September 15, 2024 – Highlights of second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Meet Ryan Wesley Routh, a democrat from North Carolina who moved to Maui to work with FEMA building shacks. He’s been to DC, works with the government, and has been working with Ukraine to recruit soldiers.

He stands against everything Trump stands for and believes conservatives will destroy the world. He was so worried about Trump becoming President and stopping the war in Ukraine that he felt he needed to take action.

This falls on the entire democrat party, the media, and the elites who push for more fighting in Ukraine instead of peace.

We just watched as ABC News kept demanding Trump answer questions about Ukraine, refusing to accept his call for peace.

When will people wake up to the poison of the DNC?

Time Magazine Features Trump Golf Photo with ‘In Trouble’ Caption Days Before Assassination Attempt

NEW: TIME gets Community Noted after they claimed it was “unclear” what would-be Trump assass*n Ryan Routh’s “political ideology” was.

If TIME decided to do journalism, they would find that Routh called Trump a “r*tarded child” & called on Iran to assas*inate him.

“I must take part of the blame for the r*tarded child we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize,” Routh said in a book he published on Amazon.

“You are free to assass*nate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal.”

The e-book is for sale on Amazon for $2.99 as reported by the Daily Mail.

Routh’s own son said his father hated Trump like “any reasonable person” would.

He also donated to ActBlue in 2019 and 2020.

Ryan Routh in the back of a police car at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. (Credit: public domain)

JUST IN: Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder suggests would-be Trump assass*n Ryan Routh could be part of a bigger conspiracy during a press conference.

The comments mirror those made by former assistant FBI director Chris Swecker.

Reporter: Does Ryan Routh have any ties to Martin County?

Snyder: “The answer to my knowledge, the answer is no. I think what we’re finding out he’s not from this area…”

“Which of course raises the bigger question, how does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?”

“I think that’s the question the FBI, the Secret Service are laser-focused on today… is this guy part of a conspiracy?”

Chelsea Walsh, a nurse who had several encounters with Routh in Kyiv in 2022, said his threats of violence worried her so much that she conveyed her concerns to a Customs and Border Protection officer in an hourlong interview at Washington’s Dulles airport in June 2022.

Walsh told the officer during the interview, which took place after she returned to the U.S., that Routh was among the most dangerous Americans she met during her month-and-a-half-long stint in Ukraine.

When Walsh heard in 2023 that Routh was attempting to recruit Syrian refugees to fight in Ukraine, she filed an online report with the FBI and Interpol outlining her concerns about Routh and others, she said. Neither Customs nor the FBI followed up with her, she said.

Full Story:

The FBI official who just briefed America about the latest Trump assassinat*on investigation, Jeffrey Veltri, is a notorious Trump hater.

Veltri, the head of FBI Miami Field Office, was so outspoken about his Trump-deranged Facebook posts that agents were ordered to scrub them before he could be promoted to head the Miami field office.

The whistleblower told the House Judiciary Committee that Mr. Veltri was “adamantly and vocally anti-Trump.”

The whistleblower added that FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Deputy Director Paul Abbate and Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Moore were all involved in directing Veltri to disinfect his social media.

This is who Americans are being asked to trust for reliable information about the Trump assassinat*on attempt and the security failures leading up to it.

Maybe the FBI should stop promoting hyper-partisan extremists to head field offices.

JUST IN: A man with the name ‘Ryan Routh,’ the same name as the would-be Trump assas*in suspect, is a Ukraine fanatic and Trump hater who was apparently recruiting soldiers to fight in Ukraine.

Routh’s social accounts were filled with posts about recruiting soldiers for Ukraine.

He also shared anti-Trump posts throughout X.

“Soldiers, please do not call me. We are still trying to get Ukraine to accept Afghan soldiers and hope to have some answers in the coming months. If you are interested in fighting in Ukraine, you must have a passport and send it to me by way of Whatsapp…” he said in one post on FB.

“You must also have the money to purchase an airplane ticket to Moldova, if you cannot afford the cost you cannot go. We are also trying to get Taiwan to accept soldiers hopefully in the coming years. Please have patience. Ryan.”

Other posts consisted of anti-Trump rhetoric.

“”POTUS (Biden) Your campaign should be called something like KADAF. Keep America democratic and free.”

“Trumps should be MASA …make Americans slaves again master. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way.”

NEW: Suspected would-be Trump assas*in was previously interviewed by Newsweek Romania, started crying during the interview as he begged people to “come fight.”

Ryan Routh was arrested after an assas*ination attempt on Donald Trump.

In the video, Routh explained that he initially went to Ukraine to “fight” to support the Ukrainians.

Once he got to Kyiv, he said that he helped recruit people to get involved in the war.

“We need everyone here fighting… that’s why I’m in Kyiv so every project that I promote is about getting people here to support the Ukrainians.”

“When you talk to a 20-year-old guy that sold everything he owns to come here fight, that is heroism.”
“You know he’s coming here to risk his life for humanity for the Ukrainians.”


Ryan Wesley Routh at his federal court arraignment, 9/16/2024) (Credit: Lothar Speer)