May 28, 2024 – A FOIA’d email chain marked “confidential” shows discussion about MI electors with Trump impeachment lawyers and lawfare king Norm Eisen

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

On November 12, 2020, only nine days after the hotly contested presidential election, a chain of emails shared with the Gateway Pundit by independent investigator Yehuda Miller showed communications between the unashamed lawfare queen of Michigan, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel, her then-deputy chief Christina Grossi, two top Trump impeachment lawyers and Senior Counsel for Massachusetts AG Samantha Shusterman.


Dana Nessel


Former MI Chief Deputy Attorney Christina Grossi (Credit: public domain)


Lead counsel for President Trump’s first and second impeachment trial, Barry H. Berke

According to Newsweek– Berke previously served as special counsel during Trump’s first impeachment. For Trump’s historic second impeachment trial, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Lead Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said that Berke had once again been “retained on a consulting basis” to represent House Democrats.

Notably, he has also represented Deutsche Bank, the financial institution that has reportedly moved to cut ties with Trump after decades of business and billions of dollars in loans to the outgoing president.

Senior Massachusetts AG Counsel Samantha Shusterman (Credit: public domain)

The November 12, 2020 email chain FOIAd by independent investigative journalist Yehuda Miller has been marked “CONFIDENTIAL-  Cannot be released under FOIA or discovery request” by the MI Attorney General’s office.

The first email was sent by Barry H. Berke and to Samantha Shusterman, the Senior Counsel for the AG office of Massachusetts. Two lawyers working for Norm Eisen’s law firm, Michelle Ben-David and Joanna Lydgate, were cc’d on the email.

The email’s subject is: RE: Michigan Elector Certification Process – Privileged and Confidential/Attorney work Product/Common Interest Privilege.

The Trump impeachment lawyer for the Democrats, Barry H. Berke, writes:

l attach a memo regarding potential challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process. Could I trouble you to share it with Christina Grossi and Mark Totten.


What does Samantha Shusterman, senior counsel for the Massachusetts Democrat AG Andrea Joy Campbell, have to do with the MI electors case? Why is Trump impeachment lawyer Barry H. Berke sending an email to her about “potential elector challenges in connection with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Was Barry Berke plotting in advance of the ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes cast by the MI GOP electors ONE MONTH LATER on December 14, 2020?

WHY were the emails marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and “privileged” multiple times regarding “potential challenges in connections with Michigan’s elector certification process”? Why were the emails about the MI electors being shared by one Trump impeachment lawyer with the law office of Norm Eisen, another Trump impeachment lawyer, a former law school classmate of Barack Obama, as well as the former President Obama’s “ethics czar” and ambassador to the Czech Republic? According to a previous Gateway Pundit report, Norm Eisen is also the key architect behind the Color Revolution and lawfare cases against President Trump.

Barack Obama and Norm Eisen (Credit: public domain)

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/28/2024)  (Archive)