January 19, 2025 – USAID funded censorship programs intent on shutting down and demonetizing conservative news

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Elon Musk sues Center for Countering Digital Hate for its hate speech research, August 2023. (Credit: Rappler)

The Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) partnered with Restless Development (youth collective) to counter Covid Disinformation. And the best part? Restless Development is funded by the US government along [with]the Obama Foundation, Gates, Clinton’s, and other foreign governments!

This joint effort bragged about getting conservative news orgs such as the Gateway Pundit, the Federalist, and Zero Hedge reported to social media AND demonetized! Especially from Google!

Organisers say the campaign was inspired by Sleeping Giants in the US, which persuaded brands not to advertise on Breitbart.

Restless Development is global, and promotes social justice, climate justice, UN developmental goals, feminism, inclusivity, gender transformation, and anti-racism.

Let’s start off with some of the Restless Development funding (see photo)

-Obama Foundation
-US Department of Health and Human Services
-Clinton Health Initiative
-Bill and Melinda Gates
-United Nations
-The Swedish International
Development Agency
-Norwegian Agency For Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)
-Irish Aid
-Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
-Ford Foundation
-Danish International
-Development Agency
-Plus more

Considering Bill Gates funds them, I can see why they were so bent on targeting information posted about him.

This also started running exclusively out of the UK in April/May 2020 and it expanded later.

Imran Ahmed, CEO, CCDH. May 6 2020:

“The initiative is currently working with volunteers in the UK, but their reach across social media is global. The project will be expanded to work with volunteers in different countries around the world.”

Let’s start off with how it’s organized.

♦️CCDH and Restless Development

1. Youth Against Misinformation (YAM) – name of project

A. Youth Against Fake News (Org used to do the work, and was later renamed to the below.)
B. Youth Against Misinformation (new name)

Now here’s how this works, and as for the blocklists, I have a few examples:

“The Record and Report team spent shifts combing through misinformation Facebook groups, Instagram and Twitter accounts, sourcing explicit examples of misinformation and reporting them to the respective platforms.

We would visit these websites and screenshot adverts next to the article headline, then contact the advertising brands via Twitter and email.

We included information from CCDH on the nature of the website and their content and requested that they blacklist those sites from featuring their adverts, therefore reducing the profitability of misinformation.”

“Since YAM volunteers began working on CCDH’s Stop Funding Fake News campaign we have contacted over 250 different brands, with around 40 responding that they’ve taken action.”

They also interacted with social media users.

“They began by identifying tweets that
contained misinformation, then tweeted the users to request their
deletion whilst sharing advice from CCDH on how to avoid spreading

“The reports produced from this collaboration have been used in
US Congress, UK Parliament, in gov briefings and media reporting across the world, particularly influencing the deliberations surrounding the Online Safety Bill and the scope of online harms.”

The Stop Funding Misinformation campaign also carries blocklists (see photo).

Here’s a sampling:

– Gateway Pundit
– Zero Hedge
– Federalist
– Breitbart
– Rebel News
– AM Greatness

Anyways, they are very proud of their successes.

“Since we launched, we’ve seen one of our target fake news sites completely shut down, and the capacity of several others reduce significantly as a result of us damaging their ability to raise revenue.”

Video: CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed brags to PARLIAMENT about using Stop Funding Misinformation to have Google stop monetizing The Gateway Pundit!

Sources to follow along with tons more information including more on affected US individuals and businesses such as Robert F Kennedy and Sayer Ji’s Green Med Info.