September 25, 2024 – FBI agent leading investigation of Trump’s second assassination attempt has a history of anti-Trump bias and tried to force US veterans out of the Bureau

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Chris Wray’s FBI put agent Jeff Veltri, a rabid Trump-hater, to lead the investigation into the second attempt on the former President’s life in two months.

eff Veltri, was the subject of an internal “retaliation investigation” for anti-Trump and anti-conservative bias, a whistleblower revealed last year.

Veltri was later promoted despite the allegations of his anti-conservative bias.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Jeffrey Veltri back in November 2023.

FBI whistleblowers stepped forward recently to tell Congress that Chris Wray’s FBI is now targeting agents based on their political beliefs. The whistleblowers allege that FBI brass is now harassing military veterans for being loyal to the US and fitting the profile of a Trump supporter.

The latest FBI whistleblowers identified FBI Special Agent in Charge of Miami Office Jeffrey Veltri and Supervisory Special Agent-Assistant Section Chief Dena Perkins.

FBI Special Agent in Charge of Miami Office Jeffrey Veltri and Suprevisory Special Agent-Assistant Section Chief Dena Perkins (Credit: Gateway Pundit)

Agent Veltri was moved to Florida in March 2023 where he heads up the all important Miami Office. Since President Donald Trump left office the FBI has been busy harassing the president and raiding his home in Palm Beach.

According to whistleblowers Veltri singled out FBI officials who were former military for anti-Trump retaliation.

Veltri also targeted US military men and women The Washington Times reported:

The whistleblowers said FBI Security Division Deputy Assistant Director Jeffrey Veltri and Assistant Section Chief Dena Perkins specifically went after bureau employees who served as Marines or in other military branches

They retaliated against the agents by stripping them of security clearance, which sidelines them on the job and pushes them toward the exit, according to the disclosures.

The whistleblower disclosures charge that Mr. Veltri and Ms. Perkins either declared or attempted to declare the Marine and other veterans as “disloyal to the United States of America.”

(Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 9/25/2024)  (Archive)