Robert Mueller is sworn in on July 24, 2019 before testifying to the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees. (Credit: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
“Mueller testified under oath he did NOT interview with Trump for the job of FBI Director on May 16, 2017
Yet new FOIA’d emails show, DAG Rosenstein sending an email the very next day, May 17, saying that “Mueller” has now “withdrew from consideration for FBI Director”
Mueller’s testimony to the House. Mueller is clear that he was never “applying” for the job of FBI Director, he was never under consideration, and his “interview” on May 16, 2017 was just to give his “input” on “what it would take to do the job”
(Mueller Transcript)
Rosenstein email, just released in FOIA. Mueller “withdrew from consideration for FBI Director”, sent the day after the “interview” with Trump, May 17, 2017.
(Note: Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel later that same day)
Mueller can’t “withdraw” from “consideration” for the job of FBI Director unless he was previously under consideration for the role, which he testified he wasn’t. Rosenstein was in the “interview” on May 16, so his email makes no sense if Mueller was never under consideration.
So who is wrong? Mueller, or Rosenstein (Mueller’s boss)? Because they can’t both be right, and one of them was under oath. (Undercover Huber @JohnWHuber, 8/27/2020) (Archive)