Black described himself on social media as a senior political adviser to @TeamPelosi, the former speaker’s personal account on X. (Credit: Twitter/X/Wayback Machine)
Rally organizer Dustin Stockton says Aaron Black, aka Aaron Minter, lied about being at the Capitol during protests and rioting.
When Kylie Jane Kremer heard the name Aaron Black for the first time, she was told “he was Nancy Pelosi’s fixer.”
In her first media interview since Jan. 6, 2021, the executive director of Women for America First said she wasn’t familiar with Black’s name before President Donald J. Trump’s rally at the Ellipse — an event her group organized and ran.
– First in a series on the infiltration of Jan. 6 –
That all changed in the days after the violence at the U.S. Capitol. Kremer gathered with some of her event staff in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, having left Washington, D.C., due to the post-Jan. 6 political climate.
Kremer quizzed one of her organizers, Jennifer Lawrence, about a secretive Dec. 29 phone call made by Lawrence’s fiancé, Dustin Stockton. Kremer said she had wondered why Stockton, one of her key event organizers, insisted on getting off the “March for Trump” tour bus to make a private call.
“At one point we had to pull over the vehicles so that Dustin could make a private phone call that he did not want anyone else in the vehicle [to hear],” Kremer said. “And it was very odd. He was acting very weird; he was very secretive about it, would not tell us who the phone call was.”
The bus and support vehicles pulled over in a remote area of Arizona so that Stockton could make his phone call. Kremer asked Lawrence who was on the other end of the line. “Aaron Black,” was the reply.
Kremer said Lawrence told her that Black “was Nancy Pelosi’s fixer, and they had known him for a very long time, going back to Tea Party days back on the West Coast.”
Kremer said she found that revelation disturbing.
“I felt very unnerved by it, because I can’t think of a world that I would have anything to do with anybody in Nancy Pelosi’s office or orbit.”
The possible infiltration of Women for America First is but one example of the left’s involvement in the events that unfolded at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. President Trump and hundreds of thousands of supporters were accused of carrying out an insurrection that day. A deep examination of the actions of the left — directly and by extension — is needed to yield a fuller understanding of Jan. 6, its players, and the violence that was used to justify a government war on conservatives. Central to the infiltration of the Jan. 6 rally is a longtime close associate of former House Speaker Pelosi (D-Calif.): Aaron Black.
Stockton, who has organized conservative events around the country for 15 years, freely admits to his long-standing relationship with the veteran Democrat political operative and campaign strategist.
Stockton adamantly disagrees with Kremer’s story about the clandestine desert phone call to Black, saying, “It was no secret that I knew Aaron Black and that we had an open line of communication going back more than a decade,” Stockton told Blaze Media. “The Kremers were well aware of my relationship with Aaron Black long before January 6.”
Stockton knew Black from Black’s days with the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011 and Stockton’s time at Breitbart News covering the 2016 presidential campaign. During one March 2016 event, Black arranged to put violent agitators at the Trump rally in Chicago that led to its cancellation, he later admitted in an undercover Project Veritas video.
Stockton said he asked Black if he was at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and Black replied that he was “out of town.”
“Aaron had told me that he wasn’t in town for January 6,” Stockton said. “After seeing a picture of him and confronting him about it, he admitted he was on the Capitol steps to me and others,” Stockton said.
“I don’t know the extent of his involvement in the setup of American patriots on January 6,” Stockton said, “but took it as an unforgivable betrayal.” (Read more: The Blaze, 3/17/2025) (Archive)