Freedom of Information Act: CONFIRMS
“It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.
[FOIA] “We use their own emails, their own documents, their own texts. THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.”And William fucken Barr was at the center of it all,
“I can say with experience, that prison will come out of it. Eventually they will go to prison. This is not something that’s going to be able to be swept aside.”
And starts with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a formal criminal charges have been filed for obstructing and colluding in the fraud to overthrow the U.S. government.
🚨🚨And here is,
Freedom of Information Act: CONFIRMS
“It was a coup.” it was an interagency effort that overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.
[FOIA] “We use their own emails, their own documents, their own texts. THEY INCRIMINATE ALL OF THEM.”And William…
— 🇺🇸RealRobert🇺🇸 (@Real_RobN) June 29, 2024

(Credit: Amazon Books)
Parallel Election documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, specifically in Delaware County, PA. This unprecedented fraud resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Authors Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes show you, up close, how it was done, and by whom. They call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones.
Stenstrom and Hoopes currently have the only remaining election fraud case in Pennsylvania from the November 2020 general election. Viciously quashed, sued and sanctioned for challenging the “most secure election in history,” they fought back, and overcame overwhelming odds to successfully expose the massive election fraud they witnessed.
More Evidence It Was Sovereign Fraud: on November 13, 2020, nineteen Democrat AGs signed a letter (4 pages below) encouraging AG Barr to rescind his November 9th memo. The memo permitted federal agencies such as the FBI and federal prosecutors to investigate election fraud. The nineteen state AG’s demanded the memo be scrapped. See if your state AG’s signature is on that letter shown in this article. Wisconsin’s Josh Kaul signed it! He is the state AG I caught criminally laundering money into his campaigns, read the complaint I filed against him at www.infoccc dot com (4 in total were filed against him).
There is a video interview at the bottom of the article linked below with true bombshells being dropped by
@hoopes_leah and @GregStenstrom out of PA. Suggest starting at the 29min mark. A timeline is shown also naming who was involved in covering up election fraud. Biden planted a federal DOJ insider in Alvin Bragg’s office to prosecute Trump.
More Evidence It Was Sovereign Fraud: on November 13, 2020, nineteen Democrat AGs signed a letter (4 pages below) encouraging AG Barr to rescind his November 9th memo. The memo permitted federal agencies such as the FBI and federal prosecutors to investigate election fraud. The…
— Peter Bernegger (@PeterBernegger) June 20, 2024
Part 1 of 2 – Tune in to hear our exclusive interview with Greg Stenstrom & Leah Hoopes, co-authors of the book The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception. This book documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, which resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Greg and Leah call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones. We discuss the how, the why, the where, and the what of their truth-based evidence which recently saw Greg and Leah win the first case on the 2020 election fraud, which they witnessed first-hand in Delaware County, PA. THIS IS A MUST WATCH or LISTEN people, it proves what we all suspected.
Part 2 of 2 – Tune in to hear our exclusive interview with Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, co-authors of the book The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception. This book documents, in great detail and with irrefutable evidence, the massive election fraud that was perpetrated against the citizenry in the November 2020 United States general election, which resulted in the installation of an illegitimate government. Greg and Leah call it a “parallel election,” because obtaining the fraudulent results they manufactured required the wholesale substitution of fake ballots for authentic ones. We discuss the how, the why, the where, and the what of their truth-based evidence which recently saw Greg and Leah win the first case on the 2020 election fraud, which they witnessed first-hand in Delaware County, PA. THIS IS A MUST WATCH or LISTEN people, it proves what we all suspected.
h/t @seacaptim