(Credit: Corey’s Dig)
“Well over a hundred billion dollars has siphoned through the hands of individuals with scandalous histories, with over $90 billion from the U.S. Government (taxpayers) alone, via PEPFAR.
• The U.S. Government’s PEPFAR is the largest funder of any nation to a single disease in the world, and the largest donor to the Global Fund, to the tune of over $90 billion to date. Despite this, due to the fact that the Global Fund is located in Geneva, Switzerland, it is not subject to U.S. taxation, jurisdiction, or law. George W. Bush’s 2006 executive order afforded the Global Fund additional exemptions, privileges, and immunities.
• Three U.S. Presidents, over 35 governments, the UNDP, the Global Fund, GAVI, and over two dozen major non-profits along with countless smaller ones, have been cashing in for nearly two decades.
• Bill and Melinda Gates, Jeffrey Sachs, Kofi Annan, and Amir Attaran are listed as the founders of The Global Fund, but who really strategized and implemented its structure, its funding, and its “immunity” status?
• In 2015 USAID awarded Chemonics $9.5 billion to fund these supply chain programs. Only 7% of the drug shipments were delivered on time and in full. This is just one example. There are countless scandals throughout this book.
• There are allegedly 23.3 million people on HIV treatment. The new three-in-one pill runs $75/year per person in developing countries. The Clintons, among others, are cashing in on this new drug. An almost identical therapy in the U.S. runs $39,000 per person, per year. The global HIV drugs market exceeded a value of $24.7 billion in 2018.
This is potentially one of the biggest, ongoing slush funds of our time, perpetrated by over 35 governments, “philanthropists,” politicians, so-called elites, and celebrities, while preying on the weak at heart to donate their hard-earned money to the “Global Fund” that helps children and adults beat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. But does it really? How much of the money is going toward this and how many people are the meds really reaching? Reports raise serious concerns. We are talking about BILLIONS of dollars changing hands among governments and the wealthy, in addition to “Acts”, “Bills”, and “Executive Orders” all strategically aligning for this operation to function full throttle – across three former U.S. presidencies. Scandal after scandal has rocked this “cause” – a cause that should most definitely be under investigation, but with all of its immunities and safeguards in place, who will investigate?
The Global Fund is an octopus with many arms, including the UNDP receiving funds and acting as an implementing partner in numerous countries. Once a few “elites” and governments orchestrated the structure, everyone joined in. Scores of NGOs lined up, and celebrities quickly jumped aboard in their “ambassador roles” and organized their foundations, including Bono’s ‘RED’ and ‘ONE’ campaigns which beg and shame the public into purchasing their products because the funds allegedly “help save lives.”
Just think what $90 billion dollars could have done to save the homeless, the sick, veterans, single parents, and those in need in the U.S. Just think how many people in developing countries have been exploited.
In order to disclose all of this “open sourced” information and show how it all connects, it is pertinent to understand the timeline before getting into the multitude of actors and the scandal itself. Why? There are many reasons that will become obvious as you read, such as the involvement of three US presidents, and a particular couple that has been very involved with AIDS since the 70’s, and not by way of humanitarianism. Quite the opposite.
Due to how expansive this network is, this book has been broken down into numerous chapters which will be available for download in PDF format in The Bookshop. It begins with the timeline, which will give a very brief breakdown of events and some of the actors involved, just to establish their strategy and the basis for subsequent chapters, which will be rolled out over time. The timeline acts much like a road map and is absolutely mandatory reading to see the strategy involved.” (Read more: Corey’s Digs, 1/29/2020) (Archive)