Moynihan and Doyle testify to the House Oversight Government Operations Subcommittee on oversight of foundations and restrictions on their political activities. (Credit: CSpan)
Clinton investigators John Moynihan and Larry Doyle, also known as the Financial Bounty Hunters, reveal on the Thomas Paine Podcast that they have spoken multiple times with Special Prosecutor John Durham’s Justice Department team to assist with its ongoing investigation which now appears to be focused on the Clinton Foundation, Bill Gates and millions of dollars in profit from the illicit vaccine and pharmaceutical schemes worldwide.
A member of our research team, D Smoley, muddled through this very long interview and took a few notes on the key issues discussed:
With Financial Bounty Hunters (FBH) and Charles Ortel dropping hints last week that there is a major breaking news story about fraud in the non-profit sector, it is a good time to look back at the last FBH interview, 3 months ago.
The same people involved in Clinton Foundation are involved in combatting Covid and distributing aid for COVID.
Here is my draft of notes on what they said during that marathon podcast in December of 2021.
FBH first appeared on the Thomas Paine podcast in June 2020 and introduced the concept of a Playbook that uses a cover of worldwide health to channel massive amounts of money to non-profit organizations. The people who run the Playbook are globalists who aim to take ownership of all of the world’s resources–including the plants and oceans and people–to create their version of utopia. Six months after coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, FBH predicted that this is the Playbook that would be activated for coronavirus pandemic support.
The second interview, in December 2021, looked deeper into the organizations, people, and methods that the Playbook implemented for pandemic response and then FBH warned about the likely way that it will be used in upcoming months.
Abuse of Tax Exempt Status
The Clinton Foundation was established as a 501c(3) organization in the late 1990’s to raise money for the Bill Clinton Presidential Library, an undertaking that required $100-$150 million dollars. The “reported” top line revenue for Clinton Foundation and Clinton Health exceeds $3 billion which leaves potential tax liability and penalties on $2.9 billion. As whistleblowers, the FBH could receive a reward of a third of the amount recovered by IRS.Their work is not limited to Clinton Foundation, FBH have filed complaints for additional organizations where they saw evidence of non-compliance with requirements for 501c(3).
August 2017 FBH made whistleblower submission to IRS. Kept working
Early Nov 2018 preliminary denial from IRS. Kept working
Dec 13, 2018 FBH Testimony before the House Oversight Subcommittee, subsequently received final denial, appealed IRS denial to US Tax Court. Kept working
August 28, 2019 US Tax Court Accepted Appeal notified via email. Kept working
October 2020 court records for their appeal were put under seal. The only records available are the docket entries recorded by John Solomon prior to sealing and two documents that the judge allowed to be released. Kept working.Risk
We are laying out exhibits that get into this whole concept of risk. Where are people’s risks? The presumption that our public officials and our regulators are going to perform and protect the public interest is in my opinion (and what we are laying out here) that is the greatest risk of all. Does current response require commitments that do more harm than good, taking on considerable risks? What played out in those years in third world countries looks similar to what is going on today. Same play book, same players.Right now, they are trying to set the biggest trap that has been ever been set, in terms of control of our personal lives. We happen to have the evidence and the judge has the evidence.
The Playbook puts conditions in agreements for health and financing to cause local governments to cede control of aspects of their decision making.
Here is an email from July 8. 2003.
“There was a clear consensus among the development assistance committee (In Tanzania) that the potentially enormous amounts of funds coming onstream, from Clinton Foundation and Global Fund and PEPFAR could do more harm than good in that there are considerable risks posed to the health sector program and reforms in Tanzania.”The Playbook
With every crisis, there are indications that people on the inside were made aware of what was going on. Government officials, public health officials, all pharmaceutical officials are massively conflicted. This is the Big Rig in terms of regulatory capture. Our regulators protect and promote the interests of Wall Street, Big Pharma or our public health officials, that is Tony Fauci and the rest of them, Tony Fauci has the checkbook he provides funding for a lot of the activities, Bill Gates backs him up, tight at the hip, working for the interests of those pharmaceutical companies and not working for your interests.We have seen this before. In our prior discussion we talked about the adulterated drugs from Ranbaxy Labs from India distributed throughout the third the world. Garbage drugs from Ranbaxy negatively impacted untold numbers of people in the developing world from those adulterated meds. When people take ineffective drugs, they end up developing drug resistance. viruses mutate. You end up with drug resistance. Same is happening with these vaccines people stated taking a year ago. People took them once, twice, a third time and are still getting infected? The viruses mutate. Are they ineffective?
When we heard the August 2021 interview with Dr. Fauci, we recognized the old playbook being used again: Clinton Foundation, Global Fund, PEPFAR just as predicted by FBH on the Thomas Paine Podcast in June 2020. We are participants for these drug trails, as opposed to recipients of drug trial research. That is how HIV worked with the Clinton Foundation Ineffective drugs that don’t stop the disease cause mutations and spread and even more drugs are needed.
Is it a coincidence that the countries with the largest contributors to the World Health Organization also have the greatest covid death rate?
A Geneva based WHO affiliate, UNITAID, a Gates backed, and Clinton backed initiative carveout made a $40 million payment to University of Liverpool shortly before Andrew Hill’s final report where he said we cannot support Ivermectin to treat Covid. Half a million lives could have been saved.
There is no magic here. There is a practical trajectory of what all of these people are doing, these globalists are doing, when they are looking for worlds without borders, universal healthcare, all of these wonderful ideological thoughts, and they will do whatever they need to do to execute on the strategy, myopically, with blindfolds on as to what the real interests are of those of us who populate the planet.Current Developments in DC
DC Swamp holds discussion in law firms.While researching the case, FBH has seen a strategy to make decisions in law firms and then give advice to officials in DC instead of the elected officials making decisions. This makes all emails and discussions privileged; attorney-client information cannot be obtained in FOIA.
John Durham Investigation
While FBH have not met with John Durham, they did speak to people in his office on multiple occasions. Durham would have access to the material that FBH submitted to other agencies under Rule 6, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure which allows for intergovernmental agencies to communicate material and subject matter that is relevant and provides an exception to the grand jury ruleThe indictment of Attorney Sussmann is encouraging because he was a counsel to the Clinton Foundation
FBH have not received cooperation from government, and that includes people in the legislative branch
The following remarks are made by Thomas Paine’s, Michael Moore, about Fauci’s interview:
Fauci opened his mouth in an August interview and said exactly to the “T” what FBH said to Paine in early 2020 when this started with 15 days to flatten the curve.
Fauci said that we are in active discussion to develop a worldwide pandemic strategy with a broad comprehensive approach to preparedness and response at every level. Equity has been the most important part of the vaccine program, both domestic equity, and now international equity and that is reason why Biden program has already committed half a billion dollars plus 80 million plus that is going out right now.
Fauci described his vision of using organizations like PEPFAR, CEPI (Center for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), GAVI (Global Vaccines Alliance) for procurement and distribution, The Global Fund, Jeremy Ferarr at Welcome Trust, UNITAID, and Intrepid.
The EU is pre-purchasing therapeutics and that are in development, setting up a new institution HERA a counterpart to our BARDA.
The entire August 2021 Fauci interview was included in the December 2021 Paine Podcast