March 23, 2025 – Obama and Hillary Clinton knowingly implemented foreign and domestic policies to aid and abet Islamic jihadists

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Clinton with Libyan rebels before her departure from Tripoli, Libya on October 18, 2011. (Credit: Reuters)

The Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department deliberately and knowingly implemented a U.S. foreign policy to aid and abet Islamic jihadists — our enemies.

The policy in 2011 was to help the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic uprising come to power in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.

Obama enacted the “great purge” in the U.S. government in 2011 and 2012, in which all official discourse, including presentations and training curricula, was purged of everything related to finding and identifying the global jihadist enemy we face.

That means: Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, the military, the Pentagon, and so on, including the intelligence community.

Because they either did not know, or were not allowed to know, anymore, who the enemy is — the global jihad movement and all who support jihad in the fight for Sharia, that is the enemy — because our officers were not permitted to speak of that, to know that, to pursue that, I think that had a lot to do with the policies in Benghazi specifically.

The day before the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, the head of Al Qaeda issued a video on jihadi websites and called for “sons of Libya” to rise up and kill Americans because the CIA had assassinated his deputy, a Libyan, some months before in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, with a drone strike.

“That, I have always thought, was the green light to attack the next day.”

Warnings were ignored.

There was collusion at the White House level, from the very beginning, to disseminated a false narrative, to blame the attack on the compound at Benghazi, which was an Islamic jihad attack by Ansar al-Sharia, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, to blame that on a YouTube video.

(On June 29, 2016, the Citizens Commission on National Security held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington to discuss the release of its new report on the events surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex, resulting in the deaths of four Americans. The title of the CCNS report is Betrayal in Benghazi: A Dereliction of Duty. An overview was provided by Claire Lopez, a defense intelligence consultant and former career operations officer for the CIA. The CCNS report was published two days after the U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, issued their official report.)