December 31, 2024 – The FBI’s Trump-Russia probe: Heavily redacted document leaves key questions unanswered

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Russiagate news: in response to my FOIA request, the FBI has released a heavily redacted copy of the Electronic Communication that opened the FBI’s investigation of then-President Donald Trump as a foreign agent of Russia. It’s dated May 16, 2017.

This followed the opening of “Crossfire Hurricane” in July 2016, which targeted members of Trump’s campaign. This May 2017 investigation also sought to determine whether Trump “obstructed” that July 2016 investigation and any other “associated” one.

I was most interested to learn the factual basis for the FBI taking the extraordinary step, to put it mildly, of investigating the sitting president as an agent of Russia. But that part is entirely redacted. The document is six pages in total.

The Spygate Project – Strzok/Page communications