass Mackey—targeted by the Biden regime and charged with “election interference” for nothing more than sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme—has taken a brave stand against the Deep State, who came after him with both barrels. Mackey is now exposing the operatives who lurk in the shadows, doing their dirty work under the cover of darkness.
As President Trump prepares to reclaim the White House after a historic landslide victory and seriously drain the swamp, Mackey, like every other patriotic American, knows this fight will take all hands on deck. In a bold and courageous move, Mackey took to X to launch a new series, naming the lesser-known Deep State players who often fly under the radar but manage to inflict some of the most devastating damage.
In his bold opening post, Doug Mackey wasted no time naming William Sweeney—James Comey’s loyal lackey—as the first Deep State operative President Trump must fire. Sweeney is the man who spearheaded the war against Trump supporters in New York City and took down many decent folks, simply because they dissented against the regime. (Revolver News, 11/15/2024)
Time to drop the second Deep State name that must be blacklisted from Trump 2.0:
SETH DUCHARME, a Trump appointee and the acting US Attorney who kicked off the weaponization of the Justice Department by rubber-stamping the Biden regime’s assault on free speech by launching the prosecution against me.
To add insult to injury, DuCharme also assaulted the principle of anonymous speech, which is as American as apple pie, stating in a congratulatory DOJ press release that “With Mackey’s arrest, we serve notice that those who would subvert the democratic process in this manner cannot rely on the cloak of Internet anonymity to evade responsibility for their crimes. They will be investigated, caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” (
DuCharme also wholeheartedly endorsed the Deep State’s assault on free speech disguised as concern for “misinformation/disinformation,” stating that, “There is no place in public discourse for lies and misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote.”
Notably, DuCharme is already rushing to regime media to trash President Trump’s choice of attorney general, @mattgaetz, to provide them with juicy quotes in an article in Bloomberg labeling Gaetz “putrid.”
Time to drop the second Deep State name that must be blacklisted from Trump 2.0:
SETH DUCHARME, a Trump appointee and the acting US Attorney who kicked off the weaponization of the Justice Department by rubber-stamping the Biden regime’s assault on free speech by launching the…
New: Seth Ducharme, a Trump political appointee, appears to have vetted and selected John Durham’s staff, according to recently unredacted info.
Former 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy spoke to political commentator and Daily Caller Co-Founder Tucker Carlson about the “mega reorganization” of federal bureaucracy in an interview released Friday.
President-elect Donald Trump swept all seven battleground states, won the popular vote and achieved a Republican majority in the Senate. Ramaswamy detailed how the incoming administration could eliminate and separate federal agencies from Washington, D.C. to make systemic change.
“I think many of those agencies should not exist. Many of them that do continue to exist absolutely should be moved to other parts of the country,” he told Carlson.
Ramaswamy said the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Agriculture should not be in D.C. He also named the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services among those in need of major reforms.
“I think you’re wrongfully insulated in Washington, D.C.,” Ramaswamy said before mentioning that the U.S. Department of Education should be eliminated entirely.
“I wouldn’t want to start this process of just saying, okay, let’s move them out of Washington, D.C., as some sort of polite, genteel way of avoiding and sidestepping the thing that we actually need to do, which is bring a jackhammer and a chainsaw to the whole thing,” he added.
“But even those that do continue to exist, you would actually have a lot more accountability to the people and probably even some kind of stimulus, if you will, in parts of the country that wouldn’t mind a little bit of that growth getting out of D.C. and come into their own backyard,” Ramaswamy said.
Vivek Ramaswamy on how good just triumphed over evil.
(0:00) Donald Trump’s Overwhelming Victory
(7:38) Why Did Vivek Go All-In for Trump?
(20:00) What Are the Effects of Trump’s Win?
(27:04) Trump’s Government Efficiency Plan
(45:33) The Oncoming Collapse of Corporate Media
(52:42) How Foreign Wars Are Used to Expand Government Bureaucracy
(56:12) The 2020 Election Is More Unexplainable Than Ever
(1:03:37) Vivek’s Friendship With Trump
(1:11:03) The Left’s Mission to Divide Us
(1:16:03) What Happened to Joe Biden?
(1:23:55) The Significance of Elon Musk and His Future With Trump
Vivek Ramaswamy on how good just triumphed over evil.
(0:00) Donald Trump’s Overwhelming Victory
(7:38) Why Did Vivek Go All-In for Trump?
(20:00) What Are the Effects of Trump’s Win?
(27:04) Trump’s Government Efficiency Plan
(45:33) The Oncoming Collapse of Corporate Media…
Wow. Jeremy Bash, 1 of the 51 intelligence officials who signed the letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, is now suggesting uniformed military and CIA should disobey direct orders from their Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump.
According to Woodward’s book, “Peril,” General Milley was so fearful that Trump might spark war that he made secret calls to his Chinese counterpart promising a heads-up should Trump decide to attack. (Credit: public domain)
After years of feminizing the US military through DEI initiatives, a new executive order under consideration by the Trump transition team would establish a “warrior board” of retired senior military personnel which would be granted the power to review three- and four-star officers and recommend any removals of those deemed unfit for leadership.
A draft review of the Executive Order seen by the Wall Street Journal could fast-track generals and admirals found to be “lacking in requisite leadership qualities,” given President-elect Donald Trump’s past vow to fire “woke generals” who have promoted diversity among the ranks at the expense of military readiness.
As commander in chief, Trump can fire any officer at will, but an outside board whose members he appoints would bypass the Pentagon’s regular promotion system, signaling across the military that he intends to purge a number of generals and admirals.
The draft order says it aims to establish a review that focuses “on leadership capability, strategic readiness, and commitment to military excellence.” The draft doesn’t specify what officers need to do or present to show if they meet those standards. The draft order originated with one of several outside policy groups collaborating with the transition team, and is one of numerous executive orders under review by Trump’s team, a transition official said. -WSJ
The board would be made up of retired generals and noncommissioned officers, who would send their recommendations to Trump. Those identified for removal would be retired at their current rank within 30 days. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 11/12/2024)(Archive)
BREAKING: Sources say Democrat D.C. lawyer Mark Zaid has advised his client Eric Ciaramella, the first impeachment “whistleblower,” to leave the country beginning Jan. 20, 2025, to avoid possible “retaliation” by incoming President Trump. Ciaramella has been working for Carnegie.
Biden’s Ukraine advisor, “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella wants the U.S. to provide Ukraine with a “LONG TERM security arrangement” that can bridge the time from now until “the one day they join” NATO or the EU.
The repercussions of last week’s presidential election is sending shockwaves through a number of legacy media outlets which are now being downsized, put up for sale or retreating from the public square after years of actively agitating against president-elect Donald Trump.
However, presidential politics alone aren’t the only reason for the sudden, pronounced decline in audience.
Corporate media outlets like CNNare laying off hundreds of staffers, including some of their top stars, following poor ratings on election night that saw the network trailing rivals MSNBC and Fox News.
But the blame is being laid at the feet of former viewers who no longer believe what the network is telling them.
As ratings crater, CNN is set to ‘axe top stars in layoffs that’ll see hundreds fired’ per Daily Mail.
Here, CNN’s Brian Stelter and Abby Phillip explain to viewers that tanking public trust in media isn’t the fault of the media —
Other corporate media platforms, like the Los Angeles Times whose owner just fired the entire editorial board and promised to create a new “fair & balanced” one, are distancing themselves from what has largely been a left-wing echo chamber.
MSNBC, whose hosts have been reliable daily sources of anti-Trump content for years, has seen its ratings tumble by 54% in prime time following Trump’s decisive election victory.
Now there’s talk that Comcast is considering putting MSNBC up for sale.
“Comcast is reportedly looking to sell MSNBC after viewership craters.”
Even more remarkable is the decision of large mainstream outlets like the Guardian to withdraw from X (formerly Twitter) because their narrative can be challenged in real time via the platform’s Community Notes feature.
There’s a certain irony when when a legacy media outlet chooses to withdraw from one of the least censored social media platforms because it cannot peddle misinformation without being publicly corrected.
Left wing propaganda outlet The Guardian got sick of being ratiod and fact checked by @elonmusk‘s X so they quit.
Joe and Mika went to Mar a Lago to talk with Trump over the weekend. First face-to-face meeting in seven years. “We didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues and we told him so,” @JoeNBC says. “What we did agree on – was to restart communications,” @morningmika says.
It’s mostly Democrats “that believe the lies politicians are telling them” because it’s the Democrat politicians telling the lies!
There are many reasons for this. But obviously if people put their faith in a network’s personalities who keep telling them Trump is Hitler, his evil is manifest to all, he’s going to jail, only to see he win easily, of course you’ll stop trusting them and feel hopeless.
“People will say to me, ‘Surely we’re not going to lock down again.’ But there is a new pandemic strategy that’s come out of COVID. It’s called the 100-day mission. And this is signed by the G7 and G20, and so supported by the scientific community in North America and Europe. And the idea is, next time we have a pandemic, we lock down for 100 days and we have a vaccine that’s ready for mass immunization at 100 days. That’s an incredible period of time to do safety studies. They’re going to have to reevaluate the way that RCTs and safety signals are understood to do that. And then, something that’s not stated explicitly is how do you get people to take that? Well, you’re going to probably rely on the digital infrastructure that we saw with digital IDs and certificates. And so, I think that we have this – I call it a lockdown doctrine – that’s been developed out of the pandemic, and it is our default position.”
“People will say to me, ‘Surely we’re not going to lock down again.’ But there is a new pandemic strategy that’s come out of COVID. It’s called the 100-day mission. And this is signed by the G7 and G20, and so supported by the scientific community in North America and Europe. And…
Cellular carriers have told Congress they possess intact phone usage data from the vicinity where two pipe bombs were planted during the Jan. 6 incident, directly disputing FBI testimony that agents couldn’t identify a suspect because the phone data was corrupted, a key House chairman tells Just the News.
The revelations from Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., the chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee, adds new intrigue to a debate that has gripped Washington for nearly four years: Why can’t the FBI with so much evidence and manpower identify the suspect who planted the explosive devices at the Democrat and Republican Party headquarters hours before the Capitol was breached.
“In the days and weeks following January 6, 2021, the FBI opened an investigation into the pipe bomber and attempted to identify the suspect by analyzing cell phone data linked to the area surrounding the RNC and DNC,” Loudermilk told Just the News.
“In June 2023, the former Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, Steve D’Antuono, who oversaw the pipe bomb investigation, said that the FBI received corrupted data from one of the cell carriers and that it most likely contained the identity of the pipe bomber. Given the significance of this information, my Subcommittee sent letters to the three major cell carriers, asking them to respond to Mr. D’Antuono’s claim of corrupted data,” he said.
“Every major cell carrier responded and confirmed that they did not provide the FBI corrupted data,” Loudermilk said.
“Additionally every major cell carrier confirmed they were never notified that the FBI had any issues accessing the data. This contradictory testimony raises some serious questions about the status of the investigation into the pipe bomber and about why the case remains unsolved nearly four years later,” he added.
Last year, D’Antuono told the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI did not a receive complete phone data from telephone carriers because some of it had been corrupted.
“We did a complete geofence. We have complete data. Not complete, because there’s some data that was corrupted by one of the providers, not purposely by them, right. It just — unusual circumstance that we have corrupt data from one of the providers,” D’Antuono testified in a transcribed interview.
“But for that day, which is awful because we don’t have that information to search. So could it have been that provider? Yeah, with our luck, you know, with this investigation it probably was, right,” he said.
D’Antuono served as the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office until he stepped down in late 2022. A lawyer for the retired agent did not immediately return an email Wednesday seeking comment.
If you searched worldwide for a concise statement of why the public is rejecting mainstream media you could not find a better reduction than the statement of Katherine Maher (NPR CEO): “I think our reverence for the truth might have become a bit of a distraction that is…
…Despite the drop in revenue and audience, NPR doubled down with advocacy journalism in selecting Maher as CEO. It has every right to do so. What it does not have a right to is a public subsidy.
Brendan Carr, the Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, penned a letter to the CEOs of Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft on the central roles their companies have played in the censorship cartel.
The four page letter calls out the tech giants Facebook, Apple, Google, and Microsoft for participating in what he describes as “improper conduct.”
Carr wrote, “Big Tech companies silenced Americans for doing nothing more than exercising their First Amendment rights.” Carr accused the tech giants of “working in concert with so-called media monitors and others – to defund, demonetize and otherwise put out of business news outlets and organizations that dared to deviate from an approved narrative.”
Carr also pointed out how the tech giants were “participating in a censorship cartel that included not only technology and social media companies but advertising, marketing, and so-called “fact-checking” organizations as well as the Biden-Harris administration itself.”
Carr goes on, “The relevant conduct extended from removing or blocking social media posts to labeling whole websites or apps as “untrustworthy” or “high-risk” in an apparent effort to suppress their information and viewpoints, including through efforts to delist them, lower their rankings, or harm their profitability.
Says Carr, “This censorship cartel is an affront to Americans’ constitutional freedoms and must be completely dismantled.”
Commissioner Carr then describes the damage organizations like News Guard” that targets conservative and independent media have had on society today.
The Colorado GOP has released an audio that reveals Secretary of State Jena Griswold and her team deliberately concealed the exposure of sensitive voting machine passwords to avoid a media firestorm.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Griswold’s office inadvertently published approximately 600 BIOS passwords for election equipment across 63 of Colorado’s 64 counties, according to the Colorado GOP affidavit.
This alarming breach, which first came to light in August, is believed to have occurred as early as June—right before the state’s primary election. Surprisingly, these sensitive passwords remained accessible on her website until late October.
Griswold did not notify the county clerks of this breach, and they only found out when the Colorado GOP released it.
During an interview with Kyle Clark of 9News, Griswold attempted to downplay the severity of the leak, referring to the exposed passwords as “partial.” She claimed that they were only one of two passwords required to operate the election systems, a dubious assertion that does little to assuage fears about election security.
Critics point out that unlike the redacted, outdated passwords from the case of former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, Griswold’s passwords were not outdated and posed a real risk.
The Colorado GOP’s audio recordings, released Thursday, reveal a disturbing conversation among Griswold’s staff, where they strategized on how to avoid a “media storm” over the breach.
In one particularly telling exchange, Deputy Secretary Christopher Beall admitted, “We were not going to tell the clerks because doing so would have created the media storm we’re now facing.”
Adams County Clerk, Josh Zygielbaum: What level of training do these individuals have on our specific servers and other equipment that qualifies them to do this work?
Christopher Beall: All of these individuals are cybersecurity technicians. Your equipment is off-the-shelf equipment loaded with election software. In all respects, it is no different from any other computer equipment. We do not believe more training is needed than what we have already provided for changing passwords on the equipment.
Josh Zygielbaum: Second thing, Chris—honestly, I’m not confident in this process. What the Secretary’s office should have done upon discovering this issue was deploy people immediately to change the passwords instead of keeping it a secret. It’s completely unacceptable that this is our process now, five days before the election. What guarantee do we have that these people won’t crash our system somehow?
Christopher Beall: Josh, I appreciate that you’re upset.
Josh Zygielbaum: I’m not upset, Chris. I’m pissed off. It’s really hard not answering media questions the way I actually want to.
Christopher Beall: Okay. All I can do is be as transparent as possible. We were not going to tell counties because doing so would have created the media storm we’re now facing.
Josh Zygielbaum: That’s bullsh—t, Chris.
Christopher Beall: We are sending staff to change passwords. I believe in Adams County we’re sending someone from our staff. Regardless, there is no possibility that these password changes will crash the system. This is at the BIOS level and has nothing to do with operating software. Josh, suggesting otherwise is irresponsible.
Josh Zygielbaum: It’s not irresponsible. We’re in the middle of a presidential election, and we’re having someone come in and mess with our server. Small setting changes have caused major issues in the past.
The Republican Party is now calling for Griswold’s immediate resignation, accusing her of jeopardizing the integrity of Colorado’s elections.
Watch the video below:
Timestamps: 0:00 Deputy Secretary Christopher Beall and Adams County Clerk Josh Zygielbaum Cyber Security -Technicians and We were not going to tell the clerks. 3:10 Hillary Rudy and Deputy Beall – These are just computers. 5:00 Secretary Griswold – All passwords are replaced verified no settings were changed, 22 people from Gov 8 from SOS office that usually don’t do this work. 6:35 Rich Schliep SOS employee- They did not pull the BIOS event logs 7:08 El Paso Clerk Steve Schleiker and Secretary Griswold – The Secretary has lost complete credibility
#BucksCounty Democrat Commissioners violate the rule of law and ignore PA Supreme Court ruling!
Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against PA Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey.
“…precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country. And people violate laws anytime they want. For me if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention to it.” – Diane Marseglia
Thank you to Republican Commissioner Gene DiGirolamo for making a motion to uphold the law!
Our attorneys are working with attorneys from the PAGOP and RNC to address this matter.
🚨🚨🚨#BucksCounty Democrat Commissioners violate the rule of law and ignore PA Supreme Court ruling!
Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against PA Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey.…
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is ordering Boards of Elections throughout the state to follow its previous rulings and not count “mail-in and absentee ballots that fail to comply” with the state election code. (Breitbart, 11/18/2024)
SECRET: If you were listening closely you might have heard Trump mention a ‘secret’ he had with Speaker Johnson. It is abundantly clear that if Trump wants to put his dream team together he’s going to need to make a BUNCH of recess appointments. The Senate is unlikely to agree to adjourn so he can use his authority to adjourn both chambers as long as Johnson cooperates. Is that the ‘secret’ Trump mentioned?
Under Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the President has the authority to adjourn Congress in the case of a disagreement between the House and Senate over the time of adjournment. It’s a power that has never been used, and its scope remains relatively untested. Here’s a quick summary of the conditions that would be needed:
One House Must Request Adjournment:
One of the chambers (in this case, likely the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Johnson) would formally seek to adjourn.
The Other House Must Refuse: The other chamber (in this scenario, the Senate) must then refuse to agree to this request. If this condition is met, it opens the door for the President to step in and resolve the disagreement by adjourning both chambers.
Once Congress is adjourned, the President could use the recess to make “recess appointments” under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. This would allow Trump to install his preferred Cabinet members without Senate confirmation.
h/t @Liberal_Lampoon
SECRET: There are actually two procedural ways Trump might overcome the Senate’s opposition to his cabinet choices:
The Secret Service is investigating an agent who has been accused of having Antifa and anarchist ties and who allegedly lashed out at Trump as someone with “Nazi-ass policies” and called his supporters “chodes” and “neo-Nazis” in several social media posts.
The posts clearly call into question whether this agent can provide adequate protection to President-elect Trump during the transition of power, the inauguration, and afterward. The agent, from what I’ve been told, has about six years of experience and is in Phase 2 of his career is assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris’s protective detail.
After internet sleuths and an online publication called Justice published details of what they described are the agent’s online posts, a Secret Service spokesman tells me that agency officials heard about the accusations and have “modified” the agent’s duties and launched an internal probe into the social media posts.
(Credit: Justice Report)
“The U.S. Secret Service recently became aware of alleged social media posts by an employee that have prompted an internal review,” Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugilielmi tells me in a statement. “We are taking this matter seriously, and this employee’s assigned duties have been modified while this review is underway.” “These comments in no way represent the views or values of the Secret Service, and we maintain and enforce rigorous codes of conduct governing employee actions both on and off duty,” he added.
After the social media posts came to light, the agent deleted his accounts so any internal agency review would need to verify those deleted accounts as his. That’s apparently why he hasn’t been disciplined more severely and swiftly, although there’s a precedent, which I describe below, for disciplining agents while continuing to pay them until they hit certain retirement dates so they can retire with full pay and retirement benefits.
The controversy over the agent’s anti-Trump social media posts as the nation prepares for a transfer of power to Trump echo a similar incident in early 2017, just before Trump’s first inauguration. At that time, a senior female agent, Kerry O’Grady, suggested in an October 2016 Facebook post that she didn’t want to take a bullet for Trump if he was elected. I broke that story in early 2017. O’Grady was the leader of the Denver Field Office at the time.
O’Grady was not disciplined for the Facebook post until after I wrote this piece: Washington Examiner
The Secret Service placed her on paid administrative leave for more than two and a half years, giving her what amounted to a paid vacation until she reached a retirement milestone in early 2019 even though she had reached her settlement with the Department of Homeland Security in Oct. 2017. has described the agent who made the Nazi references about Trump and his supporters as a devout follower of “antifascist shock jock Robert Evans.” Evans, a former editor at the humor website, has written for an online outlet called Bellingcat and has operated several podcasts. In mid-2020, Evans joined a class-action lawsuit against the City of Portland for police use of force against the Antifa-led protests responding to the death of George Floyd.
The issues surrounding the latest accusations related to an agent’s inappropriate online media posts raises serious and ongoing questions about the internal vetting and hiring standards at the Secret Service. Historically, USSS leadership handled hiring decisions, but in recent years human resource officials with no protective experience in the agency have been making the hiring decisions with DEI priorities taking precedent over other security qualifications/experience, according to several sources in the Secret Service community.
I’m told the agency, over the last decade, has dramatically lowered standards for drug use and physical fitness issues that previously would have been disqualifying. The agency also doesn’t require mental health screening for prospective recruits, an issue that several whistleblowers have repeatedly raised a problem in an era marked by lower hiring standards.
I’ve been working on this story all week, but @AMrAndyNgo, an intrepid reporter who provided outstanding coverage of the 2020 Antifa riots in Portland and Seattle was able to break the issue about the agent’s alleged social media posts late Friday afternoon, citing “internet sleuths” who first discovered the incendiary online comments.
🚨SCOOP: The Secret Service is investigating an agent who has been accused of having Antifa and anarchist ties and who allegedly lashed out at Trump as someone with “Nazi-ass policies” and called his supporters “chodes” and “neo-Nazis” in several social media posts.
BREAKING: The Biden-Harris Administration is attempting to empower unelected federal bureaucrats to dictate agency policy in the incoming Trump Administration.
The Biden-Harris Administration issued a memo directing the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to establish a Task Force on Scientific Integrity and publish a report on federal agencies’ scientific integrity policies. Recent reporting indicates that the outgoing administration is using ‘scientific integrity’ to proactively respond to and hamstring the incoming Trump Administration’s ability to implement its own executive agendas and discredit scientific information and views that are not in keeping with their agenda.
In letters to the heads of the EPA and HHS, Chairman Comer requests information to assist with the Committee’s investigation and ensure continued accountability within the Executive Branch.
🚨 BREAKING: The Biden-Harris Administration is attempting to empower unelected federal bureaucrats to dictate agency policy in the incoming Trump Administration.
The Biden-Harris Administration issued a memo directing the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to…
Even if Congressman Nickel is being rhetorical, this is a massively problematic signal to the American people.
The Democrats’ call for a “shadow government” in the American context implies extreme disloyalty to a duly elected president who is the head of the executive branch.
This follows upon Trump sabotage such as illegal campaign spying, the Russia hoax, the dead-end Mueller investigation, the Ukraine impeachment hoax, the J6 sham impeachment, an FBI raid, two illegitimate Special Counsel cases, endless investigations, non-stop lawfare, incessant negative media coverage, and two assassination attempts — leading to a major victory for Donald Trump in a free and fair election.
The “Democratic Party” is not even waiting until Trump is sworn in to imply that his presidency is illegitimate and the policies he intends to pursue are unconstitutional. They are neither.
The American People see this for what it is. A major slap in the face to voters who want to see change in Washington, and an arguably treasonous call for “resistance” to a duly elected president.
Even if Congressman Nickel is being rhetorical, this is a massively problematic signal to the American people.
The Democrats’ call for a “shadow government” in the American context implies extreme disloyalty to a duly elected president who is the head of the executive branch.…
As part of the Democrat Party’s ongoing attempts to divide America, Democrat @RepWileyNickel proposes a Democrat-led “Shadow Government” to opposes every move of every member of Trump’s cabinet.
As the media and Democrats attack Trump’s nominees—RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Gaetz etc—let’s take a look at how unqualified Biden’s nominees are for their jobs –
Xavier Becerra, HHS – not a doctor, he’s a lawyer, ex-attorney general of California
Jared Bernstein, Chair of Council of Economic Advisors – not an economist, Bachelor’s degree in music, masters in sociology
Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary – no transportation background, Mayor of Indiana, “pothole Pete”
Mayorkas, DHS Secretary – no security background, lawyer, Asst U.S. attorney, Obama transition team
Jennifer Granholm, Energy Secy – no energy background, Michigan Governor
Gina Raimondo, Commerce Secretary – No trade background, Gov of Rhode Island
Deb Haaland, Interior Secy – New Mexico Congressman
And just for kicks…Bill Nye, the environmentalist “Science Guy” — no background in environmentalism or science, he’s a mechanical engineer and comedy writer
As the media and Democrats attack Trump’s nominees—RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Gaetz etc—let’s take a look at how unqualified Biden’s nominees are for their jobs –
Xavier Becerra, HHS – not a doctor, he’s a lawyer, ex-attorney general of California
Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under Biden, Degree in music and Doctorate in Social Work… can’t explain how bonds or money works.
Transportation secretary nominee Pete Buttigieg says he’s had “a personal love of transportation ever since childhood…though I know that in this administration I will at best aspire to be the second biggest train enthusiast around.”
Energy Secretary Granholm secretly consulted with a top Chinese Communist energy official before the release of 50 million barrels of oil from the SPR, the largest release of its kind in US history at the time.
Former president Bill Clinton writes about his links to pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein in his upcoming memoir, Citizen.. (Credit: Getty Images)
Former President Bill Clinton aka “Doe 36” has finally broken his long-held silence about his ties to former financier and sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein.
The UK Sun on Friday obtained excerpts from the 42nd president’s new book, “Citizen,” which he describes some of his interactions with the infamous p*dophile. However, his descriptions of their meetings contradict other credible reports regarding the two men’s relationship.
In the book, Clinton admits that he flew on Epstein’s private jet, the Lolita Express. However, he claimed the plane was for pure business purposes, not pleasure.
According to Wild Bill, Epstein let him use the plane to support Clinton’s foundation, and they spoke about economics and politics during the flights. Clinton then claimed that he and Epstein only met two more times afterward: once in Clinton’s office in Harlem and the other in Epstein’s New York home.
Clinton, though, denied ever visiting Little Saint James, Epstein’s private island. As TGP readers know, this is where the p*dophile carried out many of his sexual misdeeds.
He also blasted Epstein as “odd” while claiming he was unaware of the financier’s many crimes.
“I had always thought Epstein was odd but had no inkling of the crimes he was committing,” Clinton wrote.
“He hurt a lot of people, but I knew nothing about it, and by the time he was first arrested in 2005, I had stopped contact with him. I’ve never visited his island,” the former president added.
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Acting Director Dr. Richard Besser raised concerns Sunday over Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) because he advocates for optional vaccinations, though he acknowledged that no immunization is 100% protective.
President-elect Donald Trump announced his nomination of Kennedy as the leader of HHS on Nov. 14, stating he believes the former Independent presidential candidate, who has been an outspoken advocate against the COVID-19 vaccines and others, is prepared to restore “the traditions of Gold Standard Scientific Research, and beacons of Transparency, to end the Chronic Disease epidemic.” On ABC’s “This Week,” host Martha Raddatz asked the former acting director if he had concerns that Kennedy would push to “get rid” of vaccines altogether.
“Well, it’s not a matter of getting rid of them. No vaccine is 100% protective. When when you send your kid to school, fully vaccinated, you don’t want to have to worry that the child sitting next to them, that their parents chose not to vaccinate their child, because once the level of vaccination in a classroom drops below something like 95%, it’s a setup for diseases like measles or whooping cough to spread,” Besser said. “If there’s a child in the classroom who has an immune problem, that child is at risk.”
“So it’s not a matter of saying, ‘Oh, yes, you have access to your vaccines.’ It’s pushing the idea that vaccines should be something that is totally up to the individual. We have a social contract in our country. There are things we do for our own health, but there are things we do that are good for ourselves, our families and our communities. Vaccination falls into that category. Having someone who denies that in that role is extremely dangerous,” Besser concluded.
Did this happen The Georgia Court of Appeals has abruptly cancelled oral argument in the #FaniWillis Trump RICO disqualification appeal if so break it down for me.
Yes, this event occurred. Here’s a breakdown of the situation:
Date of Cancellation: November 18, 2024.
Event Cancelled: The oral argument in the appeal concerning the disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the RICO case against former President Donald Trump and other defendants.
Original Scheduling: The Georgia Court of Appeals had scheduled oral arguments for December 5, 2024, to hear Trump’s appeal regarding the decision not to disqualify Fani Willis from prosecuting the election interference case.
Reason for Appeal: Trump and other defendants sought to disqualify Willis based on allegations of an improper romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a special prosecutor she hired, which they argued created a conflict of interest.
Judge’s Decision: Initially, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled that Willis could continue with the case provided Wade resigned, which he did.
Cancellation Details:
Announcement: The Georgia Court of Appeals announced the cancellation of the scheduled oral argument “until further order of this court,” meaning no new date has yet been set for the hearing.
Impact: This cancellation delays the resolution of the appeal, potentially affecting the timeline of the entire case. It could mean more time before any trial can proceed, impacting the legal proceedings related to the 2020 election interference allegations against Trump and others.
Possible Implications:
Delay in Case Progression: The case is likely to experience further delays as the Court of Appeals decides when or if to reschedule the oral arguments.
Legal Strategy: Both sides might need to adjust their legal strategies based on this development. The prosecution might continue its preparation, while the defense could see this as an opportunity to further challenge the case’s foundation or Willis’s involvement.
Public and Political Perception: This move might fuel discussions on social media and among political commentators about the handling of high-profile cases, the integrity of the judicial process, and the timing in relation to political events.
Reasons for Cancellation (Speculative, as no specific reason was given):
Administrative: Courts can cancel hearings due to scheduling conflicts, changes in judicial staff, or other procedural reasons.
New Evidence or Developments: Sometimes new information or legal motions can prompt a need to reassess or postpone scheduled arguments.
Strategic Reevaluation: Either side might request or agree to a delay for strategic reasons, like needing more time for preparation or due to external legal or political developments.
Given there’s no detailed explanation for the cancellation, these points are speculative based on typical reasons for such actions in legal contexts. The absence of a new date means that this aspect of the case remains unresolved, with ongoing implications for its progression.
According to the American Principles Project (APP), actions by the Department of Education have “unfairly” targeted Christian colleges and universities while ignoring Ivy League schools, the organization reported on November 18.
The report said almost 70 percent of the actions involved faith-based and career schools. APP noted those schools represent less than ten percent of students across America:
Created with the implicit purpose of advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s woke agenda, the Department’s Office of Enforcement also targeted two of the nation’s most prominent Christian universities — Grand Canyon University and Liberty University — which resulted in record-level fines worth more than all penalties imposed over the past seven years combined.
In a video dated from July, now President-elect Donald Trump promised to close the Department of Education, Breitbart Newsreported on November 12.
(,,,) Trump stated:
For the past four years, as the Chair of the Board at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), Linda has been a fierce advocate for Parents’ Rights, working hard at both AFPI and America First Works (AFW) to achieve Universal School Choice in 12 States, giving children the opportunity to receive an excellent Education, regardless of zip code or income.
According to the APP study, about 12 Christian colleges have been targeted with penalties or are no longer allowed to receive federal student aid.
In a statement, APP Policy Director Jon Schweppe said, “For the last four years, Democrats have been busy weaponizing every part of the federal government to target their opponents”:
While major assaults from agencies like the Department of Justice have taken most of the headlines, we should not ignore similarly corrupt efforts in other agencies as well. As our report details, the Biden-Harris Department of Education has been engaged in a long-running scheme to punish Christian colleges that are ideologically opposed to the left’s agenda. The unfair targeting of these institutions has been egregious, and it needs to stop immediately.
According to the APP announcement, the average fine for a Christian school regarding a Clery Act violation was $815,000. The organization noted those against public and private institutions were recorded at $228,571. (Read more: Breitbart News, 11/29/2024)(Archive)
House Republicans pressed Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, about bias at FEMA after a supervisor directed staff to avoid helping Florida residents with signs supporting Donald Trump.
A FEMA supervisor, Marn’i Washington, told workers in a message to “avoid homes advertising Trump” as they canvassed Lake Placid, Florida, to identify residents who could qualify for federal aid after Hurricane Milton, The Daily Wire’s Leif Le Mahieu reported. The directive reportedly prevented FEMA from offering post-hurricane aid to at least 20 homes displaying Trump signs or flags in late October and November.
Criswell announced that FEMA had fired Washington and claimed Washington acted on her own initiative in giving these orders. Yet Washington claimed that her directions were not an isolated incident. Sources inside FEMA have spoken toThe Daily Signal and other outlets, also saying that the direction for FEMA staff to avoid Trump supporters was not an isolated incident. (Read more: The Daily Signal, 11/19/2024)(Archive)
“Why should we believe this is an isolated incident?” Chairman @JamesComer asks.
“We are conducting an investigation and we have asked the IG to look into this further, to ensure that this is not beyond the one employee who sent this message,” Criswell says. “It is…
“For nearly a decade, Democrats… have demonized the millions of Americans who support President Trump,” @RepJamesComer said. Trump supporters “are tired of being called trash, cult followers, fascists, Nazis, and many other horrific names for simply loving their…
🚨WATCH: @ByronDonalds presses Deanne Criswell on whether Marn’I Washington’s direction for FEMA staff to avoid houses with Trump signs was an isolated incident.
Criswell insists that it was an isolated incident, despite Washington’s statements that it wasn’t, and despite FEMA…
🚨’HICK, COWBOY, REDNECK’:@RepGosar cites my reporting in @DailySignal, where I quote a former FEMA employee who said she heard those words when she was told, “Don’t go into any house that looks suspicious.”
🚨CULTURE, NOT POLICY@RepCloudTX explains why FEMA’s Strategic Plan and the DEI culture it instills helps explain why a FEMA supervisor directed employees to avoid homes with Trump signs.
FEMA veterans also emphasized this issue when speaking to me about bias at the agency.…
The Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riots and then was promoted has a lengthy internal affairs and disciplinary record that includes firearm-related incidents, a sweeping congressional investigation has found.
The issues in Captain Michael Byrd’s background included a failed shotgun qualification test, a failed FBI background check for a weapon’s purchase, a 33-day suspension for a lost weapon and referral to Maryland state prosecutors for firing his gun at a stolen car fleeing his neighborhood, according to congressional and police documents obtained by Just the News.
Byrd’s record was uncovered during a larger House Administration Oversight Subcommittee investigation into the Capitol Police disciplinary process and was chronicled in a letter Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., the panel’s chairman, sent Wednesday to the department’s chief, Thomas Manger, in which the lawmaker expressed concerns about the officer’s promotion to captain.
“This Subcommittee is dedicated to ensuring USCP has autonomy from political pressures so it can make operational and personnel decisions,” Loudermilk wrote in the letter. “However, based on the information obtained by the Subcommittee regarding USCP’s handling of Captain Byrd following January 6, 2021, and his significant disciplinary history, I have concerns about USCP’s decision to promote him to the rank of Captain.”
The incidents described in Loudermilk’s letter are corroborated by congressional records and police reports that date as early as 2004 including:
A 2004 incident where Byrd, who was off duty, fired his weapon at a stolen vehicle as it was fleeing his residential neighborhood;
A 2015 “conduct unbecoming an officer” complaint filed by a fellow officer after Byrd, again off duty, confronted him while the officer was working at a high school football game in an incident with racial overtones;
A 33-day suspension in 2019 after Byrd left his service weapon unattended in a public Capitol Hill bathroom;
A failure to pass a routine background check shortly after Jan. 6 when attempting to purchase a shotgun for home protection, after the USCP worked to provide Byrd a department-issued shotgun instead, he failed the training; and
Three further referrals to the Capitol Police Office of Professional Responsibility for which records are reportedly missing.
Mark Schamel, the lawyer representing Byrd, did not respond several requests for comment. The U.S. Capitol Police also did not return several inquiries from Just the News. (Read more: Just the News, 11/20/2024)(Archive)
Alright frens, now that Matt Gaetz is out of the running you’re going to hear a lot of takes on what happened and plenty of “keep your d*ck in your pants” lines too.
And while that’s always good advice, the story I’m about to share goes…
This story begins in Fall 2019 in Florida, with this man: Joel Greenberg.
At the time Joel Greenberg was 2.5 years into his first term as the Tax Collector for Seminole County.
Greenberg is your classic rich kid who dinks through life lighting fires everyone else is forced to put out. Never landing hard bc daddy’s money always catches his fall. You know the type. We all do. And Joel approached his role as tax collector no different than any other.
By Fall 2019 Seminole County was awash with rumors about the federal investigation into Greenberg’s crypto scam with tax collector dollars.
These rumors inspired a local music teacher, Brian Beute, to throw his hat in the ring and challenge Greenberg in the Republican primary slated for the following year.
Despite the many advantages Greenberg held over Beute in the race (incumbency, wealth, name recognition, etc) Greenberg’s significant criminal activity as tax collector likely contributed to him becoming obsessed with destroying Beute, both publicly and privately.
So throughout late 2019 and into 2020 Greenberg rolled out a series of ever escalating smear tactics targeting Beute. They started rather typical, labeling Beute, who is from Michigan, as a carpetbagger.
But they grew increasingly viscous. He created fake Facebook profiles pretending to be Beute’s students, leaving comments on public posts trashing Beute as an awful teacher and a pervert.
Greenberg’s antics finally reached an apex when he mailed handwritten letters to the administrators at the school where Beute taught, accusing him of sexually assaulting his students.
Greenberg probably didn’t expect those letters to be taken so seriously or else he likely would’ve been a little more careful.
But alas he was not, and when the letters were turned over to the local sheriff’s office both his fingerprints and DNA were lifted from them and he was arrested on June 23, 2020 and charged by the DOJ with stalking.
At the time of his arrest, Greenberg’s phone was confiscated and searched. And… believe it or not, this is where his REAL legal troubles began.
On his cellphone (and later home computers) police found evidence of Greenberg committing damn near every crime in the book: embezzlement, drugs, prostitution, identify theft, wire fraud, crypto market manipulation…
but the silver tuna was a series of messages that occurred in the late Spring through early Fall of 2017 between Greenberg and a then 17 year old girl discussing, among other things, their many sexcapades around Florida and beyond.
Further investigation revealed that from December 2016 through 2018 Joel Greenberg was a customer on a “Sugar Daddy” website where he solicited various women for sex and escort services. This is where he met the aforementioned 17 year old.
All told, Mr. Greenberg spent over $70,000 on hookers he met on the Sugar Daddy website, much of which he paid for with his government issued AMEX card.
In August 2020 the DOJ charged Joel Greenberg with sex trafficking of a minor, identify theft and production of false identification documents, among other things.
Turns out, in Florida, the office of county tax collector doesn’t just collect taxes, they also issue driver’s licenses and state IDs.
And Mr. Greenberg had taken full advantage of this privilege during his time in office. Greenberg had not only created multiple false Florida ID cards for himself, he also created a fake ID for his underage lover after finding out that she had been lying to him about her age.
And this is where Matt Gaetz comes into the story.
From what I can gather, Gaetz and Greenberg became acquainted at some point in the first half of 2017. The first public record of them associating on a private level comes from a picture posted to X (then Twitter) on July 8, 2017 with none other than Roger Stone.
From our timeline: March 31, 2021– In the Matt Gaetz attempted extortion plot by former DOJ/Intel officials, a pattern emerges that shows they use missing FBI agent Robert Levinson as a cover story
Remember when aiding and abetting a criminal act would lead to some pretty serious consequences?
No longer, it seems — at least, if you’re a non-governmental organization (NGO) or “charity” that is helping people cross into and remain in the United States illegally. Crossing into the United States illegally is still a crime, after all — and there are a number of these organizations, tax-exempt at that, dedicated to bogging down the immigration system and making it as difficult as possible to enforce the law.
Tax-exempt organizations have spent more than $100 million since President Joe Biden took office in 2021 working to prevent the federal government from deporting illegal immigrants, according to a Washington Examiner review of tax filings.
The organizations, which include donor-advised funds shifting around millions of dollars in untraceable funds, Soros-backed philanthropies, and large legal groups, collectively spent at least $101.9 million on programs intended to aid illegal immigrants in avoiding deportation. While some of the programs paid for by these nonprofit organizations involved advocacy efforts, the vast majority were oriented toward providing immigrants with legal resources to thwart deportation.
(…) Here are some of those organizations.
La Raza Community Resource Center, an immigration nonprofit organization based out of San Francisco, was one of the biggest spenders among the groups resisting deportation efforts, disbursing $14.1 million between 2021 and 2023 for a program providing legal services to asylum-seekers and migrants facing deportation. Immigrant Justice Corps, meanwhile, is a New York-based charity that spent $20.2 million over the same period on a fellowship program placing recent college graduates at nonprofit organizations across the country to provide illegal migrants with legal services.
Legal Services of New Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides free legal representation in civil rights litigation to low-income residents of the state, was also a major force in antideportation efforts between 2021 and 2022. The organization distributed $12.5 million worth of grants over that period to help other organizations provide “legal assistance for individuals facing detention or deportation.”
Pangea Legal Services, located in San Francisco, spent over $5 million on providing representation to asylum-seekers and people who entered the country illegally between 2021 and 2023. In those years, the nonprofit organization served nearly 1,500 clients through its program, according to its tax forms.
But here’s the real kicker, and perhaps the consummate villain in this affair:
The Soros family’s Foundation to Promote Open Society donated $500,000 to the Immigrant Legal Resource Center in 2021 to support its “New Way Forward” campaign. The campaign pushed changes to the legal system that would end the automatic deportation of some criminal aliens, end the mandatory detention of illegal aliens, and decriminalize entering the U.S. without proper documentation. The Soros family’s foundation also gave the Transgender Law Center $250,000 in 2021 to “support Black LGBTQIA+ migrants through organizing and base-building, deportation defense and strategic communications.” (Read more: Red State, 11/22/2024)(Archive)
“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t.” Adds, “We’re all going to learn [about vaccine safety] when it’s too late,” as Pfizer & Moderna “are just getting a bunch of money… Vaccines were accelerated through the approval.”
‘We fly under the radar of being scrutinized…I don’t think I have too much to worry about.’
Trump victory “worse for the NIH.”
“It would be better for a Democrat to be in office.”
“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t.” Adds, “We’re all going to learn [about vaccine safety] when it’s too late,” as…
“I haven’t gotten the latest COVID shots, and I’m not going to… there’s mixed evidence about if it really does anything,” says Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for The National Institutes of Health (@NIH).
Cholan, who defines the strategy for health data standards at the NIH, raised concerns about vaccine risks, particularly for younger individuals: “For people that are 30 or under, it really increases your risk for heart conditions. The data does show that… I’m close enough to 30 to where I don’t want to have a heart attack.” He added, “I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud,” acknowledging the sensitivity of his statements around vaccine safety.
He also expressed doubts about the vaccines’ effectiveness, adding, “I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t.”
Cholan linked the NIAID (@NIAIDNews) to the funding of vaccine research, alleging, “There is some evidence out that the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases… they might have funded Wuhan, a lab in Wuhan, China, to make COVID,” referencing Anthony Fauci (@Fauci) and his role in global health initiatives. “That’s where Fauci was the director. Like they might have funded some labs to do vaccine studies and disease, like to prepare for an outbreak.”
Criticizing the expedited vaccine approval process, Cholan explained, “The measles vaccine requires several rounds of approval, but the COVID-19 vaccines were accelerated through the approvals for all of us to get our boosters.” He also highlighted the financial motivations behind the vaccines, saying, “Pfizer and Moderna are just getting a bunch of money from it.”
Cholan also commented on the difficulties of implementing reform, even under an administration led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., adding, “Anything that RFK would want to do probably would just, like, wouldn’t happen,” pointing to the entrenched relationships between federal agencies, pharmaceutical companies.
@OkeefeMedia contacted Cholan for comment but did not receive a response. Prior to the release of the NIH Tapes, Cholan deleted his LinkedIn account.
“I haven’t gotten the latest COVID shots, and I’m not going to… there’s mixed evidence about if it really does anything,” says Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for The National Institutes of Health (@NIH).
🚨The National Institutes of Health admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China🚨@RepDLesko: “Did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth?”
Tommy Tatum News published a video on Sunday of DC Metro Police Officer Lila Morris taking a break after she beat Rosanne Boyland dead on the Capitol Steps on January 6, 2021.
It’s difficult to determine whether Officer Morris’s brutal beating directly caused Rosanne Boyland’s death or was merely a contributing factor.
What is clear, however, is that the mainstream media has consistently failed to report honestly on Rosanne Boyland’s story, just as they have with so many other accounts from that tragic day.
Officer Morris was then awarded a trip to the Super Bowl for her courageous work that day.
Rosanne’s body was cremated and sent home.
Recently released #january6th video shows DC Metro cop Lila Morris moments after fatally and repeatedly striking Rosanne Boyland with a stick.
(…) According to dozens of eyewitnesses and survivors, Rosanne Boyland’s death was caused by police. They can be substantiated by available video.
The video above was taken shortly after Rosanne and the rest of the crowd had been pushed by police down steps into a ceiling-high bone-crushing and deadly pile that cops doused with opulent amounts of pepper spray and teargas. The police would not allow anyone to help the individuals being crushed and attacked anyone who tried to help. After about ten excruciating minutes, the protesters were able to work themselves out of the pile and save each other.
Rosanne lay motionless on the steps after the pile cleared. People tried to get near her to help and it was then that she was seen being beaten brutally by Police Officer Lila Morris with a stick. See that video here:
Rosanne’s face was blue and bloody. Her body lay motionless as men tried to desperately help and defend her, only to be tear-gassed or struck by police. People begged and pleaded with police to give Rosanne CPR.
When they realized the police were not going to help and continued to spray teargas, the men finally carried Rosanne down the stairs away from the attacks of police to attempt administer CPR themselves. This is where the video above begins.
This heartbreaking video shows their haphazard yet valiant attempts to save the life of Rosanne Boyland.
Blood can be seen splattered on the white step behind Boyland.
Men and women yell at the police: “She’s dying! She’s Dying!”, “Fuck you!”, “You did this!” and “This is on you!”
“I think she is still alive,” someone says.
As the men finally give up and carry Rosanne up the stairs to again beg for police help, a man that mistakes Rosanne for a man can be heard yelling in indignant anger:
“They let him die (police)! They let that man die! We needed resuscitation and they let him die! They pepper-sprayed him and let this man go down. That’s unacceptable and its unconstitutional!”
The government and mainstream media have exploited the violence on the West Capitol Steps as unhinged Trump Supporters who attacked police for no reason.
They carefully cut Rosanne out of all footage that has been released to make the protesters around her seem like monsters with no motive for their seemingly irrational anger. ROSANNE BOYLAND’S DEATH EXPLAINS IT.
“The crowd saw it, they reacted, there was an explanation to all those “back the blue” type guys suddenly becoming angry with police,” said a J6 prisoner who is currently being held pre-trial who tried to help Rosanne.
“A pack of humans is literally like a pack of ants,” said Ryan. “If you flick and hurt one, the whole ant hill feels it and starts to react. That is the simplest way to explain what happened to the crowd at the West Capitol Terrace on January 6th.”
Rosanne Boyland smiled and walked happily towards the Capitol on January 6th in plastic American flag sunglasses- blissfully ignorant of her fate that day. (Credit: public domain)
Smith, on Monday, filed a motion to dismiss the election interference case against Trump in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, marking a major victory for the president-elect:
After careful consideration, the Department has determined that OLC’s prior opinions concerning the Constitution’s prohibition on federal indictment and prosecution of a sitting President apply to this situation and that as a result this prosecution must be dismissed before the defendant is inaugurated.
Moreover, Smith then filed a motion in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to dismiss an appeal in the documents case, which “will leave in place the district court’s order dismissing the indictment without prejudice as to him.” Smith cites the reasoning laid out in his motion to dismiss the election interference case:
For the reasons set forth in United States v. Trump, No. 23-cr-57, ECF No. 281 (D.D.C.) (filed Nov. 25, 2024) (moving to dismiss criminal prosecution as to defendant Trump in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia), the United States of America moves, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 42 and Eleventh Circuit Rule 42-1, to dismiss the appeal in this case as to defendant Trump.
Taken together, the moves mark the end of the federal prosecutions against the president-elect, leaving two remaining cases at the state level in Georgia and New York. (Read more: Breitbart News, 11/25/2024)(Archive)
This dirty cop, who has a history of disciplinary issues, including weapons infractions, was actually promoted after he shot and killed an unarmed female vet—the ultimate DEI move from the left.
In the aftermath, the Department of Justice conducted an investigation and concluded that Byrd would not face criminal charges, determining that his actions were justified under the circumstances. In August 2021, Byrd publicly identified himself and discussed the incident, expressing that he believed his actions saved lives that day.
In August 2023, Byrd was promoted to the rank of captain within the U.S. Capitol Police, recognizing his service and actions during the January 6 events.
Michael thinks he saved “countless” lives that day by killing young Ashli.
This buffoon is so reckless and dangerous that he once left his firearm unattended in a public area of the Capitol.
In addition to leaving his firearm laying around public areas, Lt. Michael Byrd has extremely poor firearm and trigger discipline. Here, he almost shot other Capitol Police and guards. One trip, one slip, that’s all it takes.
The Capitol Police officer who fatally shot and murdered Ashli Babbitt on J6, Captain Michael Byrd, has a history of disciplinary issues, including firearm-related incidents, a suspension for losing his weapon, and failing an FBI background check.
Well, it seems that Byrd is back in the crosshairs, and this time, he won’t have the Biden regime’s DOJ to protect him.
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry shared an update on X, revealing that House Oversight investigators have set a deadline of December 12th for Capitol Police to hand over three years’ worth of electronic correspondence from Michael Byrd.
NEW: House Oversight investigators have given US Capitol Police until Dec. 4 to turn over all emails, texts +other messages from the cellphone, email account, computer +other devices used by unarmed Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt’s killer USCP Capt. Michael Byrd from 1/1/21-1/1/24
Marc Andreessen appears on Joe Rogan podcast, November 26, 2024)
Marc Andreessen, the billionaire investor and co-founder of the influential Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, revealed in a new episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast that after an “alarming” meeting with Biden administration officials earlier this year was the moment he would have no other choice but to support Donald Trump.
For decades, Andreessen has supported Democrats, including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. However, a troubling spring meeting with Biden administration officials caused major concerns. During the meeting, officials explained their plan to control AI through government regulatory capture—a strategy reminiscent of Communist policies in China.
“We had meetings [Biden officials] this spring that were the most alarming meetings I’ve ever been in. Where they were taking us through their plans, and it was – basically just full government – full government control – like this sort of thing, there will be a small number of large companies that will be completely regulated and controlled by the government, they told us. They said don’t even start startups – there’s just no way that they can succeed – there’s no way that we’re going to permit that to happen.”
In mid-July, Axios reported that Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz had donated to President-elect Trump’s campaign. At the time, their support was attributed to Trump’s pro stance on crypto and AI regulation. It’s another telling example of just how far-left Democrats in the White House spooked Silicon Valley heavy hitters, such as Elon Musk.
Back to the podcast, Rogan asked Andreessen: “When you leave a meeting like that, what do you do?”
Andreessen responded: “You endorse Donald Trump.”
X user Ben Averbook condensed Rogan’s three-hour podcast into a series of the most important highlights:
Andreessen told Rogan about the federal government’s rogue “Operation Choke Point.” He described it as a move by the Department of Justice that initially targeted marijuana businesses and gun manufacturers. He said under Biden, it was then weaponized to destroy political opponents, tech founders, and the crypto community.
• Half never returned to the office after COVID.
• Some show up just one day a month.
• Yet, they still collect full DC-level salaries.
Andreessen spoke about Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s newly created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and how they may have devised a plan to reduce the government workforce.
.@pmarca tells @joerogan that it’s highly likely there will be a YouTube Files: “This new administration is probably going to carve all of this stuff open.”
00:00:00 – Podcast Introduction
00:05:55 – Media Influence on Elections
00:14:22 – Celebrity Endorsements
00:20:00 – AI Sentience in 2025
00:34:53 – Cultural Change and AI
00:40:02 – Colonialism Sensitivity
00:48:20 – Cicero’s Warnings
00:58:00 – Political Predictions
01:04:01 – Trump’s Economic Approach
01:11:41 – Changing Perspectives
01:19:15 – AI and Deep Fakes
01:26:44 – Democratic Party Civil War
01:32:45 – Government Efficiency Proposals
01:39:24 – Impact of Debanking on Lives
01:46:01 – Totalitarianism Explained
01:52:30 – Addiction and Medication Effects
01:59:30 – Cultural Shift in Nutrition
02:04:41 – Government’s Food Role
02:11:20 – Government Oversight Issues
02:16:21 – Remote Work Challenges
02:21:05 – Government Debt Explained
02:26:05 – Shift in Political Alliances
02:31:50 – Consolidation in Banking
02:36:46 – Censorship in AI Systems
02:43:00 – US Military Drone Use
02:50:40 – Philanthropy and Politics
02:57:35 – Cultural Shifts in Tech
03:03:21 – Political Realignment Discussion
03:08:04 – Ending Thoughts & Future Outlook
Alexander Vindman (Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Elon Musk said retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman “has committed treason against the United States” by being “on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs,” and will “pay the appropriate penalty.” Musk’s comments came in response to Vindman accusing him of conspiring with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Vindman is on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs and has committed treason against the United States, for which he will pay the appropriate penalty
Musk was reacting to a post by another X account that shared a video of Vindman accusing the Tesla CEO of having ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and claiming Musk only supported President-elect Donald Trump in the 2024 election because Putin told him to.
(…) Notably, Vindman testified against then-President Trump during the November 2019 House impeachment hearings, claiming the 45th president was withholding military aid to Ukraine in exchange for dirt on then-presidential candidate Joe Biden.
ROGAN: “What you’re seeing with Trump, regardless of flaws, is a massive concentrated PsyOp. They’ve distorted who he is … It’s all a f*cking illusion.”
Special counsel Jack Smith may not be in the clear, even after dropping all charges against President-elect Donald Trump.
Smith’s decision to dismiss his cases against Trump on Monday reignited calls for an investigation into his efforts. While it’s unclear if probing Smith is high enough on Trump’s priority list to translate talk into action, some aren’t ready to simply brush Smith’s months-long pursuit aside now that the threat is gone.
Investigating the federal prosecutions against Trump is important “because of the huge cost and ultimate failure,” former federal prosecutor Andrew Cherkasky told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Whether that yields findings of criminality is unlikely. However, I think it will find that Smith’s novel legal approach was fraught with issues that should have led a reasonable prosecutor to decline prosecution,” Cherkasky told the DCNF. “Smith is already leaving his special counsel post, but I anticipate some of the lawyers working under him will also be forced out of the [Department of Justice] DOJ for engaging in a legally unsound prosecution.”
Smith’s two Trump prosecutions cost taxpayers upwards of $50 million, according to DOJ reports.
“There is a lot of evidence that the congressional Jan. 6 committee intentionally avoided evidence beneficial to Trump’s position, and if Smith did the same, his conduct could be grounds for more severe consequences,” Cherkasky noted.
The Heritage Oversight Project posted on X Monday that they are preparing a “model indictment” of Smith. Executive Director Mike Howell suggested Smith could be charged under the federal law prohibiting a conspiracy to violate an individual’s civil rights, but told the DCNF there are “other potential avenues as well.”
“Jack Smith and his office must face severe legal, political, and financial consequences for their blatant lawfare and election interference,” Article III Project President Mike Davis like wrote Monday on X. “This includes a federal criminal probe for conspiracy against rights under 18 U.S.C. § 241.”(Read more: The Daily Caller, 11/29/2024)(Archive)
Donald Trump’s vow to dismantle the censorship cartel of “misinformation” researchers, media blacklisters like NewsGuard, and Big Tech has sent shivers through the academic community that has dedicated itself to censoring conservatives.
The Financial Times reports that since Donald Trump’s election victory, researchers and academics who study alleged digital “misinformation” are growing increasingly worried that the new administration will follow through on campaign threats to crack down on their work. During the campaign, Trump said he would seek to curb federal funding to universities found to have engaged in censorship activities like flagging conservative social media content for removal.
The seriousness of Trump’s intentions has been underscored by his pick of Brendan Carr, a Republican FCC commissioner and vocal critic of Big Tech censorship, to chair the agency. Trump’s anti-censorship crusade has also garnered public support from Silicon Valley figures like venture capitalist Marc Andreessen and Twitter owner Elon Musk.
“I think it will be just a tsunami of critiques and witch hunts,” warned Megan Squire, deputy director for data analytics at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center. “I suspect some people in academia where you get to choose your research will self-censor or soften their research, or shift their application area.”
Megan Squire (Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0)
Some misinformation researchers say they fear for their jobs and research funding if Trump follows through on his threats. “I’m pretty fucking scared,” said one professor who studies the field, speaking anonymously due to fears of retribution. “If this stuff happens, I will be on a plane [out of America].”
Trump and allies like Musk argue the misinformation field has enabled the government, academia, blacklist organizations like NewsGuard, and tech companies to collude to suppress conservative speech under the guise of combating fake news. “Every participant in the orchestrated government-university-non-profit-company censorship machine of the last decade can be charged criminally,” venture capitalist Marc Andreessen alleged on X. (Read more: Breitbart News, 11/29/2024)(Archive)
OH SNAP!!! Tom Homan just said the Trump admin will investigate & punish any foreign countries involved in the border invasion.
“People are going to be held accountable… What did the United Nations have to do with this open border crisis? What NGOs were involved in this?”🔥
I didn’t think I could get any more excited about the next four years. The UN and a lot of organizations funded by dark money were definitely involved in the invasion, and it’s about time they got dealt with.
There is far bigger significance than most people realize to Tom Homan saying the Trump administration will investigate other nations involved in the border invasion.
What he’s unofficially announcing is that the Trump administration is going to try to expose and take down the…
There is far bigger significance than most people realize to Tom Homan saying the Trump administration will investigate other nations involved in the border invasion.
What he’s unofficially announcing is that the Trump administration is going to try to expose and take down the Globalist Elite Cabal. The powers behind the border invasion are the entities — nations, NGOs, oligarchs, and technocrats — that are actively trying to diminish America’s place in the world so they can usher in their vision of 10 regional powers controlled by a one world government.
Taking on Open Borders is taking on the Globalist Elite Cabal. I’m down with that.
Bill Clinton revealed in his new memoir, “Citizen – My Life After The White House,” that he “couldn’t sleep for two years after the election” and suffered “outbursts of rage, which lasted for years” following Hillary’s 2016 loss to President Trump.
“The whole thing is hard for me to write,” says Slick Willie while pushing the debunked Russia collusion hoax and blaming it for Hillary’s loss.
President Bill Clinton was so enraged by the treatment of his wife, Hillary, during her failed presidential bid that he couldn’t sleep for two years, he now admits – or stop complaining about the shock defeat.
Writing in his new memoir, an emotional Clinton issues an apology to all those who found him hard going in the years following the 2016 contest, won by Donald Trump, which he describes as ‘the darkest election possible in the United States’.
Clinton, president from 1993-2001, still blames Hillary’s defeat on a toxic combination of Russian propaganda, an unprecedented investigation into her use of emails by James Comey, then director of the FBI, and a supine political press which, he says, took more interest in the email controversy than the merits of the candidates.
‘I apologize to all those who endured my outbursts of rage, which lasted for years and bothered or bored people who thought it pointless to rehash things that couldn’t be changed.’
Activist actor George Clooney is outraged after being manipulated by former President Barack Obama into lobbying for Kamala Harris to take faltering Joe Biden’s place in the 2024 election – and then getting thrown under the bus by his onetime buddy when she lost, can reveal.
“George is furious with Obama for disappearing after the election disaster and leaving him holding the bag for pushing the plan with his Hollywood pals”, a showbiz insider said.
Clooney, 63, wrote an opinion piece in July calling for President Biden to drop his reelection campaign, citing his declining mental faculties.
“We are not going to win in November with this president”, he declared. Biden, 82, heeded that advice 11 days later, ceding his campaign to Vice President Harris. And the minute Kamala’s historic bid for the White House came up short, Clooney started taking heat! “Since I’m in a deep depression and feel like lashing out at someone, what’s the plan now, George Clooney?” One of his many same-party critics writes on social media. “It’s all George Clooney’s fault!” (Read more: RadarOnline, 11/30/2024)(Archive)
Sen. Hawley: “Why don’t you just release it? Is it classified?”
FBI Deputy Director Abbate: “The document is not classified.”
Sen. Hawley: “Will you commit to releasing this unclassified document that alleges that the President Of the United States has taken $5 million in…
A judge ordered Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to release all communications with Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee.
Earlier this year conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch asked the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, for a default judgement against Fani Willis refusing to answer its open records request.
“Defendant has not filed an answer and no answer has been served upon [Judicial Watch].… Defendant’s answer was due 30 days after service, or on April 10, 2024. Pursuant to [Georgia law] the case automatically became in default when an answer was not filed by the due date. Further pursuant to that Code section, Defendant was permitted as a matter of right to open the default within 15 days of the day of default, or by April 25, 2024.” Judicial Watch wrote in its motion earlier this year.
“I think this is the first time in Judicial Watch’s 30 years that a government official failed to answer an open records lawsuit in court,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “This further shows Ms. Willis has something to hide about her collusion with the Biden administration and Nancy Pelosi’s Congress on her unprecedented and compromised ‘get-Trump’ prosecution.”
The Court ordered Fani Willis to release the records in five days and declared that she violated Georgia law.
HUGE: Court finds Fani Willis in default on @JudicialWatch lawsuit for records on her Lawfare collusion with Biden gang and Pelosi’s operation to destroy @RealDonaldTrump! Orders her to search and produce releasable records within 5 business days!
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, thousands of North Carolina residents found themselves stranded in the wreckage, waiting for help that never came. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is tasked with providing disaster relief, has failed to meet its promises to those devastated by the storm, leaving many families with nowhere to turn.
O’Keefe Media Group traveled to Swannanoa, North Carolina, to investigate the government’s delayed response to the disaster. Despite FEMA’s claims that assistance would be promptly delivered, residents like Daily Dow are left struggling with no immediate relief in sight.
James O’Keefe speaks with Daily Dow.
“They [FEMA] haven’t helped me yet,” said Dow, whose home was destroyed by the storm. Dow explained that although FEMA has provided temporary housing at a hotel, she and her children are soon to be relocated to a tent, leaving them vulnerable to the harsh conditions. “It’s been two months, and I can’t wait in the cold anymore,” she said, emphasizing the growing sense of despair.
OMG INVESTIGATES FEMA – Part 1: “FEMA Doesn’t Want These People”: North Carolina Residents Still Stranded as @FEMA Fails to Deliver Aid After Hurricane Helene
“This area was completely devastated,” one Hurricane Helene victim in Western North Carolina shared, describing the extent of the flooding during the storm. “You can see, I mean, the river’s quite far away, but the water came all the way up here. Everything inside has to come out.”
In the wake of the disaster, @OKeefeMedia Group traveled to North Carolina to investigate the government’s failure to provide timely assistance, despite promises of aid. “They [FEMA] haven’t helped me yet,” Swannanoa, North Carolina resident Daily Dow said. Many residents who have lost everything are left to fend for themselves while FEMA’s support remains absent. Dow added, “FEMA has helped me with a hotel. They paid for my hotel,” sharing she has one more day at the hotel before she and her children will move into “a tent with a stove, a wood stove in it.”
“It’s been two months, and I can’t wait in the cold anymore,” Dow said, emphasizing the growing despair. Despite FEMA’s promises of up to $47,000 for rebuilding, their inaction has left Dow feeling abandoned: “I’m eligible to get up to $47,000 to replace my house. But they haven’t come through.”
In the face of government inaction, volunteers with Spokes of Hope, Savage Freedom, All Hands and Hearts, and other local communities are stepping in to support each other. “Churches have been really helpful,” a volunteer shared. “Samaritan’s Purse is doing a good job… Savage Freedom that’s been coming out.” Even with the outpouring of volunteer efforts, the lack of official aid continues to be a harsh reality for many.
Stay tuned for PART 2 of our four-part series, where OMG takes hidden cameras behind the scenes to confront federal FEMA officials… @SamaritansPurse @AllHandsHearts
“This area was completely devastated,” one Hurricane Helene victim in Western North Carolina shared, describing the extent of the flooding during the storm. “You can see, I mean, the river’s quite far away, but the water came all the way up here. Everything inside has to come…
Congress just released BOMBSHELL findings on the January 6th pipe bomb investigation, revealing that the FBI engaged in a massive coverup.
The Committee determined that “There is conflicting information as to whether the FBI received “corrupted” cellular data from the major cell carriers. A former senior FBI official testified that the major cell carrier companies provided “corrupted” cell data to the FBI and suggested that that “corrupted” data may have contained the identity of the pipe bomber; however, in responses to letters from the Subcommittee, the major cell carriers confirmed that they did not provide corrupted data to the FBI and that the FBI never notified them of any issues with accessing the cellular data.”
“After more than 1,400 days since two pipe bombs were placed on Capitol Hill, the FBI has made no arrest and has charged no individuals with planting the explosive devices. Since its initial progress in the early weeks and months of the investigation, there has been little meaningful progress toward the apprehension of the suspect.”
Do you mean to tell me they were able to track down & arrest hundreds of J6ers mere days after January 6th but still can’t get their hands on the actual terrorist who endangered the entire government? Yeah, we’re not buying what they’re selling. EVERYONE AT THE FBI MUST GET ARRESTED.
BREAKING: Congress just released BOMBSHELL findings on the January 6th pipe bomb investigation, revealing that the FBI engaged in a massive coverup.
The Committee determined that “There is conflicting information as to whether the FBI received “corrupted” cellular data from the…
Additionally, they found major law enforcement “failures” surrounding the incident:
– Failed to identify one of the devices during security sweeps at the DNC;
– Failed to properly secure and maintain a perimeter around the pipe bombs despite multiple orders to do so, allowing…
The FBI just released surveillance footage of the suspect planting everything and is seeking the public’s help to identify the suspect after FOUR years.
Former FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams (Credit: Revolver News)
How much lower can the FBI sink? Just when you think this disgraceful agency has hit rock bottom, they manage to dig even deeper. This time, it’s yet another DEI hire making a total mockery of the badge. Agent Nicholas Anthony Williams has been arrested and convicted for robbing people blind during home invasion raids—and yes, at least one of those raids targeted a January 6th political prisoner.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that the regime weaponized the FBI to go after non-violent Americans, now we find out that during those raids, Agent Williams was lurking around like a common thief, helping himself to their belongings.
Honestly, this is what the DEI agenda does: it takes our once-esteemed agencies and institutions and turns them into a colossal joke. And sadly, it’s still going strong, as this shameful story proves.
A former FBI agent, Nicholas Anthony Williams, has been convicted of stealing cash, valuables, and other property while executing search warrants, including items taken from the home of a non-violent January 6 defendant. The conviction, tied to a series of thefts spanning years, has further fueled scrutiny of federal law enforcement practices.
Williams, 36, worked in the FBI’s Houston field office since 2019. He was indicted in January 2023 in the Southern District of Texas on charges of theft, fraud, and making false statements. According to court documents, Williams exploited his role as a federal agent to steal money and property during searches, which he then converted for personal use.
The stolen items included cash, silver bars, cell phones, and government-issued property. Williams also made false claims about fraudulent charges on his FBI-issued credit card, alleging they were legitimate case-related expenses. His actions culminated in a September guilty plea, in which he confessed to five thefts committed between 2020 and 2023.
As we mentioned earlier, among the victims that Agent Williams targeted was a Trump supporter, who was raided after he attended the J6 event. Agent Williams ransacked this poor man’s room. The Liberty News piece goes on:
One of Williams’ theft victims was Alexander Fan, a Houston college student who had been sentenced to 12 months of probation for peacefully protesting inside the Capitol during the January 6 riot. Fan was charged with non-violent trespassing misdemeanors, and his home was searched by the FBI in June 2023.
Alexander Fan (Credit: public domain)
According to court filings, Fan reported several missing items from his bedroom, including $1,500 in cash and silver bars. These items were not listed among those seized under the search warrant. Fan’s attorney, Mark Thering, expressed hope for the eventual return of his client’s stolen property.
BREAKING: @EPAAdvisor Admits ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump is Funneling Billions to Climate Organizations, “We’re Throwing Gold Bars off the Titanic” “It was an insurance policy against Trump winning.” “Get the money out as fast as possible before they [Trump Administration] come in … it’s like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge.”
BREAKING: @EPA Advisor Admits ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump is Funneling Billions to Climate Organizations, “We’re Throwing Gold Bars off the Titanic”
“It was an insurance policy against Trump winning.”
Former President Barack Obama on Thursday claimed the moral high ground by cautioning “one side” of politics is going to “stack the deck” by stealing elections and politicize the U.S. government.
He declined to name which specific party should be attributed with those anti-democratic principles but added they should be opposed.
In a speech at the third annual Obama Foundation Democracy Forum in Chicago, Illinois, the 63-year-old called for a renewed commitment to pluralist ethics and said the consequences of failing to do so are barely worth considering.
He said:
There are going to be times, potentially, when one side tries to stack the deck and lock in a [long pause] permanent grip on power—either by actively suppressing votes, or politicizing the armed forces, or using the judiciary and the criminal justice system to go after opponents.
In those circumstances, pluralism does not call for us to just stand back and say, ‘Well, I’m not sure that’s okay.’
In those circumstances, a line has been crossed, and we have to stand firm.
Critics were quick to point out Obama had only one party in mind when he made the claim.
NEW: Obama says Republicans are the ones who rig elections and weaponize the justice system while speaking at a “Democracy Forum.”
The comment was so outrageous that Obama could barely get the words out of his mouth.
During his address at a “Democracy Forum,” Obama claimed that it is the Republicans who manipulate elections and misuse the judicial system.
U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman (Credit: public domain)
The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a high-profile case brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT).
The decision mandates the FDA to release the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) file for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine no later than June 30, 2025.
The case stemmed from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the PHMPT, which sought comprehensive data related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
The FDA initially claimed it would need up to 75 years to process and release the requested documents. However, the Court, presided over by Judge Mark Pittman, rejected this argument, citing the importance of government accountability.
In late 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) faced significant public scrutiny after proposing a timeline that would extend the full release of documents related to the approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine over several decades.
This proposal emerged following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), a group of scientists and public health professionals seeking comprehensive data on the vaccine’s approval process.
The FDA initially suggested releasing 500 pages per month from a collection exceeding 300,000 pages, effectively delaying complete disclosure until around 2097. The agency cited limited staffing and the extensive volume of documents as reasons for this prolonged timeline.
In response to the backlash, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth, Texas, issued a ruling in January 2022 that significantly shortened the FDA’s proposed timeline.
Judge Pittman ordered the agency to release 55,000 pages per month, ensuring that all documents would be made public by the end of September 2022.
On Friday, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman mandated the FDA to expedite the release of documents related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
According to his conclusion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit:
“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” Jonathan Elliot, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, as Recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia in 1787, at 169–70 (ed. 1881) (statement of Patrick Henry). The Covid-19 pandemic is long passed and so has any legitimate reason for concealing from the American people the information relied upon by the government in approving the Pfizer Vaccine.”
In his ruling, Judge Pittman ordered the FDA to produce the “emergency use authorization” file, underscoring that with the pandemic’s conclusion, there is no longer a valid reason to withhold the information.
The FDA has already produced over a million pages of documents in response to the lawsuit. However, the plaintiffs argue that the agency continues to withhold critical information. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 12/6/2024)(Archive)
The Biden administration worked with banks to ‘spy’ on Americans without a warrant, a stunning new congressional report charges.
The House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released its damning findings that banks targeted Americans supportive of President-elect Donald Trump.
‘The federal government is spying on your bank account,’ the Republican-led panel posted in a video on X summarizing its 47-page report.
‘The federal government has conditioned financial institutions to work for them,’ another alarming slide on the video reads.
What the video seeks to explain is the complex and convoluted process in which major financial firms, like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase and more have all handed over their customer’s data to the government for free.
‘The next time you swipe your [bank or credit] card know that someone may be watching,’ the subcommittee video eerily adds.
This data can include the location, date and description of transactions, making it easy for the government to compile an understanding of where people go, what they buy and what activities they spend their time on.
After receiving this data, the FBI created an internal portal, where employees could search these typically private transactions and profiles could then be made on individual citizens of concern, like those who have shopped at Cabela’s or purchased a Bible, the panel claims.
Over 14,000 federal employees accessed that sensitive financial data in 2023 during which the subcommittee claims 3.3 million ‘warrantless searches’ were made. (Read more: Daily Mail, 12/6/2024)(Archive)
The link to the report released by House Judiciary is not working. A working link was added above.
It all started after a whistleblower told the Committee that following January 6, Bank of America (BoA) voluntarily provided the FBI with a list of individuals who used BoA cards in the DC area during that time—𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬.
In fact, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the FBI facilitated multiple backchannel discussions with financial institutions to gather Americans’ private financial information.
One of the most alarming findings in the new report is that federal law enforcement has been manipulating the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) system to gain access to financial information without warrants or probable cause.
When banks submit a SAR with your financial details, FinCEN compiles it into a searchable database. In 2023, it was accessed by over 14,000 government employees for more than 𝟑 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬.
Christopher Wray and Paul Abbate (Credit: public domain)
FBI Director Christopher Wray is preparing to resign as President Trump moves forward with nominee Kash Patel.
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley (IA) sent Christopher Wray a blistering letter on Monday and told him and his deputy Paul Abbate to step down for the good of the country.
“For the good of the country, it’s time for you and your deputy to move on to the next chapter in your lives,” Mr. Grassley wrote in the letter to Wray, according to The Washington Times. “I therefore must express my vote of no confidence in your continued leadership of the FBI.”
According to The Times, Christopher Wray is going to be gone by Inauguration Day because he doesn’t want to get fired by President Trump.
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray plans to resign on or before Inauguration Day, The Washington Times has learned.
Mr. Wray is calling it quits because he doesn’t want to get fired by President-elect Donald Trump, according to sources inside the bureau who are familiar with the director’s thinking.
“He’s going to be gone at the inauguration. On or before the inauguration,” a source said.
Following Mr. Wray’s departure, Deputy Director Paul Abbate will become acting director and appoint an acting deputy director. Mr. Abbate’s original plan was to stay until May or June so he could help with the transition to a new FBI director.
Mr. Wray knew his days were numbered at the FBI.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Iowa Republican who will become chairman of the Judiciary Committee next month, sent a scathing letter Monday to Mr. Wray saying he should be ousted before his 10-year term as FBI director is up — and he said Mr. Abbate should go, too.
Mr. Grassley’s letter changed Mr. Abbate’s plans, and he is now looking for an alternate acting deputy director to appoint.
Former American employees of Cognizant from left to right: Latreecia Folkes, Jean-Claude Franchitti, Christy Palmer, Abby Israel and Jack Benedict
Six months into her job, Latreecia Folkes had launched a new project and received a letter of praise from her supervisor. And then, she says, she was told to train her replacement on the project, a worker from India. She balked at that but was replaced anyway.
Over the next two years, Folkes said, she was repeatedly denied opportunities for advancement as a project manager at Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., one of the world’s largest information-technology outsourcing firms. She was offered chances to apply for roles that required her to relocate, but she couldn’t because her mother was ill. Over time, her relationship with the company grew strained, and Folkes said she knows why.
“I definitely knew it was because of me being an American, not being Indian, and also because I was Black,” she said in an interview. Folkes filed an internal discrimination complaint in 2017, three days before she was fired.
In October, a jury in a federal class-action lawsuit returned a verdict that found Cognizant intentionally discriminated against more than 2,000 non-Indian employees between 2013 and 2022. The verdict, which echoed a previously undisclosed finding from a 2020 US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigation, centered on discrimination claims based on race and national origin. Cognizant, based in Teaneck, New Jersey, was found to have preferred workers from India, most of whom joined the firm’s US workforce of about 32,000 using skilled-worker visas called H-1Bs.
The case is part of a wave of recent discrimination claims against IT outsourcing companies that underscore growing concerns that these firms have exploited a broken employment-visa system to secure a cheaper, more malleable workforce. In the process, US workers say they’ve been disadvantaged. The industry, which provides computer services to other companies, makes extensive use of H-1Bs; over the past decade and a half, no employer has obtained more of them than Cognizant, federal records show.
Cognizant spokesman Jeff DeMarrais said the company plans to appeal the verdict and disagrees with the EEOC finding. “Cognizant provides equal employment opportunities for all employees and does not tolerate discrimination in any form,” he said. He also said the company has sought fewer new visas over the past several years and said any apparent disparities in its hiring stem from a shortage of US tech workers. “Like many consulting firms and other technology companies in the US, Cognizant utilizes the H-1B visa program to fill positions it cannot fill with available US workers,” DeMarrais wrote in one of several emailed responses to questions from Bloomberg News.
Indeed, the H-1B program was designed to help US employers find specialized talent. But a decade’s worth of records from the US Department of Labor shows that outsourcing companies, including Cognizant, have used the visas mostly to fill lower-level positions, such as IT system analysts and administrators. Fewer than 20% of the 6,400 visa holders Cognizant has sponsored since 2020 had a master’s degree or higher, according to data from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. At companies such as Inc., Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., that figure is about 60%. (Read more: Bloomberg News, 12/09/2024)(Arvhive)
In Trump ‘45, the President had a showdown with the Tennessee Valley Authority over 200 American jobs that TVA had switched to H1Bs.
In the run-up to Christmas, TVA fired these 200 Americans – and had them train their foreign replacements on the way out.
They did this despite the fact that TVA is (1) a government agency; (2) founded to improve the material station of poor Americans, and (3) manages critical energy infrastructure for a large swath of the country.
My team and I proposed a plan to President Trump to reinstate the terminated American workers. Because the President of TVA cannot be fired by the President of the United States we thought President Trump should hold the TVA board members responsible – the highly-compensated decision-makers who had orchestrated the H1B worker swap.
The President agreed. He started firing TVA board members one at a time, with a demand to reinstate the Americans to their jobs. It didn’t take long before the TVA president and the remaining Board members agreed to reinstate the American workers.
At the time, some skeptical commentators said it was meaningless because it was “only” 200 jobs. But it was an important moment for two reasons.
First, these 200 jobs mattered to 200 American families, especially with Christmas approaching.
Second, it set an outer boundary for what short-term labor visas (which is ultimately what the H1B visa is) should NOT be used for: to replace competent American workers in a critical industry with temporary foreign visa workers just to save a buck.
There is broad agreement on the right about what H1B visas – or any other visa – should NOT be used for. The TVA showdown is an example of that.
Agreeing on this common understanding is the right starting place for this incoming administration.
In Trump ‘45, the President had a showdown with the Tennessee Valley Authority over 200 American jobs that TVA had switched to H1Bs.
In the run-up to Christmas, TVA fired these 200 Americans – and had them train their foreign replacements on the way out.
1. I led the drafting of legislation in the Trump ‘45 White House to create a new legal immigration framework. I saw firsthand what happens when ANY visa reform is proposed: executives from the biggest multinationals and lobbyists from all kinds of industries are banging on the door, demanding to keep what they have.
2. What they have is a tangled morass of visa classes that are carve-outs, handouts, and special favors to particular industries, bought and paid for through decades of lobbying feckless members of Congress and presidential administrations. Industries lobby for the foreign workers they claim to “need,” and then they get a visa class carve-out, which they protect (and seek to expand) at all costs.
3. And there are enormous costs for our nation – costs that fall on the American worker with devastating consequences. The statistics bear that out: job gains go to foreign-born workers while American workers post net job losses.
I also know this firsthand because I grew up a working class kid, watching my father (and by extension, our family) suffer from unfair foreign labor competition.
4. For too long, Americans have been largely unaware of the source of these problems because the policies are designed to be too complicated and are made largely invisible to public scrutiny. I’m glad the right is having an open debate about legal immigration. It is past time.
5. To be clear, the difference between O1Bs and H1Bs matters in this debate, for example, because these visas are intended to accomplish very different goals and are entirely different in scale, BUT both visa classes are rife with abuse. (Plenty of Reggaeton stars and anti-American athletes enter the U.S. on O-1 visas.) Essentially ALL visa classes are abused. Again, that’s because these things exist to serve special interests on one side of the labor market (and it’s not the side of the American worker).
6. The debate can’t be confined to a single industry – it’s about Big Tech, Big Ag, tourism and hospitality, transportation (airlines, trucking), the media & sports entertainment complex (yes, the NFL and MLB have their own special visa classes and their own special treatment by DHS and State) and many many others. They all want special visas to import cheap and convenient foreign labor. Even the roofing industry is now seeking its own special visa class. And all of these special classes get expanded over time, allowing the American worker to be flooded with foreign competitors for no reason other than labor savings for employers.
7. I, like many Americans, voted for a sealed border and an immigration moratorium. Americans need to retake control of our immigration system — how many are coming in, for what reasons, and for how long. One question absent from our current system: how does this individual immigrant benefit the American nation and her people? No more blanket exemptions or economic rationales. Immigration is a regime-based question, as both Hamilton and Jefferson wrote on extensively, and our system should reflect that Americans must also demand meaningful investment in assimilation and integration requirements for legal immigrants here already.
1. I led the drafting of legislation in the Trump ‘45 White House to create a new legal immigration framework. I saw firsthand what happens when ANY visa reform is proposed: executives from the biggest multinationals and lobbyists from all kinds of industries are banging on the…
Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Tuesday found that the Justice Department in 2017 secretly surveilled lawmakers, congressional staffers, and reporters.
CNNreported that the Justice Department, in 2017, during Trump’s first term in office, secretly obtained records of Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Patel – who was at the time a Republican staffer for the House Intelligence Committee – as well as 21 Democrat congressional staffers, 20 Republican staffers (including Patel,) two nonpartisan congressional staffers, and eight reporters.
President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Patel to serve as the FBI Director.
Career prosecutors at the Justice Department sought records, including emails from journalists at CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times.
Horowitz wrote that seeking these communications based on “the close proximity in time between access to classified information and subsequent publication of the information… risks chilling Congress’s ability to conduct oversight of the executive branch.” He added, saying that such a move:
…exposes congressional officials to having their records reviewed by the Department solely for conducting Congress’ constitutional authorized oversight duties and creating, at a minimum, the appearance of inappropriate interference by the executive branch in legitimate oversight activity by the legislative branch.
Horowitz did not find retaliatory motivation by the career prosecutors who issued the compulsory process of the lawmakers, staffers, and reporters, nor was the motivation based on party affiliation. He did not recommend charges again anyone in their review.
The IG report found that the Justice Department did not disclose that the NDOs focused on lawmakers and congressional staffers, although Justice Department policy at the time did not require that.
Evaluate when advance notification to a senior Department, such as the Deputy Attorney General or Attorney General, should be required before compulsory process is issued to consider raising constitutional separation of issues
Consider the circumstances in which NDOs should identify for the reviewing judge that the records covered by a proposed NDO are records of lawmakers or congressional staffers
Consider whether there are circumstances in which an exhaustion requirement should be a requisite for issuing compulsory process to obtain records of members of Congress and congressional staffers
In its final report, the House task force investigating the assassination attempts against President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday accused multiple government agencies, including the U.S. Secret Service (USSS), of failing to produce documents it requested for its probe.
Trump survived two assassination attempts earlier this year, including one in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a bullet struck his ear. The second attempt occurred in Palm Beach, Florida, in September. Trump was not injured in the second attempt.
The bipartisan panel, which released its final report into the shootings on Tuesday, said there were multiple leadership failures that contributed to the deadly shooting in Pennsylvania in July.
In the second shooting, lawmakers noted that there were “critical vulnerabilities” in the security of the golf course, but said federal agencies including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) did not provide further information they needed on the preparation and response to the shooting, per Fox News.
“The Task Force notes that as of the date of publication of this report, [the Department of Homeland Security], USSS, FBI, and ATF have not produced any documents responsive to the Task Force’s requests regarding the preparation for, events of, and response to the second assassination attempt that occurred on September 15,” the report said.
The 180-page report also suggested Congress consider detaching the Secret Service from the Department of Homeland Security and make it independent. The agency was previously part of the Treasury Department.
“The current structure potentially weakens USSS, a small but critically important agency, in advocating for its budget and other priorities inside a much larger entity,” the report said. “The failure in [Butler, Pennsylvania] was far from the first significant USSS failure in recent history, and it is fair to question whether USSS should continue to be housed within DHS. (Read more: Just the News, 12/10/2024) (Archive)
Former president Bill Clinton writes about his links to pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein in his memoir, Citizen.. (Credit: Getty Images)
Former president Bill Clinton said he hopes Joe Biden doesn’t issue preemptive pardons for his wife or others as Trump prepares to take office.
Clinton made the remarks during an appearance on ABC’s “The View” on Wednesday.
“Mr. President, Trump will be returning to the White House…. with an alleged enemies list we are hearing. Do you think it would be wise of President Biden to preemptively pardon any potential targets? What about your wife, Hillary Clinton?” The View’s Sunny Hostin asked Clinton. “She apparently is on Kash Patel’s list.”
Bill Clinton argued his wife Hillary doesn’t need to be pardoned because she hasn’t committed any crimes.
“Well, they’ve got a problem with [Hillary] because first, she didn’t do anything wrong,” Clinton replied. “Second, she followed the rules exactly as they were written. Third, Trump’s state department, Trump’s state department, found… they, remember how the emails was such a big issue in 20216? Trump’s state department found that Hillary sent and received exactly 0 classified emails on her personal device,” Bill Clinton said.
Clinton continued, “It was a made up, phony story, so you know, I guess if Kash Patel is determined to make one up, he could do it. But, I think if President Biden wanted to talk to me about that, I would talk to him about it. But, I don’t think I should be giving public advice on the pardon power. I think it’s too … it’s a very personal thing. But I hope he won’t do that. Most of us get out of this world ahead of where we would get if all we got was simple justice and so, it’s normally a fool’s errand to spend a lot of time trying to get even.”
A North Texas doctoral student whose family is connected to China’s Communist Party was sentenced Thursday to eight years in federal prison for accessing thousands of child pornography images and videos including some depicting the sexual assault of infants and toddlers, court records said.
Shanlin Jin (Credit: Collin County Jail)
Shanlin Jin, 24, who lived in Allen, had more than 47,000 images and videos on his computer, police have said.
U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant in Sherman also ordered Jin to pay restitution to seven victims who requested it.
Jin, a Chinese national, pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography in December [2022] and faced up to a decade in prison under the sentencing guidelines. He will probably be deported after he serves his sentence, court records show.
(…) Born in Beijing, Jin was scheduled to obtain a bachelor’s degree from the “Special Class for the Gifted Young at the University of Science and Technology of China” just before his 19th birthday, according to court records.
He moved to the U.S. in 2016 to pursue academic studies, first obtaining a master’s degree in economics from Temple University in Philadelphia. He then moved to North Texas to begin a PhD program in economics at Southern Methodist University, according to court records.
The criminal investigation began at the end of 2020 when undercover officers downloaded child pornography from a user they eventually identified as Jin, records show.
The Collin County Sheriff’s Office searched the Allen home he was renting in January 2021. Afterward, an investigator questioned him in a police vehicle outside the house and he admitted viewing child pornography images, authorities said.
When Jin’s attorneys tried to have his statements to police suppressed, prosecutors responded that he wasn’t in custody at the time and called him a “highly intelligent, educated man” who was fluent in English and understood what was happening. The judge did not throw out his statements.
DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz (Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Do you detect the conspicuous lack of conviction in DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Jan 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol building, which has been the central device for defeating the populist revolt against the treasonous DC blob? And did you notice that it took him four years to report on the event? Weird, a little bit, ya think?
I’ll tell you why: because when investigators genuinely interested in the truth come on the scene, soon to happen, a very different story will be revealed. The Horowitz report is a last ditch attempt, at the very last moment, to get ahead of that true story — which is that the FBI and its parent, the DOJ, have been lawlessly and in bad faith acting against their oaths to defend constitutional government.
For eight years — including the four when Mr. Trump was president — the FBI and DOJ worked tirelessly to run him out of office and make sure he could never return. The effort was prodigious and, astoundingly, it failed. It was launched initially to conceal the crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, especially their moneygrubbing in Russia around the Skolkovo project — Russia’s Silicon Valley — and the Uranium One scandal — which involved the sale of US nuclear assets to Russia’s state-owned Rosatom company. The Clintons’ problems became especially acute in the summer of 2016 when Hillary’s private (outside government) email server came to light with its thousands of potentially incriminating memos. Looked like trouble.
The cure for that was to accuse candidate Trump of conniving with Russia, a sort of political homeopathy. It began as a mere Hillary campaign prank — the Steele Dossier — but CIA Director John Brennan and Barack Obama dumped it in FBI Director James Comey’s lap, and asked him to run with it. Mr. Comey stupidly complied, and before long he marshaled the executive officers of the FBI into the massive hoax that became RussiaGate.
The Mueller Investigation was intended to convert all that into a prosecutable Trump crime while covering up the FBI’s own crimes, but it proved a fiasco when the Mueller report issued in March, 2019, came up empty — to the horror of the Trump-deranged public.
Inspector General Horowitz’s report on these FBI shenanigans came out in December of that year, finding little amiss besides some “errors” in FISA applications and FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith’s forgery of an email as to whether one Carter Page was ever a CIA asset. The big news media let it all slide. Mr. Trump somehow survived, to the blob’s horror, and prepared to run for re-election.
The 2020 election was a fantastic trip laid on the American public. Covid-19 allowed for drastic changes in voting rules. The Democratic Party managed in plain sight to maneuver the obviously senile Joe Biden to head their ticket, and an array of very conspicuous late-night frauds got him elected. On Jan 6, 2021, Republican legislators were poised to contest the results out of several swing states where the frauds occurred in the requisite Congressional certification ceremony. The law plainly allowed for such challenges. It could not be allowed to happen. (Read more: James Howard Kunstler, 12/13/2024)(Archive)
DOJ Finally Releases Suppressed IG Report on Jan 6: Here’s What They’re Still Covering Up
For all of the damning vindication of its admissions, the DOJ IG report is still more damning in terms of its omissions. There is not a single word about the most damning smoking gun of all of January 6—the January 6 pipe bombs. And this is despite absolutely scandalous revelations indicating near certainty of Capitol Police, ATF, and Secret Service involvement in the cover-up of the pipe bomb scandal. As we focus on the FBI here, it is incidentally important to keep in mind that we have definitively shown that the aforementioned agencies (Capitol Police, ATF, Secret Service) and probably many more are deeply involved in the Fedsurrection scandal. Most notably in relation to the FBI, we recently learned that the head of the Washington Field Office of the FBI lied about the Bureau’s inability to receive geofencing data that would have positively identified the pipe bomber. For that matter, we also learned that as early as mid-2022, the FBI had deleted all surveillance footage of the pipe bomb location on January 6th. None of these damning questions is so much as addressed at all in this report.
Our reporting completely changed the national conversation on January 6th. We were viciously punished for it—Congress even banned our email lists from reaching their servers. One FBI agent who sympathized with our reporting had his security clearance revoked for sharing one of our January 6 articles. The mainstream media and regime cracked down on our exposure of the Fedsurrection lie with a vigor that had rarely been seen even from the criminals in the Biden regime. The DOJ’s suppressed IG report is a start, but it is far from the end. Anything that does not assist us in finalizing our exposure of the pipe bomb scandal is fake and inadequate. The pipe bomb issue implicates the FBI, Secret Service, ATF, Capitol Police, and very possibly even Kamala Harris herself. It is the most dangerous issue, and therefore it is the most important issue. It is the issue that we have put our blood and sweat into at Revolver News, and we will not rest until the full and damning truth is out no matter how ugly.
When it comes to the truth about January 6, we cannot be cheap dates. Stay tuned. There are more reports to come out.
Derek Chauvin was convicted in state court in the murder of George Floyd. For reasons I explained in great detail at the time, Chauvin did not get a fair trial. He was sentenced to 22 years in prison. His appeals from that verdict failed in the state courts and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case.
Chauvin also pled guilty to federal charges and received a roughly similar sentence. Chauvin is contesting his federal guilty plea, asserting in a pro se motion to vacate sentence, among other things, ineffective assistance from his counsel Eric Nelson, for failure to engage with a supposed expert who reached out with a theory that Floyd died because of heart failure not Chauvin’s actions.
Counsel appointed for Chauvin after Nelson withdrew from the case then filed a Motion for Discovery:
The opinion of Dr. Schaetzel is that Mr. Floyd died due to a catecholamine crisis when his paraganglioma secreted excessive levels of catecholamines. Dr. Schaetzel urges that samples preserved from Mr. Floyd be tested for catecholamines and their metabolites, and that tissue sections of Mr. Floyd’s heart be examined. These tests and examinations would support Dr. Schaetzel’s opinion about what caused Mr. Floyd to die if high levels of catecholamines or their metabolites were discovered, or if the heart tissue showed evidence of Takotsubo’s myocarditis. (Takotsubo’s myocarditis is an acute heart failure (i.e., a heart attack), that is caused by a catecholamine crisis.) So Dr. Schaetzel’s opinion is that the catecholamine crisis led to Takotsubo’s myocarditis, resulting in pulmonary edema and death. Because these tests and examinations would support Dr. Schaetzel’s opinion depending on their results, there is good cause to conduct the tests.
In sum, Chauvin requests the following discovery:
• Any and all histology slides of Floyd’s heart, tissue samples of Floyd’s heart, tissue blocks containing heart tissue from Floyd, recut sections of all autopsy tissue histology slides relating to Floyd’s heart, related to the criminal case against Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd possessed by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office (HCMEO), and any entity that the HCMEO contracted with that has these materials.
• Photos taken of George Floyd’s heart.
• Any and all vitreous fluid/aqueous humor, postmortem blood, antemortem blood, and urine from Floyd possessed by the HCMEO, any entity that the HCMEO contracted with that has these materials, HHC (autopsy report notes that antemortem blood was taken at HHC), and NMS Labs (NMS Labs conducted the toxicology testing and produced the toxicology report, and thus they may still have samples of the blood and urine that they tested (DE 544-1 at 25-26)). Chauvin requests quantities of these fluids sufficient to test the concentration of fractionated catecholamines and metanephrine levels present.
The Court granted the motion for discovery in an Order on December 16, 2024:
U.S. District Court Judge Paul Magnuson (Credit: Scott Takushi / Pioneer Press)
Mr. Chauvin filed a § 2255 motion challenging his federal conviction. In the briefing on this motion, he argued that his motion should be granted because he was denied the effective assistance of counsel in two fundamental ways. First, his attorney, Eric Nelson, failed to inform Mr. Chauvin that a Doctor William Schaetzel had contacted Mr. Nelson and opined that Mr. Chauvin did not cause Mr. Floyd’s death. Dr. Schaetzel’s opinion is that Mr. Floyd died due to a catecholamine crisis when his paraganglioma secreted excessive levels of catecholamines. These excessive levels of catecholamines led to Takotsubo’s myocarditis (a type of acute heart failure, or heart attack), resulting in pulmonary edema and death. Dr. Schaetzel contacted Mr. Nelson in April 2021, before Mr. Chauvin was indicted federally. So Mr. Chauvin’s first ground is a claim that Nelson provided ineffective assistance of counsel to Mr. Chauvin by failing to consult with him on this issue.
The second way Mr. Chauvin claims that Mr. Nelson was ineffective is related, though independent. Dr. Schaetzel urged that samples preserved from Mr. Floyd be tested for catecholamines and their metabolites, and that tissue sections of Mr. Floyd’s heart be examined. These tests and examinations would support Dr. Schaetzel’s opinion about what caused Mr. Floyd to die if high levels of catecholamines or their metabolites were discovered, or if the heart tissue showed evidence of Takotsubo’s myocarditis. Mr. Nelson never requested these tests. Mr. Chauvin’s second claim is thus not a failure-to-consult claim, but a failure-to-test claim.
The Biden Admin paid Reuters over $300 million in government contracts. 11 different Biden government agencies targeted Elon’s businesses. All 11 agencies paid millions to Reuters. Reuters then won the Pulitzer Prize for “their work on Elon Musk and misconduct at his businesses”
See it all for yourself, right here in the US government contract and grant database:
Mark Milley with acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller at Arlington National Cemetery on November 11, 2020. (Credit: public domain)
On the eve of former President Donald Trump’s return to power, a new report is turning the story of the 2021 Capitol incursion on its head.
For four years, a Democratic-run “select” committee on Jan. 6, anti-Trump Republicans, and the establishment media have blamed Trump for the violence in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, but the report released Tuesday accused Trump’s acting defense secretary at the time, Christopher Miller, of defying Trump’s specific orders.
It’s the very first finding of the report, and it paints a scathing picture of Nancy Pelosi’s “select” committee — and former Rep. Liz Cheney’s role in the whole affair.
NEW: J6 Report Released Today shows the Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, IGNORED AND DISMISSED President Donald Trumps January 3, 2021, Directive to use Military Assets to Ensure the Safety of everyone on January 6
* “There was no way I was…
The report, “On the Failures and Politicization of the January 6 Select Committee,” cited transcripts from interviews conducted by the Department of Defense Inspector General into the events surrounding the incursion.
In an interview with the IG, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, a now-retired Army general, described Trump’s words at a Jan. 3, 2021 meeting to prepare for the meeting of Congress to certify the results of the still-disputed 2020 election.
Milley summed up Trump’s statement as:
“Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.”
To most Americans, that would sound like an order from a commander in chief to his subordinate, but Miller told Nancy Pelosi’s rigged Jan. 6 Committee that he chose to consider it “banter,” the report noted on page 69.
In fact, he told the IG interviewers, according to page 68 of the report: “There was absolutely — there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. Military forces at the Capitol.”
In addition, Miller told the Jan. 6 committee that he was influenced by a commentary piece published by The Washington Poston Jan. 3, 2021, signed by all 10 living former defense secretaries, calling on Miller by name to “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election or hinder the success of the new team.”
That piece, though, was “orchestrated” by Cheney, according to the report. Cheney’s father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, who also served as a defense secretary, was a co-author of the piece.
(Liz Cheney’s role in organizing the op-ed was first revealed in a May 2021 interview the liberal magazine the New Yorker conducted with Eric Edelman, a Cheney family friend and former national security adviser to Dick Cheney. Not even the left-wing “fact-checking” site Snopes has disputed it.)
The report released Tuesday also showed Miller feared being called a “Trump crony” and was sensitive to criticism on social media.
Cassidy Hutchinson and Liz Cheney (Credit: public domain)
The Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) released a second report on the events surrounding January 6 as well his investigation into the weaponized J6 Committee on Tuesday.
“This interim report reveals that there was not just one single cause for what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6; but it was a series of intelligence, security, and leadership failures at several levels and numerous entities,” Loudermilk said.
Loudermilk’s report outlined criminal recommendations against J6 Committee co-chair Liz Cheney for witness tampering based on her communication with J6 ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson.
The Committee’s Top Findings:
1. Former Representative Liz Cheney colluded with “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.
2. Former Representative Liz Cheney should be investigated for potential criminal witness tampering based on the new information about her communication.
3. Cassidy Hutchinson’s most outrageous claims lacked any evidence, and the Select Committee had knowledge that her claims were false when they publicly promoted her.
President Trump did not attack his Secret Service Detail at any time on January 6.
President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.
Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.
Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson baselessly attempted to disbar Hutchinson’s former attorney.
4. Former Representative Liz Cheney used the January 6 Select Committee as a tool to attack President Trump, at the cost of investigative integrity and Capitol security.
5. The January 6 Select Committee was improperly constituted and lacked authority.
6. The January 6 Select Committee neglected or withheld evidence from its Final Report and deleted voluminous records it should have preserved.
7. The Department of Defense scapegoated the Washington D.C. National Guard to distract blame from senior leadership.
As previously reported, Loudermilk obtainedJanuary 6 ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson’s Signal messages which revealed she was directly communicating with J6 Vice Chair Liz Cheney in 2022.
Politico is reporting that Biden Administration bureaucrats are depressed because they can’t find new jobs, and members of Biden’s “national security team” are “frantically” scrambling to find new careers before Trump dismantles the deep state.
“Our side is just battling depression while we update our resumes,” one White House official stated, while another staffer declared that “Everyone is willing to take a demotion because there aren’t enough jobs.”
Boo hoo. Cry harder.
While the higher ups are all abandoning ship for Defence contractors, think tanks and consulting firms, the lower level dogsbody bureaucrats are whining that they face taking “unglamorous jobs” with pay cuts.
“There’s a lot of good career people here who went through the first Trump administration and are saying, ‘Can I really go through that again?’” said one Biden appointee at the State Department.
Oh my God, the hardship of having someone you don’t agree with running things.
“It’s going to be very saturated and crowded and so beggars can’t be choosers, I guess,” said another Biden State Department appointee, adding “The crazy thing is none of these jobs we’re desperate to get are particularly glamorous, unless you want to go lobby for some autocratic foreign governments.”
The world’s tiniest violin is playing for them.
Politico notes that “Wherever they land, a wave of Democratic national security and foreign policy staffers will continue the tradition of patiently treading water for four years until, just maybe, a Democrat can win the presidency again in 2028.” (Read more: Zero Hedge, 12/17/2024) (Archive)
Former Vice President Joe Biden and Former Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken attend the National Committee On American Foreign Policy 2017 Gala Awards Dinner on October 30, 2017 (Credit: Mike Coppola/Getty Images)
New email records released by the National Archives show then-Vice President Joe Biden was briefed about sensitive foreign policy matters by then-advisor Antony Blinken on his private email account, including details about a failed North Korean missile launch.
Joe Biden, now president, first faced scrutiny about potential private accounts after emails contained on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop showed the then-vice president in the Obama administration was using an email address with a pseudonym to communicate about business and official matters with his son, other family members, and senior staff.
One new email, part of several batches released by the National Archives pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit shows that in the hours following a North Korean missile launch in April 2012, Blinken—who was then Biden’s national security advisor—sent a message to the vice president’s private email account “” with details about the sensitive national security matter.
“Just in case you missed it, the North Korean rocket failed somewhere between the first and second stages,” Blinken wrote. “Will take some time to determine why.” The future Secretary of State signed the email message, “tony.”
The launch marked a provocative escalation during a time of leadership transition in the communist dictatorship as Kim Jong Un was assuming powers from his father, who had died the preceding December. One day after the email, North Korea confirmed that the rocket launch had indeed failed.
82,000 pages
Blinken followed up on his first email two days later, presumably with more updates, but the contents of that communication were redacted by the National Archives under the “P5” exemption, which excludes information from FOIA requests that “would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,” under the Presidential Records Act.
The Auberge Du Soleil luxury resort in Napa Valley, California. (Credit:
The Auberge du Soleil, a five-star hillside hotel and spa with a panoramic view overlooking the vineyards of Napa Valley, appears to be first-rate in all ways but one. While the glamorous resort, an hour’s drive from San Francisco, fills rooms that routinely go for $2,000 a night with A-list celebrities and tech titans, financial records suggest it did not provide much of a return to at least two of its investors – Rep. Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul. That changed when it received millions in congressionally authorized COVID-19 relief in 2020 and 2021.
Nancy Pelosi speaks during her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill on Aug. 12, 2022. (Credit: Oliver Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)
The Auberge du Soleil investment, held for decades by Paul Pelosi, has rarely turned a significant profit, according to Nancy’s financial disclosure forms. In some years, he has recorded a loss or a profit of between $50,000 to $100,000. But the year of the bailout money stands apart. In 2021, Pelosi’s ethics forms show that her family’s income from the resort surged to a range of $1 million to $5 million.
The French Riviera-themed resort may not be most people’s idea of a struggling business in need of a government bailout, yet the Auberge du Soleil – which shuttered briefly at the outset of the pandemic before swiftly rebounding – received about $9 million from a series of special taxpayer-funded emergency relief programs.
The previously unreported windfall is among several COVID bailouts that flowed to Pelosi-backed restaurants, hotels, and properties, including several Courtyard Marriott hotels.
A RealClearInvestigations analysis found that Pelosi’s profits spiked from a variety of holdings that won significant government rescue funds – which amounted to $28 million, a total more than previously known. For their family’s stake in the Auberge du Soleil, the Pelosis received more income in 2021, when bailout funds channeled to the resort, than any other time over the last 10 years. (Read more: RealClearInvestigations, 12/18/2024)(Archive)
Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in 2010. (Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
(…) Two weeks after the election of Donald Trump, Bill Clinton released a new book. Citizen: My Life After the White House, was not widely noticed at the time, but scattered across various chapters of the book are about 1,500 words attacking Peter Schweizer by name for his reporting all the way back in 2015.
Clinton’s book makes several inaccurate assertions about what Clinton Cash reported and the role of the New York Times, Washington Post, and ABC News in confirming what the book would reveal about how the Clintons used their charitable foundation to enrich themselves. On the most recent episode of The Drill Down, Schweizer and co-host Eric Eggers respond to Clinton’s claims.
Bill Clinton writes that Schweizer’s 2015 book was “political propaganda designed to help elect far-right wolves in populist clothing.” This, Schweizer says, is completely untrue. The investigation for the book began in 2013, while Hillary Clinton was still Secretary of State under President Barack Obama and long before either she or Donald Trump announced their candidacies.
What piqued GAI’s interest at the time, Schweizer has said, was the Clintons’ own financial disclosure forms (required for high government officeholders) that showed enormous sums of cash coming to their foundation from corrupt countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, all of which surged in 2009 after Hillary became secretary of state.
“The facts are simple. The Clinton Foundation took in $250 million in 2009,” Schweizer says. That level was sustained during the four years she was in office. Once she left office, contributions to the family foundation began to dwindle until, in 2020, it received just $16 million in contributions, a 93% decrease from its boom days.
Bill’s memoir also attempts to spin the revelations in Clinton Cash regarding Uranium One, an American mining company that was sold to Russia in a deal approved while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and a key member of the inter-agency group that had to approve any sale of a strategic asset to a foreign power. Schweizer’s book showed that several Clinton cronies and megadonors were enriched by the deal.
Clinton argues there was no scandal there because Hillary did not personally approve the deal. In fact, the approval was handled by a State Dept. staffer closely tied to John Podesta, a Clinton administration operative who would become Hillary’s campaign chairman in 2016. The Clinton “blur” here, as reported in Clinton Cash, was in distancing Hillary from the decision while her foundation reaped donation benefits from grateful investors in the deal, including Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra. “It’s a distinction without a difference,” Schweizer says.
Bill also claims Schweizer’s book “achieved its larger purpose when, amazingly, The New York Times and The Washington Post joined Fox in signing ‘exclusive’ agreements to use the book as a ‘resource’ for the campaigns, knowing full well whose payroll the author was on and his past work as a right-wing propagandist.”
While it’s certainly eye-popping to see the New YorkTimes treated as part of a “right-wing” conspiracy, the truth is that Schweizer simply furnished them advance copies of some of the research. They produced their own stories that corroborated and even furthered the findings contained in the manuscript. Jo Becker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, produced a front-page exposé on the Uranium One story for the Times after confirming and supplementing what the book would reveal.
“We call out powerful people. And it’s satisfying to know that, nearly 10 years later, Bill is still mad and still won’t let go of it,” Schweizer tells Eggers.
Clinton’s book never disputes the facts, Schweizer says. They never denied their foundation took in nearly $150 million from investors in Uranium One, for example. A Russian bank with interests in the deal paid Bill $500,000 for a single speech in Moscow the same month the deal was under official review.
Schweizer recalls only one noteworthy figure who tried to push back on the revelations in Clinton Cash. That was a testy interview on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos, who did not refute the facts, nor did he reveal to his audience his own glaring conflict of interest – the fact that he was himself a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. “Where is the smoking gun?” Stephanopoulos asked Schweizer repeatedly in an audio clip of the interview. “You have no evidence of a crime.”
The Georgia Court Of Appeals (Credit: public domain)
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is disqualified from prosecuting the case against President-Elect Donald Trump, an appeals court held Thursday.
“After carefully considering the trial court’s findings in its order, we conclude that it erred by failing to disqualify DA Willis and her office,” the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled 2-1. “The remedy crafted by the trial court to prevent an ongoing appearance of impropriety did nothing to address the appearance of impropriety that existed at times when DA Willis was exercising her broad pretrial discretion about who to prosecute and what charges to bring.
BREAKING: Georgia Court of Appeals rules Fani Willis is disqualified from prosecuting the case against Trump.
After a multi-day evidentiary hearing, Judge Scott McAfee concluded in March that Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade, who she appointed special prosecutor on the case against Trump, created a “significant appearance of impropriety.” He allowed Willis to remain on the case if Wade stepped aside.
“While we recognize that an appearance of impropriety generally is not enough to support disqualification, this is the rare case in which disqualification is mandated and no other remedy will suffice to restore public confidence in the integrity of these proceedings,” the appeals court wrote Thursday.
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Ranking Member Rep. Devin Nunes listen to Gordon Sondland, the U.S ambassador to the European Union, testify before the House Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill November 20, 2019. (Credit: Doug Mills/Getty Images)
Last week the Department of Justice’s inspector general released a report on some of the DOJ’s tracking of communications from media and congressional figures as part of its purported investigation into who was leaking classified information against President Donald Trump in 2017. Three significant bombshells about the Russia collusion hoax were hidden inside the dense and dry 100-page report.
Two Washington Post stories, a New York Times story, and a CNN story were all found to have included classified information. None of the four stories are specified in the report, but they all appeared in the first half of President Trump’s first year in office.
The first Washington Post story is likely the April 2017 story by Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett, and Adam Entous revealing that DOJ had gotten a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Carter Page, a Trump affiliate. The true story of that warrant would end up revealing the corruption of the DOJ, including how it falsified evidence in its application and relied on the laughable Steele dossier as the basis. But at the time of its publication, the FISA story suggested that an honorable DOJ had serious reason to suspect the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia to steal the election.
As outlandish and unhinged as the conspiracy theory was, it was fueled with daily drops of classified and deceptively packaged information designed to make it appear legitimate. The corporate media dutifully regurgitated, published, and aired the leaks as part of their campaign against the Republican president.
(…) One of the more surprising claims in the report was that a Democrat staffer on one of the congressional committees “voluntarily told the FBI” almost immediately after the investigation began in 2017 that he suspected two members of Congress and a number of Democrat staffers of being involved in the leaking of the classified information, leading to further investigation of those identified.
Eric Swalwell and Christine Fang (Credit: Facebook)
While the report doesn’t identify the whistleblower, his committee, or name the members of Congress, a 2021New York Times story already identified then-Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell, both of California, as the two congressmen on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) who were under investigation.
The DOJ report further notes that only these two members of Congress were investigated. Schiff was the top Democrat on HPSCI at the time its Republican chair Devin Nunes was engaged in painstaking efforts to reveal the Russia collusion hoax and many of its participants.
Both Schiff and Swalwell were notorious for going on left-wing media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC to push the Russia conspiracy theory. Schiff, now California’s junior senator, lied publicly for years about the matter, falsely claiming to have secret evidence substantiating the hoax. Schiff was widely suspected of leaking information to his allies in the press, or otherwise misrepresenting information from the committee.
Swalwell, for his part, famously had an intimate relationship with Communist Chinese spy “Fang Fang,” who had targeted him and other Democrats as part of a honey-trap operation. Despite these serious problems, both men served on HPSCI until former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy removed them in early 2023.
The whistleblower told the FBI he “suspected that Member 1 had previously leaked classified information and that Member 2 wanted to influence public opinion via the release of classified information.” However, the FBI said the whistleblower didn’t offer enough “direct evidence” of the suspected leaking.
The DOJ itself would go on to stonewall Nunes and Senate colleagues who were attempting to investigate DOJ’s lead role in the Russia collusion scam. Many of the top leadership at the FBI, including former Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, were later unveiled as some of the worst leakers in government and leaders of the Russia collusion hoax. While they were removed from office, the Biden administration later paid some of them off. (Read more: The Federalist, 12/17/2024)(Archive)
(…) In another odd turn of fate, Cheney now finds herself in the hot seat following shocking disclosures by Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee tasked with conducting a separate investigation into the J6 committee’s work and overall events of that day. A recent report issued by Loudermilk detailed Cheney’s misconduct and influence over the J6 committee, prompting some GOP legislators and the incoming president to call for a criminal investigation into Cheney for potential witness tampering and other offenses.
Cheney’s behavior beforeJanuary 6, however, also merits scrutiny. Oddly, she appears to have been the first official to predict that a bomb could disrupt the joint session that day—a scenario she had contemplated on at least three separate occasions leading up to that day.
Her fears proved accurate, but she inexplicably dropped the matter during her committee’s 18-month long investigation into the events of Jan 6.
Cheney’s Uncanny Clairvoyance
Cheney’s earliest vision occurred on December 12, 2020, while watching coverage of pro-Trump rallies in Washington, D.C., from her laptop. According to The Washington Post, Cheney’s thoughts “flashed forward to January 6,” as she “imagined a bomb threat halting the count to certify the election.”
Her concerns intensified in mid-to-late December as House Republicans discussed plans to contest the election results. During this period, she claimed she was reading Ted Widmer’s Lincoln on the Verge, which documented President Abraham Lincoln’s trip to Washington for his inauguration. In her memoir, Oath and Honor, Cheney drew parallels to 1861 when pro-Southern militias gathered in the nation’s capital potentially to invade the Capitol and halt the certification of President Lincoln’s election. She reflected on the tense atmosphere—heightened by fears that Vice President John Breckinridge, who was to preside over the proceedings, might not acknowledge Lincoln’s victory—and compounded by nightly bomb searches in the Capitol’s basement.
“This made for chilling reading in December of 2020,” Cheney remarked. “What did President Trump expect to do with the crowd of supporters he was summoning to Washington? Would they try to disrupt or delay the electoral count on January 6? How? Would there be a bomb threat? If someone called in a bomb threat and the Capitol was evacuated, were arrangements in place for Congress to meet somewhere else?”
Soothsayer Cheney once again proved prescient; lawmakers were evacuated to Fort McNair Army base after protesters entered the Capitol on January 6.
Cheney also raised the possibility of explosives near the Capitol during a January 2, 2021, phone call with then-Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen. She and her husband, Philip Perry, an attorney and alum of the George W. Bush administration, called Rosen to express their concerns that “a bomb threat or some other tactic might be used to halt the count.” During the conversation, Perry cited post-9/11 security measures around the Bush White House; Rosen reassured the couple that additional security resources would be available at a nearby military base if needed.
Newsweek later reported over that very same weekend, Rosen, without formal requests from law enforcement or external agencies, unilaterally activated long-standing contingency plans designed to address a terrorist attack involving a weapon of mass destruction—the exact scenario Cheney had warned him about. Elite government special operations teams, including the FBI’s Hostage Rescue and “Render Safe” teams, an ATF Special Response Team, and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group, were pre-deployed and on alert over the weekend of January 2-3 staging at the FBI Academy complex in Quantico.
On January 6, Cheney’s predictions of doom materialized when the two pipe bombs were found near the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee, both just blocks from the Capitol, on January 6 just as the joint session of Congress convened to debate the election outcome. Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified to Congress in February 2021 to explain that he believed the timing and location of the pipe bombs’ discovery diverted “extensive resources” from the Capitol. This diversion coincided with a mass influx of protesters approaching its grounds, offering a narrow window of opportunity for a few bad actors to initiate a large-scale attack.
A view of the North Portico of the White House, Wednesday June 14, 2017 in Washington D.C. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
Today, President Biden announced that he is commuting the sentences of 37 individuals on federal death row. Those individuals will have their sentences reclassified from execution to life without the possibility of parole.
President Biden has dedicated his career to reducing violent crime and ensuring a fair and effective justice system. He believes that America must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level, except in cases of terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder – which is why today’s actions apply to all but those cases. When President Biden came into office, his Administration imposed a moratorium on federal executions, and his actions today will prevent the next Administration from carrying out the execution sentences that would not be handed down under current policy and practice.
This historic clemency action builds on the President’s record of criminal justice reform. The President has issued more commutations at this point in his presidency than any of his recent predecessors at the same point in their first terms. Earlier this month, the President announced clemency for approximately 1,500 Americans – the most ever in a single day – who have shown successful rehabilitation and a commitment to making communities safer. This included sentence commutations for nearly 1,500 individuals who were placed on home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic and who have successfully reintegrated into their families and communities, as well as 39 pardons for individuals who were convicted of non-violent crimes. President Biden is also the first President ever to issue categorical pardons to individuals convicted of simple use and possession of marijuana, and to former LGBTQI+ service members convicted of private conduct because of their sexual orientation.
The President’s criminal justice record has transformed individual lives and positively impacted communities, especially historically marginalized communities. In the coming weeks, the President will take additional steps to provide meaningful second chances and continue to review additional pardons and commutations. (The White House, 12/23/2024)(Archive)
Fulton Superior Judge Shukura L. Ingram listens to former Gov. Roy Barnes during a hearing of arguments over whether a state Senate Committee investigating Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis can force her to testify on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, in Atlanta. (Credit: Miguel Martinez/AJC)
Fulton County Superior Court Judge Shukura Ingram has ruled that Atlanta District Attorney Fani Willis, will have to comply with a state senate inquiry into her conduct over the prosecution of Donald Trump.
It will be interesting to see if the Georgia Senate can extract details of contacts between Fani Willis and people in Washington DC (Mary McCord). It is almost a guarantee at this point, that somewhere in the early planning stages of the Georgia Lawfare operation, Mary McCord had contact with Willis or her office.
(Via LA Times) – A judge has ruled that the Georgia state Senate can subpoena Fulton County Dist. Atty. Fani Willis as part of a inquiry into whether she has engaged in misconduct during her prosecution of President-elect Donald Trump but is giving Willis the chance to contest whether lawmakers’ demands are overly broad.
Fulton County Superior Court Judge Shukura Ingram filed the order Monday, telling Willis she has until Jan. 13 to submit arguments over whether the subpoenas seek legally shielded or confidential information. Ingram wrote that she would issue a final order later saying what Willis had to respond to.
A state appeals court earlier this month removed Willis from the Georgia election interference case against Donald Trump and others, citing an “appearance of impropriety” that might not typically warrant such a removal. The Georgia Court of Appeals panel said in a 2-1 ruling that because of the romantic relationship Willis had with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, “this is the rare case in which disqualification is mandated and no other remedy will suffice to restore public confidence in the integrity of these proceedings.” (read more)
Gangster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger, a former organized crime boss, was used as a test subject in 1957 while an inmate at the Atlanta penitentiary. He explained he was one of eight convicts in a panic and paranoid state while in MKUltra. (Credit: Daily Mail)
Newly declassified bombshell records of an infamous CIA mind control program, MKUltra, reveal how Americans were drugged and tortured more than 60 years ago.
The collection of more than 1,200 pages detail how the CIA used induced sleep, electroshocks and ‘psychic driving’ on drugged subjects who were psychologically tortured for weeks or months to reprogram their minds.
The subjects included criminals, mental patients and drug addicts, but also Army soldiers and average citizens who were given drugs without their knowledge.
A total of 144 projects were conducted from 1953 to 1964, aimed at developing procedures and drugs that could be used during interrogations, weakening individuals and forcing confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.
While it has long been said that subjects only included prisoners, mental patients and drug addicts, one report showed that some CIA and Army officials and ‘subjects in normal life settings’ were ‘unwittingly’ given LSD over the decade-long experiment.
In a newly unsealed document from 1956, researchers were developing ‘an anti-interrogation drug’ by testing ‘materials capable of producing alterations in the human central nervous system which are reflected as alterations in human behavior.’
AZ Court News: A Lawsuit Against Maricopa County Recorder Richer was filed Friday Dec 13, 2024 to obtain an unredacted copy of an Aug 1st, 2022 email sent by Gov Hobbs’ current attorney Sambo Dul while she was working for States United, founded by Attorney Norm Eisen.
Arizona Attorney General Sambo Dul (Credit: Twitter/X)
/2 These photos shed light on the connections between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter and his Chinese business associates, and Chinese government officials, including President Xi Jinping.
/4 Following the Presidential Records Act, NARA had planned to release these photographs on October 23, 2024 — thirteen days before Election Day.
/6 In 2013, then-Vice President Biden went on an official trip across Asia, including a stop in Beijing, China. In these newly-released photographs, Joe Biden appears to introduce his son, Hunter, to President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China.
/8 While they were in China, Joe Biden appeared to make time to meet with Hunter’s business associates at BHR Partners, including its CEO, Jonathan Li.
/10 These photos corroborate the House Oversight Committee’s investigative findings that Hunter Biden arranged for his father to meet with Jonathan Li and other BHR executives during the 2013 China trip, where “Mr. Li sought—and received—access to Vice President Biden’s political…
/12 As Vice President, Joe Biden also wrote letters of recommendation for Jonathan Li’s son and daughter, according to testimony from Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer, and emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: State Department provides notice to Congress of shuttering of Global Engagement Center or “GEC” and reassignment of employees. 1/
9. The Global Engagement Center is usually listed as a State Department entity.
It’s not.
Created in Obama’s last year, GEC is an interagency group “within” State, whose initial partners included FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, DARPA, Special Operations Command (SOCOM), and others.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), often referred to by his critics as “Eye Patch McCain,” engaged in a heated exchange on X following renewed scrutiny over his acceptance of illegal campaign contributions totaling over $220,000 during the 2020 election cycle.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) had fined Crenshaw’s campaign $42,000 for failing to return these unlawful donations.
FEC records confirm that in Dec 2022 Crenshaw’s campaign entered a conciliation agreement to pay a $42000 fine for “knowingly accept[ing] $223,460.26 in apparent excessive and prohibited contributions for the 2020 primary and general elections.”
Yes, let's be clear. The FEC found that Dan Crenshaw's 2020 campaign *knowingly* accepted donations in violation of federal law and subsequently agreed 1) to pay a civil fine and 2) to cease and desist from violating federal law. It's all on page 4 of the Conciliation Agreement:
Popular conservative commentator and meme creator “Catturd” called out Crenshaw on X, accusing him of betraying Republican values by accepting illegal campaign donations.
“Never doubt me when I call these scumbags out,” Catturd wrote.
Crenshaw responded to the allegations with a string of tweets dismissing them as baseless smears and accusing his detractors of spreading misinformation. In one post, he threatened legal action against Catturd.
“Yeah well your audience might want to start doubting you, because this is completely made up. Knowingly spreading slander isn’t a good look, not to mention libelous, so you might want to delete,” Crenshaw wrote.
“To be clear, this story was from years ago. Youre lying by implying we solicited illegal contributions. People sent in donations over the limit which just means we have to go through the painstaking effort of writing every single one of them a refund check. It takes forever and is extremely tedious. Happens all the time in campaigns. When are you bottom feeders gonna find something real on me? I’m enjoying living full time in your empty little brain, Catturd,” he added.
Yeah well your audience might want to start doubting you, because this is completely made up. Knowingly spreading slander isn’t a good look, not to mention libelous, so you might want to delete.
According to this article, Dan has a net worth of $8 million, much of it heavily in stocks. How does a guy making $176k a year get to a net worth of $8 million in just 6 years????! 🤔🤔🤔
King Charles has openly declared that the elite must launch a vast, military-style campaign to combat climate change, while calling for nothing less than a complete rewiring of the global economy. He has even suggested that traditional farming practices—and the livelihoods of countless farmers—should be sacrificed in the name of sustainability.
But it doesn’t stop there. Charles has a deeply troubling history of associating with questionable figures, including his well-documented relationships with Jimmy Savile and Lord Mountbatten—both of whom were later exposed as predatory pedophiles of the worst kind.
And yet, Charles’ supporters continue to bend over backwards to defend the indefensible.
Now, the King has gone even further. He’s declared the end of sovereignty as we know it, calling for the formation of a global government under the auspices of the World Economic Forum.
– And Why Have They Not Been Arrested? – James Comer Promises to Investigate Biden-China Photo Scandal
Chairman James Comer: we need to hold people accountable. You look at with respect to what’s come out this week with the pictures that the National Archives never would release that show that Joe Biden lied. He did, in fact, introduce his son to all these Chinese people. Joe Biden did, in fact, meet with all these Chinese people that were wiring his family millions of dollars for mysterious reasons. We knew it, and I think the American people with common sense knew it. But what’s most troubling, Jason, is how many people in the federal government knew that Joe Biden was lying when he said he didn’t know why his family was getting all that money, when he said he never met with any of these people. The CIA knew, the IRS knew, the FBI knew. They need to be held accountable. The National Archives, not only have they sat on those pictures and they only released because of a lawsuit, they also never have released the pseudonym emails. This agency will be brought in front of the House Oversight Committee, and they’re going to have to explain themselves as to why they obstructed our investigation. I want to work with Cash Patel.
I want to work with all the new Trump cabinet secretaries, where we can hold the deep state actors accountable because the American people have lost confidence in the government. I think what role oversight will play in this new administration is trying to drain the swamp, and that’s going to begin by getting these federal bureaucrats who have abused their power, they’re unelected, they’ve not been held accountable, no one’s overseen them. There are no checks and balances, and bring them in and try to get them, at the very least, terminated and try to get reforms in place to where this can never happen again and the American people can begin to have confidence in their government agencies again.
Russiagate news: in response to my FOIA request, the FBI has released a heavily redacted copy of the Electronic Communication that opened the FBI’s investigation of then-President Donald Trump as a foreign agent of Russia. It’s dated May 16, 2017.
This followed the opening of “Crossfire Hurricane” in July 2016, which targeted members of Trump’s campaign. This May 2017 investigation also sought to determine whether Trump “obstructed” that July 2016 investigation and any other “associated” one.
I was most interested to learn the factual basis for the FBI taking the extraordinary step, to put it mildly, of investigating the sitting president as an agent of Russia. But that part is entirely redacted. The document is six pages in total.
Russiagate news: in response to my FOIA request, the FBI has released a heavily redacted copy of the Electronic Communication that opened the FBI’s investigation of then-President Donald Trump as a foreign agent of Russia. It’s dated May 16, 2017.
May 16, 2017 and the following day were extremely active in the Page/Strzok texts – with multiple references to James Baker and Deputy Director McCabe. And, of course, Rod R appointed Mueller the next day. This important FBI foia document is part of the same story. And…
Keir Starmer (Credit: Freedom From Religion Foundation)
For over 16 years, TGP has been on the cutting-edge front of exposing Muslim grooming gangs in the UK and elsewhere, inevitably being branded all those ugly names they use to try to stop us conservatives.
You can see a collection of articles on the issues going back to 2017here.
That’s why we get so mobilized when we learn that in the UK, the detestable Labour government blocked an inquiry into Sir Keir Starmer’s conduct as the head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) between 2008-2013. Why?
In the CPS, Starmer failed miserably – some say criminally – to investigate the Oldham child grooming scandal, where thousands of girls were mass-groomed, mass-raped, trafficked, and abused.
Now, Jess Phillips, the Labour ‘safeguarding minister,’ has refused the victims’ demands to launch a public inquiry into historical sexual abuse by Muslim gangs in Oldham.
The Telegraphreported: “The scandal was one of several across the country in which dozens of girls were abused by British Pakistani gangs.
Police forces and prosecutors often did not take action for fear of being called racist or Islamophobic, a failing Sir Keir addressed in 2012 when he was running the CPS as the director of public prosecutions.”
Meanwhile, Elon Musk and Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch are leading the charge against the decision to block an inquiry.
Musk claimed Minister Phillips ‘deserves to be in prison’ over her ‘disgraceful’ decision, taken – he said – to protect the Prime Minister.
“He said: ‘Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008–2013. Who is the boss of Jess Phillips right now? Keir Stamer [sic]. The real reason she’s refusing to investigate the rape gangs is that it would obviously lead to the blaming of Keir Starmer (head of the CPS at the time)’.”
Who is the boss of Jess Phillips right now? Keir Stamer.
The real reason she’s refusing to investigate the rape gangs is that it would obviously lead to the blaming of Keir Stamer (head of the CPS at the time).
The real reason is that it would show how Starmer repeatedly ignored the pleas of vast numbers of little girls and their parents, in order to secure political support.
Keir Starmer indirectly responds to Elon Musk by saying that those who spread lies and misinformation about gangs who abused children are not interested in victims and those who cheerleading Tommy Robinson are not interested in justice.
The @UKParliament blatantly ignored @LordPearson when he was inquiring about the government’s cover-up of Muslims raping millions of British children, and daring to ask if Islam is even compatible with our way of life. With Pearson and others dismissed like rubbish, it’s clear as…
Kier Starmer’s ‘far right’ speech was predictable & insensitive… To put the welfare of our children first is NOT far right! @TRobinsonNewEra final interview before his incarceration.
BREAKING: The far-left Labour Party, led by grooming gang enabler Keir Starmer, has just voted against opening up an inquiry into child rape gangs in the UK.
In a press release, the White House confirmed that Clinton and Soros were among the 19 chosen receipients of the medal, which is the country’s highest civilian honor.
According to their statement, Clinton and Soros were chosen for having “made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors.”
“President Biden believes great leaders keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else,” it continues.
Elon Musk and his Twitter (X platform) engineers have an Artificial Intelligence (AI) user engagement and information system known as Grok. Essentially, you can ask AI Grok questions, and it provides responses based on the coded values of the engineers who built it.
Recently people have noticed a change on the Twitter (X) platform as Elon Musk announced the algorithm was being modified by his team. So, people started to engage with Grok and ask questions about their user account, the status changes evident from the algorithmic modifications, and the AI learning that is coded by Musk’s engineers. Essentially, asking the Grok AI: “How do you perceive me (through my content)?”
The responses from the xAI Grok system are starting to alarm everyone.
.…”These posts might be subject to reduced reach because they could be perceived as promoting skepticism, conspiracy, or negativity towards individuals, institutions, or the media. However, without direct insight into X’s algorithms or specific feedback from X, these are speculative based on general platform behavior towards negative content. Remember, platforms often aim to reduce the visibility of posts that could lead to misinformation, harassment, or a negative user experience.”….
“Don’t criticize your government, don’t criticize foreign governments, don’t talk about conspiracy theories, stop telling people to fuck off in the comments, and don’t accuse government officials or members of the media of malfeasance or dishonesty.”
These are the parameters built by Elon Musk and his Twitter engineers.
lol asking Grok how to avoid tripping the negativity censors:
“Don’t criticize your government, don’t criticize foreign governments, don’t talk about conspiracy theories, stop telling people to fuck off in the comments, and don’t accuse government officials or members of the…
This is what controls the ‘reach of speech’ on the platform. Now, it would be simply funny but there are serious layers that must be discussed here.
First, this is how Elon Musk, the demigod free speech advocate, is structuring the algorithm within his Twitter (X) platform. These are his coded values as displayed by the engineers he has hired. Musks engineers transcribe his goals into code and implant it within the algorithm that controls the site content and restricts or enlarges the influence of the users.
Read this again. …”Don’t criticize your government, don’t criticize foreign governments, don’t talk about conspiracy theories, … and don’t accuse government officials or members of the media of malfeasance or dishonesty.” What does that sound like?
Many people will disregard this and simply shake it away saying, ‘it’s just some stupid social media platform, who cares.’ Let me tell you why it matters.
These same coded values are being created by the same tech engineers who are currently building out the surveillance state technological interface with government. This same perspective, what Palantir CEO Alex Karp described as “coded values,” is being written into the code within Palantir facial recognition and targeting software. The U.S. Government has already signed billions in contracts with Palantir (Peter Thiel) for these AI products.
Take your “REAL ID” as required by the United States Government (Passport or Driver’s License compatible), now overlay your identity as facially recognized by the tech system around your identity and connect it all to the metadata of your digital life that you leave as a fingerprint within every interaction with technology, and finally add in the coded values that will determine your “liberty status” or what might be called your social credit score (China version). Now do you see the problem?
Larry Ellison: […] But this is only the start of our surveillance dystopia, according to Larry Ellison, the billionaire cofounder of Oracle. He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure “citizens will be on their best behavior.”
Ellison made the comments as he spoke to investors earlier this week during an Oracle financial analysts meeting, where he shared his thoughts on the future of AI-powered surveillance tools.
Ellison said AI would be used in the future to constantly watch and analyze vast surveillance systems, like security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dashboard cameras.
“We’re going to have supervision,” Ellison said. “Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there’s a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.” (more)
What we are witnessing evolve on Twitter, are the original imprints of how the Silicon Valley artificial intelligence products will engage in your life. This is the core “coded values” part of the AI assembly. Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, David Sacks, Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance are all part of the technological network building this system for influence and affluence.
These same actors are about to take their AI enhancements into the largest database ever created and stored in human history, through DOGE. The databases of the U.S Government and NSA hold an astronomical scale of American data. Imagine the computer learning possible by allowing AI to analyze that level of data scale.
The debate about “coded values” on Twitter is only the tip of the iceberg.
I’ve been working on a very detailed & formal 2 hour video going over my investigation into the free speech & censorship concerns that played out here on X this week. Need to attend a family trip now but wanted at least something up b4 leaving, so cobbled this 18 min placeholder
A top Justice Department national security prosecutor has become an early casualty of the incoming Trump administration, abruptly resigning from the department last week before incoming appointees can retaliate against him for his key role in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the former president.
But three sources familiar with the move described it to SpyTalk as a significant and even chilling event previewing a potential exodus of seasoned government lawyers and FBI agents who fear the wrath of Pam Bondi, Trump ’s pick for attorney general, Kash Patel, his intended nominee for FBI Director, and their expected army of MAGA loyalists in line to fill out top posts.
“They’re forcing him out. There isn’t any doubt that, like [FBI Director Chris] Wray, he’s leaving to get ahead of the axe,” said one former Justice official who attended a farewell party for Bratt at the Justice Department’s seventh floor media center on Friday.
Reached by phone on Sunday, Bratt, 65—who served as a Justice lawyer for more than three decades—confirmed his departure, but declined to comment further. Bratt, who had achieved senior executive status within the department, has told friends and colleagues that he concluded it “wasn’t worth it” to stay at the department only to fight what he fully expected to be a “wrongful termination” notice from his new bosses at Justice, according to a source familiar with his conversations. (Read more: SpyTalk, 1/5/2024) (Archive)
Judicial Watch announced today that the Superior Court in Fulton County, GA, issued an order granting $21,578 “attorney’s fees and costs” in the open records lawsuit for communications Willis had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. The order followed a previous order finding that Willis was in default in the lawsuit.
Judicial Watch filed this lawsuit in March 2024 filed after Willis falsely denied having any records responsive to Judicial Watch’s earlier Georgia Open Records Act (ORA) request for communications with Special Counsel Jack Smiths office and/or the January 6 Committee (Judicial Watch Inc. v. Fani Willis et al.(No. 24-CV-002805)).
After finding Willis in default, the court ordered a court hearing on December 20, which resulted in the order yesterday, finding Willis liable for fees and expenses that “shall be paid within two weeks of the entry of this Order.” The order recountsthe timeline of events after Judicial Watch filed its records request:
Plaintiff [Judicial Watch] submitted an Open Records Act (ORA) request to Defendant on 22 August 2023 by way of Fulton County’s ORA on-line “portal”. That same day, Plaintiff received confirmation that its request had been delivered and would be channeled to the “appropriate department” (presumably the District Attorney’s Office). The following day, the County’s Open Records Custodian sent Plaintiff [Judicial Watch] an email confirming that the District Attorney’s Office had received the inquiry and asking Plaintiff to “simplify” its ORA [Open Records Act] request…. Literally five minutes later, before any simplification had occurred, Plaintiff received a second e-mail from the Records Custodian: “After carefully reviewing your request. (sic) We do not have the responsive records.”
This response was perplexing and eventually suspicious to Plaintiff, given that Plaintiff subsequently uncovered through own effort at least one document that should have been in the District Attorney’s Office’s possession that was patently responsive to the request.
Defendant [Willis] ultimately defaulted and this Court entered an Order on 2 December 2024 directing Defendant “to conduct a diligent search of her records for responsive materials” and to provide any responsive records that were not legally exempted from disclosure….
Defendant’s compliance with the Court’s 2 December Order consisted of an undated, unsigned two-page memo to Plaintiff from Defendant’s “Open Records Department.” … In this memo, Defendant announced that there still were no records responsive to one set of Plaintiff’s requests (communications with former Special Counsel Jack Smith) but that there were in fact records responsive to Plaintiff’s second set of requests (communications with the United States House January 6th Committee) – but those were exempt from disclosure….
Despite having previously informed Plaintiff four separate times that her team had carefully searched but found no responsive records, now there suddenly were – but they were not subject to disclosure under the ORA….
The ORA is not hortatory; it is mandatory. Non-compliance has consequences. One of them can be liability for the requesting party’s attorney’s fees and costs of litigation.
The court concludes its criticism of Willis’ actions, stating:
Most basically, by operation of law Defendant acknowledged violating the ORA when she defaulted. But actual evidence proves the same: per her Records Custodian’s own admission, the District Attorney’s Office flatly ignored Plaintiff’s original ORA request, conducting no search and simply (and falsely) informing the County’s Open Records Custodian that no responsive records existed. We know now that that is simply incorrect: once pressed by a Court order, Defendant managed to identify responsive records, but has categorized them as exempt. Even if the records prove to be just that – exempt from disclosure for sound public policy reasons – this late revelation is a patent violation of the ORA. And for none of this is there any justification, substantial or otherwise: no one searched until prodded by civil litigation.
Given this, the Court finds that relevant and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of litigation are properly awardable to Plaintiff … Defendant is thus liable to Plaintiff for $21,578 pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-73(b). That amount shall be paid within two weeks of the entry of this Order.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outperformed the S&P 500 index by nearly 200% in 2024, but she still fell behind nine of her congressional colleagues.
Pelosi’s portfolio’s 70.9% increase from Dec. 29, 2023, to Dec. 30, 2024, was nearly triple the S&P 500’s 24.9% return, but it fell well below those of Republican North Carolina Rep. David Rouzer and Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who saw returns of 149% and 142.3% — topping the list of members of Congress. Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, Republican Texas Rep. Roger Williams and Democratic Kentucky Rep. Morgan McGarvey’s portfolios also saw double-digit increases, rising 123.8%, 111.2% and 105.8% in 2024, respectively, according to financial data platform Unusual Whales’ 2024 Congress Trading Report.
Pelosi’s annual returns also lagged behind those of Republican Reps. Larry Bucshon of Indiana and Pete Sessions of Texas, who saw increases of 98.6% and 95.2%, as well as Republican Maine Sen. Susan Collins and Republican Tennessee Rep. David Kustoff, whose portfolios grew 77.5% and 71.5%, respectively, the trading data showed.
I just released the full report on Congress trading in 2024.
Like every year since 2020, some US politicians beat the market.
From the start of 2024 to year end, many had unusual trades & huge portfolio gains.
International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) graphic (Credit: LinkedIn)
Meta’s so-called “independent fact-checkers” are reportedly scrambling after CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a major overhaul of the company’s controversial fact-checking initiative, which has been nothing more than a propaganda machine for leftist agendas.
On Tuesday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the termination of the company’s controversial third-party fact-checking program.
(…) Now, the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which has long been a cornerstone of Meta’s now-defunct program, is in full-blown crisis mode.
Hours after Meta’s announcement, IFCN director Angie Holan confirmed an emergency meeting to address the fallout.
“This program has been a major part of the global fact-checking community’s work for years,” Nolan told Business Insider. “People are upset because they saw themselves as partners in good standing with Meta, doing important work to make the platform more accurate and reliable.”
Holan and other fact-checkers have dismissed claims of censorship, insisting their role was merely to “add context.”
“It was never about censorship but about adding context to prevent false claims from going viral,” Holan claimed despite mounting evidence to prove otherwise.
For years, conservatives, including The Gateway Pundit, have experienced the real-world effects of this “context,” often finding their posts buried, flagged, or outright removed for challenging progressive orthodoxy.
Conservatives have long criticized Meta’s partnerships with left-leaning organizations like PolitiFact, acting as gatekeepers to stifle viewpoints that challenge liberal narratives. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 1/7/2025)(Archive)
If Mark Zuckerberg is serious about change, he should publish a list of all accounts banned under the previous censorship policies and fully reinstate them.
Donald Trump promised on the campaign trail to make war against the deep state. Now it seems the first battle may take place on home ground: the White House.
Congressional and intelligence sources tell Tablet that the candidate slotted in for the top intelligence spot on the National Security Council is ill suited to serve the president’s agenda. Adam Howard, reportedly the front-runner for the NSC’s senior director for intelligence, is currently staff director for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), chaired by Republican Congressman Mike Turner. According to several current congressional sources, multiple House members have raised concern over an alleged boast made by Turner on Capitol Hill that he’s “taking over Trump’s IC [Intelligence Community].” Presumably, Howard is meant to be his instrument.
Maher Bitar (center right), the outgoing National Security Council Director for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs, and his wife, Astrid Dorelien, during a family photo in the Oval Office of the White House September 21, 2015 in Washington, DC. (Credit: ObamaDiary)
On Sunday, Joshua Steinman, an NSC official from the first Trump administration, posted a long thread on X reporting that the current NSC is being staffed with holdovers from the Joe Biden administration and others unlikely to serve Trump’s agenda, including Howard, whose intelligence experience is limited to the two years he’s served as HPSCI staff director. Biden’s senior director for intelligence is Maher Bitar, an anti-Israel activist once affiliated with the Students for Justice in Palestine. Bitar also came from HPSCI, where he worked under then-Congressman now-Sen. Adam Schiff, one of Trump’s most vocal opponents on Capitol Hill.
“Without an operational intelligence background, you can’t clean up the mess made by the current [Biden] team,” wrote Steinman.
I spent 4yrs on President Trump’s National Security Council – first day to last – and I fear there are mistakes being made NOW re: NSC that will lead to four years of ineffective governance at best, betrayal at worst.
“[Is Howard] willing to expose IC dirty tricks targeting the President?” Steinman asked in his X thread. He was not outlining a hypothetical but rather referring to the NSC’s work in the first Trump White House uncovering the surveillance of the president and his aides. After the 2016 election, NSC staffers found that Obama officials had unmasked the names of transition team officials in transcripts of foreign intelligence intercepts, most notably Gen. Michael Flynn. Trump’s onetime national security adviser was unmasked by at least 40 Obama officials—including now President Joe Biden.
The unlawful leak to the media of Flynn’s phone conversation with Russia’s U.S. ambassador led first to the combat veteran’s departure from the White House and subsequently the special counsel investigation that hobbled the first half of Trump’s first term in office. NSC holdovers from the Obama administration bogged down the Trump team and one holdover, CIA official Eric Ciaramella, teed up the first impeachment of Trump.
Turner in fact was excellent during the impeachment process, using the televised hearings to defend the president and break down Schiff’s anti-Trump witnesses. After Turner took over the committee, he was reportedly keen to reset relations with Schiff and the Democrats and move toward bipartisanship. The problem is that it’s hard to have comity with a faction led by an ambitious activist like Schiff who saw the committee as a political weapon to target opponents.
There’s a lot riding on the current NSC starting off on the strongest possible footing and with an eye to defending a commander in chief certain to be in the deep state’s crosshairs. Steinman concluded his thread with the observation that if the new intel director “isn’t 100% on board with the Trump Agenda, we are in for trouble.” (Read more: Tablet, 1/09/2025)(Archive)
Alexander Vindman (Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman criticized incoming National Security Adviser Mike Waltz’s plan to clear out each “intelligence official” serving in “various departments and agencies” throughout the federal government who is “currently detailed” to the National Security Council (NSC).
Mike Waltz (Credit: Getty Images)
In a post on X, Vindman responded to an interview Waltz had with Breitbart News’s Washington bureau chief Matthew Boyle, where Waltz spoke about how intelligence officials serving in various departments and agencies under President Joe Biden’s administration would be “expected to vacate the premises by 12:01 p.m. Eastern” on January 20, when President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated.
“Yesterday, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz @michaelgwaltz, announced a sweeping directive to terminate all national security staffers loaned from other departments and agencies who serve in apolitical, non-partisan senior staff roles,” Vindman wrote.
He continued:
Waltz framed this decision as a means to eliminate Biden-era appointees and enforce absolute alignment with Trump’s policy agenda. Notably, Waltz justified this move by referencing my role in exposing Trump’s abuse of power, which led to his first impeachment. Using my actions as a rationale, Waltz aims to purge scores of professionals from the Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, and other agencies—not because of their conduct, but due to a demand for blind allegiance to Trump.
Statement on National Security Staff Firings
Yesterday, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz @michaelgwaltz , announced a sweeping directive to terminate all national security staffers loaned from other departments and agencies who serve in apolitical,…
Breitbart News’s Matthew Boyle explained how the NSC works:
The way the NSC works is the National Security Adviser oversees a team of political appointees from the president who oversee a wide range of what are called “detailees”—people who work at the various agencies and departments across the federal government who are assigned, or detailed, to work at the White House for a period of time on the NSC in a portfolio in which they demonstrate expertise. These career intelligence officials come from places as wide-ranging as the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and report up to the political appointees atop each major portfolio in the NSC. The NSC has various issue-specific portfolios like counterterrorism and cyber policy as well as regional portfolios focused on things like the western hemisphere or the Middle East or Europe or Asia. The detailees then help coordinate back to the various agencies and departments so the whole federal government executes on the decisions that the president makes.
Eight years ago today, Jake Tapper planted the seeds of the Russia collusion hoax in the media. Until then, the media avoided the story because it was so obviously fabricated. But Tapper got a fake news hook from Comey and ran with it, giving the hoax a fake veneer of legitimacy.
On January [10], 2017, Jake Tapper, Karl, Bernstein, Jim Sciutto, and Evan Perez dropped an article at CNN based on BuzzFeed’s report of the fake dossier, titled Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him.
It began,
“Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operators claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings to CNN.”
One paragraph says,
“The classified briefing last week was represented by four of the senior most senior US intelligence chiefs – director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers. Allegedly, they told the president-elect about this because such allegations involving him are circulating among intelligence agencies, senior members of Congress and other government officials in Washington, multiple sources, Tennessee, CNN.”
One paragraph stepped it up so Congress would demand to see it:
“Sources tell CNN that these same allegations about communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians, mentioned in classified briefings for congressional leaders last year, prompted then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to send a letter to FBI Director Comey in October, in which he wrote, “It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States.”
The purpose of it was to begin to cast suspicions on the President-elect and whet the public’s appetite to know the details.
The Fake Dossier
There’s a lot more, and you can read the article, but we now know that Hillary Clinton‘s close apparatchiks planned the dossier. Her DNC paid them to come up with dirt by any means necessary. It was written from clearly fraudulent information by a very compromised Russian tied to the Kremlin, who later admitted he made it up.
Washington DC is creating a surveillance state. We can debate the motives and intentions behind it, but the core of their creation aligns and supports a fully comprehensive American surveillance state.
We cannot be intellectually honest with each other about how the tools of a weaponized government were deployed against Americans, specifically in the example of presidential candidate Donald Trump, without accepting the tools exist for far more consequential reasons than just Donald Trump.
In this segment from April of 2024, Tucker Carlson (motive irrelevant) accurately outlined the purpose of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and how that legislatively created tool is being used by Washington DC, both parties.
Within this monologue Tucker Carlson hits on some accurate points to share with his audience. The commentary about HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner is spot on accurate. The IC pressure meetings are also true {SEE HERE}. The analysis of Speaker Mike Johnson also appears to be widely accurate. WATCH:
My personal experience with the IC surveillance state mirrors that described by Tucker Carlson. As you step into the world of real data, unfiltered by the systems intended to control our perspectives, the system tends to see you as a threat.
Ongoing research into the dollar-based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has made the surveillance system much more visible. All of these systems (Real ID, Digital Identity, Facial Recognition, metadata collection, AI search and result capability, etc.) are eventually going to merge and connect, unless we do something to stop the people who are creating this system.
Previously in 2013, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz and former Department of Defense Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, appeared on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss President Donald Trump’s criminal case, the J6 targeting and the use of FISA-702 to conduct political surveillance.
I am prompting the earlier video to 02:20 to focus one aspect of the interview on the 2013 Republican led FISA-702 reauthorization and extension. I agree with almost everything Mr Patel says about the ramifications of the GOPe House, led by HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner, and the FISA extension. However, there is also an aspect that 99% of everyone misses, and within that dynamic we become victims to our own willful blindness. First, watch the segment on FISA-702 (prompted):
To remind….
The CIA director, NSA director, ODNI, FBI Director, etc are not in charge of the compartments they represent. They are simply functionaries -middle men- who operate in the space between where the compass points are directed, where the data originates, and oversight of that data that is ultimately filtered and delivered to the functionaries, who then brief the representatives…. who then create policy… albeit flawed policy…. based on a very specific, controlled, compartmented and skewed information flow. (more)
The value of Kash Patel’s institutional currency is connected to this access, even with Republicans in charge. The same is true for any other member of the Intelligence Community, including John Ratcliffe, current CIA silo nominee.
As a result, the corrupt DC functionaries operate without any accountability, no corrective action ever takes place, no accountability is metered out, and WORSE…. an oblivious public cheer on people like Kash Patel and many others who give the illusion they are railing against corruption.
For those who choose denial and pretending over the brutal reality, their criticism of me is irrelevant. The truth exists regardless of our comfort level.
Accepting we are abused victims to professional gaslighting, manipulation and Machiavellian deceit, carried out by those who claim to be our allies, is painful and unnerving. However, failing to accept the reality only retains our status as victims; we become codependent enablers and battered conservatives. The surveillance system continues to be assembled and refined. It is a remarkable dynamic.
Many people can now see how DC functionaries played this intelligence game against President Donald Trump, using the false justification of “national security.” However, those same voices cannot see how we are continually being played by the same defenders of a corrupt system within DC.
Changing the system first begins by awakened people thinking about the long-term ramifications from what is being assembled. What is the value of national security, when the liberty that secures the values of America is destroyed in the process?
Either the Fourth Amendment means something, or it does not!
Outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray revealed during an interview on Sunday, a week before he steps down, that China has penetrated America’s water treatment plants, electric grid, and other critical civilian infrastructure, and is lying “in wait” for an opportunity to cyberattack at a time and place of its choosing.
Asked on CBS’s 60 Minutes about Chinese penetration of U.S. cyber and infrastructure, Wray said China’s cyber program is the largest in the world and has stolen more of Americans’ personal and corporate data than every nation combined. Then, he added:
But even beyond the cyber theft. There’s another part of the Chinese cyber threat that I think has not gotten the attention publicly that it I think desperately deserves. And that is Chinese government’s pre-positioning on American civilian critical infrastructure. To lie in wait on those networks to be in a position to wreak havoc and can inflict real-world harm at a time and place of their choosing.
Wray said China has already infiltrated malware into critical American infrastructure.
“Things like water treatment plants. We’re talking about transportation systems. We’re talking about targeting of our energy sector, the electric grid, natural gas pipelines. And recently we’ve seen targeting of our telecommunications systems,” he said.
Wray said China has also been listening into Americans’ calls.
CBS News said China has gathered communications of U.S. national security officials, as well as the Kamala Harris campaign and President-Elect Donald Trump himself.
The revelation prompted outrage from former Trump administration officials who say Wray did not do enough to stem the threat from China on his watch, only to discuss it publicly a week from stepping down.
Joshua Steinman, former National Security Council senior director for cyber security during the Trump administration, posted on X:
This enrages me.
I left them with the tools they needed to confront this.
And it appears those tools went unused for four years.
BREAKING: Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, says President Biden is handing over a stronger and more secure country to President-elect Trump—better than the one Trump left behind. He says the economy is strong, the Afghanistan war is over, Iran is at its weakest…
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is reportedly attempting to kill the Laken Riley Act, a bill that requires the DHS to take illegal aliens who have been charged, arrested, or convicted for crimes such as theft, larceny, burglary or shoplifting into custody.
Pablo Manriquez, a news reporter, wrote in a post on X that “sources at DHS” were informing him that the cost of the Laken Riley Act was estimated to be between $20-$30 billion.
Manriquez added that the DHS sources had cited “a $7 billion figure just for beds BEFORE the mandate’s costs on local law enforcement.”
The post from Manriquez came in response to an article shared by Stef Kight, a political reporter with Axios. In the article from Axios, it was revealed that “federal immigration officials” had warned that they may need to detain roughly 60,000 people and require “billions of dollars and thousands more detention beds.”
NEW: Sources at DHS are telling me the cost of Laken Riley Act would be more like $20-30 billion, citing a $7 billion figure just for beds BEFORE the mandate’s costs on local law enforcement.
As Breitbart News’s John Binder previously reported, at the beginning of January the House of Representatives passed the Laken Riley Act, despite receiving opposition from 159 Democrats.
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) has been one of the Democrats who has supported the Laken Riley Act.
“ICE reported tens of thousands of migrants with criminal records — homicide or sexual assault,” Fetterman wrote in a post on X.
Fetterman added that 425,000 migrants “have criminal records in total and should be deported.”
Congressman Jamie Raskin joins the Norm Eisen team to help thwart Trumps presidency! The planning for the Trump dictator and Hitler theme has been in use since at least Feb 2024. This will be the basis to seditiously fight his presidency. They also intend to use the Trump supporting Project 2025 fake narrative theme also.
Others included are:
Susan Corke, George Conway, Bill Kristol, Keith Ellison, Joanna Lyndgate, Sarah Longwell ACLU, and Jen Rubin.
This all now falls under the State Democracy Defenders:
“We go on OFFENSE against democracy deniers who break the law, including through our innovative program of outside public support for criminal prosecutions.”
They also have what they call a NO DICTATORS DECLARATION.
“We are alarmed about the rising autocratic movement in the United States that threatens the American idea and the American people.
January 6, 2021, represented an ugly inflection point of this movement and it is driving forward with authoritarian proposals like Project 2025 that constitute an assault on the freedoms of every American. This movement threatens to eviscerate our rights, our prosperity, and our stability and security upon which our nation and the world rely.”
*To me, Norm Eisen and Bill Kristol are like Soros without the billions.
Funders include:
– Reid Hoffman
– Etc
Their No Dictators coalition bands together the ACLU, State Democracy Defenders, and Principles First
One State Democracy Defenders event was the ANTI-AUTOCRACY MOVEMENT.
The event was co-hosted by: State Democracy Defenders Action, Principles First, Democracy Forward, and The American Autocracy Threat Tracker, in partnership with convening co-chairs Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Ty Cobb, Norm Eisen, Bill Kristol, Heath Mayo, and Skye Perryman.
“The American Autocracy Threat Tracker is a comprehensive catalog based on Donald Trump and his associates’ plans, promises, and propositions.”
*This listing is extensive!
Now, Norm Eisen and crew discussed this autocracy tracker on the involved MSNBC in Feb 2024 while making outlandish accusations.
“By Norman Eisen, co-founder and a board member of State Democracy Defenders Action and Andrew Warren, state attorney for Hillsborough County, Florida”
“Norman Eisen is the co-founder and a board member of States United Action, a nonpartisan group dedicated to free, fair, secure elections.”
(MSNBC later edited this Feb 2024 article to add the State Democracy Defenders for Eisen, which was created April 2024 and removed mention of his States United. Which makes it appear that this was all started under States United.)
“Arguably Trump’s scariest rhetoric, however, relates to how he continually demonizes Americans with whom he disagrees. He has called those who don’t support him “demonic forces.”
“Echoing fascist dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, Trump has labeled those who oppose him as “vermin” and has vowed to root them out. This is not politics as usual, harmless humor or careless hyperbole.”
So there we have it, sources to follow.
🔥Breaking! Congressman Jamie Raskin joins the Norm Eisen team to help thwart Trumps presidency! The planning for the Trump dictator and Hitler theme has been in use since at least Feb 2024. This will be the basis to seditiously fight his presidency. They also intend to use the…
O’Keefe Media Group has released footage from their investigation into Department of Defense advisor Jamie Mannina, revealing that he’s working behind the scenes with third-party groups and retired generals to undermine Trump’s incoming administration.
O’Keefe was in Washington, DC, this past weekend exposing Deep State employees who gave up information on plans to sabotage President Trump’s incoming administration. The Gateway Punditspoke to O’Keefe Sunday, and he shared that more tapes are coming this week, which expose various Deep State agencies, including the DOD and Executive Office of the White House’s plans to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration.
Mannina says he works at a ” top consulting firm” for the Pentagon, and he previously worked as an FBI Special Agent. “I became a spy hunter,” he ironically told an undercover journalist who, for all he knows, was a foreign spy.
Mannina says he works for “top consulting firm,” whose client is the Pentagon.
During the meeting with an undercover journalist, Mannina revealed that he had a “huge, huge meeting with military leaders in a very secure room called the Tank.” “So we have a Tank meeting with all of the top, top leaders of the United States’ Military tomorrow on my topic that I prepared,” he said.
Mannina says he’s “a little worried,” and he’ll try to do what he can with retired generals to stop the Trump Administration.
Watch below:
BREAKING VIDEO: Top Pentagon Advisor Reveals On Hidden Camera Conversation “with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do” to ‘Protect People from Trump’
Confirms Secret Meetings regarding AI: “That is sensitive information… We’re going to have to keep it between…
See below the email response @OKeefeMedia received from Joint Staff Public Affairs Spokesman Joseph Holstead regarding Jamie Mannina’s termination:
FLASHBACK: Jamie Mannina was busted by Predator DC coming to have sex with an underage girl in November 2021. He was an active FBI agent at the time.
NEW ZUCKERBERG TAPES: LEAKED AUDIO of Rockefeller Foundation Staff Reveals
@Facebook’s $500K Ad Credit Scheme to Boost Biden-Aligned COVID Health Narratives
“More to come, just trying to get all the freebies from tech!”
“We negotiated $100,000 ad credits per pilot city… We also got ad credits for Governor Cuomo.”
“Keep a running tab of the number of free ads you’ve unlocked… That’d be a fun stat!”
NEW ZUCKERBERG TAPES: LEAKED AUDIO of Rockefeller Foundation Staff Reveals @Facebook’s $500K Ad Credit Scheme to Boost Biden-Aligned COVID Health Narratives
“More to come, just trying to get all the freebies from tech!”
“Facebook gave them [The Rockefeller Foundation] a hundred thousand dollars in ad credits per city,” revealed an inside source from the Rockefeller organization. According to recordings leaked to Citizen Journalism Foundation by the inside source, Facebook granted ad credits to the Rockefeller Foundation, amounting to at least “five hundred thousand dollars,” in 2021.
These credits were used to amplify public health initiatives and narratives aligned with the Biden administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). John Spangler, the Former Director of Communications and Advocacy at the Rockefeller Foundation stated, “We’re offering them a lot of support,” while Estelle Willie, Director of Health Policy and Communications, chimed, “More to come, just trying to get all the freebies from tech!”
Spangler noted ongoing efforts to “help them [The Rockefeller Foundation] get, like, some ad credits from Facebook to support the study,” while Willie suggested keeping a tally of the free ads secured.
The group described using “tent pole moments” to increase public engagement with health messaging, likening the efforts to selling a “hot new product,” and calling their public health campaign approach “the sizzle and the steak.”
Notably, the leaked tapes coincide with a shift in Facebook’s content moderation policies. Mark Zuckerberg announced that the platform would abandon traditional fact-checking in favor of a Community Notes system. However, Zuckerberg’s public statements present a contrast to the internal actions revealed in the audio. While he has claimed that the Biden administration “pushed [Facebook] super hard” to suppress certain content, the ad credit grants suggest active collaboration to amplify specific narratives.
“Facebook gave them [The Rockefeller Foundation] a hundred thousand dollars in ad credits per city,” revealed an inside source from the Rockefeller organization. According to recordings leaked to Citizen Journalism Foundation by the inside source, Facebook granted ad credits to…
Western media, U.S. government officials and allied NGOs promote evidence-free claims of Syrian government mass graves while ignoring documented HTS and ISIS mass graves.(Part 2 of a 2 part series) Read Part 1 here.
For over a decade of color revolutions and destabilization plots in West Asia and North Africa, U.S. government officials with their allied NGOs and media outlets have summoned the spectre of mass graves to justify their interventionist policies.
“As President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action,” President Barack Obama declared in a March 2011speech justifying Operation Odyssey Dawn, the U.S. airstrikes that led to the deposal and grisly murder of Libyan president Moammar Qadaffi.
“Why batter Colonel Qaddafi and not intervene on the side of the opposition in Yemen, Bahrain, perhaps even Syria?,” The Economist wondered.
From the earliest days of the Syrian crisis, Western media began to disseminate anonymously-sourced and unverified claims of mass graves, particularly in the cities of Homs and Deraa, while ignoring the presence of armed opposition groups and their killings of Syrian police and military personnel.
Father Frans van der Lugt, a Dutch Jesuit priest who had spent decades in Syria before being murdered by armed opposition groups in 2014, wrote that “From the start I saw armed demonstrators marching along in the protests, who began to shoot at the police first. The violence of the security forces has been a reaction to the brutal violence of the armed rebels.”
“The opposition of the street is much stronger than any other opposition. And this opposition is armed and frequently employs brutality and violence, only in order to blame the government,” he wrote in another report.
This sort of vital information was rarely included in reports, certainly not by mainstream media outlets and billionaire-funded human rights groups.
(…) While Western media focus on the Syrian military’s mass grave in Tadamon, they have omitted the overwhelming majority of documented mass graves made by anti-government terrorist groups in Tadamon and throughout the country in territory that opposition forces had held.
In late 2011, Jabhat al-Nusra (which would go on to become Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam, and Jaish al-Fatah began to use the Idlib province’s Al-Habat quarry as a mass grave, according to a 2021report by the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression. Militants threw into the quarry Syrian soldiers, members of government-allied militias, people accused of collaboration with the government, people accused of apostasy, adultery, or homosexuality, and Shia Muslim residents of the village of Foua and Kefraya (condemned as “infidels”), earning it the title “the Al-Ahm death hole.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Mike Turner (Credit: public domain)
House Speaker Mike Johnson booted Rep. Mike Turner as Chairman of the House Intel Committee at Trump’s request, WaPo reported.
Update: Trump’s team says Trump did not request Mike Johnson oust Mike Turner.
(…) “Speaker Mike Johnson has removed Mike Turner as chair House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, three people familiar with the decision tell POLITICO. Turner has been an outspoken advocate for Ukraine funding and other hawkish national security stances.” – Politicoreported.
Tension between Speaker Johnson and Mike Turner has been simmering for nearly a year.
Last February, Mike Turner desperately sounded the alarm about a vague ‘serious national security threat’ after Speaker Johnson killed a Senate bill with Ukraine aid.
According to a leak to CNN, the threat was supposedly “related to Russia.”
On Wednesday night, President-elect Donald Trump took to Truth Social to share a list of individuals who will be excluded from consideration for roles in his second administration. Highlighting that his team has already hired more than 1,000 “outstanding” individuals, he wrote:
In order to save time, money, and effort, it would be helpful if you would not send, or recommend to us, people who worked with, or are endorsed by, Americans for No Prosperity (headed by Charles Koch), “Dumb as a Rock” John Bolton, “Birdbrain” Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, disloyal Warmongers Dick Cheney, and his Psycho daughter, Liz, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, General(?) Mark Milley, James Mattis, Mark Yesper, or any of the other people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, more commonly known as TDS. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
Predictably, this post did not sit well with our friends on the Left side of the aisle. One man attached Trump’s comments to a post on X with the caption, “Trump makes clear that he is discriminating against candidates for administration jobs if they have links to his political opponents or critics.”
Discrimination? I call it discernment.
In a new Truth Social post, Trump makes clear that he is discriminating against candidates for administration jobs if they have links to his political opponents or critics.
It’s not only understandable that Trump would avoid hiring individuals associated with those who actively undermined or opposed his first-term agenda—and, in many cases, continued that opposition over the following four years, it’s essential. Naturally, he wants to surround himself with loyal staffers who share his vision and will steadfastly support his goals. Every president does.
Personnel decisions can often shape the course of a presidency. For example, President Lincoln replaced five commanding generals during the Civil War before finally selecting Ulysses S. Grant, who ultimately led the Union to victory.
Poor hiring decisions significantly hampered Trump’s first term, a point he has openly acknowledged. For instance, Trump should have replaced FBI Director James Comey upon taking office, rather than allowing him to remain in the role. Other blunders included appointing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, and the outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray.
At a Fox News town hall in September, Trump was asked, “What could you share that you’ve learned from your first time being in the Oval Office for those who are hesitant to vote for you now?”
Trump replied, “The most important thing I found, and you can say this is true in business also, we have to get the right people. I didn’t know much about Washington. I was there 17 times in my whole life. And I wasn’t in D.C. very much.”
He continued, “But I got to know ’em, and I got to know ’em the hard way. And I know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the smart ones, the dumb ones. I know ’em all now.”
MSNBC contributor Andrew Weissmann said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that President-elect Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee Pam Bondi was “not tethered to facts.”
Weissmann said, “Well, it was a really interesting hearing because Pam Bondi, on paper, is somebody who has qualifications for the job. She was the AG in Florida. She’s an experienced prosecutor. She was very poised and articulate and clearly is smart. She said some of the right things about there won’t be an enemies list that it’s important for the department to be independent. She said all those things, however, and there’s a huge but and that is when you actually tested that by saying, was there fraud in the election that was outcome determinative or are the January 6th, people who are convicted, are they in fact political prisoners and not just defendants who have been given all of their rights? She couldn’t bring herself to show the independence that the Attorney General position requires. So although she would say things that on one hand that sounded good when push came to shove, when she was tested on it, she really could not bring herself to say anything that would be disruptive or unpleasant for the president-elect, which is part of the job of being the attorney general.”
He added, “So you have somebody who’s not who’s going to be the Attorney General. She will sail through because she’s not Matt Gaetz and she is not Robert Kennedy Junior, and she’s not Kash Patel, but still, she’s not tethered to facts, you know, to sit there and say Kash Patel is the right person for the job, I mean, that is really preposterous. To say that there’s fraud in the election in Pennsylvania, there are no facts to support that. To parrot that you’re going to be governed by facts and law, as the Attorney General can be tested by then looking at specific instances where she’s absolutely not guided by facts. So we’re really in for a rough ride.”
Former Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Thursday he believed the Environmental Protection Agency should not be an “armed bureaucracy.”
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carried out a raid with dozens of armed agents on a mine near Chicken, Alaska, in August 2013, according to Fox News. Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska asked Zeldin, who President-elect Donald Trump nominated to serve as EPA administrator, about the use of armed agents to conduct raids during a Thursday hearing, saying that the Biden administration was conducting armed raids similar to the 2013 raid on “small mechanic shops” in his state.
“The Biden administration has done these raids on small mechanic shops in Alaska. They bring up EPA agents from all over the country, 30 armed agents kicking in doors in mechanic shops in Alaska,” Sullivan said. “By the way, my state believes in the Second Amendment, most of my state is armed, this is very dangerous because some of these age[nt]s could get shot when they’re coming in.”
Sullivan did not immediately respond to a request from the Daily Caller News Foundation for more information on the raids.
Sometimes DC is a fishbowl, and they don’t realize the background of what we know, when they are speaking. Testimony today is a case study of one bubble within that fishbowl.
Former House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff organized the first impeachment effort against President Donald Trump. Schiff is now a Senator. Schiff’s former lead staff in the impeachment investigation was Mary McCord.
Today, during the question session for AG Pam Bondi’s nomination, Adam Schiff asked Mary McCord about whether AG Bondi should recuse herself from investigating Adam Schiff and Mary McCord. It’s a little funny if you understand the background.
I prompted the video to the part at 01:36:14 when Schiff asks McCord, and Mrs. McCord responds with “yes, Pam Bondi should recuse.” WATCH:
Mary McCord says Pam Bondi must recuse herself from any investigative outcome related to the first impeachment effort. Who was the lead staff working for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler on the first impeachment effort? Mary McCord.
Now, triggering that first impeachment effort… Who worked with ICIG Michael Atkinson to change the CIA whistleblower regulations permitting an anonymous complaint? Yep, that would be the same Mary McCord.
In essence, the woman who organized, structured, led and coordinated the first impeachment effort, says Pam Bondi must recuse herself from investigating the organization, structure, leadership and coordination of the first impeachment effort.
You just cannot make this stuff up.
Mary McCord (Credit: public domain)
Obviously, doing their ‘pretending not to know routine,” every republican sat on their hands when Mary McCord was testifying about all the terrible attributes and conflicts that surround Pam Bondi. Do not fool yourself, every republican on the judiciary committee knows exactly who Mary McCord is, and her deeply rooted Intelligence Community connections to the Deep State.
It’s a fun intellectual exercise to remind yourself just who Mary McCord is, and how deeply enmeshed in the stop Trump operation she is. Remember, Mary McCord openly said she is currently working with a group to “bring lawsuits” against President Trump in his second term as soon as he takes office:
[…] “We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.
Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being craftedfor a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look. (more)
So, even if the Trump administration officials do not confront Mary McCord, which they likely will not do – because they genuinely appear to be afraid of her, Mary McCord is going to target them.
The Lawfare operation that Mary McCord represents is going to try and block President Trump, and the Senate is just sitting there listening to Mary McCord speak today, while pretending they don’t know this. Good grief, it’s frustrating to watch.
Just to put some emphasis on this mess, here’s a reminder of who Mary McCord is…
A recent soundbite shared on the Twitter platform aligns with so many aspects about how the IC targets their enemies, and how the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) then weaponizes the opportunities provided by the U.S intelligence apparatus.
Notice in this short video how Mary McCord positions the power structure of the DOJ-NSD silo in deference to the Intelligence Community (IC). This is a critical path within the next step to American’s “great awakening.” In the past we have outlined how the DOJ-NSD weaponizes their Lawfare by using “National Security Information,” or what the insiders call “NSI.”
As an outcome of the way our checks and balances have been modified against our interests, the judicial branch has repeatedly deferred to the DOJ around the issue of “national security.” In fact, if the DOJ labels any Lawfare approach as a national security matter the subsequent evidence therein, the NSI (even when not seen) is accepted by the judicial branch without question. The judicial branch defers to the executive on all matters defined by the executive as “national security.”
This is the area of exploit being discussed by Mary McCord in this segment. However, notice there is one apparatus that can supercede the DOJ-NSD’s ability to weaponize Nat Sec Information, that’s the power of the intelligence apparatus. WATCH:
Lawfare coordinator Mary McCord admits that she and another lawfare coordinator, Andrew Weissmann, worked with the DOJ and intelligence losers on what bogus charges to bring against Trump.
McCord notes how she and Andrew Weissmann navigate through the process of using NSI as they move toward their target; the most common reference is their political opposition, Donald J Trump.
If there is one Lawfare operative who has escaped scrutiny for her corrupt endeavors, it would be Mary McCord. More than any other Lawfare operative within Main Justice, Mary McCord sits at the center of every table in the manufacturing of cases against Donald Trump. {GO DEEP} Mary McCord’s husband is Sheldon Snook; he was the right hand to the legal counsel of Chief Justice John Roberts when the Dobbs decision was leaked.
When the Carter Page FISA application was originally assembled by the FBI and DOJ, there was initial hesitancy from within the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) about submitting the application, because it did not have enough citations in evidence (the infamous ‘Woods File’). That’s why the Steele Dossier ultimately became important. It was the Steele Dossier that provided the push, the legal cover needed for the DOJ-NSD to submit the application for a Title-1 surveillance warrant against the campaign of Donald J. Trump.
When the application was finally assembled for submission to the FISA court, the head of the DOJ-NSD was John Carlin. Carlin quit working for the DOJ-NSD in late September 2016 just before the final application was submitted (October 21,2016). John Carlin was replaced by Deputy Asst. Attorney General, Mary McCord.
♦ When the FISA application was finally submitted (approved by Sally Yates and James Comey), it was Mary McCord who did the actual process of filing the application and gaining the Title-1 surveillance warrant.
A few months later, February 2017, with Donald Trump now in office as President, it was Mary McCord who went with Deputy AG Sally Yates to the White House to confront White House legal counsel Don McGahn over the Michael Flynn interview with FBI agents. The surveillance of Flynn’s calls was presumably done under the auspices and legal authority of the FISA application Mary McCord previously was in charge of submitting.
♦ At the time the Carter Page application was filed (October 21, 2016), Mary McCord’s chief legal counsel inside the office was a DOJ-NSD lawyer named Michael Atkinson. In his role as the legal counsel for the DOJ-NSD, it was Atkinson’s job to review and audit all FISA applications submitted from inside the DOJ. Essentially, Atkinson was the DOJ internal compliance officer in charge of making sure all FISA applications were correctly assembled and documented.
♦ When the anonymous CIA whistleblower complaint was filed against President Trump for the issues of the Ukraine call with President Zelensky, the Intelligence Community Inspector General had to change the rules for the complaint to allow an anonymous submission. Prior to this change, all intelligence whistleblowers had to put their name on the complaint. It was this 2019 IGIC who changed the rules. Who was the Intelligence Community Inspector General? Michael Atkinson.
Yes, after she left main justice, Mary McCord took the job of working for Chairman Jerry Nadler and Chairman Adam Schiff as the chief legal advisor inside the investigation that led to the construction of articles of impeachment. As a consequence, Mary McCord received the newly permitted anonymous whistleblower complaint from her old office colleague Michael Atkinson.
♦ During his investigation of the Carter Page application, Inspector General Michael Horowitz discovered an intentional lie inside the Carter Page FISA application (directly related to the ‘Woods File’), which his team eventually tracked to FBI counterintelligence division lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith. Eventually Clinesmith was criminally charged with fabricating evidence (changed wording on an email) in order to intentionally falsify the underlying evidence in the FISA submission.
(Credit: Conservative Treehouse)
When John Durham took the Clinesmith indictment to court, the judge in the case was James Boasberg.
♦ In addition to being a DC criminal judge, James Boasberg is also a FISA court judge who signed-off on one of the renewals for the FISA application that was submitted using fraudulent evidence fabricated by Kevin Clinesmith. In essence, now the presiding judge over the FISA court, Boasberg was the FISC judge who was tricked by Clinesmith, and now the criminal court judge in charge of determining Clinesmith’s legal outcome. Judge Boasberg eventually sentenced Clinesmith to 6 months probation.
As an outcome of continued FISA application fraud and wrongdoing by the FBI, in their exploitation of searches of the NSA database, Presiding FISC Judge James Boasberg appointed an amici curiae advisor to the court who would monitor the DOJ-NSD submissions and ongoing FBI activities.
Who did James Boasberg select as a FISA court amicus? Mary McCord.
♦ SUMMARY: Mary McCord submitted the original false FISA application to the court using the demonstrably false Dossier. Mary McCord participated in the framing of Michael Flynn. Mary McCord worked with ICIG Michael Atkinson to create a fraudulent whistleblower complaint against President Trump; and Mary McCord used that manipulated complaint to assemble articles of impeachment on behalf of the joint House Intel and Judiciary Committee. Mary McCord then took up a defensive position inside the FISA court to protect the DOJ and FBI from sunlight upon all the aforementioned corrupt activity.
You can clearly see how Mary McCord would be a person of interest if anyone was going to start digging into corruption internally within the FBI, DOJ or DOJ-NSD.
What happened next….
November 3, 2021 – In Washington DC – “Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and the House Jan. 6 Select Committee has tapped Mary McCord, who once ran the Justice Department’s National Security Division, for representation in its fight to obtain former President Donald Trump’s White House records. (read more)
That’s the context; now I want to go back a little.
First, when did Mary McCord become “amicus” to the FISA court? ANSWER: When the court (Boasberg) discovered IG Michael Horowitz was investigating the fraudulent FISA application. In essence, the FISA Court appointed the person who submitted the fraudulent filing, to advise on any ramifications from the fraudulent filing. See how that works?
Now, let’s go deeper…
When Mary McCord went to the White House with Sally Yates to talk to white house counsel Don McGhan about the Flynn call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, and the subsequent CBS interview with VP Pence, where Pence’s denial of any wrongdoing took place, the background narrative in the attack against Flynn was the Logan Act.
The construct of the Logan Act narrative was pure Lawfare, and DAG Sally Yates with Acting NSD AAG Mary McCord were the architects.
Why was the DOJ National Security Division concerned with a conflict between what Pence said on CBS and what Flynn said about his conversations with Kislyak?
This is where a big mental reset is needed. Flynn did nothing wrong. The incoming National Security Advisor can say anything he wants with the Russian ambassador, short of giving away classified details of any national security issue. In December of 2016, if Michael Flynn wanted to say Obama was an a**hole, and the Trump administration disagreed with everything he ever did, the incoming NSA was free to do so. There was simply nothing wrong with that conversation – regardless of content.
So, why were McCord and Yates so determined to make an issue in media and in confrontation with the White House? Why did the DOJ-NSD even care? This is the part that people overlooked when the media narrative was driving the news cycle. People got too stuck in the weeds and didn’t ask the right questions.
Some entity, we discover later was the FBI counterintelligence division, was monitoring Flynn’s calls. They transcribed a copy of the call between Flynn and Kislyak, and that became known as the “Flynn Cuts” as described within internal documents, and later statements.
After the Flynn/Kislyak conversation was leaked to the media, Obama asked ODNI Clapper how that call got leaked. Clapper went to the FBI on 1/4/17 and asked FBI Director James Comey. Comey gave Clapper a copy of the Flynn Cuts which Clapper then took back to the White House to explain to Obama.
Obama’s White House counsel went bananas, because Clapper had just walked directly into the Oval Office with proof the Obama administration was monitoring the incoming National Security Advisor.
Obama’s plausible deniability of the Trump surveillance was lost as soon as Clapper walked in with the written transcript.
That was the motive for the 1/5/17 Susan Rice memo, and the reason for Obama to emphasize “buy the book” three times.
It wasn’t that Obama didn’t know already; the problem was that a document trail now existed (likely a CYA from Comey) that took away Obama’s plausible deniability of knowledge.
The January 5th meeting documented by Susan Rice was quickly organized to mitigate this issue.
Knowing the Flynn Cuts were created simultaneously with the phone call, and knowing how it was quickly decided to use the Logan Act as a narrative against Flynn and Trump, we can be very sure both McCord and Yates had read that transcript before they went to the White House. [Again, this is the entire purpose of them going to the White House to confront McGhan with their manufactured concerns.]
So, when it comes to ‘who leaked’ the reality of the Flynn/Kislyak call to the media, the entire predicate for the Logan Act violation – in hindsight – I would bet a donut it was Mary McCord.
But wait, there’s more…
Now we go back to McCord’s husband, Sheldon Snook.
Sheldon was working for the counsel to John Roberts. The counsel to the Chief Justice has one job, to review the legal implications of issues before the court and advise Justice John Roberts. The counsel to the Chief Justice knows everything happening in the court and is the sounding board for any legal issues impacting the Supreme Court.
In his position as the right hand of the counsel to the chief justice, Sheldon Snook would know everything happening inside the court.
At the time, there was nothing bigger inside the court than the Alito opinion known as the Dobb’s Decision – the returning of abortion law to the states. Without any doubt, the counsel to Chief Justice Roberts would have that decision at the forefront of his advice and counsel. By extension, this puts the actual written Alito opinion in the orbit of Sheldon Snook.
After the Supreme Court launched a heavily publicized internal investigation into the leaking of the Dobbs decision (Alito opinion), something interesting happened. Sheldon Snook left his position. If you look at the timing of the leak, the investigation and the Sheldon Snook exit, the circumstantial evidence looms large.
Of course, given the extremely high stakes, the institutional crisis with the public discovering the office of the legal counsel to the Chief Justice likely leaked the decision, such an outcome would be catastrophic for the institutional credibility. In essence, it would be Robert’s office who leaked the opinion to the media.
If you were Chief Justice John Roberts and desperately needed to protect the integrity of the court, making sure such a thermonuclear discovery was never identified would be paramount. Under the auspices of motive, Sheldon Snook would exit quietly. Which is exactly what happened.
The timeline holds the key.
Remember the stories of the J6 investigative staff all going to work for Jack Smith on the investigation of Donald Trump? Well, Mary McCord was a member of that team [citation]; all indications are that her background efforts continue today as a quiet member of the Special Counsel team that is still attacking Donald Trump.
To give you an idea of the scope of influence of Mary McCord as a key functionary, consider what we can document.
♦ McCord submitted the fraudulent FISA application to spy on Trump campaign.
♦ McCord created the “Logan Act” claim used against Michael Flynn and then went with Sally Yates to confront the White House.
♦ McCord then left the DOJ and went to work for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.
♦ McCord organized the CIA rule changes with Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.
♦ McCord led and organized the impeachment effort, in the background, using the evidence she helped create.
♦ McCord joined the FISA Court to protect against DOJ IG Michael Horowitz newly gained NSD oversight and FISA review.
♦ McCord joined the J6 Committee helping to create all the lawfare angles they deployed.
♦ McCord then coordinated with DA Fani Willis in Georgia.
♦ McCord was working with Special Counsel Jack Smith to prosecute Trump.
♦ McCord is now coordinating a Lawfare attack process against Donald Trump in term #2
In short, Mary McCord is the lawfare string that winds through every legal ‘stop Trump’ effort, and her primary partner in this endeavor is Andrew Weissmann. It wasn’t Jack Smith per se’, any more than it was Robert Mueller.
Jack Smith and Robert Mueller were simply the front men of the Lawfare band.
WASHINGTON — Today, after an eight-month investigation, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cut off all funding and formally debarred EcoHealth Alliance Inc. (EcoHealth) and its former President, Dr. Peter Daszak, for five years based on evidence uncovered by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. In a new letter, HHS states “that a period of debarment for Dr. Daszak is necessary to protect the Federal Government’s business interests.” This letter also confirms that EcoHealth terminated Dr. Daszak’s employment effective January 6, 2025. EcoHealth and Dr. Daszak facilitated gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China without proper oversight and willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant.
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement in response to the formal debarment:
“Justice for the American people was served today. Bad actor EcoHealth Alliance and its corrupt former President, Dr. Peter Daszak, were formally debarred by HHS for using taxpayer funds to facilitate dangerous gain-of-function research in China. Today’s decision is not only a victory for the U.S. taxpayer, but also for American national security and the safety of citizens worldwide.
“In May 2024, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup released evidence that EcoHealth repeatedly violated the terms of its NIH grant. EcoHealth routinely ignored government oversight requests, failed to report dangerous gain-of-function experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and produced a required research report two years late. HHS cited all of these discoveries as key reasons for formally debarring EcoHealth and Dr. Daszak. Given that a lab-related incident involving gain-of-function research is the most likely origin of COVID-19, EcoHealth and its former President should never again receive a single cent from the U.S. taxpayer.”
Read the letter from HHS to Dr. Peter Daszak here.
Read the letter from HHS to EcoHealth Alliance Inc. here.
Read HHS’s Action Referral Memorandum for Dr. Peter Daszak here.
Read HHS’s Action Referral Memorandum for EcoHealth Alliance Inc. here.
Democratic megadonor Reid Hoffman appears to have quietly left a premier Pentagon advisory board after the election of Donald Trump, raising questions about whether he quit the organization on his own or was forced off because of his work to keep Trump out of the White House.
Hoffman joined the Defense Innovation Board, chaired by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, in October 2022. The group provides advice to the Pentagon on how to implement new technologies into the military and work more efficiently with private companies.
Hoffman, the cofounder of LinkedIn, was listed as a board member until at least Nov. 27, according to archived versions of its website, but is no longer listed there. If Hoffman was forced off the board, it would be the latest example of a federal agency cleaning house ahead of Trump’s second term. Trump has said he will not allow Democrats or Republicans afflicted with what he called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” to work in federal agencies. In December, the FBI quietly shut its Diversity and Inclusion office.
Hoffman’s position on the board caused outcry from Republicans over his ties to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his funding for controversial political projects to help Democrats. And in July, Hoffman came under fire after he said he hoped his political tactics would make Donald Trump an “actual martyr.” Days later, a gunman attempted to assassinate Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
The National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative legal group, called for Hoffman to “be dismissed” from the board because of what it called Hoffman’s “irresponsible and dangerous remarks” about Trump.
The Defense Innovation Board noted that request at its July 17 board meeting, according to board records. Bloomberg discussed the attempted assassination, though he did not speak about Hoffman’s remarks or acknowledge the National Legal and Policy Center complaint, according to a transcript of the meeting.
The Pentagon, the Innovation board, and members of the board did not respond to requests for comment about Hoffman’s departure.
CIA Director William Burns, recently elevated to a Cabinet position, departs an event in the White House Rose Garden, May 25, 2023. (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Does everyone realize what was just said here?
Speaker Mike Johnson not only confirms that Joe Biden isn’t in control and signing executive orders he doesn’t understand but that to meet with Biden, The CIA Director had to be present
He just confirmed The CIA is running our country, not the president
This just confirmed another “conspiracy theory”
“They invited me to the White House. I show up and I realize it’s actually an ambush ’cause it’s not just me and the president. It’s also Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem, you know, The CIA Director”
So top Democrats and then The CIA Director…. Isn’t that interesting…
“Who is running the country? Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”
Sounds like it was The CIA…
Does everyone realize what was just said here?
Speaker Mike Johnson not only confirms that Joe Biden isn’t in control and signing executive orders he doesn’t understand but that to meet with Biden, The CIA Director had to be present
Bingo! Second in line to the President… He realizes that Biden is completely mentally incapacitated and gone and does nothing? In my opinion, this interview means Johnson was complicit.
Harry S. Truman: “The CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and, at times, a policy-making arm of the government.”
Biden signs an Executive Order to “deny Russia the chance to profit from its blatant violations of international law.” (Credit: Twitter/X)
While set to leave office in the next few days, Biden isn’t done making stupid and dangerous decisions that harm Americans.
By now, most Americans are familiar with the horrendous policies enacted by outgoing President Joe Biden. From leaving our southern border wide open to driving up inflation, the Democrat commander-in-chief’s tenure in the Oval Office has been an unequivocal disaster for the country and its citizens.
While Biden is set to leave office in disgrace in the next few days, that doesn’t mean he and the left-wing radicals running his administration are finished making stupid and dangerous decisions. In fact, they’re doing everything in their power to thumb their noses at the voters who overwhelmingly rejected their failed “leadership” on their way out the White House door.
1. Releasing Gitmo Prisoners
2. Pardoning Hunter
3. Energy Restrictions
4. Terrible Ship Names
5. Whitewashing Foreign Policy Failures
6. Student Loan Bailout
7. Ukraine Funding
8. Communist Cuba
9. Lawfare Antics
10. Asinine and Dangerous Commutations
11. Extending Temporary Protections for Foreign Nationals in America
URGENT: Multiple reports coming in from family members, prisoners & J6 advocates of halfway houses refusing to release J6 prisoners in spite of their pardon – and reports from the DC Gulag of 17 armed and masked guards pushing some 8 prisoners back in their cells and a guard threatening to get one of them on the outside. More to come.
URGENT: Multiple reports coming in from family members, prisoners & J6 advocates of halfway houses refusing to release J6 prisoners in spite of their pardon – and reports from the DC Gulag of 17 armed and masked guards pushing some 8 prisoners back in their cells and a guard…
— Trisha Hope – National Delegate-TX (@JustTheTweets17) January 21, 2025
Someone being carried out of the DC Jail on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance – there have been reports here of violence by the guards against the J6 inmates
I texted @RameyIsRight (J6 Political Hostage) who is being held at a halfway house in Miami.
I asked him if he had been released and this was his response…
No. Riverside halfway house where I’m at in Miami decided to conduct a late night room search on my room instead of…
Not only have the security clearances of the 51 Hunter Biden laptop hoaxers been revoked, but additional investigations into their activities are also underway.
Christopher Wray and Paul Abbate (Credit: public domain)
FBI’s longtime deputy director, who had been expected to temporarily replace director Christopher Wray on an acting basis during the transition into the new Trump administration, says he is retiring. Paul Abbate made the unexpected announcement in an email to senior officials Monday ahead of President Trump’s inauguration, CBS News confirmed.
“When the Director asked me to stay on past my mandatory date for a brief time, I did so to help ensure continuity and the best transition for the FBI. Now, with new leadership inbound, after nearly four years in the deputy role, I am departing the FBI today,” Abbate wrote in the letter, according to the Associated Press, which obtained a copy of the email.
Abbate had been running the FBI for only one day after Wray stepped down as director on Sunday. Wray was named by Trump during his first term and had been director for more than seven years. He announced his retirement when Trump said he wanted Kash Patel to be the director.
Abbate’s email did not say who would replace him atop the bureau during the interim. Following the inauguration, the White House posted a list of acting leaders that said Brian Driscoll will serve as head of the FBI until the position is filled. (Read more: CBS News. 1/2o/2025) (Archive)
Former President Joe Biden’s final act as president was to preemptively pardon several members of his family.
The sweeping pardon covers the president’s brother, James B. Biden; sister-in-law, Sara Jones Biden; sister, Valerie Biden Owens; brother-in-law, John T. Owens; and brother, Francis W. Biden. The pardons were announced minutes before President-elect Donald Trump was sworn in.
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that they engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Biden said in a statement.
The pardons mark the second time in recent weeks that Biden has moved to protect his family members from legal jeopardy. In December, he issued a broad pardon for his son, Hunter, who was due to be sentenced for federal tax and gun crimes.
“My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me—the worst kind of partisan politics. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end,” Biden said.
Statement from retired Gen. Mark Milley on pardon from @JoeBiden today:
“My family and I are deeply grateful for the President’s action today.
After forty-three years of faithful service in uniform to our Nation, protecting and defending the Constitution, I do not wish to…
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Biden said in a statement. “Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.”
The prospect of such pardons had been the subject of heated debate for months at the highest levels of the White House. It’s customary for a president to grant clemency at the end of his term, but those acts of mercy are usually offered to Americans who have been convicted of crimes. (Associated Press, 1/20/2025) (Archive)
Lawfare (sanctioned fraud by law enforcement) is antithetical to the Bill of Rights, which assumes government nefariousness. Lawfare flourishes thanks to qualified immunity, an artificial (i.e., not in the Constitution) concept conjured by the Supreme Court to insulate rogue cops, prosecutors, and judges.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley — President pro tempore of the Senate and third in the line of presidential succession after the Vice President and Speaker of the House — at the Attorney General’s January 15 nomination hearing (this is a lengthy quotation but so meaty it doesn’t yield to cutting or summarizing):
The Justice Department’s infected with political decision-making, while its leaders refuse to acknowledge that reality. Crossfire Hurricane was a textbook example of government weaponization. That FBI investigation was built on the fake Steele Dossier, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton Campaign who worked with foreign operatives. My investigative work exposed that the FBI knew the dossier was false information and was likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Even with knowledge of the dossier’s defects and political infection, the Justice Department sought FISA warrant renewals and took other actions. After directing my oversight staff to investigate the Justice Department’s mishandling of the matter, the Justice Department retaliated by issuing a subpoena for their phone records.
Then, a few of my Democratic colleagues pressured the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force to supposedly brief me and Senator Johnson relating to our Biden family investigation. In August 2020, Senator Johnson and I had that infamous briefing from the FBI. Later, its contents were leaked to the media even though the FBI had promised confidentiality. That leak falsely labeled our oversight work as – you guessed it – Russian disinformation. To this day – over four years later – the Intelligence Community and FBI refuse to provide us the intelligence basis for that briefing. The title of this Wall Street Journal article sums it up, “The FBI’s Dubious Briefing: Did the bureau set up two GOP Senators at the behest of Democrats?”
I know what government weaponization is. And then we get to Special Counsel Jack Smith and his lawfare operation. It involved an unprecedented FBI raid on Trump’s house, including agents that even searched the former First Lady’s clothing drawers. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden certainly didn’t receive the same treatment by the government regarding their records. Indeed, as my oversight exposed, the FBI amazingly agreed to destroy laptops and records associated with Clinton’s staff. This Orwellian conduct should have no quarter. On top of it all, FBI Special Agent Thibault, the anti-Trump agent that violated the Hatch Act for political activity on the job, started one of Jack Smith’s cases.
But, Jack Smith wasn’t the only Department official who tried to influence this past election. The Washington Post reported last August about a previously undisclosed Mueller investigation into Trump that was closed for lack of evidence and it being a “fishing expedition.” That news reporting was based on sealed court records, government records, and potentially classified information roughly 90 days before the last presidential election. The Justice Department leaked that information to the press to impact the election against President Trump. And they did it while stiff-arming congressional requests for information that would prove embarrassing to the Biden-Harris administration.
Let us not forget some of the other flagrant abuses of power that we’ve seen from the DOJ and the FBI over the last four years:
The DOJ used the might of the Federal Government to prosecute individuals peacefully praying outside of abortion clinics.
The FBI suggested that traditional Catholics could be domestic terrorism threats, claiming that these individuals adhere to “anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT and white supremacy ideology.”
The FBI opened dozens of investigations into parents who voiced their concerns at school board meetings regarding curriculum choices and COVID-19 mandates.
The FBI applied undue pressure to social media platforms to censor so-called “misinformation,” downgrading or removing flagged social media posts and removing users.
These are only a few particularly egregious examples of the rot infesting the DOJ. The impact of this political infection in our once-storied law enforcement institutions is catastrophic. By every metric, the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s conduct has failed to live up to our country’s ideals.
We are witnessing the initiation of America’s truth and reconciliation process. Grassley’s comments stand as a bookmark separating two eras. He de facto swore out a warrant against the guilty. Under (almost certainly) incoming FBI Director Patel, an extensive and essential glasnost (openness) episode will precede wholesale perestroika (reform). Trump’s Patel nomination ranks among his best. As chief aide to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, Patel oversaw exposing the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. He is the man for this moment. (Read more: American Thinker, 1/20/2025)(Archive)