Featured Timeline Entries
July 2, 2024 - Viral video shows media floated 25th Amendment for Trump hundreds of times while in office

A viral video montage has emerged of prominent figures in the liberal media calling on government officials to invoke the 25th Amendment on former President Trump while he was in office.

The montage, created by NewsBusters video editor Bill D’Agostino, noted that media members pushed the 25th Amendment narrative over 600 times during Trump’s White House tenure.

The compilation of major media voices was part of a larger report published by the Media Research Center, which noted that MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell brought up the idea of declaring Trump unfit for presidential duties less than a month after his inauguration.

In December 2017, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough said a close associate of Trump on the campaign trail told him the then-presidential candidate had “pre-dementia.”

Scarborough also suggested that “everybody” who’s known Trump for years has said he has “mentally devolved.” The MSNBC co-host then said he wanted to know “when it’s safe” to start talking about whether Trump should be taken off his presidential duties.

(Read more: Fox News, 7/02/2024)  (Archive)

July 2, 2024 - Jimmy Dore: The media echoed the same lies to boost Biden

The Democratic-leaning corporate media, consisting of outlets like MSNBC and CNN, have been lying consistently and vociferously about Joe Biden’s mental acuity for years now. Despite the president’s obvious decline, the likes of Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid and many others have claimed that video showing Biden’s cognitive failures were “cheap fakes” and that Biden remains “sharp as a tack.”

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the Orwellian media’s insistence that you not believe your own eyes when it comes to Biden’s mental state.

July 3, 2024 - Ivanka Trump discusses child and human trafficking; Trump wants death penalty for those who traffic children

Ivanka Trump talks about her and 45’s insistence on eliminating child and human trafficking in his administration.

In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why you see all of pedowood up in arms over Donald Trump’s ascendency to the White House.

You saw it in the tweets from people like Chrissy Tiegen, Patton Oswald, and a myriad of others. They blatantly promoted child harm and hated Trump simultaneously.

Notice how Epstein’s Island shut down during Trump’s tenure but remained open during Obama, Clinton, and Bush’s war crime sprees.

“Human trafficking. That’s an issue that I didn’t think go to the White House thinking I would work on. You hear a story of a survivor and you can’t not want to eradicate one of the greatest evils that the mind can even imagine. The exploitation of children. For so many they assume that this is a problem that doesn’t happen on our shores…We were able to get legislation combating trafficking at home and abroad. Digital exploitation of children.”

Now look at all the legislation Trump used to combat human trafficking and it all starts to make sense:

– Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017: amends existing legislation and establishes penalties for promoting or facilitating sex trafficking online.

– Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017: raised the statute of limitations on human trafficking offenses to 10 years.

– Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2017: amends several laws, authorizes funds and various federal agencies to combat human trafficking.

– Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Authorization Act: coordinates DHS efforts against human trafficking.

– SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018: A Health and Human Services program to train health care providers in recognizing and providing care to potential victims of human trafficking.

– Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act: coordinates human trafficking prevention efforts across the Department of Transportation

– No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act: directs the Department of Transportation to disqualify a person from operating a commercial vehicle for life if said vehicle was used to traffic humans.

– Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017: reauthorized the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund through 2023 and established additional anti-human trafficking measures across federal agencies.

(Ultra Pepe Lives Matter/Telegram, 7/3/2024)

Trump Declares War on Child Traffickers: ‘Death Penalty for Perpetrators Immediately’ (Video)


July 5, 2024 - D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rules Hillary 2016 campaign and affiliated super PAC guilty of $6 million FEC violation

The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million.

The amount in question is more than 45 times the $130,000 a Manhattan court convicted former President Donald Trump of misreporting in business records during the same 2016 campaign.

(…) Regarding the Clinton campaign case, the D.C. Circuit found the super PAC Correct the Record “set out to engage in a wide range of coordinated activities to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”

“In an administrative complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission, nonprofit watchdog Campaign Legal Center alleges that Correct the Record spent close to $6 million in coordination with the Clinton campaign during the lead-up to the 2016 election, including to conduct polls, hire teams of round-the-clock factcheckers, and connect Clinton media surrogates with radio and television news outlets,” the Court said.

The three-judge panel noted that Correct the Record coordinated all these activities with Clinton’s campaign.

“But it characterized all of the committee’s myriad expenditures — from staff salaries and travel expenses to the cost of commissioning polls and renting offices — as ‘inputs’ to unpaid communications over the internet. For that reason, neither Correct the Record nor the Clinton campaign designated any of Correct the Record’s expenditures as contributions to the campaign,” the ruling said.

In other words, Correct the Record committed FEC “business record” violations, if you will, by failing to properly account for money spent to help the Clinton campaign.

The FEC had dismissed the complaint against the Clinton campaign and Correct the Record, citing an internet exemption had allowed them not to list the coordination between the two, but the D.C. Circuit Court found that decision was in error.

“We hold that the Commission acted contrary to law in dismissing the complaint. Because we conclude that the internet exemption cannot be read to exempt from disclosure those expenditures that are only tangentially related to an eventual internet message or post, the Commission’s reading of the internet exemption stretches it beyond lawful limits,” the ruling read.

“As to those expenditures that it deemed not to be covered by the internet exemption, the Commission acted contrary to law in dismissing the complaint for want of reason to believe the relevant expenditures were coordinated with the campaign, despite plausible allegations that Correct the Record coordinated all its expenditures with Hillary for America — and openly acknowledged doing so.” (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 7/12/2024)  (Archive)

July 7, 2024 - Kamala Harris has covered for Biden's cognitive decline while risking national security (Video)

Kamala Harris let the plot to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline and possibly even dementia. The number of times she claimed he is mentally fit is staggering. But now, with Joe Biden exposed, the left wants him gone. It appears they are turning their focus to Kamala Harris to led the Democrat ticket for the race to the White House.

July 8, 2024 - Democrats vote against Bill that would safeguard elections; Elon Musk calls them traitors

Speaker Johnson:

🧵The SAVE Act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only American citizens vote in federal elections.

Here’s what the legislation does:

Requires state election officials to ask about citizenship before providing voter registration forms.

Requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections.

Allows state officials to accept a wide variety of documents that will make it easy for CITIZENS to register to vote in federal elections.

Provides states with access to federal agency databases so they can remove noncitizens from voter rolls and confirm citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship.

Directs DHS to determine whether to conduct removal proceedings if a noncitizen has been identified as having registered to vote in federal elections.

Requires DHS to notify a state chief election official whenever an individual has been naturalized to ensure our newest citizens are able to exercise their right to vote.

July 8, 2024 - Judiciary Committee to grill executives accused of colluding to silence Conservatives in violation of antitrust laws

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) engineered some post-Independence Day fireworks by securing appearances from two executives whose companies are allegedly colluding to silence conservative voices in violation of antitrust laws.

Herrish Patel

Christian Juhl

Herrish Patel, President of Unilever USA, and Christian Juhl, Global Chief Executive Officer of GroupM, have agreed to testify Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. EST in a hearing titled “Collusion in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media.”

As previously reported exclusively, Breitbart News obtained letters from Jordan to Unilever and GroupM saying his committee has obtained documents showing both companies, as members of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media’s (GARM) Steer Team, are “closely involved in GARM’s efforts to boycott, demonetize, and censor disfavored viewpoints.”

Also testifying is Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire, which along with Breitbart News and Fox News is a victim of GARM’s alleged censorship.

As Breitbart News previously reported:

GARM is an initiative of the powerful World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which, according to its website, “represents over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and more than 60 national advertiser associations worldwide.” GARM was established in 2019 in Cannes, France – home of the film festival frequented by ultra-liberal Hollywood jet set elites – “to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising.”

The executives are unlikely to receive a warm welcome from committee Republicans, who have obtained receipts in the form of a plethora of documents and communications detailing GARM’s coordinated actions.

Breitbart has learned Republicans are expected to press the executives on GARM’s collaboration to silence, demonetize, and deplatform conservative voices and media outlets, potentially in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and seeming to exceed far beyond the organization’s stated aim to promote “brand safety.”

Specifically, Republicans will zero in on GARM’s organized boycott to stop paid advertisement on Twitter, now X, after Elon Musk acquired the company, the organization’s threats to Spotify after popular podcaster Joe Rogan opined that young, healthy people may not need a COVID-19 vaccine, and its schemes to expand its methods into the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence.

Additionally, Republicans are expected to press GARM on its efforts to weaponize its influence by suppressing political advertisements, including from Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. (Read more: Breitbart, 7/)*/2024)  (Archive)

July 8, 2024 - Oscar ‘Blue’ Ramirez unveils the UN’s hidden agenda in Panama’s Darien Gap

In a gripping episode of Steel News with Ann Vandersteel, viewers were given a front-row seat to the unfolding saga of “Operation Burning Edge” in Panama. The fearless investigative journalist, Oscar “Blue” Ramirez, has once again demonstrated his relentless dedication to uncovering the truth about the weaponized human migration crisis orchestrated by the UN and various NGOs.

Ramirez, known for his unparalleled work with Real America’s Voice and the Epoch Times, has made it his mission to document the horrors and realities of the Darien Gap—a treacherous stretch of jungle that has become the conduit for mass migration from South America to the United States. Having already braved this perilous terrain three times, Ramirez is now gearing up for his fourth expedition, determined to shed light on the sinister operations fueling this humanitarian catastrophe.

Ramirez’s reporting has unveiled a disturbing reality: the UN and NGOs are not mere bystanders in this crisis. Instead, they are key players actively facilitating and weaponizing human migration to further their agenda of global governance. These organizations, under the guise of humanitarian aid, are perpetuating a cycle of chaos and instability, using vulnerable populations as pawns in their grand strategy.

Through his tireless efforts, Ramirez has exposed the mechanisms by which these entities operate. From providing logistical support to migrants, to manipulating media narratives, the UN and its NGO partners are meticulously orchestrating a crisis that serves their geopolitical interests. This is not about compassion; it’s about control.

“Operation Burning Edge” represents a significant victory in the fight against this globalist plot. Ramirez’s on-the-ground reporting has been instrumental in bringing these shadowy activities to light. His firsthand accounts and damning evidence have left no room for doubt—what we are witnessing is a calculated attempt to undermine national sovereignty and destabilize regions through engineered migration flows.

Ann Vandersteel’s platform has been pivotal in amplifying Ramirez’s findings, ensuring that the American public is not kept in the dark about these critical issues. The success of “Operation Burning Edge” lies not only in its ability to expose these malfeasances but also in its role in galvanizing resistance against the encroaching tide of globalism.

The revelations brought forth by “Operation Burning Edge” should serve as a wake-up call to all patriots. The threat of weaponized migration is real, and its consequences are far-reaching. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and support those, like Oscar “Blue” Ramirez, who risk their lives to uncover the truth.

In the face of such adversity, we must ask ourselves: will we stand idly by as our nation’s sovereignty is eroded, or will we rise to the occasion and defend our freedoms against the globalist agenda? The time for action is now. The success of “Operation Burning Edge” is just the beginning—together, we can and must close the gap. (Read more: Freedom First Network, 7/08/2024) (Archive)

July 9, 2024 - New docs: The FBI identified a ‘Person of Interest’ in Capitol pipe bomb case by January 10, 2020

Jan. 6 suspected pipe bomber (Credit: Revolver News via Rumble)

The FBI released a new batch of records about its Capitol Hill uprising investigation on Monday, revealing that investigators identified a “person of interest” in its Jan. 5/6 pipe bombs investigation within days of the incident.

The record about the FBI’s person of interest is a Jan. 10, 2021, report that summarized the bureau’s J6 investigation up to that point. The extremely faded report is difficult to read, but it appears to state: “FBI WF and USCP have identified a person of interest who may be a match to the description of the individual placing the bombs, and continue efforts to identify through surveillance footage.”

The FBI declined to comment in response to Headline USA’s questions about what happened to the person of interest, including whether the person was cleared or is still under investigation.

“We don’t have any comment on the documents. The pipe bomb investigation remains ongoing,” an FBI spokesperson told this outlet. (Read more: HeadlineUSA, 7/09/2024) (Archive)

July 10, 2024 - House Judiciary Committee finds conservative news sources were targeted by a cartel of advertisers who set out to demonetize and reduce their reach

Breaking: @Jim_Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee finds @realdailywire, @realDonaldTrump, @joerogan, @elonmusk, @foxnews, @breitbartnews, and more are targeted by a cartel of advertisers controlling 90% of ad dollars to demonetize and reduce their reach. We have the receipts. 🧵

I was already deeply troubled based on what I know of GARM, but I just read @JudiciaryGOP’s report before I’m set to testify before the committee this morning.

It’s even worse than I thought:

“GARM and its members discussed a strategy of blocking certain news outlets like @FoxNews, @realDailyWire, and @BreitbartNews,” the report states, pointing to an email from a top executive associated with the coalition stating that he “hated their ideology and bulls**t.”


One of the lead organizations in the coalition, GroupM, the world’s largest media buying agency, admits in emails that The Daily Wire is “on our Global High Risk exclusion list, categorized as Conspiracy Theories.”

The report exposes the bias of Rob Rakowitz, GARM’s leader and co-founder, who in one email complains about people “advocating for freedom of speech online,” and about “extreme global interpretation of the US Constitution,” which Rakowitz says was written “by white men exclusively.”Image

GARM also targeted Twitter/X. The report states that GARM tried to direct all of its members — corporate giants who together account for 90% of global advertising dollars — to “stop all paid advertisement” on the platform after @ElonMusk purchased it. GARM “bragged about” the fact that Twitter was “80% below revenue forecasts” after its effort.

(See thread for additional docs posted.)

GARM also worked to pressure Spotify over @JoeRogan’s podcast, specifically over the host’s claims that young, healthy people didn’t need a COVID vaccine. Rakowitz admits in private emails that threats like the one it made to Spotify “gets us into hot water by way of anticompetitive and collusive behaviors.”

So what incentivizes platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and X to work with GARM? Democrats in Congress and the White House use the tacit threat of government action to compel private companies to throttle disfavored viewpoints. This drives social media companies to partner with GARM – or else.
In 2017, Senator Dianne Feinstein told lawyers at Facebook, Google, and Twitter, “You created these platforms…and now they’re being misused. And you have to be the ones to do something about it – or we will.”
When Rogan said that he had taken Ivermectin after getting COVID, White House press secretary Jen Psaki pressured Spotify to take action, stating, “We want every platform to be doing more to be calling out mis- and dis-information, while also uplifting accurate information.”

Two weeks ago, writing in dissent in Murthy v. Missouri, Justice Alito condemned the weaponization of private companies to engage in censorship – what he called “sophisticated” and “coercive” government campaigns against free speech. These campaigns are ongoing. They are spurred by members of this Congress and this White House. And they must be stopped. (Ben Shapiro/X, 7/10/2024)  (Archive)

Watch my testimony and get live updates here:

The House Judiciary Committee released a damning report Wednesday morning with shocking details of corporate collusion to silence conservative viewpoints through targeting Breitbart News, Joe Rogan, and Twitter (now X) among others.

July 15, 2024 - Judge Cannon dismisses the Trump classified docs case stating Jack Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional

Jack Smith should be writing a thank you note to U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon right about now.

By dismissing the so-called classified documents case against Donald Trump and his two co-defendants, Cannon just spared the special counsel and his team months of continued humiliation in her Florida courtroom and, eventually, in front of the nation.

In a 93-page order issued on Monday, Cannon, in her typically cautious and detailed manner, explained why Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution; Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith in November 2022 to take over the Department of Justice’s existing investigations into Trump’s role in the events of January 6 and for allegedly hoarding national defense files at Mar-a-Lago after he left office.

Trump’s lawyers earlier this year filed a motion to dismiss the 40-count indictment, handed down by Smith in July 2023, based on the fact Smith’s appointment violated both the Appointments Clause and and the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution. Smith, of course, opposed the motion, arguing that internal DOJ regulations and a random set of federal statutes—none that specifically designates the appointment of a special counsel since the Independent Counsel Act expired in 1999—enabled his position.

Cannon held nearly two days of hearings on the issue last month, a proceeding that consisted of weedy debate over the definition of “officers” and “officials.” (David Fischer, a criminal defense attorney in the D.C. area, wrote a helpful explainer here.)

Trump’s side received a big boost from former Attorneys General Edwin Meese and Michael Mukasey who warned in an amici brief that Smith’s unconstitutional appointment effectively creates a “shadow government” within the DOJ that violates separation of powers. But the fatal blow likely came at the hand of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas just a few weeks ago. (Read more: Julie Kelly/Substack, 7/15/2024)  (Archive)

July 18, 2024 - Max Boot, leading 'Trump Russia Hoax' propagandist's wife is indicted as foreign spy

Max Boot and wife, Sue Mi Terry (Credit: public domain)

Max Boot – a big fan of ‘forever wars’ who laundered Trump-Russia conspiracy theories through the Washington Post – is married to a South Korean spy who used to work for the CIA, and is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (now on ‘administrative leave) – according to a new indictment revealed on Wednesday.

Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, 54, a native of Seoul living in Manhattan, used her position as a foreign policy expert to trade access to top US officials in exchange for luxury goods and ‘high-end sushi dinners,’ according to the indictment.

Terry allegedly began spying for South Korea in October 2013, five years after she left the CIA, and three years before Boot began calling Donald Trump a Russian asset.

Terry is accused of having “disclosed sensitive US government information to South Korean intelligence and used her position to influence US policy in favor of South Korea” over the course of a decade, in exchange for “money and luxury gifts,” FBI Acting Assistant Director in Charge Christie M. Curtis said in a statement.

From 2001-2011, Terry served in a range of US government positions – including as a CIA analyst, as well as Director for Korea, Japan, and Oceanic Affairs for the White House National Security Council, the Post reports.

According to the indictment, a South Korean spy bought Terry a Dolce & Gabbana coat from a Chevy Chase, Maryland store in November of 2019 – which she returned days later for a $4,100 Christian Dior coat.

The spies also funneled over $37,000 to a public policy program on Korean affairs run by Terry – who never registered as a foreign agent with the DOJ, and had been warned by the FBI in 2014 that she could be a target for illegal foreign influence.

Meanwhile, she was passing intelligence to her South Korean handler according to the indictment:

For instance, Terry delivered handwritten notes about a private North Korea-related June 2022 meeting with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to her South Korean intelligence handler who picked her up in a car minutes later, according to the indictment unsealed Tuesday.

Weeks after that, Terry hosted a happy hour – at her handlers’ behest – where she allowed the South Korean spy to mingle with congressional staffers while posing as a diplomat, the filing charges. -NY Post

The indictment also details how Terry was “visibly nervous” in a voluntary interview with the feds, and eventually admitted to having met with her South Korean handler after initially claiming she did not know his name.

Terry was released after posting a $500,000 bond during her initial appearance in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday, and faces up to five years in prison if convicted. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 7/18/2024)  (Archive)


July 23, 2024 - Kamala Harris announces her 2024 presidential campaign with Biden endorsement; Black Lives Matter suggests the people select a nominee, not the Dem Party

Posted July 21, 2024

Timeline of Events

•Joe Biden drops out.
•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.
•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.
•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.

•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.
•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).
•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).

A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

We call on the @DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.

July 24, 2024 - Carl Higbie exposes the DNC’s “Smurfing” scandal – $200 million in irregular donations, disguised to appear like small donors

Newsmax Carl Higbie has done a deep dive on FEC reports using the “number of donations” as the datapoint to track.  What he discovered about donations to Act Blue might surprise the people assigned to the contributions. {Direct Rumble Link}  WATCH BELOW

“This is verifiable data. Whoever is choreographing this volume is doing it in such small donations because they thought those wouldn’t get flagged by watchdogs and FEC officials. The way this is brought to our attention was not by the dollar amount, but rather by the number of donations per person. That’s where they messed up. But my question is, if these people whose names are on the FEC report are not making these donations, who is? Where’s the money coming from?”

“We can have all the voter ID laws we want, but if hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing in to influence our elections and we don’t know from whom, not only is it a gross violation of election laws, it’s a huge national security risk. When I tell you Democrats are a machine, this is the kind of stuff I’m talking about.”

Carl Higbie has the receipts.  WATCH: (Conservative Treehouse, 7/24/2024)  (Archive)

July 28, 2024 - Leaked Army CUI documents reveal expanding threat of Venezuelan gang ‘Tren de Aragua’ across NYC and Denver

LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver 

@OKeefeMedia has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the U.S. Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S. The document states that Tren de Aragua “has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY, “with “approximately 400 TdA members” living in these cities. The CUI also warns that TdA members in Denver “have been given a ‘green light’ to fire on or attack law enforcement,” with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York receiving a similar report.

The document details how the criminal organization is using advanced technology and surveillance, heightening the danger to U.S. military personnel and law enforcement. It states, “Coordinated efforts between local, state, federal law enforcement, and the military are crucial” to protect against these expanding threats.

With National Guardsmen recently seen in subway stations across New York City, the situation is escalating as Venezuelan gang members, linked to the TdA, have been involved in violent incidents, including an attack on a Colorado apartment complex in late August.

The latest headlines from ICE’s website are a major wakeup call this nation is sleepwalking into disaster:

July 28, 2024 - Memos reveal Pelosi's top security aides got warning about Capitol breach night before Jan. 6 riot

Nancy Pelosi speaks during her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill, Aug. 12, 2022. (Credit: Oliver Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

Newly unearthed memos may explain why Nancy Pelosi privately expressed she felt responsible for Jan. 6 security failures.

Two top House security aides under then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi got stark warnings from police the night before the Jan. 6 riots that protesters might try to breach the U.S. Capitol through its tunnel systems and block lawmakers from voting to certify Joe Biden’s presidential election win, according to newly obtained memos and text messages.

The documents obtained by Just the News also confirm that Pelosi’s team played a role in the botched security planning for that fateful day.

“We have identified numerous open source comments indicating groups intentions of finding the tunnel entrances and confronting/blocking the MOCs (Members of Congress),” Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher wrote Deputy House Sergeant at Arms Tim Blodgett at 8:55 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 in an email that got forwarded less than an hour later to Blodgett’s boss, then-Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving. The second time is listed in UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time.

A second warning was sent later that evening about possible threats against Supreme Court justices, and the sergeant-at arms-office scheduled a briefing for Pelosi’s then-chief of staff Terri McCullough the next morning, hours before the breach occurred, according to the messages obtained by House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk.

Congressional investigators believe the texts and emails may explain why Pelosi in a recently surfaced video shot by her daughter as they were fleeing the Capitol on Jan. 6. claimed responsibility for security failures that day despite her claims to the contrary.

“We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard saying on the videotape to McCullough. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. .. I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

Loudermilk told Just the News his committee plans to question Pelosi’s staff about what was meant on the videotape and how they reacted to the emailed warnings from Capitol Police.

“I think it was clear at that moment. She understood. They messed up. She or her staff are the ones who denied the request by Chief (Steven) Sund for the National Guard,” he told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. (Read more: Just the News, 7/28/2024)  (Archive)

July 30, 2024 - Trump-appointed Inspector General for the Dept. of Homeland Security has two open investigations into the U.S. Secret Service

Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security Joseph Cuffari testifies during a House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing on June 6, 2023. (Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

After the evasive House testimony of now-former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s shortlived suggestion that Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet, one man alone may help allay Republican fears that the Biden administration will not conduct a forthright investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump last month: Joseph Cuffari.

The Trump-appointed inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security has already opened two investigations into the U.S. Secret Service, which is under the purview of the DHS, related to the agency’s handling of the July 13 shooting.

But some Republicans are concerned because, they say, Cuffari has been stonewalled by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on other internal examinations – including one that might have revealed Secret Service lapses that might have prevented the attempt on Trump’s life.

Specifically, congressional sources tell RCI that Cuffari’s report, “USSS Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021,” has been on Mayorkas’ desk since at least April.

The report, according to Politico, will “cast light on a series of embarrassing security lapses for the agency.” And given some comparisons between Jan. 6 and July 13, the report might shed light on systemic issues that impacted both events.

For example, unanswered questions remain as to why the Secret Service allowed Trump to take the stage at The Ellipse outside the White House around noon on Jan. 6 amid reports of individuals with weapons in the vicinity – a question many Americans have about the July 13 assassination attempt. Law enforcement and spectators noted the presence of a suspicious individual, later identified as the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, at least a half hour before Trump took the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania.

In addition, no one has explained how the Secret Service failed to notice an alleged pipe bomb found outside the Democrat National Committee DC office on Jan. 6 – while then Vice President-elect Harris was inside the building. Previous reporting by RCI shows multiple law enforcement officers, including one with a bomb-sniffing dog, walking past the bench where the device was found.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of a House subcommittee tasked with a separate investigation into Jan. 6 as well as the now-defunct J6 committee, recently accused Mayorkas of intentionally holding the release of the report. The Georgia Republican told Mayorkas in a letter that “the failure to provide an in-depth review of the department’s security planning and operational failures related to January 6 not only raises concerns about the department’s botched planning for former president Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, but it is quite possible that such reports could have prevented the security breakdown that resulted in the near assassination of a former president and presidential candidate.”

Top Democrats have long sought to remove Cuffari – a former investigator for the Air Force and Department of Justice whom Trump appointed in 2019 in 2019 – from office. The coordinated effort began when the IG notified Congress that a trove of Secret Service texts from January 5 and 6, 2021 had been deleted in late January 2021 under the Biden administration. The purge occurred weeks after every federal agency received a directive from Congress to preserve all evidence related to January 6.

(Read more: Julie Kelly/Real Clear Investigations, 7/30/2024)  (Archive)

July 30, 2024 - OMG: DNC Compliance Manager doesn't think Kamala Harris can win; Admits Jill Biden misuses donor funds and will “just take it out of the general DNC account”

OKeefe Media Group (OMG) – Part 1:

BREAKING: DNC Manager: ‘I Don’t Think Kamala Harris Would Win;’ Admits to Making Empty Promises to Donors

“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDecerce) (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (@DNC) and Kamala Harris’ (@KamalaHarris) Campaign. DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office.

Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, the DNC Compliance manager states, “She’s weirdly unpopular.”

DeCerce describes his role within the DNC as “an accounting function,” explaining, “It’s kind of like where accounting and legal meet.”

DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” implying that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.”

When @OKeefeMedia reached out to Kristin Hetherington, the CFO of the DNC, for comment, she hung up the phone in frustration after questioned if the DNC tells donors “what they want to hear,” and if they play to donor’s “fantasies.”

The undercover journalist who recorded Joyce DeCerce received a threatening postcard at her house featuring racial undertones in an apparent attempt to intimate her and prevent this story from being aired.

O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) – Part 2:

DNC Compliance Manager Admits Jill Biden Will “Just Take It Out of the General DNC Account” to Pay for Personal Trip”

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDeCerce) admits on hidden camera that First Lady Jill Biden (@DrBiden) will “just take it out of the general DNC account” to fund her personal trip back from France.

When an @okeefemedia undercover journalist points out that the trip isn’t directly related to the campaign, DeCerce dismissively responds, “Who’s gonna file a complaint?” suggesting that Jill Biden may not face any consequences for her misuse of donor funds.

DeCerce further explains, “She has to be at her son’s trial. It’s a political issue,” explaining that the trip’s potential political implications might overshadow any concerns about its funding.

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We are a grass root community dedicated to research, archive and tag all relevant information published by news organizations, blogs, government entities, and other various sources that offer information about the Clinton email/private server issues and the Clinton Foundation. We therefore believe our work to educate the public falls under the protection of the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work.

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