Featured Timeline Entries
July 30, 2024 - MI AG Dana Nessel appears to have lied about who owned the semi-automatic rifles found in raid of dem-funded GBI Strategies

Dana Nessel (Credit: public domain)

(…) In our original article on the GBI Strategies investigation dated August 8, 2023, we reported about a Pelican case filled with 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found inside the GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan headquarters.

Unfortunately, because the portion of the Michigan State Police report that named the owner of the guns was redacted, we were unable to determine who was responsible for leaving the guns in the GBI Strategies headquarters with the employees and a whiteboard above the guns with a note under “Hot Topics” that read, “weapons in the field, prepared for shifts.”

Shortly after we released our report, we discovered a response to the media by MI AG Dana Nessel that addressed the Gateway Pundit’s bombshell reporting on GBI Strategies that was not surprisingly taken over by the FBI where the investigation appears to have gone to die.

Here’s a close-up screenshot of the paragraph where Dana Nessel falsely claims, “The guns were legally owned and incidentally stored by the landlord irrelevant to the business.”

Thanks to independent investigator Yehuda Miller, Patty McMurray was given another MSP report filled with additional information on the GBI Strategies investigation, including the name of the person who owned the guns that were found during the MSP raid of the Southfield, MI headquarters.

The police report states that GBI Strategies owner Gary Bell was in Iowa when the raid of the GBI headquarters took place. He was on a Zoom call with his office manager, Menotte, when the raid was taking place.

The police report states that the officer on the scene overheard Gary Bell telling Menotte that “she needed to make sure she declared the personal items he left behind before leaving the state. It should be noted it was later found that he was referring to multiple firearms and ammunition within one of their suites.”

Craig Mauger, the political “reporter” for one of Michigan’s top propaganda publications, The Detroit News, ignored the bombshell investigation The Gateway Pundit shared with the public.

Instead of doing his job and investigating what appears to be the best evidence of mass voter fraud in America during the 2020 election cycle, he instead built a response to our story around a press release by MI AG Dana Nessel to the media, which attempted to discredit our reporting. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 7/30/2024)  (Archive)


August 1, 2024 - House Judiciary opens investigation into Loren Merchan’s firm, Authentic Campaigns





August 3, 2024 - J.D. Vance calls Kamala Harris the new face of globalism and discusses how its destructive policies harm Americans

(…) Harris has not only failed on the border, Vance said, also highlighting her as the new face of globalization.

She supported trade deals that shipped hundreds of thousands of American jobs to Mexico, to China, and to other places. What that has meant fundamentally is that you’re replacing American workers with foreign workers,” he explained.

“And then of course, her immigration policies achieved the exact same thing. The only question is whether it’s foreign workers in the United States or foreign workers in the foreign countries, and that is what Kamala Harris’s economic policies boil down to,” Vance said, pointing to the disastrous jobs report.

“But the really, really troubling thing is that all of the job growth — to the extent that there is any — has gone to the foreign-born, whereas American citizens, people who were born here, have actually lost jobs under the Biden administration. So their economy has been a disaster for everybody. But to the extent it’s helped anybody, it’s not even helping American citizens, and that is absolutely disgraceful,” Vance said, explaining that Harris has “achieved an economic policy that makes American citizens poorer and allows the Chinese to build their middle class off the back of the American middle class.”

“That is the design of their policy. That is what is accomplished. And that’s one of the reasons why normal Americans are struggling to buy groceries or struggling to pay the rent,” he continued, explaining that Democrats are not planning on changing their policies but “doubling down” on them.

“They’re doubling down on 40 years of failed globalist leadership. Trump was the one exception,” he said, noting it was the one modern-day instance of having an American president who put the interests of our country first, bringing back manufacturing jobs. (Read more: Breitbart, 8/3/2024)  (Archive)

August 3, 2024 - Biden-Harris DHS is accused of covering up a crucial DHS OIG January 6th Report

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari (Credit: screenshot from House Appropriations Committee hearing)

An inspector general’s report has accused the Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of covering up a significant report regarding the Secret Service’s response to the protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

As reported by the Daily Caller, Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, who was originally appointed by former President Donald Trump, has launched two investigations into the Secret Service’s role during the peaceful protests on January 6th, 2021. As the Secret Service is under the jurisdiction of DHS, it is that agency which makes the final determination on which reports to release or withhold.

Jonathan Meyer, the current head lawyer for DHS, issued a statement denying Inspector General Cuffari’s claims, saying that DHS will only redact “security sensitive” information, but otherwise will not prevent Congress from seeing any report they want to see.

Speaking to Politico, an anonymous source from within DHS said ​​claimed that it is the inspector general who “has exclusive authority to determine when to release a report to Congress.”

The report in question is titled “USSS Preparation for and Response to the Events of January 6, 2021.” Sources from within Congress told Real Clear Investigations that the report has been in Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ possession “since at least April.”

Similarly to the security failures that led to the assassination attempt against President Trump on July 13th, it has been reported that people with weapons were spotted outside the White House on January 6th. In another security failure, the car in which then-Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was traveling drove right by the alleged pipe bomb that was found outside the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters. (Read more: American Greatness, 8/3/2024) (Archive)

Via Gateway Pundit:

A Secret Service whistleblower has come forward with information about the agency’s behind-the-scenes cover-up job related to January 6.

The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General on Friday released a highly redacted report that revealed the Biden-Harris DHS stonewalled its investigation into January 6.

In July 2022, the Department of Homeland Security’s watchdog opened a criminal investigation into the Secret Service’s ‘deletion’ of January 6 text messages.

The Secret Service told the January 6 Committee that it has no new text messages related to the Capitol protest after it turned over documents and data.

The watchdog claimed the Secret Service deleted the text messages after an oversight panel probing the agency’s response to January 6 requested the electronic communications.

The Secret Service denied the accusations and said all of the requested text messages had been saved.

Earlier this year Rep. Thomas Massie suggested the deletion of texts between February 2021 to April 2021 rose to the level of criminal obstruction of Congress since lawmakers sent the DHS preservation notices to all agencies before the “device migration.”

August 4, 2024 - Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers report Tulsi Gabbard is actively under surveillance via Quiet Skies program

In an exclusive breaking story, several Federal Air Marshal whistleblowers have come forward with information showing that former U.S. Representative and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is currently enrolled in the Quiet Skies program. Quiet Skies is a TSA surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists. The photo below is a screenshot from the actual Target Package used by the FAMS to surveil Gabbard.

Screenshot of Air Marshal’s Tulsi Gabbard “Target Package” file. (Credit: UncoverDC, 8/5/2024)

The whistleblowers first shared the information with Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC), a national advocacy group for the Federal Air Marshals (FAMs). According to LaBosco, at least one of the whistleblowers is ready to go on the record with pertinent documentation. LaBosco shared that Gabbard is unaware she has two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshalls on every flight she boards. LaBosco has attempted to contact Gabbard and her staff but has not received a response.

LaBosco and AMNC President David Londo have repeatedly testified on behalf of FAMS. They have also written countless letters concerning the classification of innocent Americans as domestic terrorists to the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, the House Homeland Committee, the Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and the House Oversight Committee.

Because of ongoing whistleblower information, LaBosco believes TSA and Homeland Security are violating citizens’ constitutional rights in a “big domestic surveillance grab” that seems to be targeting conservatives.

UncoverDC broke a story in November 2023 about A.J. Fischer’s infant son, who continues to be enrolled in the program because his father attended the Jan. 6 Capitol protests. J6 attendee Bryan Smith, who served 20 years with unblemished service, is also on the list. So is Christine Crowder, the wife of an active Air Marshal. Crowder was in D.C. on Jan. 6 but did not attend the Capitol protest.

For what the Federal Government calls national security reasons, an individual is enrolled in the program without knowledge. Teams of Federal Air Marshals are assigned to individuals, following and tracking them from when they enter the airport and then on all their flights and transits until they reach their destination. Enrolled individuals usually have a Quad S (SSSS) on the bottom right-hand corner of their boarding passes, but not always. They are often flagged for extra searches, frequently so lengthy that they miss their flights.

According to LaBosco, Gabbard’s enrollment in Quiet Skies is likely politically motivated. Air Marshals were first assigned to Gabbard on Jul. 23, a day after she criticized Kamala Harris, Biden, and the National Security State in an interview with Laura Ingraham. FAMs were mobilized on Jul. 24 and assigned to their first flight with her on Jul. 25. Gabbard posted the interview on Twitter, as shared below.

Sonya LaBosco, the Executive Director of the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC)

(Read more: UncoverDC, 8/4/2024) (Archive)

August 5, 2024 - Rep. Jamie Raskin threatens to remove Trump from office in 2025 using the 14th Amendment, again

Jamie Raskin (Credit: public domain)

There’s an outlandish video clip circulating on the internet that’s so over-the-top, many people think it must be edited or even AI-generated—they just can’t believe it’s real. What’s causing all the uproar? It’s a clip of Rep. Jamie Raskin, a fraud member of the sham J6 committee, claiming that if the American people elect Donald J. Trump (for a third time), he and the Dems have a plan to promptly remove him from office.

Of course, they already tried to do this at the start of the 2024 race in a lame effort to keep President Trump off the ballot. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

(…) Of course, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Trump could remain on the ballot.

(…) And Kim Jong Un would be very proud of this latest left-wing move: Assuming President Trump wins, how exactly do Democrats plan to remove a duly elected US president? Well, they’ll invoke their favorite amendment once again: the 14th. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits former government officials from holding public office again if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States government. We all know that’s not what happened, but try convincing a left-winger that you can’t overthrow the US government with water bottles and fanny packs, and they become extremely incensed.

(Read more: Revolver News, 8/5/2024) (Archive)

August 5, 2024 - Former Secret Service chief wanted to destroy cocaine evidence found in White House

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but the Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose of the evidence, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

At least one Uniformed Division officer was initially assigned to investigate the cocaine incident. But after he told his supervisors, including Cheatle and Acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe, who was deputy director at the time, that he wanted to follow a certain crime-scene investigative protocol, he was taken off the case, according to a source within the Secret Service community familiar with the circumstances of his removal.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi did not immediately return RCP’s request for comment.

(…) Over the last month as the agency has come under fire for a series of mistakes leading to an assassination attempt against Trump, Guglielmi has been forced to correct a previous press statement that the agency did not deny repeated requests for additional security assets from the former president’s staff in the months leading up to the assassination attempt.

It’s unclear exactly when Cheatle and other top officials tried to persuade the Forensics Services Division to destroy the evidence. At some point during the investigation, Matt White, the vault supervisor, received a call from Cheatle or someone speaking on her behalf asking him to destroy the bag of cocaine because agency leaders wanted to close the case, according to two sources in the Secret Service community.

“Protocol is, whether you act on the [DNA] hit or not, we still have to maintain evidence for a period of up to seven years,” a source told RCP. “It became a big to-do.”

White’s boss, Glenn Dennis, the head of the Forensics Services Division, then conferred with the Uniformed Division, which first discovered the cocaine.

“A decision was made not to get rid of the evidence, and it really pissed off Cheatle,” a source in the Secret Service community said in an interview.

At the time of the cocaine’s discovery, Richard Macauley was serving as the acting chief of the Uniformed Division after the recent retirement of Alfonso Dyson Sr., a 29-year veteran of the agency. When Dyson left his position, Macauley, who is black, became the acting director. Despite Cheatle’s push to hire and promote minority men and women, Macauley was passed over for the job of Uniformed Division chief in what many in the agency view as an act of retaliation for supporting those who refused to dispose of the cocaine, according to several sources in the Secret Service community.

In 2018, Macauley was named the Secret Services Uniformed Division Officer of the Year. In an interview with Federal News Network, a news talk show focused on issues of interest to federal government workers, a host lauded Macauley for receiving the award and credited him with tightening operations, increasing diversity, boosting officer training, and improving working conditions, “all while taking care of his own shift operations.” Macauley would go on to serve one year, from February 2022 to January 2023, as deputy assistant sergeant at arms at the U.S. House of Representatives. (Read more: RealClearPolitics, 8/05/2024) (Archive)

August 8, 2024 - Rolling Stone magazine attempts to regurgitate Russiagate

Michael van Landingham (Credit: cyberwarcon.com)

Russiagate continues to survive like a science fiction monster resilient to bullets.

The latest effort at rehabilitating it is an interview by Adam Rawnsley in the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine of one Michael van Landingham, an intelligence analyst who is proud of having written the first draft of the cornerstone “analysis” of Russiagate, the so-called Intelligence Community Assessment.

The ICA blamed the Russians for helping Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016.  It was released two weeks before Trump assumed office. The thoroughly politicized assessment was an embarrassment to the profession of intelligence.

(…) The tale that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was then disproved on Dec. 5, 2017 by the head of CrowdStrike’s sworn testimony to Congress. Shawn Henry told the House Intelligence committee behind closed doors that CrowdStrike found no evidence that anyone had successfully hacked the DNC servers.

But it is still widely believed because The New York Times and other Democrat-allied corporate media never reported on that testimony when it was finally made public on May 7, 2020.

Enter Michael van Landingham

Rolling Stone’article on July 28 about van Landingham says he is still proud of his role as one of the “hand-picked analysts” in drafting the discredited ICA.

The piece is entitled: “He Confirmed Russia Meddled in 2016 to Help Trump. Now, He’s Speaking Out.” It says: Trump viewed the 2017 intel report as his ‘Achilles heel.’ The analyst who wrote it opens up about Trump, Russia and what really happened in 2016.”

Without ever mentioning that the conclusions of the ICA were proven false, by Henry’s testimony and the conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that found no evidence of Trump-Russia “collusion,” Rolling Stone says:

“The 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), dubbed ‘Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections,’ was one of the most consequential documents in modern American history. It helped trigger investigations by the House and Senate intelligence committees and a special counsel investigation, and it fueled an eight-year-long grudge that Trump has nursed against the intelligence community.”

Rawnsley writes in Rolling Stone the following as gospel truth, without providing any evidence to back it up.

“When WikiLeaks published a tranche of [John] Podesta’s emails in late October, the link between the Russian hackers and the releases became undeniable. The dump contained the original spear phishing message that Russian hackers had used to trick Podesta into coughing up his password. News outlets quickly seized on the email, crediting it for what it was: proof that the Russians were behind the campaign.”

Because Rawnsley didn’t tell us, it’s not clear how this “spear phishing message” provides “undeniable” proof that Russia was behind it. Consortium News has contacted Rawnsley to provide more detail to back up his assertion.

Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and close friend of Julian Assange,  suggested to Scott Horton on Horton’s radio show in 2016 that the DNC leak and the Podesta leak came from two different sources, neither of them the Russian government.

“The Podesta emails and the DNC emails are, of course, two separate things and we shouldn’t conclude that they both have the same source,” Murray said. “In both cases we’re talking of a leak, not a hack, in that the person who was responsible for getting that information out had legal access to that information.”

(Read more: Consortium News, 8/8/2024)  (Archive)

August 8, 2024 - GARM 'advertising cartel' shuts down 48 hours after X, Rumble file lawsuit

(Credit: Prager U graphic)

48 hours after X and Rumble filed a lawsuit against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) ‘advertising cartel’ and several members, the World Federation of Advertisers announced it will shutter GARM, saying in a statement reported by Business Insider that they’re “a not-for-profit organization with limited resources.”

That obviously strains credulity considering they do the bidding of companies representing hundreds of billions in market cap, including CVS Health, Mars, Orsted and Unilever.

In an email to members, Stephan Loerke, the CEO of the WFA, said that the decision was “not made lightly.” Loerke also said that they intend to contest the allegations in X’s lawsuit – and were confident that the outcome would “demonstrate our full adherence to competition rules in all our activities.”

The lawsuit alleges that GARM’s members illegally conspired to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” from Twitter, now known as X. The lawsuit also names Unilever, Mars, CVS, and Ørsted.

In response to the announcement, X CEO Linda Yaccarino said:

GARM was founded in 2019 by WFA, a global association representing over 150 of the world’s biggest brands and over 60 national advertiser associations which created GARM in 2019. Its members include heavyweights such as Unilever, Mars, Diageo, Procter & Gamble (P&G), GroupM, AB InBev, L’Oréal, Nestlé, IBM, Mastercard, and PepsiCo. These corporations not only wield immense economic influence but are accused of leveraging this power to control online discourse under the guise of “brand safety.”

Shortly after lawsuit was filed, video-sharing platform Rumble joined the lawsuit.

The conspiracy centers around an initiative called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), created by the WFA, that established arbitrary standards for the content on digital platforms where its members may want to advertise. GARM used those one-size-fits-all standards to perpetrate an advertiser boycott against Rumble and other platforms. The suit also notes that GARM has vast reach since it counts the six largest ad agency holding companies among its members, including defendant WPP.

(Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/8/2024) (Archive)

August 8, 2024 - Three Smartmatic executives are charged in bribery/money laundering scheme

Smartmatic founder and president, Roger Piñate (Credit: public domain)

A federal grand jury in the Southern District of Florida returned an indictment today charging three executives of an election voting machine and service provider company and a former Chairman of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) of the Republic of the Philippines for their roles in an alleged bribery and money laundering scheme to retain and obtain business related to the 2016 Philippine elections.

Ex-Comelec chief Andres Bautista (Credit: public domain)

According to the indictment, between 2015 and 2018, Roger Alejandro Pinate Martinez, 49, a Venezuelan citizen and resident of Boca Raton, Florida, and Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Davie, Florida, together with others, allegedly caused at least $1 million in bribes to be paid to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of COMELEC. These bribes were allegedly paid to obtain and retain business related to providing voting machines and election services for the 2016 Philippine elections and to secure payments on the contracts, including the release of value added tax payments.

The co-conspirators allegedly funded the bribes through a slush fund that was created by over-invoicing the cost per voting machine for the 2016 Philippine elections. To conceal and disguise the nature and purpose of the corrupt payments, the co-conspirators used coded language to refer to the slush fund and caused the creation of fraudulent contracts and sham loan agreements to justify transfers. The co-conspirators then allegedly laundered funds related to the bribery scheme through bank accounts located in Asia, Europe, and the United States, including in the Southern District of Florida.

Pinate and Vasquez are each charged with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and one substantive violation of the FCPA. Bautista, Pinate, Vasquez, and Elie Moreno, 44, a dual citizen of Venezuela and Israel, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and three counts of international laundering of monetary instruments. If convicted, Pinate and Vasquez each face a maximum penalty of five years in prison for the FCPA and conspiracy to violate the FCPA counts. Bautista, Pinate, Vasquez, and Moreno each face a maximum penalty of 20 years for each count of international laundering of monetary instruments and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida; Special Agent in Charge Anthony Salisbury of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Miami; and Special Agent in Charge Matthew D. Line of IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS CI) Miami made the announcement.

HSI’s El Dorado Task Force Miami is investigating the case, with assistance from IRS CI Miami.

(justice.gov, 8/8/2024) (Archive)

August 11, 2024 - The political left in Great Britain brings tyranny to its citizens

(…) While most people can relate to the struggle against totalitarianism, the intolerable fallacy being perpetuated is that when the jackboots finally march on the western world they will do so in the name of conservative values and religion.  Well, the dystopian nightmare has arrived in the UK, and the truth is quite the opposite.

The British public is being culturally diminished through forced mass immigration to which the government offers no redress.  UK authorities are far-left in their ideology and promote globalism as the system which Brits must accept without question.  And, those same establishment elites have joined with third-world migrants and Islamic militants to terrorize the population into submission.

Today, UK police are out in force threatening to arrest anyone remotely critical of open immigration or UK migrant policies.  They have also doubled down on the two-tier policing that caused the patriot protests and riots to begin with.  These are not scenes from V For Vendetta, these are scenes from the UK this week:

UK authorities have now made multiples arrests dealing with social media posts and opinions as well as arresting people who were merely spectators at various protests. They are also searching for ways to take down their political opponents, with leftist politicians using MI6 to investigate Nigel Farage for “financial ties” to Tommy Robinson and Russia. It’s expected that adjacent leftist governments around the world will be following the UK’s example.

Is the far-left really oblivious to their own natural tendencies towards tyranny? Or, is all the media depicting a conservative run dystopia really a form of gaslighting? A means to demonize the very people the elites have long sought to erase from history?

When rebellion against this trend explodes (and it will), many great speeches on liberty similar to those spoken in so many pieces of predictive entertainment will not be spoken by leftists and they won’t apply to leftists. Leftists are not the freedom fighters they imagine themselves to be. They are, in fact, the villains of the story. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/13/2024) (Archive)

August 11, 2024 - Leaked memo confirms whistleblowers were targeted by DHS after revealing they were not in compliance with DNA Collection law; puts Americans at risk

August 12, 2024 - Tulsi Gabbard takes legal action against Biden administration for adding her to the terrorist watch list

There is absolutely no reason for Gabbard to be part of the “Quiet Skies” program. None. Not one.

Quiet Skies is extremely resource-intensive. Not only do people on the list get enhanced scrutiny and searches, but they are also followed by police at the airports, and armed Air Marshals follow them on flights because the target is deemed a security risk.

She was put on the Quiet Skies list the day after she appeared on Fox News criticizing the Deep State:

In other words, there is nothing benign about being put on the watchlist. Gabbard has literally been labeled a potential terrorist by Alejandro Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is the man who has kept the border open, and who is in charge of the Secret Service. The Secret Service conspicuously failed to protect Donald Trump. Mayorkas also made the man most directly responsible for that failure the Director of the Secret Service after the resignation of Kim Cheatle, and that man is in charge of investigating why HE failed to do his job.

(Read more: Hot Air, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

August 12, 2024 - Elon Musk interviews Trump; before the interview, European Union sends a letter demanding it be censored

The globalist tyrants in control of the European Union sent a letter to Elon Musk on Monday demanding the X owner censor President Donald Trump during their interview tonight.

The letter was sent by Thierry Breton and was dated August 12, 2024.

Thierry Breton is a French business executive, politician, writer and the current Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union.

In the letter, Thierry warns Elon Musk, “You have the legal obligation to ensure X’s compliance with EU law and in particular the DSA in the EU.”

Thierry Breton goes on,

“This notably means ensuring on one ha[n]d that freedom of expression and of information, including media freedom and pluralism, are effectively protected and, on the other hand, that all proportionate and effective mitigation measures are put in place regarding the amplification of harmful content in connection with relevant events, including live streams, which if unaddressed, might increase the risk profile of X and gerate detrimental effects on civic discourse and public security. This is important against the background of recent examples of public unrest brought about by the amplification of content that promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence, or certain instances of disinformation.”

Do you think he would have sent a similar warning if Joe Biden was going on X for an interview with Elon Musk?

Breton then goes on to threaten Elon Musk if President Trump is allowed to speak freely during their interview tonight.

As you know, formal proceedings are already ongoing against X under the DSA, notably in areas linked to the dissemination of illegal content and the effectiveness of the measures taken to combat disinformation.

As the relevant content is accessible to EU users and being amplified also in our jurisdiction, we cannot exclude potential spillovers in the EU. Therefore, we are monitoring the potential risks in the EU associated with the dissemination of content that may incite violence, hate, and racism in conjunction with major political or societal events around the world, including debates and interviews in the context of elections.

Let me clarify that any negative effect of illegal content on X in the EU, which would be attributed to the ineffectiveness of the way in which X applies the relevant provisions of the DSA, may be relevant in the context of the ongoing proceedings and of the overall assessment of X’s compliance with EU law. This is in line with what has already been done in the recent past. For example, in relation to the repercussions and amplification of terrorist content or content that incites violence, hate, and racism in the EU, such as in the context of the recent riots in the United Kingdom.

I, therefore, urge you to promptly ensure the effectiveness of your systems and to report measures taken to my team.

Musk responds:

(The Gateway Pundit, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

The Interview


Closing comments via Gateway Pundit:

Here is a partial transcript:

President Trump: I hope everybody’s going to vote for Trump, and we’re going to get this country straight. I didn’t need this. I’m like, I didn’t need this. I had a very nice life. I didn’t need to go through court systems and go through all the other stuff and run at the same time…

I had to go through fake trials with, in some cases, corrupt judges, totally corrupt judges. I didn’t need it. I had a nice life… But I felt it was important. If I had to do it over again, you probably think I’m crazy for doing it, actually, but if I had to do it over again, I would have done it over again because this is so much more important than me or my life. We’re going to save this country.

This country is going down, and these people are bad people that we’re running against, and they’re liars. They make statements. They do things that are so bad. They say they’re going to make a strong border.

Elon Musk: My values, I’m just saying to people out there, the things I think are important for the future is like, we’ve got to have safe cities, we’ve got to have secure borders, we’ve got to have sensible spending, and we’ve got to have deregulation. We can have a prosperous future. Then we want to have some exciting moonshot projects that people can get fired up about.

That’s the future I’m looking for. I’m pro-environment, but I’m not against… I don’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry because They’re keeping civilization going right now. But I do think we want to move a reasonable speed towards a sustainable energy economy. Those are my values. That’s why I’m supporting you for president

President Trump: I think we’re going to really turn things around fast. We have no choice, otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. I really appreciate this. To me, it’s been a lot of fun being with you. You’re an amazing guy. You’ve done an incredible and a great inspiration to people, a great inspiration. I hope you keep going and just continue to do well. We’re going to have a big election coming up.

I think November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country. I think that election will be the most important election, and I think it’ll end up being maybe the most important day in the history of our country, because if we don’t win, I just feel so sorry for everybody.

Elon Musk: No, I think we’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path, and I think you’re the right path. I think that’s what it comes down to.

This was an incredible interview. President Trump and Elon Musk broke the internet.

August 12, 2024 - Clear example of media bias between Trump and Harris

Breitbart News adds this important point:

To make matters worse, Harris voted in 2022 to pass legislation to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed.

On August 7, 2022, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which provided $80 billion in additional funding to the IRS, which then got to work cracking down on the service industry’s reporting of tips for taxation purposes.

On Monday, this revelation became a top trend on X, as social media users flocked to the platform to share that not only is Harris “plagiarizing” Trump’s campaign but her newfound stance is also a flagrant contradiction of her work as vice president.

Also, note the framing in this CBS News video.

“an idea the Trump campaign is accusing her of stealing from them”

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 8/12/2024)  (Archive)

August 12, 2024 - Unmasking deep state puppeteers: Donald Lu, Victoria Nuland, and US-engineered regime changes in South Asia

Ted Liu (l) and Victoria Nuland (Credit: Rise Align Ignite Reclaim – RAIR)

Recently in Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina (Credit: public domain)

(…) In 2024, Donald Lu visited Bangladesh and met with government officials, reportedly to strengthen ties between the U.S. and Bangladesh. However, the visit appeared more like a final warning to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after her re-election in January 2024.

One of Lu’s most controversial actions has been in Bangladesh, where Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina accused the U.S. of attempting to destabilize her government. Lu has been accused of orchestrating efforts to replace Hasina’s administration with one more aligned with U.S. interests, particularly after her refusal to cede control of the strategically significant St. Martin’s Island to the U.S.

Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu was on a tour of the South Asian region during the Indian Lok Sabha elections from May 10-15, 2024. He began his tour in Chennai, India, on May 10th.

Lu visited Bangladesh on May 13th, 2024, and met with government officials. The visit was widely seen as an attempt to engineer a regime change.

On May 23rd, 2024, exactly 10 days after Lu’s visit, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina made a statement indirectly accusing the U.S. government of demanding a military base in Bangladesh. In return, the U.S. allegedly promised a hassle-free re-election for Prime Minister Hasina (UNB News).

When Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister Momen met with Victoria Nuland on May 3rd, 2023, Prime Minister Hasina refused to grant the U.S. access to St. Martin’s Island, expressing her government’s position through Foreign Minister Momen.

The U.S. was allegedly attempting to deepen U.S.-Bangladesh ties in 2023. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina revealed details of this meeting a year later, during a press conference on May 23rd, 2024.

Just 21 days after this meeting, the U.S. government began imposing sanctions on Bangladeshi officials, following Prime Minister Hasina’s refusal to comply with their demand for access to St. Martin’s Island.

Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State in the Biden Administration, was responsible for handling the South Asia Department. Known as a regime change expert, she previously served as a spokesperson in Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The U.S. government, particularly the Democrats, has been eager to establish a military base in Bangladesh since 2012.

The first U.S. airbase in the British Indian Ocean Territory is Diego Garcia. Understanding its strategic refueling points highlights why this project was crucial for the U.S. The location of St. Martin’s Island similarly impacts U.S. military performance in the region.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina refused to comply with the U.S. government’s demands. As a result, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (now John Bass), Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu, and the deep state orchestrated a regime change in Bangladesh. This forced Sheikh Hasina to live in safe houses away from her homeland. She cannot even seek asylum in the U.S. due to changed visa policies, nor in the U.K., as the U.K. is aligned with the U.S.

How the Deep State Initiated Regime Change in Bangladesh

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had abolished the 1972 reservation act in 2018. However, in June 2024, the High Court of Bangladesh overturned Hasina’s 2018 order.

Students began protesting this High Court decision, and the demonstrations in Bangladesh quickly turned violent and aggressive, fueled by support from the U.S. Deep State.

The Hasina government appealed to the Supreme Court, which reinstated the reservation order. By August 3, the situation had calmed down, and Prime Minister Hasina banned Jamaat-e-Islami.

But on August 5, the “Islam Chhatra Shibir” student wing of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami started protesting again. The protesters planned to enter the Prime Minister’s residence, but the Bangladesh Army Chief, in collaboration with the Deep State, refused to take action against them. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had to leave her residence and take refuge in India to save her life.

Bangladesh’s New Caretaker PM and His Links to the U.S. Deep State:

(Credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP/The Prime Headline)

Mohammad Yunus is the new caretaker Prime Minister of Bangladesh, but his past reveals strong connections to the U.S. Deep State. He received a Fulbright scholarship from the U.S. State Department and is a Nobel Laureate with ties to the Obama and Clinton factions of the Deep State. Yunus was awarded the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and a Congressional Gold Medal in 2010.

He is a favorite of the Democratic Party, which facilitated a color revolution in Bangladesh through Deep State agents. (Read more: RAIR, 8/12/2024) (Archive)

August 13, 2024 - Georgia Supreme Court unanimously rules private contractors working for government are also subject to FOIA requests

BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that private contractors working for the government are also subject to public records requests. This means citizens can now obtain evidence from companies involved in elections like Dominion [voting machines]

The court concluded in its ruling that “a request for public records related to a private contractor’s services to a public agency can be served upon non-agency custodians of the relevant public records — including the private contractor if he or she is the custodian of the records sought — and the Court of Appeals erred in concluding otherwise.”

To clarify, the case was spawned from a man who, in 2022, sought records from a college contractor but was denied by the Fulton County Superior Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. It wasn’t election-related, but I couldn’t help but confirm with Georgia patriots, who told me this is HUGE NEWS in their fight to secure the 2024 election and get accountability for the stolen 2020 election

By the way, it’s not just Dominion; Runbeck Election Services also does a lot of work in Georgia. They contract with Fulton and other counties to print and sort ballots. If anything goes “wrong” in November’s election, we now have a foolproof way to get to the truth before they delete everything

This is one of the most significant rulings in recent history.

August 13, 2024 - Hunter Biden asked State Department for aid in the Burisma deal while father was VP

Burisma paid Hunter $83,333 a month for his board service, but cut his compensation in half two months after his father’s stint as vice president ended. (Credit: public domain)

While Joe Biden was vice president, his son Hunter attempted to obtain State Department assistance in securing a deal for Ukrainian gas company Burisma, of which Hunter was a highly-compensated board member despite having no experience in its industry, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. The revelation of the 2016 episode underscores allegations that Hunter sought to enrich himself by trading on his father’s influence.

The Times report draws on newly released government records pertaining to Hunter’s pushing of a Burisma deal in Italy. The Biden White House had resisted releasing the files for years, only to relent soon after Biden was pressured into abandoning his reelection bid.

The Times says it was unable to read Hunter’s email to the US ambassador, as it appears to have been “redacted in its entirety” somewhere within the trove of documents turned over by the government. However, in communications sparked by Hunter’s 2016 inquiries, federal government officials appear to have been anxious about Hunter’s request. For example, a Commerce Department official assigned to America’s embassy in Rome wrote:

“I want to be careful about promising too much. This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, USG should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the [Commerce Department] Advocacy Center.” 

The White House told the Times that then-Vice President Biden had no knowledge of his son’s inquiries. Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, acknowledged that Hunter asked US ambassador to Italy John R. Phillips and “various people” for help facilitating a dialogue between the president of Tuscany and Burisma leaders. “No meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the U.S. was ever sought and only an introduction in Italy was requested,” Abbe told the Times. Burisma was pursuing a geothermal energy project. (Read more: Zero Hedge, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)

August 14, 2024 - Harris campaign edits news headlines and descriptions in search ads that make it appear as if major outlets support her

(Credit: The Daily Caller)

WDAY Radio, a local news outlet in Fargo, North Dakota, is considering legal action after the Kamala Harris campaign deceptively edited WDAY headlines to make it look like they supported her in an ad campaign, its president told the Daily Caller.

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads to make it appear as if major news organizations explicitly support her, a bombshell Axios report revealed Tuesday.

WDAY was the only family-owned outlet listed in the report. Other outlets who had their content manipulated by Harris’ team included Reuters, the Associated Press, NPR, CNN, The Guardian, The Independent and more.

WDAY’s President blasted Google and the Harris campaign for the deception in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller.

“We feel insulted and violated by what was done here,” Steve Hallstrom, the President and Managing Partner of Flag Family Media, which owns WDAY Radio, told the Daily Caller.

“You have a political campaign that used our news brand and our URL to effectively lie to people about the headline we wrote,” Hallstrom said. “They lied to every single person that saw that ad. It’s misleading, it’s dishonest, and it hurts us as the company, our news brand. So as of today, we’re starting to make some calls here. We are considering all of our options here, including legal action.” (Read more: The Daily Caller, 8/14/2024)  (Archive)