September 25, 2024 – Powerful testimony from FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen at Weaponization hearing

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

The hearing was billed as follows:

The hearing will examine how the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has used its security clearance adjudication process to purge its ranks of conservatives and whistleblowers, and unlawfully punish those with views contrary to FBI leadership.

The witnesses included DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, FBI Whistleblower Marcus Allen, and former Assistant US Attorney Glenn Kirschner.

Marcus Allen, some may recall, is the former FBI Staff Operations Specialist who suffered retaliation by the agency after daring to question some of the agency’s actions. He testified before the subcommittee in May of 2023 and recently (in June of 2024) received some vindication regarding his claims, reaching a settlement with the agency, though it appears his awarded back pay has yet to be disbursed to him.

Jeffrey Veltri (Credit: LinkedIn)

Allen has been put through the wringer, to put it mildly. In fact, as recently cited by the Empower Oversight letter directed to Jim Jordan (R-OH), chair of the subcommittee:

According to our SecD SSA client, DAD Veltri made comments suggesting Mr. Allen was delusional for referring to his religious belief instead of secular, moral or ethical reasons for disclosing wrongdoing. The implication to others in SecD was that DAD Veltri believed Mr. Allen’s Christian beliefs as a devout Catholic were a reason to revoke his access to classified information.

On Wednesday, Allen addressed not just the subcommittee but the attack on his faith, demonstrating his determination to lean into it, rather than let others’ mockery of it deter him.

POWERFUL: FBI whistleblower fights back tears as he testifies to how his faith in God has strengthened him and his family after the FBI tried to destroy his livelihood:

“I’ve never once regretted standing up for truth…My family and I persevered due to our strengthened faith, God’s grace, and the sacraments. If you do not worship God, then you will worship something else…You can insult me, but you should not mock God! It is an insult to the infinite dignity of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!”

Allen’s testimony was powerful, and he was clearly moved as he delivered it. The full prepared remarks may be found here, but I want to highlight a portion of them:

Despite the stress and uncertainty, I have never once regretted standing up for truth. In fact, I am actually grateful for the experience. If you do not worship God, then you will worship something else. You can either serve God or you can serve mammon, but you cannot serve both.

While we lost material items, we gained more important things. We have stored up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:20). Our faith has increased, and we have seen the hand of God move in our lives in unexpected ways. What we have gained has far outweighed what was lost.

John Adams noted that the framework of our country was built for a moral and religious people and unfit for the governance of any other. James Madison notes the duty to honor God is precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation to the claims of civil society. Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the universe.

I recently learned about comments made by Mr. Jeffrey Veltri suggesting I was delusional for believing in and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. Mr. Veltri currently serves as Special Agent in Charge of the Miami field office, but at the time he was an executive at Security Division, overseeing security clearance decisions. I’d like to address Mr. Veltri. Sir, you may disparage and insult me if you wish, but you should not mock God. It is an insult to the infinite dignity of God Who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and bad for the health of your soul (Matthew 12:31).

But this is not about me. It’s much bigger than that. I am hopeful the truth of what happened will be fully revealed and deter the FBI from doing the same injustice to others.

While I would not wish this harm on anyone else, I must plead with other employees who have witnessed wrongdoing that they find courage to speak up. You are not alone, nor will you ever be. “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” (Psalms 139:5-7) I have been blessed to be supported by God’s grace, men and women of goodwill, other whistleblowers, the charity of the American people, many prayers, and great attorneys along the way, such as Tristan Leavitt and Jason Foster of Empower Oversight.

Potential whistleblowers: please do not be silenced by the FBI’s mistreatment. We are all here to support you if you choose to come forward. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Equally important is the awareness and involvement of the American people.

Full Hearing:

(Read more: Red State, 9/25/2024)  (Archive)