Clinton Foundation Timeline
Clinton Cash: The Official Documentary Movie
In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from?
In his New York Times bestselling books Extortion and Throw Them All Out, Schweizer detailed patterns of official corruption in Washington that led to congressional resignations and new ethics laws.
In Clinton Cash, he follows the Clinton money trail, revealing the connection between their personal fortune, their “close personal friends”, the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations, and some of the highest ranks of government.
Schweizer reveals the Clinton’s troubling dealings in Kazakhstan, Colombia, Haiti, and other places at the “wild west” fringe of the global economy. In this blockbuster exposé, Schweizer merely presents the troubling facts he’s uncovered. Meticulously researched and scrupulously sourced, filled with headline-making revelations, Clinton Cash raises serious questions of judgment, of possible indebtedness to an array of foreign interests, and ultimately, of fitness for high public office.” (Clinton Cash)
1992 - 1996: Chinagate - Maria Hsia

(Credit: Wall Street Journal)

Buddhist nun Man-Ho Shih (Credit: CNN)
After the 1988 election, Al Gore met Maria Hsia who organized a trip for him to Taiwan. She would later help with his campaigns, including the 1996 campaign. According to the Justice Department, Hsia raised $100,000 in illegal contributions for the Clinton-Gore 1996 campaign. Since foreigners could not provide donations to the campaign, she used monks and nuns at the Hsi Lai Temple as straw donors. The donors that were citizens used the monks in order to give beyond their contribution limits. Hsia had strong ties to Huang and Riady. (Read more: The American Spectator, 10/7/2016) (Archive) (Cspan, 9/4/1997)
1992 - 1996: Chinagate - Yah Linh “Charlie” Trie and Ng Lap Seng

Ng Lap Seng is alleged to have passed millions into DNC coffers using a complex series of bank accounts through Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie (pictured). (Credit: TCMP Pictures)
(…) Charlie Trie owned a restaurant in Little Rock that was frequented by his friend then-Governor Bill Clinton. After Clinton won the presidency, Trie went to Washington to cash out on their friendship. He thought his association could help him develop more business contacts in Asia. One of them was Hong Kong businessman Ng Lap Seng. Seng would wire a million dollars to Trie. From 1994 to 1996, Trie directly sent $200,000 to the DNC. Trie provided the rest of the money to other people who later sent that money to the DNC. Trie also helped raise another $640,000 for Bill Clinton’s Legal Defense Fund.

Ng Lap Seng with the Clintons in November 2009. (Credit: SCMP Pictures)
According to the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, 94 people were called to testify, including the six people in this article. Of the 94, 57 invoked the Fifth Amendment, 18 fled the country, and 19 foreign witnesses refused to testify. Here is a link to the full list.
Bill and Hillary Clinton continued this pattern of getting foreign donations from unethical businessmen with the Clinton Foundation. If they get into office, there is truly no line Bill and Hillary Clinton won’t cross. (Read more: The American Spectator, 10/7/2016) (Archive) (CSpan, 2/29-3/01/2000)
Campaign Finance – Part 1
Campaign Finance – Part 2
Campaign Finance – Part 3
1992 - 1996: Chinagate - Johnny Chung

Johnny Chung (Credit: The Daily Mail)
(…) Chinagate, more than any other scandal, should have led to the impeachment, and removal, of Bill Clinton from office. At least six individuals were believed to have been used by the Chinese to influence the 1996 elections. Despite the fact that the illegal donations were returned, Janet Reno was criticized for never appointing an independent prosecutor for the Chinagate scandal.
Johnny Chung
In 1996, then Senator John Kerry was in a tough re-election fight against Republican Governor Bill Weld. In July, Kerry met with businessman Johnny Chung and his Chinese partner Liu Chaoying. Johnny was born in Taiwan and later became an American citizen.
When John Kerry met with them in his Washington office, he had no idea that Liu Chaoying was a Lt. Colonel in the People’s Liberation Army.
Johnny Chung told Kerry that Liu wanted one of her companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Senator Kerry’s people were happy to help and immediately sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
On September 9, 1996, Johnny Chung helped organize a fundraiser for Kerry in Beverly Hills. This was undoubtedly pay-for-play.
Around the same time, Liu Chaoying would wire $300,000 to Johnny Chung. Liu put that money into Chung’s Hong Kong bank account after she introduced him to Chinese General Ji Shengde.
Johnny Chung testified before Congress that in the summer of 1996, Ji Shengde told Chung, “We really like your president. We hope he will get reelected.… I will give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to… your president and Democrat Party.”
Chung used most of that money to pay for his business expenses and sent the remaining $35,000 to the Democratic National Committee. Shortly after Chung’s testimony, Ji Shengde was reassigned from the head of Chinese military intelligence to the Academy of Military Science. In the United States, that would be the equivalent of the head of the NSA being reassigned to teach political science at a university.
Beyond the $35,000 from the Chinese government, the DNC was forced to return all of the money that Chung had donated to them ($366,000).
There is no way that this money could have been authorized without the full knowledge of the Chinese government. Liu Chaoying was the daughter of General Liu Huaqing (1916-2011). In China, the sons and daughters of important government officials are known as taizidang or princelings. They use their connections to allow businessmen access to China. They would never risk their family’s privileged status especially when there are many other profitable deals with less political risk.
At the time Liu Chaoying was giving money to Johnny Chung, her father was serving as the Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission. General Liu was a dedicated communist. He participated in the Long March with Mao. He would later be regarded as the “father of the modern Chinese Navy.”
In 1982-1987, he was the commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy. From 1992 to 1997, he was on the Politburo Standing Committee as well as the Vice Chairman of the China’s Central Military Commission.Xi Jingping,
Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping honored General Liu’s accomplishments in honor of his 100th birthday. In his obituary (he died in 2011 at 94), the New York Times mentioned General Liu’s accomplishments in modernizing the Chinese Navy, but did not mention his daughter’s role in transferring money to the Democratic National Committee.
Johnny Chung first met the Clintons in 1992. From 1994 to 1996, Chung visited the White House 49 times. Nearly half of those visits were authorized by the office of the First Lady. In one visit, Hillary met with Chung and his visiting delegation of Chinese businessmen from state-run companies.
In one visit, Chung paid the DNC $50,000. In exchange, Chung was allowed to bring some of his investors to see the president deliver one of his radio addresses. (Read more: The American Spectator, 10/7/2016) (Archive)
1992 -1996: Chinagate - John Huang, Mochtar Riady, and James Riady

Huang and Clinton at White House coffee in 1996. (Credit: public domain)
(…) In 1996, John Huang would raise $3.4 million for the Democratic Party. More than half of this money was returned because some of these donations were foreign.
In 1980, John Huang met Mochtar Riady at an event in Little Rock, Arkansas. The featured speaker was then-Governor Bill Clinton. Riady’s son, James, would later hire Huang at one of his companies. At the same time, Huang would serve as a fundraiser for Clinton’s 1992 campaign. He became an expert in fundraising among different Asian-American communities.

Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas, (r), and his wife Hillary Clinton, chat with Mochtar Riady, chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Bank at a reception hosted by Riady, Oct. 7, 1985. Clinton is in Hong Kong for a three-day trade promotion tour. (Credit: Dick Fung/AP)
In late 1993, Clinton appointed Huang to serve as deputy assistant secretary for international economic affairs at the Commerce Department. Huang got a severance package of $750,000 from the Lippo Group (below). In 1995, Clinton recommended him to work at the DNC.
In 1996, approximately $1 million in donations to the Democrats were from people with close ties to the Lippo Group. One of them was Hashim Ning who was a business partner with the Riady family. Hashim sent $500,000 to his daughter Soraya and his son-in-law Arief Wiriadinata. From November 1995 to July 1996, they donated $450,000 to the DNC.
Mochtar Riady was the son of Chinese immigrants who came from modest circumstances and founded the Lippo Group, a conglomerate in real estate, insurance, and banking. By 1996, the company had over $12 billion in assets.
Mochtar had three sons. The youngest was James and he first met Bill Clinton in the late 1970s. He contributed money to Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign. The Lippo Group had many projects in China. A peaceful and stable U.S.-China relationship was in the interests of the Lippo Group.

James Riady, Bill Clinton, and Clinton aide, Maria Haley (Credit: VOA-Islam)
In its report in 1998, the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs noted that both Mochtar and James Riady “have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency.” James Riady was also in the Oval Office on September 13, 1995 when Bill Clinton authorized the transfer of Huang to the DNC. In September 1996, James Riady was again in the Oval Office with Clinton lobbying for better trade relations with China.
According to White House logs, James Riady visited the White House 20 times and met with President Clinton on six of those visits. At the time, Clinton’s top aide, Bruce Lindsey, tried to spin that Riady’s visits were social calls. It was only after the election that White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry admitted that the meetings involved substantive conversations, including about American foreign policy in Asia. (Read more: The American Spectator, 10/7/2016) (Archive)
1992 - 1996: Chinagate - Ted Sioeng

Ted Sioeng (Credit: Calvin Neonardi)
In 1997, Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, CIA Director George J. Tenet and NSA Director Kenneth A. Minihan testified before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee about Ted Sioeng. They claimed to have credible information that this Los Angeles-based Chinese Indonesian businessman intended to influence the 1996 elections. Through family members and his businesses, he donated $250,000 to the DNC. This money was returned. (Read more: The American Spectator, 10/7/2016) (Archive)
1997 - President Bill Clinton creates the non-profit Clinton Foundation

The Clinton Foundation Logo (Credit: The Clinton Foundation)
The Clinton Foundation was founded in 1997 as the William J. Clinton Foundation also known as the Clinton library and located in Little Rock, Arkansas. From 2013 to 2015 it was briefly renamed the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
It is a non-profit organization with a stated mission to “improve lives across the United States and around the world to create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement.”
According to the Clinton Foundation’s website, neither Bill Clinton nor his daughter, Chelsea Clinton draws any salary or receives any income from the Foundation. When Hillary Clinton was a board member she reportedly also received no income from the Foundation.
The Washington Post will note in 2015, “The foundation now includes 11 major initiatives, focused on issues as divergent as crop yields in Africa, earthquake relief in Haiti and the cost of AIDS drugs worldwide. In all, the Clintons’ constellation of related charities has raised $2 billion, employs more than 2,000 people and has a combined annual budget of more than $223 million.” (Read more: Washington Post, 6/02/2015)
1995 -1999: Clinton donors and a Russian mafia kingpin, launder money, bilk investors and make a fortune, all while Clinton is president

Paul Reynolds (Credit Fred Lum/The Globe)
(…) “Clintons’ buddies from Canaccord Capital (Paul Reynolds) and GMP Securities (Eugene McBurney) have donated to both the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership. But, what would really get everyone’s attention would be the YBM Magnex scandal. Not familiar? Here, let me help.
In the late 1990s, both Eugene McBurney (GMP Securities) and Canaccord Capital became involved with Russian mafia kingpin Semion Mogilevich’s company, YBM Magnex. According to GMP Securities’ documents they “acted as underwriters for, provided research coverage of, and traded in securities of, YBM Magnex International Inc” between May, 1995 through May, 1998. Canaccord Capital was another underwriter as was the “European arm of HSBC Asset Management,” James Capel.

GMP founder Gene McBurney headlines the 2017 Subscriber Investment Summit in Toronto on March 4, 2017. (Credit: The Globe)
YBM Magnex which was actually established in the United States and located in Newtown, Pennsylvania was eventually shut down by U.S. authorities and pulled off the Toronto stock exchange. However, in the four years that the company was in business they went from “an obscure penny stock to a multinational worth nearly $1 billion.” It was further reported that that their “net sales quadrupled, net income jumped nine-fold, earnings rose by a factor of five, and the future looked just as promising,”
If you want to run with the YBM Magnex story you could also throw in Semion Mogilevich’s ties to the Bank of New York money laundering scandal back in 1999. That was a doozy, you have to admit. And not only was Mogilevich tied to the scandal, so was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the Russian oligarch who was once worth $15 billion, was associated with Soros, and was represented by Kim Schmitz’s current attorney. You see, Mogilevich took control of Inkombank in 1994, but the bank (along with its attorney, former Federal Prosecutor Arthur Christy) was sued by its stockholders in 1999 for defrauding investors and laundering their money. At the same time, it was coming out in the wash that Mogilevich and Khodorkovsky had laundered over $7 billion (yes, billion) through the Bank of New York.

Sernion Mogilevich (Credit: public domain)
All of the accounts linked to the $7 billion had one common denominator: Benex. Benex was a company set up by Russian Peter Berlin who’s wife was the vice president of the Bank of New York. Benex would later be “publicly listed as a customer of YBM Magnex International” and remember Boris Berezevsky that I talked about earlier, the guy working with both Soros and the Chechen warlords? Yeah, that guy. He owned part of Sobinbank and Flamingo, both of which were used as fronts for Peter Berlin’s companies. The other cozy relationship in all of this was that Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s partner at Bank Menatep (which Khodorkosvsky owned), Kostantin Kagalovsky, was also married to Bank of New York employee, Natasha Gurfikel Kagalovsky.
During this time period Bill Clinton was still in office, his buddies who would later become major donors and involved in the uranium deal were in bed with a Russian mafia kingpin and making tons of money off of that by lying to investors while at the same time that very same Russia mafia figure and Soros’ friend, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, were money laundering billions of dollars through The Bank of New York. Huh.” (Read more: Jimmy’s Llama, 7/08/2017)
September 28, 1999 - President Clinton bans reporter Paul Sperry from the White House after an impromptu interview on Chinagate
(Timeline editor’s note: This entry takes us to the beginning of our timeline and still seems relevant today. Even in 1999, the media was unwilling to ask the Clintons tough questions and they were never held accountable for the Chinagate scandal. Our team appreciates Mr. Sperry’s fearless spirit and continued coverage of the Clintons through the years.)
President Clinton bans Investor’s Business Daily reporter Paul Sperry from the White House after an impromptu interview on the Chinagate scandal during a picnic for the press on the South Lawn in 1999.
WATCH: President Clinton bans Investor’s Business Daily Washington bureau chief Paul Sperry from White House after impromptu interview on CHINAGATE scandal during a picnic for the press on the South Lawn in 1999. Helen Thomas rebukes Joe Lockhart over ban.
— Paul Sperry (@PaulSperry30) July 11, 2022
Paul Sperry wrote of his experience and his article was originally published as the cover story for WorldNet Magazine (later renamed Whistleblower) in February 2000:
(…) It was my turn to meet the celebrity president. As he approached me, I politely, if coolly, asked him when he would hold his next formal press conference. It had been several months since his last and he’s had fewer than any recent president. I admit I was trying to agitate the proper forum for questions about the FBI agents’ charges. But, to me, this was still a rather innocuous question, even within the supposedly neutral zone of a party. A relevant question, too, given the gathering. Other hard-nosed reporters surely were wondering when they’d get another crack at Clinton.
Or so I thought. My simple question was rewarded with boos and hisses from the adoring Clinton groupies around me. So much for the adversarial press.
But that was nothing compared with Clinton’s reaction to my inquiry about his next press confab. In an instant, his 100-watt charm shut off, replaced by a taunting belligerence. “Why?” he barked.

Bill Clinton spars with Paul Sperry at a White House picnic when asked about Chinagate. (Credit: Fox News)
“Because the American people have a lot of unanswered questions,” I replied, struggling to hold my bladder. At that point, he moved back down the rope, pulling up square in front of me, and demanded, “Like what?”
“Well, like illegal money from China and the campaign-finance scandal …”
What happened over the next 10 minutes was nothing short of a “scene.” The party-goers collapsed in around us. I watched the blood rush to Clinton’s gargantuan face as he launched into a tirade against ex-Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour, the FBI, Bob Dole and Republicans in general. All the while, he tried to belittle me by making faces (to get a rise out of his fans) and intimidate me by getting in my face.
And now I can see how he can do that to people. Clinton’s not just intellectually intimidating, he’s physically imposing. He’s tall (6-2) and big-boned.
Luckily, I’m the same height and was able to stand toe-to-toe and eye-to-eye with him. I’ll never forget the maniacal look in his bloodshot eyes. There was a moment, fleeting, where I sensed he wanted to try to take a swipe at me. I was getting full frontal Clinton. His volcanic temper, hidden so well from the public by his handlers, erupted less than 12 inches from my eyes.
Clinton always is game for a debate. That I asked him hard questions at a party wasn’t what ticked him off. It’s what I asked him about. He clearly doesn’t want to talk about the mother of all scandals — Chinagate.
He also may have been thrown by my grasp of the facts. I’d been tracking the Beijing-tied Lippo Group’s influence in the Clinton White House since 1996 and have been suspicious of the probity of Attorney General Janet Reno’s special task force since she let John Keeney Sr. set it up — a month after the election — to look into Lippo’s influence.
Keeney’s son is none other than a defense attorney for John Huang, the former Lippo executive and convicted Clinton-Gore fund-raiser. Junior, who’s also a long-time Democratic National Committee lawyer, cut Huang a deal with daddy’s old task force that got him no jail time and immunity from prosecution for espionage.
Clinton also was unprepared for my tenacity. Other reporters may back down after he singes their eyebrows with a verbal fusillade. Dummy me, I hung in there for more abuse, challenging his answers, following up with more questions. Which only made him madder. (Read more: WND/Archive, 9/24/2000)
October 19, 1999 - Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite call for a one-world government
(…) In October 1999, former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton addressed the society at the United Nations building in New York, where Cronkite received the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.
Below are links that are worth exploring–and re-examining–about the involvement of Cronkite and Hillary in the growing movement to establish a “global democracy,” a plan that would make all nations subordinate to a world court, a world legislative body, and a world executive.
The global federation would include a global standing army and global taxation.
In his speech, Cronkite stressed that the creation of a world federation of this kind will require the United States to give up some of its sovereignty–much as America’s individual states did at the time of the founding of our country.
The following are excerpts from Cronkite’s remarks (with emphasis added):
“Those of us who are living today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether through a monumental educational and political effort we will achieve a world of peace under a system of law where individual violators of that law are brought to justice. . . . “
“While we spend much of our time and a great deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort to establish a lasting peace. Meanwhile, . . . those advocates who work for world peace by urging a system of world government are called impractical dreamers. Those impractical dreamers are entitled to ask their critics what is so practical about war.”
“It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict, we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.”
“To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.”
“But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect [federal] unions the world has ever seen.”
First Lady Hillary Clinton introduced Cronkite to the group, hailing him for “inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world.”
(Renew America, 5/24/2005) (Archive)
20 years later:
“The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic “national interests” U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Thursday, as he lamented existing U.N. instruments such as the Security Council have teeth but “show little or no appetite to bite.”
(Breitbart, 6/26/2020) (Archive)
2001-2006: The Clintons frequently stay at Epstein's Zorro Ranch in New Mexico
Bill and Hillary Clinton would stay at Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch frequently after they left the White House, former estate workers told DailyMailTV.
The former president was Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and the Clintons visited Zorro Ranch ‘a whole bunch of times’, a former contractor who ran the IT system at the property said.

Epstein’s notorious ‘baby-making Zorro Ranch’ in the New Mexico desert, which sits on 10,000 acres. (Credit: Chris White/Daily Mail)
The family never stayed in the main house but bunked down in a special cowboy-themed village created by Epstein, which lies a mile south of his own villa, sources said.
The guest homes are next to other traditional Wild West-style buildings such as an old schoolhouse and saloon bar, which are all near Epstein’s private airstrip, where he arrived on his private planes.
This is all according to security expert Jared Kellogg, who was brought in by long-standing ranch manager Brice Gordon to improve security and set up a camera system at the main house and ‘cowboy village.’
Kellogg said: ‘I was saying how cool the replica houses were. [Gordon] said: ”Yeah, they’re built for guests… It’s really cool the Clintons come out and hang out [with Epstein].”
(…) When contacted by for comment, Bill Clinton’s press office referred us to a statement released over the summer. The statement denied he had ever visited any of Epstein’s residences, apart from once at Epstein’s home in New York City. reached out to Hillary Clinton’s office for comment as well.
Kellogg said that at the time of his site walk of Epstein’s property, he had barely any knowledge of Epstein’s reputation but he said Gordon spent most of the time boasting about the Clintons’ frequent appearance at the estate.
The ranch is one of several Epstein’s homes where underage girls were flown in from all around the world.
The New York Times claimed the convicted pedophile confided in scientists that he planned to impregnate up to 20 women at a time at the ranch to improve the human race with his genes.” (Read more: Daily Mail, 12/03/2019) (Archive)
October 23, 2003 - The sordid history of Australia's deals to 'facilitate' the Clinton Foundation's access to Asia
23 October 2003 The Clinton Foundation announced that it had negotiated price reductions for the supply of HIV/Aids drugs with the following companies:
- Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd., of Johannesburg, South Africa;
- Cipla Ltd., of Mumbai, India;
- Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., of Delhi, India; and
- Matrix Laboratories Ltd., of Hyderabad, India.
- Indian pharma executive and conman Nimmagad PRASAD on the right behind Clinton. Prior to the Clinton deal PRASAD bought a rundown Indian pharmaceutical company and renamed it Matrix Laboratories.
The agreement covered antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for delivery to African countries and the Caribbean through the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative. Business for those pharma companies went through the roof.
That’s Indian pharma executive and conman Nimmagad PRASAD on the right behind Clinton. Prior to the Clinton deal PRASAD bought a rundown Indian pharmaceutical company and renamed it Matrix Laboraties.
The deal with Clinton was very good for him.
He sold most of Matrix to the US pharma company Mylan and by 2006 had taken his initial investment of Indian Rs. 30Million ($500K AUD) to 5.7Billion ($110M AUD).
In 2012 he was charged with corruption and jailed for 17 months.

(Credit:The Indian Times, April 2013)
Ranbaxy’s history is worse. By 2004 Ranbaxy was on notice of a formal investigation by the World Health Organisation over the sale by Ranbaxy of adulterated and worthless drugs labelled as the genuine article. In May 2013 Ranbaxy paid a record fine of USD $5ooM to settle the US Department of Justice criminal complaints. As the final US DoJ details settling the long running and very public case against Ranbaxy were completed, Bill Clinton jetted off to India to give what he thought was a private paid speech praising Ranbaxy and its executives.
Australia is implicated in the Ranbaxy scandal. On 23 March 2013 a DFAT official wrote to me:
“Prior to 2013, a small amount of Australian aid money was expended on Ranbaxy pharmaceutical products in Papua New Guinea to support the PNG Government’s health programs.”
Kind regards
Media Liaison Officer
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
At least $100M of taxpayer funded Australian aid money has been used in the purchase of pharmaceuticals under a relationship established between the Clinton Foundation and the Australian Government in February 2006. That is in addition to amounts donated directly to the Clinton Foundation.
Prior to his jailing, the pharmaceutical purchases were explained by Matrix Laboratories Mr Prasad, speaking here to DNA India in 2009.” (Read much more: Michael Smith News, 8/15/2016)
November 20-22, 2003 - Secret Service docs reveal Bill Clinton’s trip with Ghislaine Maxwell to India

Clinton flew on a private jet owned by billionaire Ron Burkle with Maxwell as a passenger during a trip to India in November 2003. (Credit: AFP/Getty Images)
“Judicial Watch announced today that it received 4 pages of records from the Secret Service that reveal that Bill Clinton took a trip with Ghislaine Maxwell to India. Maxwell, a longtime associate of Jeffrey Epstein, is now on trial for sex trafficking and other charges.
The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Secret Service asking for information about any trips Bill Clinton took with Ghislaine Maxwell.
The records include exchanges between Secret Service officers about a trip that Maxwell went on with President Clinton. In a November 20, 2003, email exchange titled ‘requested info’, a Secret Service official advises a colleague, “The LA lead is [redacted]. Manifest to Osaka and LA (has not been confirmed but this should not deviate too much). FPOTUS Clinton [redacted] Ghislaine Maxwell [redacted]. Crew [redacted].”
The colleague replied, “Thanks [redacted] info helps. I’ll have the prelim sent to my office by this evening so the twx [teletype] can go out tomorrow [redacted].”
On November 22, 2003, a Secret Service agent responded to the same chain, writing, “[Redacted] I have just received an updated manifest for the trip to LA. The additional names are [redacted]. Hope this doesn’t create too many issues for you. I’ve attached the passport list. Thanks [redacted]; Agra, India to Los Angeles, CA (via Japan for fuel stop)”.
An official replies, “Thanks [redacted] I met with the [redacted] today and they had given me that info along with [redacted] (another addition), so we have 4 crew members and 12 staff and [redacted] USSS [redacted] total. Not sure if they are feeding our [redacted] USSS, so I’ll have food and drinks waiting for them. Cheers”.
Another agent responded, “as far as crew and usss are concerned then that is correct – staff/guest list could change – as you see [redacted] but I don’t think drastically. I just heard about [redacted] from my saic [Special Agent-in-Charge]. If you are able to get my guys food then it is greatly appreciated – evn [sic] an attempt. All you guys in Honolulu have made my job much less difficult. Thank you for all your help.”
Finally, an agent wrote “[Redacted] no problem. We’re here to help and happy to do so. I know your guys have been run through the ringer and I think everyone wants to see this trip get over, so if I can help make their trip a little nicer, that’s the least we can do. I heard that when they flew from Oslo to Hong Kong via Russia fuel stop, they had nothing to eat that entire trip, so I don’t want that to happen again.”
“This new information raises more questions about the extent and nature of the relationship between Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch previously sued the Secret Service for records about any Bill Clinton trips to Epstein’s private island. (Judicial Watch, 12/01/2021) (Archive)
October 22, 2004 - The Clinton Foundation and the WHO sign an agreement that violates US tax laws
“The Clintons took part in numerous activities around the globe that always seemed to benefit the Clintons. In 2004, for example, the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) signed an agreement with the WHO and it was promoted as helping people in Africa with HIV/AIDS assistance:
The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) and the World Health Organization (WHO) announced today that they have agreed to jointly provide technical assistance on scaling up national HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs to developing country Member States of WHO.
Under the partnership CHAI and WHO will collaborate to assist countries with developing comprehensive care and treatment plans and strengthening existing country systems for procurement and supply management. By working together on the provision of technical assistance, CHAI and WHO will help harmonize treatment guidelines, monitoring and evaluation standards, and safe, reliable and efficient procurement processes across countries.
Ira Magaziner of the Clinton Foundation, with Dr Jim Kim of WHO. (Credit: Clinton Foundation)
“We welcome the collaboration as it increases the options WHO can offer to its member states to secure access to much needed diagnostics and anti retrovirals for HIV/AIDS patients,” said Dr Jim Kim, Director, Department of HIV/AIDS.The agreement will also help accelerate the pace at which countries receiving funds from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the World Bank can access CHAI-brokered agreements for reduced prices. The prices, which CHAI negotiated in October 2003 and January 2004, cover medicines that are critical components of the four regimens recommended by WHO as first-line treatment for AIDS in its 3 by 5 Initiative. The 3 by 5 Initiative aims to work with countries and partners to provide ARV treatment to three million people by 2005.
“Because CHAI is a leader in negotiating breakthrough pricing for HIV/AIDS medicines and diagnostics, and WHO is the leading global authority in public health, our collaboration will significantly advance the goal of providing antiretroviral treatment to three million people by 2005,” said Ira Magaziner, Chairman of the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative.
The problem with this arrangement was that it was against the law – the Clinton Foundation could not legally perform the above arrangement and keep its tax-exempt status.
Larry Doyle explains to Congressman Jim Jordan the illegality of the Clinton Foundation acting as a broker for the WHO:
h/t Charles Ortel
November 18, 2004 - The Clinton Presidential Library becomes official
“The Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas will be opened by president Bush on Thursday.
Hillary Clinton will be on Larry King Live tonight, 9 pm ET.
Tomorrow will see the grand opening of the Clinton Presidential Library here in Little Rock. I’m very excited. I don’t like calling it the Clinton Library or the Clinton Museum. It has the sound of history and looking back to it. I prefer the Clinton Center. This sounds like action and looking to the future.
The Clinton Presidential Center doesn’t just review my 8 years in office. The foundation is also involved in trying to bring peace to different parts of the world. It is also involved in battling the scourge of AIDS ravaging the third world. We are working on many projects, which will secure a brighter and more peaceful world in the future. So the Clinton Center is not all about the past.
If you’d like to read more about the Center, under the picture to the right is a link.
I was looking around the Center today. I’m very, very proud of it. If you ever visit Arkansas, make sure you come by. I promise you and your family will have a great time.
You know, every time I walk to the front door, it takes my breath away. The Bill Clinton museum. Amazing. Amazing. A small town kid from Hope, Arkansas now has his own presidential museum. Amazing. Amazing.
I’ve been blessed. I’ve been thinking about a way to repay my debt to all the people, who made this possible. It hit me that the most valuable thing I have to offer is my experience. Now that money concerns and debts have been taken care of, I’m seriously thinking about sharing my experience, my know-how of politics with the next generation of Democrats. How it will take shape I don’t know, but I’m thinking about teaching. But we’ll see.
Tomorrow is a great day. For me and my family. Many people, millions of people all over America made tomorrow possible. This kid from Hope would like to thank all of you. I hope the museum will inspire you or your children or grandchildren to go out there and make your dreams come true. It is possible. You see, it is possible.” (BillClintonDailyDiaryBlog, 11/2004) (Archive)
September 6, 2005 - After a Kazakhstan uranium mining deal, financier Giustra secretly donates to Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton with Sir Tom Hunter, left, and Frank Giustra, major donors to the William J. Clinton Foundation (Credit: Evelyn Hockstein/New York Times)
“Late on Sept. 6, 2005, a private plane carrying the Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra touched down in Almaty, a ruggedly picturesque city in southeast Kazakhstan. Several hundred miles to the west a fortune awaited: highly coveted deposits of uranium that could fuel nuclear reactors around the world. And Mr. Giustra was in hot pursuit of an exclusive deal to tap them.
Unlike more established competitors, Mr. Giustra was a newcomer to uranium mining in Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic. But what his fledgling company lacked in experience, it made up for in connections. Accompanying Mr. Giustra on his luxuriously appointed MD-87 jet that day was a former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.”
“Within two days, corporate records show that Mr. Giustra also came up a winner when his company signed preliminary agreements giving it the right to buy into three uranium projects controlled by Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium agency, Kazatomprom.
The monster deal stunned the mining industry, turning an unknown shell company into one of the world’s largest uranium producers in a transaction ultimately worth tens of millions of dollars to Mr. Giustra, analysts said.
Just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it last month. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s more recent and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, an exclusive club of wealthy entrepreneurs in which friendship with the former president has its privileges.” (Read more: The New York Times, 01/31/2008)
January 27, 2006 – The same foreign lobbyists and Russians tied to Trump probe, are associated with McCain during his presidential run in 2008

The Nation publishes a photo of McCain and Rick Davis, celebrating his seventieth birthday in Montenegro in August 2006. On the same day, the Queen K, a mega yacht owned by Oleg Deripaska, is moored in the same bay. (Credit: The Nation
(…) “In fact, McCain’s drama involved the same foreign lobbyist Paul Manafort; one of the same Russian oligarchs, Oleg Deripaska; the same Russian diplomat, Sergey Kislyak, and the same wily Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, that now dominate the current Trump controversy.
The FBI has said that there is no evidence to date that Trump ever met with a Russian figure banned from the United States.
McCain actually met twice with Deripaska, a Russian businessman and Putin ally whose visa was blocked by the United States amidst intelligence community concerns about his ties to Moscow. The meetings were arranged by Manafort and his lobbying firm partner Rick Davis, who later would become McCain’s campaign manager, according to interviews and documents. Deripaska, a metals magnet, is president of United Company RUSAL, and is considered to be one of the richest men in the world worth an estimated at $5.1 billion, according to Forbes.“My sense is that Davis and Manafort, who were already doing pro-Putin work against American national interests, were using potential meetings with McCain — who didn’t know this and neither did we until after the fact — as bait to secure more rubles from the oligarchs,” John Weaver, one of McCain’s top advisers at the time, told Circa in an interview this month.

Then Governor of Virginia Mark Warner, Senator John McCain, David Gergen and John Sununu are captured during the session ‘The Future of US Leadership’ at the Annual Meeting 2006 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27, 2006. (Credit: Flickr)
(…) “In 2006, Davis and Manafort arranged two meetings with McCain and Deripaska in group settings while the senator was overseas on official congressional trips.
The first occurred in January 2006 in Davos, Switzerland, where McCain had traveled with fellow Republicans for a global economics conference.
When McCain and his other Senate colleagues, John Sununu and Saxby Chambliss, arrived at an apartment for drinks, Davis was present as a host with Deripaska by his side. A group of about three dozen then went to dinner, McCain and Deripaska included.”
(…) “Davis was McCain’s campaign manager in both 2000 and 2008. Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign manager for a brief time, resigned in August 2016, over questions of prior work with Ukrainian political parties.
During the 2008 campaign, the Davis Manafort firm disclosed through its U.S. partner Daniel J. Edelman Inc., that it was working for the political party in Ukraine supporting Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, who was backed by Putin.
“Davis Manafort International LLC is directed by a foreign political party, the Ukraine Parties of Regions, to consult on the political campaign in Ukraine,” the January2008 ForeignAgent Registration Act filing showed.
The work included developing “a communications campaign to increase Prime Minister Yanukovych’s visibility in the U.S. and Europe,” the report added, indicating that Davis and Manafort were being paid a $35,000 a month retainer for the work that began in spring 2007.” (Read more: Circa, 6/21/2017)
March 29, 2006 - Yale/Clinton Foundations join Ethiopian Minister of Health Tedros Adhanom to treat HIV/AIDS, even though he is known for the worst forms of human rights abuses
“The William J. Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative and Yale University have joined forces with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health to launch an initiative designed to boost treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
Through the Ethiopian Hospital Management Initiative (EHMI), the Yale-Clinton Foundation Fellowship in International Healthcare Management will send a team of up to twenty-five experienced mentors from the United States and other countries for one year to work with directors of ten to twelve Ethiopian hospitals and health bureaus. Working with their Ethiopian partners, the group will identify systemic changes that can improve access to, and the delivery of, healthcare services to the country’s population of 76 million. The Yale team recently completed a full needs assessment in Ethiopia and is recruiting fellows to serve as leaders and mentors.
Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebeysus, called the agreement with the foundation unique “because it includes capacity building of the healthcare system, which is very crucial…in the country’s strategic plan for health care. We want the Yale-Clinton Foundation mentors to think outside the box, tell us what they see and what they recommend, and then we will consider it. Whatever we do in these hospitals, we will export to other hospitals in Ethiopia.” (Philanthropy News Digest, 3/29/2006) (Archive)
(…) Tedros was voted WHO director-general in 2017, replacing another incompetent Chinese medical prodigy, Dr. Margaret Chan. Tedros is the first WHO director-general without a medical degree. He also has the worst job qualifications in the written history of employment.
“Tedros got his bachelors degree in biology from the University of Asmara in Eritrea. After his graduation, he served in a junior position at the Ministry of Health under the Marxist dictatorship of Mengistu. After the fall of Mengistu in 1991, he showed up in the UK and got a masters degree in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from the University of London. In 2000, he got a PhD in Community Health from the University of Nottingham. His dissertation was titled: “The effects of dams on malaria transmission in Tigray Region, northern Ethiopia.” From the writing style analysis of the treatise, it is unlikely that he wrote his own dissertation.
Just like another clueless British sponsored PhD, Joseph Mifsud, Tedros’s subsidized academic pedigree also hints of political grooming. This plan apparently derailed when Tedros chose to become a Chinese client instead of continuing to pay homage to his old (and cash-strapped) patrons at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
From 2005-2012, under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Tedros was the Minister of Health. During his tenure, he covered-up one of the worst outbreaks of cholera in Ethiopian history. Between 2012-2016, he was the Ethiopian foreign minister and was involved in the violent suppression and starvation of the rival Amhara clan. A little known biographical detail about Tedros is that he was the 3rd ranking member of the politburo of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) Terrorist Organization.

(Credit: XR Vision)
Tedros’s rapid rise to the top of the directorship of the WHO began after his collaboration with Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation and its CHAI initiative. Running some analytics on Tedros’s activity between 1991-2018 shows conduct riddled with fraud, corruption, the worst forms of human rights abuses, and scandals.

Tedros lying about the Ethiopian police/army being unarmed and not firing and attacking the crowd at the Irreecha cultural festival in Bishoftu on October 2, 2016. “Indeed, it is quite clear from the videos that there was no shooting and the police were unarmed.”
(Read more: Yaacov Apelbaum, 3/23/2020) (Archive)
September 18, 2006 - Giustra says his chips are on Bill Clinton who is a "worldwide brand, and he can do things that no one else can."

Bill Clinton & Frank Giustra (Credit: C Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)
“All of my chips, almost, are on Bill Clinton,” he said. “He’s a brand, a worldwide brand, and he can do things and ask for things that no one else can.”
Clinton is the first post-President to tap into the newer generation of wealth—the hedge-fund and retail moguls, who have bigger planes to lend and more cash to burn than their upper-class predecessors ever had. Ronald Burkle, a supermarket tycoon, is another frequent travelling companion and airplane lender; Burkle made Clinton a partner in one of his investment funds. Clinton’s appeal for these tycoons is obvious: in exchange for giving money to a good cause—the Clinton Foundation’s budget last year was thirty million dollars—you not only have the usual tax break and the knowledge that you are doing good but also get to play Oh Hell until five in the morning with a two-term ex-President who knows how to have a good time. You become a certified Friend of Bill, which still has some currency, six years after one Clinton White House and, possibly, two years before another. Writing a check to the March of Dimes hardly provides the same multi-layered reward.” (Read more: The New Yorker, 09/18/2018)
2007 - The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Private Rooftop Garden: An Obscene Violation Of Charity Law & Principles

A view of the rooftop garden At the Clinton Presidential Library. (Credit: Google Earth)
“At least as far back as the days of decadent Roman emperors such as Nero and Caligula, elaborate gardens have been notorious as an unseemly indulgence by those with wealth or power or both. It is easy to understand why, for though a small herbal garden adds charm to even a humble home, the notion that people who purport to care about the country they govern or have governed would squander public resources on an ornamental garden for personal pleasure can well be taken to epitomize the sort of arrogance that ultimately leads to revolution. Such is the case with the 14,000 square foot rooftop garden that the Clinton Foundation (the legal name of which is the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation) had installed on the rooftop of the Presidential library in Little Rock Arkansas (the “Rooftop Garden”).

A view of the private residence atop the library in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Credit: Anndrea Morales/The New York Times)
Though there was some publicity about the Rooftop Garden when it was installed back in 2007, hardly anyone knows that it exists. That is because it is private. That should strike anyone — regardless of political persuasion — as being problematic if not disgusting given that it would appear to have been financed entirely by donations to what is ostensibly a charitable foundation. Exactly how it was financed is not known because the financial records of the Clinton Foundation are a joke. A serious professional audit of them began only a few years ago, but the firm hired to conduct the audit, Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC), did not delve deeply into the past: its audit covered only 2010 and later. By stopping there PWC effectively implied that no “financial statement” of the Clinton Foundation prior to 2010 can be trusted.
Uncovering The Obscene Violation Of Charity Law & Principles The Rooftop Garden Constitutes
The fact that there is a private penthouse on top of the Presidential library in Little Rock is relatively well known. Even the New York Times admits to knowing about it: