September 25, 2024 – Miranda Devine tells Schweizer: Biden corruption story isn’t over, ‘they’re still committing bad deeds’

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

With Joe Biden forced out of the presidential race, why should anyone still care about the corruption story that implicated him, his brothers, and his son, Hunter Biden?

Because “the same people in the same crooked institutions that protected him and allowed him and his family to do business and make millions of dollars from our adversaries, particularly from China, are still there,” journalist Miranda Devine declares on the latest episode of the Drill Down podcast. “They’re still committing bad deeds. They still have mal-intent and they still don’t have America’s best interests at heart,” Devine tells co-hosts Peter Schweizer and Eric Eggers.

Devine’s reporting on the infamous “Hunter Biden laptop” in October 2020 for the New York Post was heavily censored by social media platforms and savaged as “Russian misinformation” by the mainstream media, national security veterans, and partisan Democrats. It was all completely accurate.

Devine tells what she knows of the Biden family’s corruption in her new book, The Big Guy: How a President and His Son Sold Out America, which debuts this week.

Indeed, both Devine and Schweizer have been for years the two most prominent reporters on the Biden corruption story.

Schweizer notes that the Bidens’ corrupt family businesses were protected by a press that didn’t want to know the truth, a Justice Department that wanted to allow the statute of limitations to expire, an intelligence community that would say or sign anything to keep Donald Trump from winning a second term, and prosecutors who wanted to sweep the whole thing under a misdemeanor gun charge.

“You’ve got a political class in Washington, DC that is engaged in these kinds of global deals, and a government apparatus that protects them,” Schweizer tells Devine. “Joe Biden, and the Clintons before him, perfected this model of globalized corruption. And if you get away with this kind of thing, everybody’s going to follow and imitate.”

Devine agrees. “Where there’s no accountability for bad behavior, of course it metastasizes,” she says. “All that happens is that the bad guys will just sharpen their tools… they get cleverer at covering up.” (Read more: Breitbart, 9/25/2024)  (Archive)