February 14, 2025 – A list of the unreleased Russiagate documents

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Russiagate is the greatest political scandal of all time for a simple reason: the combined forces of Obama, the sitting president at the time, along with the FBI and CIA, worked to take down President Trump based on something not only fabricated—but fabricated by them. It was an attempted coup by a sitting president against his democratically elected successor.

Yet here we are, eight years after the full weaponization of government to remove Trump, and not only has no one been held to account, but vast troves of critical documents remain unreleased.

While many documents have come out, there has been no concerted effort to secure the rest—nor even a clear list of what’s still missing.

Below is a list of crucial documents that remain unreleased (big thank you to @ClimateAudit and @FOOL_NELSON for compiling it). The list may not be complete, so feel free to add to it. The point is simple: if we don’t define what’s missing, there will be no effort to release it. We cannot let Obama’s attempted coup fade into history. There needs to be relentless pressure to get these documents released in the coming weeks and months—before new hoaxes are unleashed on Trump and this is once again forgotten:

Unreleased Russiagate Documents

•DNC Logs: May 23–25
•Crossfire Reports: Related to DNC & DCCC
•DHS Attribution Assessments & Briefings: Leading to Oct 7 announcement
•FBI Intel Assessment on Steele Reporting (Oct): Drafts & corresponding materials
•Unredacted FBI 302: Aug 2 interview with Australian diplomats Alexander Downer & Erika Thompson
•Unredacted Cables: Downer cable (May 11)
Thompson cable (May 16)
•Downer’s U.S. Embassy Visit (July 26): Correspondence & minutes
•Declassified Briefings: CIA to Senate Intel Committee (Nov 23)
•FBI-DNI to House Intel Committee (Dec 5)
•Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA): Declassified & unredacted drafts on Russian interference (Dec 9)
Classified version presented to Obama (Jan 5) & Trump (Jan 6)
•Senate Intel Committee Report (2020): Unredacted section on ICA
•Christopher Steele Interview (Oct): FBI 302, notes & correspondence
•Brennan Notes: Unredacted version of July 28 White House briefing on Clinton’s plan to smear Trump as a Russian agent
•Fusion Cell (CIA, NSA, FBI): All memos and emails, unredacted Sept 7 memo

•Lyall-Grant Memo: Mark Lyall-Grant’s warning about Steele
•FBI & DOJ documents and correspondence on FBI’s identification & interviewing of Igor Danchenko (Steele’s Primary Sub-source)
•FBI documents and correspondence regarding conferral of Confidential Human Source status to Danchenko
•Transcripts & reports of FBI interviews with Danchenko (post-Jan 2017)
•FBI & DOJ briefings leading up to Mueller’s appointment
•FBI & DOJ role and documents regarding Jeff Sessions’ recusal
•Papadopoulos Interview (Jan): Full transcript
•Mueller “Investigation”: Withheld FBI 302s, unredacted FBI 302s, documentation of interviews in non-302 format, correspondence about Christopher Steele

2018 & Beyond:
•Horowitz Report: Classified version
•Horowitz Interviews: Transcripts or reports
•Durham Report: Any classified version
•Durham Interviews: Transcripts or reports
•Danchenko Trial: Exhibits