June 1, 2020 – The DOJ response to the D.C. Circuit Court regarding General Flynn

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Independent Researchers by Katie Weddington

The US files its Brief in the Flynn appeal.

It’s signed by some heavy hitters – including IG Noel Francisco.

“This Court should issue a writ of mandamus compelling dismissal.”

Full doc:

The Constitutional power to prosecute belongs to the Executive.

The Federal Rules, “read against the backdrop of that constitutional principle, required the district court to grant the US motion to dismiss the indictment because that motion was unopposed.”

Strong words on Sullivan’s plan:

Sullivan and his amicus “may not conduct evidentiary proceedings based on speculation about the government’s motives.”

Sullivan plans to subject the DOJ decision to “extensive judicial inquiry, scrutiny, oversight and involvement.”

Under Supreme Court and DC Circuit precedents, “it is clear and indisputable that [Sullivan] has no authority to embark on that course.”

SG Noel Francisco

This is a remarkable read. It lays waste to various amici arguments that misconstrued Sullivan’s authority.

(Techno Fog@Techno_Fog,  Jun 1st, 2020)