An email is written on this day suggesting the Boston Globe is working with Clinton’s presidential campaign during her primary race against Senator Bernie Sanders.

Marjorie Pritchard (Credit: Facebook)
Marjorie Pritchard, the Boston Globe‘s op-ed editor, writes Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta and asks if they still plan to submit an op-ed. The email reads, “Just wondering if we are still on for that piece. [Clinton spokesperson] Brian [Fallon] said last week it was ready and just needed approval. It would be good to get it in on Tuesday, when she is in New Hampshire. That would give her big presence on Tuesday with the piece and on Wednesday with the news story.” (WikiLeaks, 07/26/2016)
Pritchard doesn’t allude to what the coming Wednesday story will be, but the following Wednesday after Pritchard sends the email, the Globe will run a profile on the Clinton effort in New Hampshire titled, “Wanted: More Hillary Clinton true believers,” along with another story discussing Clinton’s New Hampshire town hall appearance.
This email will be released by WikiLeaks in October 2016.