The IRS is the first of several agency pictorial directories we will publish.
The news this summer surrounding the U.S. pResident & his family has been dominated by the testimony & exhibits produced by Gary Shapley, a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) from the IRS. Shapley was one of the lead agents of the “Sportsman” investigation, a code name which the FBI created for the federal inquiry into the U.S. pResident’s degenerate & corrupt second son.
Marco Polo takes the final clause of the First Amendment more seriously than perhaps any group in America — it is essential that we petition our Government for a redress of grievances. To properly do that, you need to know not only names but also faces, backgrounds, biases, etc of the feds involved. To that end, we present below our first rundown of who precisely at the IRS was/is involved in this total fiasco and miscarriage of justice:

The corruption & bureaucracy is so expansive that only when faces are memorized can one begin to deeply understand the sins committed.
Next up: The DOJ, then the FBI, & finally the US Attorney’s office in Delaware.
(As always, we are attentive to — and abide by — 18 USC § 119.)
–Garrett Ziegler
Marco Polo (EIN: 61-199994) has established a legal defense fund to fight back against the egregious lawfare from Kevin Morris & Joey B’s other proxies, which you can find here: